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When can beetroot child. Beets for children: useful properties, recommendations for use, recipes

Everyone knows that beets are a necessary and useful product for our body. Many young mothers are wondering if it will benefit the baby? Can a red vegetable harm a child, cause an allergy? We will try to answer all these questions in detail, tell you when you can start complementary foods with beets, how to choose and cook them correctly. However, first we will find out whether the root crop is so useful, what contraindications exist for its use.

The bright red color of beetroot usually scares off young mothers who see it as an allergen.

Why is beetroot useful?

Beets are a unique product, the benefits of which are obvious. The red vegetable contains a whole list useful substances and vitamins - C, vitamins of group B, PP, as well as iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. In addition, this root vegetable, like most other vegetables, is a supplier of fiber, which helps to start the digestion process. Beetroot contains the substance betaine, which is involved in the process of protein absorption, as well as in the regulation of metabolism.

Due to its properties, beets are indicated for people prone to constipation, as well as those who suffer from anemia. This root vegetable strengthens blood vessels and is good for the heart. In addition, it has a positive effect on nervous system and shown under stress.

You can list the useful qualities of a familiar vegetable for a long time:

  • contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system of the crumbs;
  • has hepaprotective properties - useful for the liver;
  • contains a lot of iron, which contributes to the formation of red blood cells;
  • removes toxins from the body, being a natural sorbent;
  • improves brain function.

What should be feared?

Despite the huge number of positive qualities, beets have some features that mothers should consider. For example, not everyone knows that this root crop slightly lowers blood pressure. In most cases, such an effect on the body is beneficial, but young children do not need to lower blood pressure. The fact is that a baby's normal pressure is slightly lower than that of a healthy adult.

Some adults may need a pressure reduction, but babies do not need it.

Due to its laxative properties, this root vegetable in the form of complementary foods can cause diarrhea in infants. In addition, due to the bright color, a dark red vegetable can cause allergies.

Beets, like other root crops, absorb harmful and dangerous substances that enter the ground during ripening. The red vegetable may contain nitrates, nitrites, ammonium salts and amides. All this has an extremely negative effect on the work of internal organs. It is better not to buy root crops for babies in a store, but to use those that have grown in your own garden. If there is no certainty that they are grown in an ecologically clean area, it makes sense to try to reduce the saturation of vegetables with nitrates:

  • after boiling, it is better to drain the water immediately, since harmful substances remain in it;
  • a large number of veins may indicate the presence of nitrates;
  • in a whole boiled fruit, it is better to cut off the tail and top - it is there that the highest concentration of hazardous substances is observed;
  • before stewing, it is advisable to cut the vegetable into pieces and soak in cold water;
  • It is better to give beetroot puree to the child immediately, after a while nitrates become even more toxic.

Age and type of feeding

At what age can beets be given to a child? If the parents decide to offer the baby this vegetable, you should follow the doctor's recommendations. The root crop is allowed to be given no earlier than six months, but even better - after the crumbs are 8 months old.

It is desirable that the baby is already familiar with potatoes, carrots, cabbage and zucchini. In order to avoid mistakes, you need to feed your son or daughter on the recommendation of pediatricians:

  • At first, it is advisable to try to give the child a very small portion of mashed potatoes - at the tip of a teaspoon. Assess his stool, skin condition and mood. If the baby feels good - his cheeks will not turn red, there will be no diarrhea, you can continue to feed him with vegetable puree.

It is not necessary to prepare a large portion of mashed potatoes at once, because it is introduced into the child's diet gradually
  • Like other new dishes, it is better to offer beetroot puree to the crumbs in the morning.
  • In the event that a son or daughter has a good reaction to this vegetable, it is not worth giving a lot of it so as not to cause diarrhea. You need to start with half a teaspoon, eventually bring it up to 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Do not be afraid if the child's stool turns maroon. Urine may also turn red. Information about this phenomenon is on the website of Dr. Komarovsky. Doctors do not have a common opinion as to how this reaction of the body to complementary foods is normal, but it is certainly typical.

Choosing and preparing beets correctly

It is very important to choose the right beets as a complementary food for a child (for more details, see the article:). It is worth making sure that the vegetables have the correct shape, there are no damage or spoiled parts in them. Any variety will do - you can buy beets of a cylindrical shape, or a classic rounded one. If the root crop will be boiled, it is advisable to choose medium-sized vegetables so that they do not have to be cooked for a long time.

Before cooking, beets should be thoroughly washed under running water with a brush. It is not necessary to clean it, because under the skin there are many useful substances.

It is convenient to cook vegetables for a couple, boil in water, stew or bake. It is believed that it is steam cooking that helps to get rid of harmful and dangerous substances. If a stew is planned, the vegetables should be peeled immediately and cut into small pieces.

It is most convenient and rational to steam beets

How long to cook beets? As a rule, a medium-sized fruit is cooked from 40 minutes to an hour. After it becomes soft, it must be cooled and cleaned, then crushed into a homogeneous mass using a blender or a fine grater. You do not need to add water, this root crop is quite juicy. If you choose high-quality vegetables and cook them correctly, the puree will turn out sweet, the baby will be happy to try a new dish for him. The most successful option for adding beets to the menu is mixing it with other vegetables. Also, the finished meal can be frozen and offered to the child another time.

Some pediatricians recommend introducing beet juice into the diet of children. This product is useful for those children who suffer from constipation, but it must be prepared and given with caution. The fact is that such juice increases the acidity of the stomach. In addition, it will certainly cause relaxation of the chair. In the process of defecation, liquid is excreted from the body, and with it - a lot of useful substances and minerals. It is very important to give such an amount of juice so as not to cause a persistent disorder of the stool in the baby. At what age should beetroot juice be given to a baby? Pediatricians recommend age no earlier than a year to avoid possible allergies. Juice rules:

  • First, wash the root crop well and scald it with boiling water. Then peel and grind on a grater, squeeze the juice with gauze or a strainer.
  • Let the juice stand for 2 hours, then less harmful substances enter the baby's body.
  • Juice must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 or even 1:5.
  • It is even better to dilute beetroot juice with apple and carrot.
  • First you need to give the child a couple of drops of juice, increasing the dose day by day (more in the article:). Do not give your baby more than 2 teaspoons of beetroot juice.

Beetroot juice is very useful, but it is given in limited quantities to children.

Dishes for children from beets

Over time, a simple beetroot puree for a baby will become a familiar dish and can get bored. Sometimes the child refuses to eat this vegetable, then it makes sense to try to cook new dishes from it. However, you should first make sure that the son or daughter is not allergic to the root crop. A one-year-old child can appreciate beetroot, lettuce and even red borscht.

Beets should be boiled in water or steamed until tender. Then cool, peel and grate. Season the salad with salt, chopped herbs and vegetable oil. Instead of butter, it is good to use unsweetened yogurt. If the child is 1.5 years old, the salad is allowed to fill with sour cream. Also chopped are added to it. walnuts and steamed prunes, if the child is already familiar with these products.

Cooking baby beetroot is easy, the recipe has only a few ingredients.

  • First you need to boil until tender 1 beetroot and 1 potato tuber. Vegetables should be cooked separately.
  • Cool and grind. Cut the potatoes into cubes, and grate the boiled beets.
  • Bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil and pour chopped vegetables into the pan, boil again.
  • Chopped eggs (or only yolks), dill, and salt are added to beetroot soup for taste. You can add a spoonful of sour cream to a plate with beetroot if the baby is already 1.5 years old.

Baby beetroot is very light and tasty

Diet borscht

This dish should not be prepared the way it is prepared for adults - they do not add tomato paste and do not pre-fry vegetables. You will need one beet, 100 g of cabbage, 1 potato tuber, half a carrot and an onion. Pre-boil the beets, take the rest of the vegetables raw. In boiling water, add grated beets and carrots, chopped cabbage, potatoes and onions. Add half a teaspoon vegetable oil. Cook until vegetables are ready.

At what age can you offer your baby borscht and beetroot soup? If you cook them on water, and not on broth - from 10-11 months. At the same time, chopped meat is allowed to be added to the finished soup or borscht. Over time, you can use sour cream - decorate the finished beetroot with it, season the salad.

As you can see, beetroot may well become a child's favorite dish. It is important to start introducing it according to the rules and carefully monitor the reaction of the baby. A little later, somewhere from the age of 2, this vegetable can be successfully used to make vinaigrette, beet cutlets, salads. It is good to combine it with cottage cheese, stuffed fish and take as a basis for meat borscht. In the meantime, it is only necessary to gradually accustom the baby to beetroot puree, so that over time he will fall in love with this healthy and tasty vegetable.

  1. With regular use, beets will help strengthen the vascular wall, normalize the work of the hematopoietic system.
  2. Improves digestion, prevents.
  3. The high content of various vitamins contributes to the improvement of intelligence, general physical development.
  4. The high content of iodine and iron contributes to the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland, blood.
  5. Beetroot has an immunomodulatory, antioxidant effect.
  6. This root crop is a powerful hepatoprotector that improves the functioning of the biliary system.
  7. Contains betaine. Thanks to him, the beets have such a rich red hue.
  8. Beetroot dishes are great for children with nervous excitability.

Negative properties of beetroot dishes

  • beets contain nitrogenous compounds, which, passing through the kidneys, can disrupt their work. Therefore, you should not get carried away with beets daily;
  • high allergenicity of the product;
  • reduces blood pressure(negative effect under reduced pressure).

When to start giving beets?

It is better for children with the manifestation of diathesis to start eating beets after a year.

The optimal age when a child can begin to give beetroot puree is 7-8 months.

Beets are one of the last to be introduced among all vegetables. This is due to the fact that it causes allergic reactions more often than others.

Beetroot contains a lot of fiber, it has a laxative effect. This occurs due to increased intestinal peristalsis and accelerated movement of feces.

If the baby is breastfeeding, then the mother can try the beets herself and see the reaction of the child.

How to introduce beets?

The most optimal way to introduce beets into the baby's diet is to give it in the form of mashed potatoes. It can be consumed both as an independent dish, and as part of complex purees and with the addition of meat. Babies eat especially well homemade mashed potatoes, cabbage and beets.

We introduce gradually, starting with ½ teaspoon.

Always start introducing new foods into your diet in the morning to see if there is an allergic reaction.

  1. Beets should be washed.
  2. You need to cook it for a long time, about 1.5 hours.
  3. The readiness of the beets is determined with a knife. If the knife goes smoothly to the middle of the beets, they are ready.
  4. After that, the water must be drained.
  5. Pass the cooked root crop through a blender or meat grinder, then grind through a sieve for uniformity.
  6. Beetroot puree can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. So there is no need to do too much.

Be sure to add ¼ teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil to the beet puree.

It is better to start introducing beets for a child as part of other vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini. Then, when the baby gets used, you can give it as a separate dish.

By 10-12 months, if the baby has teeth, you can make beetroot salads with sour cream, vinaigrettes. Beetroot salad for children will perfectly complement the lunch with its pleasant taste.

Cooked salad can not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day, it loses its beneficial features.

By the year, the baby can consume up to 50 grams of beets, but not more than 2 times a week. Children older than a year can be given up to 100 grams. In vegetable salads, beets should be present up to ¼ of the entire dish.

A boiled root vegetable gives more benefits than raw beet juice. During heat treatment, nitrates are destroyed. So beets are better absorbed in a small body.

This kind of juice should not be given if the child:

  • diabetes;
  • tendency to loose stools;
  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

The allowed age for beetroot juice is 12 months.

Be sure to dilute it with water or other juices. This is due to the fact that beets irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Beets turn urine pink and feces burgundy. Don't be alarmed if you see these changes in the pot.

Dr. Komarovsky E. O .: “Certainly, beets are important in the life of both an adult and a child. Contains a lot of trace elements, vitamins, which are useful to all organs and systems. Also, beets have a pleasant sweet taste, and children are known to love sweets. Buy beets in trusted stores, but rather grow them yourself. ”

The baby does not eat beets

A child cannot be force-fed. This may make him averse to food in general. Try to "hide" the beets in cottage cheese casseroles, pancakes, cheesecakes, salads. So the child will not understand the content of beets in the dish.

Children's diet needs to be replenished with new foods and tastes. Do it gradually and correctly. Then your baby will be healthy.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Constipation in newborns is a fairly common problem. In this case, the process of defecation is delayed, the baby is constantly crying, kicking his legs and trying to pull them to his chest. In this case, a characteristic strong tummy is observed.

There are a number of major causes that can cause constipation in babies:
  • disturbed diet of the nursing mother herself;
  • early introduction of complementary foods;
  • lack of fluid in artificers;
  • various diseases of the body that can contribute to the appearance of constipation (rickets, disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland).

Do not try to treat newborn babies yourself! Only a highly qualified pediatrician can determine the presence of constipation in a child and correctly prescribe the necessary drugs. Self-treatment can only aggravate the general condition of the child or lead to irreparable consequences for his health.

Beetroot juice for constipation - the benefits and harms of treatment with this method

Beetroot juice can quite qualitatively replace various drugs from a pharmacy that are prescribed to newborns for constipation. You just need to know the right way to use it! Even Hippocrates prescribed beetroot juice for many diseases, and his treatment has largely received modern medical confirmation. Many clinical experiences prove that this juice improves the composition of the blood, causing the production of red blood cells, and betaine contributes to the normal development of growth.

Beet juice perfectly stimulates the intestines, and therefore its use for the treatment of constipation in children will bring undoubted benefits. Beetroot juice has excellent laxative properties, cleanses the body of harmful toxins and heavy metals. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that he has contraindications!

Beetroot juice is an excellent source of iron and iodine, which improve blood composition, increase hemoglobin levels in it, stimulate the functionality of the thyroid gland and improve memory. The minerals that are found in abundance in this root crop are also useful. Magnesium, potassium and sodium will help the body get rid of cholesterol and calcium.

Contraindications for taking beets for the treatment of constipation

Do not use beetroot juice for children suffering from diarrhea! This will only aggravate the situation and lead to rapid dehydration of the baby's body.

It is worth remembering that beets increase the acidity of the stomach, so it is not recommended to use it in large quantities. Excessive use of it can lead to burns of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines in infants, the formation of gastritis or peptic ulcer. You should definitely consult a pediatrician about the required amount of beets for your baby.

The acids and sugars in beetroot juice can cause the pancreas and liver of children to release large amounts of enzymes, which can adversely affect the health of babies.

After taking beets, irritated mucous membranes of the body become extremely susceptible to various microorganisms and infections. Therefore, quite often in infants, thrush occurs in the mouth.

The composition of beet juice contains very little fiber, but a large amount of sugar and various acids. This composition has a strong irritation of the intestinal mucosa, which undoubtedly helps to cope with constipation. But at the same time, along with the process of defecation, there is a rapid withdrawal of fluid, beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is important not to overdo it with the use of beets, so as not to deprive the baby of vital substances.

What to do in an emergency if it is impossible to get to the pediatrician?! In order to alleviate the condition of the child, you should give him no more than 1 teaspoon of diluted beet juice.

How to give beetroot juice to a newborn

Beetroot juice for the treatment of constipation should be used with caution, carefully adhering to the recipe. It is best to use a mixture of vegetables, and not just beets in pure form. This will help at the same time get rid of constipation for the newborn and at the same time will not deprive him of a significant dose of nutrients. The best solution would be to prepare a vegetable mix using beets (0.350 kg), apples (0.400 kg), carrots (0.400 kg).

For the preparation of beetroot juice, it is also important to choose the right root crop itself. It should be of medium size, regular firm shape and free of old white streaks. The ideal beetroot has a dark cherry color.

Before preparing this juice, it is necessary to wash the root crop well and remove the remains of its tops. Then you need to scald the beets with boiling water, and then peel. Grind it with a kitchen grater (grinding with a manual juicer is also suitable), and then squeeze the mass through several layers of cheesecloth.

It is categorically impossible to immediately give freshly prepared beetroot juice to a baby! It must definitely stand for 2 hours so that dangerous and aggressive ethereal substances have time to leave it. After that, you should dilute it in half with boiled water, carrot-apple juice. A light decoction of rosehip branches and berries is also perfect.

Starting to drink a newborn should be with a few drops. If over the next couple of hours there are no manifestations of an allergic reaction, then you can safely gradually increase the dose to 2 teaspoons per day.

To drink or not to drink your baby decide for yourself! You can also use various drugs to combat constipation in newborns, which are available in abundance in any pharmacy. The ideal solution would be a trip to the pediatrician, who must definitely suggest everything. It would be even better if you consult on this issue with several specialists in different hospitals.

We wish good health to all children and peace to their mothers!

The composition of beets contains many trace elements necessary for children's health. Vegetables are great for baby food. But not everyone knows.

boiled beets can be given to a child from 8 months

Useful and harmful properties of beets

This root vegetable has a lot of fiber, which stimulates the intestines. The vegetable has laxative properties that help babies suffering from constipation. The betaine contained in the composition protects the liver, removes toxins and regulates metabolism. Antioxidants reduce risk cardiovascular disease. Also, the substances in the composition of the beet stimulate the hematopoietic function and brain function.

However, beets also have disadvantages. They appear with the uncontrolled use of a vegetable:

  • the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • can provoke the formation of kidney stones;
  • can lower blood pressure;
  • some babies are allergic.

The root crop absorbs nitrates and pesticides from the soil, therefore, when buying a vegetable for a child in a store, you should take a nitrate meter with you. Toddlers with unstable stools should be given root vegetables with caution.

At what age can you give a child beets

Six-month-old children begin to give vegetables as complementary foods. Beets should be introduced into the diet a little later, at 8-9 months, when the child has already begun to eat other plant foods. If the baby shows signs of allergies, it is better not to use the root crop for up to a year. But if the child suffers from constipation, you can try to give him beets early. But only after his stomach and intestines get used to plant foods.

How to cook beets for feeding

Babies are given a vegetable in the form of mashed potatoes. They simply cannot chew the pieces in the soup. For cooking, you need beets, water and vegetable oil. Cooking beets for a child:

  1. Washed vegetable without leaves is poured cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. Then cook on low for another 10 minutes.
  2. After that, the water is drained to get rid of harmful impurities.
  3. Then the root crop is poured again and continue to cook under the lid for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Ready beets are cleaned, rubbed on a fine grater or chopped in a blender.
  5. Then mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and boiled water.

Beetroot as a complementary food is useful for babies. But you need to introduce it into the diet gradually, carefully monitor the condition of the child. With diarrhea, low blood pressure and kidney problems, it is better to refuse to use the root crop.

The introduction of solid food into the baby's diet for every mother is an exciting and responsible event. The World Health Organization recommends feeding your baby from 6 months of age.

The most popular products for babies: cereals, pureed vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes and avocados are considered unconditional favorites. There are also healthy and nutrient-rich beets.

  • Firstly, this root crop does not like the taste of children too much. They are much more willing to eat mashed potatoes or applesauce.
  • Secondly, beets contain nitrates that are harmful to the baby, which in large doses can provoke methemoglobinemia (the so-called "blue baby syndrome"). it dangerous disease develops due to the inability of red blood cells to retain and carry oxygen.

But if you do not plan to introduce kilograms of beets into the children's menu, there is no danger. Already at the age of 6 months, the baby's body adapts to independently cope with small doses of nitrates.

From the official statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

"Because nitrate levels in vegetables, including green beans, carrots, squash, and beets can be higher than in well water, these foods should not be given to infants under 3 months of age."

Benefits for the child

The vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, K and E, folic acid, basic minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron. Beets are high in fiber: about 2 g in 2 medium-sized root vegetables.

Useful properties for children:

  1. Contains antioxidants that strengthen children's immunity. When pureed, it is a mild laxative for a constipated baby.
  2. It has hepaprotective properties, i.e. protects the liver from various diseases. Two teaspoons of beetroot juice will restore the appetite of a child suffering from jaundice.
  3. It has a positive effect on brain activity, promotes early development.
  4. Strengthens vision and improves the general condition of nerve tissues.
  5. Vegetable fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, is good for the heart and blood vessels.
  6. With regular consumption, it helps to remove toxins from the child's body. Beetroot juice combined with carrot and cucumber juice cleanses the kidneys and gallbladder well.
  7. An excellent prophylactic against anemia due to the high concentration of iron. Stimulates the formation of red blood cells, which is especially important for brain development in the first months of life.
  8. Compensates for the deficiency of vitamins in the child's body and reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with beriberi, such as beriberi, rickets, night blindness, glossitis, angular stomatitis, diarrhea.

At what age can you give?

Pediatricians advise giving beets from 8-10 months, and children with hypersensitivity - from the age of one.

At six months, the child becomes more mobile and begins to pester his mother, requiring constant attention. Beets contain betaine, a plant compound that relaxes the nervous system and improves the mood of the little fidget.

Thanks to beets, you can save your beloved child from pain in the tummy, because it relaxes the muscles of the intestines and facilitates the movement of feces.

Beetroot complementary foods should be started with 1-2 teaspoons per day. Of course, vegetables need to be chopped well.

For a one-year-old child, the amount of beets in the diet can be increased.

The root crop can be the cause, so for the first few days of complementary foods, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby.

How to choose and cook?

For baby food, choose beets with an even dark purple color. Give preference to small and medium root crops (no more than 7-10 cm in diameter) with intact skin. They are the most delicious. Green leaves at the top are a sign of freshness.

Rinse the raw beets thoroughly, preferably with a sponge or cloth, to remove any lumps of earth that have stuck to them. Peeling before heat treatment is not recommended - it contains additional nutrients. In addition, unpeeled steam or boiled beets have a brighter taste and aroma.

Fried, boiled and baked vegetables lose steamed vegetables in terms of vitamin content. In addition, steam treatment neutralizes nitrates. Therefore, before preparing beetroot juice, place the raw root vegetable for 1-2 minutes in a double boiler. Moreover, after heat treatment, the skin is much easier to remove.

Give the baby only mashed foods. Best of all copes with this task.

Store raw beets in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Give the baby pureed beets along with other types of vegetable and fruit puree - so he will quickly get used to the new menu. Suitable:

  • potato,
  • zucchini,
  • an Apple,
  • raisin,
  • chicken,
  • turkey.

A small amount of chopped root vegetable can be added to children's soup.



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