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L Carnitine How To Take Before Workout. Instructions for the use of l-carnitine for weight loss

Hello friends! In today's article we will talk about how to take l-carnitine for weight loss, and in general about this supplement.

I have already mentioned in my articles about l-carnitine, but today we will consider everything related to it in great detail.

What is L-Carnitine

L-carnitine (from the English L-carnitine, or levocarnitine) is a nonessential acid (capable of being synthesized by the body on its own), which is produced by our liver from the amino acids lysine and methionine.

It is often mistakenly referred to as vitamin Bt or vitamin B11. In fact, it is not a vitamin, because the body is able to synthesize it on its own, but vitamins are not.

L-carnitine is an absolutely natural substance for our body that performs a number of important functions, and, which is important for us, helps to lose weight a little more effectively.

By itself, levocarnitine is not a fat burner, but is a TRANSPORTER of adipose tissue (long-chain fatty acids) into mitochondria (electrical stations of our cells) through the inner membrane.

In other words, L-carnitine helps our body deliver fatty acids to the sites of their use.

This substance was isolated for the first time in 1905 by V.S. Gulevich and R.Z. Crimberg, but only 57 years later it was revealed why it was needed at all.

There are two forms:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

But only the L-form has biological activity.

D-carnitine is harmful to the body because is an L-carnitine antagonist (prevents the use of fatty acids for energy).

L-carnitine is present in our body in the liver and muscles.

How L-Carnitine Is Made

The biosynthesis of l-carnitine in our body occurs in the liver and kidneys, from which it enters other tissues and organs.

Production takes place with the participation of vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, B12, as well as iron, amino acids lysine and methionine, enzymes.

If there is a lack of at least one of the above components, then a deficiency of l-carnitine may appear, with impaired body functions.

I must say that this is a very rare phenomenon that is observed mainly due to genetic abnormalities associated with enzymes.

Functions of L-carnitine

These are the main functions of L-carnitine:

  • Fat burning.
  • Increased physical and mental activity.
  • Resistant to stress.
  • Detoxification.
  • Increased anabolism.
  • Decrease in "bad" cholesterol.
  • Protection of the cardiovascular system.

Fat burning carried out by EASIER TRANSPORTATION of fatty acids (“building blocks” of which fat cells are composed) with long chains into mitochondria, where they are converted into energy.

Increased physical and mental activity was identified in a 2007 study in Italy. People who took 2 g of L-carnitine per day for six months experienced these effects. True, the study was conducted on elderly people (100-106 years old), so I'm not sure if the data is relevant.

Resistant to stress thanks to l-carnitine has also been confirmed by research.

Detoxification Is the process of natural and artificial removal of toxins from the body. L-carnitine also triggers a number of vital processes that help detoxify the body.

Increased anabolism was confirmed by studies that noted that people taking l-carnitine not only lost fat, but also gained lean muscle mass.

Lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol(low density lipoprotein) leads to the prevention of vasoconstriction in the heart and brain and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Cardiovascular protection It is realized, first of all, by lowering the level of cholesterol, which affects the coronary vessels (vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle). Myocardial metabolism improves.

How to take l-carnitine for weight loss

Naturally, most people care about this very question.

Almost all athletes, if they use l-carnitine, do it, first of all, for weight loss.

The rational and most effective dose of taking l-carnitine is a dose of 500 mg to 2 g per day (500-700 mg in three doses, or 1000 mg in two doses).

It makes no sense to exceed the dosage of 2 g, because studies have not shown any benefits of higher dosages. If the dosage is exceeded, excess l-carnitine is excreted in the urine. So just go to the toilet.

To take l-carnitine you should:

  1. 30 minutes BEFORE training.
  2. IN THE MORNING on an empty stomach.

This is the most rational time for taking this substance.

On non-training days, take L-Carnitine in the morning and at lunchtime between meals ON A FAST STOMACH.

It is during the morning hours and during training that L-carnitine is most effective!

It is VERY IMPORTANT that l-carnitine is used along with exercise and a balanced diet, otherwise it will be practically useless.

By the way, you can very much speed up the fat burning process with the help. In that article, you’ll read very cool information on how to build a cardio workout so that fat “melts” much faster.

It should be taken in courses of 1.5-2 months with the same break between courses so that the production of its own levocarnitine does not decrease.

It is issued, as a rule, in the form:

  • Liquids.
  • Capsules.
  • Pills.

The most convenient, in my opinion, is in the form of capsules, because the rate of release and entry into the blood is very fast (the membrane dissolves and the liquid enters the stomach).

In the form of a liquid, it is also an excellent option, but, however, it is not convenient for everyone to carry it with them, for example, to a workout, although, as anyone.

In the form of tablets, it is also a fairly common form of release of the substance, but the release rate will be reduced. If you bought pills, then take it one hour before training, in other cases half an hour.

L-carnitine. Side effects

None of dozens of studies have found any health risks from taking L-carnitine.

Even dosages that were hundreds of times (!) Higher than the recommended dosages did not lead to the development of side effects.

L-carnitine is often included in baby food for infants.

This substance can lead to the development of insomnia, however, in very rare cases. To prevent this, you need to take L-carnitine in the morning (as we remember, L-carnitine in the morning is most effective).

Anyway, l-carnitine is one of the safest supplements. The risk of side effects is negligible, if not impossible.

Interaction of l-carnitine with other fat burners

L-carnitine works well with any medicines, including fat burners.

You can not be afraid to take it if you drink or ... When used together with these drugs, fat burning will only go better.

L-carnitine is a very soft substance, so it is unlikely that it can harm you in any way.

L-carnitine and KETO diet

Many readers of my blog, and especially female readers, really like the so-called .

If you have not read the article about the KETO diet and its incredible effectiveness, then I highly recommend it. It works very powerfully.

KETO is a high-fat (amount of fat in the diet can reach 60-70%), carbohydrate-free diet that will work even better with levocarnitine.

With the complete absence of carbohydrates, the body "takes on new rails" and begins to use fats as energy, this state is called ketosis. L-carnitine will improve the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, thereby speeding up fat burning.

Also, with carbohydrate-free diets, there may be a slight decrease in physical and mental activity, which is slightly corrected by taking l-carnitine.

You can find the most L-carnitine in:

  • Meat (in beef - 94-95 mg per 100 g, pork - 28 mg per 100 g, in bacon - 23 mg per 100 g, in chicken breast- 4 mg per 100 g).
  • Fish.
  • Dairy products (milk - 3.3 mg per 100 g, cottage cheese 1.1 mg per 100 g).

Approximately 300 mg is contained in 300-400 g of raw beef, for example, but when the meat is cooked, a significant part of the L-carnitine will be lost. This dictates some need for the use of l-carnitine in the form of additional supplements to the main diet.

Anyway, in order to get 500-2000 mg of L-carnitine per day, you will have to try very hard if you want to get it from food.

I have tried nearly a dozen different manufacturers and formulations of L-carnitine.

My favorite is the LIQUID forms of L-carnitine. Why?

Because it's convenient! Dilute 1-2 caps in a bottle of water and drink calmly during your workout. Tasty (which is especially necessary for drying) and, as I said, CONVENIENT!

My favorite L-carnitine is this one: Nutrex Research Labs, Liquid Carnitine 3000... Follow the link to find it AT THE CHEAPEST price. There is nowhere cheaper!

One of the few, if not the only one, whose L-carnitine work I clearly feel.

If I was asked to advise L-carnitine, then I would say exactly about this company. I like it in taste and in its action.


Let's summarize a little all of the above.

L-carnitine is NOT a vitamin, because able to synthesize in our body on its own.

There are two forms:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

But only the L-form has biological activity. D-carnitine is harmful to the body.

To take l-carnitine you should:

  1. 30 minutes BEFORE training.
  2. IN THE MORNING on an empty stomach.

There are practically no side effects.

L-carnitine works well with others drugs and fat burners.

L-carnitine will be fairly smart to use on a KETO diet.

The RDA for L-carnitine is very difficult to obtain from conventional foods.

L-carnitine has some effectiveness both for weight loss and for many important functions of the body, but it must be remembered that without physical exertion and balanced nutrition it is almost useless to apply.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates... It will only get steeper from now on.

Regards and best wishes!

Today, in the field of fitness, there are many different supplements available. One of the most popular is L-carnitine. By the way, this supplement is popular mainly among women. Therefore, I propose to understand it in more detail. From this article, you will learn the answers to questions such as: L is carnitine, is it? How to take L-carnitine for weight loss correctly? Why and who needs it? What types of carnitine are there?

L - carnitine (levocarnitine) Is one of the nonessential amino acids that is produced in the liver from lysine and methionine. This amino acid helps in the conversion of fatty acids into energy. It can be obtained from the outside, with the help of special additives, or from food (meat and milk).

What is L-carnitine for?

The main task of levocarnitine is to transfer fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are used as a source of energy, which ultimately speeds up the process of fat burning and increases endurance.

Also, this amino acid removes harmful metabolic products from mitochondria. This detoxification function is very useful because when decomposition products accumulate, it slows down and interferes with the breakdown of fatty acids. And l-carnitine, in turn, allows the mitochondria to continue producing energy with maximum efficiency.

Main functions:

  • increases endurance and general tone
  • increases resistance to stressful situations
  • detoxification
  • lowers bad cholesterol
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • improves sperm quantity and quality
  • slows down the aging process
  • prevents apoptosis and osteoporosis
  • stimulates tissue regeneration
  • boosts immunity
  • promotes mental performance

As you can see, this supplement has many positive properties. Therefore, it can even be used not so much for weight loss as for the healing effect of the whole organism.

What types of L-carnitine are there?

There are 3 different types:

  • in capsules
  • in powder
  • liquid

Of all types, the most expensive is liquid carnitine, and the cheapest is in capsules. In principle, this is not surprising, since the liquid form has the advantage of faster absorption. After the levocarnitine capsules enter the body, you need to wait a while (about 30 minutes) so that they dissolve and start working. While L - carnitine in liquid form is absorbed almost instantly and starts to work. Powder form is a cross between capsules and liquid form.

What should you choose?

If the rate of absorption is very important to you, then take liquid or powder. There are two types of liquids: in bottles and in ampoules. Ampoules are slightly more expensive than bottles because they are more convenient to use. (no need to measure portions ... opened - drank - threw out an empty ampoule)... And if speed is not so important to you, then of course it is better to take in capsules (it will be more profitable for the price).

Answers to the hottest questions:

# 1. How to take L-carnitine for weight loss correctly?

For weight loss, the most optimal doses are: 1000 - 2000 mg per day for women and 1500 - 3000 mg per day for men. The more your body weight, the more you need. According to my observations, it makes sense to take carnitine only on days when there is a workout. There is no point on rest days (waste of money)... If this supplement is in capsules, take it 30 minutes before training. If in powder or liquid form, then you can drink immediately before training.

No. 2. How much L-carnitine to take?

For prophylactic purposes (for health), the daily allowance for women is: 500 mg per day, and for men: 750 - 1000 mg. If the goal is to lose weight, then: 1000 - 2000 mg per day for women and 1500 - 3000 mg per day for men.

No. 3. When to take L-carnitine?

For the purpose of prevention (for health), the most the best option for consumption there will be morning time on an empty stomach (before the first meal)... In order to lose weight, the pre-workout time is the best option for consumption. (10 - 30 minutes before training).

No. 4. Can I drink L-carnitine without training?

In general, it is possible, but to be honest, I do not see much sense in this. L - carnitine transports fatty acid to the mitochondria so that this acid can be oxidized and burned. And, as you know, fats are burned aerobically with the participation of oxygen. Therefore, if you drink a portion of carnitine and sit down to work at the computer, then there will be no effect, since there is no significant anaerobic load. But, if you still want to drink this supplement on non-training days, then try to use it before any prolonged exercise. (for example, before going to work or shopping).

No. 5. Can L-Carnitine Drink Before Workout?

Not possible, but necessary. This is the most optimal time to consume this supplement.

No. 6. Can I drink L-carnitine during exercise?

Can. This will speed up the process of losing weight.

No. 7. Can I drink L-carnitine after exercise?

It makes no sense to drink this supplement when exercise is over.

No. 8. Can I drink L-carnitine in the morning?

If for recreational purposes, then you can. If for the purpose of losing weight, then this does not make much sense. (the effect will be minimal).

That's basically it. You have received the answers to the main questions. If I missed something - ask in the comments. Oh yeah, here's one last thing, the top best sources of carnitine in your diet: beef, lamb, dairy products, liver, veal, turkey, pork.


People who are trying to put their bodies in order are wondering: how to take L-carnitine for weight loss? What is the price? Why are you interested in this particular tool? Levocarnitine (the second name of L-carnitine) is an amino acid produced by the body, accelerates and improves metabolism.

One of the important amino acids for the body, with its deficiency, lipid processing is not possible, which provokes not only the appearance of excess weight, but also problems in the work of other organs and systems.

L-carnitine is used to treat certain diseases. It is considered especially relevant for bodybuilders, those involved in sports, fitness and aerobics.

Healthy people, girls, or guys who are not fond of sports and not dieting are not required to take the substance, since it is produced by the liver and kidneys in the right amount.

There are reasons why it is imperative to take this amino acid - due to medical or genetic problems. The same need arises for premature babies.

For the first time, the substance was discovered by Russian biochemists, who obtained it from muscle tissue and at first believed that it was one of the B vitamins. Later it was discovered that the substance was independently produced by the body. Since then and to this day, it has been referred to as amino acids, without which the work of most enzymes is impossible.

How L-carnitine works

The main principle of action of L-carnitine is to burn fat and convert fat cells into energy.

In many cases, overweight people take L-carnitine, since the lack of this particular substance provokes the accumulation of fat in the body.

Levocarnitine can be called a kind of stimulant that promotes faster burning of fat cells.

It should also be borne in mind that the faster fat is burned, the more L-carnitine must be taken by the body.

This explains the different dosage for ordinary people and athletes. Experienced trainers note the long-term effect of taking the supplement even after they have stopped taking it (up to 6 months). It does not accumulate in the body.

Other positive properties and functions of L-carnitine, here are some of them:

  • Able to actively convert fat into energy.
  • Blocks new fat deposits that the body has recently received.
  • Regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • It is better to take it to improve physical and mental performance.
  • Quickly restores physical fitness.
  • It quickly saturates the body with oxygen.

L-carnitine deficiency

If you adhere to all conditions of admission, then it will be safe to take supplements.

The benefits of L-carnitine

There are dozens of useful properties and functions of L-carnitine.

Here is some of them:

To get the desired result when taking a slimming substance, it is advisable to balance your diet in parallel and give up grueling diets.

How can it harm?

When using the supplement, you need to monitor your food intake, as due to the high energy consumption, an increase in appetite is possible. Although this can be avoided if the correct dosage is followed during treatment.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to the elements of the drug may occur. You need to take it with caution, the main signs of intolerance can be headache or dizziness, nausea, changes in bowel function.

Daily dose - how much to take?

The dosage of L-carnitine depends on the amount of fat to get rid of and physical activity on the body:

  • Children under one year old- up to 30 mg per day.
  • 1-3 years- up to 60 mg.
  • 4-6 years old- 50-100 mg.
  • 7-18 years old- 100-300 mg.
  • Adults who are not into sports and do not follow a diet- 200-500 mg.
  • Adults who exercise frequently- 500-2000 mg.
  • Adults with a goal of losing weight- 1300-2000 mg.
  • Athletes who have increased strength loads- 1600-3000 mg. If necessary, may exceed a dose of 3000 mg.
  • For the treatment of certain diseases (only after a doctor's examination)- 1000-1500 mg.

How do I take L-carnitine?

People who take L-carnitine for different purposes and with different physical activity are advised to study the dosage features before using. This also applies to those who adhere to a proper balanced diet.

How to drink L-carnitine for weight loss?

The dose and method of application of the agent depends on the type of carnitine produced.


It is produced in the form of a syrup, it is recommended to use it 3 times a day. The dose depends on who will use the drug.

Do not use liquid L-carnitine for more than 45 days, it is better to take a break for 15-20 days. After such a break, you can take another course again.

This form of the drug is characterized by rapid absorption. A significant disadvantage is the presence of flavors and dyes.

In tablets

According to consumer reviews, pills are the most affordable and convenient form of supplement release; many noted that the pills are absorbed by the body much more slowly. The dosage and application features are the same as when taking capsules.

In capsules

A very convenient form in terms of application, it is quickly absorbed by the body and shows its effect.

People who decide to take any form of carnitine should read the instructions or consult a doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dose and concentration of the drug.

Features of the use of capsules of the drug for weight loss

What foods contain L-carnitine?

Many will learn about useful properties L-carnitine and try to find all the information about the products in which it is contained. Is it realistic to compensate for a sufficient amount of the supplement by eating certain foods.

Which foods contain the maximum amount of L-carnitine:

Before replacing the dietary supplement L-carnitine with the use of certain products, weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account the purpose of use, especially considering that for an ordinary person the average amount per day required is 300 mg, and for athletes or those who constantly exercise physical exercises, it is increased by an average of 6 times.

It is worth considering the fact that during the heat treatment of products, part of the positive substances (including carnitine) decreases.


There are several types of L-carnitine on the market. They differ in chemical compounds. To choose a substance that is necessary in specific cases, you need to understand the basic properties of each of them.

Pure 100% L-Carnitine

The additive has been known for over 50 years as effective remedy against anorexia and excess weight. It is also recommended for those who have metabolic problems. Especially popular with athletes and those who want to get in shape.

Among the supplements, L-carnitine is considered a classic, a base. The drug is known for its bioavailability.

100% L-carnitine: main advantages over other dietary supplements:

L-carnitine tartrate

One of the drugs with the highest bioavailability and active form. Its properties exceed the quality of even 100% L-carnitine. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the agent quickly decomposes into 100% carnitine and tartaric acid.

The assimilation of these two elements occurs separately. Basically, the supplement is used by people who are overweight and want to get rid of it.

L-carnitine also has the following properties:

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Quite a modern drug. When creating such a preparation, acetyl substances are added to pure carnitine.

This is what allowed the elements of the dietary supplement to penetrate into the brain. This allows you to quickly and effectively display neurostimulating action.

Such properties make it possible to use the drug not only for the purpose of combating excess weight, but also for enhancing the activity of the brain.

This is a positive property of this drug, since it did not work out to make a dietary supplement from acetyl L-carnitine with the best bioavailability and assimilation.

Despite this, such positive effects were noticed after ingestion, such as effective fat burning, improvement of the moral and physical stability of the body, normalization of metabolism and muscle mass, protective properties on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Most manufacturers of propionyl L-carnitine add the amino acid glycine in their manufacture. As a result, a kind of biocomplex comes out, its main task is participation in lipid metabolism.

This amino acid is very important for human body, since it is also produced in vascular cells, serves as a means for vasodilation.

The supplement is used not only when putting in order your physical form, but also used by people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, heart disorders.

It can also serve as an antioxidant, participates in the synthesis of testosterone, improves sperm quality, normalizes the amount of lactic acid in the body, and improves the body's endurance. Propynol L-carnitine together with Acetyl L-carnitine are recommended to be taken to relieve constant fatigue.

The main task of the supplement is to generate energy, which is the burning of excess fat.

The drug can be taken in order to prevent an imbalance of amino acids and protein in the body (especially in people who do not eat meat dishes).

Thus, the brain cells are nourished. The use of the drug has a positive effect on relieving depression and improving brain function.

When the drug is used by athletes, muscle growth improves and accelerates, vitamins and minerals are absorbed faster. Its positive effect has been repeatedly noted for diseases or disruption of the kidneys or liver.

The dosage depends on the purpose of use and is generally 1-4 capsules per day. It is not recommended to use it with meals. Use with caution in people with thyroid disease. Take only with the advice of your healthcare professional.

Side effects

  • Diseases of the blood vessels.
  • Frequent surges in blood pressure.
  • In case of a malfunction of the thyroid gland (especially with a lack of hormones).
  • Diabetes.
  • Serious liver and kidney disease.

Frequent or serious side effects have not been reported. But in rare cases, unpleasant manifestations are possible.

Possible side effects:

  • Allergy.
  • Weakness in the muscles.
  • Digestive system problems.
  • Potential insomnia (so don't take the supplement before bed).

Taking L-carnitine for weight loss may cause irritability, nervousness, anxiety.

The female body during pregnancy requires an increased amount of L-carnitine, but during this period it is better to take it from food in order to avoid an overdose.

Where to Buy L-Carnitine?

L-carnitine can be purchased at pharmacies, stores that specialize in the sale of sports nutrition, in special online stores. Initially, it could only be purchased in pharmacies, since it was known only as a drug that stimulates the process of losing weight.

Professionals point out several negative sides a drug that is sold in pharmacies: uninformative instructions, the presence of unwanted sugars and carbohydrates.

In most cases, it is impossible to get a natural preparation in pharmacies. It is because of this that many professionals recommend purchasing it in special sports nutrition stores.

What is the price?

The price of a supplement depends on its type and form of release:

  • Liquid product. 50 ml of drug solution will cost on average 290 rubles.
  • Pills. Pack of 20 (at a dosage of 500 mg) will cost 270 RUB
  • Powder. A pack of 16 servings (1200 mg dosage) will cost about 650 rubles.
  • Capsules. You will need to pay for 90 capsules 950 rubles.

Which supplement company is better to choose?

Most manufacturers synthesize L-carnitine. The substance is produced in special factories that sell it to firms that sell dietary supplements.

There are dozens of companies in the world that deal with dietary supplements. Most of them are located in India and China. But when choosing L-carnitine, you need to pay attention, first of all, to the original company that supplies the supplement.

  • Sigma tau- a company from Italy.
  • Lonza- a company from Switzerland.

When choosing raw materials, be sure to look for brand names on the packaging.

You need to choose L-carnitine, which contains a minimum amount of additional substances (especially preservatives), simple sugars and carbohydrates.

The only possible additives that are allowed in the composition are sucralose and stevia. But their content should be minimal. Most often purchased in capsule or powder form. They are more convenient to use and contain a minimum of preservatives.

Taking into account all the features of your body, adhering to the rules of admission, you can achieve any desired goal.

Want to know what L-carnitine is? We will tell you about the effect of L-carnitine, its benefits, which one is better to choose, as well as how and how much to take the supplement.

Now L-carnitine slimming are included in a huge number of sports supplements. Sports nutrition manufacturers unanimously say that this is a powerful and versatile component that has the properties fat burner , helps build muscle, accelerates recovery and improves cognitive function.

At the same time, many people argue that carnitine is a useless supplement. Who is right?

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between. Actually, L-carnitine Is not a miracle drug, but science shows that it can be effective for certain purposes. Let's figure it out. In this article we will tell you what L-carnitine is, what is from it benefit, which type to choose, how and how much is better to take,and is it worth it to be afraidside effects.

L-carnitine - what is it ?

L-carnitine Is a naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in meat and dairy products. It is conditionally essential, which means our body can produce it as long as we consume enough lysine and methionine (essential amino acids).

L-carnitine performs several vital functions in the body, mainly related to the production of cellular energy... Thus, it should come as no surprise that most of the L-carnitine in the body is found in the muscles, which must quickly generate massive amounts of energy.

Why does the name "L-carnitine" contain the letter L? It simply distinguishes it from another form of the substance, D-carnitine, which not only has no beneficial effects, but actually interferes with our body's ability to absorb L-carnitine. Therefore, D-Carnitine is never added to sports nutrition products. You will only find L-carnitine in one of four forms:

  • L-carnitine... This is the same form of carnitine that is produced in the body.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR). This form of L-carnitine undergoes a chemical process known as acetylation, which allows the substance to cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • L-carnitine L-tartrate... This form of L-carnitine is associated with tartaric acid and helps to improve absorption.
  • Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitine (GPLC). This form of L-carnitine is linked to the amino acid glycine. Research shows that GPLC has antioxidant action in the body and can increase blood flow during exercise.

Why do people use L-carnitine for weight loss?

The answer is obvious: they are taking a supplement to increase the amount of carnitine in the body, especially in the muscles. This, in turn, leads to a number of beneficial effects, including reduced muscle soreness, better post-workout recovery, and increased nitric oxide production.

However, no single form of carnitine alone provides all of the above effects.

The benefits of L-carnitine

Usually, people get enough L-carnitine from food, but research shows that carnitine deficiency can occur in the elderly and in those who do not eat meat.

Therefore, most people exercising in the gym do not need L-carnitine supplements to improve their health. However, we can increase the amount of this substance in the body to improve athletic performance.

Effect of L-Carnitine on Muscle Damage and Soreness

Research shows that the substance reduces muscle damage during and after intense exercise, thereby improving recovery and reducing muscle soreness.

This effect of L-carnitine is one of the most proven. Scientists are still researching its mechanism. The most likely hypothesis now is that it is mediated by increased blood flow to muscle tissue, which leads to a decrease in muscle stress and improved cellular signals that are associated with muscle recovery.

Does L-carnitine work as fat burner?

L-carnitine is required for the oxidation of fatty acids (that is, for burning them), which is why sports nutrition manufacturers often claim that the substance helps accelerate fat loss and is great for weight loss. Unfortunately, these statements do not correspond to reality.

Indeed, carnitine deficiency can make weight loss difficult. However, most people do not suffer from carnitine deficiency. Plus, scientists have found that raising carnitine levels above normal does not improve fat burning.

Thus, consuming any form of L-carnitine is unlikely to help you on " drying " or when losing weight, unless you are an elderly person or a vegetarian (and it is doubtful that L-carnitine will have any value).

L-carnitine and muscle gain

Some sports nutrition manufacturers claim that L-carnitine can directly improve muscle gain and strength (similar to creatine)

But this effect was found in only one case, when the supplement was taken by the elderly for the purpose of eliminating L-carnitine deficiency. Thus, it is safe to assume that the product will not help people with normal carnitine levels.

However, L-carnitine supplementation may indirectly contribute to muscle gain and strength gains due to the beneficial effects of the supplement on muscle soreness and recovery.

The fact is that the less our muscles hurt after going to gym and the faster we recover, the harder we can train and progress faster. This will ultimately help improve body composition.

See also: Correct Muscle Gain - 10 Common Mistakes

L-carnitine and physical performance

Most studies show that L-carnitine does not improve performance during prolonged, low-intensity exercise. The same can be said for intense short-term training.

Some scientists have suggested that taking L-carnitine supplements may increase muscle power, but the evidence is inconclusive.

Last but not least, L-carnitine has been shown to reduce mental and physical fatigue during exercise in older (but not young, healthy) people.

Thus, scientific evidence now suggests that carnitine is unlikely to improve your physical performance.

L-carnitine and cognitive function

ALCAR can reduce fatigue and improve concentration in people with chronic fatigue syndrome or carnitine deficiency.

There is also some evidence that ALCAR can be used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some healthy people have reported improvements in cognitive function while taking acetyl-L-carnitine, but unfortunately there are not enough studies to support or refute such claims.

L-carnitine and insulin sensitivity

Several studies have shown that levocarnitine can increase insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.However, it is not known if it has the same effects in healthy people.

L-carnitine and fertility

Several experiments have found that L-carnitine can improve sperm quality in men, especially those with poor sperm quality or infertility.

how many L-Carnitine Must Be Taken - Clinically Effective dosage

The clinically effective dosage of L-carnitine depends on the type of substance you are using:

Acetyl L-Carnitine: 630 to 2500 mg per day

L-carnitine L-tartrate: 1,000 to 4,000 mg daily;

Glycine propionyl L-carnitine: 1,000 to 4,000 mg daily

Conventional L-carnitine: 500 to 2000 mg daily.

How to use L-carnitine?

Some experts believe that carnitine should be taken before exercise, while others say that the best time reception - after exercise. Both are right in their own way. Acetyl-L-carnitine is undesirable to take with food (it is less absorbed). Therefore, it can be drunk before training, along with supplements to increase energy levels.

But for optimal absorption of other forms of carnitine, carbohydrates are required. Since it is undesirable to eat before training, the supplement is best consumed after.

One strategy for getting all of the beneficial effects of the different forms of L-Carnitine is to take two servings of ALCAR between meals (including 1 serving pre-workout) and one serving of regular or L-Carnitine L-Tartrate after workout.

What can you expect from taking L-carnitine?

It depends on the characteristics of your body and nutrition.

If you are young, healthy, and have a more or less healthy diet, the main benefit you can expect from levocarnitine is less muscle soreness after exercise and faster recovery.

The product may also slightly increase the performance of your workout, but the evidence base is rather weak. In middle-aged and older people, taking L-carnitine may slightly speed up fat burning, increase muscle mass, and reduce exercise fatigue. Plus, if you don't eat meat, consuming the product can provide you with the same benefits as the elderly.

It is interesting: Carnitine deficiency is very common among vegans and vegetarians because their diets contain much lower amounts of lysine and methionine, the essential amino acids needed for carnitine production.

Does L-carnitine have side effects?

Research shows L-carnitine supplements are safe and do not causeside effects... However, this issue is controversial. The reason is an article published in 2013 that showed that carnitine in meat can increase the risk of heart disease.

There is a good reason not to worry about this: this work has not actually shown that eating red meat increases the risk of heart disease. Instead, she showed that meat caused a temporary increase in a substance known as TMAO (trimethylamine oxide), which has been associated with heart disease, but scientists have not proven that it actually causes them.

In other words, the theory that eating meat increases the risk of heart disease in all people under all circumstances is unlikely to be true.

This is supported by the fact that studies have found no link between red meat consumption and heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. However, there is evidence that eating processed red meat-based foods such as bacon, salami, and hot dogs with sausages may increase your risk of heart disease. However, it is not known if this is due to the consumption of red meat per se or an unhealthy lifestyle in general.


L-carnitine is a worthy sports nutrition product. It can provide the benefits most people expect.

The product can help you in burning fat, a set of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators under the condition of intense training. Thanks to it, you can really give your best in training and recover better, which, of course, will accelerate your progress.

So, if you are looking to reduce muscle pain and provide faster recovery after exercise, then L-Carnitine is a good supplement to your diet.

L-carnitine is a popular dietary supplement among athletes. But not everyone knows how to take it correctly and what diet and exercise regimen to choose in order to lose weight. Therefore, it is important to distribute the dosage of levocarnitine so that a visible result appears without wasting time, money and effort.

L-carnitine or levocarnitine, a substance similar to B vitamins, is synthesized from amino acids, but is not an amino acid in itself. Its main function is to transport fatty acids, break down fats to release energy.

L-carnitine is produced by the body on its own, but with an additional intake of a substance from a sports supplement, fat metabolism improves, strength and endurance increase.

L-carnitine is often confused with fat burners, although the supplement does help fight excess fat... Its task is to attach and transfer fat cells to the mitochondria, where the process of fat breakdown and energy production in the muscles for their better contraction will take place.

How does the substance work

When it enters the body, L-carnitine attaches to free fatty acids and transports them to muscles that are under stress during exercise.

In the process of burning fat, energy is released, which is able to give more strength to the muscles, both with strength and aerobic exercise. As a result, carnitine works as an energetic, helping to put out more during strength loads, and like a fat burner, it is able to reduce the level of body fat. The substance is capable of increasing perspiration, this will indicate that metabolic processes have begun, and the drug has begun to work.

Contraindications for use

In the official pharmacy instructions for the drug, reviews and scientific experiments- no information about side effects and the harm of the drug in large doses to the body.

Although in practice, athletes have noticed that with prolonged intake of the substance, discomfort in the region of the kidneys, like inflammation. In such cases, the drug must be urgently canceled.

Any dysfunction of the excretory organs, epilepsy, hypertension and diabetes will be a contraindication. The period of pregnancy and lactation is also undesirable for taking the supplement.

How to properly take L-carnitine for weight loss

Maximum daily dosage is 2000 mg, for training results, it is recommended to take the entire dose half an hour before training.

It can be drunk with a pre-workout complex or BCAA.

The maximum concentration of the substance during this period will help to generate more energy, respectively, more fat is used for this. Also, a high concentration of the substance will be retained for up to 3 hours, and this will help to continue the fight against excess weight.

Is it possible to dissolve in advance

If the substance is produced in special ampoules or powder forms intended for dissolution in water, then it is better to use the solution immediately after pointing.

The practice is to add L-carnitine to protein shakes and amino acids that are consumed throughout the workout. But for fat burning, this method will be ineffective, rather, it is suitable for a constant supply of energy during power, anaerobic loads.

How many times a day and how often to take

There are several ways to take L-carnitine, they depend on the goals and what is ahead - exercise or rest.

Do not forget that the daily allowance is 2000 mg. This means that the dose can be divided in portions throughout the day, but not exceeded.

So, on training days, it is advisable to take the entire daily rate half an hour before the load. But if you want to maintain energy and light fat burning throughout the day, then you can take 1000 mg in the morning before meals, the remaining 1000 mg before training in half an hour.

But it is still better to split the dose into two doses, if in the morning you do a cardio load, then with this method of administration it will make more sense to increase the effectiveness of training with the help of L-carnitine.

Duration of the course

With constant use, addiction to L-carnitine occurs. A constant high concentration of a substance simply stops working, that is, the body gets used to it, and the functions of L-carnitine become useless.

Therefore, it is recommended to take levocarnitine in cycles. Usually, manufacturers recommend taking the drug for a month, taking a break for another month, after which the course can be repeated. But also, taking the drug is allowed for 2-3 months in a row, taking a break for at least a month.

For example, if the goal is to dry subcutaneous fat in 2 months, L-carnitine should be taken continuously until a visible result appears. In the future, to obtain better result you can add fat burners. They will only help L-carnitine with weight loss, increase the thermogenic effect and suppress appetite. In this case, the fat burner is taken in the morning after a meal, and L-carnitine is also taken before training.

Can I take L-carnitine at night?

In addition to morning and pre-workout meals, L-carnitine is allowed at night.

The process of transporting and excreting fatty acids will continue during sleep. Such a reception is advisable on days of rest, then the daily dose is divided into two portions, one in the morning on an empty stomach, the other before bedtime. It is desirable that the dry form of the substance, without sugars, is used.

How to take levocarnitine on training and rest days

Regardless of the type of load, the functions of levocarnitine do not change, and yet, the drug is able to reduce the total body weight, while preserving muscle tissue. Even during anaerobic exercise, where jerks, explosive strength and power are needed, L-carnitine will provide energy from fatty acids.

Although experiments have shown that the substance improves the action of anabolic steroids and complements them well, L-carnitine itself does not have an anabolic effect. Therefore, it is not needed for muscle growth. And as an energy drink, he can and is useful.

In any case, it is better to take the substance before training, and not during or after exertion, it simply will not have the desired effect.

It is also important to take L-carnitine on rest days to accelerate tissue repair and the elimination of lactate and fat. It is recommended to take 1000 mg in the morning, and 1000 mg at night, for this it is better to take dry forms of substances - capsules or powders.

Is it possible to drink expired

After opening a can with a powder or encapsulated look, you need to adhere to the right conditions storage, and also use within a month. In some syrup forms of pharmaceutical manufacturers, it is recommended to use the drug in one week. Of course, an expired shelf life will not add value and can lead to poisoning. To prevent the powder from becoming damp and losing its properties, keep it closed in a dry, dark place.

How much L-carnitine works after taking

After ingestion, the blood contains a high concentration of the substance for up to three hours. He begins to work after 20-30 minutes from the moment of use. After strength training, the fat elimination process is still possible for two hours, in which case L-carnitine improves the process of lipolysis, muscle recovery and lactate excretion.

Forms of issue

There are several types of elcarnitine that you can buy at a sports store or drugstore. All of them work equally well, and their main component does not depend on the form of release. L-caritin should be as pure as possible without impurities and sugar, and specifically the dosage of the substance is unchanged, regardless of the form, the purer the better. An exception is the tablet version, according to how many people think that powder is glued together for tablets, and you end up paying not for the substance, but for the glue. Although manufacturers claim that for tablets, they simply compress the powder for more convenient intake of l-carnitine tablets.


This form is usually taken after dilution with water. There is a special measuring cap on the lid, 10 ml of liquid can contain 1000 mg of L-carnitine, carefully read the composition and take no more than 2000 mg per day.

The composition contains fructose, and this adds extra calories and still worsens the properties and purity of the substance. If desired, the liquid form can be left without stirring, this will not impair the absorption of the substance. But still not worth it to breed with reduksin. The substance sebutromin has a huge list of contraindications, it is prescribed only with a high degree of obesity, and is taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Sebutromine is able to increase blood pressure, cause tachycardia, lead to dysfunctions of the excretory organs. Therefore, in no case combine drugs without the knowledge of the doctor, especially anorexigenic ones. When taking reduxin, women are prescribed hormonal contraceptives.

In capsules

The easiest and most familiar way of taking. 1 capsule usually contains 500 mg of L-carnitine, which is taken with water. Based on the daily rate, there will be 4 such capsules.

It is better to take it half an hour before a workout, if there are two workouts a day, then 1000 mg before each. On rest days, 2 capsules are taken on an empty stomach, and 2 before bedtime, for this 2-3 hours should pass after meals.

This form is the purest and most suitable for weight loss, as it does not contain sugar and other impurities. The capsules must not be opened and mixed with amino acids and protein, this form must remain intact.


It is also a fairly pure form of the substance, does not contain sugars. The disadvantage is that a portion of the powder, half a teaspoon or 5 g of a measuring spoon must be diluted in 0.5 liters of water.

This portion contains 2000 mg of the substance. Recommended to be taken 1-1.5 hours before training. If necessary, divide the dose into two doses, divide the amount of powder and water in half, but prepare each time before use. Do not dilute the powder with juice, excess sugar will inhibit the work of the substance.

In tablets

Pharmaceutical forms of release are more common, 1 tablet contains 250 mg of L-carnitine, respectively, 8 tablets are needed per day to replenish the required 2000 mg.

Because of this, this form of release becomes inconvenient. Ascorbic acid, fructose, and other substances with an antioxidant effect can be added to the composition of the tablets. It is taken 30-60 minutes before training, washed down with water.

In ampoules

Depending on the manufacturer, 1 ampoule of liquid L-carnitine can contain from 1500 to 3000 mg of the substance. Some manufacturers exceed the daily requirement of the substance, although such a dose may be appropriate for heavy exertion, and an overdose has not been noticed previously.

But still, as the kidneys condition, you need to carefully take the supplement and listen to the body.

You do not need to dilute the ampoule with liquid, but if you wish, you need to add 50-100 ml of water and use it 30-40 minutes before training. Dilution in juice is excluded, as it increases the concentration of sugar and inhibits the process of fat burning, although many manufacturers recommend juice to enhance the taste.

Important! Read the composition carefully, the composition is significantly different in each company. Some liquid forms do not contain carbohydrates and fats, while others, on the contrary, contain up to 3 g of carbohydrates.

Rules for taking L-carnitine for women

The rules for taking for women do not differ from the general ones, the only remark is that women are better off taking the capsule form or powder form, where there are no additives and fructose. Girls often give preference to losing weight or working on relief, so you should not supply the body with additional carbohydrates from liquid forms of the drug. While carbohydrates have to be burned, they come again with liquid L-carnitine.

Types of L-carnitine


Liquid form of pure L-carnitine, which is diluted with water or added to others sports supplements such as protein or gainer. But the concentrates include carbohydrates (fructose), sweeteners, lactic acid. This product contains about 7 Kcal per serving. Taken 1 or 2 times, in the morning and before training.


In this form of L-carnitine, acetyl-coenzyme A is added. First, acetyl helps to burn carbohydrates, and then only fats. Thanks to acetylcarnine and L-carnitine, glucose metabolism is enhanced. According to the research results, it turned out that the form of acetylcarnitine creates a low concentration in the blood. Therefore, this type of substance is not a powerful fat burner compared to others.


This form is well absorbed and breaks down into carnitine and tartaric acid, helping L-carnitine to be better absorbed. But research has shown that there is no advantage of this form over the usual form of L-carnitine. Tartrate does not increase endurance or speed up the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. But the shape helps to increase the oxygen consumption of the muscles, and oxygen is able to burn fat.

How many kilograms can you lose weight in a month with this supplement?

It is impossible to calculate the exact amount of fat that the supplement burns, it depends on the concentration of its own L-carnitine in the blood, sometimes with a high content, taking the supplement will be useless. But with proper nutrition, excluding fats and simple carbohydrates, playing sports, you can observe a positive trend in weight loss. With constant training, 3-4 times a week, including cardio, it can go up to 1 kilogram per week. Without physical activity and habitual diet, the process of burning fat with the help of the supplement will be invisible. Only an integrated approach will help you lose 4-5 kg ​​per month, such a decrease in weight will not harm your health.

How to lose weight with L-carnitine

Taking the supplement while sitting at home on the couch may not expect any results. For the supplement to work, it needs to be given an additional metabolic boost, namely exercise. With strength or aerobic exercise, the temperature rises, and fatty acids with L-carnitine are transported more quickly to the mitochondria in order to quickly provide energy for the muscles where it is most needed. Therefore, on training days, it is so important to consume the supplement half an hour before the load, increasing the concentration of the substance in the blood. It is also necessary to take the supplement on rest days in two portions - in the morning, at lunchtime or at night. It is taken for 1-2 months, with a break of at least a month.

Especially L-carnitine will be appropriate before morning cardio loads on an empty stomach. When all the glycogen has burned out during the night, the substance will immediately transfer fats.

An important condition for losing weight with L-carnitine is a diet with cutting back on fatty foods and simple sugars. The more fat is consumed, the more the substance has to work, since the newly received fats will accumulate and inhibit the burning of fatty acids. The main thing is to enrich the diet with proteins, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and fruits in the morning.

TOP-5 best rating

  1. SAN L-Carnitine Power

Release form in capsules of 60 pcs. 1 tablet contains 500 mg of L-carnitine, a pure substance with no additives.

  1. SAN Alcar 750

Capsulated form of release, 100 pcs. 1 capsule contains 750 mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine without additives.

  1. Dymatize Nutrion Acetyl L-Carnitine

The composition includes Acetyl-L-carnitine, in one capsule 500 mg of the substance. The modified formula is well absorbed. Available in 90 capsules.

  1. VPLaboratoryL-CarnitineCapsules

The package contains 90 capsules. One tablet contains 500 mg of pure L-carnitine.

  1. PureProtein L-Carnitine

This powder form of L-carnitine is diluted in water, packaged in 100 g each. One scoop of 5 g contains the daily norm of L-carnitine, it is recommended to use it before training.



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