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Sports supplements in bodybuilding. Sports nutrition for beginners

Hello friends! How is your pre-New Year mood? Did everyone have a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article. It will be useful both for boys who love iron and for girls who dream of a beautiful ass. So that advertising does not motivate you to flush money down the toilet, buying an arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars of sports food, I will tell you about the most working sports supplements that give tangible results. There will be no clear distinction. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helping to lose weight. The main criterion for my selection is the result.

The short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say this to the fact that many novice athletes think that by buying more sports nutrition they will immediately begin to show unrealistic progress.

Quite the opposite happens often. Progress stays the same, and money goes down the toilet. It happens, as a rule, it is not the fault of the beginner.

How can you not believe the advertisements of sports nutrition manufacturers that promise incredible results from the use of various supplements? Bright jars, with the image of the TOP bodybuilders of the planet, and even with names like "Super Protein", "Mega Pump", etc. so they ask to be bought.

I would like to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is NOT a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. This is just an addition to the main diet.

Precisely as a supplement, it might not work badly. But do not think that if you only eat sports food instead of regular food, then in a week you will become like the Hulk.

If you stop eating regular food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes to digest it, because sports food is absorbed much easier, it will be absorbed without them. Therefore, all the best in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What kind of sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements aren't worth the money manufacturers ask for. The effect of some additives is very mild, and, to be honest, often completely invisible.

Here are some of the supplements you really need to look out for:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine monohydrate

I talked about this additive in much more detail in the article:. I strongly advise you to read!

Creatine is found in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver as creatine phosphate. It circulates daily in an amount of about three grams in our blood.

If we talk about some abstract harm of creatine, then you should not worry about this, this is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the class of immines, i.e. is a protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is found in our muscles. When taking creatine, muscles become more massive, voluminous and strong. Creatine stores water. Muscle fibers thicken due to the deposition of additional protein on their walls, i.e. muscle mass is growing.

Just don't be confused. Water does not accumulate between muscle fibers, as it does with steroids or cortisone, but inside the muscle fibers, which promotes anabolism (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine works like this: when the ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) molecule is oxidized, the energy necessary for the body's vital functions is released. As a result of oxidation, the ATP molecule loses one phosphate atom and turns into an ADP (adenosine di-phosphate) molecule.

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is sufficient only for 10-15 seconds of active work. After that, creatine is needed to replenish ATP stores. ATP is replenished due to creatine phosphate, which restores the destroyed phosphate bond and converts ADP into ATP.

It can be taken by both men and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works for about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that approximately 30% of people have naturally increased levels of creatine in the blood.

Why can't a person be engaged in intensive work at the maximum level for a long time?

Very simple! This is primarily due to the rapid depletion of creatine phosphate stores. This leads to the simplest, logical conclusion: the additional intake of creatine allows us to work harder and longer than usual.

Can you get creatine from regular food?

Yes! Can! The only problem is that in order to get the daily value of creatine (5-6 g per day), you need to eat about 4 kg of meat. This is very harmful. in addition to creatine, you will greatly load your digestive system, greatly increase your cholesterol and fat levels, and also your kidneys will be overloaded with other proteins that the body cannot assimilate. Can you imagine if this is repeated every day?

That is why it is advisable to take creatine in a concentrated form.

How to take creatine?

In general, it makes no difference in what form the creatine enters your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy CREATINE MONOHYDRATE! It is the monohydrate.

In what form does not matter. It is available both in white powder, odorless, and in capsules, for example. It is much more convenient for me to take it in powder. It's cheaper.

Why do I focus so much on monohydrate, and all because now manufacturers of sports nutrition are trying to powder their brains with newfangled names and useless "superworking" transport systems.

The transport system is what helps to deliver creatine into the blood as quickly as possible, but the trick is that creatine is best absorbed and transported when the blood insulin level is at its maximum.

Insulin (transport hormone) - is produced to lower blood glucose levels. Those. all "transporters" (transport systems) are, in fact, just fast carbohydrates (sugars) that raise insulin levels to transport creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, then you will pay 2-3 times more simply for adding, roughly speaking, glucose to creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many people advise taking creatine starting from the so-called phase. "Downloads". Those. take 20 g of creatine per day for a week, and then simply maintain the level of creatine by drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think that this is not necessary in FIG! Swedish scientists conducted an experiment, the essence of which was that they collected two groups, one group took creatine with a loading phase, the other without it. After a month, the level of creatine in the blood of all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I'll say it for myself. I took creatine monohydrate both ways. I didn't feel the difference. Then it's useless for you to translate the product?

Scheme of taking creatine:

  1. Take creatine 5 g (one teaspoon), either right in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after training.
  2. If you miss a single dose of creatine, that's okay, just keep taking it further. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the desired concentration (about 8 g) in 2 weeks.
  3. It should be taken in cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and it is unlikely that it can cause problems for the kidneys, people in white coats still recommend taking it for 6-8 weeks, and then taking a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not describe in detail about the protein in this article, because we have already considered this question. Let's consider how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell you why protein is a working supplement that brings results.

Protein is produced in dairy factories from whey left over from, for example, cheese or cottage cheese, dried, added flavors and sprinkled into colorful jars or bags. In fact - IT'S JUST A PROTEIN, but easier to digest.

It can be used to replenish the lack of protein in the diet. It is also very convenient. Instead of serving a meal, simply stir the protein in milk or water and drink a delicious shake.

You should not completely replace food with protein "from a jar", but as an ADDITION to the main diet it is a good helper.

You can drink it for both girls and guys. Naturally, there are no contraindications. Eat often and drink a protein shake a couple of times a day.

Protein intake:

  1. Drink fast-digesting protein (whey - WHEY) 2 hours after lifting and immediately after training, 1-2 scoops (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about that.
  2. Drink medium-digestible protein (Eggs, Primal) between meals throughout the day.
  3. Slow-digesting protein (from cottage cheese (Casein) drink at night, before bedtime.

In fact, in most cases, you will have more than enough complex protein, which contains all of the above types of protein.

BCAA amino acids

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. Especially indispensable for "drying" and for vegetarians, because they need to closely monitor the amino acid profile due to the lack of animal protein in the diet.

BCAA restores the energy potential of the cell after training so that the cell can begin building new contractile elements.

These amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;

There have been many studies that have proven the real effectiveness of BCAA amino acids, namely:

Quote from the conclusion:

“When BCAAs (76% leucine) were added to daily portions of protein, it was possible to increase the amount of lean muscle mass, increase the strength indicators of athletes, and decreased the level of muscle proteolysis. The amount of fat in the body has decreased ” Here is a link to the study.

Here's another curious conclusion from one study:

Quote from the conclusion:

“Essential amino acids accelerate muscle protein synthesis, but the introduction of essential amino acids for these purposes, as shown by the experiment, is not necessary. The higher the dose of BCAA amino acids administered, the greater the anabolic response was obtained. " Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, banks with amino acids indicate the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other.

For example, the very common ratio of 2: 2: 1 will be deciphered in absolute terms as 5 g of leucine and valine, relative to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual characteristics of digestion and assimilation for each person are so specific that it is impossible for everyone to choose a universal working BCAA supplement, but still there are general recommendations for the peculiarities of their intake, which I will discuss below.

Scheme of taking BCAA amino acids:

  1. NEVER take BCAAs on an empty stomach!
  2. Take BCAA during and after training for 15-20 g. During training it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes BCAAs should be taken before exercise to rule out the possibility of an insufficient amount of glycogen in the liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body. We must try to get the most of them from food, but currently there are not so many of them in food, because vegetables and fruits undergo various types of cleaning and disinfection. Various growth stimulants are also used for their cultivation, but now this is not about that.

As a rule, every person involved in sports needs to take these trace elements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold at sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they have become increasingly faked, so buy vitamins either in large, specialized sports nutrition stores, or in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much lower concentration than special ones, so it makes sense to double their dosage.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of its ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital. its deficiency causes scurvy (sorbut).

Scheme of taking amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: DRINK VITAMINS IN THE MORNING, AND MINERALS FOR NIGHT.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals from major specialty stores or pharmacies.

There are also some very interesting supplements that work great and are available in almost EVERY PHARMACY, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. You can read VERY DETAIL about them in my article about.

Fat burners

They work really well when paired with proper nutrition. EXACTLY IN COMBINATION! Fat burners are not a substitute for a healthy diet aimed at reducing body fat. They really work, but at the same time you need to control your nutrition. As a rule, it should be aimed at losing weight. and are the best options in my opinion.

Fat burners work but are temporary. They only bear fruit when they are taken, so you probably don't need them!

They are usually used for drying when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Usually their reception is advisable by professional athletes in order to achieve competitive form.

There are drugs and supplements that are prohibited by Russian law (for example, ephedrine). I will not consider them. Also, I will not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and, if desired, you can purchase them without any problems.

  • Caffeine and Guarana

They stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and the production of nore-adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same coffee, but guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans.

The positive "invigorating" effect of these supplements has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, he will be disqualified for doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

You can easily find this supplement in any sports nutrition store. Carnitine doesn’t burn fat by itself, but it does make it much easier when you’re on a diet (it’s no use without a diet).

In other words, it helps the body use fat for energy. Also, it increases the digestibility of food by increasing the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Fat burners intake scheme:

Caffeine: 3-6 mg of coffee per pound of body 30-60 minutes before training.

L-Carnitine: 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the morning (morning, lunch, and pre-workout)


  • sports nutrition is only an ADDITION to the basic diet;
  • creatine Monohydrate is well worth the purchase because it is inexpensive (500 p. 500 g, on average), and gives a very tangible effect;
  • protein can help in replenishing the daily protein intake, but if you can eat well (6-8 times a day), then there is no particular need for protein;
  • bCAAs work great, but they are very expensive protein per gram. They are especially necessary for drying and for vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals won't harm anyone. Good thing, although there is a lot of controversy about the digestibility of "tablet" supplements;
  • fat burners work only in conjunction with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not expect any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now to choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or for weight loss, I think you will succeed without any problems. If you have any questions, I will gladly answer everyone in the comments.

Build your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates... Further it will only get steeper.

Best wishes and best regards!

1. Protein

Different types of proteins complement each other, and if you want to achieve effective muscle growth, just one of them will not be enough for you. Ideally, combine them, each at the right time and in the right amount, or choose multi-component protein complexes - mixtures of casein, whey protein, protein isolate, egg and soy protein in various combinations.

There are many protein manufacturers on the market. Let's name such brands as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, SAN, MusclePharm, MuscleTech, Dymatize, Cellucor.

2. Amino acids

3. BCAAs

4. Gainers

Gainers are high-calorie carbohydrate-protein blends for those looking to build muscle, improve strength, or simply gain weight. The composition of the gainers is based on high-quality carbohydrates and protein (building material for muscles). It can also include various vitamins and creatine.

Choosing the right supplement option should be individually tailored to your tasks, load and metabolism. For example, lean athletes with a fast metabolism who find it difficult to gain muscle mass will be helped by a gainer with the maximum amount of carbohydrates. Conversely, those who are prone to rapid weight gain and the formation of fat deposits should focus on protein supplements.

"Having muscle mass is better than not having it!" Bold trouble, huh?

Perhaps not the entire audience of the site Rocket Nutrition agree with her, because many can rightly state: "Muscles are not important if there is no visible result from them!"... This is partly true, but wait, if your goal is functionality, strength and endurance - you still need to think about muscle mass! Perhaps, of course, not to the extent that the guys think about her, who set themselves the goal of simply having a beautiful body, but still!

In this post, we will break down the top 3 supplements for muscle growth. For those who want to become stronger and more enduring, this will be useful material, and for those who, with the beginning of the cold season, thought about the beginning of the "mass-gathering cycle", it should become truly invaluable!

When the cold season comes, many people think about starting a mass-gaining cycle, and this is correct, since this is a great time to focus on gaining muscle mass and get a little stronger.

Adequate mass gain means the right balance of calories, adequate protein intake, and an effective training plan.

Smart addition of sports supplements to your diet will also help you gain muscle mass effectively.

There are many different supplements on the sports nutrition market that promise phenomenal results. I do not really trust these loud statements, because they are not supported by research results or many years of training experience. Therefore, my top supplements will be based not only on my personal experience of many years, but also on the results of numerous tests.

So, here are the top 3 sports nutrition supplements that will definitely help you activate muscle growth:

1. Creatine

Creatine increases the capacity of your creatine phosphate, energy system, and anaerobic system. In simple terms, it increases strength, endurance and recovery between sets. Quite simply, you can do nine squats per set instead of eight.

A very important aspect of taking creatine is that it increases your training volume in the context of days, weeks and months. And here everything is the same: more training volume - more muscles.

Scientifically, creatine appears to be the most effective and proven supplement on the sports nutrition market for improving anaerobic endurance and body weight.

There are about a hundred studies related to the ergogenic effect (increased exercise performance) of creatine. Approximately 70% of them reported an increase in training endurance, while no study indicated the ergolytic effect of creatine (decreased performance).

In both the short and long term, creatine supplementation improves workout quality, resulting in 5-15% increase in strength and performance gain... In addition, almost all studies show that proper intake of creatine increases body weight by 1 to 2 kilograms in the first week after intake.

in the report International Society of Sports Nutrition, the authors point out:

"The overwhelming amount of research that has been done with the positive results of creatine monohydrate supplementation leads us to the conclusion that it is the most effective dietary supplement available today for increasing the quality of high-intensity exercise and building lean muscle mass."

A recent study found optimal creatine intakethat increased muscle creatine by 10-40%. According to this scheme, it is necessary to consume creatine in about 0.3 grams. per kilogram of body weight for the first 5-7 days. This reception period is called the "loading phase". For example, if you weigh 70 kg., Then you need to consume about 20 grams. creatine 5 gr. for each appointment (4 times a day).

After the end of the "loading phase" (5-7 days), you need to take 3-5 grams of creatine per day. In the same study, an experiment was performed with the absence of a "loading phase" and cycling of creatine intake, such a regimen did not show such effective results in maintaining optimal levels of creatine in the muscles.

Taking creatine is not an urgent need for everyone who works out in the gym, but if you want to increase the efficiency of work in the gym, and as a result, the result from training, then creatine is the optimal supplement in terms of price / quality ratio.


1. Taking creatine is completely safe.

2. The effectiveness of this supplement has been proven by numerous independent studies around the world.

3. The supplement is sold at affordable prices and is available to most people involved.


On our website you can purchase the Creatine MAX with a transport system. What is a transportation system? The transport system allows for 100% absorption of creatine, so you can be sure that all the nutrients will go directly to your muscles!

IN Creatine max from Rocket Nutrition uses a "smart transport system" consisting of arginine, glutamine, taurine and citrillin.

Plus, 5 grams per serving of Micronized Creatine Monohydrate. And also the excellent taste of the grapes - it's worth a try!

2. Beta-alanine

One of the leading theories of muscle fatigue is accumulation of hydrogen ions in muscles (as a consequence of a decrease in pH). Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps to contain excess hydrogen in muscles, thereby increasing the performance of the anaerobic energy system.

There are a number of credible studies showing that beta-alanine has a positive effect on physical performance. One study found that pre-workout beta-alanine supplementation increased the number of repetitions performed per set by a few extra. For example, if you train in the middle rep range (8-15 reps), then you can count on 3 more reps per set. Beta-alanine also improves performance in interval training and sprinting.

Interestingly, creatine and beta-alanine work separately from each other, but if you use them together (or for a short period), then you get double charge of performance... How does this happen? There are two anaerobic systems that are responsible for energy sources when working in a gym: phosphagenic (rapid response system) and glycolytic energy system.

Creatine helps the phosphagenic system work, while beta-alanine increases the capacity of the glycolytic system. Therefore, if you can, then drink a serving of creatine and beta-alanine together.

Recommended daily intake of beta-alanine: 2-5 grams. Just like creatine, the effectiveness of this supplement does not depend on the time of day it is taken, so you can take it at any time convenient for you.

When taking beta-alanine, you may feel a tingling sensation - this is a normal situation, you should not worry.


1. Beta-Alanine Helps You Do More Reps As It Delays Muscle Pain

2. It is better to use it together with creatine, in which case you get a double result


A large dosage of beta-alanine is found in Energy BCAA from Rocket Nutrition - 1.5 grams per serving. Beta-alanine in Energy BCAA works in synergy with citrulline and BCAA.

Also, the product contains working dosages: l-carnitine, taurine and green tea extract... This is a great energy complex to help you manage muscle fatigue during your workout.

You can purchase this product directly on our website!

3. Protein

Let's put it bluntly: if you want to build lean muscle mass and do not gain a daily dose of protein (1.5 - 2.5 grams per body weight), then you risk not materializing the result that you earned in the gym. You can, of course, surround yourself with protein food and wake up and fall asleep to the sound of cooking chicken breast, but it is much easier and more convenient to help yourself and drink a couple of protein shakes a day. Moreover, you will find a complete amino acid profile in a high-quality protein.

Whey protein is a milk-derived protein source. More recently, whey protein has become even more popular with athletes as the direct dependence of the growth of sports results on protein intake has been proven... It is the source of a rich amino acid profile, including a number of essential amino acids such as branched chain amino acids.

There is extensive scientific evidence to support the benefits of whey protein supplementation in increasing strength and muscle mass. Of course, the results are not entirely straightforward, but there is a significant body of evidence that whey protein increases both strength and muscle mass.

Also, recent studies have shown that the amino acids that make up whey protein activate cellular signaling pathways, in particular MTORresponsible for muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. Apparently, this is due to the high concentration leucine in the protein.

A single protein intake ranges from 20-30 grams. Experts recommend taking protein immediately after training, but you can drink your protein shake at other times, depending on your daily protein intake and body weight.


1. Whey protein is an excellent source of bioavailable protein

2. It is high in BCAA

3. The main thing is to choose a quality brand and then your progress will be noticeable in the very near future


If you are looking for quality protein, then be sure to check out SUPERSTAR Whey Protein. We use two sources in our protein: concentrate (classic) and isolate (high purity protein).

The best amino acid profile on the market and no harmful sugar substitutes or preservatives.

Choose sports nutrition wisely as it can make a tangible contribution to your progress in sports!

  • Each person's body is unique, so they react differently to supplements.
  • Athletes tend to prefer creatine to maintain a high pace of workouts and strengthen muscles better.
  • Supported by proper nutrition and exercise, supplements can help you reach the next level faster.

So, the five most important supplements for fast muscle growth

If you take a stroll through the bodybuilding store, you will see a huge number of supplements formulated specifically to improve muscle growth and your body's recovery after a grueling workout. For the most part, all supplements are good in their own way, but not all are suitable for every individual. Each person's body is unique, so they react differently to supplements. Despite all this, there are a number of supplements that help you achieve the best results, and get the best bang for your buck across the board. Next, Pitsport will tell you about supplements that can best help you build muscle.


Creatine is a completely natural, natural substance found in our muscle cells. Primarily around skeletal muscle tissue, which contains about 95% of all creatine in the body. The remaining five percent are evenly distributed throughout the body.

This natural metabolite is reproduced as creatine monohydrate for sports dietary nutrition. In the body, it is needed for cellular energy production and modulation.

Positive aspects of using creatine:

  • Stimulating the onset of muscle growth
  • Increased muscle cell volume
  • Fast recovery after exercise
  • Rapid synthesis of glycogen
  • High intensity muscle work

Athletes generally enjoy using creatine for both strength training and bodybuilding to maintain a high paced workout and strengthen muscles better. At the same time, you can always easily stop taking creatine, because it is always present in the body. It usually takes the body 3-4 weeks to bring creatine levels back to normal.

2. Beta Alanine

Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring, nonessential amino acid that comes into our bodies with protein-rich foods like chicken. The increase in workout performance is due to its ability to increase intramuscular carnosine levels. Taking Beta-Alanine as a supplement will allow you to increase your carnosine levels by over 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is very important during intense training, when our body produces a large amount of hydrogen, which causes the pH to drop, meaning there is more lactic acid in the body. This acidity can cause very severe fatigue, reduce muscle performance, and even stop the transmission of nerve impulses.

By maintaining elevated carnosine levels with Beta-Alanine supplements, you can delay the production of hydrogen and subsequent acidity, thus avoiding rapid fatigue or muscle breakdown.

Additional positive points when using Beta-Alanine:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased power
  • Less fatigue
  • Improved body composition
  • Beta-Alanine Works Well With Creatine
  • Increased productivity regardless of intensity and duration.

3. Whey protein.

It has long been a known truth that bodybuilders can increase their performance and build powerful muscles by consuming whey protein shakes. These proteins provide our body with a large amount of protein, as well as the necessary amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, so easily absorbed in the form of a drink.

These protein blends are typically consumed both before and after workouts for better recovery. If you are strictly following your diet for muscle growth, or if you want to burn excess fat, then using whey protein every day can speed up these processes. Next, Pittsport will tell you about the main benefits of this supplement.

  • Easy assimilation. Many athletes can save time by using whey shakes after workouts for fast-absorbing nutrients, as these supplements contain a range of vitamins and minerals not available in everyday foods, making them a great option for busy business people.
  • No problem with lactose absorption. People with lactose intolerance are aware of the discomfort that often awaits them when using everyday shakes. Whey protein blends are usually a combination of egg and soy proteins and calcium caseinate. As you yourself may have noticed from the composition, there is no negative effect, as after milk, is observed.
  • Increased muscle recovery. After intense weight lifting or other sports activities, your body needs to recover, and for this it needs special nutrition. Protein is the most important building block for muscle recovery. Protein is the main ingredient in protein blends and many other supplements. If you use it immediately after training, then your body will start a process of rapid recovery.
  • Natural appetite suppressants. A high-protein diet can easily defuse hunger, thus allowing you to eat a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry. Whey protein supplements and shakes can be used as meal replacements or as a snack between meals.
  • Amino acids. Our bodies need a significant amount of quality proteins and amino acids to function properly. Whey protein supplements are literally packed with amino acids that support protein synthesis.
  • Improved metabolism. Large amounts of protein are needed by athletes as fuel for the stove. When consumed throughout the day, it serves as a great source of energy and supports the fire we call metabolism. With an improved metabolism, you will burn more calories and reduce hunger.

Recommended serving: consume 30-40 grams of whey protein. Best before or after workouts, and when there is simply no other food nearby to get the protein you need. However, while they are ideal supplements to your workouts, always try to eat wholesome foods at other times.

4. Branched chain amino acids.

Another essential supplement commonly used by strength athletes and bodybuilders is branched-chain amino acids. Of the 21 essential acids, three are branched: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are the main elements of protein, and they make up about 30% of all skeletal muscles in our body. Our body uses them to repair muscles. Just like whey proteins, they channel nutrients directly into the muscles, allowing them to recover better. Your body uses up branched-chain amino acids during exercise, so supplementation will help you restore lost nutrient levels. This supplement also reduces muscle pain from fatigue and speeds up metabolic recovery.

Good evidence that BCAAs really help is increased muscle endurance through constant nutrition. This can be of interest to long-distance athletes such as marathon runners, swimmers, or even just hikers.

5. Glutamine

Glutamine is generally praised for its ability to soften muscle breaks during intense exercise, which can help increase endurance and strength thresholds. You will find that you can lift larger weights, both longer and more times. Your body compensates for overcoming the strength limits with muscle growth. Glutamine, as a supplement, also has several other benefits:

  • Preserving muscle tissue allows your body to burn additional fat, because the stronger your muscles, the more efficient your metabolism. When you exercise for weight loss, your body can burn some of the muscle mass, so it is very important to slow this process down.
  • Glutamine has been shown to be beneficial in restoring the immune system in many people who have taken it. During intense workouts, glutamine allows you to distribute some of the load on the immune system, thereby not only rebuilding muscles, but also integrating into the immune system, allowing the entire body to recover faster.
  • Glutamine is also known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is incredibly important for those who are specifically targeting muscle growth. Research shows that just 2 grams of glutamine supplementation already increases hormone levels.
  • Nitrogen is needed for muscle tissue. Glutamine supplements (L-Glutamine) contain about 20% nitrogen, making them one of the best suppliers of nitrogen to your muscles.
  • When combined with other reductants and building blocks such as creatine and whey protein, you will see significant growth and will move quickly towards your goal.

Today, almost any beginner who crosses the threshold of the gym begins to be concerned about the question of what to eat so that the results in the gym grow by leaps and bounds.

How to eat for a beginner is an issue that requires careful consideration, and not only in the context of sports supplements, it is important which natural foods rich in protein will provide adequate nutrition for muscle growth.

As a rule, before starting training, a novice athlete thinks about purchasing sports nutrition, of course it cannot be otherwise, since no one has canceled the myths about the magical properties of protein or gainer, the abundance of online sports nutrition stores and advertising promising maximum progress for 6 weeks have also left their mark.

It could not have done, perhaps, without the quotation marks, who already at the first introductory training, akin to a physician therapist, writes out a prescription from the list of vital sports nutrition products that can only be purchased from him at very "favorable" prices.

Sports nutrition for beginners or nutrition for muscle growth

To begin with, without going into deep details, so as not to confuse a beginner, we will define what sports nutrition is and consider the main types of sports nutrition products.

Sports nutrition - these are specially designed food products rich in protein, as well as products of a special composition, which are produced as a source of additional nutritional elements, vitamins, amino acids, various endocrine stimulants and means for strengthening joints and ligaments, for people involved in sports or leading an active lifestyle.

The main goal and task of sports nutrition is to improve the quality of life of an athlete, thereby sports nutrition is designed to help improve sports performance, strengthen health, and normalize body weight.

Categories of food additives

Protein-rich foods (Proteins) - whey, milk, egg, casein and soy, as well as complex, combining several types of proteins at once

Carbohydrate-protein mixtures (Gainers) - may have a different percentage of protein and carbohydrates, as a rule, on average 30/70, respectively.

Amino acids - complex, BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) - branched amino acids, and individual Glutamine, Arginine, Lysine, Alanine, Taurine.

Special drugs - fat burners, preparations for joints and ligaments, vasodilatation, energy and ATP batteries, etc.

This is certainly not the whole list, because the market for the sports nutrition industry is not worth a place, every day there are new products created through many years of scientific research, but let's leave it for another time, today we are considering only the most important and necessary foods in the diet of an iron sports beginner.

We have analyzed the main types of sports nutrition, now we will consider sports nutrition for beginners, what a beginner needs to eat.

The answer is simple - a beginner to exercise in the gym needs to eat, quality nutrition is a prerequisite for progress!

Everyone needs to eat, both people who are not involved in sports and athletes, and it doesn't matter if you are a beginner in the gym or a pro, only the portions differ.

Let us dwell on portions, depending on gender, body type and lifestyle, each human being needs a certain amount of nutrients to maintain vitality, which are contained in natural products, and some are even produced by the body itself.

If, for some reason, the daily food ration cannot provide the human body with the necessary amount of nutrients, various supplements come to the rescue, here we recall sports nutrition.

According to the scientific definition, people are divided into somatotypes, in general terms, these are:

Ectomorphs - thin and have difficulty gaining muscle mass

Mesomorphs - naturally athletic and muscular, but also prone to weight gain

Endomorphs - tend to be overweight, have a slow metabolism

For each body type, there is a separate training strategy and diet, but this is if your body fits the classic definition, which is actually very rare. Therefore, for each person, you need to individually select both the training program and the nutrition scheme, and it is better to do it yourself, thoroughly studying your body for many months or even years spent in the gym. No trainer can study your body better than yourself.

At the initial stage of training, regardless of the type of physique and the goals pursued, the main tasks in the gym are:

  • Master basic exercises
  • Get stronger
  • The nutrition of a beginner pitching or fitness beauty has its own characteristics, regardless of the type of physique, beginners with strength training need a balanced diet and protein-rich foods, for starters you can start with 2 g per 1 kg of your own weight per day, then with an increase in fitness and appetite gradually increase to 3-4 grams. per kg of weight.

    As for carbohydrates, everything is individual here, the recommended rate is from 2 to 7 grams per 1 kg of own weight, depending on the volume and type of training, as well as the goals set. If the goal is fat burning, then 2 grams will be sufficient. carbohydrates per kg of weight, and if you work on mass, then the amount of carbohydrates per kg of weight can reach 7 or more grams.

    Where do you get all these grams per kg of weight?

    Quite simply, all the proteins and carbohydrates you need are found in natural foods.

    The best natural foods rich in protein - eggs, cottage cheese, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products

    the best natural sources of carbohydrates are various cereals and cereals, baked potatoes, bananas and other fruits, brown bread, hard pasta.

    You are probably asking, where is sports nutrition here, because the article is about it? That's right, the article is about what sports nutrition to choose for a beginner to train in the gym, and the best sports nutrition for a beginner is natural products.

    Ranking of the 5 best natural products in the protein and carbohydrate categories, in terms of availability and quality:

    Protein rich foods

    1. Chicken egg is the cheapest protein source with the highest digestibility, the so-called reference protein. 1 whole egg - 5-7 gr. squirrel.
    2. Natural cottage cheese - the best source of casein protein, is more digestible than meat. It takes a long time to be absorbed, so it is ideal to use before training and before bed. The largest amount of protein in fat-free 0% cottage cheese is 18 grams. protein per 100 gr. product.
    3. Chicken breasts - a classic diet of athletes, 100 gr. contains 23 gr. protein and in addition a set of vitamins, micro and macro elements
    4. Fermented milk sourdough - not every adult organism can perceive milk in large quantities, so we chose a sourdough, also fermented milk sourdough contains a huge amount of beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the body's immunity and gastric microflora. 1 liter of starter culture contains 30 gr. protein, which is not bad, especially in summer when you are thirsty.
    5. Tilapia is a fish that contains a whopping 26 grams. protein per 100 gr. product with a minimum amount of fat, as well as many useful elements. You can find it in any fish store.

    Foods rich in carbohydrates

    1. Buckwheat is the queen of cereals, this product bears such a proud name, and it is difficult to argue, buckwheat contains large amounts of vitamins B2, B6, B1, a lot of iron and magnesium. In 100 gr. boiled buckwheat contains 20 gr. carbohydrates.
    2. Rice - a pair for chicken breasts, the same classic of the diet of athletes, contains vitamins B2, B6, B1 and a lot of fiber. In 100 gr. boiled rice contains 28 gr. carbohydrates and 2.6 gr. squirrel.
    3. Bananas - Contains fast carbs, so it's ideal to eat before exercise to get the energy you need quickly and after exercise to close the carbohydrate window. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, vitamins B6, B12. One medium banana contains 40 grams. carbohydrates
    4. Nuts are an ideal snack for an athlete, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. On average, nuts of different types are 16-30 gr. carbohydrates per 100 gr. product.
    5. Durum pasta - contains a low glycemic index no more than that of buckwheat and rice, while being as high in calories as possible and well suited for nutrition during the period of weight gain. Contain 30 gr. carbohydrates and 5 gr. protein per 100 gr. boiled product.

    Now let's take, for example, a man weighing 75 kg who decided to work out in the gym and wants to become bigger and stronger, as mentioned above, at the initial stage 2 grams is enough. protein per 1 kg of its own weight, you get 150 gr. protein per day. For carbohydrates, about 375 grams will be released. in a day.

    Let's make an approximate daily calculation of food, based on the rating of products:

    Proteins: 2 eggs - 12 gr., 1 pack of cottage cheese 0% - 40 gr., 2x150 gr. chicken breast - 69 gr., 1 liter of sourdough - 30 gr. Total - 151 gr. squirrel

    Carbohydrates: 300 gr. boiled buckwheat - 60 gr., 300 gr. boiled rice - 84 gr., 2 bananas - 80 gr., 300 gr. boiled pasta - 90 gr. Total - 314 gr. carbohydrates

    In this case, we got the required amount of protein and carbohydrates exclusively from natural products and, as you can see, we did without a gainer and protein.

    You can independently compose your sports menu based on your goals and objectives, cut carbohydrates if you want to lose weight, add if you gain. Choose protein foods to your liking for your daily protein intake.

    Sportpit for beginners: pros and cons

    Should you resort to dietary supplements or are natural products enough?

    In this article, we would like to show you that sports nutrition is not a panacea and you can get the nutrients you need for the exercising body from natural products. Therefore, to begin with, reconsider your diet, whether it contains protein-rich foods in sufficient quantities, whether there are enough carbohydrates, make up your first sports diet.

    Start eating right, because sausages and ham are not a source of protein, they are a source of fat, and after that, start surfing the Internet in search of a sports food.

    If for any reason you cannot get the required daily amount of proteins and carbohydrates from natural products, then use sports nutrition or even.

    For beginners to train in the gym, the following scheme for taking sports nutrition by body type is suitable:

    Endomorphs - protein after training and at night, preferably complex protein after training, casein at night, BCAA amino acids in powder form 5 g. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    Ectomorphs - gainer as a second breakfast and after training, protein during the day and at night, before bed, preferably casein protein, BCAA amino acids in powder form 5 gr. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    Mesomorphs - whey protein after training and casein protein before bed, BCAA amino acids in powder form 5 gr. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    At this stage of your training activity, perhaps this range of sports nutrition will be enough, you can add multivitamins in courses and the complex for a beginner is ready.

    Remember, no sports nutrition, regardless of brand and cost, will replace natural products!

    Sports nutrition is just nutritional supplements, not miraculous drugs, all results are achieved exclusively by your hard work in the gym, proper natural nutrition and regimen.

    The best on the site

    Date of publication: & nbsp 05/26/2014 © site


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