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“On the bottom”: who is Diana Shurygina and why is everyone discussing her? Visiting Diana Shurygina. The information is not at the bottom! The story of Diana Shurygina

In just a month, 17-year-old Ulyanovsk resident Diana Shurygina fell into fame that many had never even dreamed of. Russian stars. The girl’s story was the subject of five scandalous broadcasts of the TV show “Let Them Talk,” thanks to which Diana became known throughout the country.


Who doesn’t know yet, in the spring of 2016, Diana Shurygina was raped. The girl agreed to go to a private house on a birthday in the company of unfamiliar young people. There Diana drank vodka, after which, according to her statements, 21-year-old Sergei Semenov began to use physical force on her. The court found that Semenov knew that Shurygina was a minor and understood that she did not want to have sexual contact with him. In December 2016, Semenov was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 131 (“Rape”) and 132 (“Violent actions”) of a sexual nature"). After an appeal, the term was reduced to three years and three months in a general regime colony.


Already after the first program “Let Them Talk,” Diana Shurygina became incredibly popular. The girl divided the public into two camps: some sympathize with her and consider her a victim, while others are convinced that Shurygina and her parents simply want to make money and become famous from this story, and Diana herself is to blame for the rape. Critics were confused not so much by the confusion in Diana’s testimony as by her unstable behavior during the broadcast, which, in their opinion, did not correspond to the image of a victim of a rapist. The tragic expression on the girl's face was constantly replaced by a smile, a bitchy look or a nervous grin. They began to parody Shurygina, ridiculing her style and manners.


According to the Yandex. Wordstat,” which analyzes user queries, over the last month the surname “Shurygina” was requested more than 5 million 450 thousand times. The girl has surpassed Putin and Medvedev many times over! And her statement: “On the bottom” about how much vodka she drank that evening became just a hit of memes.



Internet users make photoshops, create fake pages for Diana Shurygina on Instagram and VKontakte, and savvy marketers quickly realized that Shurygina is a trend, which means money. Famous company Burger King even made an advertisement using Diana's name.

Special craftsmen sell the domains nadonyshke.ru and shurigi.ru for crazy money. The first one has already been bought for 9 million rubles, and the second one is up for sale for 100 thousand rubles.

The name of Diana Shurygina penetrated into souvenir shops and cafes. Some even get tattoos of a girl!

fishki.net fishki.net

Bloggers also began to make money on Diana's name. So, prankster and lover of breaking the bones of YouTube stars Nikolai Sobolev made a video called “Sex trap: 8 years in prison for what?” with criticism of Shurygina. The video brought Sobolev almost four million views and became the second most popular video in the history of his YouTube channel. A week later, Sobolev reported that he had surpassed the one million subscriber mark. The blogger continued to speak out about this scandal, and within two weeks another 400 thousand people subscribed to his channel.


Another blogger, Ivangay (Ivan Rudsky), on the contrary, was ashamed of his acquaintance with Diana Shurygina. Recently, the girl attended a charity event organized by a popular community about Russian YouTube, where Ivangay was present. The blogger and Diana did not miss the opportunity to take a photo with each other, after which they added each other as “friends” on social networks. But immediately Ivan Rudsky received angry comments from fans: “Why did you add her as a friend? Do you want to go to jail for 8 years?”, “Vanya, she doesn’t deserve to be next to you,” “Ugh! Shkurygina! Why are you taking pictures with her?” “Everything is done for the sake of hype and ratings!” A couple of hours later, Ivan deleted all the photos with Diana and replied to all subscribers: “I’m wrong and I don’t support anyone. Bye".


Diana herself, according to her, is not delighted with the fame that has fallen on her. After the release of one of the next programs, Diana created her own YouTube channel, where, with tears in her eyes, she told everyone how hard it was for her. Diana's videos receive hundreds of thousands of views. By the way, after the broadcasts it became very difficult not only for Diana, but also for her parents. Her father, a driver, had to quit his job due to constant attacks from management, and her mother was even beaten on the street.



The presenter Andrei Malakhov also got it. Those who were already tired of watching broadcasts with Shurygina began to joke that soon Diana herself would start hosting “Let Them Talk,” and those who were more creative even made a video with the participation of Malakhov and Shurygina called “50 Shades Darker.”

I have no sympathy for anyone in this story, honestly. Everyone there is good. Our mission is to help and attract attention. What angers me most about this story is the Ulyanovsk police, who know very well the house where these parties take place, where there are drugs, alcohol and sex. Everything goes on there. Was there at least one raid by the Ulyanovsk police there? No. What does this mean? That someone is sitting on kickbacks. Everyone is tied together, and everyone pretends that everything is so wonderful. Not a single statement from the local authorities, the governor who did anything - everyone throws stones at Diana Shurygina. They would have thrown stones at this house [where the rape took place], and carried out Cossack [patrols] there - this is what I understand, public outcry. And the fact that Diana Shurygina is more popular than Lenin now doesn’t bother me much. Sorry, I have to go.

  • Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk. Fame came to her after the first episode of the program “Let Them Talk” on January 31, 2017, where she told the whole country that she had been raped. In total, “Let Them Talk” published five issues where Diana’s story is discussed.
  • Due to the sensational story of rape, the family was forced to leave their own home. People who sided with the alleged “rapist” Sergei Semenov somehow found out where her family lived and staged demonstrations under the windows. According to the Shurygins, they were simply not allowed passage, and they were subjected to real persecution. They don’t know how long they will have to hide from indignant people.

  • Diana Shurygina is a student at Ulyanovsk College. The girl temporarily does not attend classes, fearing bullying from her classmates.
  • According to law enforcement agencies, the number serious crimes in Russia it decreases significantly every year. Thus, according to official statistics, in 2016, “only” 3,839 rapes and attempted rapes were registered in the country. However, according to independent experts, only 12% of victims of rapists contact the police. And this often happens only because the case for some reason becomes public knowledge and it will not be possible to “shut up” it.

At the end of January, the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program aired about Diana Shurygina from Ulyanovsk, a 17-year-old girl who became a victim of rape last spring. Her photos instantly became a meme in in social networks, and the girl herself, instead of sympathy, received a barrage of criticism and became an object of bullying. On February 20 and 21, two more episodes of the “Let Them Talk” program were aired, continuing the story.

Screenshot from YouTube

What's happened?

On April 1, 2016, 16-year-old Diana Shurygina contacted the police, accusing 21-year-old Sergei Semenov of rape. According to the girl, this happened at the birthday party of Sergei’s friend, where Diana was invited by a friend. The young people had never met before. Diana does not deny that she was slightly drunk, but claims that Sergei used physical force against her. The court found that Sergei knew about Shurygina’s age and understood that she did not want to have an intimate relationship with him. In December 2016, Semenov was sentenced to 8 years in a maximum security colony under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 131 (“Rape”) and 132 (“Violent acts of a sexual nature”). After an appeal, the term was reduced to 3 years and 3 months in a general regime colony.

According to the victim’s lawyer, the courts of the first and second instance established Semenov’s guilt based on the testimony of witnesses, examinations and his confession.

Semenov's representatives claim that the sex was consensual, and Sergei's friends say that before going to the birthday party, Diana said that she was 18 years old. And the marks of beatings on the girl’s body are the result of a conflict with her father, who took her from that ill-fated party. This is confirmed by several witnesses, including Alexander Rukhlin, who was in the room with Diana after Semenov left and, according to the latter’s sister, Ekaterina Semenova, did not see any signs of beatings on the girl. Initially, Rukhlin was also a suspect in the case (according to Shurygina, they had sexual intercourse after Sergei left the room), but the criminal prosecution was stopped due to the lack of corpus delicti. Now he serves in the army.

Why is this being discussed?

After the verdict was passed, support groups for both Shurygina and Semenov appeared on VKontakte. A friend of Sergei created a petition in support of the convicted man. She will be sent to the court of general jurisdiction, Vladimir Putin, presidential commissioner and leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The petition has already been signed by more than 250 thousand people.

To help Sergei Semenov, his family turned to the “Let Them Talk” program. Diana and her father took part in the filming, despite the fact that almost all the spectators were opposed to them.

After the first episode aired, many fake Shurygina pages appeared on VKontakte and memes with her photographs and phrases from the program: “a little bit” and “at the bottom” (this is how Diana described the degree of her intoxication that day). Diana is ridiculed for her drinking, doubted that she was a victim of rape, or directly blamed for what happened.

On February 20, it was released on Channel One continuation stories of Diana Shurygina - “In the midst of a party. Continuation". This time they aired an interview with Sergei Semenov from the colony (he completely denies guilt), and Diana was supported by her mother (after the first broadcast of the program, she was attacked at home, and now the family is constantly moving). Diana changed her hairstyle and became a meme again. The girl’s family spoke about bullying on social networks and life.

The third part transfers aired on February 21st. On it, Shurygina stated that she had forgiven her offender and advised the girls not to trust their acquaintances and not to drink.

Good day everyone!

We have all heard about the program “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov, the program, to put it mildly, is not for everyone, personally, I cannot withstand all the shockingness for a long time and therefore I either bypass it or watch only the most interesting from the episode. But sometimes you just can’t do it!

What we are talking about today is actually the first episode that I watched FROM AND TO - “In the Height of the Party”, to say that I am in a state of shock is to say nothing. The issue is divided into three parts.

FIRST ISSUE of the trilogy "In the Height of the Party"

So, the topic of the issue is the rape (REPEATEDLY) of the “innocent” girl DIANA SHURYGINA (who, for her sixteen years, has a record of boyfriends that exceeds all possible boundaries), who went 150 km from home to celebrate the birthday of someone unknown to her young man, in the company of his friends. The celebration took place in the cottage, in which, according to Diana, after she drank alcohol (on the bottom, as we remember), she had two sexual acts (forgive, rape, of course), with different partners, but she decided to imprison only one (Second, Apparently, he paid - but this is purely my opinion and that of the entire Internet, of course).

As a result of the investigation, the second young man was transferred to a witness, and the second was given only 8 years (Diana was not enough), although he denied his guilt, and Diana does not look like a victim of rape, but the court did not take into account such a thing as "Mutual agreement". Honestly, the emotions are off the charts!

Let's get to know Dianka, although who hasn't already seen her face on the Internet, she's just a star and I'll say more, she's basking in the rays of this "FAME", various pages on social networks, as well as her own channel on YouTube are put on public display.

Diana is funny and cheerful, she continues to have fun, a few months later she uploads a video of obscene content, where she licks the screen and flashes her butt with all her might in a car with two guys, where one says the following phrase:

Diana drinking in the trash. Stubborn.

I’m not a judge to decide such issues, I’ll just introduce you to the boy and his family (the RAPIST, according to Diana). Sergey Semenov is a 21-year-old young man, he studied at the Academy, his family is MORE than decent, which is worth only the endurance of his mother and sister, sitting in the same studio with this shabby Diana.

Sergei does not deny that he had sex with Diana, but by mutual consent. He did not beat Diana, did not force her, she herself behaved very actively. I don’t understand why it was impossible to check the testimony of both on a polygraph?

The most epic thing was left for last - Diana’s father, who initially wanted to resolve this issue “quickly” by taking 1 million rubles from the Semenov family and going their separate ways, so to speak, to trade with their daughter, but bad luck, there was no such money.

So Sergei was imprisoned for 8 years, but after the program and a sufficient number of people who signed a petition, the term was reduced to 3 years in prison, which I am incredibly happy about. But you must admit, this is an insanely high amount for a person who has not committed a crime. The life of a guy so young is ruined. And this is only the FIRST ISSUE (There are 3 in total).

SECOND EDITION "In the Height of the Party"

It begins with Diana, who has suddenly turned into a nun, crying (Apparently, the laughter limit was exceeded in the first issue). It’s hard for her, pressure from the outside prevents her and her family from living peacefully. Malakhov, to my surprise, completely takes her side and almost hisses at those who dare to belittle Diana.

Sergei is shown already in the colony, he tells his version of what happened, asks Diana to stop her wild lifestyle and come to her senses. He doesn’t need pressure on the Shurygin family, he just wants to quickly improve his life.

I can’t resist saying that I believed Sergei. His calm voice, measured presentation of what happened, speak only of one thing, the innocent is serving time. Look at his family and the Shurygin family, everything is visible to the naked eye

Shurygina’s mother - excuse me, she’s an incredible woman, I’ve never heard such words even from the lips of the last Gopniks, and her facial expression is priceless. However, the daughter does not lag behind her mother. Confusing testimony that contradicted the first issue, swearing, attacks on people - everything happened.

In general, THIRD ISSUE .

When watching the third episode, I was already pretty tired of this story, nothing had changed, they just continued to sort things out in the same way. New contradictory details appeared, the Shurygins were still jumping around the studio wishing everyone to die.

But I’m interested in your opinion, do you think this is the actor’s idea? Or do such monkeys really exist? Apparently, I was lucky enough not to meet such people. This is so, a retreat.

At the end of the third issue, after the instructions of Andrei Malakhov, Dianka cannot stand it and begins to laugh, pretending to cry. How low, Diana!

SO, on the Internet I found the whole essence in a few lines:

  1. Daria (friend) said that Diana went to the party to “Drink and fuck.”
  2. At the time of the party, Diana had reached the age of sexual consent in the Russian Federation (16 years old).
  3. Not a single person at the party testified against Sergei (ONLY Diana), no one heard a call for help, no one saw signs of resistance on either Sergei or Diana.
  4. That night there were two who “raped” Diana - one was walking, the other was sitting.
  5. After the “rape,” Diana continued to hang out with friends until her parents arrived. When her father saw Diana, he hit her in the face and pushed her into the car, which is proven by witness testimony.
  6. There was already a similar legal precedent from Diana against a young man named Vlad, who was given a year’s probation for Diana spreading her legs in front of him and writing obscene SMS messages to him.
  7. The Shurygins' father extorted 1 million rubles for changing their testimony.

I think that an innocent young man will serve three years in prison because a girl wanted to have fun. The young courtesan Diana, along with her family, must serve her sentence for giving false testimony and dirty extortion. What's wrong with our judicial system? Interesting to hear your opinion.



Guys, I’ll add two words about new releases! The further into the forest, the more firewood.

As it was said in the program, Diana caught her “hype” and is enjoying herself. I will never believe that it is so difficult for her to refuse everyone to take a photo with her, that she does this to EVERYONE (and probably not only). You can’t count how much money she earned from this, and how many more programs there will be, too. While bloggers make money from Shurygina, Shurygina tells everyone about herself - the ratings will increase for both. But I believe that nothing lasts forever and we will forget about Diana forever if some new topic. What we will make sure of, but in the meantime, catch the screenshots.

The article is intended for those who are interested in the life of Diana Shurygina, who has rapidly gained popularity.

For those who are completely unaware of who Diana Shurygina is (#on the bottom), and why she is popular, I hasten to tell you this information, and also, for those who are simply interested in this person, I can tell you in more detail.

First, let's find out who she is and what Diana Shurygina is?!

Diana Shurygina- this is a typical girl from the province who became widely known on the Internet and on television due to a case in which she allegedly became a victim of rape on the “registration”. Immediately after the incident, Diana wrote a statement to the police against the rapist, who turned out to be Sergei Semyonov. Further, the incident began to be discussed on the TV show “Let Them Talk,” and then the Internet picked it up and began to actively discuss it. A division of opinions occurred almost immediately: some criticized Diana and did not believe her, others defended and sympathized with her. As a result, against the backdrop of a surge in popularity, the girl, without hesitation, created a YouTube channel and began to energetically develop her new image.

On the bottom Diana Shurygina

Why "On the Bottom"?! Where does this even come from?! Is this a meme?

On the Internet you can now find jokes and memes that use the text “On the Bottom”; the culprit of this phenomenon is Diana Shurygina. Are you interested in learning more about where it came from?! We tell you:

In the first episode of the program "Let Them Talk" (which started all the hype with the new Internet star) Diana, in a dialogue with the guests of the program, answers the question “How much and what did she drink that day,” where she answers with the text that she drank a little vodka, a few plastic cups And emphasizes a couple of times "ON THE BOTTOM"This is where the new Internet meme #nadoshke originates. We looked at this in more detail.

An excerpt of the video thanks to which this meme “On the bottom” was born

Visiting Diana Shurygina. General information about Diana

After the introduction, I would like to delve into more detailed aspects of the Diana Shurygina phenomenon. Together we will look at all the parts of the Let Them Talk program in which our heroine took part, look at her on social networks, photographs, bright moments on the Internet (for example, conflicts with bloggers), etc.

All parts of the program Let them talk to Shurygina

I would like to start, as they say, from the very beginning, which began with the popular program on Russian TV - “Let them talk.”

“The Shurygina Phenomenon” became so popular on the Internet that in order to maintain high television ratings it was enough to simply broadcast it. This was done, so much so that as many as 5 issues were published with her! FIVE!

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Part 1. Issue dated January 31, 2017

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Continuation. Part 2. Issue dated February 20, 2017

  • Let them talk - In the midst of a party. Continuation. Part 3. Issue dated 02/21/2017

  • Let them say - #nadonyshke: how Diana Shurygina became an Internet star. Part 4. 03/06/2017

  • Let them talk. #nadonyshke: how Diana Shurygina became an Internet star. Part 5. Issue dated 03/07/2017



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