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No words: how to expand your active vocabulary. Let's expand our English vocabulary! How to expand your vocabulary

Great Russian language! Research by modern linguists shows that it contains about two hundred thousand words. However, the average Russian uses no more than three thousand lexical constructions in everyday life. There are many methods for replenishing lexicon Russian language. You can get acquainted with the most effective techniques for improving speech culture in the article.
Tip #1. Reading-learning A book is an endless source of knowledge.
Expanding vocabulary through reading, analyzing and memorizing information is one of the most effective methods of speech enrichment. How to expand your Russian vocabulary and what to read for this? You should study not only fiction, but also popular science, specialized literature by Russian and foreign authors, and poetry. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • slow, thoughtful reading followed by text analysis;

  • concentration on new terms, phrases, lexical constructions;

  • the practice of reading aloud, memorizing, or retelling a text.

Having come across an unfamiliar word, you need to write it down in a separate notebook/notebook, select synonyms, memorize the interpretation and try to apply it in everyday life.

Tip #5. Using dictionaries Specialized textbooks that study the etymology of words can open up new horizons native language. You can take it into service as classic volumes from Dahl or Ozhegov, and use online services to learn new words. It is noteworthy that explanatory dictionaries, in addition to interpretation, also contain examples of the use of the term in context, which allows it to be included in the active lexicon.

A mandatory point in working with a dictionary is to transfer unknown terms to a separate notebook. It is important to review your notes from time to time. A list of words located in a prominent place does an excellent job of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language. Placing sticky notes with terms on your desk, refrigerator, or mirror engages you in the learning process. new vocabulary visual memory. Do not neglect flashcards: a word is written on one side and its definition on the other.
For beginning linguists: tricks for learning your native language

  • Solving word puzzles. Crossword, scrabble, boggle or cranium - if you choose a game you like, you can not only have a lot of fun, but also expand your vocabulary and learn to think critically.

  • Regular training is the key to success. If the daily “load” is 3 words, then in a month your vocabulary will increase by 90, and in a year - by 1080 words!

  • The secret from the series on how to expand your Russian vocabulary, which many people neglect, is listening to audio books, podcasts, lectures and public speeches by cultural and scientific figures. While cleaning or traveling to work, such activities help enrich vocabulary.

How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for students and children?
Speech abilities in children are formed by the age of five: upon reaching this age, the child should be able to use various structures complex sentences, master the skills of word formation and inflection, have a sufficient vocabulary. Lack of communication, neglect of reading, problems with pronunciation are factors that lead to the child having passive knowledge of speech.

Applying vocabulary expansion techniques for adults to children is ineffective. The following rules from teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists will come to the rescue: they shared secrets on how to expand the vocabulary of the Russian language in childhood.

  • No confusion! If a child calls mittens gloves and plates saucers, it makes sense to help the child see the differences between these objects through visual analysis. For example, after drawing things that cause confusion, conduct a detailed inspection of them and highlight the differences.

  • Verbal communication. Association games allow children to develop abstract thinking. For example, a child should select several nouns, adjectives and verbs (preferably synonymous) for the word “guitar”: “music” and “sound”, “ringing” and “loud”, “playing” and “strumming”.

  • Hidden meaning. Concrete thinking is inherent in children up to 7 years old; later they begin to grasp the “messages” of the author and learn to read “between the lines.” Discussing proverbs and sayings helps develop the ability to understand figurative meaning.

  • Reading and communication. Important aspects in the question of how to replenish a child’s Russian vocabulary are communication and reading skills. You should always listen to your child, and also remember to instill in him a love of literature.

How to quickly expand your Russian vocabulary? Use all of the above methods in a comprehensive manner. It is important to remember that success is achieved only through hard work, and those who are ready to constantly work on themselves become erudite and developed individuals.


Vocabulary expansion


  1. Approbation
  2. Vernissage
  3. Devaluation
  4. Idiom
  5. Pun
  6. Cannonade
  8. Legion
  9. Marina
  10. Polysemy
  12. Reminiscence
  13. Sacramental
  14. Synecdoche
  15. Syntagma
  16. Sonorant consonants
  17. Toponym
  18. Phantasmagoria
  19. Pleonasm
  20. Allegory
  21. Nihilism
  22. Cacophony
  23. Kalancha-
  24. Esperanto
  25. Idiosyncrasy
  26. Transcendental( transcendens)
  27. Metaphysical
  28. Scholasticism
  29. Esoterics
  30. Truism(true)
  31. Glossary
  32. Euphemism
  33. The cognitive dissonance
  34. Eclecticism
  35. Epistemology
  36. Invective
  37. Binomial theorem
  38. Voluntarism
  39. Congruence
  40. Decadence
  41. Addiction
  42. gender
  43. Homogeneous
  44. Ubiquists
  45. Wentness
  46. Frustration
  47. Vanguard

Completion Criteria

2) Vernissage (French vernissage, literally - varnish coating) - the opening of an art exhibition in a ceremonial atmosphere, attended by specially invited persons

3) Devaluation (lat. de - decrease; lat. valeo - to have value, to cost) - a decrease in the gold content of a monetary unit under the gold standard

4)IDIOMA, -ы, w. In linguistics: a figure of speech, the meaning of which is not determined by the individual meanings of the words included in it, for example. to beat the thumbs, to sharpen the lasses.

5) Pun - A joke based on the comic use of words that sound similar but have different meanings, a play on words.

6) Cannonade - sounds of shots from artillery guns

7) COHORT, 1. B Ancient Rome: a detachment of troops, a tenth of a legion. 2. transfer A tightly knit group of associates (high)

8) Legion (lat. legio, gender legionis - military gathering, conscription, from lego and legere - to collect) - the main organizational unit in the army of Ancient Rome.

The legion consisted of 5-6 thousand (more later periods 4320) infantry and several hundred horsemen

9) Marina (French marine, Italian marina, from Latin marinus - sea) - a genre of fine art depicting a marine view

10) Polysemy (from the Greek πολυσημεία - “polysemy”) - polysemy, multivariance, that is, the presence of a word (unit of language, term) of two or more meanings, historically conditioned or interconnected in meaning and origin.

11) RAVELIN m. 1) An auxiliary fortification structure in the shape of a triangle with the top facing the enemy, located in front of the main fortress fence. 2) One of the ravelins of the Peter and Paul Fortress, turned by Peter I into a prison for his son Alexei and later used by the tsarist government to imprison political criminals; Alekseevsky ravelin.

12) Reminiscence (lat. reminiscentia, memory) - an element of the artistic system, which consists in the use of a general structure, individual elements or motifs previously famous works art on the same (or similar) topic.

(Example of reminiscence)

13) Sacramental - religious. related to religious cult, ceremonial, ritual

14) Synecdoche (ancient Greek συνεκδοχή - ratio, literally - “co-understanding”) - a trope, a type of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another based on the quantitative relationship between them. Typically used in synecdoche:

Singular instead of plural: “Everything is sleeping - man, beast, and bird.” (Gogol);

Plural instead of singular: “We all look at Napoleons.” (Pushkin);

Part instead of whole: “Do you need anything? “In the roof for my family.” (Herzen);

The whole instead of the part: “Japan has opened in different directions.” (Stock News); (instead of: shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange);

Generic name instead of specific name: “Well, sit down, luminary.” (Mayakovsky) (instead of: sun);

The specific name instead of the generic name: “Take care of your penny above all else.” (Gogol) (instead of: money).

15) Syntagma (ancient Greek σύνταγμα, lit. “order”, from ancient Greek σύν “with” and other Greek τάγμα “order”) - a polysemantic term translated as classification, systematization; layout, arrangement.

16) Sonorant consonants - What distinguishes sonorant consonants from other voiced consonants is that noise practically does not participate in their formation (l, m, n, p, j.)

17) Toponym - a proper name, which is the name of a separate geographical object

18) Phantasmagoria - bizarre, fantastic events, incidents

19) Pleonasm (ancient Greek πλεονασμός - unnecessary) - a figure of speech in which words that partially or completely coincide in meaning are repeated unnecessarily. Examples: “old man”, “young

young man”, “to see with my own eyes”, “the month of May”

20) Allegory - allegory, expression of an abstract concept through a concrete image (Example: allegory of “justice” - a woman with scales)

21) Nihilism (from Latin nihil - nothing) is a worldview position expressed in the denial of the meaningfulness of human existence, the significance of generally accepted moral and cultural values, and non-recognition of any authorities.

22) Cacophony (ancient Greek κακός - bad and other Greek φωνή - sound) - combinations of sounds, perceived as a chaotic and meaningless accumulation of them.

23) Tower - watchtower, fire department tower

24) Esperanto is an artificial (planned) international language, created primarily on the basis of the vocabulary and grammar of the most common European languages

25) Idiosyncrasy (idios) - intolerance. For example: I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!

26) Transcendental (transcendens) – abstract, abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Somewhere like this. Due to the breadth of the concept, a broad use of the term is recommended, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

27)Metaphysical - approximately the same as Transcendental. The term is good for answering a question whose essence you do not understand. For example, like this - “How do you feel about scholasticism? - In a metaphysical sense?”

28) Scholasticism is a medieval philosophical movement. To my list smart words I included scholasticism solely because of its beautiful name.

29) Esotericism (from ancient Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) - totality special ways perception of reality, having secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices”

30) Truism (true) - a well-known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.”

31) Glossary - a dictionary of highly specialized terms in any field of knowledge with interpretation

32) Euphemism - replacing rude or harsh words and expressions with more

soft. Among the people, the phenomenon received a very biting and precise formulation

33) Cognitive dissonance (from the Latin words: cognitio - “knowledge” and dissonantia - “dissonance, discord, lack of harmony”) is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a collision in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions.

34) Eclecticism is a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories.

35) Epistemology is a theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy that considers the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge.

36) Invective - obscene, vulgar language, swearing. Often used in combination with invective vocabulary.

37)Newton’s binomial is a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!

38) Voluntarism is a doctrine that places the volitional principle as the basis of existence. Nowadays, it is used as an evaluative term for a person’s actions that you personally do not like. Eg. : “Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!”

39) Congruence is a very rich word. One of my favorites. Means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts

individuals work together towards the same goal. It is also often used with the prefix not. A very congruent word.

41) Addiction - dependence. Eg. Internet addiction. Like mine.

42) Gender – sexual. Intergender, respectively, intergender.

43) Homogeneous - homogeneous. For example: “The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt.”

44) Ubiquists are species of plants and animals that live everywhere. Don’t get carried away with this term, no one knows it anyway except you and me.

45) Cavalcade - a group of riding riders

46) Frustration is disappointment. our life is a chain of frus

47) Vanguard - Part of the troops (or fleet) located in front of the main forces. An advanced, leading part of some social group. At the forefront of the democratic movement (in front, in the forefront).


How to expand your vocabulary?


According to linguists, in English language the largest number of words. And it doesn’t matter what level you have - beginner or advanced, you are constantly expanding your vocabulary. On the one hand, these are completely new words. But you will also learn new meanings for words you already know. What is the advantage of a good vocabulary? The answer is obvious - your speech becomes fluent. Therefore, you need to take it as a lesson learn new words every day!

Of course, if you are in an English-speaking country, this process happens naturally. But everyone else shouldn’t give up, because you yourself can create the opportunity and conditions for replenishing vocabulary. Experts offer seven methods that have proven themselves in practice. But under one condition – you turn to them every day. So this is:

  1. Maintaining a vocabulary notebook
  2. Learn one English phrase every day - an idiom.
  3. Word of the day - learning one new word
  4. TV programs and programs
  5. Reading books, periodicals
  6. Communication with native English speakers or language learners

We have already noted that the English language has the largest number of words. But why did this happen? The fact is that over the centuries the English language has been influenced by other languages ​​- French, Danish, Dutch, German, as well as Celtic languages. Since the process of borrowing words from other languages ​​occurs constantly, the vocabulary of the language changes. Historians say that William Shakespeare alone added 1,700 words to the language! The development of Internet technologies also has a constant impact on the vocabulary of modern English. For example, thanks to them, words such as tweeting, meme, yolo (you only live once). If you look in a dictionary of synonyms, you will see that a word you know has several synonymous words that differ in shades of meaning. Knowledge of synonyms is especially important in writing - when writing letters, essays, articles, etc.


In English lessons you hear a lot of new words. It is clear that it is impossible to remember all the new vocabulary, so it makes sense to have a notebook and write down all new words in it with translations and examples of use. You can access it in your free time, on the way to work, etc. How many words should I write down in class? Limit yourself to five words, but you need to repeat them daily. How long should they be repeated? Until they enter your active vocabulary and you can actively use them in speech. In addition to translating a word into your native language, you can draw a picture illustrating the word, and also write down synonyms. Let's repeat this thought again - be sure to write a sentence with a new word, because It is very important to remember words in context. For example, if a new word you wrote down seagull (seagull), then you can draw a bird, write a word bird offer The seagull eats fish out of the ocean. You can write down words that will help create a kind of context for the word seagull – beach, ocean. But keeping a vocabulary notebook is only one strategy for expanding your vocabulary.


On the Internet you can find various resources where stable combinations, for example, idiomatic expressions or phrasal verbs, are published daily. As a rule, they are well illustrated with examples and graphics. The main advantage of such pages is that the expressions are explained in English. Such stable expressions can just be included in the selection of new five words that you write down in your vocabulary notebook. As a rule, these are phrases that you are unlikely to hear in an English lesson, but the benefits of memorizing such expressions are obvious - your speech will become more fluent. And on high levels English language proficiency is close to the speech of native speakers.


If you visit the sites online dictionaries(macmillan dictionary, merriam-webster dictionary, etc.), then you will find the WORD OF THE DAY section on them. As a rule, these are synonyms of words you know, knowledge of which is especially useful if you have to give speeches in English or write essays, articles, private and official letters. You can subscribe to such pages and then you will receive information about the word of the day by email.


Television makes it possible to watch programs, shows, films from English-speaking countries (Australia, England, USA, Canada). You will definitely find something that suits your age and interests. Often films and news programs are accompanied by subtitles, which means you have a great opportunity to expand your vocabulary. It’s good if you have the opportunity to watch movies and shows on DVD, because you can always pause and write down a new word, look it up in a dictionary if you can’t guess its meaning from the context. It's especially useful to watch shows that touch on your professional field, because then you can add to your professional thesaurus. For example, lawyers can watch the program Law and Order, It will be useful for doctors to see Grey's Anatomy or House. There is a program for scientists The Big Bang Theory. Of course, watching feature films is also very useful, but it is not always possible to set aside one or two hours to watch a film. The advantage of the programs is that their duration does not exceed 30 minutes.


In fact, reading should not be limited to books, newspapers and magazines. Comics, blogs, advertisements, lyrics, etc. Reading is the most affordable way increasing vocabulary. Nowadays, you can choose books that match your level of language proficiency. Many publications are accompanied by CDrom, i.e. you can read and listen to the book in audio recording. When reading, it is not necessary to look up every word in the dictionary; it is enough to underline a new word or circle it, and you can look up the meaning later, because when reading, the main thing is to enjoy getting to know new characters and places, from the plot, from the author’s language, which is always very individual. Be sure to read news sites and major periodicals to develop your vocabulary for talking about current events - The New York Times, The Economist, BBC and CNN. Not all materials are available for free, but you can read a certain number of articles (from 5 to 10) per month without purchasing a subscription. Reading such publications not only allows you to expand your vocabulary, but also performs a purely cognitive function - the texts give you new information. There are publications that provide an opportunity to relax and have fun. An example is People(secular news), Cosmopolitan(magazine for women), GQ(magazine for men). Blogs give you the opportunity to take part in discussions and express your opinions on issues that interest you. Oh, and don’t forget to take notes in your vocabulary notebook!


To communicate in English, you don't have to live in English-speaking countries, because the English-speaking world is already at home! And you always have the opportunity to practice communicating with native speakers or other English language learners. Where? A great resource are social media. For example, Facebook. Facebook users can become members various groups and communities, including professional ones. If this is a foreign group, then communication will take place in English. You can also find new friends there. Also, we can recommend Verbling, Live Mocha, Couchsurfing. There are communities that use the program Skype for communication via video conferencing. Don't waste time, enter the words in the Google search engine interest groups and your area of ​​interest, study the search results and select those groups that attract you. You can find groups created by English language learners that have chat (video chat) for communication. What are the advantages of such groups? You gain confidence by expressing your thoughts in English. Yes, you can make mistakes, but they can correct you, ask you again, advise you correct option offers, etc. Remember that speaking is the most important aspect of language.

Great Russian language! Research by modern linguists shows that it contains about two hundred thousand words. However, the average Russian uses no more than three thousand lexical constructions in everyday life. There are many methods on how to improve your Russian language. You can get acquainted with the most effective techniques for improving speech culture in the article.

A book is an endless source of knowledge. Expanding vocabulary through reading, analyzing and memorizing information is one of the most effective methods of speech enrichment. How to expand your Russian vocabulary and what to read for this? You should study not only fiction, but also popular science, specialized literature by Russian and foreign authors, and poetry. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

    slow, thoughtful reading followed by text analysis;

    concentration on new terms, phrases, lexical constructions;

    the practice of reading aloud, memorizing, or retelling a text.

Having come across an unfamiliar word, you need to write it down in a separate notebook/notebook, select synonyms, memorize the interpretation and try to apply it in everyday life.

A large vocabulary comes from hard work. Masters of eloquence recommend paying attention to developing your oratorical abilities. Every erudite person should have the ability to clearly formulate thoughts, vividly describe events, or retell recently read information in detail. Active use of the studied material (in this case, new words) is the key to the richness of speech: in conversation, in correspondence or during a speech, you should express thoughts, carefully selecting the best words.

Among the tips on how to expand your Russian vocabulary, exercises on writing your own text are particularly effective. For example, you can take a notebook and pen or open text editor on the computer and just start writing. It is important to try to transfer your own feelings onto paper, learn to characterize events in detail or tell a story. Alternatively, you can start keeping a journal or start a virtual diary - daily practice as a writer will stimulate your brain and force it to “dig” into your own lexical baggage.

“Well,” “kind of,” “sort of,” and long pauses “uh-uh” instantly reveal a person with a poor vocabulary. Such constructions pollute human speech, depriving it of information content and beauty.

Specialized textbooks that study the etymology of words can open up new horizons in the native language. You can use either classic volumes from Dahl or Ozhegov, or use online services to learn new words. It is noteworthy that explanatory dictionaries, in addition to interpretation, also contain examples of the use of the term in context, which allows it to be included in the active lexicon.

A mandatory point in working with a dictionary is to transfer unknown terms to a separate notebook. It is important to review your notes from time to time. A list of words located in a prominent place does an excellent job of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language. Placing sticky notes with terms on your desk, refrigerator, or mirror engages your visual memory in the process of learning new vocabulary. Do not neglect flashcards: a word is written on one side and its definition on the other.

For beginning linguists: tricks for learning your native language

    Solving word puzzles.Crossword, scrabble, boggle or cranium - if you choose a game you like, you can not only have a lot of fun, but also expand your vocabulary and learn to think critically.

  • Regular training is the key to success. If the daily “load” is 3 words, then in a month your vocabulary will increase by 90, and in a year - by 1080 words!
  • Secret from the serieswhich many people neglect is plistening to audio books, podcasts, lectures and public speeches by cultural and scientific figures.INo while cleaning or commutingsuch activities contribute to enrichmentlexicallyWowbaggageA.

How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for students and children?

Speech abilities in children are formed by the age of five: upon reaching this age, the child must be able to use various constructions of complex sentences, master the skills of word formation and inflection, and have a sufficient vocabulary. Lack of communication, neglect of reading, problems with pronunciation are factors that lead to the child having passive knowledge of speech.

Applying vocabulary expansion techniques for adults to children is ineffective. The following rules from teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists will come to the rescue: they shared secrets on how to expand the vocabulary of the Russian language in childhood.

    No confusion! If a child calls mittens gloves and plates saucers, it makes sense to help the child see the differences between these objects through visual analysis. For example, after drawing things that cause confusion, conduct a detailed inspection of them and highlight the differences.

    Verbal communication. Association games allow children to develop abstract thinking. For example, a child should select several nouns, adjectives and verbs (preferably synonymous) for the word “guitar”: “music” and “sound”, “ringing” and “loud”, “playing” and “strumming”.

    Hidden meaning. Concrete thinking is inherent in children up to 7 years old; later they begin to grasp the “messages” of the author and learn to read “between the lines.” Discussing proverbs and sayings helps develop the ability to understand figurative meaning.

    Reading and communication. Important aspects in the question of how to replenish a child’s Russian vocabulary are communication and reading skills. You should always listen to your child, and also remember to instill in him a love of literature.

How to quickly expand your Russian vocabulary? Use all of the above methods in a comprehensive manner. It is important to remember that success is achieved only through hard work, and those who are ready to constantly work on themselves become erudite and developed individuals.

Want to expand your vocabulary? 4 tips to help improve your vocabulary and show off your knowledge in front of your friends.

The Russian language is perhaps the most expressive language in the world.

And the number of words of our great and mighty exceeds five hundred thousand.

Well, just imagine!

Of all these five hundred thousand beautiful words that can express the beauty of the soul and the surrounding world, you know at most 4-5 thousand, and use even less.

Want to argue?

Here's a little test for you.

Write its meaning next to each next word (be honest with yourself - no one is looking at you :)):

  • suffragette
  • gentile
  • penance
  • aberration
  • slander
  • columella
  • frap

Enough for the first time.

Now tell me, how many words from this list do you know?

How much do you use? Zero? Not much!

However, no need to worry!

Better think about it how to increase vocabulary and show off your knowledge to your friends.

great and mighty

Friends, I want to say that you (and my company) are incredibly lucky.

Already from birth you have received the most powerful and expressive tool at your disposal -.

There is no other language in the world that can so emotionally reflect a storm of feelings, experiences and indignation.

Sometimes we only need one word to express a feeling or emotion, while foreigners need whole sentences.

No wonder greatest poets they sang “great and mighty,” and many peoples still sing the praises of our poets and writers.

And knowing what wealth you got, it’s simply a shame not to use it and to be an illiterate lazy person!

So let's gather our courage and think how to expand your vocabulary.

And I, in turn, will help you with this.

How to increase your vocabulary: increasing your IQ

Naturally, you will never be able to use all five hundred thousand words, and it will be impossible to remember them.

However, I can guarantee you a couple of extra thousand.

But only if you apply the tips you received and start working on your vocabulary.

So, as a small introduction, I will say that the vocabulary of each person is divided into passive and active:

  • passive - all the words that we know but do not use,
  • active - all the words we use in our everyday vocabulary.

And if your passive vocabulary can count 4 thousand words, then your active one is unlikely to exceed 3 thousand.

So now your goal is to maximize improve vocabulary.

Tip 1. Engage in retelling and expand your vocabulary

If you didn’t like retellings at school, then it’s in vain.

After all, these are not stupid inventions of teachers, but tasks aimed at developing the child’s vocabulary.

And in adult life you will have to return to them again.

What is required of you?

Read a short story or chapter from a book, then tell yourself what you read out loud.

Retell the text in as much detail as possible, using all the words in the text.

If you don’t know these words, then you will have to memorize them.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is so-called basic English, consisting of 850 words. It is believed that this is enough for ordinary life.
  • The lexicon of A. S. Pushkin’s works contains more than 20,000 words.

Thinking how to improve vocabulary, start reading all the books out loud.

By reading aloud we also expand our vocabulary.

After all, if you quickly skim the text with your eyes, unfamiliar words may not stick in your memory.

But when reading aloud, all rare and unfamiliar words will be better remembered.

By constantly reading aloud, later you may not even notice how you begin to use more words and expressions in your everyday vocabulary.

Tip 3. Use unfamiliar words and improve your vocabulary

Remember the main rule: unfamiliar words will never stick in your memory if you simply learn them.

So do things differently.

In the evening, choose 2-3 new words for yourself, and the next day try to use them by inserting them into sentences.

For example, take the first word “suffragette” and use it on any appropriate occasion.

Your friend refused to go through the door that was open to her, and you said to her: “What are you, a suffragette?” (I imagined your friend’s reaction for a minute – it became funny :)).



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