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Criteria for assessing reading in English. Assessment Criteria for a Foreign Language (English)
Information on what criteria the experts use to evaluate the monologue for comparison and contrast of pictures in task No. 4 of the oral part of the exam
Analysis and assessment of one of the answers according to the criteria from the point of view of an expert examiner

In the previous articles, we have compiled an answer to the task number 4 of the oral part of the exam in English.

There is a separate article about each of the stages,

with key phrases and specific examples.

You can get this information by clicking on the link for each step above.

How exactly would this answer be evaluated by the experts?

Let's figure it out today.

To begin with, verifying your verbal answer expert not just looking for vocabulary or grammar errors,

and evaluates his by several criteria.

These are the criteria for assigning the 4th oral part of the exam:

  1. - in other words, how fully and detailed in your monologue were the answers to all points of the plan

Solution of a communication problem this is a very important criterion,

which the is estimated from a maximum of 3 points.

You will receive for solving a communication problem:

3 points - if the task is completed in full (all 5 points of the plan are fully disclosed, accurately and expanded),

in response at least 12-15 phrases

2 points - if a one aspect not disclosed absolutely (all others - complete) OR one or two not fully disclosed,

in a monologue 9-11 phrases

1 point - if a two aspects not disclosed (all others are complete) OR all points of the plan are not disclosed,

total 6-8 offers

0 points - if communicative the task is completed by less than 50% (three or more items are not disclosed),

5 or less phrases


With zero points for the communication task, ALL task number 4 of the oral part of the exam is estimated at 0 points!

Let's remember what we got and evaluate it according to this first criterion.

Let me remind you what the task looked like.

Statement of the assignment:

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

say what the pictures have in common

say in what way the pictures are different

say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer

explain why

Our answer:

In the first photo this seems like a weekend which the family is spending together riding their bikes outside a city. We can tell by the expressions of their faces that they are enjoying the day.

In the second photo it looks as though a lot of professional sportsmen are taking part in the competition somewhere in the city. The cyclists look rather competitive.

The pictures are similar in that they both show the people of different age who are in the process of riding their bicycles.

The pictures are different in a couple of ways. The first one is in the number of people presented. We can see only three members of the family in the first photo, in the second one there is the huge crowd of the cyclists. It's an obvious difference. Moreover, the family is riding just for pleasure, the competitors are definitely trying to win or to reach their own goals.

To be honest, I’m not into sport at all and I’m not that keen on riding bikes. I'd rather stay at home at the weekend but if I had to choose I would go for a family trip with my parents. I’m not going to choose a race because I’m afraid of speed, I can’t ride well enough. Also I usually don’t feel comfortable in a crowd.

There are 15 phrases in our answer and we tried to answer all the questions fully and in detail.

Criterion "Solution of a communication problem" - 3 points out of 3

2. Organization of utterance -how logical, connected and complete the monologue is

Here the maximum is 2 points.

So, you deserve for organizing the monologue:

2 points - if the statement logical, there is opening and closing phrases,

used correctly facilities logical connection (but, also, to be honest, more over - and the like)

1 point - if the monologue mostly logical,

but missing introductory AND / OR closing phrasesand,

not used enough logical means

0 points - utterance not logical,

there are no opening and closing phrases,

nearly communication means not used

Let's go back to our answer.

I dare to assume that it is quite logical and there are enough logical means of communication in it.

But, if we used this one as an opening phrase

I’ve got two photographs and I’m going to compare and contrast them.

that sentence

Also I usually don’t feel comfortable in a crowd.

Therefore, it is likely that with such an answer, experts can remove one point for organizing the statement.

The criterion "Organization of the statement" - 1 point out of 2

I don't really like phrases like “That’s all that I wanted to tell about these two photos”,

but probably,

to comply with formalities without her or the like without losing points on this criterion.

3. Language design of the statement - the vocabulary and grammar you use, your mistakes and pronunciation are assessed here

The maximum for this criterion can be 2 points.

For example, for language design you will receive:

2 points - if your vocabulary and grammatical structures used will be of a high level of difficulty and will meet the task.

Allowed no more than 2 non-rough lekiko-grammatical mistakes AND / OR no more than 2 non-gross phonetic errors.

1 point - vocabulary and grammar mostly correspond to the task at hand,

allowed no more than 4x lekiko-grammatical mistakes AND / OR no more than 4 phonetic errors.

0 points - if understanding the monologue is difficult due to numerous errors (5 or more lekiko-grammatical errors)

AND / OR 5 or more phonetic errors.

If you look at our answer,

Criteria for assessing the tasks of the oral part of the exam in foreign languages

Task 2 (maximum - 5 points).

Each of the five questions asked is evaluated separately.

Tasks 3 and 4 (description of a photo and comparison of two photos) - 7 points for one task (maximum - 14 points).

Points Solution of a communication problem (content) * Organization of utterance Language design of the statement
The communicative task is completed in full: the content fully, accurately and in detail reflects all the aspects specified in the task (12-15 phrases)
The communicative task is partially completed: one aspect is not disclosed (the rest are fully disclosed), OR one or two are disclosed incompletely (9-11 phrases) The statement is logical and complete; there are introductory and closing phrases corresponding to the topic. Logic communication tools are used correctly The used vocabulary, grammatical structures, phonetic design of the statement correspond to the task at hand (no more than two rough lexical and grammatical errors are allowed AND / OR no more than two rough phonetic errors)
The communicative task is not fully completed: two aspects are not disclosed (the rest are fully disclosed) OR all aspects are incompletely disclosed (6-8 phrases) The statement is mostly logical and has a rather complete character, BUT there is no introductory AND / OR final phrase, AND / OR means of logical connection are not used enough The vocabulary used, grammatical structures, phonetic design of the statement basically correspond to the task at hand (no more than four lexical and grammatical errors are allowed (of which no more than two gross) OR / AND no more than four phonetic errors (of which no more than two gross)
The communicative task is completed by less than 50%: three or more aspects of the content are not disclosed (5 or less phrases) The statement is illogical AND / OR is not complete; there are no introductory and closing phrases; logical communication means are practically not used Understanding the utterance is difficult due to numerous lexico-grammatical and phonetic errors (five or more lexical-grammatical errors AND / OR five or more phonetic errors) OR more than two gross errors

*Note. When the examinee receives 0 points according to the criterion "Solution of a communication problem", the entire task is evaluated at 0 points.


English language. The oral part. Additional grading scheme for assignment 1 "Reading text aloud"

English language. The oral part. Additional grading scheme for assignment 2 (conditional questioning dialogue).

Expert's full name _____________________________ Expert code ____________________

Holistic assessment Question 1 in terms of content meets the task; has the correct grammatical form of a direct question; possible phonetic and lexical errors do not impede perception
Question 2 in terms of content meets the task; has the correct grammatical form of a direct question; possible phonetic and lexical errors do not impede perception
Question 3 meets the task in terms of content; has the correct grammatical form of a direct question; possible phonetic and lexical errors do not impede perception
Question 4 answers the task in terms of content; has the correct grammatical form of a direct question; possible phonetic and lexical errors do not impede perception
Question 5 in terms of content meets the task; has the correct grammatical form of a direct question; possible phonetic and lexical errors do not impede perception
FINAL SCORE (maximum score - 5)

English language. The oral part. Additional assessment scheme for assignment 3 (photo description).

Expert's full name _____________________________ Expert code ____________________

Aspect 1. The answer to the question when the photo was taken is given
Aspect 2: The answer to the question of who / what is shown in the photo is given
Aspect 3: The answer to the question of what happens in the photo is given
Aspect 4: The answer to the question why the author took this photo is given
Aspect 5: The answer to the question why the author decided to show this photo to a friend is given
2. Organization Presence of introduction and conclusion, completeness of the statement

English language. The oral part. Additional grading scheme for task 4 (comparison of two photos).

Expert's full name _____________________________ Expert code ____________________

1. Solution of a communication problem (Contents) Aspect 1. A brief description of the photos (what happens in the photo and where) is given
Aspect 2: The answer to the question about the similarity of photographs is given
Aspect 3: The answer to the difference question is given
Aspect 4: The answer to the question about the preferences of the examinee is given
Aspect 5: Justification of your preferences given
FINAL SCORE (maximum score - 3)
2. Organization Presence of introduction and conclusion, completeness of the statement
Consistency and use of logical communication means
FINAL SCORE (maximum score - 2)

Communicative competence and its components are interpreted somewhat differently in the foreign and domestic methodological tradition by different scientific and practical schools, which, nevertheless, mostly agree in its linguo-methodological description. For a detailed comparative analysis, see: V.V. Safonova. Communicative competence: modern approaches to multilevel description for methodological purposes. - M .: Euroshkola, 2004.

Federal component of the state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in foreign languages. // New state standards in a foreign language. 2-11 grades. / Education in documents and comments. - M .: AST. Astrel, 2004.p.93.

Federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, 2004.

See M.V. Verbitskaya. Verification of oral speech skills in the unified state exam in a foreign language. - .. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements: Collection of articles for the fifth anniversary of the Institute / ed. A.G. Ershova, G.S. Kovaleva. - M., EKSMO, 2007.S. 98-107.

GEF 2012

Solovova E.N., Rodomanchenko A.S. Forms of control of monologic skills in international examinations in English .- // Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school, 2013, No. 2, pp. 39-46.

The first digit denotes the number of the task by numbering the tasks of the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages, i.e. task 1 - reading the text aloud, task 2 - questions; task 3 - description of the photo, task 4 - comparison of two photos. The second number indicates a specific option.

The third digit conventionally denotes the student's specific answer being analyzed.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

Preparation strategies and assessment criteria for the "Speaking" section of the OGE in English. Gorbunova N.G., head of TUMO of teachers of foreign languages

2 slide

Slide Description:

The format of the oral part of the OGE Task 1 - the basic level of reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time is 1.5 minutes. Task 2 - the basic level of conditional questioning dialogue: answer six telephone survey questions heard in the audio recording. Task 3 - high level, it is necessary to build a complete coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on the plan presented in the form of indirect questions. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes

3 slide

Slide Description:

Task number 1 Task 34 You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud. We are always told that we should clean our teeth regularly to keep them healthy and to have fresh breath. It is believed that people started using a kind of paste to clean their teeth around 5000 years ago. However, the ingredients of these tooth powders were very different from ours. For example, the people of ancient Egypt used salt, mint, dried flowers and pepper to create tooth powder. Later, in the 18th century, in some countries in Europe, people brushed their teeth with burnt bread. The first toothpaste appeared in 1890, in Great Britain. At first it was sold in jars. Then special tubes were designed to make the toothpaste more comfortable to use.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Common mistakes Stunning consonants (read "bad" bat instead of bad). Wrong sounds (read "bad" bed instead of bad). Numbers: 13 - 30 (thirTEEN - THIRty). Numbers: Elizabeth II (Elizabeth the second). Numbers: 5,000,000 people (five million_ people). Words that are not read according to the rules (recipe, busy, etc). Different parts of speech: preSENT (to give, present) - PREsent (gift). Different forms of the verb: read - read.

5 slide

Slide Description:

Activity 1: exercises to prepare Reading after the tape Reading alone Choral reading 1-minute “breaking news” activity “Phrase-of-the-day” and quotations Topic vocabulary

6 slide

Slide Description:

7 slide

Slide Description:

Task 2 - conditional questioning dialogue What is being evaluated? The communicative component of the answer Completeness of the answer Allowed lexical, grammatical and phonetic errors that do not impede perception Maximum score - 6 points

8 slide

Slide Description:

Strategies for completing Assignment 2 Listen carefully to the question, try to remember it Pay attention to the tense at which the question is asked Use short and clear wording Remember, you have 40 seconds to give a detailed answer Maximum score - 6 points

9 slide

Slide Description:

What to do? Hear the topic. Understand the question (listen to the question words and the details of the question). Formulate an answer. Answer all parts of the question. Assume the following questions.

10 slide

Slide Description:

You can: Answer in one complete sentence. Don't answer right away. Correct your answer several times. Make mistakes that don't make it difficult to understand. You cannot: Answer with one word or phrase. Listen to the question again. Ask again. See questions. Speak another language.

11 slide

Slide Description:

Pitfalls Double Question (What do you like to do in your free time? Why?). The wording of the question (What are the most serious ecological problems in your town?). How often? (Often, seldom, sometimes. - Twice a week, once a year). Questions: would like - like.

12 slide

Slide Description:

Training Strategies Electronic assistant: How old are you? Student: ________________________ Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports? Student: _________________________ Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region? Student: ________________________ Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live? Student: _________________________ Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit? Student: _________________________ Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit? Student: ________________________

13 slide

Slide Description:

Activity 2: exercises to prepare Matching “Question - Answer” Correcting mistakes Expanding short answers Using pictures as a discussion Interviews (pair-work) Games (questions - answers) Role-playing situations

Slide Description:

Task 3 You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say: what your city, town or village is famous for; what your favorite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it; whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why. You have to talk continuously.

15 slide

Slide Description:

What is assessed in Task 3 Solution of the communicative task - detailed answers to all questions are given - 3 points max Organization of the statement - the presence of an introductory and final phrase, the completeness of the statement, the correct use of logical communication means - 2 points max Language design - 2 points max - no more than FOUR lax lexical-grammatical errors AND / OR no more than THREE lax phonetic errors Maximum score - 7 points

16 slide

Slide Description:

Criteria for assessing the skills of primary school students

(English language)

When teaching English to children 9-10 years old, it is hardly worth talking about the direct control of educational actions, pronunciation, grammatical, lexical skills, as well as the speech skills of students. At the same time, classes in a foreign language, as well as in any general education subject included in the schedule of primary school hours, should be assessed at some fixed intervals of study time (quarters, semesters, years). When studying the course, it is supposed to conduct 3 types of control :current: During the current control, no emphasis is placed on the control lesson, and the ZUN check is carried out in a playful, unobtrusive manner. (ZUN control on vocabulary, grammar, spelling);midterm: (listening, reading, speaking or writing at the end of the quarter);

final: An important condition for monitoring and assessing the speech skills of students is also the observance of the following condition: the nature of the tasks offered as control tasks must be well known to the students. (control of all types of speech activity at the end of the academic year). The results of verification (control) work are assessed on a five-point scale.

Criteria for assessing the skills and abilities of grade 3 students

Speaking Assessment Criteria Monologue

Assessment Response characteristics

The student logically builds a monologue statement (description, story) in accordance with the communicative task formulated in the assignment. Lexical units and grammatical structures are used appropriately. There are practically no errors. The student's speech is understandable: almost all sounds in the speech stream are pronounced correctly, the correct intonation pattern is observed. The volume of the utterance is at least 5 phrases

The student logically builds a monologue statement (description, story) in accordance with the communicative task formulated in the assignment. The lexical units and grammatical structures used correspond to the set communicative task. The student makes some lexical and grammatical mistakes that do not interfere with the understanding of his speech. The student's speech is understandable, the student does not make phonemic mistakes. The volume of the utterance is at least 5 phrases

The student builds a monologue statement (description, story) in accordance with the communicative task formulated in the assignment. But: - the utterance is not always logical, there are repetitions, - lexical and grammatical errors are made that make it difficult to understand. The respondent's speech is generally understandable, the student mainly observes the intonation pattern. Expression volume - less than 5 phrases

Communication task not completed. The content of the answer does not correspond to the communicative task set in the task. Numerous lexical and grammatical errors are made that make it difficult to understand. Speech is poorly perceived by ear due to the large number of phonemic errors.

Dialogue form Assessment Response characteristics

The student logically builds dialogical communication in accordance with the communicative task. The student demonstrates the skills and abilities of verbal interaction with a partner: he is able to start, support and end a conversation. The language material used corresponds to the supplied KZ. There are practically no lexical and grammatical errors.

The student's speech is understandable: he does not make phonemic errors, he pronounces almost all sounds in the speech stream correctly, and observes the correct intonation pattern. The volume of the statement is at least 3-4 remarks on each side. 4 The student logically builds dialogical communication in accordance with the communicative task. The student as a whole demonstrates the skills and abilities of language interaction with a partner: he is able to start, support and end a conversation. The vocabulary and grammatical structures used correspond to the stated short-term. Some lexical errors may be made that do not hinder understanding. The speech is clear: there are no phonemic errors, practically all sounds in the speech stream are pronounced correctly, basically observes the correct intonation pattern. The volume of the statement is less than a given: 3 - 4 replicas on each side. 3 The student logically builds a dialogue in accordance with the KZ. However, he does not seek to maintain the conversation. The used LE and GS correspond to the supplied short circuit. Phonemic, lexical and grammatical errors do not impede communication. But: - there are violations in the use of vocabulary, - some gross grammatical mistakes are made. Common and simple words are not pronounced correctly. The volume of the statement is less than a given: 3 - 4 replicas on each side. 2 short circuit not executed. The student does not know how to build dialogical communication, cannot maintain a conversation. An extremely limited vocabulary is used, numerous lexical and grammatical errors are made, which make it difficult to understand. Speech is poorly perceived by ear due to the large number of phonemic errors. Student Reading Assessment Criteria

Rating Reading characteristic

He is fluent in reading rules, practically does not make mistakes. The pace of reading is fluent, natural (close to natural). He makes minor mistakes and easily corrects them himself. Demonstrates mastery of all the learned reading rules. The student fully understood the content of the text and completed all the tasks for the texts.

He has a good command of the reading technique, makes 2-4 mistakes within the studied material, which do not interfere with the general understanding of the reading, and he can correct them himself. Reading at a steady pace, with small pauses. The student understood the content of the text, excluding the details and having completed 2/3 of the tasks to the text.

The rate of speech is low, with noticeable pauses. Uses simple speech models. Makes a large number of mistakes, sometimes preventing reading comprehension. The student understood only the main content of the text and completed 1/3 of the tasks to the text

A large number of gross errors that often impede the understanding of the meaning of the read. The reading rate is low. Does not know the rules of reading, makes a large number of gross mistakes that impede reading comprehension. The reading pace is very slow.

Student Listening Assessment Criteria

Evaluation Characteristics of responses

The students fully understood the content of the text by ear and completed all the tasks in the text. Complete understanding (90-100%) The maximum allowable number of semantic errors (distortion, omission, addition of information) when answering questions to the listened text - 1. The maximum number of grammatical errors - 1.

The students understood the content of the text without details by ear and completed 2/3 of the tasks. More than 70% of the content is understood. The maximum allowable number of semantic errors (distortion, omission, addition of information) when answering questions to the listened text is 2. The maximum number of grammatical errors is 2.

The students understood only the main meaning of the text by ear with a slight distortion of the details of the content and completed 1/3 of the tasks. More than 50% of the content is understood. The maximum allowable number of semantic errors (distortion, omission, addition of information) when answering questions to the text heard is 2. The maximum number of grammatical errors is 4.

The students did not understand the content of the text and did not complete the tasks in the text correctly. Less than 50% of the content is understood. The maximum allowable number of semantic errors when answering questions about the text heard is more than 3. The maximum number of grammatical errors is 5.

Criteria for evaluating student writing

Mark The volume of correctly completed tasks (in% of the total amount of work) 5 Exceeds 75% The student has completed 4 tasks grammatically correctly. 4 Does not exceed 65-75% The student has completed 3 tasks, making 2-3 grammatical mistakes. 3 Does not exceed 50% -65% The student made 4-5 grammatical mistakes and completed 1 task. 2 Does not exceed 25% The student did not complete any assignment correctly.




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