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  Maintenance of a motor-cultivator Neva MK 100. Attachments for a motor-cultivator Neva
Loads and weighting materials for motoblocks Gripping hooks for motoblocks Woodworking attachments for motoblocks Choppers for motoblocks Potato diggers for motoblocks Potato planters for motoblocks Mowers for motoblocks Shovels and dumps for motoblocks for motorblocks for motorblocks for motorblocks for motorblocks for motor blocks for motoblocks Couplings for motoblocks Trolleys and trailers for motoblocks Axle extensions for motoblocks Mills for tillers for tillers "Brushes); if (arAjaxPageData.TITLE) BX.ajax.UpdatePageTitle (arAjaxPageData.TITLE); if (arAjaxPageData.WINDOW_TITLE || arAjaxPageData.TITLE) BX.ajax.UpdateWindowTitle (arAjaxPageData.WINDOW_TITLE || arAjaxPageData.TITLE ); if (arAjaxPageData.NAV_CHAIN) BX.ajax.UpdatePageNavChain (arAjaxPageData.NAV_CHAIN);)); $ (document) .ready (function () ($ (". ibsb a"). attr ("href", "/ catalog / pololniki_i_rykhliteli_dlya_motoblokov / mobil_k / "); $ (". ibsb "). show (); )); (function (w, d, nv, ls) (var lwait \u003d function (w, on, trf, dly, ma, orf, osf) (var pfx \u003d "ctawait", sfx \u003d "_completed"; if (! w) (var ci \u003d clearInterval, si \u003d setInterval, st \u003d setTimeout, cmld \u003d function () (if (! w) (w \u003d true; if ((w && (w.timer))) (ci (w.timer); w \u003d null;) orf (w);)); if (! w ||! osf) (if (trf (w)) (cmld ();) else (if (! w) (w \u003d (timer: si (function () (if (trf (w) || ma 0 && !! cnt && cnt.get? cnt.get ("clientId"): null;) catch (e) (console.warn ("Unable to get clientId , Error: "+ e.message);) ct (w, d," script ", clId, n);), function (f) (w [o] (function () (f (w [o]); ))));) else (ct (w, d, "script", , n);)); var cid \u003d function () (try (var m1 \u003d d.cookie.match ("(?: ^ | ;) \\ s_ga \u003d ([^;]) "); if (! (m1 && m1.length\u003e 1)) return null; var m2 \u003d decodeURIComponent (m1) .match (/ (\\ d +. \\ d +) $ / ); if (! (m2 && m2.length\u003e 1)) return null; return m2) catch (err) ()) (); if (cid \u003d\u003d\u003d null && !! w.GoogleAnalyticsObject) (if (w. GoogleAnalyticsObject \u003d\u003d "ga_ckpr") w.ct_ga \u003d "ga"; else w.ct_ga \u003d w.GoogleAnalyticsOb ject; if (typeof Promise! \u003d\u003d "undefined" && Promise.toString (). indexOf ("")! \u003d\u003d -1) (new Promise (function (resolve) (var db, on \u003d function () (resolve (true) ), off \u003d function () (resolve (false)), tryls \u003d function tryls () (try (ls && ls.length? off (): (ls.x \u003d 1, ls.removeItem ("x"), off ());) catch (e) (nv.cookieEnabled? on (): off ();)); w.webkitRequestFileSystem? webkitRequestFileSystem (0, 0, off, on): "MozAppearance" in d.documentElement.style? (db \u003d indexedDB.open ("test"), db.onerror \u003d on, db.onsuccess \u003d off): /constructor/i.test(w.HTMLElement)? tryls ():! w.indexedDB && (w.PointerEvent || w.MSPointerEvent)? on (): off ();)). then (function (pm) (if (pm) (gaid (w, d, w.ct_ga, ct, 2);) else (gaid (w, d, w.ct_ga , ct, 3);)))) else (gaid (w, d, w.ct_ga, ct, 4);)) else (ct (w, d, "script", cid, 1);))) ( window, document, navigator, localStorage); var jsControl \u003d new JCTitleSearch2 ((// "WAIT_IMAGE": "/bitrix/themes/.default/images/wait.gif", "AJAX_PAGE": "/ products / pololniki_dlya_motokultivatora_neva_mk_100 /", "CONTAINER_ID": " , "INPUT_ID": "title-search-input", "MIN_QUERY_LEN": 2));

A feature of the domestic agricultural machinery market is that most of it is occupied by units created on the basis of Soviet developments. These include the Neva MK-100 motor cultivator. It is available in various versions, most of which are practically no different from each other. Nevertheless, there are models that have an increased motor resource - they are the ones that are most popular among buyers.

Features of representatives of the Neva lineup

The sole leader among the entire range of Neva cultivators is the MK-100 07 model and its more modern version, MK-100 07P. These two modifications are practically no different. The main difference is only that the improved version is equipped with protective discs that prevent the cutters from pulling the weed into the engine or gearbox. The MK-100 08 model also deserves attention, although its engine is slightly weaker than in the previous two units. Its popularity is due to the expanded configuration. The unit kit consists of:

  • Coupling mechanism;
  • Plow;
  • Universal hiller;
  • Lugs;
  • Flat cutter;
  • Potato planters.

This Neva MK-100 cultivator is powered by a Subaru EX 13 motor. Older models, such as the MK-100 04, have less weight. It is not very convenient for plowing heavy soils. This unit is equipped with a 4-stroke Honda GC135 engine, which is also installed on the MK-100 05 model. In comparison, one of the first cultivator modifications, for example, MK-100 02, was equipped with more powerful American Briggs & Stratton motors, it had more weight. At work, they proved to be much more practical than one of the most popular modern configurations - MK-100 06.

Neva MK-100 - design and unit capabilities

The Neva MK-100 cultivator can be equipped with a gear-coupling or V-belt transmission. The entire design of the models is assembled so that the center of gravity is located as low as possible. If the physical weight of the cultivator is not enough for effective plowing, then the unit can be weighted with additional weight. To do this, install the load on a stand in front of the cultivator.

The design of most models is equipped with a folding wheel, which is used to transport the switched off unit. Small dimensions make it easy to transport a car in the trunk of a passenger car.

A 4-stroke engine has an undeniable advantage - it throws a minimal amount of exhaust into the air, and consumes much less fuel than 2-stroke engines. Modern models of cultivators consume no more than 280 g / hour of work.

Thanks to a well thought out design, the unit shows excellent performance. It copes well with tall weeds, pumps large volumes of water at a time, and can be used to plow heavy dry soils. Compared with analogues in this price category, it crashes much less frequently even under conditions of intensive use.

The balanced design makes the Neva MK-100 a solid middle peasant in terms of price and quality. Among the main technical indicators of the model stands out:

  • Motor power is 5 liters. from.;
  • Engine displacement - 183 cm 3;
  • 3.8 liter fuel tank, powered by AI-92 and AI-95 gasoline;
  • The presence of sharp milling cutters, with a diameter of 32 cm .;
  • Physical weight is 51 kg.

With a modest size, the unit processes the soil in small and abundantly planted areas. The depth of plowing is not more than 20 cm. The width of the covered strip is up to 60 cm.

The manufacturer does not recommend using the unit on land with a large number of small stones. They can damage the gearbox and the clutch cable located in the immediate vicinity of the cutters. In addition, such soil will create an additional load on the cultivator engine, which will lead to its overheating. It is also not advisable to use the model on too wet soil, so as not to provoke the onset of corrosion of cutters.

The best choice for summer residents, small and medium land holdings is just a light cultivator, and not a walk-behind tractor. 5-hp Neva MK-100 motor cultivator effectively processes the soil on land plots of 10-15 acres, performs almost all agricultural work, transports goods.

When installing additional agricultural devices, an adapter with a seat, a mini-trailer, the cultivator can be loaded with work throughout the year.

Lineup of motor-cultivators Neva MK-100

Several modifications of the hundredth model are produced, they differ in the brand of the installed motor, technical capabilities, and functionality. Developed versions that are equipped with engines with increased engine life, these modifications are in special demand among gardeners and gardeners.

The following models are currently on the market:

Neva MK-100 02

The younger version of the cultivator, equipped with the Briggs & Stratton engine, is considered obsolete, although it is distinguished by a rather large weight and a powerful engine.

Neva MK-100 04, MK-100 05

Outdated models with engines Honda GC135, with top gas distribution. Due to the light weight, small volume of the fuel tank are not very popular.

Popular modification.

The most popular model is this version of the cultivator with a 5 hp RobinSubaru engine, the unit's engine life is 2 thousand engine hours.

The MK-100 07p model has identical characteristics with the previous version, and is additionally equipped with protective discs that prevent weeds from entering the gearbox or cultivator motor.

The unit is equipped with a Robin Subaru EX13 motor with a cast-iron sleeve of the combustion chamber. The great demand for the model is explained by the expanded equipment with additional tools, in contrast to the basic models: hiller, plane cutter, metal grousers, potato planter, coupler, plow. Another marking of this model is the Neva MK-100-mini motor cultivator.

Neva MK-100 09

One of the latest models is equipped with the upgraded Japanese Honda GX120 engine.

Features of the device of a motor-cultivator Neva MK-100

  • All versions of the cultivator are equipped with economical four-stroke engines with moderate fuel consumption, reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
  • Characteristic of easy engine start.
  • As the transmission used gear-chain or V-belt transmission, characterized by high efficiency.
  • The center of gravity of the cultivator is lowered, which improves the balancing of the structure as a whole, facilitates the management of the unit.
  • To ensure better cross-country ability on heavy soil, a special stand for a weighting load is structurally provided.
  • For transportation of the Neva MK-100 motor cultivator there is a front folding wheel.
  • Due to its light weight and modest dimensions, the cultivator is placed in the trunk of a car.
  • The steering wheel can be adjusted for the growth of the operator.

Technical characteristics of a motor-cultivator Neva MK-100 07P


The Neva MK-100 motor cultivator is easily aggregated with various mounted implements, which significantly expands its capabilities: milling cutters, hiller, potato digger, harrow, lugs of various modifications, ploskorez, plow, mini-cart. In the popular MK-100-08 version, additional tools are standard, for other models purchased separately.



As the experience of many owners testifies, other attachments for agricultural and household work can be connected to the Neva motor-cultivator. For this, a universal coupling mechanism is used, which, when connecting the adapter and the trailer, carries various loads and discards snow.

Installation and assembly of cutters

Soil milling cutters with a diameter of 32 cm provide soil treatment with a working width of up to 60 cm to a depth of not more than 20 cm. The basic equipment of the cultivator provides for the installation of 4 mills, two more are optionally installed.

According to the owners of the equipment, there are no difficulties in re-equipping the cultivator. Having set the front transportation wheel in the supporting position, perform the necessary manipulations using a set of conventional tools.

Operational Features

The Neva MK-100 motor-cultivator consumes AI-92, AI-95 gasoline as fuel. The manufacturer recommends motor oil of the SAE 10W-30 brand, for transmission SAE 85W-90 oil. The new cultivator should be run in, the procedure is carried out for 20 hours in a gentle mode at about 2/3 of the power. Scheduled maintenance of the unit is performed after 100/200/500 hours.

The current inspection of the unit does not differ from standard operations during the operation of similar equipment: a mandatory check before operation, testing the reliability of the connections, cleaning after work, performing routine maintenance work with replacing consumables. Compliance with the operating instructions and the maintenance schedule significantly extends the life of the cultivator.

Possible malfunctions, repair

Malfunctions in the cultivator often arise due to negligence in the operation of the equipment, neglect of the manufacturer's recommendations.

If you have problems starting the engine, pay attention to the following points:

  • amount of fuel and oil
  • following the startup sequence prescribed by the instructions
  • clutch lever too sharp
  • spark plug condition
  • low ambient temperature
  • cultivator angle.

In case of slipping:

  • amount of fuel
  • filter cleanliness
  • insufficient cultivator mass
  • too hard soil.

Video review

Since 2002, St. Petersburg Aircraft Building Plant Red October has been producing such specialized agricultural equipment as the MK-100 Neva cultivator. The agricultural machines produced by the plant have an excellent reputation. Motocultivator "Neva" MK-100 is a reliable and budget option of excellent agricultural technology. Motor vehicles "Neva" are successfully sold not only in Russia, but also delivered well abroad.

In this article we will consider in detail the main features of such devices, technical specifications and scope.

General characteristics of Neva motor-cultivators

The following characteristics are characteristic for all models of Neva cultivators:

  • light weight;
  • compact processing tools;
  • low center of gravity (due to this, the probability of a possible rollover is reduced to zero);
  • high performance.

The Subaru electric motor is equipped with an electronic ignition system. The gear-chain gearbox has a high power efficiency indicator (Efficiency). Each unit model is additionally equipped with a transporting front wheel. Due to such characteristics, agronomists nicknamed the Neva MK-100-06 motor cultivator "a tireless employee of medium strength."

general description

Motocultivator MK-100-05 "Neva" belongs to the category of professional agricultural equipment. Such equipment compares favorably with the place of production - it is exclusively its own production using Briggs, Honda and Subaru engines.

The design is thoughtfully made - so that the center of gravity is from below. If the weight is insufficient, then on the Neva MK-100-04 motor-cultivator, you can separately install additional cargo, for example, on the stand located in front.

A characteristic feature of this agromachine is the folding wheel. It can be used to transport tools. The dimensions of the device are quite compact, therefore, the agromachine fits easily in the car trunk.

As an additional component comes a hiller. To use the pololnik, it must be purchased separately.

Key Specifications

Gear-chain and V-belt drives can serve as transmissions for the Neva MK-100-05 / 04/06 motor-cultivator.

In agricultural technology, a four-stroke electric motor is used. Due to this, this agronomic device has several important advantages, in particular:

  • significantly reduces fuel consumption;
  • reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmospheric layers.

The electric motor has a gasoline type. By power, the electric motor reaches five horsepower. The fuel tank is designed for 3.8 liters. The Neva MK-100 petrol cultivator is considered the most demanded device in dachas. Such an agricultural machine can even raise virgin soil. The gasoline unit is easy to drive. Thanks to this, even an elderly person can easily cope with them.

Motor-cultivator "Neva" MK-100-05 has a belt clutch. Among the technical characteristics, it should be noted the lack of reverse. The average mass of agricultural products of different models is fifty-one kilogram.

A great advantage of the device is its low noise. This makes the work more comfortable.

Scope of application

In the initial configuration, without changing the structural details, the Neva MK-100 cultivator is able to perform the following functions:

  • dig up potatoes;
  • interact with a disk harrow;
  • to carry out okuchniki - double-row and single-row;
  • cultivate the land with a plow.


Now you own the full amount of information on MK-100 Neva cultivators. Knowing their distinguishing features and technical characteristics, as well as the scope, you can easily navigate when choosing such an agricultural device and easily make the purchase of this unit. We are sure that our provided information has become useful for us in practical terms.



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