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Founder of the atomic bomb. The hydrogen bomb is a modern weapon of mass destruction

A democratic form of governance must be established in the USSR.

Vernadsky V.I.

The atomic bomb in the USSR was created on August 29, 1949 (the first successful launch). The project was led by academician Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov. The period of development of atomic weapons in the USSR lasted from 1942, and ended with testing on the territory of Kazakhstan. This broke the US monopoly on such weapons, because since 1945 they were the only nuclear power. The article is devoted to describing the history of the emergence of the Soviet nuclear bomb, as well as characterizing the consequences of these events for the USSR.

History of creation

In 1941, representatives of the USSR in New York conveyed information to Stalin that a meeting of physicists was being held in the United States, which was devoted to the development of nuclear weapons. Soviet scientists in the 1930s also worked on atomic research, the most famous being the splitting of the atom by scientists from Kharkov led by L. Landau. However, it never came to the point of actual use in weapons. In addition to the United States, Nazi Germany worked on this. At the end of 1941, the United States began its atomic project. Stalin found out about this at the beginning of 1942 and signed a decree on the creation of a laboratory in the USSR to create an atomic project; Academician I. Kurchatov became its leader.

There is an opinion that the work of US scientists was accelerated by the secret developments of German colleagues who came to America. In any case, in the summer of 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, the new US President G. Truman informed Stalin about the completion of work on a new weapon - the atomic bomb. Moreover, to demonstrate the work of American scientists, the US government decided to test the new weapon in combat: on August 6 and 9, bombs were dropped on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was the first time that humanity learned about a new weapon. It was this event that forced Stalin to speed up the work of his scientists. I. Kurchatov was summoned by Stalin and promised to fulfill any demands of the scientist, as long as the process proceeded as quickly as possible. Moreover, a state committee was created under the Council of People's Commissars, which oversaw the Soviet atomic project. It was headed by L. Beria.

Development has moved to three centers:

  1. The design bureau of the Kirov plant, working on the creation of special equipment.
  2. A diffuse plant in the Urals, which was supposed to work on the creation of enriched uranium.
  3. Chemical and metallurgical centers where plutonium was studied. It was this element that was used in the first Soviet-style nuclear bomb.

In 1946, the first Soviet unified nuclear center was created. It was a secret facility Arzamas-16, located in the city of Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region). In 1947, the first nuclear reactor was created at an enterprise near Chelyabinsk. In 1948, a secret training ground was created on the territory of Kazakhstan, near the city of Semipalatinsk-21. It was here that on August 29, 1949, the first explosion of the Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 was organized. This event was kept completely secret, but American Pacific aviation was able to record a sharp increase in radiation levels, which was evidence of the testing of a new weapon. Already in September 1949, G. Truman announced the presence of an atomic bomb in the USSR. Officially, the USSR admitted to the presence of these weapons only in 1950.

Several main consequences of the successful development of atomic weapons by Soviet scientists can be identified:

  1. Loss of the US status as a single state with atomic weapons. This not only equalized the USSR with the USA in terms of military power, but also forced the latter to think through each of their military steps, since now they had to fear for the response of the USSR leadership.
  2. The presence of atomic weapons in the USSR secured its status as a superpower.
  3. After the USA and the USSR were equalized in the availability of atomic weapons, the race for their quantity began. States spent huge amounts of money to outdo their competitors. Moreover, attempts began to create even more powerful weapons.
  4. These events marked the start of the nuclear race. Many countries have begun to invest resources to add to the list of nuclear weapons states and ensure their security.

On August 12, 1953, at 7.30 am, the first Soviet hydrogen bomb was tested at the Semipalatinsk test site, which had the service name “Product RDS-6c”. This was the fourth Soviet nuclear weapons test.

The beginning of the first work on the thermonuclear program in the USSR dates back to 1945. Then information was received about research being carried out in the United States on the thermonuclear problem. They were started on the initiative of the American physicist Edward Teller in 1942. The basis was taken by Teller’s concept of thermonuclear weapons, which in the circles of Soviet nuclear scientists was called a “pipe” - a cylindrical container with liquid deuterium, which was supposed to be heated by the explosion of an initiating device such as a conventional atomic bomb. Only in 1950 did the Americans establish that the “pipe” was futile, and they continued to develop other designs. But by this time, Soviet physicists had already independently developed another concept of thermonuclear weapons, which soon - in 1953 - led to success.

An alternative design for a hydrogen bomb was invented by Andrei Sakharov. The bomb was based on the idea of ​​a “puff” and the use of lithium-6 deuteride. Developed at KB-11 (today the city of Sarov, former Arzamas-16, Nizhny Novgorod region), the RDS-6s thermonuclear charge was a spherical system of layers of uranium and thermonuclear fuel, surrounded by a chemical explosive.

Academician Sakharov - deputy and dissidentMay 21 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet physicist, politician, dissident, one of the creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, Nobel Peace Prize winner academician Andrei Sakharov. He died in 1989 at the age of 68, seven of which Andrei Dmitrievich spent in exile.

To increase the energy release of the charge, tritium was used in its design. The main task in creating such a weapon was to use the energy released during the explosion of an atomic bomb to heat and ignite heavy hydrogen - deuterium, to carry out thermonuclear reactions with the release of energy that can support themselves. To increase the proportion of “burnt” deuterium, Sakharov proposed surrounding the deuterium with a shell of ordinary natural uranium, which was supposed to slow down the expansion and, most importantly, significantly increase the density of deuterium. The phenomenon of ionization compression of thermonuclear fuel, which became the basis of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb, is still called “saccharization.”

Based on the results of work on the first hydrogen bomb, Andrei Sakharov received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and laureate of the Stalin Prize.

“Product RDS-6s” was made in the form of a transportable bomb weighing 7 tons, which was placed in the bomb hatch of a Tu-16 bomber. For comparison, the bomb created by the Americans weighed 54 tons and was the size of a three-story house.

To assess the destructive effects of the new bomb, a city of industrial and administrative buildings was built at the Semipalatinsk test site. In total, there were 190 different structures on the field. In this test, vacuum intakes of radiochemical samples were used for the first time, which automatically opened under the influence of a shock wave. In total, 500 different measuring, recording and filming devices installed in underground casemates and durable ground structures were prepared for testing the RDS-6s. Aviation technical support for the tests - measuring the pressure of the shock wave on the aircraft in the air at the time of the explosion of the product, taking air samples from the radioactive cloud, and aerial photography of the area was carried out by a special flight unit. The bomb was detonated remotely by sending a signal from a remote control located in the bunker.

It was decided to carry out an explosion on a steel tower 40 meters high, the charge was located at a height of 30 meters. The radioactive soil from previous tests was removed to a safe distance, special structures were built in their own places on old foundations, and a bunker was built 5 meters from the tower to install equipment developed at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences that recorded thermonuclear processes.

Military equipment from all branches of the military was installed on the field. During the tests, all experimental structures within a radius of up to four kilometers were destroyed. A hydrogen bomb explosion could completely destroy a city 8 kilometers across. The environmental consequences of the explosion were terrifying: the first explosion accounted for 82% strontium-90 and 75% cesium-137.

The power of the bomb reached 400 kilotons, 20 times more than the first atomic bombs in the USA and USSR.

Destruction of the last nuclear warhead in Semipalatinsk. ReferenceOn May 31, 1995, the last nuclear warhead was destroyed at the former Semipalatinsk test site. The Semipalatinsk test site was created in 1948 specifically to test the first Soviet nuclear device. The test site was located in northeastern Kazakhstan.

The work to create the hydrogen bomb became the world's first intellectual "battle of wits" on a truly global scale. The creation of the hydrogen bomb initiated the emergence of completely new scientific directions - the physics of high-temperature plasma, the physics of ultra-high energy densities, and the physics of anomalous pressures. For the first time in human history, mathematical modeling was used on a large scale.

Work on the “RDS-6s product” created a scientific and technical basis, which was then used in the development of an incomparably more advanced hydrogen bomb of a fundamentally new type - a two-stage hydrogen bomb.

The hydrogen bomb of Sakharov’s design not only became a serious counter-argument in the political confrontation between the USA and the USSR, but also served as the reason for the rapid development of Soviet cosmonautics in those years. It was after successful nuclear tests that the Korolev Design Bureau received an important government task to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile to deliver the created charge to the target. Subsequently, the rocket, called the “seven”, launched the first artificial Earth satellite into space, and it was on it that the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, launched.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Truth in the penultimate instance

There are not many things in the world that are considered indisputable. Well, I think you know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. And that the Moon revolves around the Earth, too. And about the fact that the Americans were the first to create the atomic bomb, ahead of both the Germans and the Russians.

That’s what I thought too, until about four years ago when an old magazine came into my hands. He left my beliefs about the sun and moon alone, but faith in American leadership has been shaken quite seriously. It was a plump volume on German— file of the journal “Theoretical Physics” for 1938. I don’t remember why I went there, but quite unexpectedly I came across an article by Professor Otto Hahn.

The name was familiar to me. It was Hahn, the famous German physicist and radiochemist, who in 1938, together with another prominent scientist, Fritz Straussmann, discovered the fission of the uranium nucleus, essentially launching work on the creation of nuclear weapons. At first I just skimmed the article diagonally, but then completely unexpected phrases forced me to become more attentive. And, ultimately, I even forget about why I initially picked up this magazine.

Hahn's article was devoted to a review of nuclear developments in different countries ah peace. Strictly speaking, there was nothing special to see: everywhere except Germany, nuclear research was in the background. They didn't see much point. " This abstract matter has nothing to do with state needs“,” said British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain around the same time, when he was asked to support British atomic research with budget money.

« Let these bespectacled scientists look for money themselves, the state is full of other problems! — this is what most world leaders thought in the 1930s. With the exception, of course, of the Nazis, who financed the nuclear program.
But it was not Chamberlain's passage, carefully quoted by Hahn, that attracted my attention. The author of these lines is not particularly interested in England at all. Much more interesting was what Hahn wrote about the state of nuclear research in the United States. And he literally wrote the following:

If we talk about a country in which nuclear fission processes are given least attention, then it should undoubtedly be called the USA. Of course, I'm not considering Brazil or the Vatican right now. However among developed countries even Italy and communist Russia are significantly ahead of the US. Little attention is paid to the problems of theoretical physics on the other side of the ocean; priority is given to applied developments that can provide immediate profit. Therefore, I can confidently say that during the next decade the North Americans will not be able to do anything significant for the development of atomic physics.

At first I just laughed. Wow, how wrong my compatriot was! And only then did I think: whatever one may say, Otto Hahn was not a simpleton or an amateur. He was well informed about the state of atomic research, especially since before the outbreak of World War II this topic was freely discussed in scientific circles.

Maybe the Americans misinformed the whole world? But for what purpose? No one had yet thought about atomic weapons in the 1930s. Moreover, most scientists considered its creation impossible in principle. That is why, until 1939, the whole world instantly learned about all new achievements in atomic physics - they were published completely openly in scientific journals. No one hid the fruits of their labor; on the contrary, between various groups Scientists (almost exclusively Germans) were openly competing - who would move forward faster?

Maybe scientists in the States were ahead of the rest of the world and therefore kept their achievements secret? Not a bad guess. To confirm or refute it, we will have to consider the history of the creation of the American atomic bomb - at least as it appears in official publications. We are all accustomed to taking it for granted. However, upon closer examination, there are so many oddities and inconsistencies in it that you are simply amazed.

From the world by thread - Bomb to the States

The year 1942 started well for the British. The German invasion of their small island, which had seemed inevitable, now, as if by magic, retreated into the foggy distance. Last summer, Hitler made the main mistake of his life - he attacked Russia. This was the beginning of the end. The Russians not only survived despite the hopes of Berlin strategists and the pessimistic forecasts of many observers, but also gave the Wehrmacht a good kick in the teeth during the frosty winter. And in December, the large and powerful United States came to the aid of the British, which now became an official ally. In general, there were more than enough reasons for joy.

Only a few high-ranking officials who had information received by British intelligence were not happy. At the end of 1941, the British learned that the Germans were developing their atomic research at a frantic pace.. The final goal of this process also became clear: a nuclear bomb. British atomic scientists were competent enough to imagine the threat posed by the new weapon.

At the same time, the British had no illusions about their capabilities. All the country's resources were aimed at basic survival. Although the Germans and Japanese were up to their necks fighting the Russians and Americans, they occasionally found an opportunity to poke their fists at the crumbling edifice of the British Empire. From each such poke, the rotten building staggered and creaked, threatening to collapse.

Rommel's three divisions pinned down almost the entire combat-ready British army in North Africa. Admiral Dönitz's submarines, like predatory sharks, darted in the Atlantic, threatening to interrupt the vital supply line from overseas. Britain simply did not have the resources to enter into a nuclear race with the Germans. The backlog was already large, and in the very near future it threatened to become hopeless.

It must be said that the Americans were skeptical at first about such a gift. War Department I couldn’t quite understand why he should spend money on some obscure project. What other new weapons are there? Here are aircraft carrier groups and armadas of heavy bombers - yes, this is power. And the nuclear bomb, which scientists themselves imagine very vaguely, is just an abstraction, an old wives’ tale.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had to directly appeal to American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt with a request, literally a plea, not to reject the English gift. Roosevelt summoned scientists, looked into the issue and gave the go-ahead.

Usually the creators of the canonical legend of the American bomb use this episode to emphasize the wisdom of Roosevelt. Look, what an insightful president! We will look at this with slightly different eyes: in what kind of pen were the Yankees' atomic research if they refused to cooperate with the British for so long and stubbornly!

This means that Hahn was absolutely right in his assessment of the American nuclear scientists - they were nothing solid.

As a matter of fact, when Oppenheimer was asked to recruit specialists, he had very little choice. Good nuclear physicists in the States could be counted on the fingers of a crippled hand. Therefore, the professor made a wise decision - to recruit people whom he knew personally and whom he could trust, regardless of what area of ​​​​physics they had previously worked on. And so it turned out that the lion's share of the places were occupied by Columbia University employees from the Manhattan area (by the way, this is why the project received the name Manhattan).

But even these forces turned out to be not enough. It was necessary to involve British scientists in the work, literally devastating English research centers, and even specialists from Canada. In general, the Manhattan Project turned into a kind of Tower of Babel, with the only difference being that all its participants spoke at least the same language. However, this did not save us from the usual quarrels and squabbles in the scientific community that arose due to the rivalry of different scientific groups. Echoes of these tensions can be found on the pages of Groves’ book, and they look very funny: the general, on the one hand, wants to convince the reader that everything was orderly and decent, and on the other, to brag about how cleverly he managed to reconcile the scientific luminaries who had completely quarreled.

And so they are trying to convince us that in this friendly atmosphere of a large terrarium, the Americans managed to create an atomic bomb in two and a half years. But the Germans, who cheerfully and amicably labored over their nuclear project for five years, failed to do this. Miracles, and that's all.

However, even if there were no squabbles, such record times would still arouse suspicion. The fact is that in the research process you need to go through certain stages, which are almost impossible to shorten. The Americans themselves attribute their success to gigantic funding - ultimately, Over two billion dollars were spent on the Manhattan Project! However, no matter how you feed a pregnant woman, she still will not be able to give birth to a full-term baby before nine months. It’s the same with the nuclear project: it is impossible to significantly speed up, for example, the process of uranium enrichment.

The Germans worked for five years with full effort. Of course, they made mistakes and miscalculations that took away valuable time. But who said that the Americans did not make mistakes and miscalculations? There were, and a lot of them. One of these mistakes was the involvement of the famous physicist Niels Bohr.

Unknown Skorzeny operation

The British intelligence services are very fond of boasting about one of their operations. It's about about salvation from Nazi Germany the great Danish scientist Niels Bohr. The official legend says that after the outbreak of World War II, the outstanding physicist lived quietly and calmly in Denmark, leading a fairly secluded lifestyle. The Nazis offered him cooperation many times, but Bohr invariably refused.

By 1943, the Germans finally decided to arrest him. But, warned in time, Niels Bohr managed to escape to Sweden, from where the British took him away in the bomb bay of a heavy bomber. By the end of the year, the physicist found himself in America and began to work zealously for the benefit of the Manhattan Project.

The legend is beautiful and romantic, but it is sewn with white thread and does not stand up to any tests. There is no more reliability in it than in the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Firstly, because it makes the Nazis look like complete idiots, but they never were. Think carefully! In 1940, the Germans occupy Denmark. They know that a Nobel laureate lives in the country, who can greatly help them in their work on the atomic bomb. The same atomic bomb that is vital for Germany's victory.

And what are they doing? Over the course of three years, they occasionally visit the scientist, politely knock on the door and quietly ask: “ Herr Bohr, don't you want to work for the benefit of the Fuhrer and the Reich? You do not want? Okay, we'll come back later" No, this was not the style of work of the German intelligence services! Logically, they should have arrested Bohr not in 1943, but back in 1940. If it works, force him (just force him, not beg him!) to work for them; if not, at least make sure that he cannot work for the enemy: put him in a concentration camp or exterminate him. And they leave him to walk around freely, under the noses of the British.

Three years later, so the legend goes, the Germans finally realize that they should arrest the scientist. But then someone (precisely someone, because I couldn’t find any indication of who did it anywhere) warns Bohr about the impending danger. Who could it be? It was not the habit of the Gestapo to shout at every corner about impending arrests. People were taken quietly, unexpectedly, at night. This means that Bohr’s mysterious patron is one of the rather high-ranking officials.

Let's leave this mysterious angel-savior alone for now and continue to analyze the wanderings of Niels Bohr. So, the scientist fled to Sweden. How do you think? On a fishing boat, avoiding German Coast Guard boats in the fog? On a raft made of planks? No matter how it is! Bor sailed to Sweden in the greatest possible comfort on a very ordinary private ship, which officially called at the port of Copenhagen.

For now, let’s not rack our brains over the question of how the Germans released the scientist if they were going to arrest him. Let's think about this better. The flight of a world-famous physicist is an emergency of a very serious scale. An investigation had to inevitably be carried out on this matter - the heads of those who screwed up the physicist, as well as the mysterious patron, would fly. However, no traces of such an investigation were simply found. Maybe because he wasn't there.

Indeed, how important was Niels Bohr to the development of the atomic bomb? Born in 1885 and becoming a Nobel laureate in 1922, Bohr turned to the problems of nuclear physics only in the 1930s. At that time he was already a major, accomplished scientist with fully formed views. Such people rarely succeed in fields that require innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, which is precisely the field of nuclear physics. For several years, Bohr failed to make any significant contribution to atomic research.

However, as the ancients said, the first half of a person’s life works for a name, the second - a name for a person. For Niels Bohr, this second half has already begun. Having taken up nuclear physics, he automatically began to be considered a major specialist in this field, regardless of his actual achievements.

But in Germany, where such world-famous nuclear scientists as Hahn and Heisenberg worked, they knew the real value of the Danish scientist. That is why they did not actively try to involve him in the work. If it turns out well, we’ll tell the whole world that Niels Bohr himself is working for us. If it doesn’t work out, that’s also not bad; he won’t get in the way of his authority.

By the way, in the United States, Niels Bohr was largely in the way. The fact is that the outstanding physicist did not believe at all in the possibility of creating a nuclear bomb. At the same time, his authority forced his opinion to be taken into account. According to Groves' memoirs, the scientists working on the Manhattan Project treated Bohr as an elder. Now imagine that you are doing some difficult work without any confidence in ultimate success. And then someone comes up to you, whom you consider a great specialist, and says that your lesson is not even worth wasting time on. Will work get easier? Don't think.

In addition, Bohr was a convinced pacifist. In 1945, when the United States already had an atomic bomb, he categorically protested against its use. Accordingly, he treated his work with lukewarmness. Therefore, I urge you to think again: what did Bohr bring more - movement or stagnation in the development of the issue?

It’s a strange picture, isn’t it? It began to clear up a little after I learned one interesting detail, which seemed to have nothing to do with Niels Bohr or the atomic bomb. We are talking about the “chief saboteur of the Third Reich” Otto Skorzeny.

It is believed that Skorzeny's rise began after he freed the imprisoned Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in 1943. Imprisoned in a mountain prison by his former comrades, Mussolini could not, it would seem, hope for release. But Skorzeny, on the direct orders of Hitler, developed a daring plan: to land troops on gliders and then fly away in a small airplane. Everything turned out just fine: Mussolini was free, Skorzeny was held in high esteem.

At least that's what the majority thinks. Few well-informed historians know that cause and effect are confused here. Skorzeny was entrusted with an extremely difficult and responsible task precisely because Hitler trusted him. That is, the rise of the “king of special operations” began before the story of the rescue of Mussolini. However, very shortly - in a couple of months. Skorzeny was promoted to rank and position precisely when Niels Bohr fled to England. I couldn't find any reasons for a promotion anywhere.

So we have three facts:
Firstly, the Germans did not prevent Niels Bohr from leaving for Britain;
Secondly, Boron did more harm than good to Americans;
Thirdly, immediately after the scientist arrived in England, Skorzeny received a promotion.

What if these are parts of the same mosaic? I decided to try to reconstruct the events. Having captured Denmark, the Germans were well aware that Niels Bohr was unlikely to assist in the creation of the atomic bomb. Moreover, it will rather interfere. Therefore, he was left to live quietly in Denmark, under the very nose of the British. Perhaps even then the Germans were counting on the British to kidnap the scientist. However, for three years the British did not dare to do anything.

At the end of 1942, the Germans began to hear vague rumors about the start of a large-scale project to create an American atomic bomb. Even taking into account the secrecy of the project, it was absolutely impossible to keep an awl in the bag: the instant disappearance of hundreds of scientists from different countries, one way or another connected with nuclear research, should have pushed anyone mentally normal person to such conclusions.

The Nazis were confident that they were far ahead of the Yankees (and this was true), but this did not stop them from doing nasty things to the enemy. And so, at the beginning of 1943, one of the most secret operations of the German intelligence services was carried out. A certain well-wisher appears on the threshold of Niels Bohr's house, who tells him that they want to arrest him and throw him into a concentration camp, and offers his help. The scientist agrees - he has no other choice, being behind barbed wire is not the best prospect.

At the same time, apparently, the British are being fed a lie about Bohr’s complete irreplaceability and uniqueness in nuclear research. The British are biting - but what can they do if the prey itself goes into their hands, that is, to Sweden? And for complete heroism, they take Bor out of there in the belly of a bomber, although they could have comfortably sent him on a ship.

And then the Nobel laureate appears at the epicenter of the Manhattan Project, creating the effect of an exploding bomb. That is, if the Germans had managed to bomb Research Center at Los Alamos, the effect would be about the same. Work has slowed down, and quite significantly. Apparently, the Americans did not immediately realize how they had been deceived, and when they realized, it was already too late.
And you still believe that the Yankees themselves built the atomic bomb?

Alsos Mission

Personally, I finally refused to believe in these stories after I studied in detail the activities of the Alsos group. This operation of the American intelligence services was kept secret for many years - until its main participants left for a better world. And only then did information emerge—true, fragmentary and scattered—about how the Americans were hunting for German atomic secrets.

True, if you thoroughly work on this information and compare it with some well-known facts, the picture turns out to be very convincing. But I won't get ahead of myself. So, the Alsos group was formed in 1944, on the eve of the Anglo-American landing in Normandy. Half of the group members are professional intelligence officers, half are nuclear scientists.

At the same time, in order to form Alsos, the Manhattan Project was mercilessly robbed - in fact, they were taken from there the best specialists. The mission's objective was to collect information about the German nuclear program. The question is, how desperate are the Americans for the success of their undertaking if their main bet is on stealing the atomic bomb from the Germans?
They were very desperate, if you remember the little-known letter from one of the nuclear scientists to his colleague. It was written on February 4, 1944 and read:

« It seems we've gotten ourselves into a lost cause. The project is not moving forward one iota. Our leaders, in my opinion, do not believe in the success of the entire undertaking. Yes, and we don’t believe it. If it weren’t for the huge money that we are paid here, I think many would have long ago been doing something more useful».

This letter was cited at one time as evidence of American talent: what great fellows we are, we pulled off a hopeless project in just over a year! Then in the USA they realized that not only fools live around, and they hastened to forget about the piece of paper. With great difficulty I managed to dig up this document in an old scientific journal.

No money or effort was spared to ensure the actions of the Alsos group. It was perfectly equipped with everything necessary. The head of the mission, Colonel Pash, had with him a document from US Secretary of Defense Henry Stimson, which obliged everyone to provide all possible assistance to the group. Even the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, Dwight Eisenhower, did not have such powers.. By the way, about the commander-in-chief - he was obliged to take into account the interests of the Alsos mission in planning military operations, that is, to capture first of all those areas where there could be German atomic weapons.

At the beginning of August 1944, or to be precise on the 9th, the Alsos group landed in Europe. One of the leading US nuclear scientists, Dr. Samuel Goudsmit, was appointed scientific director of the mission. Before the war, he maintained close ties with his German colleagues, and the Americans hoped that the “international solidarity” of scientists would be stronger than political interests.

Alsos managed to achieve its first results after the Americans occupied Paris in the fall of 1944.. Here Goudsmit met with the famous French scientist Professor Joliot-Curie. It seemed that Curie was sincerely happy about the defeats of the Germans; however, as soon as the conversation turned to the German atomic program, he went into deep “ignorance.” The Frenchman insisted that he knew nothing, had not heard anything, the Germans had not come close to developing an atomic bomb, and in general their nuclear project was exclusively peaceful in nature.

It was clear that the professor was not saying something. But there was no way to put pressure on him - for collaborating with the Germans in France at that time, people were shot, regardless of scientific merits, and Curie was clearly afraid of death most of all. Therefore, Goudsmit had to leave empty-handed.

Throughout his stay in Paris, he constantly heard vague but threatening rumors: A uranium bomb exploded in Leipzig., in the mountainous regions of Bavaria strange outbreaks have been reported at night. Everything indicated that the Germans were either very close to creating atomic weapons, or had already created them.

What happened next is still shrouded in mystery. They say that Pash and Goudsmit managed to find some valuable information in Paris. Since at least November, Eisenhower has been constantly receiving demands to move forward into German territory at any cost. The initiators of these demands - now it is clear! — in the end there were people associated with the atomic project and who received information directly from the Alsos group. Eisenhower didn't have real possibility carry out the orders received, but the demands from Washington became increasingly stringent. It is unknown how all this would have ended if the Germans had not made another unexpected move.

Ardennes mystery

As a matter of fact, by the end of 1944 everyone believed that Germany had lost the war. The only question is how long it will take for the Nazis to be defeated. Only Hitler and his inner circle seemed to hold a different point of view. They tried to delay the moment of disaster until the last moment.

This desire is quite understandable. Hitler was sure that after the war he would be declared a criminal and tried. And if you stall for time, you can lead to a quarrel between the Russians and the Americans and, ultimately, get away with it, that is, out of the war. Not without losses, of course, but without losing power.

Let's think about it: what was needed for this in conditions when Germany had nothing left? Naturally, spend them as sparingly as possible and maintain a flexible defense. And Hitler, at the very end of 1944, threw his army into the very wasteful Ardennes offensive. For what?

The troops are given completely unrealistic tasks - to break through to Amsterdam and throw the Anglo-Americans into the sea. At that time, German tanks were like walking to the Moon from Amsterdam, especially since their tanks had fuel splashing less than half the way. Scare your allies? But what could frighten the well-fed and armed armies, behind which was the industrial power of the United States?

All in all, Until now, not a single historian has been able to clearly explain why Hitler needed this offensive. Usually everyone ends up saying that the Fuhrer was an idiot. But in reality, Hitler was not an idiot; moreover, he thought quite sensibly and realistically until the very end. Those historians who make hasty judgments without even trying to understand something can most likely be called idiots.

But let's look at the other side of the front. Even more amazing things are happening there! And the point is not even that the Germans managed to achieve initial, albeit rather limited, successes. The fact is that the British and Americans were really scared! Moreover, the fear was completely inadequate to the threat. After all, from the very beginning it was clear that the Germans had little strength, that the offensive was local in nature...

But no, Eisenhower, Churchill, and Roosevelt are simply panicking! In 1945, on January 6, when the Germans had already been stopped and even thrown back, British Prime Minister writes panic letter to Russian leader Stalin, which requires immediate assistance. Here is the text of this letter:

« Very heavy fighting is taking place in the West, and at any time the High Command may be required to big solutions. You yourself know from your own experience how alarming the situation is when you have to defend a very wide front after a temporary loss of initiative.

It is very desirable and necessary for General Eisenhower to know in general terms what you propose to do, since this, of course, will affect all his and our most important decisions. According to the message received, our emissary, Air Chief Marshal Tedder, was in Cairo last evening, due to weather conditions. His trip was greatly delayed through no fault of yours.

If it has not yet arrived to you, I shall be grateful if you can inform me whether we can count on a major Russian offensive on the Vistula front or elsewhere during January and at any other times that you may be thinking about. , would you like to mention. I will not pass on this highly sensitive information to anyone except Field Marshal Brooke and General Eisenhower, and only on condition that it is kept in the strictest confidence. I consider the matter urgent».

If we translate from diplomatic language into ordinary language: save us, Stalin, they will beat us! Therein lies another mystery. What will they “beat” if the Germans have already been driven back to their original lines? Yes, of course, the American offensive, planned for January, had to be postponed until the spring. And what? We should be glad that the Nazis wasted their strength in senseless attacks!

And further. Churchill was asleep and saw how to prevent the Russians from entering Germany. And now he is literally begging them to begin moving west without delay! To what extent should Sir Winston Churchill have been afraid?! It seems that the slowdown in the Allied advance deep into Germany was interpreted by him as a mortal threat. I wonder why? After all, Churchill was neither a fool nor an alarmist.

And yet, the Anglo-Americans spend the next two months in terrible nervous tension. Subsequently, they will carefully hide this, but the truth will still break to the surface in their memoirs. For example, Eisenhower after the war would call the last war winter “the most alarming time.”

What worried the marshal so much if the war was actually won? Only in March 1945 did the Ruhr Operation begin, during which the Allies occupied West Germany, encircling 300 thousand Germans. The commander of the German troops in this area, Field Marshal Model, shot himself (the only one of the entire German generals, by the way). Only after this did Churchill and Roosevelt more or less calm down.

But let's return to the Alsos group. In the spring of 1945, it became noticeably more active. During the Ruhr operation, scientists and intelligence officers moved forward almost following the vanguard of the advancing troops, collecting valuable crops. In March-April, many scientists involved in German nuclear research fall into their hands. The decisive discovery was made in mid-April - on the 12th, mission members write that they stumbled upon “a real gold mine” and now they are “learning about the project in general.” By May, Heisenberg, Hahn, Osenberg, Diebner, and many other outstanding German physicists were in the hands of the Americans. However, the Alsos group continued active searches in already defeated Germany... until the end of May.

But at the end of May something incomprehensible happens. The search is almost interrupted. Or rather, they continue, but with much less intensity. If earlier they were carried out by major world-famous scientists, now they are carried out by beardless laboratory assistants. And major scientists are packing their bags and leaving for America. Why?

To answer this question, let's look at how events developed further.

At the end of June, the Americans test an atomic bomb - allegedly the first in the world.
And in early August they drop two on Japanese cities.
After this, the Yankees run out of ready-made atomic bombs, and for quite a long time.

Strange situation, isn't it? Let's start with the fact that only a month passes between testing and combat use of a new superweapon. Dear readers, this does not happen. Making an atomic bomb is much more difficult than making a conventional projectile or rocket. This is simply impossible in a month. Then, probably, the Americans made three prototypes at once? Also unlikely.

Making a nuclear bomb is a very expensive procedure. There's no point in doing three if you're not sure you're doing it right. Otherwise, it would be possible to create three nuclear projects, build three scientific centers, and so on. Even the US is not rich enough to be so extravagant.

However, okay, let’s assume that the Americans actually built three prototypes at once. Why didn’t they immediately after successful tests launch nuclear bombs into mass production? After all, immediately after the defeat of Germany, the Americans found themselves faced with a much more powerful and formidable enemy - the Russians. The Russians, of course, did not threaten the United States with war, but they prevented the Americans from becoming masters of the entire planet. And this, from the Yankees’ point of view, is a completely unacceptable crime.

And yet, the States got new atomic bombs... When do you think? In the fall of 1945? Summer of 1946? No! Only in 1947 did the first nuclear weapons begin to arrive in American arsenals! You will not find this date anywhere, but no one will undertake to refute it. The data that I managed to obtain is absolutely secret. However, they are fully confirmed by the facts we know about the subsequent buildup of the nuclear arsenal. And most importantly - the results of tests in the deserts of Texas, which took place at the end of 1946.

Yes, yes, dear reader, exactly at the end of 1946, and not a month earlier. Information about this was obtained by Russian intelligence and came to me in a very complicated way, which probably does not make sense to disclose on these pages, so as not to frame the people who helped me. On the eve of the new year, 1947, a very interesting report landed on the table of the Soviet leader Stalin, which I will present here verbatim.

According to Agent Felix, in November-December of this year, a series of nuclear explosions were carried out in the area of ​​El Paso, Texas. At the same time, they tested prototypes nuclear bombs similar to those dropped on the Japanese islands last year.

Over the course of a month and a half, at least four bombs were tested, three of which ended in failure. This series of bombs was created in preparation for the large-scale industrial production of nuclear weapons. Most likely, the start of such production should be expected no earlier than mid-1947.

The Russian agent fully confirmed the information I had. But maybe all this is disinformation on the part of the American intelligence services? Hardly. In those years, the Yankees tried to assure their opponents that they were stronger than anyone in the world, and would not downplay their military potential. Most likely, we are dealing with a carefully hidden truth.

What happens? In 1945, the Americans dropped three bombs - all successfully. The next tests are of the same bombs! - pass a year and a half later, and not very successfully. Serial production begins in another six months, and we do not know - and will never know - how well the atomic bombs that appeared in American army warehouses corresponded to their terrible purpose, that is, how high quality they were.

Such a picture can only be drawn in one case, namely: if the first three atomic bombs - the same ones from 1945 - were not built by the Americans on their own, but received from someone. To put it bluntly - from the Germans. This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by the reaction of German scientists to the bombing of Japanese cities, which we know about thanks to the book by David Irving.

“Poor Professor Gan!”

In August 1945, ten leading German nuclear physicists, ten major players in the Nazi “atomic project,” were held captive in the United States. All possible information was extracted from them (I wonder why, if you believe the American version that the Yankees were far ahead of the Germans in atomic research). Accordingly, the scientists were kept in a sort of comfortable prison. There was also a radio in this prison.

On August 6th at seven o'clock in the evening, Otto Hahn and Karl Wirtz found themselves at the radio. It was then that in the next news broadcast they heard that the first atomic bomb had been dropped on Japan. The first reaction of the colleagues to whom they brought this information was unequivocal: this cannot be true. Heisenberg believed that the Americans could not create their own nuclear weapons (and, as we now know, he was right).

« Did the Americans mention the word "uranium" in connection with their new bomb?“he asked Gan. The latter answered negatively. “Then it has nothing to do with the atom,” Heisenberg snapped. The outstanding physicist believed that the Yankees simply used some kind of high-power explosive.

However, the nine o'clock news broadcast dispelled all doubts. Obviously, until then the Germans simply did not imagine that the Americans managed to capture several German atomic bombs. However, now the situation has become clearer, and scientists have begun to be tormented by pangs of conscience. Yes Yes exactly! Dr. Erich Bagge wrote in his diary: “ Now this bomb was used against Japan. They report that even several hours later, the bombed city is hidden in a cloud of smoke and dust. We are talking about the death of 300 thousand people. Poor Professor Gan

Moreover, that evening the scientists were very worried that “poor Gan” would commit suicide. The two physicists kept vigil at his bedside late into the night to prevent him from committing suicide, and retired to their rooms only after they discovered that their colleague was finally fast asleep. Gan himself subsequently described his impressions as follows:

For some time I was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​the need to dump all uranium reserves into the sea in order to avoid a similar catastrophe in the future. Although I felt personally responsible for what had happened, I wondered whether I or anyone else had the right to deprive humanity of all the benefits that a new discovery could bring? And now this terrible bomb has gone off!

I wonder if the Americans are telling the truth, and they really created the bomb that fell on Hiroshima, why on earth would the Germans feel “personally responsible” for what happened?

Of course, each of them contributed to nuclear research, but on the same basis one could lay some of the blame on thousands of scientists, including Newton and Archimedes! After all, their discoveries ultimately led to the creation of nuclear weapons!

The mental anguish of German scientists becomes meaningful only in one case. Namely, if they themselves created the bomb that destroyed hundreds of thousands of Japanese. Otherwise, why on earth would they worry about what the Americans did?

/However, so far all my conclusions have been nothing more than a hypothesis, confirmed only by indirect evidence. What if I’m wrong and the Americans really succeeded in the impossible? To answer this question, it was necessary to closely study the German atomic program. And this is not as simple as it seems./

Hans-Ulrich von Kranz, “The Secret Weapon of the Third Reich”, topwar.ru

Hundreds of thousands of famous and forgotten gunsmiths of antiquity fought in search of the ideal weapon, capable of evaporating an enemy army with one click. From time to time, a trace of these searches can be found in fairy tales that more or less plausibly describe a miracle sword or a bow that hits without missing. Fortunately, technical progress

moved for a long time so slowly that the real embodiment of the crushing weapon remained in dreams and oral stories, and later on the pages of books. The scientific and technological leap of the 19th century provided the conditions for the creation of the main phobia of the 20th century. The nuclear bomb, created and tested under real conditions, revolutionized both military affairs and politics.

History of the creation of weapons

Uranium itself has been known since 1786, but at that time no one suspected its radioactivity. The work of scientists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries revealed not only special physical properties, but also the possibility of obtaining energy from radioactive substances.

The option of making weapons based on uranium was first described in detail, published and patented by French physicists, the Joliot-Curies in 1939.

Despite its value for weapons, the scientists themselves were strongly opposed to the creation of such a devastating weapon.

Having gone through the Second World War in the Resistance, in the 1950s the couple (Frederick and Irene), realizing the destructive power of war, advocated for general disarmament. They are supported by Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein and other prominent physicists of the time.

Meanwhile, while the Joliot-Curies were busy with the problem of the Nazis in Paris, on the other side of the planet, in America, the world's first nuclear charge was being developed. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the work, was given the broadest powers and enormous resources. The end of 1941 marked the beginning of the Manhattan Project, which ultimately led to the creation of the first combat nuclear warhead.

In the town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, the first production facilities for weapons-grade uranium were erected. Subsequently, similar nuclear centers appeared throughout the country, for example in Chicago, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and research was carried out in California. The best forces of the professors of American universities, as well as physicists who fled from Germany, were thrown into creating the bomb.

In the “Third Reich” itself, work on creating a new type of weapon was launched in a manner characteristic of the Fuhrer.

Since “Besnovaty” was more interested in tanks and planes, and the more the better, he did not see much need for a new miracle bomb.

Accordingly, projects not supported by Hitler moved at a snail's pace at best.

When things started to get hot, and it turned out that the tanks and planes were swallowed up by the Eastern Front, the new miracle weapon received support. But it was too late; in conditions of bombing and constant fear of Soviet tank wedges, it was not possible to create a device with a nuclear component.

Soviet Union was more attentive to the possibility of creating a new type of destructive weapon. In the pre-war period, physicists collected and consolidated general knowledge about nuclear energy and the possibility of creating nuclear weapons. Intelligence worked intensively throughout the entire period of the creation of the nuclear bomb both in the USSR and in the USA. The war played a significant role in slowing down the pace of development, as huge resources went to the front.

True, Academician Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, with his characteristic tenacity, promoted the work of all subordinate departments in this direction. Looking ahead a little, it is he who will be tasked with accelerating the development of weapons in the face of the threat of an American strike on the cities of the USSR. It was he, standing in the gravel of a huge machine of hundreds and thousands of scientists and workers, who would be awarded the honorary title of the father of the Soviet nuclear bomb.

World's first tests

But let's return to the American nuclear program. By the summer of 1945, American scientists managed to create the world's first nuclear bomb. Any boy who has made himself or bought a powerful firecracker in a store experiences extraordinary torment, wanting to blow it up as quickly as possible. In 1945, hundreds of American soldiers and scientists experienced the same thing.

On June 16, 1945, the first ever nuclear weapons test and one of the most powerful explosions to date took place in the Alamogordo Desert, New Mexico.

Eyewitnesses watching the explosion from the bunker were amazed by the force with which the charge exploded at the top of the 30-meter steel tower. At first, everything was flooded with light, several times stronger than the sun. Then a fireball rose into the sky, turning into a column of smoke that took shape into the famous mushroom.

As soon as the dust settled, researchers and bomb creators rushed to the site of the explosion. They watched the aftermath from lead-encrusted Sherman tanks. What they saw amazed them; no weapon could cause such damage. The sand melted to glass in some places.

Tiny remains of the tower were also found; in a crater of huge diameter, mutilated and crushed structures clearly illustrated the destructive power.

Damaging factors

This explosion provided the first information about the power of the new weapon, about what it could use to destroy the enemy. These are several factors:

  • light radiation, flash, capable of blinding even protected organs of vision;
  • shock wave, a dense stream of air moving from the center, destroying most buildings;
  • an electromagnetic pulse that disables most equipment and does not allow the use of communications for the first time after the explosion;
  • penetrating radiation, the most dangerous factor for those who have taken refuge from other damaging factors, is divided into alpha-beta-gamma irradiation;
  • radioactive contamination that can negatively affect health and life for tens or even hundreds of years.

The further use of nuclear weapons, including in combat, showed all the peculiarities of their impact on living organisms and nature. August 6, 1945 was the last day for tens of thousands of residents of the small city of Hiroshima, then known for several important military installations.

The outcome of the war in the Pacific was a foregone conclusion, but the Pentagon believed that the operation on the Japanese archipelago would cost more than a million lives of US Marines. It was decided to kill several birds with one stone, take Japan out of the war, saving on the landing operation, test a new weapon and announce it to the whole world, and, above all, to the USSR.

At one o'clock in the morning, the plane carrying the "Baby" nuclear bomb took off on a mission.

The bomb, dropped over the city, exploded at an altitude of approximately 600 meters at 8.15 am. All buildings located at a distance of 800 meters from the epicenter were destroyed. The walls of only a few buildings, designed to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake, survived.

Of every ten people who were within a radius of 600 meters at the time of the bomb explosion, only one could survive. The light radiation turned people into coal, leaving shadow marks on the stone, a dark imprint of the place where the person was. The ensuing blast wave was so strong that it could break glass at a distance of 19 kilometers from the explosion site.

One teenager was knocked out of the house through a window by a dense stream of air; upon landing, the guy saw the walls of the house folding like cards. The blast wave was followed by a fire tornado, destroying those few residents who survived the explosion and did not have time to leave the fire zone. Those at a distance from the explosion began to experience severe malaise, the cause of which was initially unclear to doctors.

Much later, a few weeks later, the term “radiation poisoning” was announced, now known as radiation sickness.

More than 280 thousand people became victims of just one bomb, both directly from the explosion and from subsequent illnesses.

The bombing of Japan with nuclear weapons did not end there. According to the plan, only four to six cities were to be hit, but weather conditions only allowed Nagasaki to be hit. In this city, more than 150 thousand people became victims of the Fat Man bomb.

Promises by the American government to carry out such attacks until Japan surrendered led to an armistice, and then to the signing of an agreement that ended World War. But for nuclear weapons this was just the beginning.

The most powerful bomb in the world

The post-war period was marked by the confrontation between the USSR bloc and its allies with the USA and NATO. In the 1940s, the Americans seriously considered the possibility of striking the Soviet Union. To contain the former ally, work on creating a bomb had to be accelerated, and already in 1949, on August 29, the US monopoly in nuclear weapons was ended. During the arms race greatest attention deserve two nuclear tests.

Bikini Atoll, known primarily for frivolous swimsuits, literally made a splash throughout the world in 1954 due to the testing of a specially powerful nuclear charge.

The Americans, having decided to test a new design of atomic weapons, did not calculate the charge. As a result, the explosion was 2.5 times more powerful than planned. Residents of nearby islands, as well as the ubiquitous Japanese fishermen, were under attack.

But it was not the most powerful American bomb. In 1960, the B41 nuclear bomb was put into service, but it never underwent full testing due to its power. The force of the charge was calculated theoretically, for fear of exploding such a dangerous weapon at the test site.

The Soviet Union, which loved to be the first in everything, experienced in 1961, otherwise nicknamed “Kuzka’s mother.”

Responding to America's nuclear blackmail, Soviet scientists created the most powerful bomb in the world. Tested on Novaya Zemlya, it left its mark in almost all corners of the globe. According to recollections, a slight earthquake was felt in the most remote corners at the time of the explosion.

The blast wave, of course, having lost all its destructive power, was able to circle the Earth. To date, this is the most powerful nuclear bomb in the world created and tested by mankind. Of course, if his hands were free, Kim Jong-un's nuclear bomb would be more powerful, but he does not have New Earth to test it.

Atomic bomb device

Let's consider a very primitive, purely for understanding, device of an atomic bomb. There are many classes of atomic bombs, but let’s consider three main ones:

  • uranium, based on uranium 235, first exploded over Hiroshima;
  • plutonium, based on plutonium 239, first exploded over Nagasaki;
  • thermonuclear, sometimes called hydrogen, based on heavy water with deuterium and tritium, fortunately not used against the population.

The first two bombs are based on the effect of heavy nuclei fissioning into smaller ones through an uncontrolled nuclear reaction, releasing huge amounts of energy. The third is based on the fusion of hydrogen nuclei (or rather its isotopes of deuterium and tritium) with the formation of helium, which is heavier in relation to hydrogen. For the same bomb weight, the destructive potential of a hydrogen bomb is 20 times greater.

If for uranium and plutonium it is enough to bring together a mass greater than the critical one (at which a chain reaction begins), then for hydrogen this is not enough.

To reliably connect several pieces of uranium into one, a cannon effect is used in which smaller pieces of uranium are shot into larger ones. Gunpowder can also be used, but for reliability, low-power explosives are used.

In a plutonium bomb, to create the necessary conditions for a chain reaction, explosives are placed around ingots containing plutonium. Due to the cumulative effect, as well as the neutron initiator located in the very center (beryllium with several milligrams of polonium) the necessary conditions are achieved.

It has a main charge, which cannot explode on its own, and a fuse. To create conditions for the fusion of deuterium and tritium nuclei, we need unimaginable pressures and temperatures at at least one point. Next, a chain reaction will occur.

To create such parameters, the bomb includes a conventional, but low-power, nuclear charge, which is the fuse. Its detonation creates the conditions for the start of a thermonuclear reaction.

To estimate the power of an atomic bomb, the so-called “TNT equivalent” is used. An explosion is a release of energy, the most famous explosive in the world is TNT (TNT - trinitrotoluene), and all new types of explosives are equated to it. Bomb "Baby" - 13 kilotons of TNT. That is equivalent to 13000.

Bomb "Fat Man" - 21 kilotons, "Tsar Bomba" - 58 megatons of TNT. It’s scary to think of 58 million tons of explosives concentrated in a mass of 26.5 tons, that’s how much weight this bomb has.

The danger of nuclear war and nuclear disasters

Appearing in the midst of the worst war of the twentieth century, nuclear weapons became the greatest danger to humanity. Immediately after World War II, the Cold War began, which several times almost escalated into a full-fledged nuclear conflict. The threat of the use of nuclear bombs and missiles by at least one side began to be discussed back in the 1950s.

Everyone understood and understands that there can be no winners in this war.

To contain it, efforts have been and are being made by many scientists and politicians. The University of Chicago, using the opinions of visiting nuclear scientists, including Nobel laureates, sets the clock Doomsday a few minutes before midnight. Midnight signifies a nuclear cataclysm, the beginning of a new World War and the destruction of the old world. Over the years, the clock hands fluctuated from 17 to 2 minutes to midnight.

There are also several known major accidents that occurred at nuclear power plants. These disasters have an indirect relation to weapons; nuclear power plants are still different from nuclear bombs, but they perfectly demonstrate the results of using the atom for military purposes. The largest of them:

  • 1957 Kyshtym accident, due to a failure in the storage system, an explosion occurred near Kyshtym;
  • 1957, Britain, in the north-west of England, security checks were not carried out;
  • 1979, USA, due to an untimely detected leak, an explosion and release from a nuclear power plant occurred;
  • 1986, tragedy in Chernobyl, explosion of the 4th power unit;
  • 2011, accident at the Fukushima station, Japan.

Each of these tragedies left a heavy mark on the fate of hundreds of thousands of people and turned entire areas into non-residential zones with special control.

There were incidents that almost cost the start of a nuclear disaster. Soviet nuclear submarines have repeatedly had reactor-related accidents on board. The Americans dropped a Superfortress bomber with two Mark 39 nuclear bombs on board, with a yield of 3.8 megatons. But the activated “safety system” did not allow the charges to detonate and a disaster was avoided.

Nuclear weapons past and present

Today it is clear to anyone that a nuclear war will destroy modern humanity. Meanwhile, the desire to possess nuclear weapons and enter the nuclear club, or rather, burst into it by knocking down the door, still excites the minds of some state leaders.

India and Pakistan created nuclear weapons without permission, and the Israelis are hiding the presence of a bomb.

For some, owning a nuclear bomb is a way to prove their importance on the international stage. For others, it is a guarantee of non-interference by winged democracy or other external factors. But the main thing is that these reserves do not go into business, for which they were really created.


The development of Soviet nuclear weapons began with the mining of radium samples in the early 1930s. In 1939, Soviet physicists Yuliy Khariton and Yakov Zeldovich calculated the chain reaction of fission of the nuclei of heavy atoms. Next year, scientists from the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology submitted applications for the creation of an atomic bomb, as well as methods for producing uranium-235. For the first time, researchers have proposed using conventional explosives as a means to ignite the charge, which would create a critical mass and start a chain reaction.

However, the invention of the Kharkov physicists had its shortcomings, and therefore their application, having visited a variety of authorities, was ultimately rejected. The final word remained with the director of the Radium Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician Vitaly Khlopin: “... the application has no real basis. Besides this, there is essentially a lot of fantastic stuff in it... Even if it were possible to implement a chain reaction, the energy that will be released would be better used to power engines, for example, airplanes.”

The appeals of scientists on the eve of the Great Patriotic War were also unsuccessful. Patriotic War to People's Commissar of Defense Sergei Timoshenko. As a result, the invention project was buried on a shelf labeled “top secret.”

  • Vladimir Semyonovich Spinel
  • Wikimedia Commons

In 1990, journalists asked one of the authors of the bomb project, Vladimir Spinel: “If your proposals in 1939-1940 were appreciated at the government level and you were given support, when would the USSR be able to have atomic weapons?”

“I think that with the capabilities that Igor Kurchatov later had, we would have received it in 1945,” Spinel replied.

However, it was Kurchatov who managed to use in his developments successful American schemes for creating a plutonium bomb, obtained by Soviet intelligence.

Atomic race

With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, nuclear research was temporarily stopped. The main scientific institutes of the two capitals were evacuated to remote regions.

The head of strategic intelligence, Lavrentiy Beria, was aware of the developments of Western physicists in the field of nuclear weapons. For the first time, the Soviet leadership learned about the possibility of creating a superweapon from the “father” of the American atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, who visited the Soviet Union in September 1939. In the early 1940s, both politicians and scientists realized the reality of obtaining a nuclear bomb, and also that its appearance in the enemy's arsenal would jeopardize the security of other powers.

In 1941, the Soviet government received the first intelligence data from the USA and Great Britain, where active work on creating superweapons had already begun. The main informant was the Soviet “atomic spy” Klaus Fuchs, a physicist from Germany involved in work on the nuclear programs of the United States and Great Britain.

  • Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, physicist Pyotr Kapitsa
  • RIA News
  • V. Noskov

Academician Pyotr Kapitsa, speaking on October 12, 1941 at an anti-fascist meeting of scientists, said: “One of the important means of modern warfare is explosives. Science indicates the fundamental possibilities of increasing explosive force by 1.5-2 times... Theoretical calculations show that if a modern powerful bomb can, for example, destroy an entire block, then an atomic bomb of even a small size, if feasible, could easily destroy a large metropolitan city with several million people. My personal opinion is that the technical difficulties standing in the way of using intra-atomic energy are still very great. While this matter is still doubtful, it is very likely that there are great opportunities».

In September 1942, the Soviet government adopted a decree “On the organization of work on uranium.” in spring next year Laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created to produce the first Soviet bomb. Finally, on February 11, 1943, Stalin signed the GKO decision on the program of work to create an atomic bomb. At first, the deputy chairman of the State Defense Committee, Vyacheslav Molotov, was entrusted with leading the important task. It was he who had to find scientific supervisor new laboratory.

Molotov himself, in an entry dated July 9, 1971, recalls his decision as follows: “We have been working on this topic since 1943. I was instructed to answer for them, to find a person who could create the atomic bomb. The security officers gave me a list of reliable physicists that I could rely on, and I chose. He called Kapitsa, the academician, to his place. He said that we are not ready for this and that the atomic bomb is not a weapon of this war, but a matter of the future. They asked Joffe - he also had a somewhat unclear attitude towards this. In short, I had the youngest and still unknown Kurchatov, he was not allowed to move. I called him, we talked, he made a good impression on me. But he said he still has a lot of uncertainty. Then I decided to give him our intelligence materials - the intelligence officers had done a very important job. Kurchatov sat in the Kremlin for several days, with me, over these materials.”

Over the next couple of weeks, Kurchatov thoroughly studied the data received by intelligence and drew up an expert opinion: “The materials are of enormous, invaluable importance for our state and science... The totality of information indicates the technical possibility of solving the entire uranium problem in a much shorter time than our scientists think who are not familiar with the progress of work on this problem abroad.”

In mid-March, Igor Kurchatov took over as scientific director of Laboratory No. 2. In April 1946, it was decided to create the KB-11 design bureau for the needs of this laboratory. The top-secret facility was located on the territory of the former Sarov Monastery, several tens of kilometers from Arzamas.

  • Igor Kurchatov (right) with a group of employees of the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology
  • RIA News

KB-11 specialists were supposed to create an atomic bomb using plutonium as a working substance. At the same time, in the process of creating the first nuclear weapon in the USSR, domestic scientists relied on the designs of the US plutonium bomb, which was successfully tested in 1945. However, since the production of plutonium in the Soviet Union had not yet been carried out, physicists at the initial stage used uranium mined in Czechoslovakian mines, as well as in the territories of East Germany, Kazakhstan and Kolyma.

The first Soviet atomic bomb was named RDS-1 ("Special Jet Engine"). A group of specialists led by Kurchatov managed to load a sufficient amount of uranium into it and start a chain reaction in the reactor on June 10, 1948. The next step was to use plutonium.

“This is atomic lightning”

In the plutonium "Fat Man", dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, American scientists placed 10 kilograms of radioactive metal. The USSR managed to accumulate this amount of substance by June 1949. The head of the experiment, Kurchatov, informed the curator of the atomic project, Lavrenty Beria, about his readiness to test the RDS-1 on August 29.

A part of the Kazakh steppe with an area of ​​about 20 kilometers was chosen as a testing ground. In its central part, specialists built a metal tower almost 40 meters high. It was on it that the RDS-1 was installed, the mass of which was 4.7 tons.

Soviet physicist Igor Golovin describes the situation at the test site a few minutes before the start of the tests: “Everything is fine. And suddenly, amid general silence, ten minutes before the “hour”, Beria’s voice is heard: “But nothing will work out for you, Igor Vasilyevich!” - “What are you talking about, Lavrenty Pavlovich! It will definitely work!” - Kurchatov exclaims and continues to watch, only his neck turned purple and his face became gloomily concentrated.

To a prominent scientist in the field of atomic law, Abram Ioyrysh, Kurchatov’s condition seems similar to a religious experience: “Kurchatov rushed out of the casemate, ran up the earthen rampart and shouting “She!” waved his arms widely, repeating: “She, she!” - and enlightenment spread across his face. The explosion column swirled and went into the stratosphere. A shock wave was approaching the command post, clearly visible on the grass. Kurchatov rushed towards her. Flerov rushed after him, grabbed him by the hand, forcibly dragged him into the casemate and closed the door.” The author of Kurchatov’s biography, Pyotr Astashenkov, gives his hero the following words: “This is atomic lightning. Now she is in our hands..."

Immediately after the explosion, the metal tower collapsed to the ground, and in its place only a crater remained. A powerful shock wave threw highway bridges a couple of tens of meters away, and nearby cars scattered across the open spaces almost 70 meters from the explosion site.

  • Nuclear mushroom of the RDS-1 ground explosion on August 29, 1949
  • Archive of RFNC-VNIIEF

One day, after another test, Kurchatov was asked: “Aren’t you worried about the moral side of this invention?”

“You asked a legitimate question,” he replied. “But I think it’s addressed incorrectly.” It is better to address it not to us, but to those who unleashed these forces... What is scary is not physics, but the adventurous game, not science, but its use by scoundrels... When science makes a breakthrough and opens up the possibility of actions affecting millions of people, the need arises rethink moral norms to bring these actions under control. But nothing like that happened. Quite the contrary. Just think about it - Churchill's speech in Fulton, military bases, bombers along our borders. The intentions are very clear. Science has been turned into a tool of blackmail and the main decisive factor in politics. Do you really think that morality will stop them? And if this is the case, and this is the case, you have to talk to them in their language. Yes, I know: the weapons we created are instruments of violence, but we were forced to create them in order to avoid more disgusting violence! — the answer of the scientist is described in the book “A-bomb” by Abram Ioyrysh and nuclear physicist Igor Morokhov.

A total of five RDS-1 bombs were manufactured. All of them were stored in the closed city of Arzamas-16. Now you can see a model of the bomb in the nuclear weapons museum in Sarov (formerly Arzamas-16).



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