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Giving back to nature presentation. “Our debt to nature is growing every day”... “Our debt to nature is

In the Constitution Russian Federation It is written that land and other natural resources are used and protected as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in a given territory. What does it mean to say that land and other natural resources are the basis of human life?

Natural conditions and human economy

Life Eastern Slavs, their neighbors a thousand years ago was inextricably linked with natural conditions of Eastern Europe. People were engaged in agriculture (they grew rye, barley, wheat, oats, peas, flax, etc.), cattle breeding (they raised horses, cows, sheep, pigs), hunting, fishing and beekeeping. Craftsmen worked: blacksmiths made tools and weapons from iron, potters made dishes from clay, jewelers made jewelry from precious metals. Houses and outbuildings were built from wood.

Subsequently the farm developed. Vast areas of land were developed in the North, in the Volga region, and in the Black Earth Region. New crops appeared and livestock numbers grew.

Forests where it was possible to harvest wood, collect mushrooms and berries, fields and meadows where bread could be grown and cattle grazed, ore from which iron could be smelted, clay for making dishes, wild animals whose meat was eaten, bees that gave honey - all these are conditions without which human life was impossible. Rivers and lakes were of particular importance: they were not only a source of fish resources, but also waterways that connected different lands and facilitated the development of trade relations between peoples.

    Compare geographical position, natural conditions of Eastern Europe and Greece. Show how nature influenced the life of the ancient Greeks and the population of Rus'.

Nature needs protection

Nature conservation is aimed at preserving natural resources and preventing the harmful effects of economic and other human activities on it. It is necessary to carry out reasonable (non-exhaustive) use natural resources(nature management), their reproduction. As a result, the diversity of animal and plant species on our planet must be saved, water resources and atmospheric air, i.e., the most important living conditions for humanity, must be protected.

Nature conservation is carried out by state and local authorities, industrial enterprises, public organizations, and individual citizens.

The state issues laws aimed at protecting nature. In 2002, the Russian Federation Law “On Environmental Protection” came into force. It states that every citizen has the right to favorable environment, to protect it from negative impacts as a result of both natural emergencies and human activities.

The law establishes the rights of citizens to reliable information about the state of the environment and to compensation for damage to the environment. This means that local leaders, business executives, specialists who discover, for example, contamination of a reservoir with poisons or pathogenic microbes or severe air pollution with harmful gases, are obliged not to hide the truth, but to immediately warn the population about it. Think about why it is important to warn people about dangerous environmental changes.

Look at the pictures. What does the right of citizens to protect the environment in which they live mean? Give examples of unreasonable economic activity, deteriorating the environment; catastrophic natural phenomena(earthquakes, floods, etc.); accidents of machines and mechanisms that have a destructive effect on nature.

Rules protecting nature

The land, its subsoil, and soil are subject to protection, firstly. Secondly, surface and groundwater. Thirdly, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms. Fourthly, atmospheric air and near-Earth space.

The state sets rules that protect nature. These include:

  • rules for environmental protection during construction, industrial, agricultural, and scientific work;
  • rules for the production, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances;
  • safety rules when handling toxic substances and microorganisms;
  • veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests;
  • rules for the protection and use of subsoil;
  • rules for the protection of fish stocks.

For violation of these rules, the state punishes with fines or can even imprison for a term of 2.5 to 8 years.

You already know about the forest fires that engulfed vast areas in many areas of our country in 2010. They destroyed not only vegetation, but also residential buildings located close to forest areas. For several months, firefighters risked their lives to fight the fire. And the cause of the fire was often a cigarette butt thrown into dry grass by someone, a fire not extinguished by tourists, and even deliberate arson. The law provides for punishment for careless handling of fire that causes a forest fire in the form of heavy fines or imprisonment for up to 2 years, and for arson an attacker can receive up to 8 years in prison.

The law establishes that an enterprise, organization or individual who has caused harm to the environment is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

State nature reserves have been created to preserve and study natural phenomena, individual species of plants and animals, and unique ecological systems. On their territory there is land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna, which are important as samples natural environment, are withdrawn from economic use. A strict environmental regime is established in the reserves and any activity that contradicts it is prohibited. The creation of nature reserves makes it possible to preserve biological diversity and maintain the nature of protected areas in a natural state. In biosphere reserves there are Scientific research according to a unified international program.

National parks are territories where unique natural objects are protected. In them, unlike nature reserves, visitors are allowed for recreation.

Look at the map of our country. Find nature reserves on it and National parks. Are there state reserves or national parks in the region, republic, region where you live? Name them.

In 2010, the Russian Government planned a significant expansion of 10 nature reserves and 2 national parks, and it is also planned to create 10 new nature reserves and 10 national parks within 10 years.

Look at the pictures and formulate the rules, the violation of which will result in punishment.

The implementation of the law is monitored by state environmental inspectors. They have the right to verify compliance established rules enterprises, organizations, individuals and are obliged to identify and suppress violations of the law. Along with the state control, public control in the field of environmental protection is also carried out. It is led by public voluntary associations and individual citizens.

What can a citizen do to protect nature?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation can:

  • create or join public organizations operating in the field of environmental protection;
  • take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, collecting signatures for petitions on environmental issues;
  • provide assistance to authorities in resolving environmental issues;
  • contact authorities and other organizations with statements related to environmental protection;
  • participate in environmental activities.

    Journey into the past
    In 1960, teachers and students of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of Moscow state university A team for nature conservation was organized. In 1979, a youth hike was held in the Irkutsk region under the motto “Flood and purity for small rivers!” In 1989, the Green Movement society was created. By the beginning of 1991, a movement of nature conservation teams arose, uniting more than 100 organizations throughout the country, in whose activities more than 5,000 people took part. Many other associations also emerged: student environmental groups, labor associations of schoolchildren, landing forces, squads, propaganda teams, school forestries, environmental clubs. They fought against poaching (illegal logging, hunting, fishing, which causes great harm to nature), demanded that government agencies suppression of actions causing harm to nature, carried out environmental cleanup days, cleaned small rivers, planted forests and other useful things.

    Find out what environmental associations exist today.

    It is necessary to preserve nature and the environment, and take good care of natural resources. Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Environmental protection is a task of paramount importance not only for our country, but also for the whole world. Therefore, the Russian Federation, while carrying out environmental activities, cooperates with other states and international organizations.

Let's check ourselves

  1. Why is it necessary active work for nature conservation?
  2. Why are land and other natural resources valued as the basis of people's lives?
  3. What is the government doing to protect the environment?
  4. What punishments does the law establish for those who harm nature?
  5. What can public organizations and citizens do to protect nature?

In the classroom and at home

  1. Do something useful: grow a plant, feed wintering birds.
  2. Prepare a photo exhibition on an environmental theme, create an environmental newspaper or album, a poster “Take care of nature!”
  3. Article 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to treat natural resources with care.” How do you understand your role in fulfilling this responsibility?
  4. Using additional sources of information, prepare a report on international agreements aimed at protecting the environment.

Learning to save nature

Remember the three main rules of environmental morality. Try with your behavior to benefit the conservation and protection of nature. Here are a few specific wishes:

  1. show interest in information about the state of the environment in the area where you live;
  2. look carefully at how the plants live in your house, in the school yard, on the street (maybe they need to be watered, loosened the soil, fertilized);
  3. help homeless animals, they also have the right to life;
  4. inform your elders if you notice any environmental danger, call the Rescue Service;
  5. help public organizations improve the environment: clean up the area, help animals in winter time, caring for plants and animals in the school biology classroom; take part in creating ecological trails in your city’s park.


Prepare three posters with your friends.

  1. "We love our region." Place on the poster material (photos, postcards, drawings, including your own) about the most wonderful corners of the region, natural monuments, specially protected areas. Don't forget about the animals that live in the region. Don’t try to cover everything at once, select the most striking examples. Consult your geography and history teachers.
  2. "We are ruining our region." Collect material about the environmental problems of the region, which were caused by the thoughtless actions of people - all these landfills, garbage dumps, pollution of the land, water bodies, man-made fires, illegal logging and poachers exterminating animals. We advise you to look through the files of local newspapers and look on the Internet - you will find a lot of what you need. We advise you to visit different disadvantaged places with your friends, take pictures, sketch them. And again, don’t try to cover everything at once.
  3. “We repay our debts to nature.” Here we should show at least a part of what is being done in the region to protect nature, restore forests, land, and wildlife. Tell us about the activities of government bodies, local public organizations, and about those people who protect and restore natural resources.

"Environmental organizations" - UNEP. VOOP. Green World. REC. International organizations UN systems. Friends of the Baltic. Children's environmental organizations. ADDITIONAL St. Petersburg Ecological Union. International organizations. ECOM. Wildlife Foundation in Russia. All-Russian organizations. MZK. IUCN. Greenpeace. Regional organizations.

“Protection of the environment from pollution” - Human production activities have caused serious damage to the biosphere. Protection of water resources. However, chemical pollution can also have indirect effects. Chemical pollution of the environment is caused by the following factors: Protection of the atmosphere from chemical pollution. The atmosphere serves as a screen that protects life on Earth from harmful influences from space.

“Environmental protection” - Developmental task. Target. Tasks. Development of monologue speech. Greenhouse effect. Educational task. Endangered animals. Objectives: training, development, educational. Fastening PAST PERFECT TENSE. Environment protection. Environmental pollution. Studying the problem of environmental protection.

“Environmental protection” - Environmental protection. Regulatory framework. Availability of data. Efficiency of resource use (7 indicators). Purpose and direction. Ecology and environmental protection (16 indicators). Definitions. Environmental statistics indicators are being introduced in accordance with Government Decree No. 848.

“Caring for nature” - Convince students of the need to take care of the environment. Waste from plastic packaging. Nature. The problem of recycling cullet. Vitamin C. You love juice. Why are forests cut down? Food waste. Can we litter less? Plastic box. Coal. Unauthorized dump.

“Environmental risks” - Insurance of environmental risks. Example 2 (from the company's perspective). Performance assessment; 14040 -14043 – environmental protection management. Risk appetite can be expressed through the utility function u(x). Basic principles; 14011 - guidelines for environmental auditing. Purpose of insurance. There is no special law on mandatory ES.

There are 15 presentations in total

Anna Ivanovna, what are they connected with? ecological problems Magadan region?
- The gold mining industry seriously harms the environment. There are many places in our Kolyma where there is physical destruction of the soil, changes in the river bed, and improper land reclamation. New technologies and advanced methods of mining make it possible to use water resources more economically and pollute the air and soil less. And our task is to raise a generation that would care about nature, live in harmony, skillfully correct what has already been done, and would not make similar mistakes in the future. There is no need to prohibit mining or producing anything at all, this is also wrong, we need to teach the correct use of natural resources.
- What kind of contingent do you work with?
- With anyone. Uniqueness of the institution additional education The point is that completely different children come here, from all families, and our task is to find a task for everyone to their liking. Those who want to study ecology in depth can study here scientific work, perform experiments. In our scientific society children of different ages, they work with plants, animals and birds. They write abstracts, reports, create projects, which they then present and defend. There are children who prefer practical activities. They enjoy caring for flowers and their pets. If they become not scientists, but livestock specialists and veterinarians, and simply animal lovers, this means that we have completed our task.
- Who works for you?
- I have a highly qualified team, out of 41 teachers, 3 are honored teachers of the Russian Federation, 11 are excellent students in education. Almost all of them have higher education.
- How long has your structure existed?
- On next year We will celebrate 60 years. We continue the traditions of the regional station for young naturalists, which was opened in Magadan on November 1, 1954. At that time, production teams, “Young Forester” and “Blue Patrol” circles were organized in the region. Since 1992, in the system of additional education, as elsewhere in the country, there has been a reduction in institutions. In our region, we retained the center, transferring it from regional to city subordination. Nevertheless, we work closely with the Department of Education of the Magadan Region Administration, we are a regional experimental platform: “Regional component as an important component of the content of additional education” and “Pre-profile training of students in the field of geological exploration, environmental management, environmental and mining.”
- Do many children visit your center?
- Today we have more than 3,000 people studying. Our teachers work in almost all kindergartens and schools in the city, providing methodological assistance in educational institutions areas.
- It turns out that not only children come to your center, but also your teachers go to their schools and kindergartens?
- Yes, schools have their own clubs, which are led by teachers, but there are also those that we lead, realizing our educational programs. For example, in addition to school subject“The world around us” we organize clubs “Young Botanist” and “Young Zoologist”.
- What are the working hours of the children's environmental center?
- You can say that we are working all year round 7 days a week. At the weekend club we provide consultations for adults on plant growing, there is also a psychologist and a video club. We hold many parent gatherings and events, such as: “Mom, Dad and I are an ecological family!” The “Commonwealth” project is widely known, in which parents, children and teachers are involved.
- Who comes to you on ordinary days in the morning? After all, at this time the children have classes at school?
- Children who study at school during the second shift. I would also like to add that we work with children at risk, children with disabilities. The children have adapted well to the center and actively take part in all activities.
- The very term “additional education” implies a certain optionality, and therefore secondary importance. How is this perceived in your region?
- As something necessary, without which it is impossible to do. If you look at the coverage of children with additional education in schools, it will be approximately 50%, and if you add culture and sports - 84%, although the federal plans for 2018 set the bar at only 75%. Such a high demand for additional education is associated with the peculiarities of our region, since in bad weather conditions children are not particularly eager to go outside, they are very hungry for new experiences, and therefore it is extremely important to keep them busy with something useful. Children can go to sports section, and to a music school, and to an art school. And everything is interesting to them. The main thing is that not only the parents, but also the children themselves consider this necessary.
- I suppose the value of clubs and sections also lies in the fact that children acquire not only knowledge and skills, not only get to know each other, but also receive some kind of document about completing the course?
- Yes, we issue certificates, assign the title of “Yunnat-instructor”, and this is very much in demand, including when compiling a portfolio. We award diplomas and certificates to the winners of certain Olympiads, competitions and competitions, this also stimulates children.
- Who helps you?
- We have the support of the regional administration, the city mayor’s office, we work closely with the departments of education, forests, natural resources, water resources, Rosprirodnadzor, the North-Eastern Integrated Research Institute (SVKNII FEB RAS), the Magadansky State Nature Reserve, the Educational and Methodological Center Civil defense and emergency situations in the Magadan region and many others. Thanks to this support, we are able to take children to the central regions of the country for a variety of events - the international forum “Green Planet”, the All-Russian Vernadsky Competition, the children’s environmental and ethnographic congress “Polar Summer” and so on. And of course, veterans of the environmental movement provide great assistance to the center. They are frequent guests at our events and classes in children's associations. Every year on June 5th, together with veterans, we kick off the ecological summer. Eco-teams from all schools in the city and region participate in it. With banners and posters, columns of schoolchildren march through the streets of cities and towns in the Magadan region, which looks very solemn and impressive.
- Anna Ivanovna, what other specific environmental protection activities are children involved in?
- Oh, these cases are countless! I can name the actions “Clean Coast”, “Clean City”, “Clean Forest”, labor landings in recreational areas, events for greening the city, etc. True, we are often asked whether we are replacing the work of public utilities with child labor, because with landscaping, Garbage collection and park improvement should be carried out by the relevant services; substantial funds are spent on this from the budget. I agree that everyone should mind their own business, but if the relevant services do not always succeed in something, you cannot stand and wait for it to work out on its own. You need to take it yourself and correct the shortcomings. There is trash on the lawn - take it and put it in a trash can, you can plant a tree - don’t wait for someone to plant it! When a child clears the shore of rubbish or the forest of cans and bottles, he understands that he is doing a very important and useful job. And when he grows up, not only will he not litter, but he will also raise his children in the same spirit.


Homeland- this is the most dear thing a person has. Motherland- this is the place where a person was born and raised. I was born and raised in Crimea. This is a wonderful place, soaked in fresh air and warm rays of the sun.

I I think

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“workshop in social studies on the topic “Man and Nature”, grade 7”


Homeland– this is the most dear thing a person has. Motherland– this is the place where a person was born and raised. I was born and raised in Crimea. This is a wonderful place, soaked in fresh air and warm rays of the sun.

I I think that the native land should be the most beautiful and beloved. If a person leaves his native land on his own, then he is not a patriot of his birthplace.

It is the most ordinary things that are most remarkable in the world. Isn't it a miracle that we can walk, talk, think? What about the fact that a person is capable of loving, burning with feelings for another person? Draw pictures and write poetry?

In the city, nature seems to come to visit people in the form of hungry titmice or street beggar cats. Some people therefore imagine that they are the kings of nature. They dispose of it as they wish. If they found themselves somewhere outside the city, in the wild, they would have a hard time changing their habits.

A person often forgets about the beauty of the world around him or seeks to spoil it. A person is always dissatisfied; he considers his life not good enough. If something doesn’t work out for him, “homo sapiens” is even capable of committing suicide, forgetting that he has been given the whole world. People fill their heads with thousands of small matters and worries! But you just need to stop and look at the world. “As the song says: “How beautiful this world is, look!”


I believe that we are not doing the right thing towards nature. We take from her everything we need and give nothing in return. Nowadays, there are a lot of hunters - poachers, who often go unpunished. Trees, animals, birds, fish - all this is destroyed daily in huge quantities. But then nature also begins to exterminate people: tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and tornadoes are its ways of fighting humanity. We must preserve and protect nature, first of all for ourselves. And she will also begin to help us.

Many writers have addressed the theme of the unity of man and nature, and they all tried to encourage people to protect the world around us. Thus, Viktor Astafiev in his work “The Tsar is a Fish” talks about the fisherman Utrobin, who caught a huge fish on a hook, and it pulled him into the water. The author writes: “The king of the river and the king of all nature are in one trap.” To avoid death, Utrobin has to talk about his worst sin, which has been like a stone in his soul all his life. After this repentance, the fish stops pulling the fisherman to the bottom, breaks out of the net and swims away. And man recognizes the primacy of nature and begins to rethink his life. This story tells people that enslaving nature will not bring positive results, and in the end, nature will still prevail in this fight.

Another work by Astafiev, “Why did I kill the corncrake?” is autobiographical. The writer describes a case when, as a child, he whipped to death a bird that could not fly away from him or even run away, since it was missing one leg. He writes that for the rest of his life he felt guilty before this innocent little bird: “But why, why, when I hear the creaking of a corncrake across the river, my heart will tremble and one old torment will fall upon me again: why did I kill corncrake? For what?". The work shows only one thoughtlessly killed life, but how many animals or plants have we destroyed in this way.

We must learn again, as before, to idolize nature, every tiny part of it. After all, she has a soul, and she also feels joy and pain. We don’t understand that we have chosen an unequal opponent – ​​she is many times stronger. If we do not change our attitude towards nature, sooner or later it will also begin to destroy us.


It's hard not to notice that surrounding nature needs our protection. However, people often do the exact opposite - they destroy nature and treat it as “consumers”. But what will future generations see in this case? It’s hardly something good, so you need to make an effort and try to save nature.

2Keep any chemical detergents and cosmetics to a minimum, and if you use them, dispose of them properly (separate your trash), as even this simple step will help you pollute the environment as little as possible.

3It is worth mentioning plastic bags, which are common in almost all countries. They are preferred because they are lightweight, waterproof and cheap, and you can carry anything in them.

However, used plastic bags rarely end up in landfills. Much more often they can be seen in the middle of the streets: on fences, trees, and so on. But in order to destroy plastic bag, nature takes from 200 to 300 years, sometimes even more. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the thoughtless use of such bags and replace them with textile bags.

An important factor is transport, which causes the most damage to nature. Avoid cars and buses if possible, give preference to trams, trolleybuses, and better yet, bicycles, since saving any resources is an integral element of preserving wildlife.

An equally significant role is played by healthy image life. It is better to limit yourself to drinking alcohol and smoking, which is also harmful not only to you, but also to the environment

Debts to the nature of our native Kuzbass, which it would seem we can forget, write off, forgive ourselves, or hide under a huge dump of devastated rock, actually need to be repaid. In the list of cash expenses of PJSC Kuzbass Fuel Company, funds are allocated as a separate line for activities aimed at restoring and preserving the nature of the region.

An example for future generations

In 2012, a unique event occurred - the coal Kuzbass Fuel Company transferred the territory intended for coal mining to the organization of the Karakansky regional nature reserve. It became a refuge for dying steppe plants and animals, an island of almost disappeared steppes. And at the same time, the basis for their restoration on lands disturbed by coal mining in the future.

The creation of the reserve is an example of civilized and careful subsoil use, which is the corporate style of the young, dynamically developing, environmentally and socially responsible coal company PJSC KTK. This is undoubtedly worth telling the younger generation about. The future of the region is in the hands of today’s boys and girls and the examples by which they will be brought up will determine its fate.

For several years, the CPC management, together with regional scientists, has been organizing environmental excursions for schoolchildren across the expanses of the Karakansky Reserve. The current year will not be any different from previous ones: one of the most important items has been included in the list of environmental events for 2018. Excursions allow children not only to get acquainted with nature native land, but also understand that modern business must work not only for material gain.

Participants of last year's excursion, tenth graders Olga Fedorova and Elizaveta Kleymenova admitted that after traveling through the steppe expanses of the Karakan Range they became even more proud of their native land: “It’s nice that our territory contains such natural resources. The area here is beautiful, and it’s even more surprising that such coal reserves are hidden underground here. The Karakansky ridge is interesting both from the point of view of geography and in terms of biology. This unique area with its unusual variety of animals and flora should definitely be protected. We hope that in the future we will make our contribution to this common cause,”high school students shared their impressions.

Taking care of those listed in the Red Data Book

This year, the environmental action plan of CPC PJSC was supplemented with an interesting and very significant item. This coming summer, coal miners, together with the Kemerovo regional environmental public organization, intend to manufacture and install additives (trees convenient for birds to plant or special devices - author's note). While the "Karakansky Sanctuary" is waking up from the winter cold, the preparatory work: the shape, quantity and location of installation of additives are determined.

Taking care of animals may seem to some like “stupidity”, “eccentricity” or even “a feast during the plague”... But creating conditions as close as possible to natural ones allows us to achieve the main goal of organizing the reserve - preserving biodiversity during coal mining.

"Karakansky Reserve" is a steppe area with practically no trees. And this fact can lead to tragic consequences, especially for its feathered inhabitants. Birds, hunting or simply flying, can land on power lines, which inevitably leads to the death of animals. But this cannot be allowed! Among the feathered inhabitants of the reserve there are species listed in the “Red Books” of Russia and the Kemerovo region, which simply need to be preserved and, if possible, created favorable conditions for the survival of animal populations in the long term. Among them, for example, the merlin falcon, steppe harrier and greater spotted eagle.

“Until you believe it, you won’t see it”...

Is it just me or are there still distrustful, skeptical grins left after all of the above? Then their owners have a unique opportunity to check for themselves how the Kuzbass Fuel Company not only mines coal, but also restores destroyed lands and preserves the region’s biodiversity.

Some people say: "seeing is believing!", and we say: “Until you believe it, you won’t see it”! From May to September of this year, the team of the Kuzbass Fuel Company invites everyone to take a walk through the steppes of the Karakansky Reserve, watch the life of birds, insects, animals and plants, interesting photos its inhabitants or just beautiful pictures of the reserve and become a participant in the photo competition "Living beauty of the Karakansky reserve-2018". Works will be accepted by email: [email protected] and be allowed to participate subject to three important conditions.

First: P The submitted photographs must be taken personally by the author and cannot be borrowed from external sources; processing of images in a graphics editor is not allowed.

Second: Each picture must have a title.

Third: In the field of the letter you must indicate your coordinates: last name, first name, patronymic, city of residence and telephone number for contact.

The authors of the three most interesting works will receive super prizes: smartphone, tablet and camera. 10 incentive prizes are also planned for other participants in the photo competition. Read more about the photo competition in our future publications. Notice the beauty of wildlife, take photographs, and participate in the 2018 photo competition!

The coal industry is one of the components of the foundation of the economy and life of Kuzbass. Without coal, not a single large energy facility will be able to operate, the entire public utility sector will come to a standstill, and the private sector will be left without fuel. For all their importance and necessity, the coal enterprises of PJSC KTK do not just mine “black gold”, but also act in the interests of the region, preserving the unique nature at the level of world standards. A striking example is environmental and social projects PJSC "Kuzbass Fuel Company". “We preserve nature - think about the future...” is the slogan of the Kuzbass Fuel Company.

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