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The city of Perth arose on the Swan River (the Aborigines call it Derbari-Yerrigan), which dries up in the summer and autumn months, 20 km from its confluence with the Indian Ocean. Gradually, the city grew on the Swan coastal plain elongated in the meridional direction, in the west Perth reaches the ocean coast, in the east it abuts the Darling Range. In the center of this sandy and flat plain, stretching along the ocean for hundreds of kilometers, are the city center and almost all of the suburbs.
Much of the city grew up on drained lakes and swamps, which were once even called the Great Lakes of Perth. This chain of freshwater natural reservoirs, swamps and flooded wastelands occupied a significant area on the Swan coastal plain. When the settlement on the site of present-day Perth was just founded, the water areas were located to the north of it. Since 1832, most of them were drained, and houses, parks and gardens grew in their place.
Before Europeans appeared in these places, the aborigines had lived here for 40 thousand years. The lakes were a source of food for them: they contained a lot of fish, waterfowl, crayfish and turtles. For the Aboriginal Noongar tribe, the shores of the lakes were also a place for corroboree - ritual men's dances that occupied the most important place in the culture of the people. It is clear that when developing the territory, no one was interested in the opinion of indigenous Australians.
Almost all the lakes have disappeared, only a few remain - those that cannot be drained due to their location, size or depth. The largest is Herdsman (Shepherd) Lake.
The history of the development of this section of Western Australia began in 1696, when three ships under the command of the Dutch navigator Willem de Vlaminck dropped anchor off these shores. The Aborigines greeted the aliens with extreme hostility, which Vlaminck noted in his diary.
Based on de Vlaminck's experience, the British, when colonizing this region of Australia, acted in stages. First, in May 1829, Captain Charles Fremantle officially declared western Australia a British colony and founded a coastal village, which he shamelessly gave his own name. The village (later the port) of Fremantle became a springboard for penetration into the interior of the territory.
In June of the same year, the British captain and colonial manager, Scotsman James Stirling, disembarked from the ship Parmelia in the area of ​​the Darling cliff, went east, crossed the Swan coastal plain and reached the Great Lakes. He liked these places so much - picturesque, abundant with water, plants and living creatures, that he immediately founded Perth, which became the first village of the Swan River colony. The British colonial administration agreed with Stirling's proposal to found a colony, and Stirling himself was appointed its governor.
Settlers from Great Britain poured here, the village quickly grew, and in 1856 it received city status by decree of Queen Victoria. Relations with the Aborigines were not easy, but there were no significant clashes with them in the entire history of Perth.
The city was destined to be a convict prison (1850-1868) and to survive the “gold rush” (1885-1895), which allowed the construction of the port of Fremantle, electricity and trams to run through the streets.
In the 20th century An additional impetus to the development of the city was given by the discovery of deposits of diamonds, iron and natural gas, and now the pace of development of Perth is higher than that of other Australian cities.
The future showed that Captain Stirling had chosen an unusually good place to found the city. Perth has not become a port, but enjoys all the benefits of its Fremantle outport. And from the east, roads from rich mineral deposits stretch to it.

Capital of Western Australia

For Australians, whose country is relatively young, Perth is an old city, if not quite ancient. Therefore, the continent treats it with care, as a national treasure.
Perth is a large city, the third most populous in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne. And two-thirds of the state's population lives in Perth. At the same time, Perth remains one of the most isolated in the world: the nearest city has a population of over 100 thousand people. - Australian Adelaide, located at a distance of more than 2 thousand km.
Perhaps this is why even the Australians themselves do not know exactly what to call the residents of the city of Perth. Hence the variety of options: Perthians, Pertits, Pertlings and Pertonians. The townspeople themselves seem to agree with everyone.
Many of the city's residents are descendants of convicts sent here from Great Britain in the mid-19th century. Except for the roads, they were built by the hands of convicts; also bridges and houses in Perth - mainly in the Gothic style, which then returned to fashion in England, many of them have survived to this day.
In the middle of the 20th century. The population size and its ethnic diversity increased due to large numbers of European immigrants. This was explained by the fact that Fremantle was the first Australian city on the route of ships from Europe, and immigrants were eager to set foot on solid ground and feel like Australians. There are especially many Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Macedonians, and Turks in the city. Until this century and a half, the city remained almost entirely Anglo-Celtic in the ethnic composition of its citizens.
In the 1980-1990s. Many Afrikaners and Anglo-Africans from South Africa moved to the city, dissatisfied with the authorities' policies towards the white minority. Moreover, the phrase “go to Perth” meant for these people fleeing South Africa to any country, not necessarily to this city.
Most of the immigrants became workers at numerous enterprises in the city: a petrochemical plant, in shipbuilding workshops, in factories where products are processed Agriculture(mainly cattle).
Perth is located away from the Indian Ocean, and its outport is the city of Fremantle, through which agricultural and mining products are exported from Perth and its environs. Therefore, land Perth is considered a major port on the west coast of Australia.
The city has preserved many historical buildings built in the mid-19th century. The buildings are preserved, restored, and have been awarded the status of a national treasure of Australia. Some are still used today for their intended purpose: for example, the oldest working mint in Australia on Hay Street, where gold, silver and platinum coins are still minted.
Several city parks, laid out on the site of drained lakes, are striking in their size, especially Kings Park with an area of ​​4 km 2.
Perth is renowned in Australia and around the world for hosting several major festivals. The Perth International Arts Festival has been held since 1953, and there is also a Winter Arts Festival, the Music of the Future and Stereosonic music festivals, the International Comedy Festival, and the sand sculpture festival Sculptures by the Sea.
Australians love Perth, located on the western coast of the mainland opposite Sydney. In Sydney the sun rises from the sea, but in Perth it plunges into the sea, and Australians come here specifically to admire the sea sunsets.

general information

Location: southwest Australia
Administrative status: capital of the state of Western Australia.
Founded: 1829
City status: since 1856
English language.
Ethnic composition: English - 28.6%, Australians - 25.6%, Irish - 6.2%, Scots - 6.1%, Italians - 4.5%, Chinese - 2.9%, Aboriginals - 0.2%, other - 25.9% (2006).
Religions: Christianity (Protestants - 28%, Catholics - 23%, Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days, Personal Ordinariate Holy Virgin Mary of the Southern Cross), Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism.
Currency unit: Australian dollar.
River: Swan.
Lakes: Herdsman, Monger, Brook, Smith, Hyde Park.
international Airport: Perth.


Area (with suburbs): 6417.9 km 2 .
Length (with suburbs): from north to south - 125 km.
Population: 2,021,200 people (2014).
Population density: 315 people/km 2 .
Distance: 3288 km west of Sydney.

Climate and weather

Summers are hot and dry, winters are wet and cool.
Average January temperature: +24°С.
Average temperature in July: +13°С.
Average annual precipitation: 750 mm.
Relative humidity: 65-70%.


Industry: mechanical engineering (shipbuilding, automobile assembly, handling equipment), oil refining, cement, chemical, light (textile), woodworking, pulp and paper, food (meat canning).
Services: tourism, transport, trade, financial, telecommunications.



Swan River Valley, Kounu Koala Park Nature Reserve, John Forrest (1957), Yanchep (1957) and Avon Valley (1970) National Parks, Sunset Coast.


round house(Fremantle, 1830), Old Windmill (1835), Court House (1836), Railway Station (1881), St. George's Cathedral (1888), Mint (1899) , Piccadilly Arcade (1938).


Main Street St George's Terrace, Hay Street and Murray Street, high rise buildings Central Park (1992) and Brookfield Place (2012), Perth Arena (2012).


Royal Park (Botanic Gardens, War Memorial, Clock Tower, 1895), Hyde Park (1897-1899), Perth Zoo (1897), Fire History Museum (old fire station, 1900), Perth Cultural Center (Art Gallery of Western Australia, Western Australian Museum, Perth Institute of Modern Art), Western Australia Theater Centre, His Majesty's Theater (1904), Western Australian Aquarium (1988).

Curious facts

■ The fact that Aboriginal people lived in the area of ​​present-day Perth 40 thousand years ago is confirmed by the discovery of artifacts on the banks of the Swan River. Radiocarbon dating of stone tools established their age at 38 thousand years.
■ The Dutch traveler Willem de Vlaminck was the first European to explore the lower reaches of the Swan River at the point where it flows into the Indian Ocean and where the city of Perth stands. De Vlaminck gave it the name Swan, which is translated from in English means "Swan". Indeed, de Vlaminck was amazed to see many black swans on the river, the existence of which Europeans had not previously suspected.
■ Captain Stirling initially wanted to name the main city in honor of the Secretary of War and Colonial Affairs George Murray, his fellow Scot. However, the Murray River has already been named after him. Not wanting to deviate from his plan, Stirling gave the new city the name Perth - in honor of the homeland of the same minister Murray - the Scottish city of Perth.
■ Fremantle Doctor (aka Freo Doctor, or simply Doctor) is a midday southwesterly sea breeze that has a noticeable effect on the weather in Perth. Appears in the summer months. On such days, the temperature drops below 30°C a few hours after the wind changes. So named because, being in Perth, it seems that the wind, bringing welcome relief from high summer temperatures, came from the neighboring city of Fremantle.
■ The Great Lakes of Perth have a similar name to the Great Lakes of North America because they are also serpentine lakes - lakes connected by channels.
■ Through the corroboree dance, Australian Aborigines communicate with the Dreamtime - the era when all things were created and which, in the minds of the Aborigines, continues to exist in an otherworldly reality. In European culture, this concept appeared thousands of years later and was called parallel reality. Corroboree is accompanied by individual and choral singing to the accompaniment of a drum, gong, bamboo trumpet or seashell.
■ Letters from the governors of Perth sent to London in the 19th century contain requests to send to the city, which needed workers, “not frail embezzlers and cheaters, but strong robbers and burglars.” The governors also urged that female convicts "of childbearing age" be sent to Perth to form families with the convicts. Thus, the colonial administration of Perth sought to avoid conflicts over ladies between convicts and settlers. Over the entire period, about 10 thousand convicts were exiled to Perth.

Perth is an Australian metropolis located on the Indian Ocean and is the capital of the state of Western Australia. In the western part of the continent it largest and most populous.

A huge desert separates Perth from other Australian cities. Developed, picturesque and pleasant weather conditions the city attracts tourists and immigrants from all over the world!

Long before Europeans arrived in Perth, here within 40 000 years Noongars lived, as evidenced by excavations near the Swan River.

The first Europeans who came to the shores of Perth and met the aborigines named these lands Burlu.

For the first time, residents of European countries arrived here July 19, 1619 with the crew of Frederic de Houtman.

But weather conditions did not allow a full landing. For many years other seafarers tried to settle here, but the settlements in what was then Perth were not permanent.

A colony called Swan River was founded by Captain James Stirling. in 1829. The first building that was built in Perth, the Round House, has survived to this day.

By the year 32 of the 19th century, the population of the colony amounted to one and a half thousand people. And in 1939, convicts from England began to be sent here. Perth's heyday came at a time when gold was found in the colony area. This provided not only economic growth for Swan River, but also provided a strong impetus for industrial growth.

From that moment on, the development of Perth only continued to grow. And when in the middle of the 20th century New gold deposits were discovered in Perth, and the city again experienced a surge in economic development. Perth has become the world's main center for the extraction and processing of this valuable metal.

Geographical location and climate of Perth

The city of Perth is located in southwest Australia between the lower Darling Range cliff and the Indian Ocean. The outskirts of Perth are located on the Swan River.

Specifically, the city of Perth, which cannot be said about the main part of the state of Western Australia, is located in the Mediterranean temperate climate zone.

There is not much precipitation here However, it is enough for the greenery to bloom wildly.

Depends temperature and weather Perth mostly depends on which way the wind blows. The air either brings dryness and heat from the continent, or moisture and coolness from the ocean.

Summer in Perth is hot. Sometimes the thermometer column shows +40 °C. Lasts from December to March, with February being the hottest month of the year.

Winter in Perth it is quite cool, but the temperature does not drop below 0 °C, and if this happens, then such weather is considered abnormal.

Worth knowing! Perth experiences seasonal and moderate rainfall. There is also often a sea breeze called the Fremantle Doctor blowing from the southwest in the summer. The temperature during this period drops below +30 °C.

Perth's climate is a traditional example of a Mediterranean climate. Here sunny and warm, and precipitation falls in moderate quantities.

Population and transport of the city

Like other metropolises in Australia, the city of Perth is home to large number of immigrants from all over the world.

One in ten Perth residents was born in the UK. Perth is a city in Australia, home to most of all English than in other metropolises of the Green Continent.

Also lives in the city large percentage Indigenous Australians, Irish, Italians, Scots, Chinese and other ethnic groups.

Perth is the fourth most populous city in Australia. Lives in the capital of Western Australia more than two million people.

There are two airports within the city of Perth for domestic and international flights. You can move freely around the city in your own car, since Perth's road system is excellent.

There is three freeways and nine highways. Travel on the roads in the city is free. When it comes to public transport, you can travel around Perth by bus, train and ferry.

Flora and fauna of the city

The black swan is a symbol of the city. There is a special attitude towards these birds in Perth. The image of a black swan is even present on the flag and coat of arms.

On the territory of the metropolis they stand sculptures this unique bird, and live black swans are found along the rivers and reservoirs of Perth.

Flora and fauna of Perth unique. More than fifteen species of animals live here that do not live anywhere else in the world.

You can see representatives of the fauna in the unique Perth nature reserve, where on 14 hectares of land inhabited by koalas, which today are on the verge of extinction.

Look at rare exotic plants possible in King Park. Another feature of the natural world of Perth is that next to the metropolis there is a unique forest with ancient centuries-old trees called Karri.

Forest built by termites- another natural wonder located in the north of Perth. And, of course, it should be noted that in the vicinity of Perth there are vineyards that are ideally suited to the Mediterranean climate of this region.

Perth is a city that attracts with its unique nature, amazingly rare fauna and picturesque views. The city is developing, strengthening its economy and offering locals and visitors good conditions for life and recreation.

In conclusion, we offer you watch the video about the amazing city of Australia Perth:

Perth is the capital of the Western Australia region, one of the most isolated from wider civilization administrative centers peace. Its location in the outskirts has earned Perth the reputation of being a hidden pearl in the Australian crown: not everyone can find it, but a persistent seeker will be fully rewarded - kilometers of pristine beaches, a huge number of national parks within walking distance, beautiful nature, and all this coupled with lifestyle -the cordiality and infectious carefreeness of the local residents more than compensate for possible inconveniences.

How to get to Perth

The route from Russia to Australia is long, there are no non-stop flights, so be prepared to spend at least 20 hours in the air, excluding connections. There are a lot of flight options: Emirates airlines via Dubai, Singapore Airlines via Singapore, not counting the opportunity to fly to Sydney and from there get to Perth on a domestic flight of the national carrier Qantas or low-cost Virgin Blue.

Perth International Airport is located 15 km from the city and consists of three terminals. Flights from abroad are serviced in Terminal 1, domestic flights in Terminal 2 or 3. To get from the airport to the city center, you can use the shuttle service. Connect shuttle buses link the international and domestic terminals to Perth city centre; departures from the airport from 6:20 am to 1 am. In Perth the shuttle makes 5 stops at different parts cities. The travel time to the first stop is about 20 minutes, the fare is 18 USD one way and 30 USD round trip. Another option (profitable if you are traveling in a group) is to take a taxi. The trip will cost approximately 40 USD.

Search for flights to Sydney (closest airport to Perth)

Transport in the city

Municipal company Transperth operates Perth's public transport system. Local residents and guests have access to city buses, commuter trains and a ferry connecting the banks of the Swan River, on which the city is located.

Perth has a large number of bus routes, the most popular of which are CAT buses. There are three lines within the city: Red CAT and Yellow CAT connect the eastern and western parts of the city (from 6 am to half-8 pm with an interval of 5/10 minutes), Blue CAT - northern and southern (from 7:00 to 19:30 , interval 8 minutes). In addition, circular routes No. 98 (clockwise) and 99 (in the opposite direction) are popular.

Travel is charged according to the number of zones crossed; there are nine of them in the city. The cost of travel within one zone is 2.50 USD, for two - 3.70 USD, etc. The city center and the areas closest to it are located within one zone. A 24-hour pass will cost 9 USD. Travel within Perth's Free Transit Zone (FTZ) is free. Bus stops in this zone have a red FTZ sign.

In addition to travel tickets, you can purchase a SmartRider - an electronic card that must first be “charged” with money at Transperth offices. Apply SmartRider to the validator on public transport when entering and exiting, and the required amount will be automatically withdrawn from the card balance.

You can gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere at Scitech - the largest planetarium on the continent.

Commuter trains are a great way to quickly get to the outskirts of Perth and its suburbs. Popular destinations include Clarkson North, Fremantle and Midland. Trains depart from the city's central station at Wellington Street. The traffic schedule is from half past five in the morning to midnight on weekdays and until two in the morning on weekends. Trains are also subject to the FTZ rule - free travel within the city.

The ferry can quickly and comfortably reach the southern regions of Perth, for example, to visit the zoo. The ships run every 20-30 minutes from 7 am to half past eight in the evening on weekdays and from 8:00 to 21:00 during the weekend; travel time - 7 minutes.

For lovers physical activity It is possible to rent a bicycle in Perth. There is an extensive network of bike paths, and they are all maintained in almost perfect condition.

Popular hotels in Perth

Perth cuisine and restaurants

Perth has a huge number of bistros, pizzerias and restaurants of a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from native Australian to American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Thai. The largest selection of establishments for every taste and budget in the Northbridge area. There are also bars, pubs and nightclubs here, and after dark you can “continue the banquet” in them. Other restaurant areas are around the Barrack Street and Mend Street piers on the south bank of the Swan River (lunch can be combined with a short but romantic ferry ride).

Among the local cuisine, it is recommended to try grilled steaks (a specialty of Australians) and a variety of seafood, from shark meat to freshwater oysters. Perth is famous for lobster; it is a whole industry with an impressive share of exports to the USA.

The Swan River Valley is one of Australia's oldest wine regions, so don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a glass or two of the local invigorating drink.

Italian cuisine is thriving in Fremantle, a town 20 minutes' drive from Perth. Thousands of pasta and lasagne enthusiasts immigrated here in the 50s and 60s, and since then it has not been difficult to find an establishment with excellent dishes.

Shopping and shops

Perth's main department stores - Hay Street Mall and Murray Street Mall - are located in the heart of the city. There are many stores of international mass brands of clothing, shoes and accessories and several boutiques of local designers. King Street is another popular shopping artery of the city. It is also worth visiting the Carillon City Arcade, Carousel Shopping Center in the Kenington area, the Harbor Town outlet in western Perth and the colorful Karrinyup Shopping Center - luxury boutiques here are interspersed with corner shops with all sorts of sundries - bracelets, neckerchiefs and other accessories.

To soak up the local flavor and stock up on food, head to Perth markets: Fremantle Markets (over 150 stalls in a historic 1897 building), Canning Vale (fruit, flowers, second-hand items; open on Sundays), Gosnells Railway and E-Shed Markets . Great selection of souvenirs and crafts at Scarborough Fair Markets and Wanneroo Market (Saturdays and Sundays from 8am to 5pm).

The best photos of Perth

Guides in Perth

Entertainment and attractions in Perth

One of the main attractions of Perth is the ocean and the beach in all their diversity: from simply lying on the sand to flying in a two-seater plane over the surf line. The most comfortable and safe beaches include North Beach, Sorrento Beach and City Beach. Cottesloe Beach is also suitable for swimming, but here you need to beware of undercurrents near the breakwaters. Scarborough and Trigg are ideal for surfers.

You can enjoy the charm of uninhabited beaches and watch short-tailed wallabies on Rottnest Island, located 19 km from Perth (about two hours by ferry). Private transport is prohibited here; There is one bus route and several bicycle rental shops on the island. Around Rottnest, divers can dive to wrecks.

Its outlying location has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden jewel in Australia's crown.

Perth Zoo has more than 2,000 animals from 280 species, mostly indigenous to the continent. Caversham Wildlife Park features kangaroos and wombats, while Cohunu Wildlife Park is home to numerous koalas. Cold-blooded lovers are advised to visit the Armadale Reptile Center and the huge Aquarium.

The center of Perth also has several noteworthy architectural monuments - the Governor's House surrounded by beautiful gardens, the Houses of Parliament and City Hall, St. George's Cathedral, and the Perth Mint, where precious metals are still processed today.

You can get some fresh air within the city in one of four Perth parks: Allen Green Conservatory with a collection of tropical plants, Burswood Park, the 400-hectare Kings Park or the Botanic Gardens.

To gaze at the fantastic starry skies of the Southern Hemisphere, head to Scitech, the largest planetarium on the continent. You can fly over Perth and its surrounding areas by hot air balloon, helicopter and two-seater plane. And of course, don’t forget that the Australian coast is one of the best places in the world for diving.

The city of Perth is the largest metropolis in southwestern Australia. The city is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean and is essentially the capital of the Western state of the continent. Climatic conditions- simply beautiful. Mild, temperate subtropical climate with fairly hot summers and moderately cold winters.

The city amazes with its beauty. Gorgeous nature, a lot of park recreation areas in the very heart of the city, kilometers of magnificent beaches give the metropolis a certain zest. In addition to the wonderful natural splendors, the city is rich in attractions that have earned the city fame as a tourist destination.

There are a large number of stalls in the city where they sell excursion tours, and similar offers can be purchased at the hotel or hostel where you are actually staying. But, it is not at all necessary to buy excursions or personal tours to see all the sights of the city; you can admire some of them on your own. This method is no less interesting, and also a little more economical.

The history of the creation of the Aquarium is interesting in itself, but the exhibitions presented in it are no less interesting. Visitors are presented with five independent sections, recreating the diversity of different ecosystems of the Great South Coast, the coast of Perth itself, the Shipwreck Coast and the Far North.

Each exhibition is beautiful in its own way. Blue, spiny-tailed stingray, clown fish, crocodiles and poisonous stone fish, inhabitants and “heroes” of the exposition of the Far North.

The coast of Perth is represented by cuttlefish and huge jellyfish against the backdrop of coral deposits. The exhibition is designed simply grandiosely. Sandy bays with underwater reefs, where octopuses and huge lobsters peacefully coexist among colorful corals. The final look is given by “restless” seahorses, scurrying back and forth somehow “aimlessly”.

The Shipwreck Coast exhibit features the unique flora of the Indian Ocean. This is a thunderstorm of the ocean - a shark, huge stingrays and turtles

The Great South Coast is represented by inhabitants of the cold, "dark" depths of the Southern Ocean. Mystical sea ​​dragons, brightened by the beauty of delicate corals, iridescent sea sponges, complement the beauty of the exhibition, creating a more joyful atmosphere.

The highlight of the Aquarium is the Marmayon Marine Park. Here anyone can swim with sea animals in a pool specially created for this purpose.

The price for a lot of fun is $25. There is a discount: for children over 4 years old – $14, and for children under 4 years old it is completely free.

This is truly concentration. cultural heritage city ​​of Perth. It contains up to 4 million different exhibits related to the culture and life of local aborigines. One of the permanent exhibitions called “The Land and People of Western Australia” tells about the history of the emergence of culture in the museum. Household items, hunting weapons and labor tools of the aborigines from the beginning of the nation to the present day are presented. Another of the permanent exhibitions reveals the history of Australia since the time of the dinosaurs.

The exhibition displays parts of the skeletons of winged lizards and amphibious carnivores.

In several halls, the amazing nature of the continent is presented in the form of exhibits. Birds, butterflies, a lot of different insects, in a word - there is something to admire and see. A separate item in the museum is presented space theme. Its most interesting part is a meteorite weighing 11 kilograms and, naturally, stones from the Earth’s satellite - the Moon and stones from the planet Mars.

For children, viewing is organized a little differently than for adults. For children, educational screenings are provided in an interactive form in a specially equipped place called “Discovery”. In addition to the educational function, the museum is also involved in a number of research projects in the field of anthropology, marine zoology, history, and nature conservation, the results of which can also be seen in small exhibitions.

I highly recommend taking a walk through Kounu Koala Park. Situated on 14 hectares of land, the park is essentially a place where the koala population is preserved and, if possible, increased. This is one of the most wonderful places where every park visitor can easily feed and even hold this amazing creature.

It is only necessary to take precautions, because female koalas carry small cubs in their pouches for the first 6 months, and it is impossible for an ignorant person to discern whether a koala has babies in her pouch.

In addition to koalas, you can see a huge population of parrots in the park. There are also kangaroos and Dingo dogs. By the way, like koalas, kangaroos really like human attention. These individuals love to “caress” themselves, thereby begging for special attention, plus additional food. The administration installed an exact copy of the dinosaur on the territory of the park. Anyone can take pictures, but for an additional fee. The funds raised in this way go towards studying and maintaining the koala population.

You can't ignore the National Zoo in Perth. This is one of the oldest zoos on the continent. Being 100 years old, the zoo has never been closed. It is noteworthy that in addition to animals from all continents, the zoo also boasts an impressive botanical collection. About 60 species of relict palm trees grow on the territory. Some of them, planted more than a century ago, still grow in the zoo. But let's return to the animal world. Today the zoo has more than a thousand various types animals. Each group of animal species is assigned its own zone. For example, a zone where only the fauna of the wild African savanna is represented. Walking along a path made like a dry river bed, you can look at the majestic lions, cheetahs, and other predators of the savannah. Accordingly, all animals are housed in closed enclosures. There are also calmer inhabitants in this part, these are zebras, rhinoceroses and meerkats, which are especially interesting to watch.

The Australian part of the zoo is represented by more reptiles. There are crocodiles, turtles, and all kinds of frogs. Black swans are very impressive.

The majestic birds are not the least bit afraid of visitors. Going out onto the path - demanding additional feeding. In addition, they are a little spoiled by attention to their own person. If you don’t like the food, they try to pinch your leg.

There is also an Asian part of the zoo, but due to limited time we did not go there.

These are not all the attractions of Perth, there are at least twice as many. Only those that are definitely worth watching are listed.


Perth is the capital of the Western Australia region, one of the most isolated administrative regions from the wider civilization

centers of the world. Its out-of-the-way location has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden jewel in Australia's crown: it's easy to find

not for everyone, but a persistent seeker will be fully rewarded - kilometers of pristine beaches, a huge number

national parks within walking distance, beautiful nature, and all this coupled with lifestyle hospitality and infectious

The carefree nature of the locals more than compensates for any possible inconvenience.

How to get to Perth

The route from Russia to Australia is long, there are no non-stop flights, so be prepared to spend at least 20 hours in the air without

accounting for connections. There are plenty of flight options: Emirates airlines via Dubai, Thai Airways via Bangkok, Singapore Airlines

via Singapore, not counting the possibility of flying to Sydney and from there getting to Perth on a domestic national flight

airline Qantas or low-cost airline Virgin Blue.

Perth International Airport is located 15 km from the city and consists of three terminals. Flights from abroad are served at

terminal 1, home ones - in the 2nd or 3rd. To get from the airport to the city center, you can use the services

shuttle Connect shuttle buses link the international and domestic terminals to Perth city centre; departures from the airport

6:20 am to 1 am. In Perth, the shuttle makes 5 stops in different parts of the city. Travel time to the first stop is about 20

minutes, the fare is $18 one way and $30 round trip. Another option (favorable if you are traveling to

company) - take a taxi. The trip will cost approximately $40.

Perth Climate

Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
during the day +31 +31 +29 +25 +21 +18 +17 +18 +20 +22 +25 +28
at night +16 +17 +15 +12 +10 +8 +7 +7 +8 +10 +12 +14
water +23 +23 +22 +22 +20 +20 +19 +19 +19 +19 +21 +21

Transport in the city

Municipal company Transperth operates Perth's public transport system. At the service of local residents and guests -

city ​​buses, commuter trains and a ferry connecting the banks of the Swan River, on which the city is located.

Perth has a large number of bus routes, the most popular of which are CAT buses. Within the city there are three

lines: Red CAT and Yellow CAT connect the eastern and western parts of the city (from 6 am to half-8 pm with an interval of 5/10 minutes),

Blue CAT - northern and southern (from 7:00 to 19:30, interval 8 minutes). In addition, circular routes are popular

No. 98 (clockwise) and 99 (reverse).

Travel is charged according to the number of zones crossed; there are nine of them in the city. The cost of travel within one zone is:

$2.50, two - $3.70, etc. The city center and the areas closest to it are within the same zone. Travel ticket for

24 hours will cost $9. Traveling within Perth's Free Transit Zone (FTZ) is free.

Bus stops in this zone have a red FTZ sign.

In addition to travel tickets, you can purchase a SmartRider - an electronic card that must first be “charged”

money at Transperth offices. Apply SmartRider to the validator in public transport when entering and exiting, and the desired

the amount will be automatically withdrawn from the card balance.

You can gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere at Scitech, the largest planetarium on the continent.

Commuter trains are a great way to quickly get to the outskirts of Perth and its suburbs. Among the popular

destinations include the northern region of Clarkson, as well as the towns of Fremantle and Midland. Trains depart from the central

city ​​station on Wellington Street. The traffic schedule is from half past six in the morning until midnight on weekdays and until two in the morning on

weekend. Trains are also subject to the FTZ rule - free travel within the city.

The ferry can quickly and comfortably reach the southern regions of Perth, for example, to visit the zoo. Vessels are plying

Every 20-30 minutes from 7 am to half past eight in the evening on weekdays and from 8:00 to 21:00 during the weekend; travel time - 7 minutes.

For those who enjoy physical activity, there is the opportunity to rent a bicycle in Perth. There's a vast network here.

bike paths, and they are all maintained in almost perfect condition.

Perth cuisine and restaurants

Perth has a huge number of bistros, pizzerias and restaurants of a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from the original

Australian to American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Thai. The largest selection of establishments for every taste

And a wallet in the Northbridge area. There are also bars, pubs and nightclubs here, and after dark you can

“continue the banquet” in them. Other restaurant areas include the Barrack Street and Mend Street marina areas on the south side of the river.

Swan (lunch can be combined with a short but romantic ferry trip).

seafood, from shark meat to freshwater oysters. Perth is famous for lobsters, it's a whole industry with an impressive share

export to the USA.

The Swan River Valley is one of Australia's oldest wine regions, don't miss the opportunity to have a glass -

another local invigorating drink.

Italian cuisine is thriving in Fremantle, a town 20 minutes' drive from Perth. Thousands immigrated here in the 50s and 60s

adherents of pasta and lasagna, and since then it is absolutely not difficult to find an establishment with excellent dishes.

Shopping and shops

Perth's main department stores, Hay Street Mall and Murray Street Mall, are located in the heart of the city. There are many

stores of international mass brands of clothing, shoes and accessories and several boutiques of local designers. King Street -

another popular shopping artery of the city. It also makes sense to visit the Carillon City Arcade and Carousel Shopping Center malls in

Kenington area, the Harbor Town outlet in western Perth and the colorful Karrinyup Shopping Center - luxury boutiques here

interspersed with little corner shops selling all sorts of sundries - bracelets, neck scarves and other accessories.

To soak up the local flavor and stock up on food, head to Perth markets: Fremantle Markets (more than 150

retail space in a historic building from 1897), Canning Vale (fruit and vegetables, flowers, second-hand items; opens on

Sundays), Gosnells Railway and E-Shed Markets. Large selection of souvenirs and folk crafts at Scarborough Fair

Markets and Wanneroo Market (Saturdays and Sundays from 8am to 5pm).

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Perth

One of the main entertainments of Perth is the ocean and the beach in all their diversity: from simply lying on the sand to flying

two-seater plane over the surf line. The most comfortable and safe beaches include North Beach, Sorrento

Beach and urban City Beach. Cottesloe Beach is also suitable for swimming, but here you need to beware of underwater currents

breakwaters. Scarborough and Trigg are ideal for surfers.

You can enjoy the charm of uninhabited beaches and watch short-tailed wallabies on Rottnest Island,

located 19 km from Perth (about two hours by ferry). Private transport is prohibited here; there is one on the island

Bus route and several bicycle rental points. Around Rottnest, divers can dive to

Wrecks of sunken ships.

Its outlying location has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden jewel in Australia's crown.

Perth Zoo has more than 2,000 animals from 280 species, mostly indigenous to the continent. In the Wild Park

In Caversham nature, you can see kangaroos and wombats, and Cohunu Wildlife Park is home to numerous koalas. For lovers

Perth city center also has some noteworthy architectural landmarks - the Governor's House surrounded by

beautiful gardens, the Houses of Parliament and City Hall, St. George's Cathedral, and the Perth Mint,

where precious metals are still processed today.

Unfortunately, they don't rent).

You can get some fresh air within the city in one of four Perth parks: Allen Green Conservatory with a collection

tropical plants, Burswood Park, 400-hectare King's Park or the Botanic Gardens.

To gaze at the fantastic starry skies of the Southern Hemisphere, head to Scitech, the largest planetarium in

continent. You can fly over Perth and its surrounding areas by hot air balloon, helicopter and two-seater plane. Well

Of course, don't forget that the Australian coastline is one of the best places in the world for diving.

Perth and surroundings

  • What to see: Having explored the calm and green city of Perth, it is worth paying attention to its pristine beaches and parks
  • suburbs, as well as take an exciting safari through the prairies and Pinnacles Desert. In addition, you can take a couple of days
  • to be held in the country's largest city - Sydney. To see with your own eyes an example of successful synthesis
  • ultra-modern skyscrapers of the business center with ancient “Mediterranean” buildings.
  • You may also be interested in the UK, Indonesia, Seychelles, USA, Japan.
  • The most popular places in the country: Great Barrier Reef, Brisbane, Canberra, Cairns, Sydney.

Perth - young modern city, capital of the state of Western Australia. The city was founded by an English lieutenant

James Stirling in 1829. Having brought here on his ship "Parmelia" new

settlers, he protected these lands from French colonization. Perth has long been a small town and its

the population was in danger of extinction. Due to the significant remoteness from the entire steel world, the influx

the labor force in Perth was very weak, so in the first half of the 17th century it was often necessary to import


However, life in the city changed dramatically when gold deposits were discovered around Perth in the 1890s.

The city began to boom, and in just a decade its population grew sixfold. Global changes have also occurred in the external

the appearance of Perth. Numerous skyscrapers were built, which to this day house the offices of the largest

mining companies in the country. There are also many old colonial-style houses left, giving the city its own

Charm. The city is home to the main management center of the mining industry, which owns

The world's largest open deposits of nickel and gold. The world's largest diamondiferous region, Kimberly

is the main competitor of the Yakut diamond mine.

Perth has a very extraordinary nature - the preserved centuries-old giant “Karri” trees amaze with their

majesty. North of the city, in national park Nambung National Park, petrified forest

“Pinnacles”, creating the impression of an alien settlement. The nature of the origin of this forest remains a mystery.

these blocks periodically hide in the sand and are exposed again, which explains why this miracle was discovered

only in 1960.

Speaking about Pinnacles, one cannot fail to mention another grandiose creation of Australian nature - 340 km from the city

there is a truly wonderful sculpture, carved by the forces of nature in a rock made of red sandstone “Stone Wave" (Wave

Rock). The wave reaches 15 meters in height and 110 meters in length and changes its color throughout the day depending on the light.

One of the main attractions of Perth is the relatively young tower - Swan Bell Tower. This one

The world's tallest glass bell tower was built in 2000. It is surrounded by copper sails and has a very

majestic view. The tower contains 18 bells, 12 of which were donated to the city by the English Church of St.

Martin-in-the-Fields for Australia's Bicentenary. The bells date back to the 14th century. The tower houses a museum exhibition,

dedicated to bells, you can also watch the bell ringers at work through the glass floor of the second level of the tower. Near

The tower houses the Swan River waterfront with restaurants, piers and pleasure boats.

Perth has a mild maritime climate with long, hot summers and cool winters. It rarely rains and is sunny here

It shines, on average, 8 hours a day. In summer, dry, very hot days are softened by evening breezes from the Indian Ocean.

Sea winds, called here “the healer of Fremantle,” bring coolness and freshness to Perth. The water in the ocean does not warm up

As good as the east coast, the average summer ocean temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, despite

noticeable cooling (up to 18 degrees Celsius) and possible showers, there is still a lot of sun in the city.

To the southwest of Perth you can see many endless flowering fields, attracting with their diversity

travelers not only from Australia, but from all over the world. IN Margaret River Valley is one of the largest

wine-growing regions of the country. White wine “Sauvignon Blanc” has become famous throughout the world for its exquisite

taste and alluring aroma.

Perth & Swan Valley

Today there will be a story about a short stay in Perth and, of course - Swan Valley - Western Australian

The number one destination for lovers of wine, beer and a variety of delicacies.

Destination Perth

The place where the city of Perth was founded, at the mouth of a wide river, was inhabited by Aboriginal people more than 40 thousand years ago. How

It is believed that the first people came from the North and settled in vast areas adjacent to the coast, and

as far as science knows, there was even some seasonal migration of the aborigines - in winter, when on the coast

It was getting cold and the Aborigines migrated to the interior.

Western Australia

Most of Australia's 23 million population is concentrated on the ocean coast and cities such as Sydney,

Melbourne and Brisbane were built in close proximity to the ocean, which served as the main delivery route

provisions, equipment and convicts to the new colony. Adelaide and Darwin are also seaside cities, with large

ports. The capital of Western Australia, 1.8 million people, Perth, located at the mouth of the Swan River, is no exception.

and in adjacent areas of the Indian Ocean coast.

Perth, Fremantle

I don’t even know what to tell about Perth. Typical large city - CBD with skyscrapers, shopping arcades, parks

and port. Nothing special, memorable or differentiating it from other cities.

Perth beaches

Perth is famous for its beaches, and the reason for this is clear: Perth and its beaches are located on the west coast

Australia, and the sun here hides directly into the ocean (into the Indian Ocean) - there is definitely something to see. In the evening

on the beach you can settle down comfortably, taking with you a basket of goodies and then at sunset, under leisurely

conversations, dinner, admiring the beauty of the setting sun.

Perth and its Royal Park

King's Park (or Royal Park) is a favorite and very popular place for both tourists and

Perth locals. King's Park is located in such a way that its viewing platforms offer

wonderful panoramic views of the central part of Perth - its business city with tall buildings, as well as

the Swan River or Swan River.

Perth Now. CHOGM.

From October 28 to 30, our city will host a congress of heads of state united by the British flag - so

called CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting). Of course, Her Majesty Elizabeth II will also come. This

the event is very significant for the city, since CHOGM is held only once every two years and always in a new place, so

that the city was already very clean and beautiful, now it’s simply beautiful.

Whiteman Park in Perth

Whiteman Park is located north of Perth Airport and covers an area of ​​4 thousand hectares. A park

named after Lew Whiteman, who owned much of the park's land.

Perth and Fremantle

While planning this trip, I decided to fulfill my old dream - to travel across Australia along (i.e. from west to

east) and across (i.e. from south to north). To implement the first part of my plan, I chose the Indian Pacific Express -

train that crosses the continent from west to east and back - from Perth via Adelaide to


A little bit of Perth in May

It so happened that this time we observed Perth mainly from above. We spent the first night in a hotel, which

is part of the casino complex in the Burswood area. Waking up in the morning, we found this in the windows of our room:

this kind.


Over the weekend we went to Mandurah, an hour's drive from Perth. Late fall represented there by bright

colors, but mostly green, of course. First of all, we headed to the "Mini Village". We love everything


Farm Show

After interacting closely with kangaroos and other animals, Max really wanted to go to the show. He still loved this word

at the Bulgarian resort "Dunes" since last summer. And everyone was waiting for them to dance, but there was no dancing :)

One Happy Australian Day

Yesterday we were in a place where you want to return again and again, where you don’t want to leave at all, where you are happy

every minute. I really love places where you can pet, feed, play with animals...

South Fremantle. Abandoned power plant

In the area of ​​South Fremantle on the ocean shore there is an abandoned power station - a huge complex that has ceased

work several decades ago. This is a unique facility for Australia. This is due to the fact that everyone is old

objects are dismantled and destroyed, but this one stands.

A trip to the bookstore, Perth

Some more photos of Perth city center today. There is also a bookstore on campus, but that's what I'm talking about.

I didn’t know yet, so I went to the center. And I just had free time, I wanted to unwind a little

take a photo. It’s usually like this here, especially on weekends - whichever bus comes first, that’s the one you take,

because the next one could be in half an hour. Some go to the train station, some go straight to the center. In that

Once I came across the one that was right in the center.

Curtin University of Technology

Curtin is located in a Perth suburb called Bentley. You can get here by bus or train,

it takes approximately 35 minutes. Buses in Perth do not stop everywhere. To exit, you need to give a signal

driver by pressing a button. The stops are not announced, so you need to know approximately where you are going. It's simple because

that at each stop there is a bus schedule and a diagram of which route goes where.

A trip to the beach, part 2

Last time we stopped near the entrance to the station. Today is a continuation. All public transport in the city

managed by one company. Because of this, when buying a ticket for a bus, train or ferry, with the same ticket within 2

hours you can go to any other train, bus or ferry in the city. The center and suburbs are divided into zones - what

find themselves inside the first zone, so the ticket costs 2.

A trip to the beach

I got a little tired of doing nothing and going to university, and last Thursday I decided to finally get to one of the

numerous beaches located in the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia. It's worth starting with the fact that

normal people in Australia have cars. Therefore, in principle, you can go to any nearby beach. By

By and large, wherever there is a sea, there is a beach, except for marinas for boats and yachts. That is, there would be a car,

the coast could be reached in 20 minutes.

City cemetery and its inhabitants

Visiting Australia and not seeing a kangaroo is the same as visiting Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. If

If you find yourself in Perth, the closest place to the city center where you can find these cute animals is the city

Pinaroo Valley Memorial Park Cemetery.


Fremantle is on the opposite side of the Swan River from Perth. You can get here by metro or bus.

Most famous places: local old prison, grave where Bon Scott (AC/DC) lies, historical museum, maritime

museum and other attractions. It's a pretty nice and peaceful place that's worth a visit.

First day in Australia<



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