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  Crafts from plastic bottles are red. Crafts from plastic bottles - creative ideas for garden and home design (100 photos)

For many people, ordinary plastic bottles do not play a big role. Of course, because now everyone has such containers in large quantities, so they are simply thrown out as unnecessary. However, as today's craftsmen with golden hands show - in vain. From them you can make wonderful crafts from plastic bottles, which will be not only useful, but also beautiful decorative elements. These things will be able to decorate your personal plot, changing its appearance beyond recognition.

Crafts from bottles for a garden or a kitchen garden (+ photo)

As a rule, various crafts are made, the material for which is plastic bottles for garden plots or vegetable gardens. After all, every summer resident wants to equip his plot in such a way as to create comfort and coziness on it, and making crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is not so difficult, it’s more accurate to say very simply. Yes, and materials for products do not require large cash costs, for each he is always at hand.

Bottle products do not need to use any special tools, and the skills to create something unusual from such material are also not required.

Tired of spending money on clay pots that are constantly struggling - original plastic hanging pots will be a real salvation for prudent owners

A little savvy and an ordinary plastic bottle turns into a wonderful bird feeder

What can be made from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles can be an excellent material for the manufacture of decorative products intended not only for the site, but also for the home. After reading this article you will find many different examples of successful use of this material. So, about everything a little more in detail ...

Greenhouse or Arbor

It can be built from bottles. Such buildings will not require large expenditures on various building materials, and the result will be able to please any inveterate gardener.

Having a large number of bottles of polyvinyl chloride, you can safely proceed to the construction of the building, giving it any desired shape. Using this material, you can build not only a greenhouse or, but even.

To build this facility, you will need to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Before you begin to build a gazebo or a greenhouse, you must build a frame of metal or wood;
  2. After the frame is ready, holes should be made in the bottom of the bottles. Lids also need to be drilled;
  3. Further, through the holes, the bottles are threaded onto the wire. Next, you need to fix the wire on the frame, so the process of erecting walls is carried out;
  4. You can use the vertical and horizontal methods of threading bottles on a metal wire. When mixing these methods, the design is many times stronger. To create patterns on the future walls of the structure, you need to use multi-colored bottles.

Bottles of polyvinyl chloride can be used as a cultivation of plants, as well as vegetables. To do this, cut off the top of the bottle and make holes on its bottom. Then you can pour soil into the resulting packaging and plant seedlings or flowers.

You can make original crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands on absolutely different topics. Having shown imagination, you can make a comfortable chair or table for your garden, which harmoniously fit into the overall design of the cottage. You can also build an original birdhouse or bird feeder, which will not only decorate your garden, but also bring benefits.

As a material, you can use absolutely any items that are always abundant in any household. This may be an old unnecessary bucket, a cast-iron pot, worn-out car tires and much more.

Using an original decor for decoration - from plastic bottles you can get excellent containers for storing various little things

How to make an original decor from a bottle

As mentioned above, plastic bottles can be an excellent material for the manufacture of decorative products intended not only for the site, but also for the home.

To make the site design more beautiful, you can use bottles to create floral arrangements. It can be daisies, tulips, roses, cornflowers, asters, begonias, carnations and many other flowering plants.

Daisies from plastic bottles (+ photo)

For example, green and white bottles will be required to create daisies. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. For white bottles, you need to cut the base for daisies. To do this, cut out the side walls in the shape of a circle. The diameter of the circle should be 7 centimeters;
  2. The resulting circles should be cut, not reaching the center. Get the future petals of chamomile;
  3. Next, you need to give the petals an oval shape. After which it is required to warm the future flower over the fire. Thus, the daisy will appear real;
  4. A small circle of yellow plastic is perfect for making the core of the future chamomile. A green bottle will play the role of leaves and stem;
  5. The final step is to combine all the elements into a single composition.

Lilies of the valley from plastic bottles (+ photo)

To make the garden look more beautiful and attractive in spring, you can also create lilies of the valley from plastic bottles. This craft will look very unusual in the garden.

To create lilies of the valley you will need all the same plastic white and green bottles:

  1. The top of the white bottles is cut off. Cork in this case will play the role of a bud;
  2. Holes are made in the covers;
  3. Leaves and stems should be made from green bottles;
  4. The buds are attached to the stems using wire.

After the lilies of the valley are ready, they must be carefully placed in the ground, you can place such flowers in a small flower bed.

Vase from a plastic bottle (+ photo)

From unnecessary bottles you can create an original vase, which as a decoration can be used not only in the garden but also at home. To do this, we need a regular transparent bottle and sharp scissors.

  1. The first step is to cut off the neck of the bottle. It is necessary to do this so that the cut is smooth and without burrs;
  2. Next, cuts are made in strips having the same width;
  3. The resulting strips need to be bent outward;
  4. After that, the strips must be bent, giving the vase a shape. To do this, you can use all the same scissors.

When working with plastic bottles, you need to do everything carefully and slowly, otherwise your work may be in vain, and all efforts are nullified. You should also be extremely careful when using a sharp tool, which can be very injured.

Beautiful vase - only for beautiful flowers

White stork and pink flamingo together - a picture that you will probably never meet in wildlife

Glass bottles are also suitable for making a flower vase. It is desirable that they have a wide neck and are made of thick glass, so they will be more convenient and practical to use.

You can decorate them with the help of multi-colored woolen threads and special glue. The bottle is wound completely, from the lower base to the very neck, where the end of the rope is securely fixed to the glue. It is best to use beads as a decor for finished products.

As practice shows - everything is ingenious, simple !!!

Plastic Bottle Broom

From the bottle you can make a broom, which will be convenient to remove garbage. It is done quite simply.

  1. To do this, cut the bottom, cut the bottle into strips to the base of the neck;
  2. After that, the resulting broom should be put on a stalk specially selected for the width of the neck and securely fix the place of attachment with a nail or a self-tapping screw.

Bottle Crafts for Kids

Whom to a greater extent, if not small children will be pleased with various crafts made of plastic bottles, especially if they are made with their own hands. The most important thing in this matter is to find time and desire, but there is nothing to worry about the material, as they say in the summer resident, it is always in abundance.

The limitless possibilities of this universal material, allows to realize even the most daring ideas and fantasies.

Probably there is nothing better than mischievous children's laughter, their joy and delight. Therefore, having made various fun decorations for your kids, you are guaranteed to provide them, and yourself, a good and fun pastime in the country, which will give you a storm of positive emotions.

Sometimes you can distract from plastic bottles and try to create something from other improvised materials.

Look around you, turn on your head, ingenuity and imagination - this is exactly the reason when you need to show your real ingenuity and creative skill.

There are many more ideas related to the use of plastic bottles that are easy to craft. And the result can please everyone.

And the functionality of crafts can be directed to various areas. The main thing is fantasy and then plastic that no one needs will become a real work of art.

We hope that this article was useful to you and you were able to emphasize something for yourself. Good luck with your endeavors!

Plastic bottles are a real find for creative people. Even beginners with a lack of experience can independently make a variety of crafts from this material. Recycling of plastic not only makes raw materials practical, but also saves the environment, increasing the environment. Unusual ideas with a step-by-step description will help to make crafts for decorating the garden and decor of the cottage.

Original ideas for crafts from plastic bottles in the garden step by step

Plastic bottles are considered to be affordable raw materials, for the manufacture of funny figures do not require skills in creativity. As additional tools you need scissors, paints, a stationery knife, as well as other improvised materials. To get beautiful crafts, it is recommended to stock up with other plastic products - cups, plates, spoons.

Flowers: how to make an open bud

The buds of daisies, roses, bells and lilies of the valley - all this can decorate the garden space without much effort. Large flowers made from five-liter plastic bottles look great. To get started, you need to prepare the bottoms of bottles, scissors, as well as acrylic paint. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. The bottom of the bottles must be cut into lines that are clearly visible. The incision is not made to the end, in the middle remains 2-3 cm.
  2. From each petal you need to cut 1-2 thin strips and twist them nicely to the center.
  3. To give the flower a shape, fire is used. You can take matches or a lighter: the bottom of the bottle is brought to the fire and turned in the right direction. The bottle begins to melt, taking on a different shape.
  4. At the final stage, the product must be painted with acrylic. You can use a brush or a foam sponge - so no stains will be visible.

The photo shows that such products are suitable for decoration of flat surfaces. You can decorate the fence with plastic flowers, arrange them in the garden near the house, and equip them with a tiled path.

Palm - exotic garden decoration

A palm from plastic bottles will help to add a touch of the tropics to the cottage. Such an object of garden decoration is made simple, the main thing is to follow the sequence of stages. First you need to prepare the materials: a large number of brown and green plastic bottles, a stationery knife, scotch tape, a tube for decorating the trunk and a thick rope. The master class looks like this:

  1. Making leaves.
  2. The creation of the trunk.
  3. Assembly of all parts of the structure.

To make the crown of the palm, it is necessary to cut the bottom of green bottles, and cut the upper part into small strips and bend them in the other direction. The lid and neck do not need to be touched. Depending on the number of bottles the palm will be thicker or vice versa. After that, you need to take the brown bottles, cut off the bottom and make strips from it in the direction of the neck. There should also be plenty of bottles. To assemble a tree, a rope fixed inside is attached to each lid. The palm tree will serve as an excellent decoration of an inconspicuous corner on the site.

Swan: we make out a zone of a reservoir

White bird is the most common craft in garden plots. It’s easy to do, but the output is an original figure. To get started, you need to prepare one five-liter bottle, as well as a knife, a net for decorating wings, putty. An interesting swan is created like this:

  1. A plastic bottle is cut sideways on the horizontal side.
  2. A hole is made through the cover, a thick wire is inserted, bending it - this will be the neck.
  3. To give the product a round shape, it is covered with sand.
  4. They make a stand: putty is laid out with an even layer on polyethylene and wait for solidification.
  5. Small putty rollers are rolled up into a tourniquet and form the neck of the bird.
  6. Using a spatula, the material is applied to the bottle itself, making feathers.
  7. To make wings, a metal mesh is used - it is inserted on the sides and also putty.

A swan will look beautiful if he draws his eyes and draws feathers on his body.

Pig: a simple master class

Another simple workshop on decorating the garden with the recycling of plastic bottles. The pig looks original if you organize a small flowerbed for summer flowers inside. To make a pig, you will need one five-liter bottle, as well as a knife, a spray can of paint, a brush, a pencil, wire, a black marker, cardboard and glue for plastic. You must complete the following steps:

  1. Cut out the ears of the piglet from the cardboard, paint them with pink paint.
  2. Leg blanks can be made from the cut off tops of plastic half-liter bottles.
  3. In a five-liter bottle, cuts are made with a knife: for the ears, for attaching the legs and for the tail.
  4. The wire is twisted in a convenient way, inserted into the hole.
  5. At the end, the pig is coated with spray paint of the selected color.

Inside the pig, you can put the earth and grow small flowers: for this you need to cut a hole below the ears, making an oval.

Minions: Turning Cartoon into Reality

Do-it-yourself modern crafts from plastic bottles for beginners step by step involve making popular cartoon characters. These master classes are children's, so an adult will cope with the task without problems by connecting a child to the process. You can try to make a beautiful and funny minion:

  1. It will take one or more (by the number of minions) bottles of 1.5 liters or more.
  2. You don’t need to trim anything here, because the little man himself has an oval shape, it is enough to accurately depict the face of the minion.
  3. The top of the bottle is painted yellow, the bottom is blue.
  4. On a yellow background, eyes are drawn, like in minions.

From the cover, you can get a few wires - this will be the funny hair of a man. Such figures will decorate the garden and bring a touch of humor to the exterior.

Flowerbed: how to make a basis for growing flowers

The easiest way to make a garden flower bed is to use a tire from the wheel. The output is a large flowerbed into which flowering plants can be planted. For work you will need a large number of small bottles of the same type, glue for plastic, a tire cover. Paint can also come in handy if you want to change the color of the bottles.

The harvested wheel is installed in the desired location of the future flower beds or in the garden. The tire can be painted in any color, you can leave black. The bottles are gradually glued onto the top of the wheel row by row. Towards the top, the throat of the flower bed will be a little narrow, so you will need to properly fill the ground for future plants. If you do not want to leave the bottles transparent, they can be painted in the selected shade before work.

Decorative ball - an original figure in the garden

In order to make a dense and openwork ball with your own hands, you will need to prepare several dozen plastic containers from under the water. It is advisable to take bottles of at least 1 liter. The ball for cement will serve as the basis for sticking the bottles; it is not difficult to make it. To do this, mix water and cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 3. Further, the process looks like this:

  1. The bottoms of all bottles are cut.
  2. Each bottom is painted in a certain color, you can use several shades and make a rainbow ball.
  3. When the bottoms are ready, they are attached to the cement base.
  4. You can fix the products with durable glue or insert them into the cement before it has hardened.

The output is an original and unusual ball that will decorate the space near the house. The sphere can be placed near the gate, as well as make the center of the composition in the garden.

Sheep: how to do it step by step

To create a sheep, elongated bottles are useful. It is necessary to prepare the container:

  • 1.5 liters - 4 pcs;
  • 2 liters - 11 pcs;
  • 1 liter - 3 pcs;
  • 2 liters - 20 pcs. with a curly bottom.

Also need a bendable wire, a can of white or gold paint. The upper parts with necks are cut from liter bottles, one bottle is inserted into another. Process of creation:

  1. Ears are cut out from a liter container and fixed with wire.
  2. Two-liter bottles make the body and neck.
  3. The head is fixed on the neck, the legs of the lamb are made from 1.5 and 2 liter containers.
  4. For curly wool, lambs connect curly bottoms using wire.

At the final stage, the lamb is collected and coated with paint. Eyes and nose are made of corks of a contrasting color.

Owl: decorate trees

In order for the country house to shine with new colors, it is important to correctly decorate the courtyard space. Another idea for this is to create a figure from pvc bottles in the form of an owl. To do this, you need to prepare 5 containers of brown color, tin lids, a transparent container, a glue gun, pliers, acrylic paints and threads. Instruction:

  1. The bottom and throat are cut, cuts are made along the edges.
  2. The cut fringe is pulled together with a thread: the top of the bottle will serve as the head, and the bottom as the tail.
  3. The remaining bottles are useful for making wings: they are cut into rectangles and painted white.
  4. Using a glue gun, the wings are fixed on the base.
  5. Eyes are made out of tin lids - they can also be tinted and pupils can be drawn.

The night bird will fit perfectly into the design of the site, it can be placed on a tree branch.

Peacock - an unusual solution for the site

Another colorful, but no less simple bird to make, is a peacock. Its beautiful and colorful feathers will amaze the guests of the country house, because the peacock will become the center of composition. In order to make it yourself, you need to take pieces of polystyrene foam - they will be the base and the body. The remaining elements are made of plastic bottles:

  1. Feathers are cut from containers of different volumes, after which they are painted with acrylic and glued around the perimeter of the tail.
  2. Fringed feathers can be made with thin scissors on a green bottle.
  3. The beak is made from the top of the container by cutting a triangle, fixed on the head with nails.
  4. The paws are made from the tops of small bottles with necks and wire.

At the final stage, the bird needs to be collected: paws are attached to the body, after which it is pasted over with feathers. Then the wings and tail are fastened - the peacock is ready!

Donkey: do-it-yourself decorative figure

Continuing the theme of animals, you can make a donkey out of bottles. It can be installed near the fruit tree, arranging a beehive there. If desired, a burro is used as a flowerbed, attaching a cart of wooden branches to it from behind.

The body is made of five-liter containers, the front and hind legs are made of containers from kefir or milk. The muzzle of an animal can be made from a bottle-barrel of beer or kvass. Ears are made of plastic or cardboard. The whole donkey is covered with gray aerosol paint, a braid is attached to the muzzle, a cropped bottle with soil is hung from the side and a flower is grown there. Another simple option for self-manufacturing is the use of polyurethane foam in combination with bottles.

Frog: composition for artificial pond

The frog figure will be appropriate where there are ponds or artificially arranged fountains on the site. It can be adjacent to a swan, a turtle, fish, and ships. All that is required to create - two two-liter bottles, which cut off the upper part. Only bottoms are needed for work. Paws are made of flat parts - they are cut according to a predetermined pattern.

The crucial moment is painting the frog. At first, the background is tinted in green; for this, several layers may be needed. Then, with a thin brush, draw eyes, muzzle, draw phalanges on the paws. If desired, the frog can make a crown - it is also made from a plastic bottle. The neck is cut off, forming arrows, painted in golden color - the crown is ready.

The fantasy of gardeners does not end with these ideas - the original crafts from plastic bottles in the garden are replenished with such master classes:

  • butterflies;
  • snowmen;
  • trains;
  • sweets;
  • robots;
  • penguins
  • cats
  • dogs;
  • cockerels;
  • teremki.

Plastic containers are characterized in that they do not give in to decay after rainfall: the gardener can safely leave for the city during the rainy season, without worrying about the appearance of the products. To prevent the paint from slipping, after painting it is necessary to cover the figure with varnish. Such original and simple-made garden figures will delight residents of the site for many years.

From plastic bottles you can make a huge number of various crafts. They can be beautiful, useful, unusual, or all together.

A flight of imagination and a little ingenuity are all that is needed to make a good craft.

Such material as a plastic bottle is possible in every home, which means that everyone can do a good job, so let's get started.

Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly.

You will need:

Clear plastic bottle (preferably light)

Butterfly stencil

Felt pen or contour for stained glass


Glue (preferably "Moment")

Glass paints

Acrylic paints


1. Cut off part of a plastic bottle, place a butterfly stencil and circle it with a felt-tip pen.

2. Cut along the contour.

3. Color and decorate a butterfly.

4. Bend the wings of your plastic butterfly. This must be done so that the contour is on top.

6. Using paints on glass or acrylic paints, begin to paint a butterfly.

7. Using beads of different sizes, you can make a butterfly body, and antennae can be made of wire. Glue will help to fix all this.

8. You can decorate the butterfly on top with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc.

You can decorate gift wrapping with such a gift or place it on the refrigerator door.

Plastic bottles. DIY crafts. Bug with sweets.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Velvet paper


Tablet Clusters

White paper


Thick paper or cardboard

1. Cut the bottom of the bottle - this part will be used as a shell.

2. Cooking stencil of a turtle. Draw a silhouette on the cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use a stencil to draw a silhouette of a turtle on green velvet paper. Cut it and glue it with the cardboard part.

4. We make a plastic bug eyes. Prepare a cluster of tablets and clean it from the foil substrate. Next, you need to cut 2 fragments for the eye from the cluster.

5. Prepare white paper and make a backing out of it, and use black velvet paper to cut out moving eyes. Next, just glue the structure.

6. We collect and glue all the details of the craft. Use glue to attach the eyes and mouth to the turtle. Fill the bottom of the bottle with sweets and tape it to the turtle.

Craft from a plastic bottle (master class). Toy "Catch the ball."

You will need:


Ping pong ball


1. Prepare an orange flexo and cut flower petals out of it.

2. Using glue or double-sided tape, attach the petals and thread to the bottle.

3. Attach a table tennis ball to the other end of the string.

That's all - play, trying to catch the ball in the flower.

How to make crafts from plastic bottles. Vane.

For those who want to know where the wind blows.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably pot-bellied)


1. Prepare a clean bottle and cut the windows in it with scissors. It is advisable that they look something like a weather vane.

2. Attach a weather vane in a suitable place - on the balcony. This can be done using an iron pole. Make a hole at the bottom of the bottle and put on its pole.

Now you will always know which side the wind is blowing.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children. 3D glasses.

You will need:

Clear plastic bottle

Waste Sunglasses

Color markers


1. From a plastic bottle, cut two parts as shown in the image.

2. Remove the glasses from the glasses and draw them on the cut part of the plastic bottle.

3. Paint the left glass on both sides with a red marker.

4. Paint the right glass with a marker blue on one side and green on the other.

5. Insert the glass back and enjoy the 3D pictures.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Frog.

You will need:

2 plastic green bottles (volume 2 liters)

Scissors, knife

Centimeter tape

Felt-tip pen

Needle and thread

Acrylic paint


Wine cork

1. First you need to wrap plastic bottles with tape at a height of about 7 cm from the bottom. The higher you want to make a frog, the more you need to retreat from the bottom, thereby making the casket more capacious, but not very proportional. Next, use scissors to cut the bottoms along the upper border of the tape.

2. Using a centimeter tape and a felt-tip pen, make marks for the future seam. It is necessary to mark on both parts at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge, while leaving 1 cm between the marks.

3. In place of marks, make holes with an awl. Try to pierce the plastic through a napkin, having previously folded it in half, so the bottle will not slip, which will not let you get hurt. When the holes are done, remove the tape.

4. Prepare the buttoned zipper and wrap it around one of the parts of the future crafts. Attach it with tape to the case for a while.

Sew the clasp with stitches in the holes made with the awl.

When you sewed the zipper in a circle, remove the tape. Next, tie and fasten the ends of the thread and trim all the excess.

Open the zipper and sew the other half in the same way.

5. The eyes of a frog can be made from cork from a wine bottle. You can paint the cork in green. When your frog-box eyes are glued, leave the glue to dry.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (photo). Bracelets.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo). Cherry Blossom

Crafts from plastic bottles (instructions). Casket.

Palm from plastic bottles. Option 1.

You will need:

Brown plastic bottles (1.5-2 liters)

Green plastic bottles (the larger the bottle, the more magnificent the leaves)

Thick rod (for the base of the trunk)

Awl or drill


1. To make the bark of a tree, you need to prepare brown plastic bottles and cut them into blanks 10-15 cm high.

3. To make palm leaves, you need to cut off the bottom of the green bottles. On one workpiece, you need to leave a hard neck with a lid, since it will play the role of a fastener.

4. Start cutting leaves - you need to do this so that about 5-7 cm remain to the edge.

5. Start collecting green blanks by putting them on that very blank with the neck. By screwing the lid, you fasten everything, and you get a palm crown.

6. Now you need to make the connecting holes. Their diameter should coincide with the diameter of the base rod. Such holes can be made using a drill or hot awl. Make a hole so that the crown of the palm does not fail.

7. We begin to collect a palm tree. When you have strengthened the rod, begin to plant blanks from brown plastic bottles on it. The construction ends with a green crown.

Few materials can match versatility and versatility with plastic bottles. PET containers from soft drinks, yogurts and other dairy products in skillful hands turn into original crafts and souvenirs; educational toys; decoration elements for interiors and areas for walks; small architectural forms; Sports Equipment; bird feeders; palm trees; intricately decorated vases and more.

Want to learn how to make Fixiks or other cartoon characters out of plastic bottles “just like real”? Or maybe dolls in national costumes? Or a full-fledged sofa for a "corner of solitude"? Scroll through the pages of this section and you will be amazed at the wide possibilities of simple PET material.

Create real miracles from bottles with us!

  Contained in sections:
  • Rubbish. Classes, scripts, crafts on the environmental theme
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Showing publications 1-10 of 421.
All sections | Crafts from plastic bottles

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Plastic bottles are a proven way to save money. Spending on materials will not have to, but the benefits are substantial. And even if you can’t do everything “right” the first time, there will be enough samples for “trial and error”. Dozens and hundreds of such "containers" are in the trash. But in vain. What can I do from plastic bottles with my own hands? Photos of crafts on the Internet can be found very different. A person with any level of training, if desired, will be able to build his own design object.
  Bottles are an excellent material for crafts with children

Reincarnation of a Plastic Bottle

Why is it better to give a second life and not to dispose of? It is not a secret that such enterprises are not everywhere in our country, but to deliberately look for appropriate containers for a Russian is unusual. So dozens and hundreds of thousands of unsorted bottles pile up in landfills, and when you consider that plastic is not decomposed for about 500 years, it is possible that one day the whole planet will be covered with plastic waste. The question is - is it garbage?

What can be done from a regular plastic bottle

Products from plastic bottles, which received a "second chance", long ago "won" the hearts of environmentalists and ordinary inhabitants of the Earth. Very often people try by any means to attract the public to the environmental problem of recycling plastic waste, volunteers continually carry out actions to clean natural areas and parks - they explain to people that the right attitude to utensils made of this material will help to keep our world cleaner. Many talented designers made a name for themselves on the creation of plastic art objects.

How can I use plastic bottles to make the whole world talk about you?

This was succeeded by a resident of Nebraska Gart Britsman. In his hometown of Lincoln, he created a canopy for his car from one and a half thousand used plastic bottles, on the bottom of which he poured specially painted water in blue, yellow and green, so that the canvas resembles a flower carpet. The process of creating a "kinetic ceiling" took more than 200 hours of work. The construction reminds of itself every time it rains or the wind blows - a peculiar noise and a rumble is heard throughout the district. Nevertheless, the find has already entered the top 50 of the most unusual structures in the world and brought great fame to its author.

  Garth Brittsman's Bottle Canopy

And how many useful things can be done from an ordinary plastic bottle? It’s enough to drive this query into the search bar on the Internet. No one will name the exact number. Tens and hundreds of Russians have long used plastic containers to decorate the garden, store small things, create unusual lamps and furniture. The needlewomen willingly share instructions on how to turn transparent plastic into toys, spectacular jewelry, and tell how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For many housewives, not only beauty and decor, but also functionality come to the fore. Do-it-yourselfers from plastic bottles with their own hands can replace dozens of gizmos needed in the household.

Here are just some of the original ideas for useful home plastic bottle items.

Vase or storage mold

Piggy bank for coins

Original bag for charging your phone

Crockery and flower pots

Decorative toothbrush glasses

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottle crafts

For hundreds of years, plastic has not changed its shape; it is easy to clean and does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a flower bed or shelf will last for more than one year. Plastic is incredibly lightweight. A structure made of this material (such as a greenhouse or temporary shower) can be easily moved. And even if some element “fails”, it is easy to replace it with a similar one. As the drivers say, “there are always parts to change,” and in this case also for free.

Of the minuses, only one can be distinguished. Not always such crafts have an attractive appearance. However, this minus can also be transferred to a plus, with practice skill will come.

Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Plastic bottle caps are a universal material for decoration. Some use covers to create panels and paintings. It all depends on the imagination of a person and his creative abilities.

  Lid birds
  Panel of lids

There are many options for crafts from corks from plastic bottles. This material is often used for decoration of rooms and garden paths. However, it will take a long time to collect them. Think in advance what color the product is planned, and ask friends to help you.

Such painstaking work requires considerable exposure. If a person does not possess such a quality as perseverance, or he does not like monotonous work, this option is not for him.

Laying tracks in the country and the design of flower beds. Usually, plastic caps are collected for the design of paths or rugs in the country. At home, the corks are most often laid out in a special mosaic on an unstiffened cement base, and if you need to decorate a flower bed or approaches to it, the covers are placed directly on the ground. This is done so as not to interfere with the access of oxygen to the soil.

  Chest of plastic bottles

They will not take time for manufacturing, however, they will last a long time for conscience.

Sometimes plastic bottles are used to store shoes or small items.

  Shoe rack
  Plastic bottle shelf

Such shelves will not take up much space, however, they will save a lot of time on finding the right shoe pair.

Jewelry made of plastic bottles

Many thanks to the plastic women should say. Not every lady will understand that such masterpieces are made of recycled materials.

  Plastic bottle necklace

Earrings and necklaces do not seem to give themselves out as a slightly used product. On the contrary, such products are in unprecedented demand among fashionistas.

The manufacturing technology of such necklaces and earrings is similar to the one we mentioned above - plastic, cut in the right shape, simply melts over an open fire. Here, the shape of the “workpiece” and the time of thermal heating are of the utmost importance. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can decorate an art object with beads and rhinestones, fasten with fishing line or thin wire. In any case, the author is guaranteed an exclusive model.

Bracelets can be made by the same principle, however, some ladies prefer to “frame” plastic in the old way.

  Plastic Bottle Bracelets

Most often, such products are affordable for beginners. Leather, fabrics, felt, ribbons and beads are used. The advantage of such a product is that it will never lose shape.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the country

Huge space in the literal and figurative sense for the use of plastic bottles opens in the country. Here, mountains of unnecessary packaging have been "stored" for years, and it is here that it is easier to use.

Plastic bottles - a special element of country decor

The first thing that catches the eye of the guests of the summer cottage, the owner of which is a fan of "plastic business", is an incredible number of figures from this material, flowerbeds from plastic bottles and flower beds, greenhouses and arbors.

  Flowerbed pigs

However, sometimes such designer "little things" how successfully merge with the environment, which is unclear even what is real and what is made of plastic, it is difficult to call these architectural finds inanimate nature.

  Artificial pond
  Another pond

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are amazing. One gets the impression that you were not in the garden, but in a living corner.

Plastic Animals


Bugs in the garden

Plastic bottles as a building material

Very often, a guest heading for berries and a basket is puzzled by unusual and even frightening art objects.

  Papuan scarecrow

And when he is looking for an inconspicuous “house for reflection”, he suddenly “stumbles” on a very interesting arbor from plastic bottles. And it doesn’t matter why a person was heading, it will not be possible to get around such a masterpiece without a selfie.


Greenhouse outside

Greenhouse inside

The fact that plastic bottles are widely used in construction is not surprising. In the countries of South Africa they are used as the main building material. After all, humanitarian aid, including water, is brought here exclusively in plastic bottles, so such houses are accessible even to the poorest.

Technology for the construction of residential buildings in Africa

The main condition is to create strong walls from bottles using wet sand. The water inside the closed bottles does not evaporate, and the walls receive optimal strength and temperature.

Plastic Watering Bottles

According to this principle, Russian summer residents create beds and decorative wells for seedlings in their garden. Sometimes a plastic bottle is instilled vertically to provide the plant with moisture when there is no possibility of watering. The bottle is pre-pierced in several places so that the roots of the plant can reach the water.

  Plastic bottles in watering

Water tanks are used as budget “irrigators”. The hose is directly connected to the bottle, and the pressure jet starts watering at a sufficiently large distance.

  Spray bottle

Homemade crafts from plastic bottles for children

Very often, plastic containers become indispensable materials for the manufacture of the crafts that were needed yesterday. It's no secret that grandiose craft fairs in kindergartens and schools are an opportunity not only to show the child’s work, but to amuse their vanity.

  Plastic Animals
  Decorative fruit boxes

Crafts from plastic bottles for the school most often fall on the shoulders of parents, not children. While they quietly sleep and see the third dream, parents frantically try to create an craft from a plastic bottle.

A plastic bottle in this sense is invaluable. Firstly, they are always in stock. Secondly, an interesting flowerpot for flowers can be a good "bribe" for the educator, even if the craft was not in the "theme". After all, the teacher is always interested in having more living plants in the group.

  Flowerbed pig
  Plastic Bottle Penguins

By the way, such flowerpots or containers for flowers will occupy the baby for a long time not only in kindergarten, but also at home. It is enough to instruct the baby to water the home flower garden. With such a "zoo" the child will gladly fulfill the assignment.

In a special publication of our portal, we will talk in detail about crafts made from natural material. You will find out what materials you can use, what crafts you can do with your children, and features of working with materials.

Plastic products for outdoor games

If there is no new toy, do it yourself. With this approach, plastic packaging will become a real “lifesaver”. It can be used to create many interesting and useful things for the child.

What are the advantages of toys made of plastic bottles - the child is always "busy". First, create your own toy, and then play. The attitude to such a masterpiece is more frugal, because he himself made and spent his time and energy.

A plastic bottle can be used as a basket for playing ball.

You can make such a toy on a string.

Bottles can be used for bowling.

You can hide the bottle and put something tasty there.

Dollhouse houses made of plastic bottles

The main thing for the child is the development of fantasy. And what develops it is, of course, a role-playing game. The child will more readily begin to adopt social roles when he feels that he too can be the “master” in the house. Let it be very small.


Creating such a house from plastic bottles with your own hands will not take much time, but will save - in any case, a certain amount of personal time is provided to parents. Especially if, in addition to the house, the child will have doll furniture. Then a plastic bottle comes to the rescue again.

  Doll Crib

Cars and airplanes

It does not matter if your baby does not really like to play with cars. Most likely, the child is accustomed to the same models. Not always the “soldier” will include the desired soldier, but such models will include - and not one.

  Plastic Bottle Machines

To support "from the air" and arrived artillery. Ambulance on the wings just in time! The game gets a new plot.


This toy is not scared to leave in the sandbox. All that is required of you is to remember to wash the bottle of chemicals before handing it to the child. You can decorate such a car with adhesive tape or indelible markers.

Shoes and skis from plastic bottles

Plastic shoes are not the subject of ridicule. Some environmental designers are now and then using bottles to create fashion items. Clothing and hats have long been the subject of trendy designers.

Now, the next step is shoes.

The only thing that restrains couturiers is the risks associated with model insurance. After all, plastic is a rather slippery thing. Literally. However, Russian craftsmen try such peaks. Here, for example, slates for a bath. Quite nothing to himself.

  Bath Slates

And this shoe is for the exit .... In the forest. Such plastic ugg boots will easily overcome any quagmire due to its volume. Foresters often use such shoes in winter.


Do-it-yourself skiing from plastic bottles can be a good alternative for going to a predator, because traces left this way will not give the beast the presence of a person by smell.

  Bottle ski

Crafts from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are a particularly strong material. Their uniqueness is that special fastenings help to achieve the desired shape and volume, while the product retains stability and strength. These unusual crafts can be made from this material.

  Plastic pipe bicycle
  Pipe Sled

The minus of the material is that, unlike plastic bottles, it will come out “pretty penny”. However, if there are familiar pipelines, then this material can become indispensable for creating convenient everyday things.

  Sports corner at home

Furniture. Plastic pipes are unique in that they can bend at right angles and create niches. You can make both chairs and beds. They are easy to move or increase if, for example, the child has grown.

  Crib ship

Drying. Such dryers can be used and collected. They are lightweight and won't take up much space. Other uses for plastic pipes


Plastic bottles and fittings today are no longer just containers for storing or transferring fluid through pipes. Today it is a resource to be used wisely. Ideas about what can be made from plastic bottles can come out of nowhere, just look around. If a person thoughtlessly “accumulates” a container, it will ultimately “swallow” all living things. Therefore, if you suddenly see an unowned bottle, do not rush to carry it in the trash can. Perhaps it will serve you faithfully.

We hope that today's article was useful to the reader. Questions, if they remain, can be asked in the discussions below.



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