home - Homemade
Ceiling 3.6 meters second level. Interior in two tiers - features of planning and design

Recently, bunk apartments are becoming increasingly popular. And for this choice of homeowners around the world in general and in our country in particular, there are several reasons:

  • many apartments of modern construction already have a two-tier layout, which allows you to place several functional areas on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartments;
  • redevelopment of the former industrial premises with high ceilings and large windows to the living space;
  • the construction of a private house in a big city (especially in its central part) is becoming more and more expensive every year due to rising land prices. As a result, future homeowners are trying to build dwellings with maximum use of the height of the building. The construction process can be made cheaper by using not the second full-fledged floor, but the layout of the upper tier above part of the total building area;
  • in our country there are many apartments of the "old fund" with very high ceilings. In such apartments it is easy to organize the upper level.

Of course, in a standard-plan apartment built in Soviet times, you cannot build a second tier. But the second tier of a private dwelling or “stalinka” can not only unload in terms of functional background, but also decorate, raise the level of its uniqueness. If earlier the second level was used mainly for arranging a sleeping place, then today you can see a living room, a library, an office, a game room and even a room for water procedures.

Designers from all over the world are ready to offer exclusive projects for those who want to expand the usable space of their home or lay an additional level in the just planned construction. Our selection of unique, original, practical and contemporary design projects will inspire you to remodel or plan your new home.

What functional area to equip at the top level?

Sleeping under the ceiling - efficient use of space

The ground floor of private houses and the premises of modern apartments is increasingly a studio, in which it is necessary to place segments of the living room, kitchen and dining room. If private room there is no bedroom for equipment, and the height of the ceiling allows you to equip the upper level, it would be a mistake not to take advantage of this opportunity. Making the upper tier as a sleeping place has a number of advantages - most of the time you will spend there in a horizontal position and the height of the ceiling in this case will not play a decisive role. Such a space is able to withstand both asymmetry and a large bevel of the ceiling, because it is located under the roof itself.

If the space of the upper tier allows, then it would be logical to place not only the bedroom, but also the bathroom adjacent to it. The utility room can be both an isolated area for water procedures, and located in the same space as the sleeping sector, having a very conditional zoning. In any case, this location reduces daily traffic and creates comfortable conditions in the evening to prepare for sleep, and in the round for effective awakening.

Here is an example of organizing a second bed in a children's room. Even in a space with an asymmetrical shape and a very low height, you can equip a bed or simply put a high mattress. The child will be in this nook of space mainly sitting or lying down and will not experience the pressure of the walls and ceiling.

Another option for arranging the sleeping area at a certain elevation in relation to the entire space is the manufacture of a podium, at the base of which you can place spacious storage systems.

In the design project with the location of the bed on the upper tier, the bathroom is located in the space below it. This layout is ideal for rooms of modest size that need to accommodate the maximum number of functional segments.

Living room or recreation room on the upper tier

In a spacious apartment or private house, you can organize not just a single-row second tier, but also perform a corner or even a U-shaped layout of functional areas at the top level. Such an arrangement requires not only a large amount of space on the ground floor, but also much more serious costs for implementation. But as a result, you get several segments for arranging a living room, library, play area - whatever.

In the living room, located on the lower tier, you can receive guests and arrange friendly gatherings. And the rest room on the upper level can be used for private conversations, reading or watching TV. The expansion of living space also increases the possibilities of pastime.

Also on the upper tier, you can equip a home theater. In particular, such a layout is appropriate if there are no sources of natural light in the space of the second level. To organize a home theater, built-in lighting or hanging lamps with adjustable lighting power.

It happens that the height of the building of a private house allows you to place not two tiers, but three full levels with different functional areas. Before you is a design project of a dwelling, on the first floor of which there is a living room with a kitchen and a dining room, on the second level there is a recreation room with a play area, and on the third level there is a sleeping room. The location of windows at all levels allows you to have a sufficient level of illumination in each zone. The advantage of clear glass screening also allows for unrestricted entry. sunlight in all corners of the housing segments.

Office or library - rational use of square meters

Arranging a library, an office or a workshop on the upper tier is a logical solution for a home in which all the main functional segments have been located on the ground floor. In order to equip bookshelves, set up a desk or station for creative activities, you need a little space. If the area of ​​the second level allows, you can add a couple of comfortable chairs or a small sofa, a table-stand or an ottoman to the atmosphere.

The upper tiers are of particular importance in apartments and small private houses with a very modest ground floor area. In this case, the upper tier is most often a multi-tasking space - here is an office, a library, a place to relax and read, a workshop and an area for receiving guests.

Stairs in an apartment or house - an important element of the interior

It is not surprising that in a two-level apartment or a private house containing a second tier, the staircase becomes not just an integral part of the structure and design, but claims to be the focal point of the entire interior. And not only the size and importance of the presence of a multi-stage design indicate the dominant in the interior of the room - often the originality of the design and the uniqueness of the execution become a true decoration of the home. Whether your staircase leading to the second tier will harmoniously complement the existing interior, merging into the overall design concept, or become an accent design element, it is important that the choice of design, mounting method, materials and decor for this element of the home must be done with the help of specialists.

Monolithic wooden steps, a stone analogue of the structure, the use of artificial imitations, metal, glass or even suspended structures - there are a lot of variations on the theme of stairs for a two-level dwelling. And many of the options are able to provide not only safety and comfort of use, but also an attractive, modern appearance.

Luxurious spiral staircase with a metal frame and wooden steps can transform any room, a hundred interior dominant. Mesh screens and railings made of dark-colored metal will bring a little industriality to the design of the room. But if such a fence looks organic in the design of the staircase itself, then it is better to use glass screens-screens to protect the upper-level space. So you can provide the maximum amount of natural light of the second level.

A similar combination of metal and wood looks great in traditional staircase designs. A light touch of industrialism to the interior will give not only metal carcass structures, but also a steel string stretched between the elements of the railing.

Such a structural element is practically invisible, looks weightless, but at the same time allows you to provide high level safety for the owners of the house and their families.

IN modern interiors more and more often there are stairs, the basis for the manufacture of railings for which metal elements are taken - a profile, tubes of small diameter and even building fittings. In combination with wooden steps, the construction looks at the same time reliable, solid, but at the same time light and even weightless. Not to mention the fact that such structures do not prevent the penetration of sunlight into all areas of the lower and upper tiers.

One-march wooden staircasebest option to ensure the delivery of households to the upper level. This design is safe - on the one hand, it is most often attached to the wall, the second is equipped with a railing. In modern interiors, more and more often you can find a fence of the staircase itself and the space of the second tier with the help of glass panels. As a result, the upper zone is reliably protected, but at the same time it looks light, almost weightless. This design option will organically look both in the modern style of the design of the room, and in the classic interior.

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to organize access to the upper floor is considered to be a ladder made of wood or metal. But such a design is acceptable only in a house or apartment where there are no small children and the elderly. The safety of this type of stairs is low - they most often do not have railings, the steps are not wide.

Equipping your ladder with wooden or metal railings, you significantly increase the percentage of safety of the structure.

Lean ladder in the form of a solid block with interior arrangement storage systems - a rational way to use space.

Of course, for such a performance of degrees, a durable material is needed - metal or wood of a dense breed.

A little more difficult, but safer, would be to make a single-flight staircase with the steps attached to one wall. Under such a ladder, you can equip storage systems, even a mini-pantry. But the lack of railings and fencing on one side makes this model undesirable for apartments and households inhabited by small children, the elderly and households with disabilities.

Built-in staircase - a structure that has a fence in the form of walls on both sides. The safest, most reliable and durable option for organizing movement from the lower tier to the upper one. Of course, such a construction will require much high costs material, compared with a ladder, for example. Such a design also takes up more space, but with such a design, you can be sure of the safety of your household for many years.

The most widespread in modern design projects are fences for the upper tier, made of glass. Such popularity can be explained by the fact that such structures are durable and reliable. They do not prevent the penetration of sunlight, which is especially important for the upper tiers, devoid of window openings. As a rule, glass obstruction screens have metal or wooden frames, handrails fastening. But there are also models consisting exclusively of glass. Such a design completely dissolves the fence in space, creating a light, weightless image of the room.

Your protective fences can be made of wood or metal - in the form of rods, thin tubes or even forged products with an original shape. It all depends on the chosen direction of the style in which the room is decorated and your desire to make this element of the interior an accent or “dissolve” in the general atmosphere of the space.

Speaking of two-level variations of the dwelling, one cannot help but recall the simplest and most effective method organizing a bed in a small space. If earlier we could see only double bed options, created to save space in the nursery, where two children live, now the so-called loft bed has many models. Such a piece of furniture can also be used in a room designed for one child. This is an effective way to use the useful space of a nursery to create not only a sleeping segment, but also a workplace equipment, a corner for creativity and storage systems.

When a sleeping place is moved to the "second floor", a place is freed up for active games, which is important for a child of any age. Well, if two children live in the room, then bunk structures are simply necessary.

The most common option for arranging the space under the loft bed is to place a workplace or area for creativity directly under the bottom of the bed and equip storage systems under the steps. As a result, you get at least three functional solutions per pair square meters. But, like any way of planning the space of a children's room, it has its drawbacks. The height of the child must be initially taken into account when designing a bed, otherwise in a couple of years the entire structure will have to be redone. You also need to take care of bringing electricity to the area under the bed, because. it will be necessary to provide good lighting of the workplace.

Another option for arranging the space under the loft bed is to organize a place to relax. A small sofa or sofa will be a great addition to the interior. If the sofa has a sliding mechanism, then, if necessary, you can use this area for an overnight stay for late guests.

in front of you original way organizing a bed under the ceiling and placing an impressive storage system at the base of the steps leading to the bed. A large wardrobe with hinged doors and many drawers can effectively accommodate the entire wardrobe, not excluding the storage of pastel accessories and even books.

To make a two-story room out of an ordinary room - isn't this the dream of almost every person?

To make a two-story room out of an ordinary room - isn't this the dream of almost every person? This is especially true in small apartments.

How to make a second floor in a room

A full-fledged second floor can only be built if the ceiling height in the room is at least 4 meters. Most modern apartments cannot boast of such values, and therefore they can organize an inferior second floor - mezzanine.

For example, if you remove sleeping area, then a significant space will be freed up in the room.

How to do it and where to start?

How to calculate the parameters for the second floor in a room

As mentioned above, for the equipment of a full-fledged second floor, the ceiling height should not be less than 4 meters. And how much space is needed to equip a sleeping place on the second tier?

It's easy to calculate. In a sitting position, a person occupies a height of about 1 meter, add to this value the height of the bed, the width of the mattress and blanket, and another 20 centimeters. It turns out that the second tier should be at least 1.2 meters to the ceiling.

The resulting space under the mezzanine on the lower tier should be at least 2 meters. However, this value can fluctuate in different directions, depending on how this space is supposed to be equipped.

How to make a second tier in a room

The second tier is created with:

  • supports;
  • beams;
  • stairs;
  • gender;
  • balustrades (fences).

In most cases mezzanine is made of wood.

Ladder plays an important role in achieving a harmonious combination of the first and second tiers. Ideal is one in which the height of the step is not less than 15 cm, and the depth is not less than 26 cm. However, such a staircase will take up a lot of space and can simply overload the space.

Sometimes small spiral staircases or attic stairs are used. It should be borne in mind that the latter are not very safe, especially if there are children in the house.

A special role in the equipment of the second tier in the room should be given balustrade. It must be reliable and prevent a possible fall if a person, for example, stumbled. The fence should be well thought out if there are small children at home.

How to make a second floor in a room. Ventilation and light

These parameters are very important if it is planned to equip a sleeping or sleeping room on the second tier. workplace. As you know, warm air always accumulates under the ceiling (especially during the heating season). If you do not think about ventilation, then sleeping in closeness will be simply unbearable.

Ideally, if the second tier is equipped near the ventilation grille. If this is not possible, then you need to turn to professionals who will combine the second tier with the ventilation system using flexible pipes and a fan.

Apartments with high ceilings, but a small living space, are often found in old houses that are in many cities and were built in the middle of the last century. Therefore, their owners, constrained by living conditions, often consider options on how to make a second floor in a room with high ceilings in order to place a sleeping place, a home office, storage systems or allocate a recreation area there. With a good location and equipment with everything you need, including furniture, lighting, and, if possible, ventilation, you can get quite functional area or another, albeit small, but living room.

The secret of the popularity of bunk apartments

The reasons why the arrangement of multi-level housing is so in demand are different, but the main ones are:

  • two-level layout of apartments of modern construction, which allows you to place various functional areas;
  • redevelopment, when a former industrial building with high walls and large windows is converted into a residential one;
  • construction of a private house in a metropolis, then, due to expensive land, homeowners try to use the height of the building with maximum benefit;
  • arrangement of apartments of old houses with small size, but very high ceilings, which allows you to make an upper level in them.

If earlier the device on the second tier of the bed was considered as the main use case, now many exclusive projects are offered for those who want to expand the usable space with their own hands. For example: living room, office, library, game room.

Device under the ceiling of the bed

A modern studio apartment or the first floor of a private house is increasingly a spacious room in which it is necessary to place a living room, kitchen, dining room, but there is no space for arranging a separate room or bedroom. If the ceiling height allows, it would be a mistake not to try to make an upper level and place a sleeping place there. Since most of the time will be held in a horizontal position, low ceilings, a large slope, and a remote distance from windows are not a significant obstacle.

If there is free space near or at the bottom of the bedroom, it is quite logical to place wardrobes or other spacious storage systems, equip play area. For this reason, the equipment of the children's room is of great attraction, then the child will have a personal corner where he can go about his business away from the rest of the household.

Even if there is very little space, and it has asymmetrical shapes, it is quite enough to set up a bed or put a high mattress. And then, despite the low walls and ceiling, the child, who is sitting or lying down, will be quite comfortable.

Study, library or small workshop

Equipping them on the upper tier and rationally using free square meters is a logical decision, especially if all segments of the room already have their own functionality. The upper floor acquires exceptional importance when an apartment or house has a very modest area and every free meter counts. In this case, several tasks can be simultaneously assigned to it at once - to serve as an office, a place of rest, a library, a workshop, a zone for receiving visitors.

To install bookshelves, a desk, a station for creative work, you need very little space. If there is free space on the second level, then you can add a couple of comfortable chairs, a small sofa or another table. But too small a room is not suitable for such purposes, since its area may not be enough to accommodate the necessary furniture and the location of the steps.

Fence selection

The most common railings are made of glass. They are quite strong and reliable, but at the same time they completely freely let in sunlight, which is an important condition for the upper tiers, located away from window openings.

More compact designs are made of metal in the form of thin tubes, rods, with the addition of forged products. The form can be completely original, it all depends on the direction of the style in which the room is designed, and the desire to highlight the enclosing element or make it inconspicuous in the overall space of the room.

Metal, wooden frames or handrails serve as the base and fastening of glass screens. But some models consist exclusively of glass, so they seem to dissolve the fence and, expanding the space, give the room a light, weightless image.

Stairs - an important element of the interior

The multi-stage design is an integral participant in the arrangement of the second floor. In addition to its main function, it should harmoniously complement the existing interior and not contradict the overall design concept.

One of the simple, practical ways to access the upper level is a ladder made of wood and metal. But due to the lack of railings and the presence of narrow steps, it has the lowest degree of security. In addition, older people and young children may have difficulty getting up.

The best option is a single-flight wooden staircase. Since one side of the march rests against the wall, and the railing is attached to the other, it is considered completely safe. In modern interiors, glass panels are installed as a railing for the stairs and the second tier, which look light and visually expand the interior space, but provide reliable protection. This solution is perfect for modern trends room decoration or classic style.

A staircase made of a metal profile, small-diameter tubes, forged elements, with wooden steps looks solid, solid, but at the same time light and stylish. At the same time, such structures freely transmit sunlight into the lower and upper zones.

What to look for when arranging the second tier

Before you make the second floor in a room with high ceilings, you need to carry out a number of preparatory activities. Think over to the smallest detail how it will look, decide on its functionality, draw up a sketch. If possible, consult with a specialist in terms of the choice of material, design and how to properly carry out the work.

An important role is played by the size of the room, the height of the ceiling. The allowed minimum value is 3.2 meters, but the higher the better. The choice of the design of the second tier, its purpose and the possibility of installing furniture depend on this. To go upstairs, you need a ladder. Given the availability of free space, this is either a full-fledged flight of stairs, or a retractable system, which is quite convenient and takes up less space.

Since add-ons, so that they do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the room, are located away from windows, additional lighting is necessary. For this reason, for the design of living space, light colors are preferable, which visually remove the feeling of "low ceilings".

Considering that it is always warmer upstairs, special attention should be paid to ventilation, for which it is possible to provide for the installation of a fan or correctly distribute the direction of air flow from the air conditioner.

The most convenient material for processing at home is wood. When choosing it for arranging the second floor, you must do the following operations:

  • assemble a solid frame from the bars (directly on the floor, or immediately fixing it to the walls with the help of brackets);
  • lay beams on it;
  • cover the floors (wooden boards, chipboard are suitable);
  • make a fence about one meter high (from any material, but special glass inserts look very respectable);
  • install a ladder (its size, shape and placement depend on the characteristics of the room).

Instead of wood as the main material, they often use metallic profile and rental. Since they are thinner, the design looks neater and more modern. All work, having prepared the necessary tools and material, can be done independently.

Before proceeding with the installation of the second floor in the room, a series of preparatory work. First of all, you need to think through everything well to the smallest detail, decide how it will look in its final form, and draw up a sketch of it.

To create a drawing, you can consult with a specialist: he will help with the choice of materials, help determine the type of structure that is suitable for the room, and also give good advice where to start and how to finish.

To create such a structure, you need a considerable amount building materials Therefore, it is better to prepare them in advance so that everything you need is at hand.

For the construction of the second floor, the size of the room and the height of the ceiling play a huge role. The minimum ceiling height should be about 3.2 meters, and to build two full floors it will take about 4.5 meters. The height of the ceiling determines which room will be placed on the structure. If the structure is installed for a bedroom, then 2 meters in height will be enough, and if a storage room is planned on the second floor, 1.5 meters will be enough.

It should be noted that a small room is not suitable for the construction of such structures, since steps must fit in it, and in addition to them, furniture must also be in the room.

An ordinary staircase takes up most of the room. To climb to the second floor, you will need about 15 steps, and this is already a lot. But if the room is not so large and does not allow you to install this kind of ladder, you can replace it with a retractable one. These are mainly installed in attics, they take up much less space and are no less convenient.

To easily make a ladder yourself, watch the video tutorial.

How to install a second floor in a room

In order for the second tier of the room to serve for a long time, having started its installation, you should follow the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. First of all, you need to make a solid frame of bars.

Step 2. We lay the beams on the frame.

The entire structure must be firmly attached to the walls. If the beams are made of metal, then they will need to be welded or firmly bolted. The metal structure looks more attractive than the wooden one, as it is much thinner. Wooden structure will look powerful.

Step 3 We attach the structure to the walls and ceiling using brackets. You can buy them at any hardware store.

Step 4. After the frame is installed, you need to cover the floors of the second floor. It can be done wooden planks, chipboard or special glass.

Step 5. Making a fence. It can be made of any material, at least one meter high.

Step 6 Install the stairs. Depending on the size of the room, we determine the place where it will be located.

Ventilation and lighting of the second floor of the room

It is a well-known fact that warm air accumulates under the ceiling. And therefore it is impossible to be at the top of the room without ventilation for a long time.

Basically, the second tier of the room is installed not far from the ventilation systems, but if this is not possible, then such a system can be made by yourself. For example, let ventilation through the roof or combine it with another room using flexible pipes and a fan.

As for lighting, it all depends on which room is on the second floor. If this is a bedroom, then a lamp will be enough, and if it is planned to make an office or library there, natural lighting will be needed. To do this, you will have to make changes in the wall and make a window there.

Of course, in a standard Soviet-built apartment, there is no way to make a multi-level redevelopment. But if, for example, you are going to build a new house, then, at current land prices, this option will give you the opportunity to significantly increase your living space. Such a restructuring is good in the "old fund", in houses with high ceilings. It will allow not only to expand the space, but also to use one room for different purposes.

The second tier of the apartment can become a true decoration of your home, and will also help solve problems with the layout. On it you can easily place a bedroom, a library, a work area or a winter garden.

Designed by designers Jose Maria Saez and Daniel Moreno Flores, this option is made of natural wood and is located above the kitchen-dining room. Neat, quite original, with natural light through a panoramic window, in our climate zone it is quite suitable for a summer house or as a second floor in a cafe.

In the home designed by architect Carter-Williams, the second-level bedroom creates the visual feel of a studio apartment.

This small (only 29 square meters) Polish second-floor apartment by design firm 3XA has a master bedroom with an oversized bed located directly above the bathroom and hallway.

In the project of restructuring the Oriental Warehouse Loft, a historic building in San Francisco, the specialists of the Italian House Studio by Studioata have completely redesigned the attic, completely unnecessary in the apartment, into a living area. Architects Edmonds and Lee provided a bedroom, bath and library on the second level. Here the space is also increased due to glass railings, transparent walls in the bathroom. Which, of course, deprives the owner of such an apartment of privacy, but at the same time gives a sense of freedom. The combination of heavy hardwood floors and exposed old bricks with sleek, light modern finishes, clear glass panels and a weightless steel staircase make the house a little strange, but completely unique and unrepeatable.

Dark walls, a white ceiling, a contrast of wood and metal, a sharp separation of the main space and the additional level are presented in this apartment in the Unité d'Habitation, a famous house in Marseille, built by the architect Le Corbusier.

Here is another version of two-level housing, presented by the Italian company Studioata. Clearly separated from the rest of the space by a contrasting wooden shelf and adorned with a floating staircase, this home office adds personality to a typical studio apartment.

Such an unusual bathroom was created by Dutch architects Leijh, Kappelhof, Seckel, van den Dobbelsteen. In this work, the top floor is again converted from the attic of an old house.

The project of Maxim Zhukov is also interesting. It roughly combines gray stone, wood and metal. A floating staircase, a simple platform that seems to hang freely above the bed, and the correct orientation to the windows make the home office very distinctive.

And this apartment was created in the attic of the former convent located in Val-d'Ois north of Paris. A cozy seating area is located above the kitchen and a spacious dining area.

Such an apartment in Toronto is offered by the design firm Buildall Construction. The upper level in it is represented by a bedroom above a voluminous dressing room.

A balance between dark floors, white walls, glass railings and a floating oak staircase - all this is in the project of the famous American architect Paul Rudolph.

A creative bathtub over a chic bed is presented by the English firm Wells Mackereth. At the same time, the bed, located under the upper tier, is as if in a niche, which undoubtedly adds intimacy to this free and bright room.

An elegant, clean-lined cabinet is perfect for people who work from home. Thin railings give more light, as if expanding the boundaries of space and filling the entire room with light and air.

Soft lines, glass railings and again classic combination White and black make this penthouse, designed by London-based design firm Foster & Partners, look like a space station from a sci-fi movie.

Another very nice option, in which the kitchen-living room is located below, the bedroom is upstairs, and huge windows are the perfect solution for a small space. White walls, giving more light, are suitable for any interior, but they look especially elegant here, in a room with a small footage.

Another version of the bedroom, romantic, the second level of which is presented in the form of a terrace. The glass railings do not interfere with the beautiful view from the window.

Transparent railings are easy ideal option for any small space. Here, the upper tier is represented by a living area located above the kitchen and dining room.

Combining the warmth of wood and the vigor of greenery, the second tier can contrast sharply with the rest of the room. For such a spectacular decor, you can use both live and artificial plants.

And this is an excellent version of the room for a teenager. In such a room, the second level allows you to create a spacious sleeping place, leaving space for bookshelves and a seating area below.

And another option on how to fit a comfortable free bed in a modest area.

Here is another version of the glass railing duplex apartment by Spanish designer Luis Puerta. A great way to expand a home while separating different rooms.

With dining and kitchen downstairs and seating upstairs, this home was rebuilt from a chapel in Wiltshire.

"Nothing more" is the motto of Japanese designer Naoko Horib. The second level here is delimited by two internal balconies.

The dining room is downstairs, the library is on the second level, and the bedroom is on the third. Such an excellent solution is feasible, however, only in a room with really very high ceilings.

A spacious bed connected to the main room by an almost airy spiral staircase. Bright spots on a background of white and steel. All this gives a small apartment a modern, stylish and completely individual look.

This quirky apartment with a library under the stairs, by Marc Koehler Architects, has been converted from a former harbor pub in Holland. Very atmospheric!

White space, bright kitchen furniture, a bedroom above a snow-white bathroom - this is another option for increasing the space from the Airside design bureau.

An example of an apartment in Gothenburg demonstrates how a second level and good design can greatly increase your apartment. In this project, you can big windows and white walls, which, as we said above, visually expands any space.

The contrast of black and white, a small second level for a seating area (or maybe a small boudoir?), floating white stairs that grow right out of the air make this bedroom elegant and romantic.

posh modern design based on the standard combination of white, wood and metal. Beautiful bedroom under a sloping roof. Broken lines and gorgeous accessories. This masterpiece was created in Stockholm.

Thus, having seen so many wonderful, unique and completely different options for two-level apartments, we can conclude that multi-level premises, White color, glass and a lot of natural light - a great way to expand the space if necessary.



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