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Sentences with request in English. Polite questions in English

Today we will talk not about what to say, but about how. It's no secret that there are many ways to express the same thought.

You can, for example, say “go away, please,” or “excuse me, can I come in?” or even “well, move away!” In both cases, and in the third case, we expressed a desire for someone to step aside and give us way, but our tone was different each time: in the first case, we were talking to someone familiar and equal to us in status, in the second - with a stranger on "you", and in the third we were rude.

Our article is devoted to the second case - communicating with strangers with whom we are on first name terms. We will learn how to be polite in English.

Let's look at a few broad situations in which we will need politeness.

1. How do you politely ask someone for something?

How to voice a request without it sounding like an order? First of all, you need to say “please”. But one magic word is not enough - to sound as polite as possible, use the following construction:

Could you...
Could you...

For example:

Could you open the window?
Could you please open the window?

Could you help me with my luggage, please?
Could you help me with my luggage please?

There are also more sophisticated phrases that can be used instead of " could you":

I would appreciate it if you could...
I would be grateful if you could...
(Literally: "I would appreciate it if you could...")

I would be grateful if you could...
I would be grateful if you could...

Would you be so kind as to...
Will you be so kind, ...

For example:

I would appreciate it if you could help me.
I will be grateful if you could help me.
(Literally: " I would appreciate it, if you could help me")

I would be grateful if you could tell me his phone number.
I would appreciate if you could tell me his phone number.

Would you be so kind as to show me the way?
Will you be so kind, show me the way.

Let's talk separately about the case when we request information that is not currently available, but may appear in the future. It happens that we ask a person to tell us something when an opportunity arises, or information, or something happens, etc. In such cases, instead of a simple “tell”, the following phrase is better suited:

Let's me know...
Let me know...

For example:

There is another type of request: often in everyday life we ​​have to squeeze through a crowd. How do we make a person understand so that he will let us pass? Let's use the magic word:

Excuse me.

! In our country, there is a custom of asking the person in front in transport: “Are you getting off?” Never do this to foreigners :). Instead, just say " Excuse me"for him to move away.

Finally, it happens that something irritates us in the behavior of a foreigner. How can you politely ask him to keep his voice down or not ask you awkward questions?

Would you mind...
Could you...
(Literally: "Do you mind...")

This expression requires an ending from the action - ing!

Would you mind turning off the radio, please?
You could not would turn off the radio please?
(Literally: " Do you mind turn off the radio, please?")

Would you mind closing the door before leaving?
You Not could would close the door before leaving?
(Literally: " Do you mind close the door before leaving?")

Attention: Do you want to overcome the language barrier and speak English? Find out in Moscow how our students begin to speak in 1 month!

2. How to politely say “I want”?

"Want" is a good word, but a little harsh: it sounds like a demand. In order to soften it, you can use the following designs:

I would like...
I would like...

I would prefer...
I would prefer...

For example:

I would like a cup of coffee, please.
I would like a cup of coffee please.

I would like to book two tickets.
I would like book two tickets.

I would prefer to meet tomorrow, if that"s comfortable for you.
I would prefer Meet tomorrow if it's convenient for you.

I would prefer not to talk about it.
I would prefer don't talk about it.

When you order at a restaurant, you can also use the following phrases:

I"ll have...
I will...
(Literally: "I have...")

Can I have... ?
Can I take...
(Literally: "Can I have...?")


I"ll have tea and some tuna salad, please.
I will tea and some tuna salad, please.

Can I have some red wine and a steak?
Can I take red wine and steak?

3. How to politely express disagreement?

In an extended conversation, sometimes you can come to disagreements. How to let a foreigner understand that he is mistaken and not get involved in an argument?

If you are talking about disagreement about facts that may or may not be correct, use the phrase:

I think you might be mistaken.
I think you may be wrong.

If it’s more a matter of opinion, then:

I'm afraid I disagree...
I'm afraid I disagree...

I see what you mean, but...
I see what you mean, but...

! Try to avoid words with a negative assessment: “bad”, “wrong”, etc. Instead, it is better to use "positive" words with negation:

I don't think that...
I do not think that...

I'm not sure that...
I'm not sure what...


I think your plan won't work.
I don't think your plan will work.

I don't think your plan will work.
I don't think that your plan will work.

I'm sure it's a bad idea.
I'm sure this is a bad idea.

I'm not sure it's a good idea.
I'm not sure n that's a good idea.

In this way, you shift the focus from the assessment (“bad”, “good”) to your own uncertainty (“I don’t think”, “I’m not sure”), letting the interlocutor understand that this is only your subjective opinion, and not the truth in the end authorities. By doing so, you will soften disagreement and make it clear that you too may be wrong.

4. How to politely ask permission?

To politely ask permission to do something, you will need the following expressions.

Use may when talking about "official" permission: say, can you park here? Or is it possible to smoke in the hotel? That is, when it comes to rules.

May I...
May I...

For example:

If there are no rules and you are simply asking, for example, if your neighbor on the minibus would mind if you open the window, then the following phrases are at your service:

Could I...
Can I...

Do you mind if I...
Do you mind if I...

I was wondering if I could...
I was wondering if I could...

For example:

Could I ask you a question?
May I ask you a question?

Do you mind if I join you tonight?
Do not you mind, if I join you tonight?

I was wondering if I could invite you for a dinner.
I wanted to ask, can I invite you to dinner.

5. How to politely ask again?

If you did not hear or did not understand what the interlocutor said, you can, of course, say: “What?” (What?), but that would be kind of rude. To politely indicate that you do not understand, use one of the following phrases:


Pardon (me)?
Excuse me)?

I beg your pardon?
I'm sorry?

Excuse me?

Of course, you can also politely ask your interlocutor to repeat using the constructions from point No. 1:

Sorry, could you repeat it, please?
Sorry, Not could would You repeat please?

Would you mind saying that again, please?
You could not would say it again please?
(Literally: " Do you mind say it again, please?")

6. How to politely apologize?

If you did something not very good (pushed a person, stepped on a foot, etc.) - make amends by saying:


I apologize.
I'm sorry.

If you want to get someone's attention to ask a question, for example, then use:

Excuse me.

7. How to politely thank?

Finally, how else to express your gratitude other than thank you you?

So we looked at seven situations for using polite English. With them you will definitely not get lost when communicating with strangers :). In addition to these phrases, remember the simple rules of good manners: listen to your interlocutor, do not directly say “no” to him, soften your phrase if possible (“I think”, “I believe”, etc.), do not forget to say “thank you” and "Please" :). Good luck!

Marina Vertiy
Lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group “Polite request”

Lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group on the topic: « Polite request» .

Target: Introduce children to different forms of expression requests addressed to someone (to a stranger, a loved one, a friend) in different situations: on the street, at home, in other places, develop cognitive interest. Cultivate skill politely ask for something.

Educator: Guys, now I’ll read you a short story called "Please allow me", listen carefully, and then we will talk.

Reading a story.

The brother returned from a concert at which he performed, reading a poem. He brought a disc with a recording of the concert, where you could see all the numbers. Masha entered the room and saw: Vanya is sitting, and his mother is next to him. They watch performances. Masha ran up to Vanya and pushed him away from the computer to look at everything all over again.

Come on, go away, I want to watch everything from the very first issue!

Mom was very angry. She said sternly daughters:

Learn first ask politely, and then come!

Masha went to her grandmother.

Grandma, teach me ask. I wanted to see the whole concert from beginning to end so much that I pushed my brother. So my mother sent me away and told me to learn ask politely.

“There is nothing simpler,” answered the grandmother. – You must remember a few words. Repeat after me: "Please; be kind; allow me; let me; I beg you, if possible, please let me watch the concert from the beginning.”


Here's more! Never! I will still bow ask politely. I'd rather not watch anything!

Educator: Guys, what do you think, was Masha allowed to watch the concert? (children's answers).

Educator: What means ask politely? (children's answers).

Educator: Try to repeat after your grandmother a few polite words or expressions. (children's answers).

Educator: Suggest your ending to the story.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities on social and communicative development in the senior group “My family is my wealth” Summary of educational activities on social and communicative development in the senior group Topic: “My family is my wealth” Prepared by: teacher Milevskaya.

GCD on social and communicative development in the senior group “Children and their rights!” TOPIC: “Children and their rights!” Objectives: 1. Clarify children’s knowledge about civil rights and responsibilities. 2. Foster a sense of family cohesion.

Educational activities on social and communicative development in the senior group “Travel around Russia” Goal: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland. Objectives: 1. Clarify and deepen the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers.

Open lesson in the senior group on social and communicative development “Let's tell Shapoklyak about friendship” V.: Guys, look, they sent us a letter. Who do you think it's from? (shows a drawing on the envelope depicting the old woman Shapoklyak).

Long-term work plan for social and communicative development (safety) in the senior group Long-term work plan for social and communicative development (safety) in the senior group for the winter period. DECEMBER: 1 week - 1. “Alone.”

Cognitive development Synopsis Social communicative lesson in the senior group “The ABC of Health” Purpose: Developmental, educational –.

Allow me to present to your attention a project on social and communicative development “Hurry to do good.” You tell me, the topic is not new.

Educational goals: Learn to use polite forms of address containing a request and gratitude. Teach forms of polite communication between people.

Corrective: Develop students' speech and enrich their vocabulary. Develop thinking, correct behavior.

Educational: Develop skills and habits of cultural behavior at home and in public places. Develop habits of attentive, kind attitude towards people.

Equipment: tables on the culture of behavior, the story by V.A. Oseeva “The Magic Word”, a paper house for the game “Shop of Polite Words”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, why do you think we should behave civilly and politely? (... it’s nice to communicate with a polite person...)

When you finish school, you will become builders, machine operators, livestock breeders, and seamstresses. But no matter who you become, first of all, you must grow up to be good, cultured people: kind, sympathetic, polite. And you also need to learn this.

The word "politeness" comes from the Old Russian word "veta" - expert, "ved" - to know.

The literal meaning of the word politeness is knowing how to behave. In other words.

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy communicating with you.

Human qualities - politeness and kindness - are inseparable. A kind person always speaks politely to his interlocutor. A kind word can cheer a person up in difficult times. If a friend is lucky, a kind person will congratulate him, and if he is in trouble, kind words will help to console and calm him down. No wonder they say:

"Kindness is from time immemorial
Decorates a person."

In order to become polite, we must use polite words, which make us feel warmer and happier. Polite words are also called “magic”.

Think about why they are called that? (...)

III. Lesson topic message

We will talk about such words in class.

Lesson topic: “Polite forms of address containing a request or gratitude.” (Write the topic on the board and in notebooks)

IV. Reading the story by V.A. Oseeva "The Magic Word".

V. Conversation on reading:

1. Why did everyone refuse Pavlik everything at the beginning of the story?

(...he was rude, impolite)

2. What helped him?

(... the word "please")

3. Why do we call the word “please” the “magic” word?

4. What other “magic” words do you know when making a request?

VI. Working with tables (reading tables)

a) “Words expressing a request”:


Allow me,

Let me


I ask you to.

What words do you use when you are grateful to a person for something?

(Students' answers)

b) “Words of gratitude”:

Thank you,

Thank you,

You are very kind,

Very grateful

Do you use such words in boarding school? Houses? in transport?

(- In the dining room - say "thank you"

If someone gave you something (a book), say “thank you”

If you are told "thank you", respond - "please")

From the history of words.

Thank you - an old word, "God save" - ​​God save you for your kind words and deeds.

Thank you - I give you goodness, goodness for your sensitivity, responsiveness, good deed.

VII. Work in notebooks. Write down words of gratitude and words expressing a request (from the table).

VIII. Reading the poem "Impolite Politeness."

Do “polite” words always have magical powers? The poem “Not Polite Politeness” will help you answer this question.

The boy Petrus wanted to be polite, but did not know how to use “polite” words, listen to what he did.

Petrus promised his father:
- I will take care of politeness:
I will thank everyone
Be the first to say "hello"
Here is a boy with diligence
Keeps its promise.
He sees - in the morning at the gatehouse
The watchman on the threshold is dozing.
He didn't sleep at night on duty,
Just dozed off.
And Petrus will scream:
- Good morning, grandfather Fedot!
His grandfather scolded him in his sleep,
- Get out, shooter!
Petrus caught up with Yarinka
Yes, as he pulled the scarf:
- Where are you going, Yarinka, stop,
I say hello to you!
She pulled aside -
What an impolite girl...
The counselor was carrying a stack of books,
And Petrus jumps off the fence!
Almost sat on his shoulders:
- Sorry, good evening!
“You,” the counselor shouted, “
Both ignorant and impudent! Petya is very surprised:
Was he impolite?

The boy Petrus wanted to be polite, but did not know how to use “polite” words. Although he uttered “magic” words, he turned out to be impolite. Why?

(...Petrus pronounced the “magic” words in a harsh tone, rudely)

The power of "magic" words depends on how you pronounce them.

X. Reading the table

You need to pronounce the magic words politely, affably, looking at the person you are addressing. Thus, you show respect for your interlocutor.

And if you speak in a harsh tone, turning to the side, although you utter “magic” words, you are showing disrespect for the person.

XI. Scene "Please"

Helen was sitting on the bus. She kept spinning and swinging her legs. Her neighbor turned away. She was afraid that Lena would stain her pants.

Girl, sit still, please.

“You can’t behave like that,” the old woman sitting opposite remarked to Lenochka.

What did I do? Helen objected.

Just think! Please, I will sit quietly.

And she, sulking, began to look out the window.

Both the girl and the old woman said the word “please.”

Is it possible to call Lenochkino’s “please” a magic word? Why?

XII. Remember the proverbs about politeness, kindness, good manners.


Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind

Speak boldly about a good deed.

Life is given for good deeds.

As you live, so will you be known.

It’s bad to live without a kind word.

Hello is not complicated, but it wins the heart.

A kind word is better than a soft pie.

- “Thank you” is a great thing.

Politeness opens all doors.

Nothing is so cheap or valued so much as politeness.

Politeness adorns a person.

- “To give people joy, you need to be kind and polite))

With a kind word you can melt a stone.

Beautiful is he who acts beautifully.

Remember the good and forget the evil.

Good is paid for with good.

XIII. Consolidation.

Now let's check how you learned to use “magic words”.

1. Game-exercise "Shop of polite words."

On the shelves in the store there were polite words: thanks (thank you, thank you, you are very kind, very grateful) and requests (please allow me, allow me, be kind, I ask you).

But suddenly a strong wind blew, and all the words fell and got mixed up.

We need to put them back on the shelves.

(A paper house is attached to the board. The windows of the house serve as display shelves. “Magic” words are written on cards. Two students place cards with words on the shelves).

2. Exercises - situations

What would you do in this or that situation:

a) You forgot a pen in the bedroom, ask a friend for it.

b) You came to the dining room and you didn’t have enough tea. What will you do?

c) You are traveling on a bus. Ask one of the passengers to validate the ticket.

d) You came to the library. Ask the librarian for the book you need.

XIV. Reading a poem by M. Tanich

And we will end our lesson with a poem - an appeal, which was written by Mikhail Tanich

"Sorry", "please", "forgive" and "permit"

These are not words, but a key to the soul.
In addition to our companion, the multiplication table,
There is also a table, a table of respect.
Remember like the ABC
Like two and two:
"Thank you" and "please" -
Magic words.
Wherever the immodest are shown away from the gate,
A polite person will ask, ask and pass.
Doors open before a polite word,
Let it be repeated more often, more often.
A proverb is written on the blackboard

Politeness opens all doors.

Here it turns out how. In order to go somewhere, ask for something, you need to say a polite word, or politely thank for something, and then “doors will open” for you, they will respond to your request.

XV. Lesson summary:

1. What words were discussed in class?

2. How to pronounce “magic” words correctly?

3. Grades for work in the lesson.

4. Let’s thank the guests for visiting us and say a word of gratitude to them... (in unison) “thank you.”

First of all, it should be noted that polite clichés in Russian and English are completely different. Don’t try to translate the Russian polite construction into English, it will turn out unnatural. You need to learn English clichés!

Today we will look at three types of requests:

  1. When we ask another person give us anything. For example: Give me your mobile phone to call Australia.
  2. When we ask another person do something. For example: Buy sausages / Close the window / Wash your feet / Now go to bed.
  3. When we ask for permission do something yourself. For example: Can I eat your chocolate? Can I give you a Guinea hamster for your birthday?

We will also talk about constructions with the word mind. For example, we will find out how “Would you mind closing the window” differs from “Would you mind if I close the window” and whether the question “Would you mind…” can be answered “Yes, of course”.

How to say "give it to me."

"Give me" should never be translated as "give me". That's rough. And even “give me please”. You need to ask in a phrase "can I have".

Example: Can I have that banana please? - Give me that banana.

You need to answer "Can I have" "Here you are"- if we give the interlocutor what he asked from us.

Example: Can I have one more piece of chocolate cake? - Here you are.

If we don't want to give what we've been asked to do, then saying "No" is rude. Need to say "sorry" and explain why we don't want to give it.

Example: Can I have your telephone please? I need to phone my boyfriend in Australia. - Sorry, I need it right now.

Less often we say “could I have” or “may I have”. This is the same as "can I have", but a little more formal and polite.

How to ask another person to do something.

a) Could you please + 1 verb form, and at the end we add please. Example: Could you close the window, please.
b) Do you think you could + 1 verb form. Here we usually don’t add please. Example: Do you think you could turn off the TV?

These requests must be answered "Sure" or "Of course". If you cannot fulfill a request, you cannot say “no”, you must answer "Sorry" and give a reason.

Example: I love your piano playing. Could you please play this music again? - Sure.

Another example: Do you think you could give me a lift to the airport at 5 o’clock in the morning? - Sorry, I don’t think I’ll get up that early.

How to ask permission to do something yourself.

When we themselves we ask permission do something, We are speaking Can I or Could I or May I + 1 verb form(no please). Example: Could I come to you a little later?

We respond to such requests: "Sure" or "Of course". If we ask permission to do something right now, then they tell us “Sure. Go ahead” - kind of like “go ahead.”

Examples: Could I use your computer to write an email? - Sure, go ahead. / Of course.
May I come a little later tomorrow? - Sure. (but not "go ahead" - because we are not asking permission to do anything right now, namely later).

Requests with the word "mind".

They always start with "Do you mind" or "Would you mind".

1) Would you mind / Do you mind if I + 1 form it is said when you yourself want to do something and ask permission. Often in colloquial speech you can simply say " mind if I..."

Example: (Would you) mind if I finish off the cheese? - Of course not. -Can I finish the cheese? - Certainly.

2) Would you mind / Do you mind + ing form said when you ask someone else do an action. Unlike the previous case, the initial “would you” or “do you” cannot be omitted here.

Example: Would you mind / Do you mind opening the window? - Of course not. - Could you open the window? - Now open.

It must be remembered that the phrase “Do you mind?” literally translates to "you object?", so you need to answer it "Of course not". You can’t say “yes” or “sure”, otherwise it will come out as “I object.” But, remember, if you really object, then you need to say “Sorry” and explain the reason.

3) Would you mind / Do you mind my+ ing form- this is the same construction as point 1), but much less common.

Example: Do you mind my coming tomorrow? - Of course not! - Can I come tomorrow? - Of course, come!

More examples:

Do you mind if I drink your beer? - Of course not. -Can I drink your beer? - Certainly. - If you agree, don't forget to say of course NOT .

Would you mind if I smoke here? - Sorry, you can only smoke outside. -Can I smoke here? - No, you can only do it on the street. Remember, it’s better not to say “no”, it’s better to say “sorry” and explain the reason.

Would you mind waiting for me, just five minutes? - Of course not! -Wait for me five minutes? - Certainly.

John, do you mind cooking dinner tonight? I'm too tired. - No, of course not. I'll cook. - John, won't you cook dinner today? I'm too tired. - Of course I’ll cook it.

Would you mind my sleeping here? - Oh, no problem! - Is it okay if I sleep here? - Yes please! Remember do you mind my + ing used less frequently than the first two constructions.

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Working with the textbook.

Exercise 102 .

When completing this task, children learn to distinguish a request from a requirement. Of course, Sorreltail demands, and does not ask Dunno. Dunno is a patient, and he must comply with the doctor’s demands (sit down, stick out his tongue, breathe deeper, etc.). Of course, Lungwort’s demands sound strict. She speaks in a demanding tone and does not use polite words, much less pleading gestures.

Task 105 .

Of course, the most urgent request contains an explanation of why the boy needs to buy this stamp collection.

Exercise 108 .

– A request, of course, is expressed in the words: “I ask you...”, “Could you please...” All other remarks, depending on the tone, can be classified as both commands and requests.

Examples of requests that children construct from blanks:

O most powerful of genies! Help me pass the exam!

Fulfill my request, please, I want to cure my grandmother.

Dear Hottabych! Please feed all my friends ice cream.

I turn to you with a request, Hottabych, I want my football team to always be a champion.

Task 109 .

The main idea of ​​the poem is a request to all people to be kind. The highlighted words in the second line of the poem express a request for a ticket (in this case they can be replaced with the word “please”). The last line is a wish for people to be kind to each other.

Task 110.

– What was George’s request?

Possible headers:

George's request;

The cat helps save the moon;

The Tale of the Moon Miceetc.

Exercise 113 .

Vasilisa will probably first make a request to the owner, Emelya (he sits at the head of the table). If this place seems uncomfortable to Baba Yaga, then to Ivan Tsarevich and Ilya Muromets.

Task 114.

The most polite requests are 2nd and 4th.

Task 115 .

Vasilisa the Wise can offer a seat to any of the men sitting at the table, except, perhaps, Koshchei the Immortal (who is very old and decrepit). However, he can give way to Vasilisa if he is not indifferent to female beauty and intelligence.

When giving way, men can say:

Please sit down, dear Yagushka.

Excuse me, please, Grandma Yaga. Come here, you will be comfortable here.

Sit down at the table, beautiful Vasilisa. I'm glad to offer you my place.

I'm glad to see you. Come here, madam.

And women can respond with words of gratitude, for example:

Thanks guys. (Thank you very much.)

Thank you.

Very nice, Ivanushka.

Fine. I'll be comfortable here.

Of course, fairy-tale heroes - Leshy, Emelya, Ivan Tsarevich, etc. - in return for the places they gave to the ladies, they may well conjure others for themselves, no worse. It is important that, by giving way, they showed care and attention to the old man, as well as respect for women.

Let's summarize.

– Tell us what helps make a request polite? (Polite

words, address, tone.)

– What is the difference between a demand and a request? (It must be complied with; it does not contain polite words.)

– What makes a request more convincing?

Task 111 .

– And now we will sum up. Using the diagram and polite words from the prompt in the activity, make up different versions of George's request. Then complete this assignment in writing. The winner of the game will be the one who makes the largest number of request options and voices them accordingly.

Task 116 .

If no one gives way to Baba Yaga, she can summon her stupa and fly home, cursing everyone present. This will probably ruin a fabulous holiday. Knowing her character, we can assume that she will cause difficulties and troubles in the lives of those who did not show her due respect. For example, she will rain worms and frogs on the hut, or steal the faithful horse of Ilya Muromets, or scare away Leshy’s subjects, etc. Vasilisa will also be offended, and all the men present will forever lose her friendship and wise advice. In a word, the situation in the fairytale forest will turn from friendly to hostile. The enmity can end if the fairy-tale characters ask Baba Yaga and Vasilisa for forgiveness, invite them to a feast, and offer them the most honorable places. The winner of the game will be the one who writes the longest and most entertaining story.

Let's check ourselves:

– Make direct and hidden requests to strangers:

● indicate the road to Shkolnaya Street (or another);

● validate your ticket on the bus;

● say what time it is;

● let you through to the exit of the transport;

● show the book you are interested in in the store.

Speech warm-up 7, paragraph 3.

Continuation of the poem by S. Marshak:

King of Diamonds

And I was waiting for pudding for lunch.

Ten of diamonds

Returned the broth

- Of course, the queen or the king could have asked for the diamond, or better yet, demanded that the kidnappers return what was stolen. They could also call an investigator and ask him to find broth and pudding. Or order the court executioner (six) to intimidate the ten and jack.

After returning the stolen goods, the lady and king may have decided to share with their hungry subjects and sometimes invite them to dinner.



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Liver pate: recipe

Liver pate: recipe

Making beef liver pate at home is quick and easy. To make this tender dish you need...

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