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Examples of summer kitchens in a suburban area. DIY summer kitchen in the country

A beautiful, practical and cozy summer kitchen is needed in every dacha. We will show you step by step and in detail the construction of a summer kitchen with your own hands.

Modern summer kitchen in the country with your own hands.

If you want to place a summer kitchen on a veranda or on a terrace that has already been built, then preparatory work will be kept to a minimum.

But if you are going to place the kitchen separately, then you need to make a foundation for it.

The shape and size of the foundation depends on the kitchen layout you choose. It is not necessary to deepen the foundation too much, because... the load on it will be relatively small. Already at this stage you can supply water and electricity.

A drain for waste water should also be provided. If you have sandy or sandy loam soil, then a simple filtration well will be enough to drain the sink. And since this will not be the main wash, and the volume Wastewater will be small, an old barrel or other container will be quite suitable for constructing such a well.

Holes are drilled in the bottom and walls of the barrel to form a sieve, and crushed stone is poured under and around it.

The formwork is being built again at the top. We will pour concrete into it, and thus obtain the basis for the future working surface.

But first you need to establish communications.

Pour the concrete and wait for it to harden.

You can begin installing equipment and finishing.

We chose tiles for surface finishing - they are practical and durable. And we plastered and painted the block walls.

In our project, we decided to install a small canopy over the work area.

The canopy will protect us from the sun, in addition, lighting is mounted on it.

If you prefer to shelter from bad weather, then you can modify this version of the summer kitchen by installing a more permanent canopy.

A modern summer kitchen made by yourself will become a favorite place for the whole family at your dacha.

Simple DIY summer kitchen project

If the prospect of such capital construction scares you, then you can build a summer kitchen on a frame made of wood or a metal profile, which is used for installing drywall.

This method is much faster and easier, but it is advisable to place such kitchens under a canopy and on a prepared surface (on a terrace, on a tiled yard, etc.)

A wide range of built-in appliances allows you to equip such a kitchen with any devices you need.

The profile can be covered with plasterboard for further tiling.

Availability required summer kitchen in the country in most cases there is no doubt, except perhaps small size a plot on which to build a house, and simply nowhere. And in fact, such a building adds a fair amount of comfort to us on summer cottage, especially if you give it the additional functions of a dining terrace, a gazebo for friendly and family gatherings and a convenient area for preparing dishes on an open fire, grill or barbecue.

Summer kitchens in the country: photos

The main difference is that, despite the decoration, various materials in decoration, the formation of walls, roofs, flooring, the main function should be cooking and storing food supplies, therefore it is around this that the entire room should be built, and already additional options, such as a dining area with upholstered furniture and a large table, a decorative fireplace to sit near, an area for children’s games, and so on - all these are optional purchases.

So, if in the project you do not see a convenient food preparation area, conveniently and ergonomically placed devices and utensils, then such a building can hardly be classified as a kitchen building.

There may be many reasons why we will need it in suburban construction. One of them is the requirements fire safety, if you live in an area without centralized gas supply and use compressed gas cylinders for cooking.

In this case, it is imperative not only to move the kitchen outside the residential building, but also to make it as ventilated as possible in case of a sudden gas leak.

The second reason is that country houses In many ways, they are not designed to withstand significant above-zero temperatures, which are so frequent in the summer months; working indoors on such days becomes a real test of strength.

And in a separate building you can come up with not only a ventilation system or a completely open walls, but also choose building materials so that the indoor air remains cool, even in the most intense heat. By the way, this is also useful for quality storage all foodstuffs that, according to regulations, cannot be stored in the refrigerator. You can and should pay attention to these qualities of materials when choosing one or another summer kitchen in the country, projects, photos which you liked.

Summer kitchen at the dacha projects

Easy-to-use types summer kitchen in the country, projects which we will look at in this section, each have their own advantage and their own functional purpose, which will suit one or another owner. Some of them are complex and will require you to involve professional builders, but for those for whom this is not a problem, it will be useful simple projects open spaces with one supporting wall.

First of all, you should decide whether your new kitchen will be adjacent to the house, like having a common foundation and roof with the building, or whether it will stand completely separately, maybe even at a sufficient distance from the residential building.

The second option is good for large areas, where such a building can become a real landscape center, next to it there will be a barbecue area and a gazebo. Swimming pool, children's playground, that is, places for the whole family to relax.

The second choice you have to make is whether to design it completely closed, completely open, or a combination of both approaches. Benefits closed type can be called better thermal insulation, as well as the ability to use the room not only in summer, but also until late autumn, and if there is heating, also in winter.

On the other hand, most dachas are not intended for year-round residence and a capital, closed structure will cost much more to construct, and these functions will turn out to be absolutely useless.

Also, the cost of the project will largely be influenced by your desire to make an oven or hearth inside for cooking over an open fire. More often summer kitchen in the country with barbecue, photo which you may have seen includes a brick multifunctional oven, a design that is quite practical, convenient and gives you many new culinary possibilities.

But its weight is so great that you will have to think through a serious foundation, and both its construction and the strengthening of the existing one is a significant part of the construction budget.

Let's look at one of the interesting summer kitchen projects in the country with barbecue. In the photo you can see a building with a solid supporting main wall, along which all communications needed for cooking will be located, and on the rest of the part, framed by short brick walls, there will be a dining area and a gazebo for receiving guests and country dinners.

The presented model is designed in three versions, depending on your preferences and choice, which we have already discussed above.

The walls can be completely open to let in the maximum amount of light and fresh air, or they can be supplemented with dense wooden or plastic blinds, which will provide the necessary shading. The third option is glazed walls, inside which you will get a closed room suitable for use in the cold season.

The beauty of such a layout is that in the same usable area that is occupied, say, you get a place for full-fledged cooking with an excellent brick oven in which you can cook real culinary masterpieces. In addition, such a stove can also be used as heating device, if you use its compartments designed for this.

DIY summer kitchen in the country

Don't think that DIY summer kitchen in the country– this is exclusively our invention and there is nothing like it in the whole world. In fact, in countries with any climate, it is very common to find just such models that allow you to cook in small enclosed patios and backyards of houses, regardless of whether the summer is hot or not. The point is the pleasant process of cooking food, especially dishes on a grill with coals - barbecue. Only for her alone can you install kitchen appliances under.

Purpose of the examples shown summer kitchen with barbecue in the country, projects which you see above, proves that it is possible to organize a mobile kitchen very compactly and for this, only the most necessary things are enough. The list of must-have items here includes a barbecue oven with a closing lid that you can use as needed, as well as a regular stove that turns on when wasting coals simply doesn't make sense. In addition, of course, you cannot do without a sink with water, cabinets for dishes and a work surface, comfortable and wide, on which you can prepare everything for cooking. Optionally we place our favorite electric kettle, multicooker and microwave oven; without them, there is nowhere in the modern food preparation area. How can you not do without a refrigerator, let it not be the big one that we are used to in city apartments, but compact, where you can safely hide all your food supplies (let’s not forget that storing food where mice and cats can get to it , it is necessary with special care and precaution).

Summer kitchen in the country with barbecue

Buying a barbecue oven is usually quite expensive, besides, we are more familiar with a barbecue grill, on which you can fry both meat and vegetables with the same success. That's just the difference between the previous options and summer kitchen in the country with barbecue The point is that this open fire requires the right approach. A special metal hood is placed above it, which, firstly, does not allow soot and odors to spread, and secondly, protects the interior from the dangers of open fire.

Among the examples summer kitchen in the country, projects with barbecue can be both the most common and quite original, with ideas that can significantly simplify and improve their use. So, for example, in one of the photos you can see a project in which the area of ​​the building is divided into two parts unequal in size. On one there is a cooking area and a wood-burning grill, and in the second, separated by a solid wall, there is a relaxation and dining area, and these areas will not be visible from each other, which can create comfortable privacy. This one is definitely considered very convenient and practical, as it combines the advantages of both open and closed kitchen layouts.

Closed summer kitchen in the country

The last section will be devoted to examples of models closed summer kitchen in the country, which is the progenitor of all other projects. All the conditions and requirements that are put forward for the building are met here - it is compact, cool, and all the main kitchen devices fit perfectly under the roof. Yes, you can’t put a grill under the roof, but is that really important when you can comfortably cook in the rain, on cool summer evenings, and on equally chilly autumn mornings.

The interior of such a room should be made in a minimalist style, so as not to once again emphasize its small size. Use light, clean colors in the decoration and materials that are easy to care for, as dust will accumulate here somewhat more than usual.

In addition, there are also combined options, when an enclosed room is located next to an open veranda, on which chairs and a table are placed. Between them you can make not only a door, but also a sliding window that goes up or to the sides, and these two rooms, if desired, will visually merge into one.

In order for the food to be tasty, and the process of preparing it not to be tedious, you need it. If in an apartment or private house there is a specially designed room for cooking, then in a dacha, which is usually a small building, you have to resort to various tricks. You can set aside a small area in the house for the kitchen, but in the heat it’s quite uncomfortable to cook anything in a cramped room. This is why many people prefer to set up summer kitchens in their dachas, projects and photos of which we will look at in this review. We will also talk about some of the nuances of independent construction, design and materials used.

Read in the article

What is a summer kitchen and its types

A summer kitchen at a summer cottage is a free-standing kitchen designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the type of construction, it can be used only during the warm period or all year round. An outdoor kitchen can be open or closed.

Outdoor summer kitchens

Country kitchens open type, or, as they are simply called, summer ones, are a structure of 1-3 walls with a canopy and look very similar. This type of kitchen has its advantages:

  • simplicity of design, which allows you to build it within 1-2 days;
  • low cost;
  • absence of stuffiness, odors and burning, typical for kitchens located in the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • use only in the warm season;
  • equipment and furnishings have to be removed during cold weather;
  • You can’t leave food out for a long time.

Combining a summer kitchen with a veranda or terrace of the house

​The simplest option at the dacha is to equip it on. It is ideal if the extension already exists, otherwise you will have to build it first and only then arrange a place for cooking, eating and relaxing. Ideally, the veranda and the main building will have a single glazed wall.

Open structure attached to a building

You can arrange a kitchen on a site adjacent to the “blank” wall of the building. To do this, you first need to level the soil, lay it and install an awning. Having prepared the place, you can place a grill or barbecue on the site.

You can protect yourself from drafts by installing removable or sliding ones, as well as using roller blinds or tarpaulins. Also, large decorative pots are often installed in the openings, which provide additional coolness on a hot day. This kitchen option is much simpler and cheaper than the others, but if the soil subsides, the kitchen may tilt.

Open kitchen-gazebo for a summer residence

A good option for an open kitchen, especially if you plan to install it, or for a pleasant pastime in a close circle of family and friends. This design is also convenient for processing the harvested crop.

Since this is a stationary structure, it will require arrangement - columnar or strip. The type of base depends on the material from which the gazebo will be built. The supporting structure can be made of metal profiles, stone or brick, and the roof can be made of ondulin. One wall must be closed, preferably on the side of the prevailing winds. Openings can be closed with roller blinds, curtains or lattice panels.

Closed summer kitchen in the country: projects and photos

An enclosed kitchen is a permanent structure, built separately, attached to a house or any building located on. In such a building you can cook, eat or relax with friends at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside. Closed summer kitchens have, and. They can have regular fireplaces, barbecues or barbecues. The pavilions with kitchens are also equipped with utility rooms. In principle, this is a full-fledged house in which guests can even stay overnight.

Where to start building a kitchen in the country

Before building a summer kitchen on your site, you need to decide on a number of issues. In particular, you need to decide for yourself:

  1. How often will the building be used: only in summer or all year round(the type of construction depends on this).
  2. Dimensions. This parameter determines whether the room will be used only for cooking, family dinners, harvest processing, or for evening gatherings by a large group.
  3. Will it be installed, grill or barbecue?
  4. What kind of exterior and interior design is expected?
  5. Kitchen location. Will it be a free-standing structure or attached to the main building? How far will it be from communications and the roadway?
  6. Budget.

Choosing a kitchen design in the country: photos of projects

Basically, the design of a country kitchen is determined not by some standards, but by a personal idea of ​​​​its appearance and functionality. However, few people can clearly imagine whether the chosen project will be comfortable and successful. Therefore, we have put together a collection of the most successful options for summer kitchens, photos of which are presented at the very end of our review. Like any room in the house, the summer kitchen has its own functional areas: a working and dining room. In accordance with this, the design is developed.

Summer kitchen design: dining area

When arranging a dining area in a summer kitchen, you must first take into account the maximum number of people that can be accommodated during the summer, and not on weekdays, but on holidays. The minimum size of the dining area should be 3x3 m2. The standard set of furniture includes benches or. For an open-type kitchen in the dining area, it is better not to use it, since dampness will quickly ruin the upholstery. Ideal option There will also be sofas.

Summer kitchen with barbecue: work area

Since the work area is designed for comfortable cooking, it must include the required elements:

  • or gas stove;
  • cabinet for cutting food and cooking;
  • cabinets for kitchen utensils.

This set can be supplemented with either a barbecue or a fireplace in the dining area.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country: deciding on the material

Depending on the design and type of summer kitchen, the material is selected. If this is a simple open building, then you can make a frame from a metal profile and an awning. If the kitchen is located in a pavilion, you will need brick, stone or wood. For capital structures, you will need to build a foundation, which means you will have to fork out money for pouring. Let's consider several options for summer kitchens from different materials.

Brick summer kitchen

During the construction of a summer kitchen, it can be used for the construction of support pillars, a protective partition (open type), walls, a stove, a fireplace, a barbecue, fences, etc. (semi-closed and closed type). For the main structure, ordinary or is used, and for fireplaces - fireproof. In some cases, the material is specially coated with a transparent protective layer.

Wooden summer kitchen made of timber

Just like brick, it is used for the construction of open, semi-closed or closed summer kitchens. This material is mainly used to make support posts and trim. Sometimes summer kitchens are made entirely of timber, but this option is good if other buildings in the country house are made of the same material. Such structures look massive and are not cheap.

Nuances of using other materials for construction

For walls, in addition to brick and timber, natural stone, polycarbonate, glass, corrugated sheets, metal-plastic panels, etc. can be used. Lining is used as a finishing material. When arranging the floor they use paving slabs, wood or stone. It all depends on the interior design and budget.

How to build an indoor summer kitchen with your own hands: main steps

To build a kitchen without problems, you need to break the work into several stages and follow the recommendations given. First of all, a place is selected and clearing is carried out. Next you need to create . Once the base is ready, you can begin building walls and installing Final stage– execution of interior finishing.

Choosing a site for construction

In order for the kitchen to look harmonious in the territory of the dacha, you need to choose the location wisely. The building must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal distance from the main entrance to the house;
  • maximum distance from the street, cesspools, places of detention, etc.;
  • the distance from the kitchen to the roadway should be such that noise and exhaust gases reach it;
  • accessibility for water supply, and.

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Head of the repair team construction company"House Premium"

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" When building a country kitchen, you need to take into account the proximity of groundwater to the surface of the earth, the topography, the presence of trees nearby and the wind prevailing in the area.


Site clearance and foundation installation

Once the construction site and the design of the dacha have been chosen, you can proceed to clearing the site and constructing it. It depends on the design what kind of foundation will have to be made. It is possible to build a country kitchen without a foundation, for example, if it consists of four supports with an awning installed on a concreted area. For closed type kitchens made of stone or, as a rule, they arrange strip foundation, and the lungs or wooden structures erected on columnar base. We will consider for a closed kitchen:

  1. First, we clear the selected area of ​​grass and bushes, carefully removing all roots.
  2. We make markings according to the size of the future kitchen (drive pegs in the corners and stretch twine between them).
  3. Dig holes around the perimeter with dimensions of 300×300×700 mm or a trench 300 mm wide and 700 mm deep.
  4. Creation of sand and crushed stone 200 mm thick.
  5. Preparation of concrete solution and pouring of pillars and platforms (hardening of concrete can last from a week to one month). If you decide to build a strip foundation, then you need to make it from boards or OBS slabs, place it on both sides of the trench, and fill it with concrete.

For your information! When constructing a light open kitchen, it is recommended to raise the floor level above the ground to a height of at least 70 mm so that during rain there is no flooding of the room.


Regardless of whether there are walls or not, support pillars they will still have to be erected, since the roof of the summer kitchen will be installed on them. For supports, use metal profiles, bricks, stones, or rounded logs. You can build capital walls with and doorways, and it will be a full-fledged house in which you can spend time even in winter, especially if you make it. The summer kitchen also looks beautiful, in which metal-plastic frames with double-glazed windows are placed between the supports. You can make frames and sheathing from clapboard (wooden or plastic), corrugated sheets or siding.

Installation of a summer kitchen roof

The lid is a very important element of any structure, since it protects from wind and various precipitation. For a country summer kitchen, you can choose a flat or lean-to kitchen, which is an inexpensive and easy-to-install option. Gable roof more durable and reliable. There is another option - a hip roof.

For your information! A long roof overhang will well protect the walls and base of the building from the destructive effects of precipitation.

Interior decoration and decor

After the box or frame is made and the roof is mounted, you can begin interior decoration premises. Wooden walls and the ceiling must be impregnated with a special antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition, after which it can be covered with natural stone. In closed buildings, folk art objects made of ceramics are laid on the floor. Also, summer country kitchens can be decorated with live ornamental plants in flowerpots or compositions of dry branches and flowers.

Don't forget about the surrounding area. Along the perimeter of the kitchen you can place tall or climbing plants, arrange paths made of sand or stone, and also install garden lanterns ( good idea– lighting fixtures for solar powered).

Construction of a very simple summer kitchen design with your own hands

Let's look at how to independently build a simple but functional closed summer kitchen at your dacha. First you need to draw up a drawing indicating all dimensions, prepare the material and the appropriate tools.

Illustration Description of action

First of all, we clear the area for construction, make markings using pegs and string, and determine where the foundation piles will be located. In our case, there are 12 of them. With the help of a gardener or homemade drill we make holes for the piles.

Next, we make “glasses” (galvanizing waste, old plastic buckets, etc. will do) and a reinforcing lattice or mesh. We insert them into the drilled hole and fill them with concrete. The depth of the pit for the pile is made in the range of 700-800 mm, and the diameter is 300 mm. For the base to last a long time, it must harden from a week to a month.

Lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing on the finished pillars. Next, we make the bottom frame of timber on the piles.

We install vertical supports, fasten them together with cross beams and make the top frame of the pillars. Next, we install a gable roof on the finished frame.

We cover the roof sheathing with film and lay slate. We cover the outside of the future kitchen frame with boards.

We install door and window frames. We make the windows semi-hinged.

In order for the building to last for a long time, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. Give a beautiful appearance and internal view construction can be done by covering it with stain and varnish for exterior use.

So, our summer kitchen is ready. We install a bench nearby, lay out paths and you can decorate it with plants.

As you can see, it is quite possible to build a kitchen in your dacha. If you have little experience in construction, then it is better to choose a pitched roof option.

The cost of a summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

After reading this article, many people will have a question: a summer kitchen in the country is good, but what is the price of the issue? The cost of construction depends on which option you prefer - to do everything yourself with your own hands or order a ready-made collapsible structure from a construction company. If the choice is made in favor of the latter option, then the simplest summer kitchen made of timber and measuring 3x3 m costs at least 45,000 rubles. To determine the cost of a structure built independently, you just need to calculate the cost necessary materials, delivery and time costs.

A few words in conclusion

Every dacha should have a summer kitchen, because you can not only comfortably cook food in it on a hot day and dine with the whole family, but also gather in the evenings in a close company of friends. We told you what types of summer kitchens there are, what can be used for construction and how you can build them yourself. We hope our article will help you when you decide to start building a kitchen in your dacha. If you still have any questions, ask our experts and they will be happy to answer them. We invite you to look at photos of kitchens in the country, made with your own hands, perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself and want to implement it on your site.

Summer kitchens in the country, the projects of which are presented in our photo gallery, are as individual and varied as the traditions of each individual family.

By appearance they may differ from the buildings already existing at the dacha or be harmonious and complement them. And for the price - to demonstrate “chic and brilliance”, to be quite budget option or the golden mean.

Since you are interested in this topic, most likely you already have a rough idea of ​​what a summer kitchen at your dacha will look like. We will help you not to lose sight of important details, we will share interesting ideas, and a selection of photos will charge you with the enthusiasm necessary to implement them.

Where to start working on your own project? To begin with, we would recommend defining a list of tasks that the summer kitchen will perform.

Functions of a summer kitchen

The size, type, layout, content of the summer kitchen in the country, and many other points depend on the purpose of this building.

After all, it is used for cooking, as well as for placing:

  • dining room;
  • recreation areas;
  • areas for washing and storing dishes;
  • guest;
  • barbecue or grill areas;
  • kitchen utensils that you don’t use very often in the main house;
  • dryers for clothes, linen, mushrooms, berries, fruits and herbs;
  • gardening, fishing or hunting equipment.

You can move the washing or dishwasher, if they have no place in the house.

Considering that not many buildings can fit on a standard 6 acres, it would be rational find a use for the space above or below the kitchen.

The cellar is useful for storing twists and preserves, seeds, frost-resistant tubers, plant rhizomes and garden tools. In the attic you can create a place for drying fruits, mushrooms or fish.

It is better to think about the summer kitchen project at the stage of construction of the dacha itself (if possible). First of all, it is cost-effective and reduces the cost of repairs.

The attic can always be completed, but with the cellar everything can be much more complicated. An insulated and waterproofed cellar is useful for storing a variety of things, including firewood.

Slab selection

Even in ancient times, the construction of a house began with a stove. Today this is not the case, because there are a lot of heating devices, and their use is often limited only to cooking.

The type of kitchen stove must be determined in advance - since it depends on what to carry out gas pipes or cable.

Most often, a regular gas stove is installed at the dacha. According to the older generation, it is easier to cook with it and costs less. If it is not possible to supply gas, you can use a propane cylinder or opt for an electric stove.

For lovers of barbecue and grilling There are portable kitchens that can be moved from open air to a canopy and vice versa.

Lovers multifunctional items will appreciate heating and cooking stoves or stove complexes. After all, a Russian, Swedish or Dutch stove can be not only a fireplace and a means of cooking, but also effective way heating adjacent rooms of the house - for example, a bathhouse, sauna or shower.

By installing a metal tank near such a stove, you will provide a kitchen in the country hot water(which is very convenient when washing dishes and jars).

If purchasing new equipment or building complex structures is not part of your plans, and even more so when you strive for maximum closeness with nature and want to build a fire source with your own hands, make a barbecue.

  • do not intend to purchase new technology for a summer residence;
  • you do not plan to build complex structures;
  • do not trust portable structures;
  • if you want to arrange a place for fire yourself -

Build a grill. This useful prop for the dacha can be made with your own hands.

Country life is unimaginable without a barbecue, which you can easily make with your own hands. (the word “construction” appears in other parts of the text).

To lay out the area in contact with fire, you will need a fireproof material - for example, fireclay brick, mortar or clay. The outer layer of the grill can be decorated with river or facing stone.

An alternative eco-fuel to gas and electricity - firewood - will definitely reduce your heating costs, especially if a forest is nearby. But, as with everything, it also has its drawbacks, because cooking with wood requires:

  • regular cutting and harvesting;
  • storage;
  • annual chimney cleaning.

Now we move on to the next step: choosing the type of construction.

Closed summer kitchens

A closed summer kitchen, completely protected from the wind and other weather surprises, will perfectly serve as a guest house. And if you provide good heating, it will be adapted for housing in winter. Examples of closed summer kitchens in the country are in the photo below.

A closed summer kitchen with a sofa and a dining area is a complete, durable home with obvious advantages. Neither rain, nor snow, nor mosquitoes will drive you away from the table, will not disrupt your plans, and even more so, will not damage the furniture and equipment. But more materials are needed for its construction.

The walls are built from brick, stone or foam concrete, and the roof is made from tiles, slate or corrugated sheets. And for all this you need a solid foundation with a depth of at least 50 cm.

A properly designed and built closed kitchen will function all 4 seasons, regardless of the climate zone.

If the guest room is located in the main house or is not included in your project at all, the size of the kitchen can be reduced. The required minimum for a kitchen-dining room is considered to be an area of ​​8-9 square meters, but who better than you knows the exact figure.

Tip: in order not to suffocate while cooking on hot summer days, consider the possibility of turning a closed kitchen into a semi-open one by opening windows or additional doors.

Outdoor summer kitchens

Open buildings are those in which walls, and sometimes even a roof, are completely or partially absent. These include gazebos, pavilions, canopies, patios or pergolas.

This is a great opportunity to organize a kitchen with a barbecue or other source of fire. An open kitchen won't cost you much. It is quickly erected and does not require exhaust hood, heating, a strong foundation or professional construction skills.

Having dug a pit 15-20 cm deep, you fill it with sand or crushed stone, compact it, and then lay down terrace boards, brick, stone or paving slabs - that’s the foundation.

Important: the roof in an open structure must extend beyond the boundaries of the building - this way it will save you as much as possible from slanting rain.

The absence of windproof walls and free circulation of air masses is both an advantage and a disadvantage of an open kitchen in the country. On the one hand, the wind saves from the heat and fans the fire. But in the company of rain and cold, it makes your stay in nature uncomfortable, and open structures - short-lived buildings for seasonal purposes.

Open kitchens are often used to create cozy living spaces. outdoor dining areas. The walls will be partitions decorated with climbing garden plants or trees.

Clematis, bindweed, grapes, kiwi, vines - select plants so that they bloom one after another, and your kitchen is constantly transformed in color. A beautiful and useful wall substitute for the dining room would be a mosquito net with a pattern, long curtains or roller blinds.

To get an idea of ​​the variety of open summer kitchens, take a look at these photos.


Semi-open summer kitchens combine the positive qualities of closed and open buildings. You are still in the fresh air, but no longer exposed to all four winds.

One of the walls can be adjacent to a house or other building, allowing you to save on materials. Two stone walls provide an opportunity to arrange corner kitchen, convenient in terms of ergonomics and placement of the dining room.

Combined kitchens are also called kitchens made from different materials - for example, stone or brick goes up to the level of the windows, and beams go above, frame technologies or panels.

Having decided on the functions and choosing the degree of “closedness” of the planned building, we move on to finding the best place for its location.

Optimal place

Finding the best location for a new building is perhaps one of the most difficult parts of the project. Based on placement, summer kitchens are divided into two types: free-standing structures and extensions to the main house.

But here's what you need to consider. On the one hand, the summer kitchen in the country should be closer to the house, because it will be easier to establish communications. But then smoke and heat can enter the house, causing inconvenience. Therefore, it is important to find out in which direction air masses are most often directed.

Like any place for preparing or eating food, the kitchen should be located away from the toilet, chicken coop, doghouse, roadway, compost pit and other sources of unpleasant odors.

Cooking in the sun is not a pleasant task, so the proximity of a dense tree crown will not hurt.

And, of course, everyone would like to enjoy a magnificent landscape, garden or vegetable garden, and not the wall of a neighboring house. At this point, a compromise is possible - decorated climbing plants, textiles, stained glass or decorative partition that will hide the unsightly appearance.

It is also necessary to take into account that a closed summer kitchen requires a deep foundation.

Economy options

Many people dream of a summer kitchen in their country house, but often the prices for the stone most suitable for its arrangement direct our enthusiasm to something else. But in vain...

After all, a kitchen can be made from scrap materials, you just need to use your wits. For example, old window frames will reduce the cost of building an enclosed kitchen.

True, this will not save you from the need to lay the foundation.

Alternatively, a summer kitchen can be made from a railway container. It is possible that purchasing a ready-made change house that does not require additional finishing will cost much less than construction.

But still, a summer kitchen project in a country house, which falls under the category of economy class, most often involves an open-type construction. And since the concept of “simple summer kitchen” is very individual and flexible, let’s look at several different options.

1. United by an island, the stove, sink and work surfaces are located on a common foundation with the house under open air. Stone, plastic, stainless steel and thoughtful design will protect the island from the influence of moisture, but the awning installed nearby will save you and the prepared dishes.

2. Conversion of a gazebo, veranda or terrace into a summer kitchen.

3. Connecting two existing buildings with a common roof made of tarpaulin or lighter waterproof materials.

4. Stakes or metal supports covered with vines as walls and a thatched roof.

5. Arrangement of a summer kitchen near the fence wall: all that remains is to add an awning or a pitched roof.

6. Open or closed kitchen made of adobe - a mixture of earth, clay, hay and other available materials. True, adobe is suitable for buildings in hot, arid climates.

And here are a few more examples of interesting projects at the end.

We hope our article inspired you to create the outdoor kitchen of your dreams!

It’s very easy to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your garden plot - just equip a summer kitchen where you can cook food and organize friendly gatherings.

Construction of a summer kitchen is a rather painstaking and costly undertaking. However, if you wish, you can save a lot by choosing an inexpensive project and implementing it yourself.

Summer kitchen - a functional area for comfortable relaxation

The summer kitchen very often becomes the central object of the garden plot. The cooking process is transferred from a stuffy room to the street, and it becomes possible to combine business with pleasure - communicate with guests and at the same time set the table.

An improvised building can decorate a garden or complement the exterior of a residential building, and by building a summer kitchen yourself, using inexpensive materials, you can save a lot of money.

The advantages of setting up a “home cafe” in nature are obvious:

Of course, a summer kitchen is not a home, but its arrangement must also be approached responsibly, having thought through everything down to the smallest detail. Development individual project and turning it into reality is quite an expensive pleasure. However, you can significantly reduce costs:

Types of summer kitchens: choosing the optimal and inexpensive construction option

There are a lot of summer kitchen projects. The main parameter by which they are classified is the openness of the kitchen space. There are three types of arrangement of home kitchens:

  • open kitchens;
  • semi-open kitchens;
  • closed kitchens.

Open summer kitchen, or the so-called “kitchen island” - resembles a gazebo or veranda. The main elements of the kitchen are a stove for cooking, a sink for dishes and kitchen furniture. Such a kitchen does not have side walls; at most, there can be decorative nets with climbing plants or sun-protection curtains. Often an open kitchen is equipped with a canopy.

“Kitchen island” is an economical summer kitchen project, since the structure does not require a “powerful” foundation and the construction of walls, the consumption of materials is minimal.

The advantages of an open kitchen include:

  • ease of construction;
  • significant savings;
  • excellent ventilation.

The disadvantage of an open-type kitchen is that the building can only be used in the summer when there is no wind.

Semi-open kitchen- a type of open type, but here the presence of one to three walls is already provided. Such a structure is more versatile than a “kitchen island”, but its construction will cost a little more.

One wall of the kitchen can belong to the house or bathhouse - this will reduce costs and time for construction. An additional advantage of such a structure is the proximity of a water supply.

The presence of walls will make the kitchen more comfortable, and the feeling of closeness to nature will remain.

Closed summer kitchen- a full-fledged small house, which can be insulated or not. This building is multifunctional. The kitchen can be used as a guest house, dining room or pantry.

Equipping a closed kitchen is the most expensive option. But you can save money here too. For example, build a kitchen not from stone and brick, but from lining, plasterboard, plywood or slate. Of course, you won’t be able to use such a kitchen all year round, but during the spring-summer-autumn period it will become an indispensable helper in your summer cottage.

Requirements for the location of the summer kitchen

The following requirements are put forward for the location of the summer kitchen:

  1. Possibility of free supply of communications (electricity and water supply).
  2. The kitchen should be located away from compost pits, toilets, and utility buildings with pets.
  3. Preference should be given to a place with a slight slope for the outflow of rainwater and melted snow.
  4. Highly flammable buildings should be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the kitchen, coniferous trees and shrubs - at least 2 meters.
  5. The open part of the kitchen should “look” to the north - this will protect it from the bright rays of the sun.

Whatever the configuration of the building, the garden plot should be used rationally, and in front of the kitchen there should be a panoramic view of the garden or yard

Key points when designing a summer kitchen

The initial stage in the construction of summer kitchens, regardless of their type, is design. It is important to take into account all important issues as much as possible:

The general drawing of the building must indicate all required dimensions, name of used building materials, wiring diagram for engineering equipment.

You need to think through the interior and exterior design of the kitchen in advance, choose decorative elements and finishing materials.

Stages of building a “kitchen island” with your own hands

You can inexpensively set up a summer kitchen in your dacha by creating and installing a homemade one on a separate site. work surface. Consider the option of building a “kitchen island” on a wooden frame.

preparation of materials and site arrangement

For work you need to prepare the following materials:

For an open kitchen it is not necessary to build a foundation; it is enough to arrange the area as follows:

construction of the base for the work area

The sequence of manufacturing the “kitchen island” frame is as follows:

Before finishing the frame, it is necessary to cut out the internal shelves and doors and check that they are installed correctly. If necessary, “adjust” the design.

finishing the "kitchen island"

All internal parts of the frame must be removed, after which you can begin finishing the working part of the kitchen:

The second layer of plaster can be made even if painting is used to finish the “kitchen island” or the base will be covered stainless steel

How to build an inexpensive semi-open summer kitchen

The most popular among summer residents are semi-open summer kitchens with a gazebo. Projects can be seen on the Internet or specialized magazines. To create a kitchen with a gazebo, aerated concrete or foam concrete is suitable - this is an excellent alternative to brick and wood. The main advantage of foam concrete is affordable price and strength.

Work order:

Economical options for constructing closed kitchen buildings

If the budget is limited and the weather conditions of the region do not allow installing an outdoor summer kitchen, you can experiment and build closed building not from brick, but from more affordable materials.

Interesting and inexpensive option- closed kitchen made of polycarbonate. For a small kitchen measuring 3*3 m, pouring a foundation is not required. The entire construction process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Remove on site upper layer soil.
  2. Install a metal profile in the corners of the site, in the dug holes.
  3. Pour the base of the platform and the stand with concrete. The kitchen floor level should be 5 cm above the ground surface.
  4. Weld cross beams intended for installing the roof to the side posts. The transverse profile should protrude 5 cm beyond the kitchen area - for normal water drainage.
  5. Using self-tapping screws, cover the frame with polycarbonate, using waterproofing gaskets and polyethylene washers. Sheathing the frame must begin from the roof.

Some craftsmen build inexpensive summer kitchens from scrap materials. For example, from old wooden window frames you can build an original “transparent” structure that protects from wind and rain.

Flat slate will make a more durable and warm closed kitchen, and if it is additionally insulated, it will be possible to use the kitchen in the cold season. You can give an old shipping container a second life by turning it into an original summer kitchen for your cottage.

You can make a summer kitchen from an old one small house, whose condition is already close to emergency.

Photo projects and design solutions for summer kitchens

Let's consider different variants external and internal design of summer kitchens.

Summer kitchen in high-tech style. The main emphasis is a combination of comfort and restraint in design.

Summer kitchen in classic style.

A summer kitchen made of wood fills the garden with warmth natural material. Many elements can be replaced with wooden lining.

The construction of an original form can become the calling card of a personal plot.

A summer kitchen in a landscape style will become the central element landscape design garden

Summer kitchen in rustic style.

Arranging a summer kitchen on the terrace country house will cost much less than building a separate building.

The role of living plants in the design of a summer kitchen.

An economical option for a kitchen under a canopy made of corrugated sheets.

A kitchen attached to a Russian-style bathhouse.

Using photo wallpaper to decorate a summer kitchen.

As you can see, there are many options for arranging a summer kitchen, and even with a limited budget, you can create an original, durable and cozy summer kitchen. The main thing is to have enough time, approach the process creatively and not be afraid to experiment.



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