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How to make a summer veranda with your own hands. Step-by-step construction of a closed veranda made of wood with your own hands

The opportunity to be at home and outdoors at the same time, to enjoy the surrounding nature and not get wet in the rain, to sunbathe and barbecue, to set up a winter garden, to relax with the whole family - all these desires become possible thanks to the ancient invention of architects, which is still popular today. Even to a finished house, you can add a terrace with your own hands without spending significant money.

What is a terrace, its types

An area near the house or in the garden, equipped for comfortable relaxation, usually adjacent to one of the walls of the house, traditionally raised above ground level, with decking and a canopy - this is the standard definition of a terrace. In fact, there are many types of terraces. To choose the appropriate option for your site, you should understand the differences and subtleties of the different types of these sites.


The division into main groups is made according to design features and degree of openness, as well as location on the site. The choice of site type is influenced by the purpose and surrounding natural conditions, for example, strong winds or the presence of a reservoir.


For mild climates and if you want to relax in the fresh air, an outdoor terrace is perfect. It is made without walls and roof, which allows you to enjoy the proximity of nature. For privacy, you can place tall plants or decorative elements on such an area, make a glass fence, and install balusters and railings.

Sun rays and precipitation will fall on furniture and other interior elements, so it is better to choose sofas and armchairs from a material that is not damaged by water and does not fade.

It is better to put interior items in the house for the winter


Today is a sunny day and I want an open area, but in the evening it will rain and get colder. In this case, a good solution would be a compromise between a veranda protected on all sides and a terrace open to the sun and fresh air. Semi-open options come without a roof, but surrounded by walls and with a canopy in combination with a different number of walls and partitions, columns.

The most advanced version of such a private recreation area is a structure with sliding glass or plastic walls and a canopy. When conditions change, you can close the doors and find yourself in a room completely protected from the weather.

If you want to isolate yourself from indiscreet glances, you can use curtains and drapes, place pots with indoor plants, hang flower pots, and plant hedges around


If the weather conditions in the region are difficult and change frequently, then the optimal solution would be to build a closed terrace on which you can relax and enjoy the countryside landscape even in winter. This is an entire room with walls and a ceiling, a canopy or a roof, it can be heated and has a separate entrance from the street or from the house.

Winter gardens are often installed in a closed terrace, and to make the area more open in the summer, sliding frames and walls are installed

By location

The terrace can be located deep in the garden, near a pond or pool, or adjacent to the house. Depending on their location, recreation areas have their own design features and nuances of decor and lighting.


A beautiful garden area can be built directly on the ground by carrying out preparatory work to strengthen and level the base for the terrace. A light canopy will shade and create privacy, wicker furniture will provide comfort, and garden plants and flowers around will give aroma and fusion with nature.

To protect the terrace from the wind, you can install light partitions

Advantages of soil construction:

  • ease and speed of construction;
  • minimal financial costs;
  • openness of space and closeness to nature.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • exposure to bad weather, possibility of flooding;
  • the need to treat materials with antiseptics;
  • not recommended for unstable and difficult soils;
  • You need a flat area.


These decks are slightly raised above the ground and are mounted on joists or a concrete base. The finishing material for flooring is traditionally decking board, which looks great and does not rot, has no splinters, is safe and pleasant to walk barefoot.

Advantages of ground-based sites:

  • can be either open, closed or combined;
  • small financial costs;
  • the flooring protects from water and dust;
  • Great possibilities for design and decoration;
  • does not require fencing due to its low height.

There are also relative disadvantages:

  • the need to arrange a foundation;
  • wooden parts require special processing.

The terrace flooring should be 5 cm below the level of the threshold of the house so that melted snow and rain do not enter the room


Such terraces are raised above ground level to a height of half a meter, have steps, fencing or walls, and partitions. This is the optimal solution for difficult terrain and sloping areas, houses with a high base and porch, and if you want to build a multi-level area for comfortable relaxation. The advantages of this terrace are:

  • the possibility of useful use of space with a slope or height differences;
  • possibility of constructing multi-stage complex structures.


If there is a natural reservoir, pool or pond next to the estate, then building an overhanging terrace would be a good solution. It is also recommended for difficult terrain and a large slope near the house. Overhanging structures are very popular in mountain resort areas and estates with beautiful views. Pros of an overhanging terrace:

  • allows you to enjoy the proximity of water;
  • the possibility of beneficial use of areas with complex terrain;
  • stunning view, the site seems to be floating in the air.

The disadvantages of an overhanging structure are the complexity of construction and the significant cost of the estimate, the need for fencing for safe recreation

What can you build from?

Various materials are used for construction; the choice depends on the purpose and the presence of walls and roof. Heavy structural elements will require a stronger frame and a solid foundation. On the market you can find special weather-resistant and expensive materials for outdoor use, and if you have a limited budget, use cheap ones at hand.

Base and floor

For light open ground and ground galleries, it is enough to make a gravel-sand cushion. During its construction, gravel or crushed stone of medium fraction and sand are used, and geotextiles are laid between these layers. The geo-fabric will prevent sand from mixing with crushed stone and subsidence of the base, as well as strengthen and level the soil and prevent weeds from growing onto the terrace.

More substantial wooden platforms are traditionally built on a base of metal screw piles, concrete supports, screeds and a lower frame made of wooden beams and logs.

For closed massive structures with a roof, the following types of foundation are suitable:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • screw.

The strip and pile type is made from concrete grade M-300, sand, water and a plasticizer, which is liquid soap. Reinforcement is performed using a rod, metal mesh or available materials. When installing formwork, you will need boards and bars for supports, and installing piles involves using roofing felt with permanent formwork and waterproofing.

The screw foundation is mounted from steel piles with blades at the bottom

The floor of the dirt terrace is not laid at all, furniture is placed and people enjoy relaxing in good weather. You can lay out the site:

  • paving slabs;
  • tile stone;
  • sprinkle with small sea pebbles of different colors.

A frame is mounted on top of any foundation and logs made of timber measuring 50x150 mm, aluminum profile or WPC for decking are laid.

It is recommended to finish the decking with decking boards, specially designed for the street. It looks neat and imitates natural wood of valuable and expensive varieties, has a rich palette of textures and shades, and provides ample opportunities for stylish design of a recreation area.

To fasten deck boards you need to use galvanized or steel nails

The advantages of this material:

  • does not rot, does not fade, does not burn;
  • does not deform under the influence of water and heat: does not warp or swell;
  • service life is at least 30 years;
  • absolutely environmentally friendly and safe, it’s pleasant to walk on it barefoot;
  • affordable price, ease of installation;
  • Can be washed and cleaned with detergents.

Regular floorboards are also used for flooring. Wood is inexpensive, this is its advantage, but there are also disadvantages:

  • under the influence of moisture, fungus and mold form on it, insects appear, dark spots appear, then the wood is destroyed;
  • the boards become deformed due to water, and dry out when exposed to dry air;
  • fire hazard.

To make it last longer, you should treat the board with antiseptic impregnation and cover it with several layers of weather-resistant or yacht varnish, and also choose species that are resistant to outdoor conditions, for example, larch.

Clinker or ceramic tiles for outdoor work and natural stone look great on the terrace. It is advisable to choose unglazed and non-slip coating options. Stamped concrete is an innovative material consisting of monolithic concrete, printed with polyurethane molds to create various textures on its surface.

Stamped concrete imitates wood, stone, paving stones, ceramics


The frame is the basis for the roof and future walls of the closed terrace; it bears the main weight load, so for the strength of the frame, either a thick wooden beam or a metal profile is chosen. For lightweight platforms, metal-plastic structures can be used.

Treatment of wooden parts is carried out with fungicidal impregnation and varnish or paint for external use.

The standard size of timber for support posts is 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm; the species you should choose are larch or oak, conifers. Aspen, birch or beech are not suitable for building a frame, as they are quickly destroyed by water. The support posts are reinforced with braces, which reduce the load on the supports and give the structure additional rigidity and stability. For these works, timber with dimensions of 50x100 mm is taken.


Often a lightweight canopy is installed on the terrace. It can be made of tarpaulin or other waterproof fabric, polycarbonate, wood, glass. The canopy can be mounted flat or with slopes, semicircular in shape, or complex configuration. When building massive verandas, you will need support posts 150x150 mm, a rafter system made of wood or metal and roll waterproofing, as well as roofing material.

Soft roofing requires a continuous sheathing; it is used for domed roofs and tents

Polycarbonate is suitable as a roofing material. It is light, transparent, tolerates low temperatures well, and can take a curved shape. Corrugated sheeting is inexpensive and easy to install.


For semi-open and closed areas, it is necessary to install partitions and walls that will create privacy and protect from bad weather. Most often they are made of wood, they can be solid or carved, in the form of lattice or low. With the help of partitions, the site is zoned into several corners with different purposes, for example, a summer kitchen and dining area are separated from the recreation area.

Enclosed terraces look great with full-height glass walls, which are equipped with sliding mechanisms for opening on a fine day

How to make a terrace with your own hands

Building a terrace with your own hands will not take much time and is quite within the capabilities of even a novice master.

Drawings and projects

If the main building has already been built and the terrace was not included in the project initially, you can design it later by drawing a detailed plan indicating all dimensions and location on the site.

The owners of ready-made terraces post designs of their creations for public use on the Internet

If the terrace is attached to the house, then the length is taken as the length of the area adjacent to the house

The flooring area is determined by multiplying the length by the width. For example, for a terrace with dimensions of 3x4 m, the area will be 12 m². Marking and construction rules:

  1. Decking consumption for finishing should be increased by 15%, making provision for waste. We round 13.8 m² to 14 and get the consumption of decking boards or other finishing material.
  2. The consumption of fasteners per 1 m² will be 22 clips and 4 starting fasteners per 1 linear meter. m. Each fastener has a hole for a self-tapping screw. Thus, for 12 m² you need to take 240 clips and 24 starters, 264 screws.
  3. Along the perimeter of the finished flooring, the ends of the boards are covered with end tape or a corner. The perimeter is 14 m.
  4. For the base you will need 3 main beams of 3 m each, logs that are laid in increments of 35 cm, for 1 m² you will need to take 3 linear meters of logs. The standard log length from the manufacturer is 4 m. With an area of ​​12 m², you will need to buy 9 logs, 4 m long. In addition, you will need crushed stone, sand, and concrete supports.
  5. Concrete pillars are dug in or poured to a depth of 40 to 60 cm every 1.5 m. The size of the supports is 40x40 cm, 9 supports will be needed.
  6. The height of the terrace should be slightly less than the height of the first floor of the main building to allow for a slope under the canopy. If the height of the house is 3 m, the height of the terrace will be 2.5 m.
  7. We calculate the supporting posts of the frame using support blocks along the perimeter of the site, you will get 8 posts of 2.5 m each. 16 m of 50x100 mm timber will be used for braces on both sides of each post.
  8. A shed roof covers spans up to 4.5 m; for longer lengths, it is necessary to strengthen the structure with purlins and rafter legs. The pitch between rafters made from boards should be 60–120 cm, from timber 100–175 cm, from thick timber 150–200 cm. With a pitch of 80 cm, you will need 5 rafters of 3.5 m in length and dimensions of 50x200 mm, waterproofing 12 m² plus a margin for an overhanging canopy, a total of 14 m².
  9. For the sheathing you need boards 25x100 mm. Roofing material must be taken with a reserve for the canopy, which will be 14 m².

Wooden with canopy

The project has been selected, the drawing is available, and now construction work can begin. Let's take an example of all the stages of installing a wooden terrace with a canopy, one of the most affordable and popular options.

For construction, you should prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • tape measure, level, pencil, ruler;
  • shovel, hammer, hacksaw;
  • sand, crushed stone, water;
  • fasteners, screwdriver, drill with attachments;
  • timber, waterproofing, roofing material, boards;
  • decking and accessories for it;
  • antiseptic impregnation, varnish or paint for exterior use.

Preparing the base and floor

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. The site is marked according to the diagram, the perimeter is outlined, and the locations of the support blocks are marked. The top fertile layer of soil is removed. Stones and debris are removed. Holes are dug for the support blocks, sand and crushed stone are poured onto the bottom.

    The layer of crushed stone and sand in the pit should be 10 cm

  2. Ready-made supports are installed on the pillow; they should protrude 15 cm above the surface to ventilate the flooring. For waterproofing, they are coated with bitumen mortar and wrapped in roofing felt. You can make permanent formwork from roofing felt and pour concrete pillars. The support beam is mounted horizontally to the wall of the house 5 cm below the floor level.

    The timber is secured with anchor bolts every 60 cm

  3. Beams are installed and fixed on the supports with reinforcement and fasteners, all junction points are waterproofed, logs are placed on top, attached to the support beam and beams, and the strapping is knocked down.
  4. A terrace or regular floorboard is laid and fastened across the joists.

    The ends of the decking boards are covered with corners

  5. The floorboard is sanded and impregnated with stain and antiseptic, and varnished in several layers.

Construction of the frame


For a wooden terrace attached to a house, the optimal solution would be a pitched roof with a slope of 5–10º. Installation includes the following steps:


Polycarbonate has flexibility, transparency and lightness, is available in various shades, and is durable. Thanks to these qualities, it is often used for the construction of terraces, where it is an excellent alternative to wood and metal.

Polycarbonate is easy and quick to install with your own hands

Required materials and tools

To work, the master will need:

  • shovel, tape measure, level;
  • crushed stone, sand, concrete M-300, water;
  • wood or metal for the frame: profile pipe 80x80 for the main posts, 40x20 for the truss, embedded parts for the base;
  • polycarbonate transparent or matte;
  • welding machine;
  • fasteners: bolts, nuts, hardware;
  • drill, screwdriver, circular saw, construction knife.

Preparing the base and floor

For lightweight polycarbonate, a metal frame and a columnar base are sufficient. Installation is carried out as follows:

Construction of the frame

Stages of work:

Canopy and walls

If the terrace is planned to be open, then it is enough to make a fence to the desired height. For semi-open and closed recreation areas, walls, partitions and a canopy are installed. Work order:

Video: building a wooden terrace

Photo gallery: arrangement and decor of the terrace

It’s easy and inexpensive to expand the usable space and create a recreation area near your home with your own hands. The result is a comfortable outdoor living or dining area where the whole family will enjoy spending nice summer days.

Veranda at the dacha: construction with your own hands - summer open, interior and design in the photo. Criteria for choosing a roof, tiles, foundation.

An open summer area is an indispensable attribute of country life and one of the ways to bring a little beauty, silence and relaxation into life.

A veranda at the dacha is an opportunity to spend pleasant leisure time, an option for relaxing in the fresh air, communicating with friends and relatives in nature in the atmosphere of a country house. Created with your own hands, it is also a source of well-deserved pride.

Any construction requires a technical and design project. Before you start developing technological aspects, think about what type of extension to choose:

  • open or closed. The first option is the simplest: you can limit yourself to installing a fence, laying a floor and erecting a canopy. The second - with permanent glazing (French) and heating - will be all-season, but will require high costs;
  • glazing is removable, permanent or combined;
  • type of building material.

    Here, restrictions are imposed only by financial possibilities: wood, stone, panels, metal-plastic structures, etc.

When building a summer extension, pay attention to the stylistic unity of the house and veranda. Numerous photos of solutions implemented in practice will allow you to make a smart choice.

How to make an open veranda at the dacha

The decision has been made, the style of the veranda has been determined, and the appropriate material has been selected. Next, the DIY construction scenario develops according to the project, where the construction sequence and each element used are interconnected.

They start from the foundation.

Foundation for the veranda

To determine the appropriate type of foundation, study the geological features of the area, soil composition, soil characteristics, and also calculate the approximate load, taking into account the weight of each of the structural elements.

To select a reliable support for a specific type of structure, refer to reference books. What foundations are usually chosen?

  1. Tape - suitable for unstable soil and significant load on the base, which means it is suitable for closed buildings.
  2. Pile - used for buildings erected in conditions with high groundwater levels or in areas where there is a risk of flooding.
  3. Columnar is an excellent solution for wooden terraces and verandas. The piles are buried into the soil to a depth of 2 m and then tied with wooden beams. When constructing such a foundation, a drainage layer is provided.

Fencing and veranda floor

After laying the bottom frame, the joists are laid, which serve as support for the construction of the floor.

The flooring material is wood or so-called decking boards made from wood using resins that bind natural fibers.

This board has low water absorption, high strength and an anti-slip surface, and therefore is the perfect solution for open spaces. To lay floorboards, be sure to provide additional support points, such as logs, concrete or brick pillars.

The floor can be integral with the foundation, that is, it can be concrete. Decorated with terrace boards and ceramic tiles. If OSB boards are laid on a concrete base, then linoleum can be laid on top.

The fencing of the summer veranda is made in the form of separate elements (balusters), or in the form of shields (lattices), or low brick or stone walls (0.8-1.2 m high).


After installing the frame of the building, which can be metal (corners, profiled metal) or wood (laminated beams, rounded wood), they begin building walls and laying the roof.

The roof for the extension veranda is integral with the covering of the main building or is constructed separately. There are different types of roof:

  • cantilever, laid on cantilever beams;
  • support with the construction of an independent support on which logs, beams, and sheathing are mounted.

The ideal option is a lean-to roof, laid under the house, the roof of which has a small canopy over the site area. The selected roofing material is laid on the logs in increments of 350 mm. The length of the canopy boards is determined with a margin of about 120 cm between the corner rafters for protection from rain.

The sheathing is arranged on racks and beams, rigidly connected to each other.

A variety of roofing options are available, differing in price and functionality:

  • slate;
  • roofing felt;
  • steel;
  • polycarbonate

Metal tiles and soft rolled materials are often used for roofing.

The choice of roofing material is made taking into account the wind, rain or snow load in the region, as well as depending on the type of covering used on the roof of the dacha.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Are windows needed on the summer veranda?

What type of glazing to choose for the room depends on the weather conditions in the region. If winds and rains are regular, then you need to protect the site on the side where bad weather comes from most often. Consider the possibility of completely dismantling or opening windows in case of calm and warm weather.

In practice, any glazing option is applicable:

  • deaf;
  • removable;
  • sliding doors;
  • combined.

The French veranda will allow you to use it in any season by moving the metal-plastic sliding stained-glass windows as needed.

Decorating a summer veranda

The design of the space directly depends on the type of structure and the building material used.

Work on decorating the internal and external surfaces of the open extension is minimal. The veranda in this case requires only minor finishing (painting, varnishing, tinting). In the closed version, siding is used to decorate the external surface, and plasterboard is used for the internal surface, followed by painting or laying tiles (PVC panels).

Artificial lighting

The comfort of any room depends on the chosen lighting.

Summer terrace. Veranda design options

Nowadays it is fashionable to use light sources of various types and styles (lamps, sconces and chandeliers) installed in areas where people are present. The choice is made in the style of the room decor, but taking into account the natural flow of light. Local lighting will be optimal.

Protection from sun, insects

The problem with open spaces is that they are easily accessible to birds, insects and sunlight. To protect the room from ultraviolet radiation, it is enough to provide overhanging cornices, awnings or hang light curtains.

To protect the area from insects, take care of protective nets or use substances that repel unwanted guests.

Interior of an open veranda

The style used in interior design sets the mood, so take into account as much as possible the functional purpose of the room and the needs of family members.

decorative elements

An interesting decorative element will be a natural green shelter: a pergola or a vertical wall of plants and flowers. Grilles, balusters, fireplace material, stove or barbecue, awnings and curtains - each of the components will add a touch of style to the interior design and the mood of the owners.

The role of decorative elements in open extensions is played by well-known objects used to decorate interior spaces.

For verandas, special wooden or wrought-iron furniture with an abundance of bright pillows and warm blankets, a special shape of lamps, and vases with living plants are selected.

Furniture for the veranda

In the summer veranda, equip seating areas: sofas, beds, arrange comfortable armchairs and chairs, build a fireplace or barbecue.

A comfortable hammock will add a special touch and save space.

If the site serves as a place for eating, then take care of a water source and a buffet.

As a rule, the feature in such a room is a large table.

An open veranda, built with your own hands, is an amazing place to relax and a gathering point for family and friends, creating and setting the mood for a long time.

Do you have a summer veranda at your dacha?

Yulia Petrichenko

Amateur gardener, 18 years of experience

About Me: I will share the secrets of a rich harvest and teach you how to create garden compositions.

Veranda at the dacha: construction with your own hands - summer open, interior and design in the photo - print version

Home/ Articles/ Veranda at the dacha with your own hands

Do-it-yourself veranda in the country

How to build a veranda at your dacha yourself. Every owner of a country house eventually begins to think about this issue - building a veranda, and on his own. And if you correctly and competently bring your idea to life, you can get a magnificent addition to your home, with the help of which you can really increase the living space of the building.

It's better to turn to professionals. From us you can order the construction of a veranda at your dacha, country house or cottage. But, you can start building such a veranda yourself by studying the provisions and instructions in our article.

What is a country veranda

Before you start building a veranda with your own hands, you need to clearly understand what a veranda is and what a terrace is.

After all, many summer residents with little experience confuse these concepts. But still there are differences.

If you decide to add an open area to your house, this is a terrace. On the terrace you can make a small fence on all sides and a canopy on top.

A veranda is a building that is like a continuation of a residential building. We can say that this is another room, and whether it’s heated or not is up to you to decide.

One of the walls of the veranda is connected to the house, the remaining three walls are glazed.

What is a veranda made of?

When constructing a veranda, it is advisable to use the same building material from which the country house is built, either brick or foam block.

The simplest veranda is made of wooden beams, which is built according to a frame scheme using ready-made components.

In our article we will dwell in detail on the construction of such a veranda. The roof can be covered with roofing felt, bitumen tiles, slate, polycarbonate, etc. Ideally, cover the veranda with the same material as the house itself.

Foundation for the veranda

Any building construction begins with pouring the foundation.

It is much easier if you planned to build a veranda when the house itself was built. After all, the base of the veranda can be made parallel to the main foundation. But even if the house itself has already been built, you can add a veranda to it without much effort.

The ideal base option would be a columnar type of structure with brick supports. The pillars should be placed in place of the corner and supporting frame posts at a distance of no more than 50-70 cm.

DIY summer veranda

Decide on the layout of the foundation according to the shape of your veranda.

2. In those places where you plan to install supports, dig holes at least 1 m deep.

3. Pour a layer of sand about 20 cm into each hole and compact it. In this case, you need to take into account the composition of the mail on your site; if it is sandy, it is better to add crushed stone.

4. Pour molten bitumen over the sand backfill; this is necessary for waterproofing.

5. Now lay a layer of concrete mortar. Its surface must be leveled as smooth as possible.

On the hardened concrete, lay out the brick support to the desired height. The height should be such that the extension flooring is 25-30 cm below the floor in the house itself. In this case, the roof of your veranda can be installed under the overhang of the main roof of the house, and the height of our structure will correspond to the height of the rooms in the house.

Coat the support posts with bitumen.

8. If there is empty space left, it must be filled with crushed stone, broken brick, or other similar material.

The foundation is ready.

Construction of the veranda frame.

Let us remind you that we are considering the construction of a wooden veranda. To do this, we will make our frame from a wooden beam with a section of 10*10cm.

1. Place the bottom trim on the base of the foundation supports.

To fasten the timber, use a tongue-and-groove fastening, or another similar method.

2. Secure the vertical posts. They need to be fastened to the bottom trim beam with staples; you will also need zinc screws and nails of the required length. You can also use wooden dowels. But then the holes for them will need to be made in advance.

Install vertical support posts in the corners of the building and in those places where you plan to install windows and doors.

If a large veranda is planned, additional supports are installed in the gaps.

3. Attach the upper frame beam to the finished racks.

To do this, use anchor bolts.


The most common option for veranda roofing is a single-pitched sloping roof.

Horizontal roofs are not practical because... They will retain moisture.

1. Install the rafters on the top frame beam. To fasten them, use staples and screws or other suitable fasteners. We connect the rafters at the top with a special girder.

It is located under the roof slope. To secure such a beam we use anchor bolts.

2. It is necessary to attach boards or sheathing beams to the rafters (this depends on the final roof covering).

If it is roofing felt, you need a continuous sheathing of good wide boards.

When using sheet roofing materials, for example, polycarbonates, it is better to make the sheathing from beams. After all, the lathing is a frame for securing sheets during finishing.

3. Installation of the final coating. We have already looked at it; the optimal material will be the same as that used at the house itself. But you can navigate other options, taking into account your funds.

Veranda floor installation

It is better to use edged boards as a floor covering. As a standard, wooden logs are first attached to the bottom frame, and then the floor boards are attached to them.

At the same time, do not forget to treat all wooden elements of the structure with an antiseptic.

You can leave just a wooden floor in the veranda, you can paint it, varnish it, or lay any other covering on top of it at your discretion.

Doors and windows

Now we install double-glazed windows.

The first thing to do is secure the window sill boards. Usually they are located at a height of 50 cm from the floor line. But you should also take into account the features of the design you choose and the size of the windows you install. Floor-to-ceiling double glazed windows are very common windows.

The window sill boards that we mentioned earlier should be secured to the supports of the building frame. Seal the gap between the floor and the glass unit with any suitable material.

The front door is installed individually, anywhere on your veranda; there are no rules and regulations here.

Finishing the veranda

Before building a veranda, you should decide what time of year it will be used.

If this is a summer room, you can sheathe the veranda only from the outside, without giving much importance to the interior arrangement. If the extension is planned to be used year-round, you need interior finishing with insulation between the layers.

The final stage is the internal lining, even if you do not plan to insulate your veranda. After all, finishing will give your veranda a finished look.

Very often, lining is used as finishing, but you can use any other material according to your preference.

In our article we tried to talk about the construction of one of the simplest and most popular frame structures of the veranda.

There are other ways to build structures, it’s up to you to choose. But it is still worth knowing that, despite the variety of types of verandas, their construction is carried out approximately according to the same principle. Having familiarized yourself with the various construction methods and following the instructions for the chosen method, it will not be difficult for you to build a veranda with your own hands.

Good luck in realizing your dream.

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The veranda has become an integral part of the country house. If the site doesn't have enough space, there is also a garden table that combines comfort and outdoor recreation.

It’s nice to escape the heat in the summer, and in the early spring and rainy autumn, enjoy the tranquility and chat with loved ones in a warm atmosphere. The nursery shares a common wall with the house and can be opened and closed.

What? veranda projects the most practical and inexpensive? It offers you a selection of photographic projects of the most successful buildings.

Project veranda for a suburban area, photo

Suburban Porch Projects Are Simple, Quick, and Aesthetic

If the house at home has not yet been built, it is necessary to ensure the construction of a porch at the design stage, which will be of a general nature with it.

Before starting the assembly, you need to specify the following points:

  • The location of the veranda in accordance with the house, for example. It is necessary to determine where the entrance will be from the front or the side.
  • The dimensions of the structure should be organically included in the entire style, not too bulky or small. Depending on the size of the house, the average length of the porch is 4 - 7 m, width 2 - 4 m.
  • The material of the extension must match or be combined with the material from which the house is being built.

    The main rule is that the porches should not differ from the general style of the entire structure.

  • The room is closed or open, whether it is heating. If the cottage is frequently visited even in the cold season, heating has an additional advantage.

    If you need a dacha only for the summer season, then you can do it without an open, unheated veranda.

An open porch usually does not have the top half of the walls and has a roof on wood or metal beams.

Closed enclosure - it has full walls, the thickness of which depends on the warm space. Often the veranda is already attached to the existing holiday home.

How to build a terrace at your dacha yourself - stages and shades of a wooden building

Most often the base is laid or a pillar (halfway) that will resist the wood or frame support.

Verandas can be made of any material:

  • Brick. If the house is made of brick, the extension can be made of the same material or wood.

    If the house is covered with siding, then a plastic and glass porch is a good choice. A sliding glass door design is available for entry.

  • Tree. The veranda of all possible variations can be made of wood, which is also an organic material.

    One option for protecting the hull is metal fencing or plantations of green shrubs.

  • Polycarbonate. Recently, the “French” veranda has gained popularity - a stylish attachment that does not require a solid foundation.

    Most often, such models are made with sliding doors and windows, and polycarbonate is used for glazing. When choosing this type of extension, it is usually purchased in a modular version and produces an independent installation structure.

With real glazing you can create an original look, even the simplest shape.

Frames can be wooden, metal-plastic, polycarbonate glazing or without the use of frames, sliding plates. The most popular are sliding walls, especially those that are important in a small room. At the opening, each small veranda is located on an open summer terrace.

It is important that before the renewal begins porch to the house, it is necessary to coordinate the project with relevant organizations and take all necessary measures to register registration documents.

Otherwise, the construction is considered unauthorized construction, for which fines are provided.

Many owners of private houses, wanting to increase the usable area of ​​the building, seek to attach various structures to it. One of the most common is the open veranda. Let's look at how a terrace is made from wood - the most affordable building material in our country.

We are drawing up an extension project

Before you start building a veranda made of wood and any other materials, you should carefully study the project documentation. This will allow you to pre-calculate all the necessary materials, determine the shape of the future structure, and avoid possible mistakes during construction. Even if you do not have the necessary level of drawing or similar tools, we recommend that you make the simplest sketches of a future building with an indication of its dimensions.

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During the preparation of the project, you should consider the entire sequence of work, the most optimal methods for its implementation. Similarly, you should decide on the equipment and tools necessary for the construction of the terrace.

Stage one - laying the foundation

After determining the sequence of construction, a do-it-yourself veranda made of wood is built step by step. You need to start from the base of the terrace, which is a tape shallow or columnar foundation.

As a rule, both types are quite widespread when performing self-manufacturing of house extensions. Let's consider the features of the data for the future terrace.

Column by column

Simple and less expensive in terms of materials and physical effort is the columnar foundation of the veranda. It consists of several separate supports of rectangular section in a horizontal plane. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • red ceramic brick;
  • concrete foundation blocks;
  • concrete building blocks;
  • masonry sand-cement mortar.

Before installation, holes of 0.6-1 m are dug under future posts. The depth of penetration under the terrace supports depends on the quality of the soil and the mass of the future structure. The bottom of the pits is filled with sand and crushed stone with intermediate compaction. On top of the backfill under the base of the terrace, a concrete pad is poured for leveling.

The wooden veranda should rest evenly on all elements of the foundation. To do this, the pillars are brought to a common height level. For this purpose, partially cut blocks or bricks can be used, as well as various thicknesses of joints. Once all deck supports are installed, they must be protected from moisture. In this case, ready-made bitumen mastic and roll waterproofing are used. The heads of the posts under the veranda are waterproofed in the same way.

Tape under the terrace - pros and cons

The terrace requires a lot of effort during construction. Main stages:

  1. marking tape along the perimeter of the terrace walls;
  2. digging a trench to a depth of at least 0.6 meters and a width of about 30 cm;
  3. installation of formwork to lift the tape above the soil level to the timber frame of the veranda;
  4. filling the bottom of the trench with sand and crushed stone;
  5. production and installation of a reinforcing frame made of steel rods;
  6. preparing a sufficient volume of concrete solution, pouring the tape to the upper edge of the formwork;
  7. waterproofing cured tape using ready-made compounds;
  8. backfilling the trench with soil.

As can be seen from the description of the process, the technology for installing a strip foundation under a wooden terrace is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process, requiring higher qualifications than when installing a columnar foundation. In case of improper construction or high soil mobility, the tape can tear and bend, which will certainly affect the entire structure.

Stage two - construction of the building frame

The structure frame is installed on the finished foundation. A wooden deck can be made quickly, even if done alone. For work you will need construction timber with a cross section of 150x150 and 100x100 mm. The first beam will fit on the lower frame - the base of the veranda floor, the second - on the racks and supports for the railings.

Laying the bottom trim

We lay the timber with a section of 150x150 on a foundation for the terrace pre-lined with roofing felt. If the dimensions exceed 6 meters - the standard length of lumber in our country - you will have to splice the strapping elements. The technology for corner and longitudinal connection of timber is as follows:

  1. Select the most even, undisturbed lumber.
  2. At the ends, mark cuts for half the thickness of the timber. The length of the future groove is in our case 150 mm.
  3. Saw the timber along the markings using a hand or mechanical tool - a hacksaw, circular saw or chain saw.
  4. Connect the parts groove to groove at an angle or lengthwise.
  5. Additionally strengthen the connection by driving in 2-3 nails No. 150.

To avoid possible displacement of the terrace frame relative to the base (this should be thought about at the stage of foundation construction), several scraps of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and a free end length of 200-250 mm are left at the top of the pillars or tape. Before laying the strapping, holes of larger diameter are drilled at the exit points of the steel rods, and the timber is laid on the pins, which are then bent flush.

After completing the timber lining of the terrace floor around the perimeter, lay several transverse beams of the same section in the same way, installing them in pre-marked and cut grooves in increments of about 1 meter, fastening them with long nails.

Installing racks

To support the roof of a wooden veranda, it is necessary to install several vertical bars at the outer corners and along the long side parallel to the wall of the house. The length of which is chosen in such a way that the height of the terrace roof from the floor is at least 2 meters, and the slope of the roof from the main building is maintained.

Connection diagram of harness and racks

If the terrace framing timber is allowed not to be planed, then the racks must be pre-planed with an electric planer. This will give them a more aesthetic appearance and will simplify further finishing and processing of the veranda. The racks should be secured to the frame with self-tapping screws using reinforced steel corners. In the upper part, the ends of the beams are attached to the terrace frame, which is a frame element that serves to increase the strength of the veranda structure.

It is better to make the top trim from planed timber 100x100. Assembly is carried out on the ground in detail, after which it is installed on the ends of the racks and attached to them. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical parts are perpendicular in two planes. To do this, use a plumb line or a building level.

Stage three - installation of the terrace floor

The step-by-step process of installing a wooden terrace continues with the manufacture of the extension floor. Particular attention should be paid to the correct selection of material; these are operating conditions associated with constant exposure to moisture and sudden temperature changes.

A standard pine or spruce floorboard is the worst thing you can choose for a veranda. If you decide to use it, you must treat the lumber twice with antiseptic compounds that protect the wood from rotting and damage by various microorganisms. Pay special attention to processing the boards from the end.

The best choice for the veranda floor is larch flooring. Its advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and damage by fungi, mold, insects;
  • has a beautiful woody structure;
  • lends itself well to additional treatment with protective and decorative compounds.

Instead of larch, artificial flooring material – decking – is often used for outdoor terraces.

To enhance the decorative properties of the entire product, the flooring can be laid not only traditionally along one side of the terrace, but also at an angle to them. With this method, the consumption of floorboards on the veranda will increase by 20 percent, but it is worth it. They are also carried out from the center along diagonals, which requires making precise corner cuts, which can be made on a miter circular saw.

Stage 4 - roof installation

A high-quality roof will help protect visitors to the veranda and the floor covering from rain and the heat of the sun. Its frame is made of wood, using a vertical terrace frame and a horizontal base beam fixed to the wall of the house. When constructing the veranda roof, it is necessary to provide a slope relative to the horizon of at least 15-20 o in order to avoid the accumulation of large masses of snow.

As roofing materials for terraces, both traditional metal sheets or soft roofing and less common glass or colored cellular polycarbonate are used. Thanks to the use of the latter, the roof of the veranda can have a radius or dome shape. Of course, this will require the manufacture of a more complex rafter system, but it will give the terrace a unique appearance.

Stage 5 - installation of railings, finishing

Wooden railings will help limit the internal space of the veranda and protect visitors from falling. They are made from profiled metal or planed timber. Balusters will add zest to the exterior interior.

Having completed the installation of the fence, the wood should be treated with stains, stains or oil-based paints, in other words, protected and prepared for use.

In this article we examined the issue of building a veranda, as it turned out it is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and step-by-step algorithm.

If a person dreams of a veranda as a place from which he can admire a beautiful view with a cup of coffee in his hand, it is better for him to build a terrace. But the veranda is built primarily to insulate the house. The fact is that the front door from the point of view of thermal insulation is a very weak point, because its thickness is much less than that of the walls of the house. Therefore, they add a veranda in order to create a buffer zone that keeps cold air away from the front door. You can build a veranda with your own hands.


The veranda, like any other extension, is part of the building, so it must be harmoniously combined with the entire main structure. It is best if the same materials are used to create its walls and roof as for the house itself. But this is not always possible. In this case, it is recommended to connect the house and the extension using the same finish. If the main structure is wooden, then the veranda should be made of wood.

Project and legitimation

As mentioned above, the veranda serves for insulation, so it should be built from the side of the front door. The sizes are arbitrary and owners choose them according to their own needs. The standard dimensions of the veranda are 4x4 meters. However, here it is worth taking into account the general appearance of the house from the street, because a small veranda near a two-story house will not be in harmony with it.

But before you start building a veranda, regardless of its size, you need to carry out several formal procedures. When the owners have already figured out what their new extension will look like, they need to draw up its design. With this project, depending on the rules of the territory in which the dacha is located, you need to go to the architectural department of the local administration, where the owners will receive a building permit, and specialists will make changes to the house design. These procedures are worth doing in winter, as they will take about 2 months, and home owners will have time to prepare for the construction season.

Site marking

At the site of the future veranda, it is necessary to remove the valuable fertile layer, which can be used as a targeted method in the garden. After this, pegs are driven in at the corners of the veranda and a rope is pulled along them. This must be done both for the external corners of the walls and for the internal ones in order to immediately determine the thickness of the walls. How to mark a site in order to build a veranda for a country house, you can see in the photo.

Rules for laying the foundation

Regardless of what type of foundation is chosen, it must be made at the same depth as the foundation of the entire country house. At the same time, you should not turn the foundation of the buildings into a single whole - it is better to make a gap of about 4 cm. A heavy house has a greater degree of shrinkage than a light veranda, so it can simply pull the extension along with it.

When choosing the type of foundation, it is very important to take into account the general quality of the soil and the material from which the walls will be made in order to avoid “play” of the foundation or excessive shrinkage of the veranda.

Strip foundation

If the owners decide to make a large and heavy veranda, then they should pay attention to the strip foundation. It can easily withstand buildings made of brick or blocks that are covered with slate. Below is the order of actions:

  1. A trench is dug along the prepared markings.
  2. Wooden formwork is erected to the height of the main house.
  3. Concrete is mixed from cement, sand and crushed stone (proportions 1:3:6, respectively).
  4. A third of the concrete is poured with the addition of stones, after which the foundation is left to cure.
  5. We pour another third of the concrete, again adding stones.
  6. Stones are not added to the top layer - on the contrary, it is leveled to make it easier to lay bricks.

If construction takes place in the middle of a hot summer, then at least once a day it is required to water the foundation with water so that it does not crack.

Columnar foundation

If the veranda is wooden or framed, then it is worth using a columnar foundation. It is specifically designed for light buildings. However, when using this type of foundation, it is worth considering the heaving of the soil from temperature changes. In order for the foundation not to start to "play", it is necessary to dig in the columns to a depth below the freezing of the soil (in central Russia - more than a meter). If the veranda is small, you can limit yourself to only supports in the corners. If you plan to make a large room, then it is worth digging in intermediate posts in increments of about half a meter. The construction algorithm is as follows:

  1. A hole is being dug for the post.
  2. 20-30 cm of sand is poured to the bottom.
  3. It is poured with concrete flush with the ground, which is left until the solution hardens.
  4. Sand is poured into the gap between what happened and the ground. The column is pre-coated with bitumen.

The support is adjusted to the height of the foundation of the main building with bricks or blocks. There should be at least 30 cm left to the future floor of the veranda.


There are two main options for how to make it: concrete and wooden logs. The first method is much simpler, but then the floor will have to be additionally insulated, since concrete has high thermal conductivity, and the veranda will have a cold floor both in winter and in summer. Concrete screed is made as follows:

  1. 10 cm of sand is poured into the underground.
  2. A similar layer of expanded clay is poured on top of the sand.
  3. Reinforcement is laid on top of the expanded clay to avoid cracks in the floor.
  4. And concrete, consisting of cement, sand and water, is already poured onto the reinforcement.

Wooden flooring has good thermal insulation properties and is made as follows:

  1. The space from the ground to the foundation level is filled with expanded clay for insulation.
  2. A double layer of roofing felt should be placed on the expanded clay and foundation
  3. The logs are coated with an antiseptic and fixed to the foundation.

Edged boards are attached to the joists.

Construction of a wooden veranda

First of all, you need to make a frame:

  1. A beam is placed on the floor for strapping, in which grooves are cut for attaching the racks. The racks are installed and fixed with nails. Those of them that are adjacent to the main building must be fastened with anchor bolts. A step must be taken equal to the width of the window in the place where it is planned. It is best to leave a place for the door somewhere at the end to avoid drafts.
  2. Another beam is attached to the racks on top to create an upper frame.
  3. Where the roof slope of the main house is located, you need to attach the purlin beam with anchor bolts.
  4. The rafters are being installed.

Important! All boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

Roofing "pie"

The roof is created according to the same principle as in the main house, only it is usually made pitched and more sloping. An important point is that a vapor barrier on the veranda is not needed, since there is no under-roof layer. It also does not need to be done when insulating walls and floors. Steam should not accumulate inside and will escape into the attic where it will escape from the house. Most often, for waterproofing, a superdiffusion film is laid, which allows moisture to pass through only in one direction. However, when using metal tiles, they are not used, since the metal will rust from condensation. In this case, you should buy a special condensate film.

The final stage of construction

At the final stage, all that remains is to sheathe the walls and install the windows. Where there will be a window, you should add a window sill beam and secure it with vertical posts.

It is better to sew up the walls on both sides, laying a layer of insulation between them. For this purpose, it is best to use materials that retain heat well, but we should not forget that they must be in harmony with the rest of the house.

Construction of a brick veranda

If a brick house was built, then the veranda should also be built from bricks or blocks. It is better to use a strip foundation for it, as it is more resistant to soil heaving. For such a small extension, the thickness of the walls is half a brick, and the inside can be laid out in blocks, filling the void with expanded clay. For a person who has never built anything before, it is better to hire a specialist.

It is very important to immediately take care of the insulation of the veranda, since brick conducts heat very well, as a result of which the veranda will not fulfill its thermal insulation properties.

Let's sum it up

If there is a need to attach a veranda to a country house, you should decide on the type of material. As a rule, the veranda is built from the same material as the house. Depending on the type of proposed extension, the foundation is laid: strip for a bulky veranda and columnar for light buildings. It is easier to build a wooden veranda, but for a brick veranda you will probably have to hire a specialist. And don’t forget about the legal subtleties - you may need to register a project for a veranda for your house with the local administration.


A spacious and cozy veranda, or, as it is fashionable to say today, a terrace, is a great place for both secluded relaxation and fun, stormy parties with friends in the warm season. A well-designed veranda with an original design can immediately become a real decoration of the facade of any private home. Of course, it is best to lay the construction of a veranda in the main house construction project. But do not be upset if you prudently did not do this, because this type of room can be attached at any time.

In this article we will tell you how to attach a veranda to your house with your own hands, consider options for a polycarbonate veranda, as well as an open veranda, and provide photo and video instructions.


As a rule, a veranda is placed in front of the main facade, but it is not forbidden to place it in front of the side facade, if necessary. It is important that the veranda is clearly visible from the gate (the main entrance to the courtyard) and has a passage to the rooms of the house.

The decisive role in calculating the length of the veranda is played by the length of the facade of the house along which it will be completed. With a width, everything is much simpler, usually it is about two and a half meters.

Before starting construction, do not forget to prepare the workplace, i.e. clear the area, dismantle the porch and the canopy over the entrance.


For a frame or wooden veranda, a columnar foundation is well suited, i.e. foundation with the installation of brickwork pillars under the corner posts.

For a lightweight, small-sized veranda, posts placed in the corners will be sufficient, but for a larger extension, intermediate posts with additional posts (50cm increments) should be installed.

The sequence of works on the construction of the foundation:

  1. First, holes are dug at least one meter deep.
  2. The bottom of each of the pits is covered in layers: first of all, 20 cm of sand are poured, and then 10 cm of gravel.
  3. The concrete base is poured (approximately 15 cm) and some time is given for the concrete to set.
  4. Brick pillars are laid out. Their above-ground part is brought to the height of the main foundation or slightly lower. The height of the brick foundation pillars is usually made 30 cm below the finished floor level.
  5. Each finished post should be smeared with hot bitumen.
  6. The cavities of the pillars are filled with brick fragments or fine gravel.
  7. The gaps between the pillars and the ground are covered with sand.


The frame of the veranda, as a rule, is made of wooden beams, the section size of which is 120x80 or 100x200. Logs (with a diameter of ≤ 12 cm) are sometimes used for the same purposes.

They usually begin to build a wooden frame from the bottom frame (preferably double). The connections of the bars should be carried out with a direct lock. At the level of the second log, logs and vertical posts with spikes (50x50) are cut into the frame. The entire structure is fastened with nails, and for greater reliability, staples are used.

The most correct distance between the bearing racks is 50 cm, but, as practice shows, this value is greater.

The roof truss system and the top trim are installed on racks. Racks can serve as solid wooden beams, or connected two boards (section 120x40) with a gasket between them. For fastening the rafters, a horizontal beam is used, passing under the slope of the roof of the house. The beam and posts should be fastened with anchor bolts. During the installation of the veranda frame, make sure that the roof of the veranda being erected fits well with the roof of the house.


Undoubtedly, the roof of the veranda should be a continuation of the roof of the house. It is recommended to perform it from the same roofing material, but other types are also allowed. Roofing material is attached to a wooden crate. The crate is mounted either at intervals or close (depending on the type of roof).

  • The boards are fixed closely in the case of using rolled material. When attaching the flooring to the rafters, the nail heads should be recessed into the wooden surface (they should under no circumstances protrude). The rolled material is secured at the edges with nails, and for additional fixation, slats are nailed to the coating. The protruding edges of the roll should be folded inward and fastened with nails.
  • If steel roofing material is used for the roof, it is attached to the sheathing with nails and joined with a “seam” seam.
  • Asbestos cement sheets are overlapped. In this case, the top sheets overlap the bottom sheets by at least 14 cm. They are fastened into pre-drilled holes with nails or screws.

Floors and walls

Usually the floor is made of wood, taking wooden boards coated in advance with an antiseptic as a material.

The veranda can be left open, or you can erect walls, constructing them from wooden panels or clapboards. In the second option, do not forget to take care of the windows.

Do not over-insulate the walls of the veranda, because it is considered a summer relaxation room.

After the floor, frame and roof of the veranda have been made, you can proceed to sheathing the structure with polycarbonate. So, you will get a bright and light veranda, where you can have fun in the warm season.

Polycarbonate is a translucent material made on the basis of carbonic acid polyesters. It is produced in the form of honeycomb or monolithic panels. Cellular polycarbonate has cavities between the stiffening ribs that connect two sheets to each other. They often replace glass when arranging verandas. This is due to a number of positive properties of the material.

Although polycarbonate appeared on the construction market not so long ago, it is very popular among consumers. Why? The reason for this is the unique properties of the material, which has no analogues on the market today:

  • High strength. These figures for polycarbonate are 20 times higher than for glass. If polycarbonate is damaged, it will not crumble into small fragments like glass, but will break into fragments that do not have sharp corners. Thus, the injury risk of polycarbonate is minimal.
  • High light transmission rates - up to 86%. Due to the fact that part of the light is scattered, polycarbonate creates protection from direct sunlight. Partially absorbs ultraviolet light.
  • Polymer panels are flexible, making it possible to design curved shapes. Polycarbonate can be bent without special equipment, right at the installation site.
  • The temperature range is from -40 to +120ºС. And this implies that polycarbonate is not afraid of either the scorching sun or severe frosts.

If you do not have much experience in construction, then do not worry. This technology is up to you to master and implement. Initially, you should make a foundation, fix the elements of the frame in it. After the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin to manufacture the frame. How to make a foundation and a frame made of wood has already been described in the article.

In this case, a thin-walled galvanized sigma profile will be used to make a metal frame. Frame installation features:

  1. There is no need for welding work, since all connections will be made using bolts. For this you will need a wrench.
  2. The main fastening of the beams - anchors, laid in the foundation. If they have not been installed, then you will have to drill holes in the foundation and screw the check bolts into them, and then fix the beams.
  3. Sigma profiles are fastened with standard fittings.

If you made a frame from rolled steel, then it must be treated with a primer and then painted with paint for metal. Thus, you protect the frame from corrosion.

Now you need to cut the polycarbonate to fit it to the required size. This can be done with an electric jigsaw. It is important to take into account that the sheets must be tightly pressed to the surface.

If you cut polycarbonate too quickly with a jigsaw, it will begin to melt, and if this work is done too slowly, the material will burst.

To create a temperature gap during the assembly of polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to ensure that the screws are not clamped all the way. In addition, when installing polycarbonate under the washers, gaskets must be laid without fail. This will protect the material from damage and leakage. Holes in polycarbonate should be slightly larger than the diameter of the legs of the self-tapping screws. So, with temperature changes, polycarbonate will narrow and expand without deforming.

The installation of the roof is carried out according to the scheme already described in this article. If desired, you can also make it from polycarbonate. In this case, your building will be very light. Polycarbonate is laid on the roof according to the same principle as on the walls.

An open veranda is a frame building without walls, and the roof is mounted on beams. This design has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Among the undeniable advantages of an open veranda, it is worth noting the following:

  • Ease of installation. Its construction takes a minimum of materials and time. It's easy to bring her up.
  • Easy care. Such a veranda is more of a part of the street than a house. Therefore, to keep it clean, it is enough to sweep the floor regularly.
  • An open veranda will allow you to enjoy the view and breathe clean air while on it.

Like all man-made works, open-type construction also has disadvantages:

  • Unsuitable for operation in the cold season.
  • It is impossible to install upholstered furniture on the open veranda, since it will be impossible to take care of it, which means that staying here will be deprived of a certain home comfort.
  • Difficulties may arise with the choice of finishing materials, as they will be subject to negative environmental influences.

The open veranda is not glazed and no walls are erected on it. It is often used as a gazebo. Build it in a frame way.

For construction you will need:

  1. Concrete pillars for the foundation.
  2. Beam for the frame with a section of 150 × 150 mm.
  3. Cement and sand.
  4. Beam for strengthening the frame with a section of 120 × 120 mm.
  5. Bracket for beam connection.
  6. Sheathing for the lower part of the veranda. It can be OSB, forging or slats in the form of plates or balusters.
  7. Wood screws 100 mm and 25 mm for fastening OSB or wooden lining.
  8. Wooden lining.
  9. Beams for roof mounting 150×150 mm.
  10. Anchors 150–200 mm.
  11. Krokva 60×120 mm.
  12. Roofing material, for example, metal tiles or ondulin.
  13. Boards for the manufacture of roof lathing.
  14. Logs 100 × 100 mm.
  15. Wind board.
  16. Floor board 30–40 mm.
  17. Paints and varnishes for woodworking.
  18. Roll waterproofing for the foundation.
  19. Drill and saw.
  20. Level.

You have already familiarized yourself with the method of making the foundation, so we will miss this point in our description of the construction of an open type of building. And now let's move on to the features of the device floors.

To carry out a high-quality installation of the floor, you must first prepare the base. To do this, the earth is first leveled and rammed. Adjustable supports can serve as supports for the logs. Moreover, their number will directly depend on the planned loads on the floor. This idea is great for open verandas.

Then install the logs on adjustable supports and fasten them. Thanks to these supports, you can adjust the slope of the floor and level it. Installation of boards begins from the edge of the veranda parallel to the logs. Boards must be level and dry. They should be placed closely. Fastening boards to the logs is carried out with nails or wood screws.

Wooden floors are short-lived because they cannot withstand prolonged exposure to an aggressive external environment. If you want to make a more durable floor on the veranda, then you can replace the boards with decking or, as it is also called, a terrace board.

The device of the frame and roof does not differ from the technology described in this article.

In order for the wooden elements of an open veranda to last longer, they should be impregnated with special antiseptics and covered with paints and varnishes. Among other things, these actions will highlight the structure of the tree and help make the extension more attractive.

The lower part of the veranda also needs finishing. To do this, you can use slats that are fixed at an angle of 45º, forged elements or balusters. If you use a wooden or plastic lining for this, then under it you will need to make a frame of bars.

To finish the ceiling and the pediment, you need to use one material. This can be wooden lining or OSB boards. At this stage, it is important to run electrical cables for lighting the veranda and make corresponding holes in the ceiling lining.

High-tech veranda



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How to make a polypropylene manifold with your own hands - step-by-step guide

Many home craftsmen decide to install heated floors themselves. One of the main parts of such a system is the collector. To...

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