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The most expensive and cheapest way to wash yourself. Where to wash when the hot water is turned off Where to wash

Those who are lucky here all year round goes to the fitness club. A monthly subscription just for the sake of washing is not a cheap pleasure, its cost can be close to the price of an annual one.

What are the options:

  1. Splurge on a monthly subscription. It's expensive, but convenient. If you want to save money, choose a non-elite club without a pool - there will also be showers there, but you won’t have to overpay for bonuses that you won’t use.
  2. Buy an annual subscription and start practicing. But take your choice of club seriously, as you are with it for a long time.
  3. Buy a subscription directly. Suddenly someone has lost the desire to study, and he will give you a card at a low price.
  4. Pay for one-time visits. They don't cost a fortune everywhere. But here you need to calculate the options, without this there is no way to evaluate the benefits. It will be the most budget-friendly if you go to the shower only for “general bathing”, and on the rest of the days you make do with basins.
  5. Come to a guest training session for free. Some fitness clubs allow you to attend introductory classes free of charge. If there are many gyms in your area, you can go to a new one every day to wash.

Other sports facilities

In some places you can do without training by sneaking straight into the shower. This includes swimming pools and water parks. Sports locker rooms with showers are available in some parks in large cities. But in some place with a dozen visitors, you’ll have to go to a class so as not to arouse suspicion. Well, or negotiate with the administrator.


Don't bet on fancy saunas with gambling and corrupt love. Your choice is municipal baths. You can even take a shower in them very cheaply - for a couple of hundred. It will most likely be dull there. But it’s not as dull as watering yourself from a ladle. However, you can boo: there are usually steam rooms there too.


Even a very cheap option with a bed in a common room for 100,500 people will do: you only need a shower. Option for the sociable: try to negotiate with the administrator for a hundred rubles only for water treatments, without check-in.

Railway station

The toilet at the station often has a shower. It's quite depressing there, but there is hot water. If you're really desperate or live close to a train station, consider this option.


Not an obvious option for the violent ones. Yes, the neighbors were turned off too hot water. But if they have a water heater or geyser, they also have life-giving moisture. And crossing the stairwell with a washcloth is much more convenient than driving through half the city.

It’s probably not worth walking around apartments in search of hot water. But if you communicate with one of your neighbors, you may well take a risk. If it is very pitiful to tell you how you suffer without necessary conditions, you may be invited themselves.

Don't forget to thank with money or gifts, because next year The hot water will be turned off again, and no one likes greedy people.


This option, on the contrary, is obvious. If you don't have hot water, it's time to remember that you really miss your loved ones living in another area.

Do you know any creative ways to wash yourself during the hot water outage season?

Hot water, as you know, is turned off at the most inopportune moment, despite the fact that, as a rule, this is warned in advance - notices are posted in the entrances, the schedule is published on the official website of the mayor of Moscow. Summer, long walks around the city, cycling and much more cause an uncontrollable desire to wash. But there is nothing to do - you have to adapt. While some resort to kettles and basins to wash themselves, while others storm friends’ apartments, “VM” suggests approaching the issue in a more original way. After all, these 10 hardest days of summer should also be spent with humor.

Fake wash

It will be a discovery for many, but a washing machine can be useful not only for washing clothes. Moreover, without hot water, you can even take a bath with it. We don’t promise a heavenly holiday, but you will actually be able to wash yourself. To do this, direct the drain to the bathtub, set the high temperature mode and run the wash with an empty drum (without clothes). The machine will warm the water and eventually fill the bathtub with hot water. The only recommendation is that you should not combine business with pleasure, namely, bathing and washing, for example, your favorite shirts, socks or other small things. We believe that after such an experiment you will have to swim again.

Self-service mode

There are self-service car washes in the capital - without special people who clean up your car while you peacefully sip coffee or hang out in in social networks. And turning off the hot water is a great opportunity to get to know them if you haven’t had such experience yet. Just don’t forget to load bath accessories and a change of clothes into the car - hot water, a room closed from prying eyes (but not always - be careful) will allow you, at least for a short while, to remember what it’s like to take a bath in a warm shower. And we have one piece of advice - in the foamy bliss, don’t forget to wash the car.

Take it and dry yourself

Everyone knows about the wiping method, but not everyone takes it seriously. But in vain. Cosmonauts, by the way, only resort to it. Wet wipes, wet towels (by the way, you can soak them in useful solutions of chamomile, calendula, etc.) can save you from the epic with ladles for a while. As for hair, dry shampoos will come to the rescue. True, we advise you not to place high hopes on them - they work with varying degrees of success.

They will help you

If finances allow, you can take a shower in paid places. For example, a fitness club, water park, bathhouse, and so on. By the way, the historical toilet in GUM is also equipped with a shower; there are even all the necessary accessories for bathing. Also, turning off the hot water can inspire you to get a new haircut or hairstyle - in short, to go to the hairdresser, where they will wash your hair before the procedure. The main thing is not to get carried away in ten days without hot water and turn from a long-haired nymph into the owner of a bob.

In Moscow, the activities of saunas and fitness clubs are regularly monitored for the provision of low-quality or questionable services to residents

PHOTO: Natalya Feoktistova, “Evening Moscow”

Outdoor shower

If you haven’t been able to get out to the country for a long time, now is the time to put everything aside and go out of town. And if there are problems with hot water there, then it’s time to install an outdoor shower on the site. You can buy a small booth in a store or build it yourself. Install a tank on the roof, the water in which will be heated in the sun. It is better to add water in the morning so that it has time to warm up throughout the day. But just in case, get ready for hardening or read more carefully about the wiping method above - the capital cannot boast of hot weather now.

Time to boil

Most city residents have long forgotten about the boiler. And he, by the way, can help out in such a difficult life moment as 10 days without hot water. Enough to run a bath cold water(but do not fill it to the top, otherwise you will have to wait a long time) and immerse the boiler. After some time, the water will become much warmer. Just remember to keep an eye on the device - you could get into trouble.

Hot summer day in Moscow

PHOTO: Natalya Feoktistova, “Evening Moscow”

And finally, if you need to give your child a bath, take him for a walk to Muzeon Park, where the baby can splash in a dry fountain. Or rub it with something tasty - your cat, who knows how to do without hot water, will be very grateful to you!

Photo: Madis Kallas

Every day of a modern pensioner is spent in constant trouble. You have to constantly save so that your pension will last until the next time. The most pressing issue is utility bills. And water fees are one of the main sources of expense. You have to not open the tap unless absolutely necessary, and not flush the toilet unless absolutely necessary. However, you can also save a lot on this expense item. It is only important to know how and where. MK-Estonia correspondent Anastasia Reut decided to find out where you can cheaply take a shower, go to the sauna, wash things, and use the money you save to get a manicure at a very low price.

Water is expensive these days. Therefore, many try to save on this. As Ilya Burtsev, public relations adviser for the district government, explains, there is no separate allowance for compensation of water costs.

“The Social Welfare Department pays poverty benefits to individuals or families living below the poverty line. Due to this benefit, families are compensated for the costs of housing and communal services,” says Burtsev.

There are practically no apartments or private houses left where there is no hot water or no opportunity to take a shower. However, every social center offers such a service. Who uses it and why - we decided to figure it out.

“Wash” at half price

“In our center there is a great opportunity to go to the bathhouse or just take a shower. It is advisable to register for a visit in advance, at least one day in advance. This is necessary so that we have time to buy soap, and in general there is free time. The only condition is that you cannot use a broom in the sauna,” says Yulia Chaplygina, head of the Kesklinna district center.

According to Yulia, the sauna is not very popular now, since they opened a bathhouse on Raua. The price there is not much higher, but there are more opportunities. Despite this, the sauna in the social center is reserved at least 6–8 times a week.

“Pensioners from our center like to celebrate their birthday in the sauna. Of course, we don’t allow you to bring alcohol with you, but you are welcome to gather in a group,” adds Yulia.

Indeed, you can’t go to the bathhouse at home, but what about the shower? The social center for pensioners has various sports activities, dancing. Afterwards they just use the shower. Although most often they still choose a sauna, since they can wash and steam. The cost of a sauna is low, and pensioners love it.

According to Yulia Chaplygina, most often the same pensioners go to the shower or sauna every time. Many have already developed their own bath traditions. For example, once a month they traditionally gather in a bathhouse. So, for someone to come just from the street to wash, there is no such thing, although the establishment is open to everyone.

Isn't there a big need?

Washing powder and fabric softener are included in the price. Wet laundry can be hung on a special drying rack located near washing machine, or use the clothes dryer for an additional fee. Although some take their still wet underwear with them.

Going to the gym not for sports

Baths in sports centers are a good alternative to saunas in social centers and public baths. Here you can play sports, take a shower, and warm up in the bathhouse.

“Yes, they just come here to wash and steam! There is a whole group of grannies who come to the sports club once a week. They buy a visit to the pool, but have probably never even seen the pool itself. They steam for a couple of hours. First a steam bath, then a regular one. They’ll steam up, wash themselves, and go home,” says an employee of the sports club, who wished to remain anonymous.

This type of service is offered by absolutely all sports clubs, from the most elite to gyms, which are in every district of the city.

Prices for pensioners in most sports centers are quite reasonable, they are always clean and you can find company there.

In general, if you go to the pool, and even a couple of times a week, then at home you don’t have to turn on the faucet in the bathroom at all.

Classic manicure

At first glance, it may seem that a manicure or pedicure is an expensive pleasure. Even if there is a desire, not every pensioner can satisfy it. However, how you want to remain well-groomed and beautiful even in retirement!

Many social centers provide manicure and pedicure services. The centers have equipped places where a specialist works. The prices are several times lower than in any beauty salon, but the result is the same.

What are the cheapest public baths in Moscow? I have compiled the TOP 15 best inexpensive public baths in Moscow.

I took the cost of a cleaning hour as the reference criterion for assessing the cost, since different baths They sell tickets for different visiting times, I brought them to a common denominator - 1 hour, where possible. I took into account the cost of unlimited visits to the bathhouse, if such a service was available. She briefly described what services you can purchase for an additional cost, but did not take this into account.

So, the leader in my rating of inexpensive public baths in Moscow is Lublin Baths. Is it true Lately Visitors began to scold them, but I hope that they will correct all the shortcomings! The cost of unlimited access to this bathhouse is much lower than the average cost of 1 washing hour in most other bathhouses. In second place - Kapotninsky baths. Despite the fact that the ticket is limited in time, its cost is very low. This bathhouse is highly praised by visitors. We got third place Ostroumovsky And Lefortovo Baths, the cost of a wash hour is slightly higher than in previous baths, but still very low. In legendary Sandunakh the highest prices for 1 washing hour, but many people go there, the service and interior there are at the highest level!

In fact, the cost of admission to a bathhouse largely depends on what it can offer you - do you want marble and chic, or just a steam bath with your soul? It all depends on the preferences of each individual person. Also, for some, it is preferable to spend the whole day in the bathhouse, and then it is beneficial to consider baths and saunas with an unlimited tariff, while for others, just a couple of hours for washing is enough.

Baths with the possibility of purchasing an unlimited ticket for the day from my TOP 15 inexpensive baths and saunas:

  • Lublin Baths
  • Koptevskie baths
  • Vorontsovskie baths
  • Falcon Hill
  • Tsaritsyn baths
  • Rzhev Baths (unlimited for women only)
  • Warsaw Baths

Some bathhouses have special conditions depending on gender, and the schedule for visiting the bathhouse for men and women must be taken into account. Many bathhouses have low prices for visits on weekdays in the morning. Perhaps for some this particular time will be preferable. Many public baths increase the cost of admission on weekends and evenings, while others stick to a flat rate. In any case, any organization reserves the right to change visiting conditions and prices, so it is better to clarify them by phone immediately before your visit. And, of course, it makes sense to consider a bathhouse not far from home, so as not to have to get to it and then back for several hours, and not waste potential rest time on the road.



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