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How much alcohol do you need to drink for your health to deteriorate? The Ministry of Health recommended safe drinking standards

Alcohol consumption has become a part of people's lives, and it is no longer possible to imagine holidays and fun without it. Every person should know how much they can drink so as not to harm their health and not suffer.

Close-up Of male Hand Reject A Glass Of wine Offered

How to calculate your hangover-free alcohol limit

Paying tribute to tradition, people drink various alcoholic beverages at the table and while relaxing. But everyone wants to avoid a morning hangover and preserve their health. Regular consumption of alcohol increases the risk of alcohol dependence. Anyone can calculate a relatively safe level of alcohol for themselves.

There is a special formula by which you can find out the dose of one-time drink when you are guaranteed to avoid a hangover: 1.5 ml of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. Considering that vodka contains 40% alcohol, in terms of this type of alcohol you can drink 3.75 ml per 1 kg of weight at a time. If drinking lasts for 4-5 hours, then the dose of alcohol can be increased by 25%.

It is necessary to take into account age and gender. The older a person is, the harder it is for the body to cope with the consequences of alcohol exposure. The permissible norm for women will be two times less than for men. The presence of various additives, dyes or flavors also increases alcohol syndrome, therefore by-effect from such drinks it will be stronger than from pure vodka.

There are other conditions under which a hangover cannot be avoided, even if drinking limits are met:

  • mixing different alcoholic drinks;
  • drinking cocktails made from strong alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • drinking after a night without sleep;
  • smoking while drinking alcohol;
  • drinking alcohol on an empty stomach or with fatty foods;
  • failure to take a break of 20-25 minutes between toasts.

Most The best way Avoiding a hangover means moderation in drinking.

How much alcohol can you drink per day without harming your body?

When drinking alcoholic beverages, the liver places a large load due to the toxicity of ethanol. But the human brain is most sensitive to alcohol, in which irreversible cell destruction begins with constant drinking of strong alcohol. The neural network is not able to recover until the next drink. If you don’t know how much vodka you can drink and over what time period, you can cause irreparable damage to your health.

Alcohol also damages other organs human body, but they cope with the load a little better than the brain, and recover faster if the norm is followed and there is a sufficient period of time between drinks.

Ability Limit healthy person for alcohol processing is 2.4 ml of pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight per day, and in terms of vodka - 6 ml. After consuming this amount, you should take an 8-day break so that the body can recover and return to normal.

How much alcohol can you drink without getting drunk?

The occurrence of alcohol dependence does not always depend on the amount of alcohol consumed. To a greater extent, the cause is hereditary predisposition and psychological factors. Even people who drink heavily when necessary can go long periods without drinking. But regular drinking can become addictive over time and provoke severe dependence.

There is a term “critical dose” - this is the maximum dose for a person that he can drink without risking falling into stages 2-3, when control over consciousness is lost and drunkenness begins with a severe hangover.

A person who suspects that he is developing an alcohol addiction should know approximately what stage he is at. This is important in order to prevent the disease from progressing and at least maintain a stable level at this level.

Such people should remember how much vodka they need to drink so as not to fall even lower, and, showing willpower, stick to their norm while they are still able to control themselves. Drinking too much can lead to recklessness and heavy drinking.

People who consume moderately and are balancing at stage 1-2 of alcoholism can drink 100-300 g of vodka 1-4 times a month. This will cause very little harm to the body and will prevent further slide into alcohol dependence, which can happen unnoticed by the drinker.

Those persons who are already suffering alcohol addiction, must completely abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Any dose, regardless of type and variety, increases the likelihood of failure and negatively affects health.

The age of the drinker must be taken into account. Those under 20 years of age are more likely to become drunkards. Middle-aged men bear the consequences a little easier.

Doses of different types of alcohol

Any amount of ethyl alcohol is hazardous to health. You need to be careful even when consuming medicines made with alcohol and follow the rules for taking them. You should not ignore gender (men are more resistant to the effects of ethanol) and forget about health problems and concomitant diseases.

If there is no individual intolerance to certain types of alcohol, then first of all you should pay attention to the strength of the drink. With the same volume of drinking, varieties of different ethyl content will have different effects on a person.

Who should not drink alcohol

  • persons with stage 2-3 alcohol dependence;
  • epileptics;
  • those who have suffered a concussion or head injury;
  • excitable, aggressive, conflict-ridden individuals who lose control of themselves after drinking.

People with various diseases should abstain from alcohol, and in exceptional cases, drink only with the permission of a doctor.

According to statistics, in 2017 Russia took 6th place in the top ten drinking countries in the world. The average Russian man drinks 15.1 liters of alcohol per year, and a woman – 7.8 liters. Vodka is most preferred in our country, but in Lately Wine consumption is also increasing. How often can you drink, what and in what quantities, so as not to harm your health? What are the standards and rules for drinking alcohol? Read in this article.

It's no secret that ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a detrimental effect on the human body, like poison. And despite the fact that this fact has long been scientifically proven, the number of people leading a sober lifestyle in the world is not increasing. Most people don’t even want to hear about the dangers of alcoholism, considering every weekend a reason to drink. But, despite this, doctors tirelessly continue to fight for a healthy lifestyle, setting ethanol standards for people that will not negatively affect their health and well-being.

Classification of drinkers in domestic narcology

Experts divided people into five groups, depending on the amount and frequency of alcoholic beverages they drank.

1. Abstinents are people who have an indifferent or negative attitude towards alcohol. The state of intoxication does not give them pleasure, causes physical discomfort or is unacceptable for moral reasons. Abstinence can be absolute, who categorically do not drink alcohol, and relative, who can afford to drink no more than 100 ml of low-alcohol drinks 2-3 times a year. Abstinence symptoms from the absolute group are also divided into three types. The first - biological - is allergic to alcohol or discomfort after taking it. The second is medical - strong drinks are prohibited due to the presence of any disease. The third is behavioral - a person consciously refuses alcohol, simply because he decided so.

Note! Occasionally, abstinence sufferers may indulge in a small dose of alcohol, but this is rare. They never get drunk and often find some reason not to drink.

2. Occasional drinkers - people who do not crave drinking, but can afford to drink up to 250 ml of strong drink no more than once a month. The state of intoxication is expressed weakly and does not give them pleasure. Even after drinking such a minimal amount, these people feel hangover symptoms the next morning. Therefore, at a more mature age, they often begin to belong to the group of abstinents.

3. Moderate drinkers - people who drink up to 400 ml of strong drinks from 1 to 4 times a month. Drinkers in this category enjoy being in a state of intoxication and often initiate libations in the company. In the medical field, there is no clear opinion about high and moderate doses of alcohol, so this group is considered the most controversial: drinking alcoholic beverages for such people is considered a way to improve their mood.

Read also: Can I have a drink today? How easy is it to drink during the holidays?

4. Systematic drinkers – people who consume up to 500 ml of alcohol with a frequency of up to two times a week. They use intoxication as a way to relax, have fun and find a common language with their surroundings. This category is characterized by alcohol abuse, which results in weakening of self-control and behavioral disturbances. Such people often experience a hangover after parties, and often start drinking from a minor age, as a result of which, over time, they develop a psychological addiction to alcohol, so strong drinks occupy an important place in their lives. This is where the first stage of alcoholism begins.

5. Habitual drinkers – people who abuse alcohol more than 2-3 times a week in quantities exceeding 500 ml. At this stage, tolerance to drinking is formed. To reach the desired condition, they constantly increase the dose of strong drinks. The state of intoxication becomes the only possible way relax and have fun. This category of drinkers belongs more to the first stage of alcoholism, gradually transitioning into the second.

People in the latter category find it very difficult to overcome the desire to drink alcohol, since it is already a life priority for them. The consequences of such behavior are sleep disturbances, diseases of various internal organs and, ultimately, personality degradation.

Important! If one of your relatives, or you yourself, belongs to one of the last two groups, know that there is still a chance to stop everything and return to a normal and sober lifestyle. To do this, you just need to stop drinking alcohol, and special medications can help with this, reducing the desire to “take it to the chest” and removing alcohol toxins from the body.

WHO standards

The World Health Organization has calculated the exact amount of alcohol, the consumption of which has a low risk of threatening human health. The safe amount of alcohol is indicated in servings.

1 serving = 10 ml ethanol or 8 g alcohol.

  • For men, it is acceptable to consume 3 servings per day or 21 servings per week, subject to two completely sober days (in a row or at intervals).
  • For women, it is acceptable to consume 2 servings per day or 14 servings per week, subject to two completely sober days (in a row or at intervals).

Global drinking standards

The World Health Organization has defined a standard portion of alcohol called a drink or unit.

Drinking correctly: how to drink in moderation, when drinking alcohol is prohibited and what the “ability to drink” skill hides

The main rule underlying the prevention of alcoholism is not to allow yourself to drink “out of grief” and alone. Everything is simple here - the presence of company and the absence of the habit of drinking problems away are strong deterrents in the impulse to abuse. It is much more difficult to maintain a human appearance in fun company in the midst of unbridled fun. How can you learn to drink correctly and observe your limits?

Read also: How much alcohol is too much?

The rate of ethanol consumption largely depends on the age and physique of the drinker. A young and lightly built body is more susceptible to alcohol. There is a formula according to which the optimal dose of alcohol consumed should be 1.5 ml of ethanol per 1 kg of weight, which is 3.75 ml in terms of vodka.

But in order not to engage in complex mathematical calculations in the midst of fun, it is enough to carefully monitor your own feelings. If there is a feeling of foggy consciousness, loss of balance, poor control of the speech apparatus, take a break for 1–1.5 hours. Have a snack, drink some water, go for a walk outside, get some exercise, and when you're back to normal, you can have a few more drinks. Thus, thanks to self-control, you will not miss the moment when the measure is achieved.

It is worth paying attention to when drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable:

  • in an excited state;
  • being depressed;
  • if you are overcome by severe fatigue.

In addition, you should not take strong drinks if you have recently recovered and stopped taking medicines. Time must pass, at least a week.

Diseases and alcohol: for which diseases should you limit or completely eliminate alcohol consumption?

Alcoholic drinks have a strong effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys. Therefore, drinking alcohol is primarily contraindicated for diseases of these organs. You should not drink alcohol after a heart attack, stroke, hypertension or ulcer. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted with extreme caution diabetes mellitus. It is allowed to drink only strong drinks or dry wines in minimal doses. Strictly prohibited:

  • all types of liqueurs;
  • beer:
  • champagne;
  • sweet wines;
  • energy drinks and other low-alcohol sodas and cocktails.

Alcohol is contraindicated while using antibiotics, antidepressants, analgesics, sedatives, sleeping pills and antihistamines.

Reality and myths about alcohol

There are many different legends and myths about alcohol. Today, young people perceive the image of a drinking person as a symbol of independence, style, and adulthood. People believe that if beer has a minimum number of revolutions in strength, then it is absolutely harmless and can be taken in unlimited quantities. In addition, champagne is considered to be lighter than wine.

Read also: Alcohol and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

In fact, a person who drinks alcohol significantly shortens his life, his appearance changes, he looks older than his years, and gradually loses his mind and memory.

Beer is not a harmless drink; it is the first step on the path to alcoholism, while the drinker practically does not notice how dependent he becomes. In addition, this drink, in addition to ethanol, contains additional substances that negatively affect the human body.

Despite the fact that the ethyl alcohol content in champagne is much less than in wine, it is a carbonated drink that makes you drunk much faster.

In addition, there are several other myths about alcohol.

  • Myth No. 1 – alcohol warms you up in cold weather.

The truth is that drinking a small dose of ethanol will dilate blood vessels and for some time the body will feel an influx of heat. But soon the opposite effect will occur: the blood vessels will spasm and the body will soon become hypothermic.

  • Myth No. 2 – alcohol helps in the fight against depression.

The truth is that alcohol depresses the nervous system and belongs to the class of depressants. Drinking while depressed will only make the situation worse.

  • Myth No. 3 – low-alcohol drinks are less harmful than strong ones.

True - any alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, during the breakdown of which, acetaldehyde is released - a toxic poison that poisons the body.


Drinking alcohol is addictive, and the feeling of intoxication can create the illusion of a fun and carefree life. The main thing in the pursuit of relaxation and momentary fun is not to cross the line beyond which people lose their human appearance and acquire deadly diseases.

No matter how much they talk about the maximum dosage of alcohol consumed daily, a liter of beer or a 0.5 bottle per day is absolutely not healthy, as many believe. Especially if hypertension, gastritis, pregnancy or breast-feeding. The Ministry of Health insists that beer alcoholism cannot be cured, and a glass of vodka of several grams once a day is not good for health and general well-being, but a direct path to drunkenness. An alcoholic can die if he drinks a glass of vodka in one gulp, be it old man or a girl who ruined her youth by drinking.

As for moderately drinking people, then a healthy drink for them is red wine, but only natural and in small quantities.


Almost no feast is complete without alcoholic drinks. Naturally, the question of how much alcohol can be considered harmless is the most pressing. Indeed, is there a safe dose of alcohol, and how to calculate it correctly?

Safe dose of alcohol for men and women

The bodies of men and women are significantly different. It has been proven that alcohol has a more harmful effect on women, and therefore the safe dose of alcohol for the fair sex should be two times lower than for men. In this case, the type of drink and its strength play a huge role. Moderate consumption of alcohol does not harm the body, and in some cases allows it to normalize its functioning. So how much alcohol can you drink per day?

We can talk about a safe dose of alcohol only if a person knows how to control the amount of alcohol he drinks and does not have a tendency towards alcoholism. Also, the safety of alcohol is out of the question if the person’s parents suffered from alcohol addiction.


Just like any other alcoholic drink, wine must be of high quality and have a natural composition. At the same time, drinking a cheap drink bottled in carton boxes, Not recommended. If you have a bottle of real red or white wine, then experts say that one glass a day will not cause any harm. This statement applies to both white and red wines.


There is a concept about what the maximum permissible dose of pure alcohol is. In simple words- this is 10 grams of absolute alcohol. On average, this dose is contained in 250 ml of beer. Men can take up to 2-3 such doses per day without harm to health. In other words, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to drink more than 750 ml of beer per day. As for women, they are allowed to drink no more than 250 ml of beer.

On average, this dose is contained in 250 ml of beer.


Champagne is a festive drink and has a fairly low strength. Experts do not recommend drinking more than two glasses of champagne per day; as for women, they are allowed only one glass. At the same time, it is important to monitor the quality of the drink and control your desires.


Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink that is not inferior in alcohol content to vodka. Scientists were able to determine that the average person can drink up to 30 grams of whiskey per day without snacking. For women, this volume is 15-20 grams.


In this case we're talking about about high quality vodka, characterized by purity. You can drink up to 60 grams of vodka per day without snacking. If we are talking about a woman, then this dose should be divided in half.


For an adult man who does not suffer from chronic diseases and is not prone to alcoholism, you can drink up to 30 ml of pure alcohol per day. As in other cases, for women this volume should be divided in half so as not to cause harm to health.

Regardless of the presence of snacks, a harmless dose of alcohol remains standard. A snack allows you to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body at higher doses of drinks. In addition, eating a lot of food during a feast prevents a person from getting drunk and significantly alleviates the symptoms of a hangover the next morning. Moderate consumption of alcohol not only avoids the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover, but can also have a stimulating effect on the body.

Positive effects of drinking alcohol

Despite the fact that no doctor will prescribe you alcohol instead traditional treatment However, drinking alcohol in reasonable doses allows you to cope with some diseases. It is important to consider the following points:

  • Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited for teenagers and young people under 21 years of age;
  • a person should not suffer from alcoholism;
  • You should not drink alcohol during an exacerbation chronic diseases and in the presence of serious problems with the nervous system.

Concerning positive aspects, then they are individual for each individual drink.

  • Champagne- increases a person’s appetite and taste perception. If you have a cold, you can boil a glass of quality champagne with a teaspoon of sugar and drink it at night. The drink suppresses the development of pathogenic and disease-causing organisms. Not recommended for people with gastritis, as it increases gas formation.
  • Red wine- useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and intestinal problems. Suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • White wine- increases appetite, allows you to normalize sleep when various violations. In small doses you can drink without harm to health, both men and women.
  • Cognac- dilates blood vessels, which helps people suffering from hypertension cope with headaches. The drink also helps normalize nervous system. It is worth noting that you need to choose light-colored cognac with longer aging.
  • Vodka- a small amount of vodka is useful for stomatitis, sore throats and other problems with the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx caused by infectious microorganisms. In addition, vodka helps normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. However, when using this drink as a medicine, you should be as careful as possible, since it is vodka that most often becomes the cause of alcoholism.

Why is a surrogate dangerous?

Any alcoholic drink should be different high quality. The use of surrogates is fraught with serious consequences, even if you maintain a safe dose. Most often people suffer from problems such as:

  • loss of vision;
  • failure of the kidneys and other organs;
  • cerebral edema;
  • paralysis.

Highly toxic surrogates, even in small quantities, can cause death.

How to calculate your hangover-free norm?

To ensure that you don’t have a headache the morning after a feast, experts recommend learning to calculate your “hangover-free” alcohol intake in advance. Below is an example of calculating the safe volume of various drinks for a person weighing 70 kilograms.

There should be no more than 1.5 grams per 1 kg of human body weight. pure alcohol. Thus, we can calculate that for a person weighing 70 kg in total there should be no more than 105 grams!

For example, 50 grams of vodka contains 20 grams of pure alcohol, so an adult man can drink up to 262 grams of vodka per day. On average, this amount equates to 6 stacks. It is necessary to understand that alcohol consumption should be strictly controlled by the person himself.

Even if you managed to avoid a hangover, you shouldn’t think about what alcohol doesn’t do to your body. negative influence. In order for the brain to begin to experience the effects of intoxication, it is enough to consume only 19 grams of pure alcohol!

We can talk about a safe dose of alcohol only if a person knows how to control the amount of alcohol he drinks.

How much alcohol can a person drink in a day?

Let's start with the fact that any alcohol is, first of all, poison for the body. It takes a lot of time and resources for the organs to process alcohol and eliminate decay products. At the same time, there is a certain dose of alcohol, which is the limit. This dose is a relative value. For example, for older people or teenagers, a lower dosage may be considered dangerous.

Let's consider the maximum alcohol limit using the example of a person weighing 70 kg. In this case, 170 grams of pure alcohol poses a danger to the body, after which the person will begin to experience attacks of severe intoxication. In the absence of timely medical care Possible death. In terms of vodka, this dose will be 585 ml. To fully restore the body after such a load, you need to set aside a week or two.

It is important to understand that any rate of alcohol consumption per day is a relative value, the changes of which are influenced by multiple factors. If you are not confident that you can control yourself and do not know how to drink correctly, you should completely avoid drinking alcohol.

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People have different attitudes towards alcohol. Some people cannot live a day without drinking at least one glass of vodka. Some people drink several times a month and only for a reason special occasions. There are also individuals who react completely indifferently to alcoholic drinks.

However, despite such different attitudes towards drinking, everyone is well aware that alcohol acts on the body like a poison, gradually destroying not only the health, but also the moral character of the drinker.

Safe alcohol limit in Russia

Is there a safe dose of alcohol? Doctors cannot give a definite answer to this question. Some doctors assure their patients that they can drink no more than one dose of alcohol during the week, while others are confident that the amount of alcohol exceeding 60 ml of vodka and 150 ml of wine per month already indicates drunkenness. Scientists have even come up with a lot of different formulas to determine a safe dose of alcohol for the human body. But most narcologists agree that each person has his own purely personal norm for drinking, which directly depends on his individual characteristics.

The last assumption can be called the most plausible, because some people are able to get drunk from a glass of wine, while others are not affected by a bottle of vodka. It is most dangerous for the weaker sex to drink alcohol. A woman very quickly becomes involved in drinking, and even small doses of alcoholic beverages become addictive to her. Drinking regularly, a woman runs the risk of becoming an alcoholic within 2 years. Men are more tolerant of alcoholic beverages and do not become drunk as quickly – after 10 years.

Russian doctors have conducted numerous studies, as a result of which they came to the conclusion: in order to avoid falling asleep, men of average build can drink up to 250 ml of wine, 500 ml of beer and no more than 50 ml of vodka (or other drink with a strength of up to 40 degrees) per day . For women, the permissible portion of alcohol per day is smaller: wine - no more than 150 ml, beer - up to 330 ml and vodka - 30 ml. It should be understood that we are talking only about any one of the listed alcoholic beverages, and not about all of them at once.

Scientists believe that these portions are not capable of having a negative impact on human health. If you drink alcohol above the safe limit, then strong drinks will gradually and steadily turn you into a real alcoholic.

Not only gender is taken into account when calculating the safe level of alcohol for a person. Climatic conditions also play an important role in the process of becoming involved in alcoholism. It has been noticed that in cold regions people become drunkards much faster than in areas with a comfortable temperature regime.

Another factor that must be taken into account when determining the permissible dose of alcohol is the age of the drinker. The younger the body, the faster it gets drunk, which means it is more sensitive to the negative effects of ethyl alcohol. A young man who drinks low-alcohol beer will get drunk faster than a middle-aged man who drinks strong drinks.

The above figures are relative, since each person, based on his own characteristics, must independently determine his own acceptable norm, which will be comfortable for his well-being. It should be understood that alcohol, even in the smallest quantities, is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, teenagers, drivers and people taking any medications.

Passion for alcoholic beverages is the path to alcoholism

According to WHO, drinking about 8 liters of alcoholic beverages over the course of a year causes irreparable damage to one’s health. At the same time, domestic narcologists note that the average Russian can drink from 15 to 18 liters of alcohol per year, and this is already a threatening sign of drunkenness.

Why do people in Russia drink more than the permissible limit? For most of our compatriots, the concepts of “drinking” and “holiday” are synonymous. Not a single celebration takes place without tables sagging from the weight of bottles of vodka, cognac, and wine. Inviting guests to your home and not placing a bottle of alcohol in front of them is considered a sign of indecency.

If in normal circumstances a person is able to control the amount he drinks, then during a feast he consciously allows himself more to relax and have fun. It’s not for nothing that after the holidays, people experience all sorts of chronic ailments. In order to comply with the norm, a person needs to clearly determine for himself how much he can drink and not exceed his limit for the day.

This is the only way to develop a drinking culture. But not only holidays contribute to the development of alcoholism. Having fallen ill with a viral infection, some people prefer to be treated not with medications, but strong drinks

. Alcohol really helps destroy pathogenic microbes, but along with them it slowly and surely destroys the entire body. And those people who, during treatment, combine drinking strong drinks with medications do themselves a disservice: even the smallest portions of vodka, cognac or other drinks taken with tablets or mixtures deal a crushing blow to the liver, pancreas and cardiovascular system

The inability to control oneself while drinking strong drinks is very dangerous. Significantly exceeding the permissible limit of alcohol causes severe alcohol intoxication and can be fatal for a person. For a moderate drinking adult, 1200 g of vodka drunk in a short period of time can be a lethal dose.

In the presence of serious illnesses, alcohol poisoning occurs much faster. A dangerous condition is indicated by very low body temperature (3-4 degrees below normal) and heavy breathing. Usually, within 12-36 hours after a huge amount of alcohol enters the body, a person’s heart stops and death occurs.

How do they drink abroad?

How much can you drink in other countries? In the USA, a safe dose of alcohol for men is considered to be 30 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per day (this amount is contained in approximately 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of beer or 40 ml of vodka). For American women, the permissible alcohol limit is exactly 2 times less than for the stronger sex. Doctors in the United States are confident that if you drink alcoholic beverages in the indicated doses, then they will help prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The British turned out to be less conservative than the Americans. In the UK, the legal limit of alcohol is 32 ml of pure ethanol for men and 24 ml for women.

In Australia, an adult man, without fear of harming his health and getting drunk, with a clear conscience can afford to drink alcoholic beverages containing no more than 20 ml of alcohol. For women, this norm is reduced to 10 ml per day.

In South Africa, the permissible portion of alcohol is 24 ml of pure ethanol per day for the male population. South African women should drink no more than 12 ml.

Specialists from the Ministry of Health have calculated alcohol consumption standards for men and women, which can be used in the labeling of these products.

The standards define the amount of drinking that corresponds to low, medium and high harm to health. For example, if a man drinks 1.5 liters of beer with a strength of 4.5 degrees three times a week, then the risk will be low, but if he relieves stress every working day, the risk will increase to medium. Experts criticize this approach, arguing that drinking standards are purely individual.
Federal State state-financed organization The State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health (GNITSPM) has calculated the norms of alcohol consumption for men and women per week, which in the future may be indicated on bottles. Consumption is broken down into three levels of health risk - low, medium and high. Experts made calculations for common alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac, whiskey, champagne, cocktails, beer, dry and fortified wine.
According to the calculations of the State Scientific Research Center for Medical Prevention, if a man drinks 1.5 liters of beer with a strength of 4.5 degrees three days a week, then the risk will be low. The same dosage for five days will increase the risk to medium, and daily consumption of this amount of foamy drink corresponds to a high risk.
Four 750 ml bottles of fortified wine (18 degrees) per week for a man is high risk, three is medium, and one is low.
Men can drink a 50 ml glass of vodka with low health risks twice a day; while maintaining safety standards, it is better for women to drink one. If this norm is exceeded, the risk will become medium.
According to the recommendations of the State Scientific Research Center for Pregnancy and Pregnancy, a woman can drink two glasses (each 100 ml) of dry wine with a strength of 13 degrees per day. Or a 150 ml glass of champagne. These doses mean low risk, even if consumed throughout the week. Daily consumption of 150 ml of a cocktail with a strength of 18 degrees will have a low risk for men, and for women it is already an average risk. For calculations, doctors have identified a standard dose for each type of product - this is the amount of drink that contains 10 g of ethyl alcohol. For example, for 50 ml of vodka the standard dose (SD) is 1.6 SD, and for 150 ml of champagne - 1.3 SD. Further, experts proposed a formula for alcohol consumption per week - the standard dose should be multiplied by the number of glasses or glasses, then by the number of days per week when alcohol was consumed, in the end the desired result will be obtained.
Next, weekly consumption can be checked on a scale of three levels - low risk (for men this is 21 SD, for women - 14 SD), medium (21-35 SD and 14 - 28 SD, respectively) and high risk (35-70 SD and 28-70 SD). Thus, for men, consuming 3–4 SD per day or 21 SD per week carries a low health risk. For women, a safe measure is 2–3 SD per day or 14 SD per week.
Director of the Institute of Narcological Health of the Nation Oleg Zykov emphasized that it is impossible to identify acceptable and unacceptable levels of alcohol consumption, “such recommendations or calculations of health risks can be made for each individual person, taking into account his body weight, the state of the body systems, the enzymatic apparatus that breaks down alcohol, these points are discussed in WHO documents.”
- Moreover, there are situations in which alcohol should be reduced to zero - northern peoples cannot be consumed because they do not have enzymes capable of breaking down alcohol. Alcoholics are also prohibited from consuming such drinks, he said.
Pavel Shapkin, head of the center for developing national alcohol policy, said that it is quite difficult for people to control their alcohol consumption in certain doses and to stop at the right time, taking into account the recommendations. He noted that the indicated recommended doses of alcohol contribute to the release of the hormone of happiness, dopamine, but when drinking the next minimum dose of alcohol, completely different processes begin - inhibition, alcohol acts as a sedative.
“It’s clear that no one sits down at the table in order to end up under it in the future, but if a person feels good, then why would he suddenly stop, so it’s worth talking about the fact that starting to drink alcohol is already a risk,” said Pavel Shapkin.
Previously, the Ministry of Health stated that they intend to indicate acceptable standards for alcohol consumption on bottles in the future. This follows from the Formation Strategy healthy image life, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, which was also formed by specialists from the State Scientific Research Center for Preventive Medicine.
The State Research Center for Medical Prevention emphasized that the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) were used to classify doses of drinks and compile a risk scale.



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