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Treatment for creaking knee joints. What to do if your knees hurt and creak when bending? Drug treatment for knee crunch

Knee joints are more susceptible to various damages, injuries and diseases than others. They experience constant increased stress from the pressure of body weight, daily walking, running and squats.

Knee joints are natural shock absorbers and, when healthy, perform their function well. The appearance of pain, crunching and creaking in the knees may indicate problems.

What to do if your knees creak when flexing and extending and why does this even happen? Let's talk about this today on the Popular About Health website:

Possible reasons


The appearance of creaking when flexing and extending the knee joints does not cause concern if it is associated with congenital weakness of the ligaments, or is caused by rapid growth of bone mass, etc.


However, urgent measures should be taken if the interaction between individual parts of the joint - the patella, tibia and femur - is disrupted. As a result of such imbalance, stretching of the synovial bursa and ligaments may occur, joint lubrication is erased, and cartilage is damaged.

Against this background, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, and gonarthrosis develop. Tumors, meniscus damage, fractures, dislocations, etc. may occur.

Other reasons

Experts note that knees often creak for other reasons, for example:

Metabolic disease;
- Frequent lifting of heavy objects;
- Abuse of spicy, salty foods;
- Daily walking in high heels;
- Hormonal disorders;
- Lack of vitamins, including calcium;
- Frequent stress, constant nervous tension;
- Age-related changes.

Creaking noise during squats

In most cases, unless we are talking about pathological changes in the joint, creaking and crunching noises are not heard when walking. They become more pronounced with increased load, as well as when bending and straightening the leg, during squats or climbing stairs. The reasons may be:

Increased load on the joint, heavy lifting;
- Excess weight, sedentary lifestyle;
- Salt deposition, which often occurs due to poor nutrition.

It can also develop against the background of certain pathologies, in particular with kidney diseases.

Often the creaking is accompanied by other sounds - clicking and crackling. If they are not present all the time, and the knee does not hurt, there should be no serious concerns. But in the case when physical activity is constantly accompanied not only by creaking and crunching, but also by pain, there is most likely some kind of disease.

What to do?

Consult a doctor:

You will not be able to independently determine the cause of creaky knees until you undergo an examination prescribed by a specialist. With this problem, you can contact a therapist, or make an appointment with a traumatologist or orthopedist. If there is a pathology, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

For painful sensations, as well as to reduce the inflammatory process, non-steroidal drugs are usually prescribed: Nise, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, as well as Nimesulide and Meloxicam.

Ointments and gels for external use – Diclofenac, Dolgit, etc.

Chondoprotective agents – Artra, Teraflex, Chondroxide, etc. These drugs help restore cartilage tissue.

Preparations based on B vitamins - Amalgam, Pyridoxine injections, etc.

Vitamin complexes – Vitrum, Complivit, Ascorbic acid.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

Use a folk remedy:

Natural remedies can be used to improve the condition of joints, eliminate their stiffness and discomfort. Here are some recipes:

Place half a regular pack of bay leaves in a saucepan, break the leaves, and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Boil again and remove from heat. Cover the saucepan and leave to steep for 3-4 hours. Strain and drink in small sips before bed. Give treatment for 3 days. After a 14-day break, the course can be repeated.

This product has contraindications. In particular, it should not be taken during pregnancy. It would be better to consult a doctor before starting to use the infusion.

Pour half a glass of bran over a large amount of hot milk. You should get a thick mass. When it cools down a little, apply generously onto a thick cloth and place it on your knee. Cover the top with polyethylene and secure with a woolen scarf. Keep the compress until it cools completely.

Prepare a lilac tincture, preferably wild. In the spring, collect fragrant brushes, place them tightly in a jar, and fill to the top with vodka. Leave in the dark for 1 month. Rub this tincture on sore joints. The product perfectly relieves inflammation and pain.

Evening clothes will help tired legs warm baths. It is very useful to take a steam bath or sauna. After the procedure, rub anti-inflammatory ointment into your knees.

In conclusion, we note that without sufficient movement, the joints of the legs cannot be healthy. During moderate physical activity metabolic processes are normalized, hemodynamics in the muscles and tissues surrounding the knee joint are improved. As a result, hyaline cartilage receives the necessary amount of oxygen and important elements that normalize its plastic lubrication.

Therefore, if you want to have healthy legs and not have problems with your knees, you cannot do without feasible physical activity. Be healthy!

The knees play a significant role in the human body and have a complex structure. They consist of the tibia and femur. Between them is the meniscus, which serves for joint mobility. Due to the fact that the knee joint is covered with cartilage tissue, flexion and extension of the knees occur. Blood vessels do not pass through cartilage tissue.

The body regularly develops synovial fluid, which serves as nutrition and lubricant for cartilage. This fluid is located between the articular surfaces. When the distance between the joints decreases, they begin to engage each other, especially when walking, and then a characteristic sound appears - a creaking sound. That's why you hear a crunch in your knees.

If treatment for creaky knees is started in a timely manner, then this disease should no longer develop into arthrosis of the knee joint or other ailment.

Why do knee joints crunch and creak?

People do not hear how healthy joints move; it happens silently. Diseased joints produce a characteristic sound - creaking. The reasons may be different:

  1. Lifting weights. This load has a negative impact on the knee joints, causing pain and creaking in the knees.
  2. Unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of sweet, salty and spicy foods, spices. For the sake of the experiment, it is worth giving up these products for several weeks, and the result will be noticeable in the near future.
  3. Heels. The rise of the foot from the ground should not be more than 3-4 cm, and many women manage to walk in heels of 15 cm, which can lead to crunching in the knees.
  4. Excess weight can cause creaky knees. Treatment will primarily focus on weight loss and dieting.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle. Doctors recommend that if your job is sedentary, you need to get up and move occasionally, try to walk after work, start playing sports, or at least do gymnastics in the form of walking in place.
  6. Elderly age. This category of people is more likely than others to suffer from joint diseases.
  7. Hereditary factor. Usually joint diseases are inherited.

When a disorder of the musculoskeletal system begins to develop, the likelihood of the onset of osteoarthritis increases several times.

At the onset of the disease, the surface of the cartilage becomes deformed and becomes uneven. It becomes dry and loses elasticity. Cartilage loses calcium. Such changes mainly occur in the middle of the cartilage, which takes all the pressure of the human body. It essentially acts as a shock absorber. When cartilage loses this function, the amount of stress placed on the bones increases.

Then the cartilage tissue, which serves as a lining between the bones, becomes thinner and a creaking effect occurs. This is the so-called arthrosis of the knees, which occurs due to inactivity and anatomical defects in humans. There is also secondary arthrosis, which a person acquires as a result of infectious lesions of bones or hypoxia of tissues, both soft and bone. In such cases, a person experiences pain and characteristic clicking in the knees.

Doctors advise: as soon as you hear a characteristic creak in your knees, you should immediately see a specialist. After the examination, the professional will prescribe the correct treatment.

And the sooner it is started, the sooner the disease will pass and will not develop into a more advanced version of the disease.

Causes of pain

In addition to the above, the causes of creaking in the knees can be:

  1. Disease and inflammatory condition of the joints, such as bursitis (affects the bursa), tendonitis (pharyngitis of the tendon occurs). The disease of soft tissues comes down to the fact that the ligaments touch the relief of the bones during walking and a typical sound appears. As a rule, it is accompanied by pain.
  2. Arthrosis. When the functioning of the interarticular cartilage is not maintained, creaking appears in the knees, fingers and elbows.
  3. Age-related changes in joints contribute to creaking, which develops without the first signs of emerging arthrosis.
  4. Joint injury. The appearance of a single and loud squeak can be caused by an incomplete or complete rupture of a tendon, ligament, meniscus disruption, and, in addition, a deep crack and fracture of the bone. Athletes are more susceptible than others to chronic injuries, which mainly lead to joint instability. As a result, a creaking sensation in the knee may signal the formation of post-traumatic arthrosis.
  5. The appearance of salts in the synovial bursa is microscopic arthritis, the main causes of creaking in the knee. After all, inflammation occurring on the surface of the joint makes it uneven, which ultimately leads to creaking during movement.

All these diseases fully answer the question of why crunching in the knees occurs.

Pain in the knee joint as the main symptom of the disease

Knee creaking has the following symptoms:

  1. It becomes too noticeable and appears at the slightest movement.
  2. Along with the appearance of creaking, a person experiences pain. Swelling and inflammation appear in the knee. Later it becomes difficult for the person to move.

If these signs appear as a result of thinning of the cartilage, the person begins to develop osteoarthritis.

This occurs due to poor nutrition of the cartilage, and the process of cartilage abrasion dominates its renewal.

There are several stages in the occurrence of creaking in the knee:

  1. Crunching and pain occur from time to time, mainly during exertion or hypothermia.
  2. The creak is clearly articulated. The thinning of the cartilage occurs, and this process already becomes noticeable on an x-ray. Bone deformation begins and growths appear, which are called salts. The second stage is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms: pain, constant creaking in the joints (even with minor physical exertion). The disease begins to develop into a chronic form.
  3. The cartilage is destroyed, its entire surface is filled with scar tissue. This stage is considered an advanced disease. People with the third stage of the disease rarely go to doctors. Only the patients themselves know why this happens.

Most often with pain in knee joint and elderly people approach creakingly. But there are a lot of requests from young people who come to the appointment with complaints about a creaking sensation in their knee. And the reason is a sedentary lifestyle.

A large amount of time is spent in front of the computer and TV screen. All this negatively affects their physical condition. Such problems are also caused by frequent severe physical exercise, for example, weightlifters and loaders.

What to do if your knees hurt?

Any joint disease is accompanied by pain. At the initial stage, creaking in the knee must be treated in the following ways:

For acute pain, an injection is given medicines straight to the joint

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course of use is 10-15 days, mainly to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and other signs of the disease. Ibuprofen, ketonal, diclofenac, voltaren, ketoprofen are prescribed in tablets, in addition, in the form of ointments and gels - emulgel and fastumgel. Doctors usually prefer the external use of NSAIDs, since without special indications (swelling, severe pain) there is an unfavorable effect on the stomach and intestines.
  2. Vitamins and macroelements – preparations of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins of groups B, E, A.
  3. Chondroprotectors – preparations of glucosamine and chondroitin. They are a progressive method in restoring cartilaginous joint tissue. They are most effective with long-term oral use or injection into the joint cavity. The course of treatment is 10 days, 4-5 times a year. If there is no risk of degenerative changes, then monotherapy can be used.
  4. Medicines hyaluronic acid are inserted into the joint. This medicine is ready to completely replace the natural lubricant (synovial fluid), thus guaranteeing excellent mobility of the joint. As a result, the crunching and creaking in the knees will disappear.
  5. Dietary supplements are mainly collagen preparations. They perfectly help improve the condition of synovial fluid, supplementing it with the necessary microelements and amino acids, strengthening the fibers of soft and bone tissues, tendons and ligaments.

External treatment usually involves the use of ointments that contain natural plant elements (cinquefoil, comfrey), bee or snake venom, and compresses with dimexidine.

Joint pain: treatment without tablets and ointments

How to treat creaky knees if medications don’t help? What to do if you can’t buy ointments and creams?

Non-drug physiotherapeutic treatments and tips for treating creaky knees:

  1. It is sometimes necessary to unload the joints, to provide the joints with a state of rest and immobilization. Knee pads, bandages and elastic bandages are mainly used.
  2. Physiotherapy is prescribed: UHF, magnetic therapy and shock wave therapy.
  3. Physical exercise, swimming, aerobics, physical therapy. Biking and roller skating are very useful, of course, in compliance with all safety measures.
  4. Massage. To warm up your joints and reduce creaking in your knees, you need to do light physical exercise every day:
  • lie on your back, legs extended: bending at the knee and sliding along the floor, lift your leg to your stomach, then reach your chest with your knee;
  • squats are effective (keep your hands in front of you);
  • standing, alternately bend your knees and try to reach your stomach with your knees;
  • standing, alternately bend your legs at the knees and move them to the sides (the same exercise can be performed in a lying position).

Healthy joints have always been considered the key to youth. It is necessary to monitor your health and weight, eat right, and try not to abuse bad habits. In the morning you need to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. The volume of fluid consumed should be 2 liters per day.

To maintain joint mobility and reduce the occurrence of creaking, you need to lead an active lifestyle, do exercises and exercise.

This is why it is advised to do exercises in the morning.

To protect your joints before physical activity, you should first warm up before training. Try to avoid injury to joints, especially in winter period. And at the slightest appearance of pain and swelling in the knee, consult a doctor immediately. These small tips will help you avoid such ailments as creaky knees. Be healthy!

Probably every person in his life has had to feel at least once that his knee is crunching when bending. But it is immediately worth noting the fact that in this case a person does not feel even the slightest manifestation of pain, but still this sound can create certain inconveniences, since few people would be pleased to attract attention to themselves in this way. But is this phenomenon actually harmless or is it a symptom of the onset of a serious illness? And if it’s a disease, what kind? And how to prevent it? This article is dedicated to answering these questions.

What it is

When they say that when bending, this means the crackling and clicking sounds produced by the joints both during active and passive movement. But, as practice shows, most often they appear during squats or fast walking. In most cases, this happens in athletes or athletes and indicates their severe overtraining. But recently, this problem has begun to arise in both adults and children. So why does this happen?

when bending

The reasons for this phenomenon may be various factors. Which include:

  • Various diseases, for example, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis.
  • A certain way of life.
  • Numerous physical activities.
  • Damage and dysplasia.

In addition, such a phenomenon when the knees crunch, but do not hurt, may be a manifestation of the norm. But let's look at each reason in a little more detail.

as a variant of the norm

As practice shows, sometimes such a phenomenon can be a manifestation of the norm and does not serve as symptoms of something more serious. The determining factor that everything is normal is considered to be the absence of pain in the knee. So why do your knees crunch but not hurt? A huge number of dissertations and scientific works. So, for example, it is believed that due to the increase in gas bubbles in the liquid that washes the joint (it is also called synovial), the volume of the joint cavity itself increases, which is accompanied by a characteristic click. Next, these bubbles dissolve, which in turn allows the joints to return to their original position, which can also be one of the reasons for the crunching or clicking. It is worth considering that the time interval between such sounds can be from 15 to 25 minutes.

Another theory, which has received confirmation, says that these sounds may arise due to a ligament or tendon touching certain fragments of bones that protrude somewhat. Examples include the bones of the shoulders, hips or wrist. In this case, the clicking sound will be somewhat quieter.

High mobility

Probably each of us in our lives admired acrobats or gymnasts who demonstrated excellent stretching? But few people know that most of these people have a congenital defect of the connective tissue, which is manifested by sufficient weakness of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. As practice shows, it is these people who most often have a knee crunch when bending, but in their case this is more a manifestation of the norm than something that requires close attention from specialists. But if such a phenomenon occurs with enviable regularity, then it is still worth contacting a medical institution.

Arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis

As already mentioned, such a phenomenon may be a variant of the norm, but if it begins to appear often enough and without observing a time interval, then this is already one of the early symptoms the fact that various inflammatory processes can begin in the human body. In addition, one of the symptoms of the onset of the development of a serious disease is not only that the knee is constantly crunching, but also that this process is accompanied by severe pain, and in some cases even limited mobility of the joint itself. Each of these symptoms may indicate the presence or development of diseases such as arthrosis, tendonitis, osteoarthritis deformans, and bursitis.

Low mobility

As recent statistical studies show, some people who work primarily in offices and lead a sedentary lifestyle are surprised to discover one day that their knee crunches when flexing/extending. This happens due to the fact that a person, by nature, needs at least minor physical activity, and in the absence of it, gradual atrophy and weakening of the muscles occurs, which in turn entails weakening of the ligaments. As a result, the articular apparatus can no longer fully perform its functions, as a result of which characteristic clicking-crunching sounds begin to appear even with the most basic movement. Such signals in most cases carry information that the body is gradually becoming decrepit; it is necessary to pay attention to your physical condition.

Strong physical activity

Does your knee crack when bending or when you don’t take precautions during exercise? It is worth considering that work associated with lifting weights or weightlifting can also lead not only to this phenomenon, but also cause a disease such as arthrosis. Therefore, at the first manifestation of crunching or clicking, it is worth reducing physical activity and taking care of yourself a little.

Injuries, damage and dysplasia

Quite often, your knees crack when you squat after suffering various injuries to the joints in the past, since after this the joint becomes a little weaker (even after fully carried out therapeutic measures), which in the future can be expressed in such characteristic sounds. In addition, it should be understood that this joint will automatically be at risk for possible recurrence of damage. That is why it is recommended to avoid situations that can lead to them, and the characteristic clicking of joints when moving serves as a reminder that this joint needs to be especially protected.

Also answering the question: “Why do knees crunch when bending?”, we should not forget about such a common phenomenon as underdevelopment of various tissues that make up the joint, it is also called dysplasia. In the presence of dysplasia, the damaged joint is considered to be weakened to some extent, but not due to external damage, but to a greater extent due to underdevelopment, but this does not prevent them from being combined into one group.


If crunching in the knees causes some inconvenience, it is recommended to visit an arthrologist or orthopedist to prevent the development of arthritis or arthrosis in the future. After an in-person examination, the specialist will prescribe certain diagnostic measures that are aimed at making the correct diagnosis and starting adequate treatment. Such measures in most cases include tests for reactive protein, and X-rays and ultrasound of the joint.

Crunchy knees: how to treat them

Depending on the diagnosis, the most appropriate treatment is prescribed. So, for example, for arthritis or arthrosis, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs are used, which are prescribed for a certain course. In addition, ointments containing bee honey or other substances containing warming components are used topically.

If overweight is the reason why the knee crunches when bent, treatment consists of revising your lifestyle. Or more precisely, in its activation. All that is needed for this is just to devote one hour of your time to doing various exercises (bike). The only thing you need to remember is that all heavy and exhausting exercises should be absent from this list, since doing them can only make things worse.

If the cause of the crunch is hormonal disorders (most often diagnosed in women), then treatment consists of using HRT (hormone replacement therapy). It is usually prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Crunching in joints in children

As you know, children have a slightly different joint structure from adults. It is even more important to find out from a teenager. There are several reasons for this:

  • Connective tissue pathologies. Such children are characterized by increased joint flexibility. If this child exhibits crunching and clicking in the joints, then this is considered normal. The only thing is that these children are very often diagnosed with heart disease. That is why, when identifying this pathology, it is recommended to be under the supervision of cardiologists. Ideally, of course, it is best to diagnose the functioning of the heart, which in the future will allow you to choose the most suitable lifestyle, which will minimize exacerbations of a possible disease.
  • Short-term joint hypermobility. Its cause is considered to be uneven development of tissues and joints, which is a fairly common occurrence for adolescents, since their articular apparatus is inherently not yet mature. Therefore, it is quite natural that from time to time during the movement of joints you can hear such characteristic sounds as clicking or crunching. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that these phenomena are completely painless and do not cause discomfort.

Preventive actions

When your knees crack, how to treat this condition is usually prescribed by a specialist. But there are also some measures aimed at reducing or completely eliminating this phenomenon.

Let's start, of course, with gymnastics, which you need to do every day. The most common exercises include:

  • Squats. It is advisable to do them in 2 approaches, ten times each. In addition, you should linger in the sitting position for a few seconds.
  • Pulls up the legs to the chest area.
  • Exercises "bicycle" and "scissors".
  • In addition, various lotions, creams and taking a hot bath have proven themselves quite well; this especially helps after a hard day at work.
  • Another means that received good feedback, is a compress that includes Orange juice and vegetable oil.

But we remind you once again that before using all of the above remedies, it is best to consult a specialist.

Every person faces this an unpleasant feeling like creaking in the knees. At the same time, you need to understand that a crunch in the knee joint cannot appear for no reason and, most likely, is caused by some kind of disorder in the body.

In order to avoid worsening the problem and developing complications, you need to consult an experienced doctor and find out the cause of the creaking in the knee.

Creaking in the knees: causes and treatment

Do not forget that crunching and creaking in the knee joint is the first symptom of a violation of internal processes in the body. To normalize them, it is necessary to determine the exact causes of creaking in the knees. And only a doctor can do this.

Here are just a few of them possible reasons creaky knees:

  • Excessive and/or constant stress on the knee joints.
  • Abuse of spicy and salty foods. It is well known that excess salt in the diet leads to its deposition in the body, primarily in the joints. As a result, a creak appears in the knee when bending - how to treat it? Just limit your intake of salt, spicy, smoked, salty foods and dishes - and you will notice an improvement pretty quickly general well-being in general and the condition of the knee joints in particular.
  • Using uncomfortable and low-quality shoes. Wearing shoes with too high an instep leads to increased stress on the knee joint.
  • Passive lifestyle. If a person moves little, sits constantly at work and at home, his knee joints begin to atrophy.

It happens that your knees creak only during active physical activity.

It is also worth considering that creaking and crunching in the knees can be caused by diseases such as:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • sclerotization of the soft tissues of the knee joint;
  • calcium deposits.

Treatment of knee crunch

How do you treat your creaky knees? Folk remedies or do you not attach any importance to this problem, considering it insignificant and not requiring treatment?

Meanwhile, well-known sports doctors do not recommend self-medicating for a crunch in the knee, as this can lead to complications and limited mobility of the knee joint.

Remember: the optimal treatment for creaking in the knee joint can only be prescribed by an experienced specialist after a thorough diagnostic examination.

Therefore, you should not search on the Internet for advice on the request “Knees creak and hurt, how to treat them”; it is better to consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the exact reason why your knees creak and advise you on how to treat them correctly and safely using traditional conservative methods.

So, as soon as you feel that your knees are creaking, start treatment immediately so as not to trigger any disease and prevent the development of serious complications that can significantly reduce the overall quality of life.

If, in addition to crunching, pain and clicking appear in the knees, this may be a sign of a violation of the coincidence of joint surfaces (congruence), which requires medical intervention. In this case, you must definitely see a traumatologist.

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The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “creaking joints, treatment.”

This phenomenon of crunching in the joints is typical for many people, including children and teenagers. Some people like to warm up so that everything crunches everywhere, but this seemingly harmless phenomenon that does not cause concern can become a harbinger of a serious illness.

Crunching in joints - causes

The phenomenon of a physiological nature is due to the following factors:

  1. The accumulation of dissolved gas in the synovial fluid washing the articular surfaces. The popping sound that appears as the volume of gas increases is called cavitation, and it is normal.
  2. Those who ask what crunching in the joints also means can be answered that the culprit may be a violation of biomechanics when a ligament touches the protruding part of the bone.
  3. Hypermobility of joints. Their increased mobility can cause a similar phenomenon.

Pathological factors indicating health problems include:

  1. Inflammation of the joints. Bursitis affects the synovial bursa, tendonitis affects the tendons, and arthritis is a pathology of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  2. Arthrosis. This disease is caused by injury or aging of the body. Crunching in the joints occurs during movement due to dysfunction of the interarticular cartilage.
  3. Excess salts, which strengthen the bones, and at the same time cause hardening of the cartilage along with the muscles.
  4. Injuries.

Is cracking in the joints dangerous?

In the case of physiological crunching, this does not pose a health hazard. But you should not ignore such a signal, because it can be a sign of a disease, especially if it is accompanied by pain. If the joints crunch with pain, then this indicates an incipient collision in the articulation of the bones. In medicine, an increasing number of cases of osteoporosis occurring in people under the age of 25 are recorded. Added to the hereditary predisposition are environmental deterioration, nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes the development of the disease.

Joints crack – what to do?

Contact a specialist and get examined. If no pathology is detected, the doctor may recommend unloading the joints and making their work easier. Stretch more often if the patient is forced to sit for a long time, if possible, place the legs on a hill, and if the neck is stiff, then put a pillow on it. Those interested in how to get rid of crunching in joints can be recommended to use special fixing devices and elastic bandages. The rested joint will recover and the inflammation will go away.

Ointment for cracking joints

Special creams and gels are designed to relieve inflammation and alleviate the patient’s condition. These include:

  • fastum gel;
  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • ketonal;
  • piroxicam, etc.

If the joints crunch without pain, then there is no need to use these drugs, because they eliminate the inflammatory process and have an analgesic effect and are indicated for such ailments as arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, gout, etc. And although they do not cause frequent significant adverse reactions, have contraindications regarding childhood, pregnancy, lactation, etc.

Tablets for cracking joints

The doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs internally. Chondoprotectors that contain glucosamine and chondroitin are highly effective. The first stimulates the production of an “emergency” protein that repairs damaged tissue. The second brings water to the joints, that is, it acts as a lubricant. These drugs for cracking joints are intended for oral use, and they are also used as injections into the affected area. The course of treatment lasts 10 days and can be repeated if necessary.

Vitamins for cracking joints

Tocopherol, carotene, and B vitamins are responsible for the regeneration of cartilage and bone material. Among the minerals, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc can be distinguished. Those who want to know how to eliminate crunching in joints can be advised to look at such dietary supplements as:

  1. "Glucosamine forte." Its composition is enriched with glucosamine, chondroitin, devil's claw herb root, shark cartilage extract, etc.
  2. "Collagen Ultra". Collagen based supplement.
  3. "Injoy Anthy." This medicine for cracking joints consists of bamboo extract, glucosamine, chondroitin, etc.
  4. “Kalcemin”, “Arthro complex”, “ArtriVit”. These are vitamin supplements.

Crunchy joints - folk remedies

In the acute period, when pain and inflammation prevent normal movement and significantly worsen the quality of life, compresses are used for local treatment, recipes for which include: traditional medicine. Here are some of them:

  1. Pour boiling water over the cabbage leaf, chop and add a little honey. Cover the affected area with the composition, wrap it in cellophane, cover it with a bandage and wrap it with something warm. Do it at night every day.
  2. Folk remedies for cracking joints include the use of oatmeal prepared with plain water or milk without salt. When warm, it is applied to the affected area, fixed with polyethylene, then with a bandage and left for half an hour.
  3. A mixture of kerosene and fir oil in a 1:2 ratio will cope with crunching in joints and pain. Rub into the affected area every night at night.

Crunch in joints diet

With this disease, it is very important to adhere to the principles healthy eating. This will also prevent excess weight, which often causes inflammation of the joints. You need to avoid foods that are too salty, as well as smoked, spicy, fried, and fatty foods. A diet for joint pain involves consuming foods rich in calcium - dairy and fermented milk. Phosphorus can be obtained from fish, and zinc from nuts, pumpkin seeds, and seafood. Grains, vegetables and fruits have a good effect on the condition of cartilage and tendons. It is also very important to drink plenty of fluids.



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