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The bechamel sauce does not thicken. How to make bechamel sauce with a delicate taste and without lumps

Peeled rye flour is the most popular type of flour in Russia. It stands in the middle between whole-ground or wallpaper flour and sifted flour. There is no germ containing oil in it, so it can be stored for a very long time, but it also contains enough bran to not be refined flour. It would seem that bake your own bread for pleasure and enjoy life! But those who bake rye bread know that it is not so easy to bake simple bread from peeled flour, so that it is soft, fragrant, and tasty! But it is still possible to bake such bread; moreover, several enterprises in St. Petersburg bake such bread industrially. I learned about this and this bread from Lina Ivanovna Kuznetsova, director of the St. Petersburg branch of the NIIHP. While talking with her, I heard for the first time that someone, namely Lina Ivanovna herself, cannot imagine her city without simple rye hearth bread, and this bread is called “Rye bread from peeled hearth flour.”

This bread, despite its simple composition - peeled rye flour, water and salt - expresses the very essence rye bread, pure soft taste and aroma of rye without a single additive. It has been baked industrially for more than 80 years, and its history goes much deeper. Even now, its modern version, reflected in GOST 20770-84, has not undergone any changes either in composition or in production technology.

I bought samples of such bread from several St. Petersburg manufacturers, it turned out that this is the only bread that contains nothing except the ingredients mentioned above, the rest of the bread using rye flour the same manufacturers are products of the 21st century, you don’t even want to read their ingredients.

But it is not the composition, but precisely the technology of bread production that is the key link in obtaining the bread that is so loved in St. Petersburg. Briefly, this is a sponge technology based on liquid leaven with tea leaves.

The example of this bread best illustrates the difference between spontaneously fermented sourdoughs and sourdoughs based on pure cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, because the sourdough for its production is a sourdough based on pure cultures, and its taste and aroma are the best evidence of the superiority of this approach to bread baking.

What does the term "pure culture starter" mean? This means that only those bacteria, and only those strains, and only those yeasts, and those races that are needed, are artificially cultivated in a mixture of flour and water. And not as it happens with spontaneous sourdough - what happens is what we work with...

It is clear that you yourself pure cultures did not appear from a test tube, they were collected for years and decades across vast territories of both our country and the territories of neighboring countries, through physical sampling of sourdoughs in bakeries with the most outstanding bread. All this was done by employees of the institution, which today is called the State Scientific Institution, State Research Institute of the Baking Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, St. Petersburg Branch, (St. Petersburg Federal State Scientific Institution GosNIIHP Rosselkhozakademiya), which I may talk about later.

And today I can freely use this accumulated potential to bake any rye bread I want.

The sourdough for this bread, the so-called Leningrad mixture, contains four bacteria:

L.casei 36,
L. plantarum 30,
L. fermentum 34

and yeast S.cerevisiae, strain L-1.

It is this leaven that turns bread with such a simple composition into bread that
in the eyes of Lina Ivanovna Kuznetsova, is a symbol of St. Petersburg.

To bake this bread, I, of course, used this particular starter, which in just three phases of the breeding cycle is very easy to obtain both at home and in any bakery, not to mention a bakery.

Making a starter is very simple using a set of bacteria (I have it in the form of dry lactobacterin) and yeast, which are in a native (live) state in a test tube; in the picture they are in the form of a thin coating on a slanted wort agar. I bought all these cultures, along with the corresponding instructions, at the institute:

In the picture, for comparison, I showed a suspension of peeled flour, water and saccharified tea leaves (on the left), which is a nutrient medium for the sourdough, and the finished sourdough (on the right), it can be seen that the finished sourdough has acquired a different shade:

Since this is a very simple bread in composition, it seemed to me that this technology could be used to bake bread from different types of flour. I have at my disposal rye from and nameless peeled flour from the store, from which I will bake this bread:

By the way, this year I was visiting Anatoly Ivanovich during the sowing season:

Original recipe:

100 kg – peeled rye flour
0.1 kg - yeast
1.5 kg – salt

Recipe (from 1 kg of flour).

Sourdough (3-5 hours at a temperature of 31-33C until the acidity is 9-11 degrees)

213.8 g – ripe liquid starter with tea leaves
42.6 g – sugared tea leaves (12.1 flour, 30.5 water)
38.5 g – peeled rye flour
132.6 g – drinking water

Dough (3-3.5 hours at 28-30C to acidity 9-11 degrees)

427.5 g – sourdough (whole)
500 g – peeled rye flour
1 g – fresh pressed baker’s yeast
212 g – drinking water

Dough (1-1.5 hours at 29-31C until acidity 9-13 degrees)

1140 g – dough (whole)
400 g – peeled rye flour
15 g – salt
151 g – water (according to the moisture capacity of flour, my flour took 180 g of water)


To prepare the sourdough, saccharified infusion of peeled rye flour is used at a flour to water ratio of 1:2.5. First, all the water is mixed with flour, tea leaves are added to the resulting suspension, stirred until a homogeneous consistency, after which the starter is added. When using sifted flour for sourdough, the acidity of the finished sourdough may be lower, and that of whole grain rye – higher than the indicated values.

When kneading the dough, the amount of water in the knead may vary depending on the moisture capacity of the flour, the main thing is to get a medium dough, but closer to a thick consistency.

Molding can be used both wet and dry, the blanks can be either round or oval.

Proofing is complete, about 60 minutes.

The baking mode depends on the type of oven. I baked pieces weighing 800 g for 35 minutes at 250C bottom / 300C top, at a falling temperature in a deck oven, sprinkled with water after baking.

A few illustrations.

The picture shows a dough made from peeled flour after kneading and after fermentation.

To obtain the dough of the required consistency, I did not have enough of the specified amount of water; the dough was too thick. Changing the amount of water is quite common practice, the main thing is to get the right consistency. But adding flour or any other dry ingredient changes the recipe. The picture shows the dough before and after fermentation.

In this photo there are two more doughs - on top from Shugurovskaya rye, on the bottom - from Svedye. Wholemeal flour is more water-intensive than wholemeal flour, but despite the fact that I added a decent amount of water in excess of the specified amount to both of these doughs, the doughs are quite dense, so they did not show a significant increase in volume during fermentation.

This product is valued different countries, it is made from the same flour everywhere, but its taste is different. It all depends on the recipe and baking features. It has been baked in Rus' for a long time, but what is it - hearth bread? How is it different from other baked goods? You will learn about this and much more in this article.

Hearth bread is Russian name, meaning that the baked goods are made without a mold. It turns out to be a round loaf.

The bottom of a Russian stove used to be called “pod”, hence the name.

It took at least 3 hours to heat up the oven for baking. Then the large coals were moved deeper, and the fine ash and dust were swept away with a birch broom. The loaves on a sheet dusted with flour were placed in the oven and baked.

There are now many new options for baking bread. Bread makers and multicookers appeared. In the store you can buy wheat and rye hearth bread. Or bake a delicious, aromatic loaf with a golden crust at home yourself.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Bread is a high-calorie product. A white loaf contains 265 kcal per 100 g, a rye loaf contains 100 kcal less. Various and the nutritional value these types of baked goods. Value white bread, despite its high calorie content, the fact is that it does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is recommended for those who have gastritis, ulcers, gastroduodenitis and other diseases.

The nutritional significance of bread is determined by the energy and biological value of its constituent components, the content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and others. useful substances.

All types of bread are carbohydrate foods.

The leader in the content of microelements is hearth rye bread, the composition of which (100 g serving) includes the daily norm of Mn, half the norm of Na, Cl, Fe, Cu, Ph. White bread contains more protein and B vitamins than rye bread, and contains selenium and calcium.

The benefits and harms of hearth bread

The history of bread goes back 15 thousand years. People have a lot of good proverbs and sayings about him. Bread is considered a universal food that can satisfy half daily needs in carbohydrates and a third in proteins. Some people, eating only bread and water, maintain good health for many years.

Whole grain bread is rich in B vitamins, which protect nervous system from stress. Bread is one of the most respected products of all times. Not a single meal of our ancestors was complete without it. Many people were taught in childhood to treat bread with care and not throw it away.

Bread also contains vitamins of youth - A and E. One loaf contains half of the periodic table - Zn, Mg, Mn, I, Se and other mineral elements.

There are enriched varieties of bread - whey-based with vitamins and microelements. They cost a little more than regular loaves, but are in demand among customers.

However, not all bread is beneficial to the body. White wheat bread made from flour premium, is considered the least useful. After consuming it, blood sugar increases sharply, and then drops just as sharply. This makes hunger even worse.

Much more useful for those who sit on various diets, watching your health and figure, whether the bread is gray or black. It is made from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. The body takes longer to digest it and therefore does not want to eat for a long time. It contains many useful substances - microelements, mineral salts, fiber for proper intestinal function.

Whole grain bread is also good for digestion. It is darker in color than wheat, with frequent inclusions of grains. Many people confuse bread with cereals and whole grains. The difference between the first one is that it is made from regular flour, and corn, oats, rice, rye, barley or millet are added to it.

A complete refusal of flour can lead to depression, loss of strength and irritability. You need to eat it in moderation. Daily norm– 150 g of gray or black bread, 1 piece for each meal.

How to bake hearth bread at home

  1. Dry yeast and honey are dissolved in a small cup and poured with warm liquid. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, and pour in dissolved yeast. Add olive or regular vegetable oil. Kneading the dough.
  2. It is convenient to knead using a special mixer. Do this for about 8 minutes.
  3. When the dough becomes homogeneous, it is carefully collected into a ball, placed in the bowl where the kneading took place, covered and left to rise. The volume of the dough increases at least 2 times.
  4. The risen dough is stirred for a few seconds. Place on a board sprinkled with flour and divide into parts. Each part is formed into a loaf.

The formed products are placed on a baking sheet covered with paper. In restaurants and in production, a deck oven is used for baking; at home, an oven is used.

Classic recipe in the oven

The proposed baking recipe, proven in practice and the simplest. The amount of each ingredient in it can be reduced as desired.


  • 1200 ml water;
  • 45 g salt;
  • 2 kg flour;
  • 100 g vegetable oil;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 30 g yeast.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix all the ingredients from the recipe. The water is preheated to 40 °C.
  2. After kneading the dough, leave it to rise for 2 hours in a warm place.
  3. The dough will increase in size by about 3 times.
  4. It is divided into equal pieces of 600 g.
  5. Form round loaves with your hands on a board and bake.

Making pumpkin bread in a bread machine

This cooking method is very convenient, you don’t need to knead the dough many times, monitor the baking time - the machine will do everything itself. All that remains is to put the products in the right proportion.

Each bread machine comes with a collection of recipes for various baked goods. Try to cook one of the interesting and useful species bread with pumpkin.


  • 190 ml water (t 40 °C);
  • 100 g grated pumpkin;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 s. l. milk powder;
  • 1 p. l. butter;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 50 g roasted pumpkin seeds.


  1. The bread maker pan is greased before baking. vegetable oil.
  2. Add ingredients in the order specified in the recipe.
  3. Includes a program for baking basic bread.
  4. Seeds are added after the first beep.
  5. Allow the finished bread to cool slightly and remove from the pan.

The finished loaf will weigh about 750g.

In a slow cooker

This bread with flax grains and sunflower seeds does not crumble, it turns out with a crispy, golden crust.


  • 300 ml water;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 tsp. yeast;
  • 400 g flour 2 grades;
  • 1 tbsp. l. toasted seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flax

Cooking steps:

  1. Yeast, sugar, and salt are dissolved in warm liquid.
  2. Add flour, seeds and flax grains, oil.
  3. Mix everything with a silicone spatula.
  4. The dough turns out like a thick porridge, not hard.
  5. It is transferred to a greased multicooker bowl and leveled.
  6. Select the “Bread Maker” function so that the dough has time to rise.
  7. After 3 hours the bread is ready. The loaf is light on top, but that’s okay – it’s well baked inside. They immediately take it out and transfer it to a wire rack to cool.

White hearth bread

White bread recipe in the oven


  • 400 g flour;
  • 150 ml warm milk;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 7 g (1 tsp) dry yeast;
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  1. Yeast is dissolved in warm milk. Leave them for 15 minutes to rise.
  2. Sift the flour, add yeast starter, salt, oil and water.
  3. Knead the dough on the table for 5 - 10 minutes so that it does not stick to your hands.
  4. Place in a bowl greased with vegetable oil and place in a warm place for 1 hour. The dough should rise to more than double in size.
  5. Form round bread with gentle movements and place on a greased baking sheet for 30 minutes.
  6. Bake in a hot oven (200°C) until cooked, making cuts on top to allow steam to escape. To create an appetizing crust on the bread, you can place a small bowl of water on the bottom of the oven.
  7. Remove the finished loaf from the oven and cover with a towel - let it cool.

What does hearth bread mean in the diet? modern man? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. The abundance of foods has led to a decrease in its role in nutrition. However, it would be good to remember the good traditions of our ancestors, when bread in Rus' was the boss of everything.

Underneath is the “floor” of the oven, where the wood burns, and after it burns out, the bread is baked.

Hearth bread is bread baked without a mold on the oven floor. In the urban version - on a baking sheet or chamotte (a special stone for baking).

For four years I baked tin bread, and only buns from the hearth.

I was embarrassed by the fact that large rye (without adding wheat flour) hearth bread in the oven melted into a pancake and turned out unsightly.

But recently I have become a passionate fan of baking on a baking tray.


· When baking on a hearth, there are no problems with the bread over-resting, after which it falls off in the mold some time after being placed in the oven.

· You can bake large loaves. And the larger the bread, the tastier it is. Perhaps a controversial statement, but this is my taste.

· Large loaves can be decorated with different signs, which gives them additional artistic value.

· And in general, when you cook big bread, you experience a greater level of delight.

How to do it:

Dough for hearth bread need to knead thicker. So much so that after you place the dough piece on the baking sheet, it spreads, but not slowly. It’s too thick for it to stand up in a lump; there’s no need to knead it. In this case, in the oven the crust will either tear into shreds, or the bread will turn out too dense and lifeless.

· Rest the finished dough twice in a kneading bowl.

Rye dough sticks very strongly to the baking sheet. No amount of oiled tracing paper helps. You can roll the dough thickly in flour if you like to eat flour :-) You can use Teflon sheets.

There is no need to grease them with oil; the bread comes off well anyway. But ideal solution

I consider using maple leaves, cabbage, Chinese and regular lettuce.

True, Chinese salad and especially cabbage give off a strong cabbage flavor. But a regular salad is ideal: the smell of rye bread does not overwhelm, it is subtle and almost unnoticeable when eaten.

· So, prepare a non-stick coating - wash the lettuce leaves and line the baking sheet with them, including the walls. · We do not lower the dough that has risen the second time, but simply transfer it onto the lettuce leaves. Forming the required form

and smooth out wrinkles.

· Now let's get started with creativity - deeply apply various sacred signs and all sorts of squiggles with a wet finger. I used to put the letter E on all my breads. But now the letter E makes my eyes dazzle. Now my favorite sign is the eight-pointed Kolovrat, enclosed in a circle. And my son loves to place wavy lines. It turns out mysteriously chic!

· After applying the marks, let the dough calm down a little and put it in the oven. We spray the oven walls with spray so that at the first stage there is increased humidity in the chamber and the bread crust cracks less.

· Baking mode for bread weighing 2-3 kg: 30 minutes - 250 degrees, 30-45 minutes - 180 degrees.

· After this time, take out the bread and check its readiness - knock on the bottom crust. If the crust is hard and there is a drum sound, the bread is ready.

This is if you baked on regular lettuce leaves or maple leaves. If it is cabbage, the bottom crust will be soft and moist, there will be no drumming sound.

It is difficult to check the readiness of such bread; trust your intuition. Place the finished bread on a breathable surface, such as a wooden one cutting board

covered with fabric.

· Large hearth bread takes a long time to cool down. During this time it matures. It will be ready only the next day.

Good luck in your hearth baking!

Let us dwell on these points in more detail.

By proven recipe we mean a recipe that can be used to bake high-quality rye bread, with sufficient but not excessive acidity, elastic, not sticky and not too wet crumb, good porosity, pleasant taste and aroma, not stale or moldy for several days ( or even weeks!) at room temperature. And these are, first of all, those recipes that are used in bakeries and bakeries. In relation to Russian rye bread, these are Darnitsky, Stolovy, Obdirny, Borodinsky and many others, probably known to all compatriots.

And adherence to technology is compliance with such conditions that make it possible to achieve all the above qualities of bread, excuse the clumsy definition. Now let's move on to these very conditions.

1. Selecting a recipe. It’s best, in my opinion, to start by focusing on one, preferably simple, bread recipe that you want to see on your table every day and bake it regularly (at least 1-2 times a week) until until the result completely satisfies you and you can bake it, as they say, on autopilot. According to some of my friends, stable and good quality They were able to achieve homemade bread after about a month and a half of regular baking. Many people get edible, although not very beautiful, bread literally the first or second time. Then it will be possible to move on to more complex and delicious custard varieties - for example, Borodinsky.

In this post we're talking about about 100% rye bread, pan or hearth, so let’s consider the simplest bread made from peeled flour (Obdirny). Why him? Peeled rye flour is the most common on sale in Russia. Also, this bread does not contain any additives that improve the taste and aroma - sugar, molasses, malt and spices - only rye flour, sourdough, salt and water. Clean, “naked” rye bread, in which all the shortcomings are immediately visible - low-quality flour, poor leaven with insufficient or excessive acidity and lifting force, incorrectly calculated dough moisture content and inappropriate baking conditions, etc. At bakeries, rye bread is always baked with sourdough with the addition of industrial yeast to speed up fermentation and proofing of the dough. But in my opinion, it’s better to try to bake rye bread with pure sourdough (especially freshly raised) at least 1-2 times so that you can adequately assess its quality.

Recipe in baking %:

peeled rye flour - 100% (of which in sourdough - 50%)
salt - 1.8%
dry yeast (optional) - 0.1%
Instead of dry yeast, you can use compressed yeast – 0.3%
water - approximately 65-75% (depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Recipe for a loaf of 400g flour (ready bread weighs about 600g):

Traditional dough (3.5-4 hours at 28-30C):

rye sourdough on peeled flour 100% humidity, previously refreshed 1-2 times - 80g
peeled rye flour - 160g
warm water (45C) - 160g

The dough will grow 2-3 times in volume, become porous, and acquire a distinctly sour aroma and taste. If compressed yeast is used, you can immediately add it to the dough when kneading it (in this case you will need 1.5-2 g, a piece the size of a hazelnut).


dough - all
peeled rye flour - 200g
salt - 7g
dry yeast (I have Saf-Moment) - 0.4-0.5g (1/8 tsp)
warm water (40C) - 60g (add 1 tsp flour and activate yeast for 20 minutes)

Fermentation for 1.5 hours at 28-30C until the dough doubles in volume. Shaping, proofing completely (about 30-40 minutes in a warm place) on parchment or in a mold (if the dough is soft). Baking without steam at 250-280C for the first 5-10 minutes. , then reduce the temperature to 200-220C and bake for another 30-40 minutes. Brush with water before and after baking. Cut when completely cool.
UPD: In addition to traditional dough, the dough for this bread can be prepared in two more ways: unpaired and on long dough, see at the end of the post.

Below we will consider the technology of making bread in more detail.

2. Necessary tools:

Scales, preferably accurate to 1g (electronic)
- clock with timer or alarm
- thermometers for water and oven
- set of measuring spoons
- a baking scraper or a comfortable spatula, preferably metal or silicone
- large bowl or stable pan for kneading dough
- a warm place (28-30C) where you can put a pan of rye dough for fermentation (read below about how to organize it if the apartment is not a resort)

It is not necessary to take an expensive electronic thermometer with a temperature probe (although this is the most convenient option); you can buy an alcohol thermometer for water at the pharmacy (you can measure the air temperature in the room with it). Do not try to make rye dough “by eye”; if you lack experience, nothing really good will come of it.
As a last resort, if you don’t have a scale yet, but really want to bake, ask your friend who has a scale to carry out the “ laboratory work"- measure with glasses, as well as tablespoons and teaspoons, and weigh all the products necessary for your baking - flour, salt, sugar, yeast, etc. Please note that bulk density products are very different. Regarding life without instruments and definition approximate weight I will write a separate post about products without scales.

3. Good sourdough with high lifting force and acidity, capable of accumulating as much lactic acid in the dough and less acetic acid as possible and raising the dough in a short time.

To do this, you first need to develop a good starter spontaneous fermentation(according to Sarychev or on grapes according to N. Silverton) and it is imperative to derive on their basis production sourdough (produced according to GOST or Californian).

Before baking, sourdough that has been stored in the refrigerator must be re-preserved (run through the distributing cycle, if it is in accordance with GOST, or refresh California 2-3 times).

4. Thick and steep starters and sponges are preferable to liquid ones, and optimal temperature fermentation - 28-30C(up to 34C for liquid dough) so that as much as possible accumulates in the dough lactic acid and less vinegar. Based on California sourdough (it is liquid and ferments at room temperature), it is better to use thick, warm dough. The amount of flour that is added to the dough with sourdough ranges from 10-30% (for the straight method) to 50-70% flour (for the sponge method).

How to create the desired temperature for fermenting dough:

Preheat the oven for about a minute and leave the light on
- near the radiator or on the roof of the refrigerator at the back wall, cover the pan with a blanket or terry towel
- using an electric heating pad - set the temperature to minimum (45C), place a wire rack on top, and a pan on top of it, cover with a blanket or terry towel on top

5. When kneading dough and dough, you need very warm, almost hot (45-50C) water, the initial temperature of the dough can reach 40C (!) - at this temperature, the starch of rye flour is partially saccharified by the enzymes it contains and the taste of the bread improves. Monitor the water temperature with a thermometer to avoid accidentally overcooking the starter and flour.

6. Salt and leaven must be thoroughly dissolved in water When kneading dough, mix with flour quickly, but delicately(there is practically no gluten in rye flour, the dough is mixed only until smooth) - after intensive kneading, the rye dough spreads.

I don’t have specialized equipment for kneading dough at home, only a pastry mixer with spiral attachments, which is inconvenient for kneading rye dough. So I knead small amounts of dough (from 300-400g of flour) with a strong spoon in a large bowl, rubbing the dough along its walls, and if there is more dough (from 800-1000g of flour), then I take a large, stable pan and knead the dough with my fist, screwing in movements, I hold the pan with my left hand (I have the strength - no need for intelligence :)). The dough is very sticky, so you have to use a scraper to clean your hands and the sides of the bowl.

7. Determine the optimal moisture content of the dough for hearth bread it is quite difficult, the dough should be almost on the verge of spreading, but not spread too much during fermentation and proofing, then there will be good porosity in the finished bread, it will swell slightly in the oven, but will not spread into a flat cake. Do not try to form round, tall koloboks from pure rye dough; flat loaves are preferable - they retain their shape better in the oven. The optimal moisture content of the dough for hearth peeled bread is about 65-75%. For pan bread you still need to add about 10% water. Wallpaper rye flour absorbs more water (because it contains more bran), compared to peeled rye flour, and sifted flour, on the contrary, absorbs less. The moisture capacity of flour fluctuates and depends on many factors - grinding, air humidity, etc. In winter, the same flour can absorb 10% more water than in summer.
If you are not sure that the dough has the correct consistency or you see that it is too soft and during fermentation or proofing it clearly spreads into a flat cake, bake in a pan. I in no way think that pan bread is in any way worse than hearth bread, I just like round loaves :).

8. During fermentation and proofing of the dough, you should not rush, let the dough rise (the volume will increase up to 2-3 times, the dough will be covered with bubbles and cracks). When kneading, immediately give the dough a round shape with wet hands on a wet table and place it in a clean, oiled bowl (cover with a lid to prevent it from airing) so that the fermented dough can be removed from it without bruising too much.

9. The ripe dough should be molded carefully, with wet hands on a wet table (preferably wearing medical gloves), trying not to crush too much. Leave to rest on parchment (high-quality so that the bread does not stick during baking), cover with a bowl to prevent it from airing, and stroke the workpiece with wet hands every 10-15 minutes. If the quality of the parchment is in doubt, grease it with vegetable oil, or better yet, non-stick cream or lard and sprinkle with a thin layer of rye flour. The bread will rise to double in size and begin to develop cracks and bubbles. Before baking, smooth the workpiece again with wet hands or grease it with flour, and prick it through the entire surface with a wooden stick to reduce cracking.

For detailed and high-quality, beautifully illustrated recipes for rye bread and principles of working with rye dough, see also this blog.

The dough for pan bread should also be formed with wet hands on a wet table into a ball (for a round shape) or into a log (for a brick shape) and then placed to proof in a pan greased with non-stick cream, vegetable oil or lard. Because The dough for pan bread is usually made of a softer consistency, so it spreads out faster, also doubling in volume. As soon as bubbles begin to open on the top, the workpiece must be greased with water or flour and immediately placed in a hot oven.

10. While the bread is rising, you need to heat the oven. In the first 5-10 minutes of baking, rye bread needs a very high temperature, at least 250C, and preferably 300C. This is necessary to form a strong crust and maintain its shape without cracking. Next, you need to reduce the heat and finish baking the bread at 180C (rye bread tastes better if it is baked at a lower temperature, but longer). Be sure to use a baking stone or its substitutes (a thick cast iron pan or pan, a heat-resistant glass dish, ceramic dishes, a durable baking sheet lined with unglazed ceramic tiles, etc.). Use a thermometer to control the temperature in the oven. The oven can preheat from 30-40 minutes to an hour.

11. A few minutes before the end of baking, grease the bread. hot water or starch jelly for shine. Turn off the oven, leave the bread for another 10-15 minutes, wrap it in a damp towel (take the tin bread out of the mold first :)) and put it in the hot oven on a wire rack to cool very slowly. If the parchment does stick to the bottom of the bread, do not tear it off so as not to damage the crust, wrap the bread in a damp towel along with the parchment and leave for half an hour - during this time the parchment will become wet and can be carefully removed.

12. Bread should be cut no earlier than 8-12 hours after baking. so that the crumb does not stick together. When storing rye bread, the acidity may increase, this effect is more pronounced in large loaves.

UPD: The dough for this bread can be prepared in two more ways - straight and long-dough.

Unleavened (20% flour in sourdough):

peeled rye flour – 320g
sourdough, pre-refreshed, 100% humidity – 160g
salt – 7g
dry yeast Saf-Moment (optional) – 0.5g, (1/8 tsp)
or compressed yeast – 1.5g (a piece the size of a hazelnut)
very warm water, 45C – 180-220g (for dough 65-75% humidity, depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Pre-activate the yeast for 20 minutes. in a small amount of warm water with a spoonful of flour, then knead the dough as described above. Fermentation - 3.5-4 hours at 30C, the dough will double in volume, become porous and distinctly sour in taste and aroma. Next, molding, proofing and baking as described above.

On a long dough:

Dough (60% flour, 10-12 hours at 28-30C):

peeled rye flour – 230g
sourdough, pre-refreshed, 100% humidity – 20g
salt – 7g
very warm water, 45C – 230g


dough - whole
peeled rye flour – 160g
warm water, 45C – 12-62g (for dough 65-75% humidity, depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Since the dough contains 60% flour, you don’t have to add yeast to the dough at all; fermentation and proofing in the heat will happen very quickly. Fermentation – 50-60 minutes, until the volume doubles, proofing – 30-45 minutes. Bake as described above.

I hope that these materials will be able to clarify the features of baking bread from rye flour without mixing wheat, for those who would like to bake it, but are afraid of difficulties and pitfalls.

Among baked goods, hearth bread occupies a special place. This product is named based on the peculiarities of its baking: the fact is that, unlike pan bread, which is baked exclusively in a baking dish, hearth bread was baked on the floor of the oven, otherwise referred to as “under”. To bake hearth bread, the oven floor must be heated to a temperature of two hundred degrees. To do this, a sufficient amount of wood was burned in the oven, after which the ash was removed and the bread was placed there. The shape of the furnace roof has great importance, since the low and rounded roof of the oven ensures a circular circulation of steam during the first stage of baking, which allows the bread to fry inside.

It is believed that the lower the oven vault, the better the bread will be baked, so special ovens with a low vault and a ceramic or iron hearth were used to bake hearth bread. When baking hearth bread at home, some housewives use a pizza baking stone.

Hearth bread is a very healthy product for the body. It contains macroelements such as magnesium, sodium, sulfur and phosphorus, as well as a number of microelements such as iron, copper, zinc and manganese. Hearth bread is rich in antioxidants, which means it has a positive effect on the skin, helps strengthen bones and normalizes the digestion process. In addition, hearth bread normalizes blood glucose levels and promotes the restoration of nerve cells.

Before placing hearth bread in the oven, pieces made from wheat flour should be cut, and those made from wheat-rye or rye flour should be pricked. This is done so that excess air can freely leave the loaf without inflating it or tearing the crust of the bread. Check the readiness of the bread using a torch. A loaf of bread is pierced with a torch and if traces of dough remain on it, it means that the bread is not ready yet, and a dry torch indicates the readiness of the bread.

Making hearth bread is possible with or without dough. In the old days, to give hearth bread a specific aroma, oak or cabbage leaves were placed on the floor of the oven before placing the bread there. The main difference between hearth bread and tin bread is that hearth bread contains less moisture than tin bread, therefore, the caloric content and nutritional value of hearth bread is higher, the loaf is denser, and the shelf life of such bread is longer.

The following traditional varieties can be classified as hearth products: sliced, Moscow Region, Stolichny, Riga, etc.

A modern oven is convenient for pastry shops, pizzerias, shopping centers - you can bake both on a hearth (a special composite material) and on sheets.

  1. Pod made of composite heat-resistant material
  2. Steam generator
  3. Wheels with brakes
  4. Rack or proofer with adjustable temperature and humidity
  5. Exhaust hood made of stainless material (forced exhaust possible)


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