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A diet rich in calcium. Which food contains calcium? Complete List of Calcium Products

Calcium is essential for people of all ages. With its lack, metabolism is disturbed, bones, nails and hair suffer. Calcium deficiency will certainly affect the person's appearance and general well-being. Fragility of bones, loss of teeth and hair, brittle nails and developmental delay are observed in people who lack calcium in the body. What foods contain the most calcium? The magazine site will help you find out which foods contain a large amount of calcium and what is needed in order for this element to be better absorbed by the body.

The body's need for calcium

An adult needs about 1000 mg of calcium per day. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, this amount should be almost doubled. People who engage in intense physical activity and are under stress also need to consume slightly more calcium - about 1200 mg per day. In order to meet the daily requirement of the element, you need to know what the calcium contains.

Calcium enters our body through water, which contains calcium salts. Foods that we consume daily are also rich in calcium. Where is calcium contained, what foods are common enough questions that interest people who care about their health. Everyone should be familiar with foods high in calcium in order to revise their diet and make changes to it that will help strengthen the body.

Foods high in calcium. Factors affecting the absorption of the mineral

In order for calcium to be well absorbed by the body, an acidic environment is required. That is why calcium is most well absorbed from acidic vegetables and fruits. Fatty acids have a positive effect on calcium absorption. However, it is worth knowing that excess fat negatively affects the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is also needed to assimilate calcium. In all tables of calcium content in food, you can see that dairy products and vegetables take the first places.

Lack of magnesium and phosphorus negatively affects the absorption of calcium. You can get these elements by adding seafood, bread and beans to your diet. Foods such as eggs and beef liver promote better calcium absorption. The calcium content of dairy products is high and highly absorbable.

What foods are high in calcium?

  • Milk products... Calcium is found in foods that we eat every day, but some of them are the richest in this element. For a long time, dairy products have been considered the best source of calcium. In fact, not only dairy foods contain calcium - vegetables and fruits also contain it. However, the best sources of calcium are still cottage cheese, kefir and milk. It is quite simple to explain this - these products are most well absorbed by the body. This is due to lactose, which creates a milky environment. The leader in calcium content is cheese.
  • Vegetables... High amounts of calcium are found in spinach and kale. With a lack of calcium, you should eat all types of cabbage. Legumes, parsley and onions are as good as dairy products in terms of calcium. Radishes, beets, and carrots are also high in nutrients. Foods containing a large amount of calcium are best consumed fresh, since all the beneficial elements are preserved.
  • Nuts... The list of foods containing calcium includes nuts. They also contain a large amount of fatty acids and B vitamins. This promotes better absorption of calcium. Almonds contain a lot of calcium.
  • Seeds... The list of foods that contain calcium includes poppy seeds and sesame seeds. They can be used to make milk or simply add to food.
  • Porridge... Calcium is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and semolina. Such foods containing calcium are well absorbed by the body and help to improve digestion. That is why it is advisable to use porridge every day.
  • Fruits... If you are wondering which plant foods contain calcium, then you can safely choose all fruits. Most of the calcium is found in oranges, grapes, plums and bananas.
  • Seafood... Calcium is found in herring, cod, shrimp, tuna and salmon. Fish cannot be called a product with the highest calcium content, but due to its valuable vitamin composition, which ensures good absorption of elements, it should be present in the diet.
  • Condiments and spices... Surprisingly enough, calcium is found in many herbs and spices. Basil, rosemary, garlic and thyme are especially rich in calcium. With the help of seasonings and spices, you can not only improve the taste of a dish, but also enrich it with useful microelements.

Many manufacturers enrich their products with calcium. If you do not know which foods contain calcium, then carefully study the composition on the packaging of the products you purchase. Calcium is found in many instant cereals, juices, and breakfast cereals.

Calcium is an essential trace mineral for the health of the human body. It participates in the work of the nervous and cardiac systems, regulates protein synthesis and strengthens bone tissue. This is why it is so important to consume foods containing calcium on a daily basis. You will learn about where this useful trace element is most of all from the article.

We have heard about the benefits of calcium (Ca) from early childhood. Mothers and grandmothers intensively feed the children with cottage cheese, motivating it like this: “ To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful". Indeed, their words are undoubtedly true, since first of all, calcium is deposited in teeth and bones, and cottage cheese is a good source of trace elements. With a lack of Ca in children and adults, serious health problems can begin.

So, you need to regularly consume cottage cheese - it's true. But what to do if you can't stand a fermented milk dish? What foods contain calcium? Let's figure it out.

The list of record-breaking foods for calcium content looks like this:

Sesame and poppy

You will be surprised, however, the calcium content in small grains is much higher than in cottage cheese. For example, in 100 g of sesame seeds you will find 975 mg of Ca, and in the same amount of maca the trace element is even more - 1500 mg.

However, it should be remembered that only unrefined sesame seeds contain a lot of calcium, so purchase just such a product. And so that the body absorbs the maximum amount of calcium, soak the seeds in cold water for 20 minutes and consume on an empty stomach, chewing thoroughly.

Poppy seeds are best eaten raw.

Milk products

Milk, sour cream, kefir, white yogurt without additives are excellent sources of calcium. They also include hard cheese: in 100 g, the trace element content reaches 1000 mg.

There is one more undoubted plus of these products: their composition is so harmonious that calcium is absorbed quickly enough. Therefore, it is very important to regularly buy and consume dairy products.


There is a lot of controversy about soybeans: some consider this product harmful, while others argue that it is very useful. However, the legumes are high in protein and calcium. In addition, as in the case of dairy products, this trace element from soy is absorbed by the body very easily.

Most of the calcium is in tofu cheese - about 350 mg per 100 g of the product.


Do you want to forget about calcium deficiency? Then eat 100 g of nuts a day. Walnuts, woods, cashews and pistachios will do. And most of all the trace element is found in almonds.

However, remember that nuts are extremely healthy, but very high in calories. Therefore, do not get carried away: everything is good in moderation.

Whole grain flour

Looking for calcium in foods? Pay attention to the wheat. However, not all products made from this grain are healthy. For example, you will not find calcium in flour, but in the bran, the trace element content is quite high. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly consume foods that contain whole grain flour.


If you like to eat all dishes with herbs, most likely, you will not face hypocalcemia.

Plants contain a fairly large amount of a useful trace element. Therefore, add lettuce, basil and parsley to your diet. Also eat dandelion leaves in the spring.


This vegetable of any variety contains a fairly large amount of calcium - about 200 mg. So eat broccoli regularly, as well as cabbage, Chinese cabbage, or cauliflower.

A pleasant bonus: calcium does not disappear during heat treatment, so eating a vegetable is useful not only raw.

White beans

100 g of beans contains 200 mg of calcium. Therefore, if you were still indifferent to legumes, change your mind, especially since many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from beans.

In addition to the above products, it is useful to use sardines, oranges, dried figs, pumpkin seeds, bananas and tuna: the calcium content in them is not a record, but the trace element is perfectly absorbed.

A person needs to consume about 1000 mg of calcium per day. This figure drops slightly for children under 8 years old: they need 800 mg. But for pregnant and lactating mothers, the dose of calcium should be increased to 1500 mg per day.

To make calcium easily digestible, include foods rich in phosphorus and magnesium in your food: fish, beef liver, cocoa, eggs, buckwheat. Also, walk in the sun often, naturally getting vitamin D3, which is also necessary for the synthesis of a trace element.

You have learned where to find calcium for children and adults. All that remains is to create a balanced menu and start eating right.

Many people think that calcium is important to take exclusively in childhood. Indeed, we tell kids what product contains calcium, focusing on the fact that the skeleton, spine and bones are being formed right now. However, as a person grows up, calcium does not lose its essential importance for the functioning of all organs and systems. Thanks to him, we have strong teeth and dense nails, calcium participates in complex biochemical reactions, provides and regulates the activity of enzymes. Calcium's track record does not end there, but it contributes to muscle contraction and relaxation and nerve impulse transmission. For an elderly person, the concept of osteoporosis is very familiar, when calcium ceases to be absorbed by the body, bones become brittle and fragile. That is, the body needs this element throughout its life. Let's take a look at which product contains calcium and how to use them correctly.

Plant-based sources of calcium

Despite the fact that for many calcium is associated with milk, most of it is found in plant foods. This means that vegetarians are not so wrong with the choice of the most important foods for nutrition. Legumes are in the lead among them - these are beans and soybeans, peas and lentils. Many people dislike them because of the increased gas production in the intestines, but nutritionists advise you to eat them a little at least several times a week. An additional source of this important element can be poppy seeds, sesame seeds or almonds, but due to their high calorie content, they cannot be the basis of nutrition. If you are looking for a food that contains calcium, but do not tolerate legumes, then look at the following food group.

Vegetables and fruits: an invaluable store of health

Honey is rich in calcium, so do not bypass this beekeeping product. From the gifts of our garden, pay the most attention to apples, gooseberries and strawberries, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries and peaches, grapes, currants, pineapples and blackberries. It is very easy for a child to explain which product contains calcium, it is enough to take it out to the country for the whole summer. Despite the fact that the calcium content in vegetables and fruits is not too high, thanks to vitamins and trace elements, it is very easily absorbed. A big plus is that we can consume these foods in large quantities. Parsley, cabbage, watercress, rose hips contain at least 200 mg per 100 g of product. Any greens, young nettles and seaweed will be a useful source. Eating natural products, it is impossible to overdose vitamins and minerals, but artificially mineralized water should be used carefully. When you visit a supermarket, you can yourself track which product contains calcium, the composition will necessarily indicate its content.

Milk and dairy products

Cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese, kefir are the most important sources of nutrients. If a person is allergic to lactose, he will look for what foods contain calcium, except for dairy products, in all other cases they should be eaten as often as possible. Moreover, milk is not the richest source. It is much more correct to use cottage cheese in food, the calcium content in it is much higher. A separate topic is women who follow a diet. The process of losing weight does not in any way replace the body's need for calcium. Today, a line of low-fat dairy products is presented on the market. These are milk, kefir and cottage cheese, there are also cheeses with a low fat content, and the amount of calcium in them remains unchanged.

Protein foods

We continue the conversation about which foods contain calcium. The list is supplemented by sources of protein irreplaceable for our body, these are meat and fish, eggs. Various weight loss programs are in vogue today and people are trying to consume less animal products. This is only partly correct: fatty beef is really not suitable for daily consumption, but chicken breast provides 50 mg of calcium for every 100 g of product. Moreover, the calorie content of this product is very low.

Diet for pregnant women

Substances that interfere with calcium absorption

Almost all products contain this element. However, we must remember that excess salt completely blocks the absorption of magnesium and calcium. In turn, caffeine severely impairs the absorption of vitamin D3. As you already know, cereals and breads contain phytin, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. On this basis, sandwiches cannot be counted as cheese and breads are best consumed separately. Porridge with milk also does not contribute to the full absorption of all nutrients, so it is better to cook cereals in water.

Let's sum up

Finally, we will additionally tell you about where calcium is. We have already noted which products contain it the most, now we will list additional sources. These are powdered milk and cream, processed cheese and condensed milk. Walnuts and hazelnuts, a treat like ice cream, are high in calcium. Drinks include tea and coffee beans, cocoa powder. Do not forget about canned food in oil, raisins, garlic, carrots and beets. The following will appeal to lovers of delicacies: it turns out that mushrooms, sausages and sausages contain calcium. All vegetables and fruits, berries, including watermelons and melons, also contain small amounts of this element. Thus, with the right approach, there are no problems with a lack of calcium, almost every product that can be attributed to a healthy diet contains one or another amount of it.

An increase in calcium intake is recommended if there are signs of calcium deficiency. Symptoms of calcium deficiency are frequent fractures and deformities of bones, stunted growth in children, pain and muscle spasms, tingling, and of course, swelling in the legs or arms. There are many good natural sources of calcium. Everyone knows what is rich for them, for example, milk. However, in addition to this product, there are certain fruits and vegetables that also contain high amounts of calcium. These calcium-based food sources can also help you prevent deficiency symptoms.

Calcium-rich fruits

Many fruits contain high doses of calcium, with berries at the top of this list. To increase your intake of this element, you can include any of the fruits listed below with every meal. Similarly, you can add berries and almonds to porridge. A fruit salad made from orange, berries, apples and bananas is very tasty. Another option is to make a fruit smoothie with milk. So, here are these fruits:

  • mulberry;
  • rhubarb;
  • hibiscus;
  • apples;
  • almond;
  • banana;
  • avocado;
  • acai berries;
  • goji berries;
  • oranges;
  • grenades;
  • prickly pear;
  • kumquats;
  • tamarind;
  • blackberry;
  • black currant;
  • dates;
  • grapefruits.

Calcium-rich vegetables

Here is a list of calcium-rich vegetables. You can fry them, grill or steam them, bake them in the oven, boil them, or you can add them to salads and enjoy them raw and fresh. They are also great for vegetable soups. To make a very calcium-rich salad, combine chopped vegetables and fruits from both lists in a bowl, and use yogurt as a dressing. Vegetables high in calcium:

  • okra;
  • parsnip;
  • amaranth leaves;
  • bok choy;
  • brussels sprouts;
  • pumpkin butternut;
  • celery;
  • beans;
  • mustard spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • garlic;
  • spinach;
  • ginger;
  • kale;
  • turnip;
  • green soybeans;
  • spirulina;
  • swiss chard;
  • chinese broccoli.

Other non-calcium-poor foods

Yogurt is rich in calcium, so it is recommended to include it in your diet as well. You can eat it with fresh fruit or herbs, or use it as a snack. Sardines are also of course considered an excellent source of calcium, so eat them once a week. The same goes for sesame seeds, goat and cow milk, mozzarella and molasses. Other good suppliers of this element are oats, durum wheat, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cheddar and cream cheese, eggs, caviar, pollock, skim cream, and perch.

So, eat the listed fruits and vegetables and other calcium-rich foods that can provide you with enough calcium. If he does not get enough calcium, he will begin to take it from the bones, which will make them weak and prone to fractures.

  • children from one to three years old are required to consume 500 mg of this element;
  • four to eight year olds need 800 mg;
  • children 9-8 years old need 1300 mg;
  • adults under fifty years of age - 1000 mg;
  • elderly people who are more than fifty-one - 1200 mg.

It is very important to follow these guidelines. Excessive consumption can lead to an increase in blood calcium levels, called hypercalcemia. If the blood is low in phosphorus and too much calcium, this can lead to calcification of soft tissues, which is characterized by an excessive accumulation of this mineral not only in bones, but also in other cells of the body.


And also blood clotting, the work of the nervous system and vascular conductivity.

The problem is that our diets are often unbalanced and we don't always get the 1,000 mg daily, which is the RDA.

For children, whose growing body consumes the largest amount of this trace element, the figure is not much lower and amounts to 800 mg.

In adolescents and the elderly, the calcium intake rate rises to 1200.

In this article, we have prepared a table of the main foods, which contain the most calcium, and tips for its proper absorption.

Which foods contain the most calcium - a list of the best

And immediately the good news - in our refrigerator, there is almost always a sufficient amount of products with this trace element.

It remains only to follow the consumption rate and remember that 99% accumulate bones, , nails, hair.

The share of blood, intercellular fluid and muscles accounts for only 1%.

The largest amount of calcium contains:

  1. Milk and dairy products
  2. Greens and vegetables
  3. Nuts and seeds
  4. Cereals and legumes
  5. Berries and fruits, including dried

Sesame seed tahini


Record holders for calcium content. Chief among them are poppy seeds and sesame seeds, as well as tahini paste, prepared on the basis of the latter.

Especially often or it is used as an independent dish in the countries of the East.

  1. Poppy - 1460 mg calcium
  2. Sesame - 600-900 mg

Milk products

They are the main source of calcium, since we regularly consume large quantities of milk, kefir, cheese, , cottage cheese and their other derivatives.

And one more good news: you don't have to buy high-fat milk to get this micronutrient.

Low-fat or completely low-fat calcium is also sufficient. Such a trace element is easily absorbed and, thanks to lactose, is transformed into lactic acid.

Dairy products indispensable for children and adults

Here is a list of which dairy products contain the most calcium:

  1. Low-fat milk powder - 1155
  2. Emmental type cheeses - 970
  3. Processed cheese - 760
  4. Cheddar and Gouda cheeses - 730 rub.
  5. Powdered cream - 700
  6. Brynza - 515
  7. Condensed milk - 307
  8. Sheep's milk - 170
  9. Cow, goat milk - 120-148
  10. Fatty kefir - 120
  11. Yoghurts - 110-120
  12. Sour milk - 117
  13. Cream 10% - 90
  14. Sour cream 30% - 85
  15. Curd - 80

Vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs

All these products form the basis of our , because, along with calcium, they contain an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals that accelerate the absorption of this useful element.

Pesto sauce can be considered an ideal source of calcium
  1. Young nettle greens - 713
  2. Basil Leaves - 370
  3. Rosehip fruits - 257
  4. Ground part of parsley - 245
  5. Watercress, or sowing bug - 213
  6. Cabbage and Savoy cabbage - 210 rub.
  7. Apricot - 170
  8. Dill - 124
  9. Asparagus - 105 rub.
  10. Spinach - 104
  11. Onion feathers - 100
  12. Olives - 96
  13. Dried grapes - 81
  14. Celery - 68
  15. Garlic - 55
  16. Figs - 54
  17. Raspberries - 40
  18. Lettuce - 36
  19. Radish - 35
  20. Carrots - 34
  21. Mandarins - 31
  22. Wild strawberry - 26
  23. Dates - 21
  24. Pineapple - 16
  25. Cucumber - 14

Tip: In addition to young nettles, Italian pesto is an ideal source of calcium, as it consists of a large amount of fresh basil, pine nuts, cheese, and olive oil.

Eat a little tasty and healthy nuts


  1. Forest - 255
  2. Nutmeg - 248
  3. Almond - 247
  4. Greek - 124
  5. Pistachios - 124
  6. Peanuts - 69

Cereals and legumes

We talked about the usefulness of cereals separately. ... Now we once again focus on the fact that many of them contain a tangible part of the daily value of the building material of our beauty and health.

Which legumes and cereals contain a lot of calcium:

  1. Wheat groats - 248
  2. Chickpea - 192
  3. Mash - 191
  4. Beans, including asparagus - 70-150
  5. Peas - 89
  6. Oatmeal - 50
  7. Rice - 33
  8. Buckwheat - 21

Tip: excellent sources of calcium soybeans - 201 mg of the element for every 100 g of weight, whey protein - 200 mg, amaranth cereal - 117 mg.

Experiment with flavors: healthy and unusual amaranth

Calcium, which foods contain the most - table

Just print this handy compact decal and hang it on your refrigerator.

This will make it easier for you to monitor your daily diet and its content of an important trace element for health.

Basic foods with calcium

Causes of calcium deficiency

The main condition for good absorption of calcium by our body is sufficient .

Accordingly, the habit of sitting in front of the monitor or eating in front of the TV does not contribute to this.

On the other hand, too frequent visits to saunas or baths lead to a lack of minerals - calcium is mostly excreted in sweat and urine.

This process is stimulated by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal dysbiosis, , , pancreas, vitamin D deficiency and long-term abuse of diuretics.

And the fact that smoking turns out to be such a nuisance, , salt and the wrong diet, once again not even worth talking about.

As always, we do not forget to remind: in order for all systems in the body to work harmoniously and we receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, we need to eat not only tasty, but also full, balanced, and diverse.

A little bit of everything is the main guarantee of success.

Determining the lack of calcium is not difficult

Signs of insufficient calcium

It is worth thinking about consuming a large amount of a trace element if:

  1. You have dry, lifeless skin, brittle hair, and nail problems
  2. The condition of the teeth sharply worsened, they began to crumble and seem to wear off
  3. Other dental problems are actively developing (stomatitis, bad breath, plaque on the tongue)
  4. You are constantly nervous and struggling with feelings of anxiety.
  5. You started having seizures at night
  6. You get tired quickly
  7. You know very well what regular constipation and stool disorders are.
  8. You have trembling limbs, posture has changed
  9. You constantly want to eat strange things like chalk.

All this suggests that it is time to take care of health and pass the appropriate tests.

It will be enough for someone , someone will need to eat a trace element in the form of tablets or the use of specially fortified foods, which contain the most calcium.

Based on the diagnostic results, the attending physician will explain this to you.

Do not prescribe pills to yourself without a doctor

Why not self-medicate and drink calcium without a doctor's prescription?

Because too much of it is not good either.It increases the excitability of the nervous system and dehydrates connective tissue cells, impairing their work.

It also stimulates the development of urolithiasis, the deposition of salts and uric acid (long live gout).

Advice: a higher intake of an element up to 1400 mg per day is indicated for women, because at this time the body of the future mother works for two.

What interferes with calcium absorption

By itself, this trace element is good and important, but it will be poorly absorbed by the body if:

  1. You have a lack of amino acids, proteins, vitamins A, E, D, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, copper and other trace elements
  2. You do not drink enough water (we remind you of the obligatory 1.5 liters per day)
  3. You rarely eat raw vegetables and fruits - calcium from cooked food is perceived worse

Treat your body with love, and it will reciprocate you

Here we add , taking diuretics, abuse of animal proteins, unhealthy food, .

As you can see, in order to keep the body normal, in general, it is enough not to be nervous, eat properly and variedly, play sports and not postpone health problems indefinitely - you still have to open it.

Tip: Another important element on which our well-being depends is potassium. What is its norm and where to find it, read .

To find out a lot of interesting information about calcium and which foods it contains the most, watch this useful video:



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