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Hypnosis techniques practical training. Can an ordinary person master the art of hypnosis? How to learn hypnosis at home quickly

If you want to know how to learn hypnosis and master the science of putting a person into trance, get ready for a lot of training. It is almost impossible to master this skill on the first try. But there are many exercises that can lead you to the desired result.

Hypnosis is special way impact on the human psyche, which involves turning off consciousness and immersion in a complete trance. When consciousness is clouded, you can influence the work of the subconscious - that part of the psyche that is impossible to control on your own.

Therefore, hypnosis helps to get rid of addictions, cure depression, get rid of complexes and limiting attitudes that prevent a person from living. Hypnosis also helps to place certain programs in the subconscious, according to which a person will act in later life.

We'll talk about how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Perhaps with the help of exercises you will be able to master this difficult science. Don't expect instant results and be prepared that it won't happen right away.

How to master hypnosis: exercises

If you are determined to master hypnosis, you need to know the following:

  • Remember that the person you try to put into a trance will be in a very dangerous state. If you fail to bring him out of this trance correctly, his psyche will suffer.
  • Before training, thoroughly study the theory of hypnotherapy. It is worth reading the works of famous psychotherapists in order to understand what hypnosis is, how it is useful and how it is dangerous, what problems it helps solve and which it will only worsen.
  • Not all people have hypnotic abilities. Be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed at all, because you have no innate talent.
  • During training and hypnosis sessions you need to be confident, focused and extremely attentive.
  • Remember that a person who is addicted to something is a bad hypnotist. If you smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, are addicted to coffee or something else, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​mastering hypnosis.

Training your magnetic gaze

The main weapon of a hypnotist is his gaze. The technique of a hypnotizing gaze can be mastered with the help of special exercises.

What you need to know:

  • Concentrate and abstract from extraneous thoughts. You must learn to look at one point for a long time, without thinking about anything at all. It is not simple. Practice in front of a mirror or with an “experimental” person. When you learn to look into his eyes for a long time without a single thought, the exercise has been mastered. Advice: to prevent your eyes from “running,” look strictly into the pupil of your right eye.
  • After you learn to concentrate, practice conveying a thought with your gaze. Focus on one mental message and try to convey it with your gaze to another person. For example, say to yourself: “Get up and walk around the room.” If a person guesses what you want from him, the exercise has been mastered.

The training should proceed as follows:

  1. The person being tested must be placed on a couch. And you should position yourself as comfortably as possible above his head so that you can look him in the eye.
  2. The room for the session should be quiet - no extraneous sounds, movements, or pets.
  3. The subject will subconsciously resist penetration into his consciousness. Therefore, the first training sessions can be very long - be prepared for this.
  4. Success can be considered the moment when, under the influence of your gaze, a person can fall asleep, relax, and plunge into a detached state.

This is the simplest exercise with which you can learn hypnosis on your own.

Drawing a circle

After you have mastered the previous exercise, you can begin more complex workouts.

Special objects will be used to help put the subject into a trance:

  • Pendulum. This could be a metal object dangling from a thread or thin rope. The monotonous movements of the pendulum will help to quickly plunge a person into a trance. It is important that the subject, without looking up, follows the pendulum, is relaxed and does not think about anything.
  • A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be secured in such a way that the subject can continuously look at the center of this circle. During the session, he should also imagine how rays come out of his eyes, which close in the center of the circle.

When using these items, it is important to agree with the subject that you will have a certain signal, after which he will come out of the trance. For example, snapping your fingers or clapping.

The exercise goes something like this:

  1. You put the person on the couch and talk to him for a while in a quiet, calm voice. Make sure he is completely relaxed.
  2. Then say that as soon as you clap your hands, he will wake up and do what you order in a state of hypnosis.
  3. Start swinging the pendulum in front of the subject's face. He must follow the movements without taking his eyes off. Gradually his eyelids will begin to get heavy, he will close his eyes and fall into a hypnotic state.
  4. At this time you can say a simple program, which the subject will have to perform after exiting the trance. But first make sure that he is unconscious - ask: “Can you hear me?” If there is no response, everything is fine.
  5. Say a simple command. For example: “When you hear a bang, you wake up, get up and open the window.” Say three or four times.
  6. Make the agreed signal - clap your hands.
  7. We are waiting to see what the awakened person will do. If he gets up and opens the window, the exercise was successful.

With each training session you can make the tasks more difficult.

Watch a video about hypnosis and how to learn to hypnotize people:

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, the following tips will help you:

  • Go to a session with a good hypnotherapist. Watch a specialist to understand how he works.
  • Study the theory - the works of psychotherapists on hypnosis will help you better understand the topic.
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices to get closer to a state of awareness and learn to control your unconscious.
  • Look for hypnosis courses in your city - professional training will give you where to best result than independent attempts.

Believe in yourself, train hard, and you will succeed!

Hypnosis is a method of influencing a person’s subconscious, putting him into deep sleep and completely turning off the mind. The technique of hypnosis allows you to put a person into a state in which he is especially susceptible to suggestion. Hypnosis is used to subjugate a person's will or help get rid of mental disorders - this goal is often pursued in psychotherapy sessions. People who want to influence the actions of others, change their behavior, free them from bad habits.

Hypnosis is based on a hidden effect on the human subconscious. Through special techniques, the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic and analysis, is reduced, and the right hemisphere, associated with the perception of emotions and imaginative thinking, is influenced.

With the help of special words and actions performed in the right order, a person is immersed in an altered state - trance, when consciousness turns off. While the patient is in a trance, the hypnotist sets verbal instructions that act on the subconscious - that part of the psyche that we do not control.

After being released from hypnosis, the person will not remember what he heard during the session. But if the hypnotist has done everything correctly, the patient will begin to act as he was told while in trance.

Required Character Traits

Some people from birth know how to hypnotize people and convince them. They may not even learn this specifically, they just feel how to control others on a subconscious level.

The rest need to develop certain qualities in themselves in order to achieve heights in this area:

  • reserved character;
  • self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • be able to concentrate;
  • self-control.

The hypnotist should be seen as a leader, they should look up to him and absorb his every word. Even skeptics can be influenced by a confident hypnotist with a strong character.

Features of gypsy hypnosis

Gypsies have a special type of hypnosis. To turn off the work of the left hemisphere of the interlocutor’s brain, they use special techniques - distraction and overload of consciousness. Gypsies create a lot of noise, surround a person from all sides, at the same time quickly talk, sing, dance, thus putting him in a state of stress.

This can cause the victim to fall into a stupor and stop reacting critically to what is happening. An excess of audiovisual information leads to a narrowing of the active field of attention - it becomes more difficult to concentrate and notice details.

“Gypsy hypnosis” is a type of criminal hypnosis.

Another technique - the use of the shock method - most often consists of breaking the template. People are accustomed to social interactions being subject to rules. If you violate them, do or say something unexpected, a person will instantly find himself in a stupor for several seconds. Often, in order to shock their interlocutor, gypsies resort to fortune telling and report that they see imminent death, love or wealth.
While the victim remains in a state of foggy consciousness caused by the actions of the gypsies, various instructions are instilled in her - for example, to be allowed into the house or to give something away.

Correct verbal attitudes and nonverbal behavior

For hypnosis to work, you must pronounce the installation words correctly. It matters not only what the hypnotist says, but also how he says it. Non-verbal communication plays a major role in dulling the functioning of the left hemisphere.

Rhythmic, repeated movements contribute to immersion in a trance state:

  1. To introduce hypnosis, it is important to pronounce all remarks calmly, in a monotonous, low voice.
  2. The hypnotist's gestures should be smooth.
  3. Pronounced settings should be clear and concise and not contain ambiguous meanings.
  4. Affirmative sentences should be used, without the “not” particles.

Inducing a person into a state of hypnosis can be done in various ways.

Introduction to Trance

There are several ways to achieve a trance state.

  1. Adjustment method consists in the fact that the hypnotist begins to repeat movements and words after the client. Changes posture after the person, adopts his vocabulary and even adapts to the rhythm of breathing. These actions must be performed discreetly so that the client does not get the impression that he is being deliberately copied. When the adjustment is complete, the hypnotist is able to control the movements and emotional state interlocutor. By gradually relaxing the client, you can achieve immersion in a trance.
  2. Anchoring is the use of an object, symbol, movement or word that triggers some kind of reaction in a person. Auditory, visual or kinesthetic signals can act as anchors. The appearance of an anchor at the right moment allows you to direct a person’s behavior in the desired direction.
  3. Break pattern produced by overloading consciousness. The hypnotist begins to send too many signals to the client, more than he can process. human consciousness. As a result, the interlocutor becomes confused and becomes especially susceptible to suggestion.
  4. Natural trance method puts a person into an unconscious state by simulating a situation in which he would like to find himself. The hypnotist describes in detail a pleasant place, for example the sea, beach, forest, invites the client to relax and imagine himself there. The result is detachment, close to immersion in daydreaming.

Learning from simple to complex

You can learn to hypnotize people from scratch only if you devote time to regular practical training: a self-instruction manual will not be enough.

Basic exercise - developing a concentrated gaze. You need to periodically look at one point for 5 minutes, driving away extraneous thoughts. After this, they begin training with the person - they look continuously into his right pupil and try to mentally convey some message.

To master the introduction to trance, you can use a pendulum. They first place the client on the couch and talk to him in a quiet voice for some time to relax him. It is necessary to agree on a signal after which the person will come out of hypnosis and begin to do what was suggested to him. Alternatively, the signal could be clapping your hands.

After this, they begin to swing the pendulum in front of the client’s face. The following phrases are said at the same time:

  • "You're relaxed"
  • "Your eyelids are getting heavy"
  • "You're feeling sleepy."

You can count from 10 to 1, having previously given the setting that at the count of 1 the client will be immersed in a trance. When the countdown ends, you need to check whether the person is unconscious. To do this, they ask him if he can hear you.

If the client does not respond, you can talk through the instructions that he should follow when leaving hypnosis. After this, a conditioned signal is given to exit the trance. If a person woke up and did what was suggested to him under hypnosis, the exercise was performed correctly. To begin with, they try to suggest something simple - for example, open the door. Then they move on to more complex actions, including those from several components.

You can learn hypnosis yourself at home if you study the works of professional hypnologists and systematically train. To hypnotize people, you need to have a strong character and unshakable confidence in your abilities. So the main thing is to believe in yourself.

Trance is a specific mental state. Learning hypnosis at home is not so difficult if you work hard on yourself. The basics of practice are to work on your consciousness. Of secondary importance is the ability to control others through the use of special words, touches and other auxiliary elements.

Basic information about hypnosis

Any hypnosis technique involves a sustained effect on the psyche of the suggestible, which is the suppression of the will. Practice allows you to change your type of thinking, behavioral line, and reaction to certain types of irritating factors. Under the influence, a person can perform a variety of actions assigned to him by the hypnotizing person. The consciousness of the suggestible person completely ceases to function and respond to external signals for some time.

The main components of hypnosis:

  • suggestion,
  • trance.

Suggestion is verbal expressions that carry certain information. Most of these phrases are intrusive in nature, and a person perceives them as his own decisions.

There are 3 types of hypnotic influence.

  • classic,
  • hidden,
  • regressive.

Classic hypnosis is clear instructions pronounced in an authoritative tone.

The person is put into a trance. This type of effect is used to regulate sleep patterns and get rid of phobic disorders. This method is often used in the treatment of addictions.

The Ericksonian method is a hidden form of hypnosis, less aggressive. The suggestible person is gradually taken out of sleep.

Settings can be rejected by the patient at will or accepted. When it is necessary to restore certain moments in memory that the consciousness perceives painfully, the doctor suggests:

“When you feel uncomfortable, wake up immediately.”

Hidden forms of hypnosis are used in marketing, advertising and political campaigns in order to attract public attention and gain benefits.

The regression technique uses memories from the patient's life.

While he is in trance, the doctor asks many questions. Based on the answers, you can make a diagnosis and understand the true cause of the problem.

Basic principles of hypnotic activity

To master hypnosis, you need to follow certain rules and not neglect safety precautions. Using such skills without preparation can lead to disastrous consequences. If the method of inferring the suggestible is not fully developed, the person will remain in a state of sleep and will have to look for a real expert hypnologist.

Exercises that will help you learn hypnosis at home from scratch:

  • Learn to control yourself - go into and out of trance.
  • Eliminate all factors that prevent you from finding harmony of spirit and body.
  • Learn to use affirmations.
  • Analyze yourself, your actions, look for the reason for this behavior: discipline and self-control - these are 2 important factors that will lead you to success.

There are people who have mastered the art of hypnosis since childhood, but not everyone is aware of the talent they have.

On a subconscious level, when communicating with others, they pronounce attitudes and perform active actions - touching, stroking the shoulder, hand. They say about such people that they can hypnotize with their gaze.

It is impossible to learn how to manage people in 5 minutes. You need to select and fully master the technique, allocating time for training. It is important to perform exercises at strictly designated hours. Remember, alcohol is a serious obstacle to mastering hypnotic influence.

Existing techniques

A self-instruction manual for managing yourself and others suggests first learning to concentrate your attention on one subject, not paying attention to what is happening around you. Draw a circle on a large landscape sheet and place a small dot in the center. Peer at it and focus all your attention on it, drive away the thoughts that will creep into your head. The exercise seems very easy to do, but learning to concentrate requires a lot of willpower and takes a lot of time.

A description of influence techniques that will help you learn on your own can be found in the hypnosis tutorial.

You can hypnotize:

  • With the help of a glance.
  • Using verbal instructions.
  • Comprehensively.

Hypnosis with gaze

Hypnosis lessons designed for beginners are conducted according to this scheme. They are based on concentration. Take any picture and look at it carefully. Pay more attention to detail. Select what you like in the drawing. Complete your details. Gradually, this process transfers the subconscious into a semi-disabled state - trance.

The technique is practiced for 1–2 months, practicing daily for 20 minutes. After this, it will be easy to master ideomotor skills. The essence of this technique is to concentrate on the suggested object and send it a certain mental message. Start with the simplest commands:

  • Correct your hair.
  • Tilt your head to the right/left.
  • Give me the newspaper.

The eye hypnosis technique for beginners is described as a simple process. In fact, this is complex work that involves interaction with a person on a subconscious level. You won't be able to hypnotize a stranger with your gaze. You need to establish a strong mental connection with the suggestible. You can ask a friend to become a volunteer test subject for hypnotic sessions.

Have the patient sit opposite you. He should take the most comfortable position and relax his body. Look into the eyes of the person being suggested, concentrate on the pupils, then mentally pronounce the words of the attitude. Learning to hypnotize people is difficult, and the first time you practice may not be successful. When putting a person into a trance, think in advance how you will take him out.

Verbal attitudes

Hypnosis is not difficult to learn if a person knows how to manipulate words and determine the mood of the person being suggested. The technique is most often used by sellers and advertisers. It involves not only oratory abilities, but also kinetic contact. During a conversation with the subject, the hypnotist carefully places one hand on the patient’s shoulder, the other on the palm, placing his fingers so as to feel the pulse.

Then attempts begin to speak, to convince the client that he is too tired to move during this period of time. When the suggestible person has entered a trance, the instructions about the benefits of sleep are repeated to him. They say that as soon as he opens his eyes, all problems will disappear, and he will remain cheerful and energetic throughout the day.

Maximum impact is achieved through clear wording of phrases. They are short, contain many voiced sounds, and are rich in meaning. After this, the person falls into deep sleep.

Complex impact

For experienced hypnologists using a combination of previous techniques, 2 minutes are enough to put a person into a trance. Initially, he concentrates on the client's eyes. Establishes a connection. Gradually includes verbal attitudes.

The hypnologist is located away from the patient minimum distance. In the process of work, a specialist often uses additional objects that maintain concentration: a silver spoon, an earring in the ear, a pendant, etc. With the help of these devices, once introduced into a trance state, it will be easier to succumb to the influence of the hypnologist as soon as he sees the object of concentration.

Hypnotic techniques

If you decide to seriously learn hypnosis and use the acquired knowledge in practice, you need to master 2 categories of methods.

  1. Directives are a component of classical technique.
  2. Non-directive - elements of Erickson's technique.

The first one is an orderly one. The suggestible person is seated in a comfortable position and forced to perform certain actions.

The second method involves self-hypnosis. You can learn self-hypnosis by taking a reliable assistant: a self-instruction manual on managing yourself and others or courses from hypnologists.

Directive method

Hypnotism is based on the use of words that evoke certain images and feelings in the subconscious.

  • A truism - phrases are pronounced in a calm voice. The meaning of the phrases is publicly available. For some time, the hypnologist pronounces generally accepted facts, and then proceeds to highlight his own thoughts, which are perceived by the suggestible as personal considerations and conclusions.
  • Assumptions are words that indicate a sequence of actions. The technique allows you to manage several processes and a large number of people at one time. The main thing is to voice every step.
  • Confrontation - the technique includes facial expressions, gestures, and kinesthetic techniques. During the conversation, the hypnotist voices 2 actions that completely contradict each other. A large number of examples are given. Each action is announced slowly.
  • Informed choice - patients are given the chance to independently choose a model of behavior and voice their attitudes. The main goal of the technique is to achieve a focus of attention not on the spoken attitudes, but on the presentation of what is said.

Non-directive method

To learn hypnosis, learn ways to concentrate on internal problems. Entry and exit from trance should not be noticeable to patients. The techniques are perfect for self-hypnosis and are used in auto-training and for chronic fatigue and burnout syndromes.

Let's look at the main tools in more detail.

  • Eriksonian spiral - consists of 3 stories. The hypnotist tells the first half, pronounces the second to the end, and says the third again until the middle. Gradually finishes the first and third stories. The text of suggestion, winning to action, contains a story in the middle.
  • Chatting - attitudes are pronounced in a chaotic stream. The words are incoherent. The psyche of the suggestible person loses control and does not notice that the hypnotist has already suggested his intentions.
  • Three “yes” - the suggestible person is asked to answer 3 questions that assume an affirmative answer. Then any questions are asked, and the person subconsciously answers “yes”, even if he does not agree with the statements.


To learn hypnosis, you need to work hard on yourself, and then move on to practice with strangers. A hypnologist must be able to clearly control his thoughts and desires, and be able to quickly calm down. Just learning to concentrate takes about 2 months, and given that psychology is constantly moving forward and all sorts of techniques for influencing the subconscious are being developed, it is impossible to completely learn all the secrets. The hypnotist learns throughout his life.

The hypnosis technique for beginners is one of the most interesting techniques that everyone has been interested in at least once. Everyone is fascinated by something unknown in the world until we try it ourselves.

What is hypnosis?

The ability to master hypnosis is a supernatural skill; the right approach to it is an assistant in solving various problems in life. Hypnosis helps cope with different types conflicts and get rid of all negativity from your head and thoughts. Many people have questions - “What is this?”, “A gift or is it a technique?”, “How to learn this?”, “And can you do it yourself?”

Mastery of suggestion

It is possible that almost every second person at least once in his life felt as if in a fog, that is, he felt “uneasy.” There have been moments when you think a lot about something and get lost in your thoughts, as if you are losing touch with the real world and “have your head in the clouds.” The same feeling happens when reading a book or watching a movie, you are completely immersed in a fictional world. In general, this is the immersion of consciousness into another dimension. This state can be induced specifically if the goal is problem solving.

Types of hypnotic influence

A person who is under the influence of hypnosis has a decreased critical consciousness. It turns out that the person being put to sleep will believe what he is told without requiring proof. Even after he wakes up, he will believe that these are all just his thoughts, and he himself decided so and prompted himself to certain actions. The question that all beginners have is “How to master hypnosis on your own?” First, of course, it is worth understanding the types of suggestion. There are two types:

  1. Directive- represents self-hypnosis. By the way, there is even a certain opinion that any hypnosis is an action when a person suggests something to himself. That is, a person pushes himself to do something, and the master only controls this process.
  2. Non-directive- the most popular of them is Ericksonian hypnosis - the skill of which should be to focus the subject on his invisible and secret memories and imperceptibly lead him into darkness.

One of the most common types of suggestion is “ the importance of words" Everyone has at least once seen either in a movie or attended a show where they choose one of the spectators as a person who wants to be put into a trance in front of everyone. Hypnotists who work on the stage are quite lazy; they immediately see people who will easily succumb to the influence of others. This type of hypnosis is more entertaining than therapeutic.

The next method is " trance". This method carries with it a condition where a person can be forced to do an act against his will.

How to master hypnosis on your own, is it possible?

So, if you have decided that the hypnosis technique for beginners is what you have been looking for for so long, then let's take a closer look at this. Nowadays, there are many ways to learn this on your own. This hypnosis technique for beginners does not require any specific skills or talent from a person. Enough with a huge thirst and the ability to achieve the goal. First, you need to follow some recommendations and learn a few things:

  1. You need to be a confident person, including in your abilities. To do this, you must believe in yourself, and not just believe, but inspire it in yourself so that it can be seen by another person, too, who wants to deal with you.
  2. The conversation must be delivered clearly and firmly, that is, the voice should under no circumstances tremble. You must convince the person to trust you and not be afraid of anything, so practice speaking as clearly as possible and pronouncing every word. You must choose the right note and rhythm of your speaking style so that the person can do everything you tell him, but do not forget that you should speak calmly and preferably quietly.
  3. The external image of the hypnotizing. It is very important and the more it attracts, the more people will be drawn to it.
  4. Practice– like everywhere else, you can’t go anywhere without it. The more practice, the more experience and no book can replace this.
  5. Don't stop there, don't be afraid to move forward. This directly relates to hypnosis.

Don't forget that suggestion for a person is a therapeutic way of working with hidden consciousness for correction, the purpose of which is to resolve and destroy all conflicts that have arisen in the mind of another person. Thus, the hypnotist looks for the right ways to resolve problems. Initially, the specialist should bring himself into a state of complete relaxation and remain calm, cautious and decisive throughout the session. For the session to go well, you need to establish contact with the patient, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first time or not. Take him by the hand, ask him to trust you and relax, thus preparing him for the procedure of introducing him into trance, do not forget to take into account his unique abilities.

As for communication with the patient, throughout the entire session he needs to look directly into the eyes and ask what feelings prevail in the patient and be sure to observe the reflexes. However, if you observe that the person is already completely relaxed and ready to obey you, then you have followed all the recommendations correctly and can begin treatment. Namely, the exclusion of all problems, various emotional impulses and tormenting memories. Of course, in order to become a professional hypnotist, it is better that you have psychological and medical education, or at least one of the two.

This is what the hypnosis technique is. In general, it all turns out to be not so difficult, the main thing is to strive, and you will succeed!

Hypnosis and the opportunities it provides are interesting to people of all ages and social categories. Is it possible to learn hypnosis on your own? The answer to this question is of interest to many. After all, some people want to use hypnotic suggestion to help their loved ones get rid of addictions and bad habits. Others are interested in the opportunity to influence others. Knowledge of hypnotic techniques will be useful for doctors, businessmen, and PR people.

Anyone can master the techniques of inducing trance. Of course, some will find learning hypnosis easier. These are individuals who, from childhood, have shown leadership qualities, strong will and interest in people. Management skills and understanding of human psychology are a good basis for learning

Of course, you can develop such qualities in yourself by reading books on psychology and observing people. The following techniques will help train your will and ability to concentrate:

  • force yourself to do unpleasant or boring work carefully, conscientiously, without getting irritated;
  • when you want to chat, keep quiet;
  • if you are insulted and provoked into conflict, restrain your impulses to respond to the provocation;
  • for several minutes, simultaneously draw circles with one hand and squares with the other;
  • give up bad habits.

It is also important to develop a “professional” look - the ability to influence the consciousness and emotions of another person with just your eyes. must be able to look into the eyes of the interlocutor for a long time and without blinking, so as not to accidentally break eye contact. To master this technique, first learn to concentrate your gaze on the flame of a candle or some other small object - a fragment of a pattern on wallpaper, a door handle. The object of concentration should be somewhere at a distance of a meter from the eyes. First set yourself a goal of not blinking for a minute, then gradually increase the time you perform the technique to 10–15 minutes.

How to learn hypnosis yourself

The first thing a novice hypnotist needs is to master the theoretical basis. You can find a lot of information in libraries and on Internet portals on how to learn hypnosis yourself. Communication on thematic forums with people interested in and practicing hypnosis will help a beginner understand the variety of material collected on the Internet. Of course, if you set yourself the goal of learning hypnosis yourself at home, it’s better to start by laying good foundation in the form of studying the works of the founders of hypnosis. Check out the books by the following authors who have developed various hypnosis techniques:

  • James Braid;
  • Dave Elman;
  • Jean Martin Charcot;
  • Pierre Janet;
  • Milton Erickson;
  • Richard Bandler;
  • Jonah Grinder.

After familiarizing yourself with the theory and choosing the most interesting direction for yourself, you can begin to master the acquired knowledge in practice.

How to learn hypnosis at home quickly

Those who want to speed up the process of learning hypnosis can help by watching videos that demonstrate the use of various hypnotic techniques. The advantage of this method of teaching is the clarity and speed of presentation of the material. By watching a series of training videos, you can learn many useful techniques for inducing trance in a short time.

You can learn how to master hypnosis yourself by watching the video on this link.

How to become a hypnotist at home in just 5 weeks, you can find out link.

Physiological mechanism of hypnosis

Hypnosis is based on influencing the right hemisphere of the human brain, bypassing critical thinking controlled by the left. The main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere is rational analysis and sequential processing of information. The right hemisphere - the sphere of the unconscious - is responsible for the perception of non-verbal information in the form of symbols and images.

As a result of the use of various techniques of hypnotic influence (the monotony of the hypnotist’s voice, repetition of movements, special verbal attitudes), the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain is inhibited, making it possible to directly interact with the right. The person turns out to be unable to critically comprehend and discard the attitudes imposed on him by the hypnotist.

Types and techniques of hypnosis

There are several types of hypnosis, which differ in methods of influencing consciousness and areas of application.


Directive classical hypnosis involves immersing a person in a state in which he is completely in the power of the hypnotist and receives clear and direct instructions from him. This type of suggestion is used in psychotherapy to treat panic, anxiety-phobic, depressive, somatoform disorders and addictions.


The use of techniques implies an indirect, hidden impact on the psyche, which allows one to bypass conscious resistance to the process of entering a trance. When a person does not know or notice that he is being hypnotized, it becomes much more difficult to resist suggestion. Hypnotists use techniques developed by Milton Erickson to unlock a person's creative potential and personal growth, and are also widely used in psychotherapy.


Gypsy hypnosis is an ancient method of influencing consciousness, which consists of confusing the victim using various techniques of distraction and overload of consciousness. Pop hypnosis is part of the classical one using Ericksonian and Gypsy hypnosis techniques, as well as stage techniques.

“Gypsy hypnosis” techniques

In gypsy hypnosis, shock methods are widely used to distract attention or quickly get into contact with the interlocutor. Any person experiencing stress partially loses self-control, becomes constrained, and becomes numb. When faced with unexpected shocking information (verbal, visual, auditory), the first reaction is fear. Emotions temporarily dull the ability to reason and soberly evaluate one’s behavior.

You can watch this video to see what one of the shock hypnosis techniques looks like:

By fixing a person’s attention on some shocking fact (for example, a prediction of impending danger), the gypsy achieves a narrowing of the person’s active field of attention. The victim concentrates on the “bait”, falling into a kind of trance.

Fear and other strong emotions expose the psyche. This opens up wide possibilities for manipulating human consciousness. It immediately becomes clear where to apply pressure (pity, greed, concern for loved ones) in order to subordinate the interlocutor to the will of the hypnotist. If the suggested thought is presented as a solution to an important problem, then this idea completely takes over the mind of the victim.

The technique of overloading consciousness is also used to distract attention. The victim is surrounded by several people at once, talking at random, chatting, and often touching clothes. As a result, the person’s consciousness turns off for a short time - just for a few seconds. But this time is usually enough to suggest something. As a rule, the commands are “open” and “give”.

Gypsy suggestion uses another technique of hidden hypnosis - pattern breaking. A template is a sequence of actions that is fixed in the subconscious and does not require the attention of consciousness to be reproduced. For example, the habit of shaking hands when greeting. Performing some non-standard actions (an unexpected statement or action) breaks the pattern and causes a temporary stupor in a person, which allows for suggestion.

Simple techniques for putting a person into trance

Find a quiet, peaceful place. Make sure the room temperature is comfortable. Dim the lights. If desired, turn on calm relaxing music as background accompaniment.

Hypnotic gaze technique

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make the person sit so that he is comfortable and position himself opposite him. Make sure that your gaze is in line or slightly higher with the face of the person being hypnotized.
  2. With your right hand you need to grab the person’s arm in the area of ​​the pulse, and put your left hand on his forehead. Next, you need to ask the person being hypnotized to continuously look into your eyes.
  3. Next, you need to focus your gaze on the bridge of the person’s nose and not blink for five minutes. Then you can start influencing with words.
  4. In a measured and calm voice, pronounce the phrases: “you are tired,” “you are very sleepy,” “do not resist your desire,” “after waking up you will feel joy and a surge of energy.”
  5. After pronouncing the text, you need to remove your hands, stand behind the hypnotized person and order him to close his eyes. At this stage, the person must undergo a transition to an altered state of consciousness.
  6. To enhance the effect, ask the person being hypnotized to imagine that he is standing on the last step of a long staircase in a warm, cozy room. Invite him to go downstairs. Describe how with each successive step he sinks deeper into healing sleep.

Pendulum technique

Professional hypnotists masterfully immerse a person in an altered state of consciousness in just a few seconds. To do this, they ask the interlocutor to concentrate on the work of the pendulum, swinging some small shiny object at the level of the person’s forehead - a watch, a metal ball. You can speak in a calm, almost monotonous voice the same commands as in the method described above, adding a countdown:

  • when I count to one, you will go into a deep trance;
  • ten - you feel pleasant warmth and fatigue throughout your body;
  • nine - your eyes stick together;
  • eight - a feeling of pleasant relaxation covers the whole body;
  • two - there is no strength to resist the desire to fall asleep;
  • one - you are sleeping.

More information about various techniques for inducing trance and how to learn hypnosis at home can be found at YouTube channel hypnotist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.



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