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  Which linoleum is better for an apartment. Which linoleum is better for home: on what basis is linoleum better Which linoleum to lay at home

Linoleum remains one of the popular flooring. Many, when repairing an apartment, are faced with the need to select the right cover and this raises many questions, since there are a lot of varieties of linoleum. In this article we will tell you how to choose linoleum for an apartment and specifically for each type of room.

Natural or artificial material

Before starting a choice, you must clearly determine what type of linoleum you will use, natural or artificial. Natural linoleum includes such components as:

  • Wood flour;
  • Natural resins;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Natural dyes.

Of course, this material is environmentally friendly, meets all fire safety standards, is easily cleaned of various types of pollution. However, the cost of such material is an order of magnitude higher than that of artificial analogues. Natural coating does not conduct electric current and has virtually no shrinkage after installation.

The composition of artificial linoleum includes polyvinyl chloride and many other chemical components. Household and semi-commercial material is safe, but when exposed to temperatures above 27 degrees, it begins to exude toxic substances. In addition, it has a much greater shrinkage than natural, but it is much cheaper.

Important. Carrying out apartment renovation, experts do not recommend laying commercial and rubber linoleum in residential premises, since the environmental safety requirements are underestimated and their use is permissible only in office buildings with good ventilation.

Linoleum class selection

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment and specific rooms, it is necessary to study the coverage classes:

  • In rooms with low traffic, such as a bedroom or a study, you can lay linoleum 21-22 wear resistance class;
  • In the living room you can lay 22 class coatings, if 1-2 people live in the apartment. If the family is large, it is better to use the 23rd grade;
  • For children's rooms apply 21 class in the presence of a small child or 22-23 class in the presence of several children;
  • If you have a large family and frequent guests, it is better to use linoleum class 31-32 in the living rooms and hallways.

Note. The higher the class of coverage, the higher its cost. If you have limited financial resources, then you should not buy a coating of a larger class than the premises require.

Selection of linoleum for a specific room

Kitchen linoleum

When choosing a linoleum coating for the kitchen, you need to be guided by two main criteria, the resistance of the material to mechanical stress and moisture resistance. The best solution for the kitchen will be natural linoleum, which also has the name "marmoleum".   This is a natural fabric-based coating, which is usually used as jute. This linoleum will last a long time, has high strength and makes it possible to easily eliminate various contaminants using modern detergents.

If financial opportunities do not allow the use of natural coating, then you can buy synthetic linoleum, only at the time of purchase it is necessary to clarify the life of the material. It’s not worth saving on kitchen linoleum, make sure that the material complies with GOST standards and quality certificates from the manufacturer.

Important. When deciding which linoleum for an apartment to use in the kitchen, take into account the opinion of experts who recommend the use of semi-commercial coating. This linoleum has a resistant decorative layer, reinforced protective coating and has sufficient density to withstand the accidental fall of kitchen utensils.

Usually, a material with imitation of natural stone, parquet board or ceramic tile is chosen for a kitchen. It must be remembered that for the kitchen, increased antiseptic indicators are needed. Natural linoleum itself is an antiseptic through the use of flax. For synthetic coatings, it is necessary to use a substrate with antiseptic characteristics, such as jute.

Important. Try to choose the width of the roll so that the coating does not have joints, since this is the most vulnerable place of the material with the features of the kitchen room.

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway

The most vulnerable linoleum in the apartment is in the hallway and hallway, since these are the rooms with the highest traffic, which greatly accelerates the process of abrasion of the coating. If one or two people live in the apartment, then there is no point in overpaying and you can use 22-23 class coverage.

With a large family and high traffic, the coating should have at least 0.25 mm of the protective layer and a thickness of at least 4 mm. The most reliable option will be the use of a 31-32 class coating, which is also used in office rooms with low traffic.

Important. Before laying the material in the hallway, make sure that the floor is perfectly flat, with no bulges or cavities. Use a PVC backing or cork. It is not recommended to use a jute or linen substrate, since it has a low density and will only increase the abrasion of the coating.

Linoleum for an office or a bedroom

Soft foam base coating is the best linoleum for an apartment, which can be laid in the bedroom or office. In these rooms the minimum passability and density of the material can be sacrificed to the maximum level of comfort. For these purposes, a 21st-class household artificial coating is used, having a foam base made of PVC, as well as a single-layer material laid on a soft jute or linen substrate.

Note. In the children's bedroom, it is strongly recommended to use only a natural covering of a household series with a stronger foundation of 22-23 classes, since an active child creates a considerable load and mechanical impact on the coating, playing with toys.

Linoleum for the living room

When choosing which linoleum is best for an apartment, household or semi-commercial when laying in the living room, you need to proceed from the degree of load on the coating. For instance. If a large family of 4-5 people lives in the apartment or the owners like to often receive guests, it is better to lay semi-commercial class 31-32 linoleum, which is also used for the corridor. With frequent reception of guests, there is a high probability of damage to linoleum, so you should not lay expensive coating, since it will have to be changed after 7-9 years of operation.

But if 1-2 people live in the apartment, then the permeability of the room is minimal and there is enough household coverage of 22-23 classes with a protective coating thickness of 0.15 to 0.20 mm.

Tatyana, the city of Voronezh

During the repair, synthetic linoleum was laid in the hallway and a linen substrate was used. On the coating were clearly visible marks from the heels of not only mine, but also from her husband’s shoes, which eventually disappeared. Initially, they thought that low-quality linoleum was caught and wanted to make complaints to the store. But then it turned out that it was necessary to use a denser substrate. We changed the jute to cork and traces ceased to appear.

The choice of flooring for the home is always a difficult process, since just navigating by color is not enough, you still need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bits quality and application features.

About which linoleum is best for an apartment and why, as well as about the varieties of this material we will discuss later in the article.

  What to prefer among a variety of materials

Since there is a huge selection of linoleums on the market, it is impossible to choose the best option for all occasions. Each type of coating has its own characteristics, designed for use in certain conditions.

Therefore, answering the question of how to choose linoleum, you should consider its class and type, as well as where it will be used.

  Classification of linoleums

Depending on the main component, linoleum is divided into:

  • alkyd;
  • natural;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • rubber.

Of course, the best linoleum for residential premises is natural, as well as PVC. Both one and the other can be found for sale in hardware stores. However, at the price of natural material will cost much more than synthetic linoleum.

The safest linoleum is, of course, natural, since it does not contain chemical components and does not emit any toxins and odors.

Natural linoleum has several advantages:

  • antistatic, that is, it does not accumulate electricity;
  • wear resistant;
  • durable
  • not subject to mechanical abrasion and tear resistant;
  • practically incombustible;
  • resistant to alkalis and acids;
  • attractive in appearance;
  • environmentally friendly and safe for health.

However, in fairness, we note several negative points in the operation of natural linoleum. Firstly, such material does not tolerate sharp temperature jumps - it begins to deteriorate and crumble. Secondly, it is sensitive to permanently low temperatures - it becomes brittle and brittle.

Therefore, even natural linoleum of good quality is not recommended to be laid in country houses, where people constantly live only in the summer.

In addition, the material from natural fibers is afraid of moisture, because because of it, fungus and mold begins to grow on the back of the coating, the fibers begin to rot.

For apartment premises that are characterized by increased humidity and intensity of use, such as kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, it is advisable to choose high-quality PVC-based linoleum.

Although the PVC coating is completely synthetic, it has a number of positive qualities, such as:

  • acceptable price;
  • rich palette of colors and textures;
  • a wide range of sizes and shapes;
  • resistance to fungus formation and decay;
  • mechanical strength and abrasion resistance;
  • good heat and sound insulation.

If you are uncertain how to choose linoleum by color for the interior, with a PVC coating you will not have any problems. Since this material is available in a wide variety of colors, you can easily find exactly what you need in a particular case. According to the structure, PVC linoleum is divided into heterogeneous and homogeneous.

  Homogeneous PVC linoleum

This type of material assumes that its composition is uniform throughout the thickness of the coating. That is, during the manufacturing process, granular polyvinyl chloride is mixed with coloring materials. Thus, the distribution of the pattern is achieved not only on the surface, but over the entire thickness of the linoleum.

This quality of a homogeneous material allows it to be used for more than 10 years, and the appearance of the coating remains unchanged.

  Heterogeneous linoleum

This type of material is a multilayer coating. As a rule, the number of layers can reach 6. Scopes of these coatings include both domestic and commercial use. The main components of this material are fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride granules.

A number of materials include several dissimilar materials, for example, natural fibers as a substrate, foamed PVC as a layer, a non-woven fabric, and others. Such a complex structure of the flooring is made in order to optimize its characteristics, reduce heat conductivity and enhance sound-absorbing qualities.

It is noteworthy that linoleum with a heterogeneous structure can be used both in residential premises and in utility rooms.

  Scopes of PVC linoleum

To answer the question of how to choose linoleum for an apartment by quality, you can, if we examine in detail the distribution of varieties of this coating by scope of application.

So, according to the intensity of use, linoleum can be distinguished:

  • domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • commercial;
  • special purpose.

  Household linoleum

Such material is intended for installation in rooms where the load level is low. The basis for the manufacture of such a material is foamed polyester.

The thickness of the household type of PVC linoleum ranges from 1-4 mm. The service life of this material is short, therefore, after 5 years, the floor covering needs to be completely replaced.

A somewhat more complex structure has coatings for domestic use on a polyvinyl chloride basis.

Advantages of household PVC linoleum:

  • ease of laying;
  • weakly conducts vibration and extraneous noise;
  • soft;
  • does not need specialized care during use;
  • a wide range of color schemes and textures.

  Semi-commercial linoleum

Solving the problem of how to choose a good linoleum, it is worthwhile to dwell on this type of coating in more detail. In structure, this type of linoleum is similar to household, that is, it contains a base, a layer of decor and protection.

However, for semi-commercial linoleum, a protective layer thickness of 1 mm is inherent, which allows it to be used in rooms with increased load, for example in offices, as well as in public places (more in detail: ""). Optimally, such linoleum is also suitable for laying in the premises of the housing stock.

  Commercial linoleum

Such material is characterized by higher strength, as it is intended for rooms where the load on it is extremely high.

Commercial linoleum is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance, however, the number of textures and colors is very small (read also: ""). Although such materials were originally made for use in public places with maximum load, no one forbids choosing such a coating for the home.

The advantage of commercial linoleum over household is the presence of a large assortment of material sizes.

  Linoleum of a special purpose

This group of materials contains coatings used for gyms, medical institutions or commercial organizations. Each of the linoleum models from this category is adapted to certain operating conditions inherent in any particular field.

In particular, linoleums are made with antibacterial protection that can protect family members from becoming infected with infectious diseases.

Regardless of which linoleum is better to choose for laying in a particular room, the installation of such a coating is not particularly difficult and can be done independently.

The rough floor under the linoleum should be perfectly flat. Although household linoleum is easier to operate due to its smaller thickness, it is very demanding on the quality of the base, since even the smallest flaws will be clearly visible.

Laying commercial linoleum does not require special tools, so it can be done with your own hands. It is important only to carefully fix the coating on the subfloor.

Since the household type of coating has a small weight and a small thickness, double-sided tape, mastic or glue are successfully used to fix it.

At the same time, for semi-commercial, commercial and special types of linoleum, only mastic or glue can be used - adhesive tape in this case is not suitable.

Another difference between the types of linoleum is the method of bonding seams.

In particular, the seams of household linoleum can be masked by cold welding. But for all other materials, special equipment will be required, since their thickness does not allow the use of adhesive compositions.


Thus, if you decide to make repairs in the apartment and prefer to lay linoleum, then when choosing a coating, be based primarily on your aesthetic preferences. Carefully choose the color and texture of the coating to suit the style of your interior.

The modern variety of floor coverings involuntarily puts any person making repairs in an apartment or a house in front of the "agony" of choice. Famous manufacturers, perfectly building their advertising policies, persistently recommend their products, which are really good. But, it happens that for this you have to part with the amount that was not planned. And the good old linoleum is for some reason undeservedly pushed into the background, considering it a choice for the poor. In fact, it has a number of advantages that the consumer most likely does not know about. It might be worth more to be aware of this popular flooring and find out which linoleum is best for home.

History reference

Linoleum is mistakenly attributed to modern and artificial materials, but its historical roots are hidden in the name. The word linoleum consists of Latin: linum - meaning linen or linen, as well as oleum - oil. Linoleum was patented back in 1860 by the Englishman Frederick Walton. Initially, a woven base of flax or jute was used on this floor covering, on which oxidized vegetable oil was applied in combination with cork flour. Technologies have been constantly improved, manufacturers have learned to apply drawing on linoleum, and at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the most popular materials.

Due to the high cost of plant materials and the development of chemical synthesis, in the 60s of the last century they began to produce floor coverings on a synthetic basis, which left the old name - linoleum, although this is a completely different material. In the 90s, they remembered the traditions of the production of natural linoleum, and its output is constantly increasing, since there is a steady demand for it. Thus, under the name linoleum, a very wide class of floor coverings has been combined, both natural and synthetic.

Types of linoleum

To make it easier to navigate the ocean of offers and make the right choice, it is worth learning about the types of existing linoleums and specifically which ones are suitable for home.

Natural linoleum

One of the best choices is natural linoleum. For its production exclusively natural components are used: linseed oil, wood flour, jute or linen cloth, natural wood resin, limestone. A rich palette of natural dyes, together with modern technologies, allows this wonderful coating to be painted in any color. Natural linoleum has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High strength. Natural linoleum can withstand pressure up to 16 MPa.
  • Flaxseed oil, which is part of the composition, makes such a coating bactericidal.
  • High wear resistance determines a long service life: up to 30-50 years.
  • Exceptionally natural components determine its environmental friendliness.
  • Natural linoleum does not absorb pollution and is easily cleaned from various contaminants with detergents.
  • Static electricity does not accumulate on the linoleum.
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet rays, does not fade from the sun.
  • It has low flammability.

With such an impressive list of advantages, natural linoleum is still not without drawbacks:

  • Natural linoleum has a high price, comparable to a parquet board.
  • In rooms where it is planned to cover natural linoleum, there should not be high humidity, since the natural base is susceptible to decay.
  • Low elasticity limits the use of natural linoleum in cold rooms and complicates its installation.
  • Features of manufacturing technology limit the variety of patterns and ornaments.
  • Only a laid natural linoleum coating has a specific odor that not everyone may like. However, after a few months, the smell disappears.

For all adherents of eco-friendly housing, willing to take on high costs, natural linoleum will be an excellent choice for residential premises. Low moisture resistance limits its use in, in bathrooms and hallways.

Polyvinylchloride (PVC) linoleum

PVC linoleum (international designation - PVC) is the most widely used. It can be both without a foundation, and with various types of foundations:

  • Fabric basis. For her, both natural jute and synthetic fabrics, for example, fiberglass, can be used. The topcoat has a pattern made of PVC. Such linoleum can have an impressive thickness of up to 5 mm.
  • A non-woven base made of natural felt or synthetic materials can improve thermal insulation properties, but in rooms with high traffic and high humidity, this linoleum should not be used, since it does not like intense loads, and the porous base will perfectly absorb moisture.

  • PVC foam base. Such linoleum began to be produced in the 90s of the last century, and this type of substrate is one of the most popular. The main porous layer of PVC perceives all loads and "forgives" small roughnesses of the base, and the reinforcing fabric retains the geometric dimensions of the canvas. Foamed PVC can be applied in a chemical and more progressive mechanical way, which is better, since such linoleum will not crumple under high loads.

Some types of linoleum are also made, which combine several types of the above layers. Linoleum, which has several of them, is called heterogeneous, and one is homogeneous. The number of layers and their purpose in linoleum for various purposes can be very different from each other.

The advantage of a homogeneous linoleum is that its pattern is present at its entire depth, therefore, in the event of its inevitable wear, the pattern will not be erased. The thickness of such linoleum can be from 1.5 to 3 millimeters, and it is intended for rooms with high traffic. Its use in apartments and houses is impractical. The main disadvantages of homogeneous linoleum are its high price, as well as the impossibility of applying complex patterns.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum has a set of advantages that explain its widespread use.

  • PVC linoleum has high elasticity, which greatly simplifies its installation.
  • A variety of drawings and textures of PVC linoleum will allow to realize any idea of \u200b\u200binterior design.
  • PVC linoleum has a reasonable price.
  • It is easily cleared of pollution.
  • Linoleum of well-known manufacturers does not have toxicity, which should be confirmed by the presence of a hygienic certificate.

The disadvantages of linoleum from PVC are:

  • When exposed to high temperatures, linoleum shrinks.
  • Only after installation, the PVC linoleum coating has an unpleasant specific odor that disappears after a few weeks of operation.

Alkyd linoleum

Alkyd, also called glyphthalic, linoleum is always made on a fabric basis, on which modified alkyd or glyphthalic resins with special fillers that improve the coating properties are applied using special technology. Pigments and dyes are also added, which make linoleum either monochrome or multicolor. The advantages of this type of linoleum are:

  • Compared to PVC linoleums, glyphthalic ones have the best heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Such linoleums are extremely wear-resistant, they can serve 40-50 years.
  • Pollution from such a coating is removed more easily than with PVC.

The disadvantages of alkyd linoleums are:

  • Low elasticity at temperatures close to zero.
  • Alkyd linoleums require skilled styling.
  • Insufficient fire safety greatly limits their use in residential premises.

Gliftal linoleum is widely used in transport: flooring in wagons, cabins of maritime transport, aircraft.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

Such linoleum is made two-layer: the bottom is made of recycled rubber, the top is made of synthetic rubber painted in various colors. Between themselves, these layers are connected with bitumen mastic. Such flooring has several advantages:

  • Excellent water resistance allows laying relin in the wettest rooms.
  • High elasticity and strength.
  • Excellent anti-slip properties.
  • Long service life.

Rubber linoleums can be used near pools, in garages, workshops, sports rooms and halls, but in residential premises their use is contraindicated, as they emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.

Nitrocellulose ( colloxylin) linoleum

These types of linoleums are a single-layer, baseless coating made from nitrocellulose with the addition of various components: gypsum, minium, plasticizers and dyes. Currently, such coatings made of this material are not used due to increased fire hazard.

It is possible that such an abundance of information about the types of linoleums will further complicate the choice. Moreover, most modern linoleums are heterogeneous and can combine several different layers. That is why European manufacturers have developed a special standard EN685, in which linoleums are divided into classes depending on the strength characteristics and the scope of application in certain rooms. Each class is indicated by a two-digit digital code and its corresponding icon.

The first digit in the class indicates:

  • 2 - linoleum is intended for residential premises.
  • 3 - for office or commercial premises.
  • 4 - for industrial premises.

The second digit in the class indicates the degree of load that linoleum can withstand:

Household linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 21-23, is commonly called household. According to EN685 standards, it should have the following characteristics:

  • The specific gravity of 1.25-2.25 kg / m 2.
  • Thickness - from 0.15 to 3 mm.
  • Flexibility and elasticity should be such that when winding on a rod with a diameter of 45 mm, no cracks should form.
  • Sound absorption - not less than 13-18 dB.
  • Water absorption should be no more than 1-1.5%.
  • Shrinkage during operation - not more than 0.2 mm per 1 meter.

The cost of household linoleum of well-known manufacturers can range from 3 to 10 euros per square meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 31-34, is called semi-commercial, and it is intended mainly for office and office space. Must have the following characteristics:

  • The specific gravity of 1.6-2.5 kg / m 2.
  • The elasticity and flexibility should be such that when winding on a cylinder with a diameter of 10-40 mm in the linoleum should not form cracks.
  • Sound absorption should be at least 12-16 dB.
  • Shrinkage during operation - not more than 0.1 mm per 1 meter.
  • The operating life guaranteed by the manufacturer is at least 7-20 years.

  Semi-commercial linoleum - an excellent solution for modern offices

The cost of semi-commercial linoleum is from 5 to 15 euros per square meter adratic. A small difference in the price of household and semi-commercial linoleum makes it advisable to use it for domestic purposes in those rooms where there is an increased load on the floor covering: kitchens, hallways and others.

Commercial linoleum

If linoleum belongs to classes from 41 to 43, then it is called commercial. Its purpose is in rooms with intensive movement of people and equipment. Such linoleums have a hardened film layer (up to 0.8 mm), even lower shrinkage (0.02-0.1 mm / m) and a warranty period of operation (from 10 to 25 years).

The relatively high cost of such linoleum (10-40 euros per square meter adratic), combined with technical specifications that are excessive for apartments and houses, make its use in residential premises inappropriate. Some commercial linoleums may have a special purpose:

  • Sports coverings with softness and resilience for good contact with sports shoes.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemicals and have bactericidal properties, which is very useful in medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings near pools and other wet rooms.
  • Antistatic coatings.

Linoleum protective layer thickness

Most modern linoleums have on their surface a strong protective film made of pure PVC. It is its thickness that should be taken into account when choosing linoleum, depending on the purpose of the room. Manufacturers offer the following gradation:

  • A film with a thickness of 0.15 mm is quite suitable for the use of such linoleum in living rooms and bedrooms.
  • A protective layer of 0.20 mm will be optimal for children's rooms.
  • 0.25 mm - for kitchens, hallways and corridors.
  • 0.30 mm - office and office space with an average load.
  • Protective layer 0.50 mm and more - for rooms with high and very high load.

Find out what methods are used for, from our new article.

Linoleum marking

When choosing linoleum, all of its technical data must be provided by the seller along with the necessary certificates: compliance and hygiene. Manufacturers of quality linoleum on the back always put their logo, as well as all the information that will greatly help the buyer:

  • Class of linoleum - will help to make the right choice.
  • Lot number - if it is planned to purchase a large amount of linoleum, it is desirable that it be from one lot.
  • Date of manufacture.

Also, the manufacturer can apply additional pictograms that indicate the special properties of the coating. Such possible designations are shown in the figure.

Prices for the popular line of linoleums for home

Linoleum for home

How to choose linoleum correctly?

Now that there is complete clarity with the types of existing linoleums, you can specify a number of important points that will help make the right choice.

  • Linoleum should be purchased only in specialized stores, where all storage requirements are complied with, and there is also a complete set of supporting documents confirming compliance with standards and safety.

  • Depending on the purpose of the room, the linoleum class is selected and it is better to do this with some margin: one step higher than necessary.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of linoleum, its strength and the presence of the upper protective layer.
  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the flooring from linoleum does not have connecting joints or there are at least them. This is achieved by careful measurement of the premises and the choice of rolls of the desired width.
  • The modern variety of colors, textures, linoleum drawings allows you to make any choice, but you must take into account the purpose of the room, nice colors for a comfortable stay in it and the preferences of all households.
  • In rooms with possible severe pollution it is better to use glossy linoleum.
  • When buying, you must carefully examine the entire surface of linoleum and make sure that there are no damages.
  • Poor foundation preparation and illiteracy can negate all the advantages of this coating.

Video: How to choose linoleum for the home?

Comfortable for legs, easy to install, durable, yet democratic and accessible - linoleum possesses such properties, which has been used as a floor covering for more than a century. There are many types of material on the market, a wide variety of design options. Let's figure out which linoleum to choose for the house? When purchasing flooring, you should consider the features of the room and the technical characteristics of the material.

A consumer who wants to buy linoleum for home often gets confused at the sight of a wide range. To buy the right material, you need to consider the following:

  • what room in the house requires coverage (kitchen, hallway, nursery, living room, bathroom);
  • the maximum load recommended for a certain type of material, room parameters (how many people live in the apartment, what is the permeability of the room);
  • desired qualities of the future floor (level of heat and sound insulation, degree of moisture resistance);
  • the ability of flooring to blend in with the interior of the home.


The material has the following advantages:

  • eco-friendly, made from natural substances (linseed oil, flaxseed and jute fiber, limestone, wood flour, natural resin);
  • has high strength, wear resistance, bactericidal property;
  • simplicity in leaving, the flooring is easy to put in order with usual detergents;
  • it is not electrified, resistant to sun exposure, fire.
  Natural type of brand Armstrong

The disadvantages of environmentally friendly linoleum for the home include:

  • high price;
  • exposure to moisture;
  • reduced elasticity, which makes it difficult to lay in a cold room;
  • the specific smell of freshly laid material, disappearing after a few months.

Polyvinyl chloride

PVC linoleum for home is equipped with a fabric or non-woven heat-insulating base, has one or more layers. The benefits of coating include:

  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • dielectric property;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • resistance to decay;
  • a variety of options for exterior decoration in the house;
  • simplicity in laying.

  Polyvinyl chloride type

The material has the following disadvantages:

  • afraid of high temperature;
  • unstable to chemical solvents, fats, alkalis;
  • loses elasticity in the cold, which leads to cracking.


Another name for the coating is glyptal. The material has a fabric lower layer over which resins are applied using special technology. Flooring have the following advantages:

  • absorbs sound well;
  • perfectly keeps heat;
  • has high wear resistance;
  • simplicity in leaving.

  Alkyd look

The disadvantages of alkyd material include:

  • decrease in elasticity under the influence of cold;
  • need for professional styling;
  • low fire resistance of linoleum, limiting its use in a wooden house.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

The coating has a two-layer structure. The lining is made of rubber with the addition of bitumen. The top layer is obtained by combining rubber, filler, coloring pigment. The undoubted advantages of flooring:

  • excellent elasticity, high resistance to moisture;
  • anti-slip property;
  • long service life.

  Rubber type

The disadvantages of a rubber sheet are:

  • high toxicity;
  • inability to use in a residential area.

Nitrocellulose (colloxylin)

The material belongs to the category of baseless. The basic component used in the manufacture of coatings is nitrocellulose. Colloxylin linoleum has the following advantages:

  • resistance to water;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • low flammability;
  • brilliant appearance.

  Nitrocellulose type

When choosing linoleum for a bathroom in a wooden house, it is important to consider the disadvantages of coverage:

  • the possibility of shrinkage after arranging the floor;
  • instability to sudden changes in temperature.

The best linoleum for home

The abundance of information on the types of flooring makes it difficult to select material. Which is better - laminate or linoleum in the house? Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages. It’s hard to say for sure which coverage is better. It all depends on the type of laminate or linoleum, the type of room, the operating conditions of the floor, the features of the exterior, the personal preferences of the consumer and other factors.

Choosing linoleum, suitable for arranging a warm floor in a room, is also not easy. The canvas can be a combination of several different layers. Which linoleum is best for home? Western manufacturers have developed special standardization based on the purpose of flooring, strength characteristics of the flooring.


Home coverage is intended for the arrangement of underfloor heating in residential premises. The flooring is distinguished by its affordable cost, short service life. The name suggests that this material is suitable for an apartment and a house. The use of cheap household coverage is justified when renovating a rented home or if the property is planned to be sold or the owners like a frequent change of exterior decoration.

Dismantled everything about: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

  Inexpensive household type


This coating combines the characteristics of domestic and commercial materials. Semi-commercial linoleum is recommended to be used in a frame residential building with a large floor load, for example, if a large family lives in the apartment. Another option is to use it in an office where there is not much traffic.

The coating is characterized by increased strength compared to household materials, it is cheaper than commercial flooring, and at the same time it will cost more than home linoleum.

  Semi-commercial type in a residential building


The material is laid in a room where the floor load is especially high. Flooring is designed for the active movement of equipment, people. A special reinforcing layer increases the service life of the flooring, which lasts up to 25 years. The canvas gives minimal shrinkage after installation.
   The cost of commercial canvas is great. In addition, increased strength is not always required for a conventional residential building. The use of commercial coating in the apartment does not make sense.

  Commercial type structure

Protective layer thickness

Linoleum in most cases is equipped with a protective film made of pure PVC. The thickness of the top layer is different, depending on the purpose of the coating, the degree of load on the floor. The gradation offered by manufacturers looks like this:

  • film thickness 0.15 mm is suitable for the floor in the living room, bedroom;
  • a layer of 0.2 mm is optimal for a children's room;
  • 0.25 mm film is intended for the kitchen, hallway, corridor;
  • 0.3 mm layer is recommended for office with a small load;
  • film with a thickness of 0.5 mm or more is designed for high and very high passability.

Linoleum marking

When purchasing a coating for your home, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the canvas. The manufacturer leaves the logo and the necessary information on the back of the material:

  Graphic marking
  • Class of linoleum. The first digit indicates the type of room (2 - residential, 3 - public, 4 - industrial), the second indicates the permissible load (1 - moderate, light, 2 - medium, 3 - intensive);
  • Batch number. If you need to purchase a large amount of material, it is desirable that it be from the same batch. This will avoid discrepancies in the appearance;
  • Production date. The canvas can be stored no more than 12 months after production, then it starts to lose its characteristics.
  • Additional pictograms. The applied drawings indicate additional coating properties.

The benefits of linoleum in the house

The coating has gained wide popularity due to:

  • Simplicity of transportation. The elastic fabric is easily twisted into rolls, which simplifies the delivery process;
  • Ease of styling. Independent in the house is carried out simply, does not require highly specialized skills, the presence of a perfectly even base;
  • Unpretentiousness in leaving. The coating is not afraid of water. The flooring is easily cleaned with ordinary detergents;

  Coating in the interior
  • Strength, wear resistance;
  • Non-slip top. This property makes the material convenient for use at home;
  • A wide variety of design options. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of colors, patterns, facilitating the choice of linoleum for the home.


When purchasing this or that coating, it is important to consider the minuses of linoleum in a frame house:

  • The presence of seams formed after installation. In a small room, laying of a single piece of fabric is possible. The spacious room can not do without joints. Over time, the seams begin to diverge, peel off the floor, wrap. This situation requires minor repairs. When choosing material for the home, it is better to give preference to a wider canvas. This will minimize the number of joints;
  • The appearance of air voids as a result of non-compliance with the rules of installation;

  Air voids during installation
  • Loss of elasticity. Improper care, prolonged use lead to a deterioration in elongation. The coating becomes hard, hard, which leads to cracks, deformation;
  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage. Flooring is afraid of physical impact. Flooring can be accidentally burned, damaged with a fallen knife, scratched with a metal heel. When choosing a suitable coating, you need to give preference to durable options that are not afraid of high humidity, sudden changes in temperature.

Having prepared the warm floors in a wooden house under linoleum, you need to competently approach the selection of a suitable finish. Taking into account the technical characteristics of the material, the characteristics of the room allows you to choose the best option, equip a beautiful and comfortable floor. Proper flooring care, gentle operation increases the life of the coating.

The word linoleum actually means oiled linen. Even the ancient Vikings oiled the sails of their ships to protect them from the effects of water and moisture.

They began to cover floors with such material in the middle of the 18th century. And then he was completely natural.

In the middle of the 20th century, due to a shortage of raw materials, natural linoleum is losing ground to polyvinyl chloride.

Nowadays, linoleum is the most common type of flooring. In construction supermarkets and markets, his choice is huge.

Consumers want to choose linoleum, which would serve longer, was safe for health and beautiful in appearance. And for this you need to know how to choose it correctly.

Types of linoleum depend on:

  • material of which it is made: natural, polyvinyl chloride, rubber, nitrocellulose, alkyd.
  • scopes: household, commercial and semi-commercial.
  • availability of basis: based and baseless.
  • structures (number of layers): homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Main selection criteria

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment?


An unprepared buyer pays attention only to the color and pattern. Those who have already encountered or studied the choice of linoleum for an apartment, know that you need to build on the type of room.

In different rooms - different load on the flooring. So linoleum in different rooms should differ in their quality characteristics.

Ecological purity, naturalness

More and more consumers prefer natural materials. And flooring is no exception.

The ideal solution is to choose high-quality natural linoleum for the apartment, it is also called marmoleum.

It is made from natural ingredients: vegetable oil, resin, cork flour, limestone powder and burlap (jute fabric).

Natural dyes are also used.

It happens that for greater wear resistance, such linoleum is coated with polymer, but 100% natural coating can also be found. The composition most often includes linseed oil, and it has a bactericidal property.

  • Good fire resistance.
  • Easy to dry clean.
  • Wet cleaning is acceptable.
  • Does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Paints do not fade.

Such coverage will be ideal on the floor in the bedroom, nursery, living room.

Only a high price can scare the consumer, and also the fact that this material is quite fragile and only a professional can lay it.

Concentrated acids, alkalis, piercing - cutting objects and high humidity can spoil it.

Low price, water resistance, noise absorption, a variety of colors, ease of care attracts to synthetic linoleum. But, be careful: it may contain substances that are harmful to health.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from a harmful purchase, ask the seller for certificates.

As a rule, household linoleum intended for residential premises is safe for people.

Thickness and density

For many, the wear resistance of the coating is important: so that the linoleum does not “push through”, is resistant to mechanical damage, and that the paint does not wear out.

It is not always better to choose linoleum for an apartment, focusing only on its thickness, thicker does not mean better. Watching for what.

If child safety is important, then a really thick foam coating with a polyester base is the best.

And for heels and furniture legs - not always, a semi-commercial option will be better, but it will look thinner than a household one.

Additional coverage

This is a protection against deep penetration of dirt, it is easier to care for such a coating. The protective layer, it is also called the working layer, is on all types of linoleum. This is the top coat. It can be a thickness of 0.15 - 0.6 mm.

It is he who protects against abrasion. On, in the corridor and vestibule, a coating with a PVC base of at least 3 mm thick is suitable, and the thickness of the working layer should be higher than 0.25 mm. Semi-commercial linoleum will also serve well here.

Linoleum base

Its sound and thermal insulation depend on the base. It can be made of foamed polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Such linoleum can be of different thicknesses. The foamed base is moisture resistant, and its service life is 10 years.

Baseless linoleum is homogeneous PVC, its second name is homogeneous. This is a fairly thin linoleum (1.2-1.6 mm). The service life is 5-7 years, in order to extend it, linoleum treatment with special protective agents is needed.

Linoleum on a heat and sound insulating base is also popular. TZI - a material manufactured in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, has good heat and sound insulation. This explains its popularity. But he does not like moisture.

The double base - foamed and polyester, gives linoleum more strength.

In addition to wear resistance, linoleum make other characteristics convenient and comfortable to use.

Important selection criteria are thermal insulation, sound absorption, moisture resistance. There may also be requirements that it be antibacterial (for children) and antistatic (for example, for an office).

We determined the type of room where you need to lay linoleum, found out what the load intensity is. Now you can look at the product labeling.

How to read the markings

It is generally accepted that the intensity of the load all the rooms are divided into residential, industrial and office.

On the floor coverings on the packaging there are pictograms that indicate the room.

The house, which designates residential premises (number 2), the image of a multi-storey building designates an office building (number 3) and the image of the factory building (number 4) - production.

Inside each room there is a different intensity of impact on the floor covering.

On the same packages it is indicated by pictograms - little men: one, two, three and four men.

The more figures, the greater the intensity of the load. The coverage class can be shown in numbers, or it can be a combination of icons.

For example, a house and two men indicate that the coating is suitable for residential buildings with low load intensity.

  • Classes 21, 22, 23 - this is for residential premises.
  • From 31 to 34 - for office premises.
  • From 41 to 44 - production.

Some manufacturers also highlight additional markings:

Coating thickness, mm.
The thickness of the working layer, mm
The weight of one square meter, kg.
Moisture resistant
Can be used for underfloor heating, max. 27 ° C
Resistant to furniture on roller legs
Resistant to furniture legs and heels
Resistant to color fading
Fire safety indicator (B2, RP1, D2, T2)
Abrasion, g / m³
Absolute residual deformation, mm.
Change in linear dimensions,%
Winding a standard roller, lm
Width in the current collection, m.

How to choose a class of linoleum

What linoleum to lay in an apartment in different rooms?

  • For a bedroom, an office, a dressing room - they have a low load intensity, 21 class of coatings are used.
  • If 1-2 people live in the apartment, 22nd class coverage can be laid in the living room.
  • With children, it’s a little more complicated, you need to take into account the behavior of children: for a child up to one year old or a calm older child, it is enough to lay linoleum of class 22, but if the children are active, give preference to class 23.
  • In the living rooms and bedrooms you can lay a thinner coating (about 1.5 mm), with a working layer of 0.2 mm.
  • Coating 23 classes should be laid in the corridor, if the family is small. When patency is large - it is worth thinking about coatings of classes 31 and 32, such stelets, by the way, in small offices.

It is noticed that the more wear-resistant coating, the higher its cost. Overpaying is not always advisable.

It’s better to choose a reasonably reasonable option for the room, so that it serves its purpose for a long time and does not overpay.

And the best part is design choices

Having decided on the class, you can approach the most pleasant and exciting - the choice of design for the future floor. It is also hard not to get confused, because there are a lot of colors. There are patterns:

  • Color associations.

For most, beige is associated with warmth and comfort, orange, bright yellow, red - invigorate, blue - soothes, blue color makes you sleepy, gray creates a working mood.

  • Remember cold and warm colors.

Design tricks are often based on the game of color. For example, if you need to visually increase the room, use a coating of cold light colors. And warm colors visually reduce the room, make it cozy.

The “northern” room will add warm colors to the warmth, and the bright, sunny room will be refreshed on a hot summer day by cool colors. Bright colors invigorate, attract attention, they are ideal for accents, they are good to distinguish between zones.

  • The use of geometric patterns of flooring.

You need to expand the narrow room - direct the lines across the long walls or diagonally.

Small tiles will be appropriate only in a small room and visually enlarge it, and large squares are suitable for a large room. The design for natural wood and stone gives the room an "expensive" and "environmentally friendly" look.

Subtleties of purchase

Of course, sellers in the store will praise their goods, but you must be vigilant. Having decided on the design, before paying for the purchase, review the linoleum again.

In the store, the rolls should not lie on a horizontal surface, they either stand in rolls or are fixed horizontally.

Otherwise, these irregularities can be deformed and it will be difficult to smooth out. When choosing a material, pay attention to this.

Feel free to sniff the linoleum. High-quality - both natural and synthetic, should be odorless, if it smells of frank chemistry - better refuse to buy such a coating!

Ask for a hygiene certificate.

Bend linoleum - if a white strip forms on the bend, it may indicate that there is a lot of lime in the composition, so spots may appear on it over time.

Check the quality of the coating in expanded form, there should be no peeling, tubercles, the picture should be clear, the color is the same everywhere, greasy shine should not be.

Linoleum cannot be folded - creases may not smooth out, and in general the material may break.

You can not use adhesive tape on the front surface, because the trace of it will be very difficult to wash off, you can damage the coating.

The variety of colors and textures gives great freedom in the design of any interior. A correctly selected and the best linoleum for an apartment will last a long time, delighting with its invariable qualities.



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