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Vdgo is the abbreviation for gas. VDGO maintenance cost

Blue fuel has made life much easier ordinary people in Russian cities. Gas provides heat, hot water and food to homes. Many of our compatriots cannot even imagine how they can live without this undoubted benefit of civilization. However, in recent years, one can increasingly come across reports of gas explosions in apartment buildings, the victims of which are dozens of people. In connection with this situation, we are increasingly faced with the term VDGO. These letters are found on receipts for housing payments, regulatory documents and securities of management companies. This topic is receiving a lot of attention at the government level, so new legislation is being developed that will take into account all the nuances associated with gas equipment installed in apartment buildings and private buildings. Today you will receive comprehensive information about the concepts included in the definition of “VDGO”. We will consider these and many other questions together with our readers. We will pay special attention to the maintenance of gas equipment, which is often interpreted differently.

VDGO: abbreviation decoding

Not all tenants understand these four letters, although they regularly appear on payment receipts. The decoding of VDGO is quite simple; the abbreviation simply means in-house gas equipment. However, experts argue that this concept is multi-level and includes several categories of equipment.

It is noteworthy that VDGO includes both appliances located in an apartment building and equipment in private houses that fall under the category of individual residential buildings. Also, many include in this term also devices installed inside the apartment, although in reality they have their own designation.

Let's talk about VDGO in more detail

You now know how to interpret the abbreviation, but we will still make some explanations necessary for its complete understanding. So, let's look into this issue together.

Gas supply to houses is carried out through pipes and distribution valves. They present a confusing ordinary person network of interconnected equipment. Most often, entire residential neighborhoods are connected to blue fuel from a single source. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that relatively apartment buildings VDGO is a system of pipes running from the gas source itself to the distribution point, from where the blue fuel goes to residents’ apartments. The term also includes various devices located on the gas pipeline itself. These could be devices individual accounting, general gas volume meters, safety valves, systems that control the presence of gas in the air, and similar devices. All of them are installed in a residential building before it is put into operation and are necessarily checked for safety and serviceability by a special commission.

If we are talking about households, then VDGO includes all pipes passing through land plot. Typically they are laid from a single source to all gas-based appliances. As in the previous version, this concept also includes additional technical devices, without which gas equipment cannot fully operate, and the homeowner will not consider himself safe.

VDGO maintenance: yesterday and today

Gas supply has always been considered an extremely profitable source of energy, but one should not forget about its safety. In order to safely use blue fuel, you need to be absolutely sure that all equipment is working properly and does not pose any danger to the owners of apartments and houses. For this purpose, regular diagnosis of VDHO should be carried out. But in this matter there are several pitfalls, which are why difficulties arise with the operation of gas equipment.

During times Soviet Union The condition of the VDGO was monitored very carefully. This task was assigned to gas distribution organizations. In accordance with the regulations, they carried out diagnostics and maintenance of all devices and the equipment itself. Worn-out components were replaced with new ones in a timely manner, so during the Soviet period there were no cases of explosions domestic gas there was practically none in residential buildings.

In the nineties the situation changed radically. The privatization of gas facilities began, but VDGO was not included in the balance sheet and, in fact, even during this period it remained without proper control. Some gas distribution organizations continued to operate as before and, despite corporatization, served apartment buildings. However, there were no funds to replace worn-out equipment with new ones during this period of time. Financing of gas facilities was extremely meager and many VDGOs were neglected.

In the late nineties, the government did not pay due attention to this problem. It is noteworthy that gas equipment was not even included in the list of hazardous production facilities.

At the beginning of the 2000s, it became clear that it was no longer possible to ignore the situation with the VDGO. Therefore, a law was passed that is still in effect today. According to it, responsibility for the technical condition of such objects falls on the shoulders of home owners, who must enter into VDGO agreements with any specialized organizations. However, the requirements for them were not approved, as well as the regulatory framework on the basis of which these firms could operate.

Today, the state has absolutely no control over such companies and does not compile lists of organizations approved for repair and maintenance of VDGO. However, the increasing incidence of household gas explosions forced the government to adopt a number of legislative acts in the gas industry.

Maintenance standards for gas equipment

In recent years, the state has begun to more carefully monitor issues related to the content of the VDGO. However, the main responsibility for the safety of technical devices still lies on the shoulders of their owners. But maintenance must be carried out within the time limits established by law. Once every three years, equipment must be diagnosed and, if necessary, repaired.

The range of measures taken is quite broad. They include the following items:

  • diagnostics, maintenance and repair;
  • replacement of worn components as necessary;
  • monitoring the condition of smoke and ventilation shafts;
  • dispatch service.

At the same time, the legislative act also provides for a mandatory procedure for concluding contracts. This must be done by each equipment owner. Only certain organizations that meet a number of requirements can carry out work.

VDGO: specialized service organization

There are quite a lot of similar companies now, because the law establishes very vague requirements for specialized organizations. The main thing is that they can provide the customer with a set of measures that we mentioned earlier. Thus, one can compose short description similar company.

It must have the necessary equipment and a set of tools to carry out its activities, have professional staff and be registered in the territory Russian Federation. In addition, the organization must create a control room and emergency services operating around the clock. Residents of apartment buildings and private buildings receive, along with signed contracts, a list of telephone numbers to call in critical situations.

It is noteworthy that despite the frequency of VDGO maintenance determined by law, emergency situations still often occur. And specialized organizations must respond instantly to each such case. It does not matter whether an agreement has been concluded with the owner of the equipment.

Cost of maintenance services

Let's say right away that in different cities this figure may fluctuate significantly. The exact cost of services can be found out at the time of submitting an application for concluding a contract. If you enter into an agreement with the housing and communal services (and it, in turn, with the organization), then a small amount for servicing the VDGO will be included in your monthly receipt. However, please note that the maintenance itself will be carried out once every three years. In cases where gas equipment is very worn out and already requires replacement, which for one reason or another cannot be carried out immediately, diagnostics are carried out at least once a year.

Sometimes contracts are concluded directly between the homeowner and a specialized organization. In this case, you will learn the amount of payment from the company employees. It can be divided into several payments or occur once after the service is provided.

Features of concluding a contract

The initiator of the agreement can be any of the parties. Sometimes the homeowner plays this role, but the HOA can do this for him. It is quite normal for specialized companies to announce themselves and offer to enter into cooperation agreements.

To the handwritten application, the owner must attach a package of documents consisting of confirmation of ownership of housing, certificates for gas equipment, papers regarding the sealing of metering meters and a document indicating the date of the last inspection performed.


Every citizen is like individual, and legal entities must necessarily enter into agreements for the maintenance of VDGO. Otherwise, a system of penalties is provided. When first imposed, the fine will be about two thousand rubles for ordinary homeowners and approximately one hundred thousand rubles for organizations using gas equipment.

If an accident occurs as a result of such negligence, the fine can range from thirty to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the person at fault.

A repeated fine is usually twice as large as the initial one and may even cause a temporary suspension of activities. legal entity.

Security questions

Homeowners do not always think about the fact that they must carefully monitor their gas equipment. Only in this case can you safely use it and not be afraid of problems. To ensure the safety of VDGO, it is necessary to comply with several simple rules:

  • it is mandatory to conclude maintenance agreements;
  • do not allow third-party technicians to access the equipment;
  • monitor chimneys and ventilation shafts;
  • pay for the gas received on time.


Blue fuel is undoubtedly an environmentally friendly and consumer-friendly source of energy. However, we should not forget that its use must be reasonable and, above all, safe.

Today it is difficult to imagine a normal life without the use of gas. Thanks to this natural type of fuel, our homes are warm, have hot water, and have the ability to cook food. However, it is the gas supply in urban homes that is one of the most dangerous public services, since even a minor gas leak can lead not only to property damage, but also to numerous casualties.

According to statistics, the main cause of accidents is the unsatisfactory condition of gas communications and equipment. Timely and regular maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building, as well as strict adherence to the rules of its operation are the two most effective ways avoid irreparable consequences.

Professional VDGO service - intrusive service or necessary security measures

Any apartment is equipped with one or more types of indoor gas equipment (VDGO), for example, a gas stove, a water heater, a heating boiler. The convenience and availability of “blue fuel” have become familiar to everyone, and many sometimes forget that it is a source of danger, and therefore requires careful attention. People of older generations probably still remember how in Soviet times gas inspectors regularly visited consumers, checked the serviceability and carried out maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building. The craftsmen did not take money for this service, since its cost was already included in the gas tariff.

This scheme was used until 2006, after which the cost of maintenance was excluded from the total payment for gas supply. Since then, installation and maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building has been carried out at a separate tariff and only on the basis of agreements concluded with residents. This innovation was perceived negatively by most consumers, as it looked like an attempt to impose additional paid services on the part of service companies. In this regard, many refused to enter into a contract for servicing gas equipment in an apartment building. The lack of contracts has caused the almost complete cessation of preventive inspections of VDGOs and, as a result, an increase in cases of explosions in residential premises caused by leaks of household gas.

Ensuring the safety of gas consumers at the state level

Due to the massive refusal of citizens to voluntarily enter into contracts for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building, in 2008 the government adopted Resolution No. 549, according to which the existence of an agreement became mandatory. In the absence of this document, the gas supplier has the right to suspend its supply by notifying the consumer in advance. Since the supply of “blue fuel” to gas equipment that has not undergone official certification is unacceptable, therefore, sanctions can be applied even to consumers who make full and timely payments for the gas consumed.
Gas supply can be restored only after an agreement on the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building has been concluded and the responsible organization has checked its condition. However, you will have to pay to reconnect.

What is a contract

The contract contains requirements for the safe maintenance and operation of VDGO and VKGO, specifies the responsibilities of a specialized service organization, a list and regulations of work, as well as the cost of the services provided.

In addition, the civil legislation of the Russian Federation requires the mandatory inclusion of additional information and conditions in the document, including:

  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • name and details of a specialized organization that will perform maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building;
  • information about the customer;
  • address of the serviced facility;
  • a complete list of gas equipment;
  • deadlines for payment by homeowners for services provided.

Who should enter into the contract

The law imposes obligations to conclude a contract for servicing gas equipment in an apartment building on the following parties:

  • The initiator of the execution of an agreement with a specialized company for the maintenance of intra-house gas communications and equipment in an apartment building must be the organization, partnership or cooperative that manages the common property of the residents. The common property of the residents is: a facade gas pipeline and a shut-off device, an internal gas pipeline, including risers and part of the gas pipeline communications in apartments located before the shut-off devices (gas taps).

  • The owner of the apartment in which the gas appliances are located must enter into an agreement for the maintenance of intra-apartment gas, or he can entrust this to an organization that manages the common property of citizens living in this apartment building. In addition, a group of residents has the right to delegate their authority to sign an agreement to one of the neighboring homeowners in this building or to a management organization. In this case, a general meeting of all residents must first be held apartment building, within which a unanimous decision will be made to grant powers to a particular person.

Who is responsible for maintaining gas equipment?

The rules for servicing gas equipment in apartment buildings clearly define who, how and when should carry out these activities. Thus, technical, emergency dispatch service and repair of VDGO and VKGO have the right to be carried out only by specialized companies - gas distribution organizations that have permission to conduct this activity established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Requirements for companies servicing gas equipment in an apartment building are determined by rules approved by the federal service responsible for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision.

Responsibilities of the supervising organization

A set of measures involving the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building:

  • checking the condition of the coloring layer of gas pipes and the quality of their fastenings;
  • bypass and external gas communications;
  • inspection of the integrity of casings in the external and internal structures of buildings through which gas pipes pass;
  • monitoring the tightness of fittings and gas pipeline connections using special instruments or soap emulsion;
  • checking the circuit and installation of gas-using equipment for compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • performance testing and lubrication shut-off valves(taps, valves) installed on gas pipelines;
  • replacement of sealing seals (if necessary);
  • draft control in ventilation and smoke ducts;
  • checking the presence of air flow necessary for combustion;
  • quality control of connections between exhaust pipes and smoke ducts, etc.

The contract specifies a complete list of work to be performed. Services not included in this list refer to individual repair work performed at the request of the consumer. In the event of equipment failure and the need to replace or repair them, payment for work and spare parts is paid by the subscriber.
The user must also remember that independently changing the design of gas pipelines and replacing any gas-using equipment is strictly prohibited. Only specialists from an accredited organization have the right to perform this work. Naturally, all these operations are paid. In addition to the diagnostic and repair measures provided for in the contract, the responsible organization must provide 24-hour emergency dispatch support.

Regulations for maintenance of gas equipment

According to established requirements, civil defense maintenance activities must be carried out according to the following schedule:

  • inspection of above-ground and underground gas pipeline routes - once a year;
  • inspection of the general condition of gas pipelines - once every 3 years;
  • maintenance of household gas equipment (stoves, water heaters, boilers, water heaters) - once every 3 years, unless a different schedule is established by the manufacturer of this equipment;
  • maintenance of group cylinder installations for liquefied gas included in the VDGO - once every 3 months.

Cost of services under the contract

Prices for services are specified in the gas equipment maintenance contract, but their total cost is calculated individually for each consumer. When forming the final amount, the technical characteristics and quantity of equipment installed in a particular apartment are taken into account.
Prices are subject to change, so consumers are advised to periodically visit the official website of the responsible gas distribution organization, where in the “Information for Subscribers” section they can familiarize themselves with the current price.

Payment procedure for work

The customer pays fees for repairs and connection of intra-house or intra-apartment civil defense at the rates established by the executing company, which were in effect on the date of submission of the corresponding application. The money must be transferred no later than the date specified in the service agreement. If payment terms are not specified in the contract, payment is made no later than the 10th day of the next month.


Unfortunately, despite all the security measures taken by the state, tragic accidents still occur. This precious natural source of energy “does not forgive” an irresponsible attitude, therefore each consumer must strictly follow the rules for operating devices, control their working life and not violate the regulations for their maintenance. All these measures will guarantee personal and public safety.

VDGO is in-house gas equipment, the maintenance of which is the key to the safety of domestic gas consumption.

Long gas journey

Habitually turning on gas in the kitchen, consumers of blue fuel rarely think about the complex path that gas takes from the deposit to the gas burner. To supply gas, gas pipelines of various diameters, pumping equipment, storage tanks, gas distribution stations, shut-off valves and control systems are used.

All this equipment forms external gas networks, is on the balance sheet of sales companies and is used to supply gas to residential building or land.

Sales companies only monitor the serviceability and safety of gas pipelines in their ownership. But they supply gas only until the gas pipeline is inserted into the house.

In-house gas networks: what is it?

Gas equipment, including a gas pipeline network, metering devices, shut-off valves and gas consumption devices located within a residential building or land plot, is the property of the homeowner (if we're talking about about a private house) or common property (if we are talking about an apartment building). This equipment is called in-house gas equipment or VDGO.

Moreover, part of the equipment (input, shut-off valves and riser gas pipe) is common property, and part of the equipment, including a gas shut-off valve, an individual metering device and consumption devices (stove, boiler, water heater) are the individual property of the apartment owner and are called in-house gas equipment (VKGO).

A little history

In the past, control over technical condition All in-house gas equipment, including the general part of the gas pipeline and intra-apartment networks, was carried out by the city gas service. People of the older generation well remember the routine visits of gas workers who monitor the operation of gas equipment.

As part of the control, not only the serviceability of gas equipment was checked, but also skill.

In 2003, the situation changed dramatically. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems”, according to which control over the technical condition of VDGO was removed from the control of Rostechnadzor, but the control functions were not transferred to anyone. Moreover, the repair and technical equipment of household gas facilities did not require licensing.

Simply put, anyone could service gas networks and gas equipment! It is not surprising that enterprising citizens who have neither special equipment nor knowledge took up the work. Alas, gas does not forgive mistakes.

The response to the disorganization of the country's gas industry was numerous accidents and explosions of domestic gas.

The situation changed somewhat only in 2008 after the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 of July 21, 2008, approving the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens” and Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 of June 26, 2009 on the “Procedure maintenance of repairs of in-house gas equipment”, according to which all responsibility for the serviceability of gas equipment is shifted to citizens.

This means that the one who has a gas stove, boiler or water heater is fully responsible for its safe operation.

Later, in 2013, the “Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and maintenance of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment when providing public gas supply services” were adopted, not only establishing the responsibility of users for the serviceability and connection of gas equipment, but also obliging them to enter into contracts for maintenance of VDGO and VDKO.

The rules clearly define the list of maintenance work for VDGO. It includes:

  • equipment inspection
  • checking the tightness of connections
  • checking for completeness and integrity gas ovens, boilers and dispensers
  • checking the functionality of the shut-off valves, lubricating them and replacing them if necessary
  • checking draft in chimneys
  • conducting safety training

This entire list of work must be carried out at least once every three years.

If you have a gas furnace, ensure its safe operation

It is clear that the vast majority of citizens do not have special equipment and knowledge to carry out technical maintenance of VDGO. Therefore, the same “Rules for Gas Use” oblige all owners of apartments with gas equipment to enter into a maintenance agreement with the organization supplying gas.

For Maintenance the common house part of the gas pipeline concludes an agreement with the gas supplier Management Company.

The range of maintenance work includes not only periodic inspection of equipment and elimination of identified defects, but also emergency dispatch support.

If the owner of the apartment refuses to enter into an agreement for conducting VDGO, the gas service may stop supplying gas.

Let's sum it up

Maintenance of in-house gas equipment (VDGO) must be carried out at least once every three years. It is carried out by the technical service of gas networks.

Owners of apartments and houses with natural gas are required to enter into an agreement for conducting VDGO. This cannot be neglected, because gas equipment is a source of increased danger!

Maintenance of VDGO. Questions and answers.

Question:What does the concept of VDGO include?

Answer: In accordance with the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 000 of 01.01.2001.

"indoor gas equipment"- gas pipelines of an apartment building or residential building connected to a gas distribution network or to a tank or group cylinder installation, providing gas supply to the connection point of gas-using equipment, as well as gas-using equipment and gas metering devices.

Question:Who has the right to provide VDGO maintenance services?

Answer: VDGO maintenance services are provided by specialized (gas distribution) organizations that constantly and professional basis carry out this type of activity (clause 7 of the “Procedure for the maintenance and repair of VDGO in the Russian Federation”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 01.01.01 No. 000).

As follows from paragraph 3 of the “Rules for the supply of gas for municipal and domestic needs of citizens”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation specialized organization A gas distribution organization is recognized that is allowed, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to carry out activities for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment and has an emergency dispatch service or has entered into an agreement for the provision of emergency dispatch services.

The task of maintaining gas equipment is to ensure its good condition by performing a set of works to maintain or restore performance in order to ensure its further operation. safe operation(Order of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 1, 2001 “On recommendations for the maintenance of gas equipment in housing stock, located on the territory of the UR").

Thus, carrying out maintenance separately on the common property of an apartment building and the private property of citizens living in apartment buildings is not possible, primarily from a safety point of view.



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