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Bay leaf spells for good luck and money. Spell and rituals on the bay leaf

Every housewife has a seasoning like bay leaf in her kitchen, but not everyone knows about its magical abilities. Our ancestors knew many centuries ago that laurel leaves have powerful power, the main thing is to know how to attract and use it correctly. Bay leaf spell will help cope with many ailments that fell upon you. In addition, it will attract well-being, happiness and financial prosperity into your home, and will also fulfill your most cherished desires.

Laurel - symbolizes triumph and determination to win. Immortality and sinlessness are embodied by its evergreen foliage.

The wonderful story of the appearance of laurel

An ancient legend that has survived to this day tells about the miraculous and mysterious origin of the laurel. It tells about distant times when gods lived and reigned on earth.

One day, Apollo, in high spirits from another victory, met Eros. Noticing arrows and a bow in his hands, the young man began to make fun of and mock the god of love’s shooting abilities. The barbs and ridicule offended Eros, and he decided to teach the bully a lesson. Using his magic bow, he shot a couple of arrows.

  1. The first love arrow was intended for Apollo himself. She became the reason for his mad love for a nymph named Daphne.
  2. The second arrow was intended for the young nymph; it forever deprived her of the ability to love. From now on, love became alien to Daphne.

Apollo's endless love pursuits led to the fact that the girl had to hide from constant embarrassment. Starved and exhausted, she began to beg her father Peneus to turn her into a beautiful fragrant tree. He fulfilled his daughter's request and turned her into a laurel bush.

Young Apollo, in love, twisted a wreath for himself from the branches of this bush and always wore it on his head. And the laurel was marked as a symbol eternal love and loyalty.

The magical properties of bay leaf

The miraculous properties of laurel have been known for a long time. This plant has a wide range of uses and can attract good luck, health, happiness, and prosperity. The most famous features of lavrushka:
  • Getting rid of negative energy. Bay leaves placed in the corners of rooms in your home will help cleanse the room of negative energy. Fumigating your apartment with smoke will also help expel all evil spirits from your home; to do this, set fire to a few leaves, put them in a frying pan and walk through all the rooms with it.
  • In the role strong amulet may become a bay leaf. Place it in a secret compartment on your clothes and it will protect you from troubles and obstacles in your path.
  • Bay leaf is used to attract finance. Simply by placing it in a hidden compartment on your wallet.
  • Tranquil sleep A few leaves of the plant will give you a gift if you put them under a pillow or mattress. It is also believed that if you put it under your pillow, you will definitely have a prophetic dream.
  • Protection from the evil eye. A sprig of laurel placed at the head of a small child’s bed will protect him from the evil eye and damage.
  • He is capable relieve fatigue and give the body strength. At such moments it can be used for aromatherapy.

Features and rules of rituals

Spells with bay leaves have some features like other magical rituals. Following certain conventions will help you avoid failure and get the fastest results.

Features of performing rituals:

  • It is necessary to perform all the actions of the conspiracy only on the waxing moon, since along with it your chances of getting what you want increase.
  • Do not tell anyone about the actions you perform with bay leaves.
  • Do not move charmed amulets or leaves from place to place, they may lose their power.
  • You must believe in what you say and do, otherwise you will not get results.

Spell on laurel to fulfill desires

Among the many rituals and ceremonies, this bay leaf spell is especially famous. To complete this you will need:
  • Bay leaf (choose the largest one).
  • Colored felt-tip pen (gold or silver).
  • White candle.
  • Metal bowl or tray.
With its power, a laurel leaf in the shortest possible time can not only attract money to the house, but also fulfill a cherished desire.

  1. Get alone, light a candle on the table and briefly write down your wish, not on paper, but on a leaf of a plant. Try to visualize the desired object.
  2. Kiss the leaf 3 times, then bring it to the candle and set it on fire.
  3. Place in the prepared bowl and say: “ The power of the Gods and the power of heaven, the dominance of the Universe and the power of miracles. May your wish come true. If I command, so be it!»

Bay leaf spell for money

There are many rituals that are used to improve financial well-being. Among the powerful spells for money and wealth, this bay leaf spell is more effective, therefore it is widely known among many people.

You need to prepare:

  • 3 laurel leaves.
  • 7 gold-colored coins.
  • Paper.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • A small metal container with a lid.
It is performed early in the morning at dawn until noon; this time is the best for it.
  1. Write down the desired amount of money on the paper, then roll it up and place it in a metal container.
  2. As you drop a coin into it, say: “ The coin shines, the coin rings - there are more and more of them in my wallet. The golden ones come from everywhere, where they are not expected. I will never know poverty!»
  3. Place the leaves on top of the container, close and hide the jar.
  4. Every day, replenish it with at least 1 coin and repeat the cherished words.
  5. After 12 weeks, remove the contents of the jar. Z
  6. Wrap the laurel in a sheet of paper and bury it, and use the money for its intended purpose.

To keep money flowing, create special magnets. One for each storage location.

Apply a drop of essential orange oil to each leaf and rub it in. Then put them with your money, for example: in a nightstand, chest of drawers, safe or wallet.

Love fortune telling

To attract strong feelings use the bay leaf spell for love. By using magical powers You can attract the attention of your loved one and gain his favor.

For a love spell to work, you must be in contact with the object and have access to his shoes.

  1. Take a bay leaf and say: “ Just as the aroma of laurel intoxicates the head, so I turned the mind of God’s servant (the name of the beloved). Without me, God's servant (beloved's name) would not have eaten bread, drunk water, or been with anyone else. Amen».
  2. This sheet must be placed in the shoes of the object of adoration under the insole.
  3. Prepare a piece of paper for yourself too and place it in your shoes in the same way; to cast it, say the following words: “ As I trample on the laurel, so I trample the mind of the servant of God (the name of the beloved): wherever I step, I am faithful only to my word. Amen».
The shoes used for the plot should be worn for 3 days without changing. Afterwards, remove the laurel from the shoes and store it in a secluded place. If you want to release the object of the love spell, then simply burn the leaf.

You can call a loved one by throwing three leaves into the fire and saying: “Laurel leaves that burn in the flame! Bring the man (name) to me!”

Bay leaf spell for good luck

They attract both wealth and good luck with magical leaves. In order for prosperity to settle in the house, it is necessary to perform a ritual.

You will need 5 leaves and red thread.

  1. When tying a laurel with a thread, you should say: “ Power of laurel, call grace and good luck to my home!»
  2. Then place the created with my own hands amulet over the doorway to the apartment. Such a thing will be useful for creative people.

A few laurel leaves placed under a rug will help protect your home from envious people. When they fall apart, simply replace them with new ones.

An evergreen tree or shrub is a truly unique plant. Thanks to laurel, a person can not only satisfy his gastronomic desires, but also find good luck in many aspects of his life. The bay leaf spell can be strengthened, if you do it with sincere faith and pure thoughts. A positive attitude towards the success of the event will ensure good luck in magical rituals.

Laurel plays a large role in symbolism, mythology and religious beliefs different peoples since ancient times. Numerous references to it are found in the works of ancient Roman and Greek historians, for example, Theophrastus. Such increased attention could not pass without leaving a trace. Therefore, bay leaf folk signs which has been reported for thousands of years, is endowed with many properties. Bay leaves are known to most of us as a culinary herb that gives dishes a more refined taste. This is due to the fact that the Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of the tree, and its natural growth area is far from the northern latitudes.

Laurel has played an important role in the symbolism, mythology and religious beliefs of different peoples since ancient times. Numerous references to it are found in the works of ancient Roman and Greek historians, for example, Theophrastus. Such increased attention could not pass without leaving a trace. Therefore, the bay leaf, folk signs about which go back thousands of years, is endowed with many properties.

Bay leaf: a harbinger of writing

Perhaps everyone knows: if a person finds a bay leaf in soup, the sign indicates that a letter will arrive soon. This superstition has been familiar to many since childhood. Of course, there are no precise statistics to determine the plausibility of this rule. However, the fact that this folk wisdom goes back many centuries speaks of a certain amount of reality.

Moreover, in this century modern technologies, when few people write postal letters anymore, this sign may be interpreted differently. Long awaited email or message to in social networks will not keep you waiting. One way or another, finding a bay leaf in a bowl of soup indicates that information communicated by writing text should be expected soon.

Other signs in everyday life

There are a number of properties that a bay leaf has in the house, the signs are quite diverse and cover completely various areas life. As a rule, the presence of this plant in a living room has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family and on the well-being of all household members.

Having grown a laurel tree near your home, you can count on the fact that it will become a kind of talisman for the whole family, protecting it from diseases and troubles. By the way, it can also be planted in middle lane, laurel tolerates short-term frosts of about -15˚C. Another option is to grow laurel in a pot. It is well suited for breeding at home.

If you put a bay leaf in the shoes of the newlyweds before the wedding at night, the ceremony will take place without unpleasant surprises, and your family life will be happy and long.
If you hide a bay leaf under your pillow at night, the stories you dream about will have a prophetic character.
A laurel leaf attached to the front door frame will help avoid damage, the evil eye and hostile guests.
Laurel is considered a plant that can help lovers strengthen their feelings for each other. To do this, they must together pick a branch from a tree and break it in half.
Carrying a laurel leaf in your inner pocket is considered a talisman against all kinds of accidents and lightning strikes.
If a laurel leaf is thrown into the fire, the energetic crackling sound will become a good sign about immediate success in business and a happy life. If it burns silently and silently, you should prepare for trouble or even a major disaster.

Bay leaf brings success

Few people know that bay leaves can be used to attract money.

Putting it in your wallet, bag or pocket casual wear, you can count on a sharp rise in business, work and business. After all, this is a symbol of winners since time immemorial, attracting the favor of fortune even today.

A person going for an interview for a position of interest is recommended to take with him laurel leaves wrapped in a green cloth or handkerchief of the same color.

For the same purpose, some athletes carry bay leaves with them at competitions, and this peculiar ritual dates back to Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

In order to use a bay leaf to attract wealth, just write on it back side a laconic wish, and then burn the leaf. You can do the same with any other success-oriented desires.

Another way to help realize your ideas is to write them on paper, wrap them in cloth along with three bay leaves and hide them in a secluded place where no one can find them. After the desired has come true, take out the package and burn it.

The very first cultural mention of the bay leaf can be found in the story of Apollo, dating back to ancient Greek mythology. This god sunlight fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Defne (translated from ancient Greek language it means “laurel”. However, the girl was not in the mood for reciprocity. The constant persecution of a admirer from Olympus forced her to pray to the gods for her transformation into a laurel. From then on, it became a sacred and favorite plant of Apollo, who from that moment on constantly wore a laurel wreath. This decoration is still considered a symbol of triumph and victory.

Laurel branches decorated the lyres of many musicians, and musicians and poets wore wreaths from them.

The ancient Romans used laurel in their pagan rituals.

Even in the time of Pliny, there was a sign according to which lightning would never strike a laurel tree. Therefore, the Roman emperor Tiberius always put a laurel wreath on his head during a thunderstorm.

Despite the positive properties that bay leaves have, the signs associated with it are not always joyful. In the Middle Ages, there was a widespread belief that if a laurel growing near a house began to dry up sharply and lose leaves for no apparent reason, the house would soon face an imminent death. This belief was even reflected in Shakespeare's poem "Richard II". One of the characters in this work says that news of the death of the king should soon come: “It’s not for nothing that the laurel in the area is withering.”

Also, the laurel tree was a symbol of immortality and eternity. This idea is associated with statements that even a dried laurel and its branches can again be filled with vital juices after being saturated with moisture. This explains the widespread use of this plant in various funeral ceremonies and rituals, for example, in ancient Britain.

For thousands of years, laurel has been closely associated with various superstitions: if a bay leaf is in soup, a sign of a tree withering, all sorts of ways to use it to attract good luck and wealth. Various signs about bay leaves are the result of centuries-old observations about the connection of laurel with human life and the ways of influencing it.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.

When using bay leaves, you should consult a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications when using bay leaves: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute form kidney, liver and heart diseases, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, allergic reaction to bay leaf, severe diabetes mellitus and etc.

Magic bay leaf

All these rituals are aimed at attracting good luck and pleasant changes into your life. It is best to do them on the new moon or on any day of the waxing moon.

Ritual 1. You will need 5 dried bay leaves and red thread. You need to tie the bay leaves with a thread and hang them over front door in his house with the words: “Laurel, grown under the hot sun, bring happiness and good luck to my house!” This technique will help attract good luck to people of creative professions. And also for those who work a lot with people.

Ritual 2. Take 3 bay leaves and brush them with orange essential oil. After this, hide the laurel leaves in the places where you keep money. For example, put one piece of paper in your safe, the second in your wallet, and the third can be kept at work in a desk drawer.

Ritual 3. You need to place four bay leaves under the rug at the front door, the leaves need to be arranged in a cross. If the bay leaves crumble or break, replace them at the next new moon.

If the leaves are carried in a purse, bag or pocket, it brings protection from troubles and good luck in business. Provides lightning protection.

If you feel morally unclean or want to bring positive changes to your life, then squeeze a fresh leaf from your palm, crumble a dry leaf, or drop a few drops of aromatic oil onto a tampon and inhale the aroma. Laurel is also used to remove fear and self-doubt from a person.

Laurel tree branches are attached above the entrance doors and children's beds to protect against the evil eye and damage.

To ensure that love never passes away, lovers must break off a branch straight from the tree, break it in half, and each must keep their half.

Amulet for successful employment
Take a green handkerchief, or a square piece of green cloth of approximately the same size. Spread it on the table with one corner facing you. Place three cardamom seeds, a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary (you can use dry) in the middle of the scarf.

These herbs give confidence in action and attract energy. Cardamom makes you pleasant to talk to and reveals the gift of eloquence. Bay leaf is a symbol of success and victory. Rosemary is the herb of achievement and mental readiness. Gather the corners of the scarf together and tie them with a ribbon, you will get a small knot with herbs inside. Before you go to apply for a job (for an interview, competition, or just in the HR department), take this bundle in your hands and mentally “scroll through” the whole process, imagining in detail how you go there, how successfully the meeting with the employer goes, and you get a job at best conditions. Be sure to take this amulet with you. At the same time, you should know that any refusal by the employer is a signal that this place of work will not bring you anything good.

Bay leaves make wishes come true.
Indeed, bay leaf is one of the types of magical plants used in rites and rituals. I will give an example of one of these rituals aimed at fulfilling a cherished desire.
Take any fireproof container, 1 large bay leaf, 1 white candle and 1 gold or silver colored marker.
Light a candle and write your wish with a gold or silver marker on a bay leaf. Visualize your desire by imagining that you have already received what you wanted. Ask for blessings from higher powers, then kiss the bay leaf three times and light it on a candle flame. Place the burning leaf in a fireproof container with these words: “By the power of the gods and the power of the heavens, by the power of the universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true, As I commanded, so it happened!

For laurel magic, in addition to dried laurel leaves, you will need yellow or blue cloth. On Saturday, sew a bag from the selected material and begin the spell on the same day.

Place three large bay leaves in a bag and sew it up. Taking the bag with both hands, close your eyes and imagine your child in a good mood, healthy and happy. Say these incantatory words:

The power of protection and the power of laurel to help!

Who is this bag with?

There will be laurel

He is protected from everything bad!

From this all evil deeds will go away,

All bad thoughts will go away!

From everything evil there will be

My child is protected!

No one will break this law!

Let it be so!

Let it be so!

Let it be so!

The bag can be stored in the children's room, but ideally let the child carry it with him as a talisman. Laurel protects against unexpected troubles and protects against accidents if you keep it with you at all times.

If you place laurel in the corners of the house, it will protect the room and attract good luck to the residents. In general, laurel magic can protect against negative energy and drive out evil spirits.

Laurel is also endowed with the power to achieve glory, helps to overcome fears and uncertainty, achieve goals and gain victory over enemies.

In addition, it enhances a person’s divinatory gift.

And if you crush laurel into powder and add it to your bath, you can bring success and respect into your life.
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Laurel is used not only as a spice, but also in folk medicine. Preparations from laurel improve heart function, reduce arterial pressure, improve appetite and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help in the treatment of asthma, reduce skin inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

When treating diabetes mellitus, 20-30 leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water. And drink in the morning before breakfast and in small sips throughout the day. Course 15-20 days. Then a break.

For cholecystitis, take bay oil, adding 10-15 drops to milk or tea.

For allergies, 5 drops of bay oil are dripped onto a piece of sugar and dissolved before eating.

A decoction is taken as a pain reliever for rheumatism and rheumatoid polyarthritis: 2-3 leaves are crushed, poured with 2 cups of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, for 4 hours, filter, divide the liquid into 3 parts and drink for 3 days in small sips throughout the day.

For sinusitis, drop 1 drop of bay oil into each nostril. The oil is sold in pharmacies. You can make it yourself: chop 25 g of bay leaves and pour in 1 glass of refined vegetable oil, leave for a week, strain. The same oil can be used to lubricate skin rashes, abscesses, tumors, wounds, sprains and other injuries. For ear diseases, place 1 drop in each ear. Bay oil should not be used internally.

Bay leaves are widely used in cooking to flavor first and second courses, pickles, and marinades. In the first courses, add the bay leaf 5 minutes before cooking, in the second - 10 minutes.

Magicians still use laurel for protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing and divination. A laurel growing near a house protects everyone living in it from diseases and the machinations of ill-wishers.

To remove the evil eye and damage, bay leaves are burned along with sandalwood.

The aroma of laurel brings positive changes to life. To do this, inhale laurel oil or the aroma of crushed dry leaves.

In ancient times, laurel branches were attached above doors and cradles.

And the lovers, to preserve their feelings, broke a branch from the laurel tree, broke it into two parts, and each kept his part like the apple of his eye.

Canes were made from laurel to protect the traveler from damage and robbers.

A laurel branch is placed under the mattress so that none of the spouses thinks about cheating.

And laurel leaves under the rug in the hallway prevent quarrels and unwanted guests from entering the house.

A high-quality bay leaf has an even matte light olive color and retains a pleasant aroma with a slight exciting bitterness. Browned leaves are not suitable for use. The shelf life of bay leaves in packaging is 2 years.

Bay leaf contains essential oil, acetic, valeric, caproic acid, cineole, pinene, phellandrene, geraniol, eugenol, phytoncides, trace elements, tannins and bitterness.

This magnificent spice has not only a truly excellent taste, but also real magical powers. With its help, many rituals are performed that attract wealth, success, love and prosperity. Rituals are quite effective and allow you to attract good luck into your life for a long time.

Even the ancient Slavs constantly used bay leaves to completely cleanse the energy of their home. It was placed throughout the house, preventing evil spirits from entering there. Moreover, the spice absorbed all the negativity, accumulated and destroyed it. Therefore, it enjoys great success to this day.

Most often, bay leaf serves as a flavoring additive to food. It is available in every home. However, his magical properties are in no way inferior to culinary ones.

They were well known even before our era. People placed the spice throughout their homes, decorating it and protecting it from evil spirits. It improved sleep and protected from the elements.

The winners were decorated with a laurel wreath, thereby admonishing them for new exploits.

Priests widely used leaves in various rituals to establish a strong connection with higher powers.

Various magical spells with bay leaves allow people to:

  • destroy any evil eye;
  • quickly attract good luck;
  • significantly improve sleep;
  • strengthen the love of the betrothed;
  • increase the flow of strength;
  • lure clients;
  • ensure a stable flow of money.

The plant has many amazing qualities. Therefore, it is very often used by sorcerers and magicians.

In addition to its amazing smell, bay leaf is an excellent conductor between the world of people and spirits.

It is able to restore strength after a hard day, heal from various ailments and help achieve the fulfillment of desires.

The spice protects against evil spirits, protects against evil influences and helps in people’s daily existence.

A ritual to fulfill any desire

Even the most common presence of such a spice in a person’s home speeds up the possibility of realizing his plans.

She can simply attract success by just appearing in her home. Therefore, many people simply keep it with them all the time as a talisman.

There is a strong spell on bay leaves in order to fulfill your deepest desire.

You need to stock up on spices, a gold or silver pencil, a blessed church candle and a durable metal bowl.

In the evening, by candlelight, they clearly write their wish on a piece of paper with a pencil. Then they begin to imagine that it has already come true.

It is important to very accurately and figuratively imagine its exact results. You need to track all your thoughts and feelings and record them. If you feel joy and determination towards a goal, you should try to significantly enhance them.

Then they say the wish out loud, kiss the bay leaf three times and place it under the fire of a candle.

They throw the burning spice into a bowl and say:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, it happened!”

It is necessary to ensure that the bay leaf burns to ashes.

He is able not only to fully fulfill desires, but also to help ensure that bad premonitions do not come true. You just need to put parts of the plant in your pocket or under your mattress. A child should hang a wreath of leaves in the nursery so that he sleeps better, develops faster and avoids bad company.

Ritual for prosperity in the home

To carry out the conspiracy, you need to take a package that has just been purchased in a store and has not expired.

In cities where people buy the spice from large supermarkets, it is often difficult to get fresh bay leaves. Then you should take laurel extract and refresh the existing leaves with it.

In order to ensure your financial well-being, you need to perform the following ritual. It is carried out on the new moon.

In general, it is similar to the previous ritual. To complete it you need three pieces of laurel, seven small coins, a piece of paper, a ballpoint pen and an iron container with a tight lid.

They indicate the required amount of money on paper, put it in a container, and put change on top.

The words are said at the same time:

“Bay laurel grown under the scorching sun, bring happiness and good luck to my house!”

The leaves are placed so that they hide the coins, close the container tightly and put it away in a place inaccessible to others. It is advisable to throw a few more money into it every day, reciting the spell.

After a hundred days, the jar is taken out, the laurel is wrapped in paper with written numbers and buried in the ground.

Conspiracy to attract clients

There is a special love spell for businessmen that affects the number of sales. It will help make the business more profitable and the product popular.

You need to take a package of laurel, take out several leaves from it and say over the third of them:

Let the business get more clients and let all employees get the job done. Leaf, leaf, give me a bag of money so that I don’t get shocked by the waste. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

It should not be burned, but rather wetted. Once it dries, you should carry it with you constantly.

It is especially important to ensure that he is at work when concluding important transactions and signing contracts. No one should see him.

After some time, the entrepreneur will feel that the number of customers has increased significantly and profits have increased sharply.

Once a month you need to repeat the ritual, saying:

I will fumigate myself with the aroma of laurel, and I will get rich richer day by day. Money will soon enter my life forever, I will now forget what need is. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

If it is difficult to keep a bay leaf with you all the time, then you can put it in a desk drawer, put it in your car, or hide it on a shelf in the office.

If help is needed urgently, then it is advisable to simply breathe in its scent deeply and mentally say your request. Then they go to partners or intermediaries. There is no need to worry, the contract will be signed in the very the best option. The entrepreneur himself will gain self-confidence, inner strength and assertiveness.

Love spell

In order to attract a lover, you should use a special spell adopted by the gypsies.

You need to wait until midnight and throw three bay leaves into the fire with your left hand, saying three times:

“Laurel leaves burning in fire, let my love come to me!”

If a woman feels love for a certain man, it is worth adding:

“Laurel leaves that burn in fire! Bring (man’s name) to me!”

Amulet for married women

Bay leaf is widely used in love magic. You need to take a pack and connect each piece one by one with a red thread. The resulting wreath is hung above the front door, saying:

“Money goes into the house, but poverty is beyond the threshold.”

The amulet will not allow a rival to take possession of her husband or jinx family happiness. On the contrary, love will always be present in the house, prosperity will be observed and a large number of children will be born.

Bay leaf for healing

The spice is also used to get rid of illness. It will not perform miracles, but it will significantly improve a person’s well-being and protect him from various complications.

You need to take a pack of bay leaves and place it under the mattress of a sick person. The other is distributed among all family members, placing it at the head of the bed.

The ritual is performed during the full moon with great love to each of the relatives.

The leaves are replaced with fresh ones every month. Those who have served their time are thrown into the fire so that all the bad things that they managed to pull out of the person will burn with them.

In order to protect people from serious diseases, laurel should be placed throughout the house with the words:

“I lay out the bay leaves and ask them for protection. They will absorb all the illness and add health to us. Good dreams and vigor will be added"

The old one is also required to be thrown into the fire every full moon, followed by a fresh one.

Therefore, it becomes clear that the bay leaf not only fulfills wishes, it has been used since ancient times as a powerful amulet.

Nowadays, it is most often added to food, but its abilities are not limited to improving the taste of various dishes. It is worth knowing its basic magical properties in order to be able to use them.

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The power of laurel, not as a spice, has long attracted the attention of magicians and fortune-tellers. The bay leaf spell is used in all areas of life. If you want to improve your financial situation, health, attract love or return to your former self, the magic of laurel will help you with everything.

There are bay leaf spells to attract good luck and money.

This spice, which adds a wonderful aroma to your favorite dish, can work magical miracles. Why is it useful:

  • Getting rid of negative energy. Monitor your condition, if you start to worry about trifles, you can’t fall asleep for a long time, perhaps? It's time to protect your home from negativity. Place the laurel in all corners of the apartment.
  • Talisman-amulet against a bad streak in life.
  • Help in making your wishes come true.
  • Strength and good spirits. If you feel very tired and exhausted at the end of the day, simply inhale the aroma from the leaf.
  • Used for rituals aimed at prosperity in the home.
  • A bay leaf spell gets rid of nightmares.

Spells that grant wishes

Take a colored marker, a dish (saucer), a sheet of paper and a candle. You need to retire, relax and think about your deepest desire. Write it on the sheet with a colored marker. The desire must be real, think about it, imagine in all its colors what will happen when it comes true. Press the laurel to your heart and read the spell:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, it happened!

Light the leaf on a saucer from the flame of a white candle. With the help of a magical spell, you will quickly start the process of fulfilling your desire. The bay leaf spell is an excellent, inexpensive remedy that will suit everyone without exception.

The new moon is the time when the effect of rituals intensifies. You can perform the ceremony by candlelight. It begins to act immediately.

“Lord, in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, Saint Nicholas, Mother of God of Kazan, help me (desire).”

Ritual with 7 icons

Buy 7 icons of any saints of your choice. Cut out 7 rectangular pieces the size of an icon from paper, on which you need to write 7 wishes. Light a candle and attach the sheets of wishes to the icons with wax. Place the laurel, icons and 7 candles next to them on the table. Read a powerful prayer:

"God! Holy Mother of God and all holy Wonderworkers, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my desire (name).”

Be sure to thank the saints, read a prayer of thanksgiving and read the Lord's Prayer every evening.

You need to repeat the wish rituals on a bay leaf every night.

If you really want something, but you don’t have time to wait long, read simple bay leaf spells to attract good luck and to make your wishes come true with the help of bay leaves.

  • Rub several leaves in your palms until fine crumbs, thinking about your desire. Place the dry particles in a fabric bag and place it in your bag.
  • To attract good luck to your home, take 3 laurel leaves and place them under the doormat. Read the text of the plot and open the door:

“Your wish comes true, luck is knocking on your door.”

  • Take 1 piece of paper and whisper your wish to it, then say a spell. Store the bay leaf charmed in this way for 3 days.

“Every wish is destined to come true, it is important for every person to smile. Laurel will attract what I want, and will bring me another success.”

  • Do the same, just wrap the piece of paper in cloth and place it under your pillow with the words:

“The laurel protects my dreams, fulfills my wishes. All the good things that you dream will come true, and the bad things will be forgotten.”

Every night repeat the ritual with a charmed dry bay leaf until it is fulfilled.

Using bay leaves to attract wealth

A bay leaf ritual for big money will also help you increase your income and attract wealth into your home. It is better to read bay leaf conspiracies and rituals for money on the days of the solstice.

Ritual for the waxing moon

Place 2 laurel leaves in any opaque jar and run a coin over them. Write on paper the amount you want to have, and put the bay leaves charmed with coins into a jar with the words:

“Leaves grow - money flows. Coins shine - coins ring. The coins are coming from where I don’t expect them to come from. From now on I will never know trouble again.”

It will be good if you start putting a coin in a jar every day and not taking money for 3 months. Do not show anyone the place where you will hide the jar. This coin from the bank cannot be used to pay even after the expiration date. Only when you feel that you have reached the desired financial status, take the entire amount and exchange the change for a banknote. Perform on a waxing moon; when the moon is waxing, the money goes into your wallet.

There is also a conspiracy on the wallet

Karina Taro, a famous fortune teller, uses laurel as a money amulet. You need to set it on fire with a match, and while the smoke curls, read the spell:

“I will fumigate myself with the aroma of laurel, I will get rich richly day by day. Money will soon enter my life forever, I will now forget what need is. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Place the scorched leaf in your wallet. A bay leaf in a wallet to attract money will enhance the effect if you add a few drops before burning it essential oil, better than orange, and only then set it on fire and put it in your wallet.

Ritual with a candle

Money ritual is used both to fulfill wishes and to attract money.

On paper, in gold ink, write a number equal to the amount of money you want to receive. Set the laurel on fire and then extinguish it in water. Read the conspiracy for big money with bay leaf:

“By the power of the Gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles, my wish came true, as I commanded, it came true.”

Pour out the remaining water at the intersection of two roads. Soon, the bay leaf money spell will begin to work to improve your financial condition.

Ritual to attract good luck

ritual to attract good luck

You can make an amulet from 5 dry leaves to attract good luck and joyful moments into your life. Sew them together with red thread and hang them above the front door during the waning moon. Read the plot:

“The laurel grew under the scorching sun to bring happiness and good luck to the house.”

Bay leaves enchanted by your powers can be placed under the entrance mat; everyone who crosses the threshold of your home will increase the chances of increasing income.

Love spells

The bay leaf spell helps even in matters concerning a person’s feelings and enticement into one’s love networks. To make a person fall in love with you, to make a lapel, to bewitch, and other methods that influence the sphere of personal relationships.

With the help of a gypsy ritual you can bewitch your beloved man

This is a love spell that women use to bring back their beloved man. A very strong ritual for the love of a man, which will require: birch firewood, 33 laurel leaves and salt.

On the waning moon, choose a deserted clearing or courtyard outside the city and light a fire. Walk in a circle around the fire, throw one leaf at a time into the fire, casting a love spell on a bay leaf:

“Where the birch tree stood in the field, there the beloved went; where its leaves flew, there he came. The fire burned brightly, love was revived, passion was kindled with heat for (your name).”

Let 15 minutes pass, all this time you should walk around the fire and make dance movements, calling on the feminine energy to be filled with passionate fire.

Once the fire goes out, sprinkle salt on the coals. The man should show up the very next day.

Love spell on bay leaf

A harmless ritual of white magic that will help make a man sad; he will pine for you like a charmed dry bay leaf and will certainly call you.

Tie several leaves with a wool thread, preferably red. Go to any body of water where you release them with the words:

“A bay leaf floats on the water, calling its beloved to me.”

Bay leaf can work wonders

The love spell will be a great happiness for you when the ritual works and love comes to you. But what can you expect if you did the rituals incorrectly? Rituals with bay leaves require preliminary moral preparation. Before starting the rituals, read a few recommendations from experienced magicians:

  • make sure you love this man and want to live a long life with him;
  • perform rituals only of white magic;
  • There are rituals that can last more than a month, be patient and finish what you started.

There is no doubt that this spice can work wonders. Without spending large sums of money, you get a whole range of solutions to various problems.

If you are unhappy with your personal life If you suffer from loneliness, read white magic conspiracies to attract love into your life; you are haunted by failures - pay attention to the rituals for the spelled dry bay leaf, and if you want to improve your financial situation, read the spell for the bay leaf in your wallet. Try not to perform rituals to take away anything, they are related to black magic and can harm you.



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