the main - Repairs
Aloe Vera: Therapeutic properties and contraindications. Aloe Vera - Therapeutic War and Contraindications Of Countercake Application Scarlet Vera in Medicine

Aloe Vera comes from Curaçao Islands and Barbados, located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Like other types of aloe, the plant does not require careful care and special conditions of content. Succulent has branched, straight stems with thick leaves. The edges of the leaves possess rigid teeth, cartilage shape. Usually, the leaves of aloe vera reach a length of about 40 cm. The plant has a fleshy and juicy flesh and almost 97% in the water.

Aloe Vera is one of the types of aloe succulent plants. Distinctive trait Aloe Vera from the metering lies in the fact that the first there is a rosette of leaves, unlike the second plant, which has a barrel and leaves on the sides. Aloe Vera is usually grown on plantations for cosmetic and medical purposes. Of interest is precisely juicy and fleshy leaves, which are consequely cut to achieve the plant of four years of age. While the trunk is used in the metering agent for the same goals.

Aloe Vera / Aloe Tree (meal)

Growing and care at home


In summer, as a rule, no special care for the plant is not required. More air is recommended, so you can set the succulent to the balcony or loggia. In the winter season, Aloe V. requires a little more attention and care. Preferably a lower temperature of about + 12-13 degrees. Contain the flower is needed in a cool and bright room.

Whatever, prevent above the listed processes, it is required to provide a larger amount of light by the plant. The temperature level for Aloe Vera in winter should not exceed 15-16 ° C, ideal for the plant temperature of 12-13 ° C. However, at home, to organize the correct temperature regime is quite difficult due to a number of related factors. It is important to note that it is strictly forbidden to put aloe over the battery during the heating season, such a place is detrimental for the plant.


It is worth remembering that there is sufficient lighting for effective growth and livelihoods. Aloe V. Cannot be put in dark corners or maintain in dark rooms, especially in winter. Recognize that the succulent lacks light enough, it is simple enough, it is worth paying attention to such processes:

  • The plant begins to stretch
  • Leaves acquire a narrow form
  • Clearly seen a change in the structure of the plant, it becomes dry
  • Gradually acquires pale-salad tint
  • With increasing irrigation, the grinding process begins in the roots

Plant loves sunlight. However, keep the sun constantly, not recommended, especially on hot days of summer. In the spring and summer periods, you need to periodically put the pot into the darkened area of \u200b\u200bthe room. With active solar rays, it can burn out, which is noticeable in particular signs:

  • The leaves change the shape, the tips become narrow
  • Appear shades of red on the leaves

Burning, can strongly affect not only the growth of the plant, but also on its lively, it can even lead to complete drying - death. Avoid direct sunlight, after the winter period, teach to the Sun gradually!

In autumn and winter periods, Aloe is often not enough light, especially in the absence of a decrease in temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to use special lamps for filling the missing light by the plant. It can be used both LED phytolambamps and luminescent.


The plant can not be very moistened, but it is not worth it. In the summer, at temperatures above 28 °, irrigation periods should be 1-2 days. If the temperature is lower, an average of 20-25 degrees, then the frequency is 4-5 days after the last irrigation. Recommendations:

  • No liquid gets into the outlet of the leaves
  • Moderate watering in winter
  • Soil must dry well before watering
  • The duration of irradiation of irrigation, depends on air temperature and season
  • Cannot be allowed for a long drainage of the soil

Watering for such a plant as Aloe Vera is very important. Therefore, the irrigation system must be maximally balanced, which would not harm succulent.


The process of fertilizer for succulents is a fairly significant aspect. Therefore, this process must be completed correctly, based on the recommendations of the instruction. For Aloe V. Time for fertilizers falls for the period from May to August a month. Aloe feed every two weeks, mainly mineral complex fertilizers intended for cacti and succulents.


Plant transplant occurs every year if Aloe is a young plant. For old succulents, transplant accounts for every 2-3 years. For transplantation, it is important to take into account the soil. If the soil is purchased, then it is necessary to clarify that it should correspond to the soil for succulents and cacti.


In most cases, the reproduction of aloe occurs with the help of cuttings. The plant has a reproduction property at any time of the year, however, it is noted that it is better to carry out this process in the spring.

Technique reproduction with stalling:

  • First you need to dry cut cuttings in the air
  • Move stalks to a special mixture of sand with peat. It is noted that the mixture must necessarily be wet
  • Blow cuttings for 1-2 centimeters

It is worth noting that the cuttings are no need to cover or water. Watering is not frequent.

Also, Aloe reproduction can be carried out using seeds. To germinate aloe, it is required:

  • Sprinkle seeds in the prepared ground, which was treated with boiling water
  • Seed landing falls for the period of February to May months
  • It is required to put a plant on a warm, bright place

Diseases and pests

The most common diseases are associated with the defeat of the root system by rot. It can be both root and dry rot.

The first is called frequent irrigation and / or use for this cold water. The first signs are a complete cessation or slowing down plant growth, as well as the stem begins to dying. In order to cure a plant, you need to get it out of the pot, completely remove all the rotten roots, and then planted into the soil with a lot of sand. In the next 3 weeks, watering should be refused. If the entire root system turned out to be unsuitable and fully rotated, then there is also an opportunity to propagate the plant with the tops, the main thing is that the stems were healthy.

Dry rot is much more dangerous. The causes of the occurrence are usually associated with non-permanent irrigation, frequent drops of temperature and humidity. Recognize the disease is very difficult, because According to their signs, it looks like root rot - the plant also begins to dry out. It is impossible to cure the scarlet from dry rot, except to periodically process with special preparations (fungicides) to prevent the disease.

Useful Care Video

Flowering Aloe Vera

Aloe flowering period is a long process. As a rule, the floweros appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top leaves of the plant. In most cases, the bloomout is one, however, there were rare cases of blossoms of several color seeds at once. The appeared flowers, cylindrical shape, the bells of yellow-pink color, have long flowerwomen. Flowering Aloe Vera, usually falls on the winter.

Photo: Aloe Vera blossom

Medical properties and application

Benefit and contraindications

Aloe Vera is actively used for medical purposes.

Internal use of juice from Aloe Vera:

  • Juice made from the leaf of this plant serves as a good laxative
  • Created medicationscontaining pressed aloe vera juice, effective in combating gastritis
  • Also pressed juice of this plant helps reduce gastric acidity
  • Helps from chronic colitis
  • Aloe vera syrup, with the addition of iron is effective in the treatment of Malokrovia
  • Used in migraine
  • Assists in neurosis
  • Highly efficient in the fight against ulcer and bronchial asthma

External use of juice:

  • Helps in the formation of purulent wounds
  • Eliminates streptococci
  • Fights with intestinal wand
  • Effective given juice in the fight against the diphtheria stick
  • Promotes rapid healing wounds
  • Leaves, often used to remove burn burns

Aloe Vera is widely used in medicine to combat various diseases. The plant is officially included in the list of pharmaceutical drugs.

Despite the large number of useful components of Aloe Vera has contraindications. Thus, drugs created on the basis of Aloe Vera are contraindicated to people with the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the gallbladder
  • Liver disease
  • With cystitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Pregnancy and feeding

Children Aloe Vera can be applied, only consulting with the doctor!


For cooking juice, you will need to cut down the bottom or middle sheets of a healthy plant. After that, they need to rinse well, dry and put on 7 days in the refrigerator. After this time, you can cook press juice.

There are many different recipes With Aloe V. The article discusses the most popular recipes using this plant.

  • Aloe Vera Recipe to improve digestion, and after suffering severe illness:


-Son Aloe-150 grams

-Med-250 grams

-Plumous red wine-350 grams

All ingredients are mixed and exposed for five days. The finished mixture is required to be consumed three times a day, after eating.

  • Recipe for a depleted organism:

It is necessary to mix:

-The aloe juice glasses

-Olny walnut-500 grams

-Med-300 grams

- Half lemon juice. You need to use 3-4 lemon.

It is required to use the resulting mixture three times a day before taking food.

  • From cough:

- 30 grams. Aloe V. juice

- 30 grams. Brusal juice

- 10 gr. Liquid Med.

All mixed, take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.

Aloe Vera Face

Succulent of this species is very popular in the field of cosmetology. Cosmetics with the composition of this plant, it is recommended that the holders of sensitive skin susceptible to various allergic reactions. Numerous creams and masks with Aloe V. are helped in the fight against pigment stains, they have protection against the effects of the external environment, enrich the skin with nutrients.

It is noted that the use of masks and creams created on the basis of Aloe Vera give a large effect for the skin. Most of all Aloe Vera is valued in the fight against psoriasis, purulent discharge and appearance of acne.

You can apply fresh juice daily on the skin, or add a couple of drops into a face cream.

Mask to maintain the skin of the skin:

- 2 tbsp. Aloe V. juice spoons

- 2 tbsp. Spoons of liquid honey

Mix, apply on cleaned skin once a week, for 20-30 minutes. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Aloe Vera Hair

The plant favorably affects the skin of the head and on the roots of the hair. Aloe V. is widely used to eliminate the following pathologies:

  • Changes with dandruff
  • Helps when losing hair
  • Assists in baldness
  • Possesses therapeutic properties when sequential tips


  • Gives puffy hair
  • Creates a thick hair structure
  • Glitter gives hair
  • Gives the fortress the roots of the hair

For the treatment of hair, Aloe Vera juice is used. Juice rubbed into the scalp, daily. After a positive result, the procedures can be used 1-2 times during the week.

Aloe Vera is a unique plant that is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The plant rich in nutrients is also loved by the flower flows of the whole world, it is used everywhere. Aloe Vera, is one of the most popular plants living in homes, it looks great in the interior and is not bothering.

Succulents are very popular in bedroom flowering. They are widely used for landscaping, both apartments and offices. One of these plants is aloe real or other faith.

In addition to an attractive appearance, this plant has also integer medicinal properties.

Plant Description

Aloe Vera is a typical representative of the family of Aloe aspide family. In terms of composition and medical use, the plant is very similar to. The natural range of its growing is quite extensive. Aloe is found on the Canary Islands, in Egypt, Sudan and the Arabian Peninsula. Also in most countries it is cultivated artificially.

Scarlet present possesses ability to survive in extremely unfavorable arid conditions. In the absence of natural precipitation, it closes the pores on the surface of the leaves, thereby reducing the evaporation of moisture to a minimum.

The description of Aloe Vera is known to almost everyone. It is characterized by it underdeveloped root system and very short stem. Its leaves have the ability to form a rosette with a diameter to half a meter.

The surface of the leaf plates is PEST with spines on the edges. Flowers tubular shape of orange. At home is extremely rare.


Inexperienced flowers are very often asked: "How to care for aloe?" Some kind Special care or constant attention is not required. The main thing is to initially create suitable conditions for cultivation. Also as the plant increases, it is necessary to transplant in a more spacious container.

Aloe Vera at home to grow very easy. Even a child can easily cope with this task. This plant has the ability to adapt to the most various conditions Growing.


For normal development, this plant requires a bright, but diffused light. Therefore, the pot with it is best placed on the windows of southeastern or south-western orientation. In hot summer days, Aloe should be protected from direct sunlight. Especially if the rone with a plant is on a plastic window.

In the winter period, the growth of the plant does not stop it necessary to be heated. For this, conventional fluorescent lamps are used. The duration of the daylight during the shocking should be at least 12 hours.


In special temperature conditions, this type of aloe does not need. It grows well and develops at ordinary room temperature. If possible, in the summer it can be reached on open air and place in the shade of trees.

For blossom stimulation In winter, aloe is recommended to contain at a temperature not higher than + 15 °. The duration of such a cold period should be at least 8 weeks.

The soil

Before planted Aloe, you need to carefully examine his requirements for the composition of the soil. In natural conditions, it grows on the poor in the composition of stony soils. It will also be needed when growing at home.

Tip! If there is no possibility for independent compilation of the soil, you can purchase a special substrate for the cultivation of succulents.


Aloe transplant is usually carried out tRANSFER METHOD. To do this, it is neatly knocked out of the old vase and together with a lore land are transferred to the new more spacious.

The best time for the transplant is the first numbers of March. At this time, the plant begins to actively grow. Therefore, very easily and quickly coming up in a new place.

In this video, it is shown how the aloe vera's huge flower transplant is performed simultaneously with the separation and seating chamber:


With the correctly composed of the aloe substrate in the feeders do not need. The exception is only those cases when the plant moved the cardinal trimming or it is required to be filled after the damage suffered.

Attention! For feeding Aloe, universal fertilizers cannot be used. They contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is destroyed for him.


Aloe, like the vast majority of indoor plants, the easiest way to multiply with stalling. For this, during active growth from a healthy plant, the top cuttings are cut.

Attention! Prepared cuttings before landing first need to be slightly tied. For this, they are left for several hours in a dry and warm place.

Planting planting material recommended in the sand. The depth of the sealing should not exceed 2 cm. The first time of the cutting should be regularly sprayed with warm water. After they come into growth, you can proceed to their transplant in separate containers.

At home, aloe can be multiplied with the help of melting.

They are in abundance formed at the base of old plants.

They are simply neatly separated during the transplant and sit down in separate containers.

Inexperienced flowerflowers who do not know how to look like a drag, on top of Aloe Vera photo, they are demonstrated.

Medical properties

The healing properties of Aloe are known for a long time. It is widely used both in folk and official medicine. His juice is one of the most common wound healing funds.

Aloe Vera Extract Widely used in cosmetology. There it is used as a component in the manufacture of creams for skin care and body. From ordinary home aloe, you can make cosmetic ice, which is very well affected by the skin of the face.

Aloe Vera's bustard is an ambulance with small cuts of abrasions and scratches. For medical purposes use both the leaves of the plant itself and the juice pressed. Also, honey is very often added to it, which repeatedly enhances its useful effect.

The only thing to remember when using them is just what they are strongly strong allergens. Therefore, people prone to allergic reactions preparations and funds based on them should be used with great care.

So that the therapeutic properties of Aloe Vera persisted and after the workpiece of raw materials, it should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The leaves should be harvested only with 3-4 summer plants.
  2. Before harvesting, the plant is not watered for two weeks.
  3. The leaves gently climb near the base of the stems.
  4. It follows only the leaves located at the very bottom.

After the billet, the leaves without losing their medicinal properties for quite a long time can be stored on the bottom shelf of the ordinary refrigerator.

Attention! You can not wash prepared for storage leaves. If necessary, they are rinsed with cold water immediately before use.

As a container for storage, you can use an ordinary cellophane package or a conventional food container with a suitable lid.

In conclusion again, we note that nothing complicated in proper growing Aloe Vera is not. The main thing is to create appropriate conditions to it and, if necessary, to transplanted in a timely manner into a more spacious capacity.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera) is a succulent plant, which belongs to the asphodel family. Root system Flower is a little developed. The foliage is green, the edges have spines. Sheet rosette up to 60 cm in diameter. Aloe has a short meaty stem.

Plant juice is a gel-like yellowish liquid. During flowering, the succulent throws up a vertically standing bloomon with a height of 70-90 cm. Flowers are collected in inflorescence, their color can be yellow, less than red.

The name of the Aloe Vera flower in Latin means "True Aloe". This suggests that the authenticity of the flower and its healing properties Do not leave doubt. But this is not one name aloe, there are many of them, for example:

  • "Healing Plant";
  • "Indian Aloe";
  • "First aid flower";
  • "Aloe Lanz";
  • Barbadesis or Barbados Room Plant;
  • "Aloe Real."

And the name "Barbados Aloe" most likely happened from the place of growing flower.

The natural habitat or homeland flower is considered to be the territory of the islands of Barbados, Curaçao, as well as Morocco, Egypt, India, Sudan, China. To Europe, Aloe Vera Verine Alexander Macedonian. To date, in many countries of the world, the plant is cultivated both street and indoor.


What does the flower look like demonstrate the following photos:

What distinguishes from the meal?

Botany have already identified more than 500 varieties of aloe, however, the most popular are considered: Aloe Vera and the tree-like aloe. It is these plants that are often confused (?).

First of all, the subspecies of aloe have external differences:

  • at the meal durable, the thick trunk of which the leaves grow;
  • a real aloe as a room plant grows in the form of a coastal, with juicy foliage, striving up.

The chemical composition of these succulents is almost identical.

Just a note the metering age is mainly used for wound healing, skin treatment treatment, And the useful qualities of aloe vera are more pronounced with internal use.

Are there any other species?

Aloe Vera has no separate species. Room flower is the subspecies of the numerous kind of aloe.

Medical and useful properties

In its composition, Aloe Vera contains the following beneficial components: vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, polysaccharides, essential oils, anthraglycosides.

It is for these substances that the flower is valuable in medicine and perfumery.

  • Condensed juice (SABUR) is used for chronic constipation.
  • Preparations prepared on the basis of freshly squeezed aloe vera fluid, recommended for gastritis, peptic diseases stomach. They contribute to a decrease in acidity, prevent intestinal spasms, improve the intestinal peristalsis, and after several techniques they increase appetite.
  • An equally important feature is the presence of Barbalin Antibiotic from Barbadesis. It is quite effective in skin diseases and tuberculosis. This agent is prescribed with pancreatitis, colitis, conjunctivitis.
  • Bostimulators from Aloe Vera leaves enhance the regeneration processes of the skin, healing purulent wounds.
  • Antibacterial properties contribute to the destruction of streptococci, staphylococci, dysenteric and abdominal sticks.

Aloe juice is used often with neurosis, migraines, asthenic state.

We read about the useful properties and contraindications to the use of aloe vera, and you will learn about all the recipes of traditional medicine.

Flower care in a pot

More about the care of Aloe Vera at home we wrote in.

Growing and reproduction

For good development and lush flowering Aloe Vera needs a properly selected soil. An earthy mixture must consist of: peat, humid, sheet, turf, sand. Necessarily drainage, in the form of crushed bricks.

The young plant is transplant annually, but for an adult aloe is enough 1 time in 3-4 years or as needed.

At home, aloe vera varies in several ways.

  • Seed method. In practice, it is rarely applied. The process is long and time consuming. Seedlings who grew out of seeds will be able to bloom only after 6-8 years. Yes, and the sowing material is not easy, because the plant is not blooming often.
  • Shining. This method is more popular and effective. For this, a leaf of the flower is gently trimmed and processed by the torque activated carbon. A day later, the process is placed in a substrate for rooting. It does not need to water the cuttings, and create a greenhouse effect.

All nuances and features of growing and breeding Aloe Vera can be found in.

What can be prepared from the plant?

For the preparation of medicinal and cosmetic mixtures, it is necessary to choose an adult plant, which is not less than 3 years. It is also desirable to choose the lower leaves of the flower length, though not more than 18 cm.

As raw materials use aloe vera leaves, Sabur, juice, extract.


In a natural habitat every year. Coloros appears from the outlet and grows up to 1 meter in height. At the top of the arrows, several dozen red, orange or yellow inflorescences can be seen. Most often they are in the form of tubes or bells. Flower size about 3 cm.

IN room conditions Flowering rarely happens. Some flower products seek such a divamentally, dramatically changing the temperature parameters. In this case, the process usually occurs in winter and lasts about a month. On one plant there may be one or more flowerons.

Aloe Vera is an interesting flower, decorative qualities similar to cacti. And the plant has a number of useful properties. However, the use of aloe is accurate, especially if there is a predisposition to allergic reactions.

This tech-counseling look does not seem like an unusual, extremely useful plant. No wonder they call it a "grandmother's flower": it already has "settled" on the windowsill, not competing in beauty with geranium and violet. But the meal and does not pretend to decorate, it is one of the most useful representatives of the home flora. Aloe Medical Properties and Application in folk medicine, as well as for cosmetic purposes, preparation of dosage forms, all this you will find here.

The genus Aloe is succulents and xerophytes, very popular today among the flower plants. In a natural medium, these perennials can be sheet forms, shrubs and trees. Almost all of them have African roots, many representatives of the species are found in Madagascar.

Aloe tree

The most famous (at least for the average) view of Aloe - Aloe Vera. Only this species, as well as aloe tree, are considered medicinal. Aloe Vera is also called the present. Plants are very similar, at first glance, they can be confused. Aloe Real is a succulent with a short stem, thick leaves gathering into a dense outlet. There are not very large spots on the SIZY leaves, but on the edges of the sheet plate - small spines. In the nature of Aloe, the real can bloom, but the orange flower does not want to appear on the windowsill.

Aloe tree looks like a small shrub or a tree. In natural conditions, it can grow very high. Bottom leaves (also thick, fleshy, "studded" at the ends) in an adult plant fall, and the bare trunk covers the root siblings. It makes a plant look like a tropical splashing bush. Indoor tree aloe modest in size, before flowering at home, the case also does not reach.

The chemical composition of the meal is unique: it found more than 250 bioactive substances. There are 97% water (juice) at the metering sheet, and it is in this juice that the most bioactive substances are located.

Juice found:

  • vitamins E, C, A, group B;
  • trace elements - there is a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and more selenium, zinc, potassium, etc.;
  • essential oils (and esters too);
  • tanning substances, as well as resin;
  • phytoncides, flavonoids;
  • beta carotene;
  • alkaloids;
  • amino acids, etc.

Acids in Aloe: Cinnamon - has a painful and laxative effect, chrysophanic - has antigribic properties, aloying - has pronounced antibacterial properties, folic - strengthens immunity and warns anemia.

If we compare the content of the healing substances of aloe vera and aloe tree, the plants are actually not inferior to each other. But it is believed that Aloe currently treats skin diseases, and the use of aloe tree is more valuable for diseases of the internal organs.

An unpretentious meal will suffer even a careful care. But that aloe is not just grew, but he has made a lot of useful substances in themselves, it needs to organize a suitable nutrient soil and regular feeding.

Therapeutic properties of aloe

From a long time, the Lekari was used by fleshy leaflets with gel-like content, many centuries ago were known than helpful aloe for a person. For example, in ancient Egypt, the healers were preparing the juice of the plant and involved it as a medicine from the most distinctions - from skin ailments to diseases of the respiratory tract. In ancient China, the councils were treated with digestive pathologies. In Cuba, the aloe with rum and sugar is used as an anti-infinite agent.

10 The main beneficial properties of Aloe:

  1. Normalizes the work of the stomach.
  2. Contains frequent constipation, has a soft laxative effect.
  3. Strengthens immunity after a long disease.
  4. Reduces the level of toxins in the body.
  5. Removes inflammation in the urinary organs.
  6. Cleans the blood helps in the treatment of anemia.
  7. Liquets sputum with bronchitis and trachea.
  8. Heals herpes and psoriasis.
  9. Helps prevent breakdowns.
  10. Allows you to achieve a quick recovery after diagnosed gynecological pathologies (ovarian cyst, erosion, obstruction of uterine pipes, etc.).

And these are only the basic properties of the plant, and it can positively show itself in the therapy of several more dozen pathologies. And unlike many other plants, the efficiency of the use of which is somewhat exaggerated, aloe therapy supports many doctors.

In this video, the Chinese phytotherapist Nina Liang shares its knowledge about Aloe.

What else is aloe

Juice and pulp leaves make a plant with a powerful natural antiseptic. Therefore, the use of a flower in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and trophic ulcers really makes sense. It helps to suspend inflammatory processes, accelerate the regeneration of tissues.

In preparations made on the basis of aloe, there is a pronounced painful and immunostimulating effect - they naturally strengthen the protective properties of the body. And aloe contributes to a decrease in cholesterol, destroying plaques in the vessels.

A separate topic is the use of aloe in the beauty industry. Even at home you can organize procedures that will not give up to expensive sessions. The beneficial juice of Aloe affects the skin on the skin. In short, the reasons to settle on the windowsill as a useful "guest" is very much.

We also recommend that you read: "Aloe (Áloë - on Latin) - the genus of succulent plants, asphodel family families are one of the most famous indoor plants that are actively used in home cosmetology and phytotherapy. From this article, you will learn how to properly prepare a mixture of aloe with honey, which treats this composition and how it should be applied for various purposes.


"Everything is poison, everything is medicine" - this phrase is not just a loud and metaphorical, there is a great meaning in it. And with regard to popular recipes, it is also fair. Since all plants are present to the Bav (and there are a lot of them in aloe), the dosages of such recipes should be treated with extreme caution. And dangerous self-treatment may be with unclear diagnoses, when a person himself decides that with him, without driving himself by going to the doctor.

Aloe-based preparations are prohibited:

  • women carrying a child;
  • hypertensive and people with diagnosed serious heart diseases;
  • oncological patients (possible in a limited amount of cases, strictly after the permission of the attending physician);
  • patients with scaffolding pathologies in acute form;
  • women, nursing breasts;
  • children under 3 years old.

Some moms despite breast-feedingAlways take aloe preparations, simply reduce the dose. But since there are a lot of bioactive substances in Aloe, it can negatively affect the formation of the infant immune system.

Aloe allergies are rarely observed, but it is not excluded. True, very often therapeutic recipes involve the use of honey, and it is much more allergized than aloe.

With the slightest doubts, to coordinate any treatment with the metering should be with the doctor. It is impossible to abuse the vegetation preparation, violate the recommended dosage, combine the treatment of aloe using other very active herbal preparations. Any combination of drugs requires coordination with the doctor.

How to use aloe at home

The first rule of home therapy is caution, accuracy, cleanliness. All therapeutic procedures need to be carried out with clean hands, with pure plant raw materials. Be sure to follow the reaction of the body for treatment. If the condition has deteriorated, irritation or an allergic reaction appeared, treatment should be discontinued.

Improving immunity, recovery after disease

Aloe juice is often referred to as "Immunity drops." It is added directly to fresh tea or mixed with linden honey. And these drinks perform an important function - the organism is vitamined and simultaneously protect it from a bacterial attack. In the so-called season, the cold Aloe juice will be a good body support.

Aloe juice is considered an excellent restorative composition. It vitamins the body undergoing the disease (perhaps long). Therapeutic properties of the juice helps the tissues and organs to recover, come to the optimal "working mode". To get juice, you need a liquid mass contained in the aloe sheet, squeeze through gauze.

For diseases of the eye

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect Aloe allows him to be a useful natural means in the treatment of eye disease. For example, Aloe extract is considered valuable medical and prophylactic composition, which prevents conjunctivitis, hyperopia and myopia, etc. As part of these eye drops silver, honey and, directly, aloe.

The composition of the extract:

  • water with silver ions - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent;
  • honey demonstrates antibacterial and antifungal properties, provides an eyeball with nutrients, restores the injured structure of the eyeball;
  • adenosine, group vitamins, vitamin C, The walls of the blood vessels are strengthened in the meal, improve tissue nutrition, reduce the risk of hemorrhages.

Aloe Extract on S. Fedorov is a tool that can be found in the pharmacy. A list of testimony, contraindications and features of application is attached to the medicine. Usually it is necessary to use drops within 4-6 weeks. Dosage involves using 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.

For the illness, which in the people is called "Barley" is often used aquatic tincture of aloe. A crumpled fleet in Kashitz is diluted with slightly cool water, insist all night, filtered. Apply to resistant signs of recovery.

More information about drops with aloe extract you will learn from this video.

Rubber, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, including children

Aloe drops from aloe, as soon as they fall into the nasal passage, penetrate the blood vessels. On them, the useful composition is instantly distributed throughout the body, not giving viruses to multiply. The natural antibiotic leads to the death of toxins. Adults can take aloe juice undressed, straight from the leaf. But still extra precautions do not interfere: it is better to dissolve natural juice with water in the proportions of 1k 2. 3 drops need to be drunk in every nostril, 3 times a day.

As soon as the juice falls on the mucous membrane, the person begins to actively sneeze. So the nasal sinuses can be cleaned, breathing is facilitated. You can use this recipe and with ritin, and with a hyimorite.

Children give a mixed with honey a meal juice, 1 teaspoon in front of a meal. Sometimes aloe is prescribed even to infants - the solution is dissolved with boiled water in 1 to 5, but the consultation of the pediatrician before such treatment is required!

From diseases of the oral cavity and gum

Recipes, how to prepare a medicine from Aloe Mounty, are interested in those who want to cure paradontosis. This disease is inherent dystrophic change in periodontal tissues. The disease leads to the fact that the tissue around the tooth is thinned.

The easiest way to use aloe in such a situation is chewing fresh leaves. Make it is not very difficult, just unusual. Therapeutic effect can be achieved if it is periodically chewing clean leaflets for 3-4 weeks.

With aloe gingivit, it can also be useful, but only if inflammation has not been chronic. In the morning and in the evening, every day, apply the cut leaf to the gums. Store a few minutes.

Diseases of the throat

Treatment of the meal juice is most effectively - to produce juice from leaves, you need to compact spikes, and cut the pulp into small pieces, squeeze through the marblee, strain. Excellent compositions for curing diseases of the throat are obtained if several supervisions from a home aid kit are collected in the recipe.

100 g of the metering juice should be mixed with the same number of lemon juice, mix with 300 g of lime honey, add a bit of a slotted walnut there. To drink it for 1 tsp. Three times a day before meals.

Hypertension, to reduce cholesterol

Recipes with therapeutic properties of aloe will help and clean the vessels from cholesterol plaques. Cut the stems from the bottom of the plant, rinse well and cut along, collect the pulp into the container, put in a blender, add a glass of water. This juice need to use 3-4 days. More than 100 ml of juice per day cannot be used.

People with a diagnosed hypertension, which already crossed the initial stage, should not drink Aloe. Those who have pressure rises slightly and rarely, can consult a doctor and drink the meal.

A popular recipe: 1 large spoon of fresh mint, as many divorced aloe, 2 spoons of the Hypericum, 1 potato, 0, 5 liters of water. All ingredients are flooded with boiling water, covered, insist 2 hours in a dark place. The composition is fastened. Fresh potatoes need to scroll on the meat grinder and squeeze juice. This juice and add to herbal tincture, mix. Drink composition per hour before meals 2 spoons 4-5 times a day.

With tuberculosis

In this disease, the metering agent is taken in the form of tinctures and ointments. If you take several medium-sized aloe leaflets, 120 ml of water and 150 g of honey, a great recipe for the treatment of tuberculosis can be obtained. The leaflets are finely cut into the scenery, add the other ingredients there, mix and tomit 2 hours on slow heat. It is necessary to take this mixture before eating 1 tbsp. l.

Oncological diseases

The metering stimulates the work of the immune system, exhibits antioxidant properties that protect the organism from tumor growth. Recipes based on plants can reduce the size of the neoplasm. But such calculations in no case should be reasons for self-treatment.

Dangerous consequence of unreasonable treatment may be excessive growth of cells. Only aloe tree is used in this area, and only after consulting with the attending physician. The sealing juice can be effective during chemotherapy. Specific dosages, treatment opportunities can only say the attending physician - all cases are unique and require an individual approach.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal gastric, gastric ulcer

Aloe juice mixed with honey Some patients drink with gastritis 15 minutes before eating in the amount of 2 small spoons. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, the re-course can be passed no earlier than 2 weeks after the first course.

The combination of aloe and honey helps from many ailments, including the problems of the gastrointestinal tract

In the recipe, which is treated with an ulcer, in addition to the squeezed sealing juice, honey, are used and crushed walnuts (3: 5: 1). Keep therapeutic composition is needed in a cold dark place. Drink medicine 2 months at 1 spoon for half an hour before meals.

In diabetes

Purified, crushed meal leaves are poured with a small amount of water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. The mass in the cooking process is constantly stirred. The mixture must be cooled and filter. Drinks need to drink 2-3 times a day on 1 tablespoon.

And some sick and at all eat raw small (2 cm) a piece of pure sheet. All useful components of the plant fall into the body directly. There is a few minutes to the main meal.

From chronic constipation

150 g of the meat of amecake grind, pour 300 g of boiled water, slightly cold. The mixture is the day, after which it can be taken 1 tsp. A day before eating three times a day. For longer than one day, this medicine is not accepted. If the chair has not recovered, you need to contact a specialist.

You can mix the sealing juice to mix with fruit juice, add this mixture to herbal tinctures from constipation (thereby enhancing their action). More than 2 tablespoons on 1 cup of water should not be added. In its pure form, the juice is used only in the absence of contraindications, with good tolerability.

Aloe with hemorrhoids

In the first stage, such treatment can be effective. The medicine quickly removes swelling and pain, stops bleeding, strengthens the vascular walls, increases local immunity. More effective will be local treatment.

Sitting baths, grazing, compresses help to stop soreness, swelling, inflammation.

The healing composition (for example, fresh juice) is wetted folded in several layers bandage. It is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe perineum, on top of the compress is fixed with cellophane, plaster. The composition hold on the skin is 40-60 minutes.

Aloe for cosmetic purposes

To extend the youth and beauty, the metering age is also used. It is easy to use, and the effect is impressive.

Aloe for hair

A three-component mask is considered particularly effective. 1 tablespoon of a metering juice, 1 tablespoon of melted flower honey, 1 egg yolk or an egg (depending on that dry hair or normal). If the hair is very long, the amount of ingredients should double.

You can achieve glitter and silk content of curls using aloe masks

Mix honey and egg, add aloe juice. Distribute this mass throughout the length of the hair. Warm head - first polyethylene, then a towel. After half an hour, insulation to remove, wash the hair with ordinary shampoo. To improve hair growth, as well as their silkness and strength of such procedures, you need to do 10.

For face

The juice of the plant is able to feed and saturate the useful elements of the deep layers of the skin, it helps the skin produce more collagen. And also plant pulp removes irritation on the skin.

How to use Aloe for face:

  • can be fresh flesh to wipe the face cleaned skin;
  • you can turn on the gel from the council sheet to the composition of other rejuvenating masks;
  • you can apply a gauze moistened in the juice of the plant, for centuries.
Age and deep mimic wrinkles recipe will not remove, but wilting the skin will slow down and will cope with the first wrinkles.

Skin damage

For medical purposes, an adult plant is taken, which is already 3 years old. The affected area of \u200b\u200bleather first need to be treated with a conventional antiseptic. After that, the ointment is superimposed on the wound, covered on top of a sterile napkin. Be sure to fix the napkin.

Aloe alcohol tincture helps to cope with acne and boils. Twice a day, damaged areas of the dermis should be cleaned, to apply sterile napkins impregnated with tincture.

From skin defects

If there is unwanted pronounced pigmentation on the skin, if it is often exposed to irritation, rash, a tonic with a meal juice can be a useful tool. For the manufacture of home tonic you need to take the lower sheets with a length of approximately 15 cm. Leaves should be cut into small pieces, poured with boiled water (1: 3), water to cooperate.

Mixed mixture in the dark place, cover with a lid, and after 2 hours, slow down through the gauze. Ready tonic Store in the refrigerator need no longer than 2 weeks. The tonic is applied to the cotton disk, which is processed by the skin of the face (especially the problem areas). An excellent and simple means for the morning ritual of washes, as well as for the soothing of the skin after the removal of cosmetics.

Prescriptions of preparation of drugs

2 weeks before cutting, it should be stopped to water. So you will increase the concentration of healing components in the leaves. 3 days before cutting, the plant is better to move to another place. The leaflets themselves cut a sharp knife at the base of the trunk. The extracted raw material should be wrapped in dense paper (the foil is also suitable), it is necessary to keep it in the refrigerator from 2 days to 2 weeks.

Aloe juice

Only lower fleshy leaflets are ready only to cut. Dry and injured leaves, old, delete in a timely manner.

How to cook aloe juice

How to make juice from aloe:

  1. The raw materials weathered in the refrigerator are very finely chop the knife or grind in a blender.
  2. The resulting mass is filled with boiled water (1 part of the plant to 3 parts of water), mix the composition is prettage.
  3. Press the mass through the gauze tissue, break the composition into the clean glass container.

The juice does not have to dilute before use. If you intend to store juice for a long time, it needs to be mixed with high-quality alcohol to obtain tinctures. In its pure form, the juice should not be stored in the refrigerator longer than 10-14 days. Try to use it no longer than the week, but better 3-4 days.

Cooking aloe juice is also dedicated to this video.

Aloe tincture

Cut the leaves, 2 weeks before the preparation of infusion place them in foil, send to the fridge. During this time, raw materials are proferred. Grind leaves, pick up the usual way through the gauze. Raw materials put into the glass jar, pour 2: 1 vodka, close the lid.

The taste of the meal is a bit bitter, therefore you can add some sugar in the composition. The mixture should be one and a half weeks to appease in the refrigerator. After that, it needs to be thoroughly strain.
Useful tincture will be only if it is stored in a dark and cool place, in the light of its useful qualities will soon there will be no trace.

Aloe ointment

An excellent ointment that helps to care for the skin of the hands, heal cracks, is obtained from water, yolk, vegetable oil, honey and aloe.

How to cook ointment:

Honey needs to melt in heated filtered water, add 1 egg yolk to it and 1 spoon of vegetable oil. There is also 1 tablespoon of aloe juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, cooled.

How to apply:

First, pour salt into heated water, dissolve it. In this saline water for 8-10 minutes you need to keep hands. After that, they must be gently wipe and drag the resulting ointment into the skin. Mazi residues flush no earlier than 15 minutes.

It is not necessary to prepare an internal ointment - it's enough to make a small jar that will be used in the coming days.

Aloe oil

Aloe oil is obtained by maceration, in other words - insteading the extract in the main substance. So aloe can be added to coconut oil, sea buckthorn or olive. Even sunflower oil can be used. The resulting agent boasts the following properties: antibacterial, sunscreen, antioxidant, antiviral.

How to prepare oil at home:

  1. Collect the leaflets of the meal, rinse. Each sheet split over.
  2. Dry aloe. And if you have a fruit dryer, grind leaves and send them to it. You can replace the dryer oven. At a temperature of 30 degrees, raw materials will dry about 5 hours.
  3. Take a glass container with a lid. Fill it with raw materials dried to fragility. Then send any basic oil there. It should fully cover the meal.
  4. Insist the healing mixture for a few weeks in a warm place. After readiness, the oil is required to strain and pour on convenient to store bottles.
Mainly uses skin care oil: it is added to creams and lotions to enrich their composition. It is used as a tanning agent. It heals the wounds, struggling with small wrinkles. Oil and hair masks are added.

Aloe Vera or the present - evergreen, a perennial, succulent plant with speck-shaped leaves, along the edges of spines, more well known to our compatriots as "member". A very popular room plant, although it rarely blooms at home.

The name Aloe is translated from Arabic as "bitter", reflecting the taste characteristic of the plant. Judging by mentions in the ancient documents, Aloe Vera began to be used in therapeutic purposes About four thousand years ago. Thanks to the unique adaptive mechanism, this "green doctor" is able to survive in conditions destructive for other plants.

In ancient Egypt, Aloe Vera was called the "plant of immortality" and used as a gift in time of the funeral rituals for pharaohs, and the ancient Chinese doctors were adjusted by Aloe "medicine of harmony".

Aloe Vera - 15 useful properties

The biochemical composition of the plant is truly unique, as it includes about a hundred fifty active components: amino acids, minerals, vitamins, essential oils, microelements, mono- and polysaccharides, anesthetics, etc.

In traditional medicine, the most valuable is considered to be produced from the pulp of the aloe gel sheet or juice. It is suitable for both external treatment and intake.

  1. Improves digestion

    Aloe Vera supports the work of the digestive system in proper condition. Its adaptogenic properties provide high digestibility of nutrients, as well as smoothly remove harmful elements from the body. Aloe is used in poisoning, intoxication, as well as the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and constipation.

    Famous Swiss Alchemist and Naturofilosof Paracels devoted Aloe Vera Treaty, where he described him beneficial features. The work of the "Mystery of Mysterious Aloe" was called.

    The plant contains polysaccharides with the ability to eliminate various digestive problems. Numerous studies confirmed that aloe vera helps with the crown disease and the peptic ulcer of the stomach: a positive result is noticeable after three to four weeks of application.

  2. Enhances immunity

    Aloe juice has natural detoxifying properties, effectively cleaning the digestive and circulatory system. Blood is saturated with oxygen, its circulation is improved, and the cells are actively absorbed by nutrients. Healthy cells strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from infections.

    Confirmed the effectiveness of aloe vera against many groups of microbes: diphtheria, abdominal and dysenteric sticks, streptococci and staphylococci.

  3. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood

    Aloe Vera enhances blood quality, reduces the content of triglycerides, low density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol), increasing high density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol) and supporting glucose balance.

    Another product, effectively lowering cholesterol, is blueberry, so their joint use can be replaced by even potent pharmaceutical preparations.

  4. It has wound-healing properties

    With external use of aloe is a great tool for dressing wounds. The juice of the plant "seals" the wound and provides blood flow, thereby accelerating its healing. Compared to other means of Aloe Vera, the skin restores the skin in the third degree burns, and is also used to treat purulent wounds, injections, boils and trophic ulcers.

    Aloe vera extract has a stimulating effect on a smooth muscles of the uterus, so in the absence of contraindications can be used to treat some gynecological problems in women, such as painful menstruation, for example.

  5. Treats skin disease

    Aloe since ancient times is used to treat skin diseases, so its extract is part of most modern leather care products. Aloe Vera reduces the external manifestations of skin fading, heals abrasions, and is also used to treat insect bites, rash, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.

    You can grow this plant at home and use for outdoor care: a small part of the sheet to tear off, remove the skin with it and applied to the problem area in the raw form. Aloe juice use also improves skin health.

  6. Stimulates hair growth

    Aloe Vera is a natural stimulant of natural hair growth, retains their health and volume, and also treats androgenetic alopecia. Hair products with its extract are applied (rubbed) directly on the scalp. Active substances are deeply in the tissue, increasing blood flow. The magnificent anti-inflammatory properties of aloe provide the removal of irritation, itching and the swelling of the scalp.

  7. Slow aging

    Aloe Vera acts as a regulator of the formation of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen, due to which the skin remains longer remains elastic and smooth, and the ability of aloe penetrates deep into the tissue is healing them, moisturizes, saturated with nutrients and accelerating the regeneration of damaged areas.

    Possessing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Aloe Vera fights free radicals, cleaning the body and protecting it from intoxication.

  8. Natural preservative

    The aloe vera gel applied to the thin layer can be used as a natural preservative for food. During the studies, one part of the vintage was left unchanged, and the second was dipped into the gel, after which the entire grapes were left in the refrigerator for storage at the same temperature.

    Berries without scarlet faith spoiled in a week, and coated with Helm - remained fresh more than thirty-five days without changing their taste. Further experiments confirmed that the Aloe Vera gel effectively destroys the intestinal wand and extends the shelf life of vegetables and fruits.

  9. Struggling with diseases of the oral cavity

    With aloe vera can cure gum disease. To do this, when cleaning the teeth, it is necessary to add a few aloe powder to an ordinary toothpaste. He will calm the gums, will cure any infections and hematomas. With regular use, the oral aloe juice is recommended to rinse the mouth and the throat, besides this, in the diet, a sufficient amount of vitamin D is present in the diet. Under all these measures, the gums will be returned to the norm in a few months.

  10. Removes muscle and articular pain

    The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera extremely effectively neutralize pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Local use quickly relieves the inflammation of the joints, and the use of juice contributes to the general restoration of the body, acting on inflammation from the inside.

    Studies have shown that the two-week intake of aloe juice significantly reduces the existing inflammatory processes, but to achieve maximum benefit from its use, an appropriate diet should be observed. It is necessary to limit the use of red meat, white flour, sugar, milk and abandon fried foods.

  11. Useful in diabetes

    Aloe Vera juice contains caateche flavonoids that increase insulin's absorption and beneficially affect the normalization of blood sugar levels. Plant extract stabilizes the work of all organism systems, increases immunity, relieves excessively nervousness and tension, eliminates sleep disorders, which is very useful in general and does not progress the disease in diabetics.

  12. Eliminates heartburn and nausea

    The causes of nausea can become different factors, including the use of dirty food, flu, or even chemotherapy sessions, but most often - failures in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. The aloe juice of the present is perfect for calming the patient of the stomach, getting rid of nausea, and also effectively eliminates the acid reflux bringing no smaller discomfort. However, the use of juice does not eliminate the observance of the diet and does not cancel the refusal of fried food.

  13. It has antitumor potential

    According to the studies contained in Aloe Polyesaccharide Acemannan activates macrophages, stimulating cellular immunity and with antitumor potential. Natureopathy offers a huge amount of cancer prevention methods using this plant. True, individual experts argue that in advanced cases it is better to use Aloe in combination with sprier, a cat's grass and grass and medical treatment (Vitamin C intravenously).

    In the treatment of cancer, radiation therapy is in most cases inevitable. The local application of the real Aloe has a soothing and healing effect on the irradiation zone, and the reception of its juice accelerates the healing of radiation burns and increases immunity.

  14. Cares about the health of the cardiovascular system

    Aloe vera extract purifies lymph, improves blood circulation, and also accelerates transportation to oxygen organs, which is positively affected by the state of the heart and brain. The substances contained in the plant regulate the level of "bad" and "good" cholesterol in the body, blocking the clogging of the vessels.

    Some studies indicate the disappearance of symptoms of coronary heart disease when adding aloe vera gel into the diet of patients. Aloe contributes to the development of collagen, so it is often recommended to be taken with myocardial infarction. A plant is useful and to increase the common tone of the body to older people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

  15. Protects the organism from oxidative stress

    In the pulp of aloe of the present, the vitamins of the B (B1, B2, B6, B12), A, E, C, as well as folic acid and niacin necessary for the normal functioning of the entire human body. The constant use of the juice of this plant supports immunity, helps to withstand the destructive effects of free radicals, preventing the development of oxidative stress and improving blood oxygenation.

Aloe Vera is successfully used in the food industry for the production of beverages, yogurts and some desserts. There is a suggestion that the seeds of this plant can be used to create biofuels.

Contraindications to Aloe Vera

Incorrect and excessive use of aloe vera can cause the appearance of side effects. Aloe receiving less than two hours before sleep can provoke insomnia, and long-term treatment with it leads to a violation of water-salt metabolism and diarrhea. Co-consumption of ingredients and aloe with heart problems cause arrhythmia.

With caution, preparations should be taken based on this plant with hypertension, abundant menstruation, acute forms Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney disease, inflammation of the bladder.

The use of aloe vera is contraindicated under the following states:

  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases accompanied by bleeding.

There is a legend that for the sake of possession of this miraculous plant an ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle recommended Alexander Macedonian to conquer Socotra Island.
Aloe is an integral part of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine.
In total there are about two hundred and fifty types of aloe, but only four are grown for their health benefits for their health.
The life expectancy of Aloe Vera is more than a hundred years in the wild, as the plant can survive even in the most difficult conditions.
Aloe Vera is associated with symbiosis with fungi, which live in the root system of the plant and facilitate the extraction of nutrients from the soil.
On Lanzarote Island (Canary Islands) there is a museum of Aloe Vera, and also installed a memorial to this plant.
During one of the expeditions of Christopher Columbus, the Santa Maria Schunov crew, exhausted with illness and hunger, saved from death only due to the use of aloe vera. After that, Columbus called the plant is not different as "Dr. in the pot."



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