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  • Professions of the future

What professions will be in demand in 3-5 years? Millions of current high school students have to think about this. There are a lot of professions, and it can be difficult to adequately assess offers on the labor market, but everyone wants to have a job that is in demand.

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This article will help you see market trends and choose a suitable specialty that will allow you to get a well-paid position in a few years, and not just a diploma that no one needs.

Professions of the future

Modern reality is changing so quickly that no one can give an accurate forecast of how the market will change in 10 or 20 years.

However, here are some useful conclusions that can be drawn now:

  1. There will be fewer jobs.

It's about mainly about unskilled labor - working as a taxi driver, cashier, etc.

There are several reasons for the upcoming reductions: population growth has become higher than economic growth, and technological progress is gradually entering all spheres of human life. The modern city dweller will not be surprised by self-service checkouts and ordering goods via the Internet. The first driverless taxis are already being prepared for launch in Singapore, and the first Tesla drone will soon be tested. The service sector is becoming increasingly automated, so there is reason to believe that it will require fewer and fewer live specialists.

  1. IT specialists will become even more in demand

Representatives of this field are already quoted on the market - they are offered high salaries and positions in the largest companies. The high-tech era dictates its own rules, and humanitarian professions are clearly losing out to specialties related to computer technology.

  1. The wage gap will widen

In the future, it will most likely be more difficult to remain “average.” The world will be divided into highly qualified specialists with good salaries and unskilled workers with meager salaries. Average job seekers will either have to improve their skills or settle for inferior jobs and lower salaries.

And now the logical question: how to behave in the modern market?

How to become a sought-after specialist in the labor market: 3 main tips

Competition in the market is becoming higher, so it is advisable to think about your advantages before starting work.

Below are a few tips that will help you not only become a sought-after specialist, but also secure this status for many years:

  1. Develop specialized skills

Today's schoolchildren will have to study not only at university, but for almost the rest of their lives. Highly and lowly qualified specialists differ only in the quality of their work—that is, the skills they possess. It is these skills that allow one lawyer to lead large international projects, and the second to apply for a position with a salary of only 15,000 rubles.

Even if you have to start small, the main thing is not to stop and continue to learn - over time you will get far ahead and beat all your competitors.

  1. Choose growing markets

Those. new niches that have just emerged now will become highly competitive in 10 years. This also applies to the still new blockchain and cryptocurrencies, as well as digital technologies. In such markets, on the one hand, more offers and professions will appear, on the other hand, more money will be invested in them.

  1. Learn to do everything quickly

A modern young specialist is unlikely to manage to never change jobs in his life, like his predecessors. Most likely, you will work not only in different companies, but also in different fields of activity. You need to be prepared for this: be able to switch, quickly process information, acquire new skills.

What professions are expected to become popular in the near future? And what specialties will soon conquer the market? More on this below.

What professions will be in demand in 2022: forecast

For many current specialists, analysts have a very disappointing forecast. Universities have produced too many lawyers and psychologists, and even more designers than the market needs. On the other hand, there is a shortage of agronomists, doctors (of all specialties) and engineers. Generally speaking, it will be the hardest for humanities graduates to get a job in their specialty: more than 80% of them cannot do this even now.

What profession should I choose so that it remains in demand in the future?

Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides pointed out a number of areas in which machines will not yet be able to completely replace humans:

  • educational sphere;
  • healthcare;
  • customized services;
  • real estate;
  • housekeeping sector.

In other areas, robotics will become increasingly in demand. But this does not mean that people will no longer be needed. There will simply be new professions needed to work with machines. Thus, they are already predicting new specialties that will appear in the next 10 years:

  • airship designer;
  • bioethicist;
  • IT physician;
  • robotics engineer;
  • cosmo-geologist;
  • designer of zero energy roads.

This is not the entire list of professions of the future. At the moment it consists of more than 100 titles - and will only increase over time.

See also video on the topic:

If you think this future is more like a science fiction movie, remember how much our world has changed in just the past 20 years. More recently, we played music on tape recorders and used film cameras. Children dreamed of a personal computer, and adults dreamed of a cell phone - then these things cost a lot of money. And some have never even heard of the Internet.

What about today? The market is flooded with cheap PCs and other gadgets, the Internet costs pennies, we order food and clothes online. But quite a bit of time has passed!

There is one thing: they don’t teach airship designers in universities yet. Graduates will have to choose from what is available now. However, this is not a verdict: you just need to take into account possible changes and choose a field of activity that is as close as possible to promising professions. When the market changes and new training programs become available, it will be easier for people with basic knowledge in the desired area to master them.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely forget about personal preferences. After all, you don’t want to work in a highly paid but unloved job either. In addition, there are not so few promising specialties left.

Which professions will disappear from the market?

We are talking rather about a constant decrease in the number of employed specialists - up to complete disappearance, which (in some cases) may take more than one decade. For example, experts have long been predicting the disappearance of librarians, but they still work in their libraries. But with the development of computer technology, this profession is indeed becoming less and less necessary every year.

Another dying profession is sales. They will become less necessary thanks to automation and the rise of online shopping. This list also includes postmen and some other professions, such as postmen or watchmen.

But it’s not just unskilled labor that is disappearing. Experts predict that journalists, copywriters, and text editing and proofreading specialists will soon be out of work. The functions of journalists will be taken over by social networks, and work with text will be automated.

The position of assistant secretary may also soon be abolished: it is already cheaper for many entrepreneurs to hire a remote assistant. Representatives of such professions as doubles, stuntmen and museum workers can be replaced by advanced technologies.

Lawyers, accountants, economists and managers, who are already in abundance on the market, will find it even more difficult to find work by the middle of the 21st century. Sberbank has already announced its plans to replace about three thousand existing lawyers with robots, and the Ministry of Finance has received a proposal to halve the number of accountants.

At the moment, 50 professions are considered endangered, and some of them are now very popular among the population.

What will change in the labor market in the near future?

Changes associated with the development of technology will affect all areas. Before choosing a university and specialty, you need to sensibly assess what you need to learn in order to become successful. We talked about the introduction of robotics, but this is not the only important change in the market:

  • Special programs will save doctors and teachers from paperwork. At the same time, the professions themselves will still be relevant;
  • Along with IT technologies and eco-projects, the service sector will actively develop;
  • To obtain a sought-after, highly paid specialty, the applicant must speak English. It will be useful to know Chinese and some other European languages;
  • Education will increasingly move to the online sphere. People will study more - after a diploma, specialists will go to master additional specialized training programs;
  • the diploma will be valued less than the real knowledge and skills of the applicant.

Given these trends, you can think about additional courses or self-education - for example, English language courses along with university studies.

Where to study after school

Experts provide the following list of professions that will definitely be in demand in the next 10-30 years: engineers, technical specialists, doctors, chemists, biologists, ecologists, tourism specialists and hotel business, nanotechnologies.

But marketers, PR specialists and lawyers, with whom the market is now filled, are not among the promising professions. There is high competition in these areas, so only highly qualified specialists can earn good money.

Another completely new but promising area of ​​employment is blockchain technology. It is already serving as an academic discipline in foreign and Russian universities, and this market is growing at an unprecedented pace, attracting huge amounts of money.

If you are interested in making money on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, pay attention to these5 proven ways to make money on cryptocurrency

In fact, our entire website was created so that you can choose the university that suits you. However, if you typed the title of the article into the search and ended up here, then you are clearly in great uncertainty. I will try on this page to help you dispel it and put your thoughts in order in your head.

So, where to go after 11th grade? Without water, in fact. We talked about choosing a profession in the article “”. So this article is specifically about choosing a university. Just in case, a key quote from choosing a profession:

If you don’t have a clear predisposition to something, look at your school diary and remember your lessons. Maybe you're better at talking about blue curtains on literature than solving quadratic equations, or vice versa. Maybe you have loved fixing cars since childhood. Are you computer savvy and do you like it? Be a prog. Do you love biology? A doctor.

It is important not to deceive yourself. If you want to be a doctor, but you don’t get a passing USE score in biology, then you don’t want to be a doctor.

Pay attention to these things and work with what you have. Listen to your feelings and try to exclude parents from this process as much as possible.

To start choosing your future place of study, answer the following questions (“I don’t know” can be the answer to the first 3 questions):

1) Which city do I want to go to?
2) Who do I want to apply for? (or at least field of activity)
3) Which exams do I take and how many points do I have/expect?
4) How much money can my parents give me per month?

They answered, they remembered... Just know that we have one of the most complete databases about Russian universities, their specialties and much more. All this will help you when choosing. We will look at the example of Moscow.

Where can you go after 11th grade if...

You DO NOT KNOW the city you will be entering, but you know all or part of the rest (specialty, which Unified State Exams)

Everything is simple here. You need to select a city and move on to the next point. Know that you can enter Moscow even with low Unified State Exam scores. If you have money, you can apply anywhere for anyone.

If you are going to MOSCOW or other LARGE CITIES, and now live in a small city, then for you.

If you, for example, know your future specialty, you can select a city by specialty: you will find a list of all directions in Russia. Select the required specialty and you will see universities where it is taught and CITIES in which there are universities teaching it.

Do you KNOW the city, DO YOU KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW Unified State Exam subjects, specialty

Select a city on the top left by clicking on “Select a city”, select the one you need and you will see ALL INFORMATION on higher education in this city. Next I will show the example of Moscow.

Selecting a university by specialty

If you know the specialty you plan to enroll in, then on the page of each city there is a link to a list of specialties for that particular city. Here, for example, . By clicking on a specific specialty, you will find a list of universities in the city where they teach it. Look for one that suits you based on passing scores and cost, call the university and study.

Selecting a university based on Unified State Exam subjects

If you cannot decide on a specialty and university, you can choose it based on the Unified State Exam subjects. Go here: , select a city, then a Unified State Exam subject and you will see a list of ALL specialties in a certain city, for admission to which you need a selected subject or set of subjects.

Another option is to open, walk around, see specialties. But this takes longer than the above methods.

Selection of everything at once

To select based on multiple criteria at once, use the filter located at the top of the site, for example, on the main page. There you can make a selection based on all criteria at once.

FAQ on topics, answers to the most frequently asked questions

Where should a guy go after 11th grade?

To any university, using the tips for selecting a university on our website.

Where should a girl go after 11?

In general, the range of universities for girls is the same as for boys. However, a number of military universities do not accept girls. With some rare exceptions. Use these instructions and find your university.

Where to apply after 11th grade profession, where to find the list?

List of universities by profession.

The 11 years you spent in school will soon be over, and you will be faced with the need to decide where and how you want to spend the next 10-20-30 or even more years. In this article, we talked about 6 questions that you should honestly answer to yourself, and 10 groups of the most popular specializations. Be honest with yourself and you will find the right answer.

Where is the best place to go after 11th grade: higher education or secondary vocational education?

Graduates of the eleventh grade of the school have two main options for admission:

  1. To college, obtaining a diploma of secondary specialized education. The competition for admission to the secondary school is held on the basis of the average score of the certificate. Training lasts 3 years, can be free with a scholarship or paid. This option is suitable for those who want to quickly get a profession and start working in it, or are not confident in their abilities to enter a higher education institution. Even 9 years of school education is enough to enter college.
  2. To a university, institute or academy, obtaining a diploma of higher education. Studying for a bachelor's degree lasts 4-5 years, for a master's degree - another 2 years, and for doctors, residency is added to this time. At a university you can study on a budget, in a targeted area (both options may involve receiving a scholarship) or on on a paid basis. Competitive selection is carried out on the basis Unified State Exam results in specialized subjects.

There is a third option, not directly related to the education system: commercial courses lasting from several weeks to several months and aimed at mastering a specific specialization.

In this article we will focus primarily on admission to universities, since most eleventh-graders still prefer this option.

How to figure out who is better to apply for after 11th grade?

To ensure that choosing a specialty does not become a bitter disappointment in the future, answer yourself honestly a few questions:

  1. What subjects do you like, find most interesting and exciting?
  2. In which subjects do you have higher grades? Or this: in what subjects do you feel you have the potential to improve your grades and level of knowledge?
  3. What results did you get on the career guidance test? A school psychologist or social educator had to conduct it in every graduating class. If they did not do this, or you were absent at that time, you can take any of the career guidance tests yourself (you can easily find them on the Internet).
  4. What comes first for you: the pleasure of the work you do, or the size of your salary? Achieve success and high level Income is possible in any area, but in some it requires less time and effort, and in others more. Again, you can find out the list of the highest paid professions for your region on the Internet. But you should not blindly chase money: if a profitable job is hateful for you, even a high salary will not be a sufficient bonus for it.
  5. How well do you expect to be able to pass the Unified State Exam? To understand what you can qualify for with your potential scores, you can compare them with the passing values ​​on university websites.
  6. What are the highest educational establishments is there in your city, region? This raises another question: are your parents ready to support you financially if you decide to move to another city or region? And, since we’re talking about parental support, let’s add one more question here: are your parents ready to pay for your education, or are only budget and targeted places suitable for you? As you probably know, passing scores for the budget department are always much higher than for the paid department.
  7. Your choice lies somewhere at the intersection of the answers to all these questions. Try to take them all into account, because, for example, if you want to move to Moscow, but your parents cannot pay for your housing, basic expenses and study, then this dream should be postponed. You can find a university that is closer and simpler, and then go to “conquer the capital” with an existing education and the potential opportunity to provide for yourself.

    Where can I go to study after 11th grade?

    There are a lot of options for who you can enroll in after 11th grade. We have selected the most popular, in-demand ones and combined them into specializations to give you good food for thought about your future. The result is the following list:

    1. Economic. This includes professions such as economist, financial manager, accountant, logistician, manager (sales, purchasing, customer service, advertising, etc.), forwarder and many others. Despite the fact that a large number of universities teach economic specializations, professionals in this field are quite in demand. To be admitted to most economic faculties, elective subjects on the Unified State Exam must be: English language and social studies.
    2. Engineering. Design engineer, civil engineer, network engineer, communications engineer - these are just some of the specialties from this group. They are also in stable demand on the labor market. Additional items for passing the Unified State Exam when entering such specializations, they depend on the chosen engineering profile: it could be physics and computer science, or, for example, physics and chemistry.
    3. Related to the IT industry. This area includes such professions as programmer, web programmer, system administrator, information security specialist, tester software, etc. They are now very popular, and for them, in addition to the mandatory exams, you need to take computer science and physics.
    4. Scientific. Their fundamental difference from all the others is that they are not aimed at implementing any projects or providing services according to a pre-established algorithm, but rather at developing or maintaining advanced technologies. This includes astrophysics, biochemistry, genetics, gerontology, nanotechnology and much more. It makes sense to go into such areas if you want to do science and research.
    5. Construction. From architect to builder, these are specializations for those who will subsequently be involved in the construction, repair and reconstruction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, roads, bridges and other objects. Such professions are especially in demand in fairly large cities, where many development companies need such personnel. Physics is usually one of the elective subjects for the Unified State Exam, and the second depends on the chosen specialization.
    6. Medical and biology related. Medical cybernetics, biochemistry and biophysics, general medicine, pediatrics, pharmaceuticals - these are the most common areas of work of such specialists. They are quite popular with employers, but the level wages of such personnel significantly depends on the institution or company in which they are employed. Most often, elective subjects on the Unified State Exam for medical and biological specialties are biology and chemistry, or physics and biology.
    7. Pedagogical and psychological. We are talking about teachers and lecturers various items for students of different ages, social educators, educational psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists. This is another area in which specialists are always required, but to make good money, you will most likely have to put in a little more effort than representatives of a number of other professions. You must take biology and foreign language, either biology and social studies, or specialized subjects of future pedagogical activity.
    8. Legal. Specialists in this field become notaries, lawyers, investigators, prosecutors, and judges. Typically, in order to succeed in the legal field, you need to work for some time in a low-level position (for example, as an assistant to an experienced lawyer). Social studies and a foreign language (in addition to compulsory subjects) are required.
    9. Military. There are quite a lot of specializations in this area: from personnel management to information security. Most often, military universities require applicants to take the Unified State Exam in physics and computer science (in addition to mathematics and Russian). In addition, it is easier to study in them with good physical preparation. For guys, such education allows them to get rid of the need to go to military service.
    10. Creative. We are talking about artists, writers, musicians, choreographers, actors, directors - these are professions in which you can achieve success if you have talent. As a rule, to enter a university of this type, you need to pass one elective subject (for example, literature or social studies) and a creative exam directly at the institution itself.
    11. Where it is better to do after 11 years of schooling is up to you to decide. Combine the answers to the questions above with this list of specializations, and a picture of your potential future will begin to emerge.

Choice future profession- The decision was, in many ways, fateful. In this article, we've compiled the most important information for girls graduating from high school, including the 12 best majors for college admissions.

Where can a girl go to study after 11th grade?

The main options for where to enroll after 11th grade for a girl are as follows:

  • There is a tendency to cancel the internship and leave only residency, admission after working as a therapist. In addition, internships themselves have already been abolished for pharmacists, dentists, internists and pediatricians. College
  • . This is an institution of secondary specialized education, which you can enter after 9th grade. Most often, schoolchildren who have studied for 11 years strive to obtain a higher education, but studying in a college has its advantages. Firstly, it is easier to get into most colleges than into a good university, and secondly, studying there allows you to get a diploma of secondary vocational education in 3 years and get a job with it. In colleges, as in universities, there are a certain number of free places and the opportunity to receive a scholarship. Specialized courses . If you want to become, for example, a hairdresser, a group administrator in in social networks , pastry chef, barista, etc., then you can get by just by taking the appropriate courses. They are organized by educational centers or companies that need workers from similar professions. Such training is almost always paid, its duration depends on the complexity of the future work (from several weeks to several months).

If you wish, you can find courses with a guarantee of subsequent employment.

Where should a girl go to study after 11th grade?

  1. Economic. Auditor, accountant, economist (planning, financial work, sales, labor) are popular professions that are in demand in any enterprise, in any company or organization. There are quite a lot of certified specialists in this field, but the demand for their services is very high.
  2. Related to management. These are positions such as: HR manager, advertising manager, administrative activities manager, public relations manager, foreign economic activity manager, and others. They, unlike purely economic ones, involve a large share of work in the “person-to-person” format.
  3. Medical. These can be professions from the category of general medicine (training to become a highly specialized specialist), pediatrics, medical biophysics, biochemistry and cybernetics, dentistry, education, nursing. You can also get an education sufficient to work as a nurse at a secondary specialized educational institution.
  4. Legal. Graduates and graduates of law faculties work as lawyers, legal consultants, notaries, investigators, prosecutors, judges, investigators, and customs officers. It is especially important for future specialists in this field (as, by the way, for future doctors) to have a good or trained memory.
  5. Pedagogical. This should include positions such as teacher in kindergarten, a teacher at school, a teacher at a college, university or educational center, as well as a speech therapist, social teacher, and so on. A future teacher needs to know the psychological characteristics of potential students, so it is important to clearly define their expected age.
  6. Creative. This is a fairly broad group of specializations that a girl can study after 11th grade, depending on her abilities and desires: from painting to directing, from vocal art to design, from restoration of architectural heritage to choreography. Special mention should be made of professions at the intersection of creativity and IT technologies, such as web designer or illustrator.
  7. Marketing related. Brand manager, PR manager, marketing analyst are quite interesting professions at the intersection of economics, management and psychology. Today, many people use the services of marketers: from large companies to owners of well-promoted accounts on Instagram and other social networks. And reducing demand for services good specialists in the field of advertising is not expected.
  1. Psychological. Psychology should not be confused with psychiatry, since the latter belongs to the category of medical professions. Psychological education allows you to work in kindergartens and schools, help centers, as well as conduct your own private practice, conduct trainings, and so on. In addition, a number of psychological specializations are close to the same management or marketing.
  2. Related to tourism and sports. This group includes specializations such as guide, local historian, tourism manager, tour operator, tour guide, sports instructor, physical education teacher, and so on. It is worth going into this area either for those girls after the 11th grade who are interested in traveling and working with clients (with a greater emphasis on the latter), or for those who are quite serious about sports.
  3. Linguistic. This is an option for those who like to study languages ​​and literature. Linguistic professions can be called such as translator (oral, written, simultaneous), editor, journalist, and even teacher (of course, language and literature).
  4. Technical and engineering. Most often, in such faculties there are many more male students than females, but in the field of IT technology, bioengineering, eco-design, architecture and a number of others, graduates often achieve no less success than their male classmates. The main thing is to have a technical mind and be ready to study hard.
  5. Military. Such specializations related to communications and communications, law, cartography and a number of other areas are quite popular among girls who dream of a career in the military. Here it is especially important to choose the direction for which female applicants are accepted, and carefully study all the requirements for future female cadets from a particular university.

What types of universities can a girl enter after 11th grade?

In conclusion, we note that in Russia there are three types of institutions that provide the opportunity to obtain higher education:

  • University. Typically this is a fairly multidisciplinary institution with a large number of faculties, covering a wide range of areas professional activity. For example, a university considered technical may well also have humanities faculties.
  • Institute. It has a slightly narrower profile, preparing specialists in one particular field. For example, this could be information technology, economics, teaching, and so on.
  • Academy. This is also a variant of a university with a narrower specialization, which graduates specialists to work in a specific sector of the economy: agricultural academy, military Academy, Academy of Railway Transport, etc.

You can simultaneously apply to 5 universities, for 3 specialties in each. If you are not sure that you will get the desired form of study at the most prestigious university of your choice, it makes sense to play it safe and take advantage of this opportunity.

Among graduates high school It's a very worrying time. Making a life from whom? Who should I go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who simply don’t know what they want. Parents know... They often explain: “you will go to study where you can.” Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In the majority educational institutions V graduating classes serious work is underway. They invite university teachers and graduates, issue “newsletters”, and conduct interesting specialized cool watch, conversations... And in the souls of the guys there is an anxious, nagging feeling: as if not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And it didn’t happen for 5 years. What if it’s interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself from the outside

Sides? Do I know how to communicate with peers and with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about high things? Is my mind rational or do I primarily live with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself is a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring one, in the capital? Third step: read in the press - what are they like these days?

After all, the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth and much more. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic ideas often become decisive. In the 60s of the 20th century they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s they dreamed of becoming a lawyer and accountant. It was believed that they were the “breadiest”. But now there is an overabundance of them. Technologies and production levels are changing before the eyes of today's graduates.

So who should I go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, managers of innovative enterprises and business sectors. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of law and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist in any field. Therefore, when deciding for yourself the question “who is better to go to study for?”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them only if the family is ready to take on financial obligations for training .

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will become leaders in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, engineering and technical youth of the 90s and 2000s sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “to become house managers.”

But there is an even more urgent need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but... without money. What a dilemma!

Finally, it is generally not important to have prestigious “crusts” for self-respecting graduates if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, “golden”.

It has been a long time since there has been such an acute demand for qualified workers in Russia. Turners, milling operators, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing “complex” equipment are so in demand that companies are willing to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers are software engineers, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations “Nanomaterials” and “Nanotechnologies in Electronics” are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, it is likely that the range of specializations in this area will be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place in the sun of your company in conditions of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists in optimizing the management of material and information flows are needed.

Who should I go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, don’t be led by your momentary mood, don’t reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.



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