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Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bSpecialist
Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University"
original name

Prof., Doctor of Historical Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Dokashenko


About 2000 - full-time education, about 500 - part-time

The doctors
Legal address

84626, Gorlovka, st. Rudakova, 25

Coordinates: 48 ° 18'15 "s. sh. 38 ° 01′05 ″ in. etc. /  48.30417 ° N sh. 38.01806 ° East etc./ 48.30417; 38.01806 (G) (I)K: Educational institutions founded in 1949

Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, abbreviated GGPII, colloquially - in'yaz.


Campuses and buildings

The educational institution has 6 buildings: In educational buildings 1 - 2 students of the English language study. In addition to classrooms, the building has computer classes, phono laboratories, methodological rooms. Also in the buildings are located: a sports complex, a library, a publishing center and an assembly hall. Building 3 has a computer class and 19 classrooms for students of the Faculty of Humanities. Students of the Faculty of French and German Languages, the Faculty of Translation study in building 4, which has 38 classrooms, a computer class and an assembly hall. Building 5 accepts students of the Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages, the Center for Distance Learning and Postgraduate Education in 32 classrooms, they study Ukrainian, Russian, and foreign languages. In the future, the institute plans to commission 2 more educational buildings and a new library. For students from other cities and countries, the university has 4 hostels. Number of places to stay: 1 hostel - 90 2 hostel - 95 3 hostel - 400 4 hostel - 535. The university also has a recreation area - a sports and health camp "Altair", which is located in the picturesque village of Shchurovo, Krasnolimansky district, Donetsk region.

Corpus toponymy

  • No. 1 and No. 2 are referred to as the Central Committee (Central Committee, from - the central building).
  • No. 3 is called Sorbona.
  • The former building number 4 was called Bastille (now the French faculty has moved to building number 5).
  • No. 5 - bears the name of Solovki.
  • No. 6 is called either Kamchatka or Sakhalin.
  • Next to the Central Committee, the former Palace of Pioneers was transferred to the property of the institute, where it is planned to transfer the German faculty. Undergoing a sluggish renovation, the building has already received the name of the Reichstag. Funds for repairs are being spent overstated, and rumor says that the unfinished building will be given to another owner so that they do not ask about the money spent.

Institutes and faculties

Faculty of English

Direction of training - 6.020303 Philology (English language and literature). Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4 years.

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Specialty - 7.02030302 Language and Literature (English, German, French, Spanish). Educational qualification level - specialist. The term of study is 1 year.

Faculty of French and German

Industry code - 0203. Direction of training - Philology (French language and literature, German language and literature). The training area code is 6.020303. Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4 years.

  • Area of \u200b\u200bexpertise - Humanities.

Industry code - 0203. Specialty - Language and Literature (English, German, French). Specialty code - 7.02030302. Educational qualification level - Master. The term of study is 2 years. Qualification - Teacher.

Faculty of Humanities

  • Area of \u200b\u200bexpertise - Humanities.

Industry code 0203. Direction of training - Philology (English). The training area code is 6020303. The training area is History. The training area code is 6.020302. Area of \u200b\u200bknowledge Socio-political science. Industry code - 0301. Direction of training - Practical psychology. The training area code is 6.030103. Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4 years.

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Specialty - Language and Literature (English). Specialty code - 7.02030302. Specialty - History. Specialty code - 7.02030201. Area of \u200b\u200bknowledge Socio-political sciences, branch code - 0301. Specialty - Practical psychology. Specialty code - 7.03010301. Educational qualification level - specialist. The term of study is 1 year. Qualification - Teacher.

Translation faculty

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Direction of training - Philology (English). The training area code is 6.020303. Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4 years.

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Specialty - Translation (English, German, French). Specialty code - 7.02030304. Educational qualification level - specialist. The term of study is 1 year. Qualification - translator.

Faculty of Slavic and Germanic languages

  • Area of \u200b\u200bexpertise - Humanities.

Industry code - 0203. Direction of training - Philology (Ukrainian language and literature). Direction of training - Philology (English language and literature). Direction of training - Philology (Russian language and literature). The training area code is 6.020303. Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4 years.

  • Area of \u200b\u200bexpertise - Humanities.

Industry code - 0203. Specialty - Language and Literature (English). Specialty code - 7.02030302. Specialty - Language and Literature (Ukrainian). Specialty code - 7.02030301. Educational qualification level - specialist. The term of study is 1 year. Qualification - Teacher.

Educational and Scientific Center for Distance Learning and Postgraduate Education

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Direction of training - 6.020303 Philology (English language and literature, French language and literature, German language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature). The direction of training is History. The training area code is 6.020302. Knowledge area - 0301 Socio-political sciences. Direction of training - 6.030103 Practical Psychology. Educational qualification level - bachelor. The term of study is 4.

  • Knowledge area - 0203 Humanities.

Specialty - 7.02030302 Language and Literature (English, German, French). Specialty - 7.02030301 Language and Literature (Ukrainian). Specialty - 7.02030201 History. Educational qualification level - specialist. Knowledge area - 0301 Socio-political sciences. Specialty - 7.03010301 Practical Psychology. The term of study is 1 year. Qualification - Teacher.

Honorary Doctors and Graduates

  • Davidova Victoria Kirillovna

1989 release. Press and Information Advisor to the Ukrainian Delegation of the EU (Brussels).

  • Shitikova Svetlana Petrovna

1995 release. Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Development, member of the Board of Directors of the Learning Network for Global Development, director of the National TEMPUS - office in Ukraine.

1999 release. Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia.

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An excerpt characterizing the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

Bosse bowed gratefully for this attentiveness to his (hitherto unknown) inclination to travel.
- AND! what's this? - said Napoleon, noticing that all the courtiers were looking at something covered with a veil. The boss, with court dexterity, without showing his back, took a half-turn two steps back and at the same time pulled off the coverlet and said:
“A present for your Majesty from the Empress.
It was in bright colors a portrait of a boy born to Napoleon and the daughter of the Austrian emperor, painted by Gerard, who for some reason everyone called the king of Rome.
A very handsome curly-haired boy, with a look similar to that of Christ in the Sistine Madonna, was depicted playing a bilbock. The globe represented the globe, and the wand in the other hand represented the scepter.
Although it was not entirely clear what exactly the painter wanted to express, presenting the so-called king of Rome piercing the globe with a stick, this allegory, just like everyone who saw the picture in Paris, and Napoleon, obviously, seemed clear and liked it very much.
“Roi de Rome, [King of Rome.],” He said, gesturing gracefully towards the portrait. - Admirable! [Wonderful!] - With the ability of Italians to change the expression of a face at will, he approached the portrait and pretended to be pensive tenderness. He felt that what he would say and do now is history. And it seemed to him that the best thing he could do now was that he, with his greatness, as a result of which his son played with the globe in the bilbock, so that he would show, in contrast to this greatness, the simplest fatherly tenderness. His eyes were misty, he moved, looked back at the chair (the chair jumped under him) and sat down on it opposite the portrait. One gesture from him - and everyone tiptoed out, leaving himself and his feeling of a great man.
After sitting for a while and touching, without knowing why, with his hand to the roughness of the portrait's glare, he got up and again called for Boss and the attendant. He ordered that the portrait be brought out in front of the tent so as not to deprive the old guard, who was standing near his tent, of the happiness of seeing the Roman king, the son and heir of their adored sovereign.
As he expected, while he was having breakfast with Monsieur Bosse, who had been honored with this honor, the enthusiastic shouts of the officers and soldiers of the old guard who had rushed to the portrait were heard in front of the tent.
- Vive l "Empereur! Vive le Roi de Rome! Vive l" Empereur! [Long live the emperor! Long live the Roman king!] - enthusiastic voices were heard.
After breakfast Napoleon, in the presence of Bosse, dictated his orders for the army.
- Courte et energique! [Short and energetic!] - said Napoleon, when he read the written proclamation without any corrections. The order read:
“Warriors! This is the battle you have desired so much. Victory depends on you. It is necessary for us; she will provide us with everything we need: comfortable apartments and a quick return to the fatherland. Act as you did at Austerlitz, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. Let the later offspring proudly remember your exploits on this day. Let them say about each of you: he was in the great battle near Moscow! "
- De la Moskowa! [Near Moscow!] - Napoleon repeated, and inviting Monsieur Bosse, who loved to travel, to his walk, he left the tent to the saddled horses.
- Votre Majeste a trop de bonte, [You are too kind, your majesty,] - said Boss at the invitation to accompany the emperor: he wanted to sleep and he did not know how and was afraid to ride a horse.
But Napoleon nodded his head to the traveler, and Boss had to go. When Napoleon left the tent, the shouts of the guards in front of the portrait of his son intensified even more. Napoleon frowned.
“Take it off,” he said, gesturing gracefully at the portrait with a majestic gesture. “It's too early for him to see the battlefield.
Boss, closing his eyes and bowing his head, took a deep breath, with this gesture showing how he knew how to appreciate and understand the words of the emperor.

All this day on August 25, as his historians say, Napoleon spent on horseback, inspecting the area, discussing the plans presented to him by his marshals, and personally giving orders to his generals.
The original line of disposition of Russian troops along the Koloche was broken, and part of this line, namely the left flank of the Russians, as a result of the capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt on the 24th, was carried back. This part of the line was not fortified, no longer protected by the river, and in front of it alone there was a more open and level place. It was obvious to any military or non-military man that this part of the line was to be attacked by the French. It seemed that this did not require a lot of considerations, that such solicitude and troublesomeness of the emperor and his marshals was not needed, and that special supreme ability called genius, which they love to ascribe to Napoleon, was not needed at all; but the historians who later described this event, and the people who then surrounded Napoleon, and he himself thought differently.
Napoleon rode across the field, gazed thoughtfully at the area, shook his head with himself approvingly or incredulously, and without informing the generals around him of the thoughtful move that guided his decisions, he passed them only final conclusions in the form of orders. After listening to the proposal of Davout, called the Duke of Eckmühl, to bypass the left flank of the Russians, Napoleon said that this should not be done, without explaining why it was not necessary. On the proposal of General Compan (who was supposed to attack the flashes) to lead his division in the forest, Napoleon expressed his consent, despite the fact that the so-called Duke of Elchingen, that is, Ney, allowed himself to notice that movement through the forest is dangerous and could upset the division ...
Having examined the area opposite the Shevardinsky redoubt, Napoleon thought for a while in silence and pointed to the places where two batteries were to be set up by tomorrow to act against the Russian fortifications, and the places where field artillery was to line up next to them.
Having given these and other orders, he returned to his headquarters, and the disposition of the battle was written under his dictation.
This disposition, about which French historians speak with enthusiasm and other historians with deep respect, was as follows:
“At dawn, two new batteries, set up in the night, on the plain occupied by the Prince of Eckmühl, will open fire on two opposing enemy batteries.
At the same time, the chief of artillery of the 1st corps, General Pernetti, with 30 guns of the Kompan division and all the howitzers of the Desse and Friant divisions, will move forward, open fire and bombard the enemy battery with grenades, against which they will act!
24 guards artillery guns,
30 guns of the Kompan division
and 8 guns of the Friant and Desse division,
A total of 62 guns.
The chief of artillery of the 3rd corps, General Fouche, will place all the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th corps, 16 in total, along the flanks of the battery, which is assigned to fire on the left fortification, which will total 40 guns against it.
General Sorbier must be ready at the first order to carry out with all the howitzers of the guards artillery against one or another fortification.
In the continuation of the cannonade, Prince Poniatovsky will go to the village, into the forest and bypass the enemy position.
General Kompan will move through the forest to capture the first fortification.
Upon entering the battle in this way, orders will be given according to the actions of the enemy.
The cannonade on the left flank will begin as soon as the cannonade of the right wing is heard. The riflemen of Moran's division and the Viceroy's division will open heavy fire when they see the start of an attack from the right wing.
The vice king will take possession of the village [Borodino] and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Moran and Gerard, who, under his leadership, will go to the redoubt and enter the line with the rest of the army.
All this must be done in order (le tout se fera avec ordre et methode), keeping troops in reserve whenever possible.
In the imperial camp, near Mozhaisk, September 6, 1812 ".
This disposition, very vaguely and confusedly written, - if you allow yourself to treat Napoleon's orders without religious horror at Napoleon's genius - included four points - four orders. None of these orders could be and were not executed.
The disposition says, first: so that the batteries arranged in the place chosen by Napoleon with the guns of Pernetti and Fouche, only one hundred and two guns, which have to align with them, open fire and bombarded the Russian flushes and redoubts with shells. This could not be done, since from the places designated by Napoleon, the shells did not reach the Russian works, and these one hundred and two guns fired at an empty one until the nearest commander, contrary to Napoleon's orders, pushed them forward.
The second order was that Ponyatovsky, heading for the village into the forest, bypassed the left wing of the Russians. This could not be and was not done because Ponyatovsky, heading to the village in the forest, met Tuchkov, blocking his path, and could not bypass and did not bypass the Russian position.
Third order: General Kompan will move into the forest to capture the first fortification. The Kompana division did not take possession of the first fortification, but was repulsed, because, leaving the forest, it had to form under grape-shot fire, which Napoleon did not know.

Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University"
original name ukr. Gorliv State Pedagogical Institute of Earth Movers
Year of foundation
Rector Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology Belitskaya Evgeniya Nikolaevna
Location Bakhmut
Legal address 84500, Bakhmut, st. Vasily Pershin, 24
Website forlan.org.ua

Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the State Higher Educational Institution “Donbass State Pedagogical University is a higher state educational institution of III-IV levels of accreditation in the city of Gorlovka.

History [ | ]

Foundation of the Institute[ | ]

In the autumn of 1949, on the basis of the Belotserkovsky pedagogical school, a teacher's institute of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas created. The task of the new educational institution was to prepare teachers of English and French for grades 5-7 of a comprehensive school. And already in the 1953-1954 academic year, on the basis of the teacher's institute, the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas organized, in which 39 teachers worked. Karp Kirillovich Shvachka, a candidate of philological sciences, a specialist in the Ukrainian language, was appointed director of the institute.

On September 9, 1954, the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas transferred from the city of Bila Tserkva, Kiev region, to the city of Horlivka, Stalin's (now Donetsk) region and named: Gorlovka Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, which became the first higher educational institution in the city of Horlivka.

Development of the institute in the city of Horlivka[ | ]

For the rapid and productive assimilation of a foreign language, in addition to the practice of the language and the study of various theoretical features of its application, students studied the history, life, customs of the people - its bearer within the framework of regional studies and the history of the language.

Obtaining the specialty of a foreign language teacher was closely associated with patriotic and international education, as well as instilling artistic taste. The number of teachers and students of the institute grew from year to year, a candidate of sciences appeared.

The creation of a higher educational institution in Gorlovka certainly influenced the public, cultural and sports life of the city. Thus, the tradition of holding regular methodological workshops in English and French was started, which provided qualified assistance to local teachers.

Intelligent and active in learning, the students of the institute were creative and interesting in their approach to organizing their leisure time. In the 1962-1963 academic year, amateur art circles began to work at the institute: choral and solo singing in the native and foreign languages, dance, drama circles, a brass band. The leaders of these circles were specialists from music, singing and dancing, teachers of specialized departments of the Horlivka Pedagogical Institute. In the same 60s, a lot of sportsmen-rankers in the sports cultivated at the institute were trained from among the students: football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, athletics, handball, shooting, tourism, table tennis. Students and teachers could enjoy their vacations and vacations in a picturesque corner of the Donetsk region on the banks of the Seversky Donets River, where in July 1963 a sports and recreation camp was organized, in which 50 students rested for the first time. At the beginning of its existence "Altair" functioned as a tent city, but gradually it was comfortably equipped with various buildings.

At the end of the 70s, the transition of the Horlivka Pedagogical Institute to the training of teachers in two specialties was introduced: "teacher of English and German" and "teacher of French and German" with a term of study at both faculties - 5 years. The first graduation of specialists from two languages \u200b\u200bat the faculties of English and French took place in 1979

The development of the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas carried out under the guidance of conscientious and talented individuals: Candidate of Philology Shvachk Karp Kirillovich (Rector of the State Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b1953-1975), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Ivanenko Galina Sergeevna (Rector of the State Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b1975-1982), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Klitsakov Ivan Alekseevich (Rector of the State Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b1982-2001). During the 80s and 90s, the number of students at the institute increased, new specialties and faculties were opened, the number of teachers and employees, including highly qualified specialists, increased. Full-time doctors of sciences appeared, international relations were strengthened.

Since 1992 An agreement on cooperation in the field of the educational process and the establishment of direct cultural, scientific contacts with university professors was developed between the GIIY and the Southern University (USA).

Relations with Germany are developing, primarily with the representative office of the Goethe Institute in Kiev. The faculty of the German language receives reference, scientific, educational literature from Germany.

2007-2008 A mutual exchange of delegations of students and teachers began with the Krakow Academy. Andrzej Fritsch Modrzewski on the basis of signed agreements on cooperation and exchange of students and teachers.

In 2001, at a meeting of the labor collective, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Viktor Nikolayevich Dokashenko was elected the rector of the institute.

Since 2012, the institute has been part of the Donbass State Pedagogical University as a separate structural subdivision of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages.

Since November 2014, due to the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine, the institute was evacuated to the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

Institute today[ | ]

The institute is located in the city of Horlivka, Donetsk region. The entire material and technical base, namely 6 buildings and 4 dormitories, remained in Gorlovka, the institute is actively developing and moving forward.

Faculties [ | ]

Faculty of Social and Language Communication[ | ]

The structure of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication today includes the following departments:

Domestic and foreign history

Ukrainian philology

English Philology and Translation

Linguistics and Russian

Psychology and Pedagogy

Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages[ | ]

The Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages \u200b\u200bconsists of the following departments:

Department of Germanic Philology;

Department of French and Spanish;

Department of Foreign Literature.

Educational center "Donbass - Ukraine"[ | ]

On July 1, 2016 on the basis of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the State Higher Educational Institution "DDPU" the Educational Center "Donbass - Ukraine" was created. The Donbass-Ukraine Educational Center organizes activities for the implementation of the Procedure for admission to higher education for persons whose place of residence is the territory of the anti-terrorist operation. The center was created in conjunction with general education institutions of communal ownership to conduct annual assessment and state final certification, order and issue a state-recognized document on basic or secondary education.

Honorary Doctors and Graduates[ | ]

  • Davidova Victoria Kirillovna

1989 release. Press and Information Advisor to the Ukrainian Delegation of the EU (Brussels).

  • Shitikova Svetlana Petrovna

1995 release. Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Development, member of the Board of Directors of the Learning Network for Global Development, Director of the National TEMPUS Office in Ukraine.

1999 release. Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia.

Links [ | ]

  • (unavailable link)

General information: The Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200boffers all the necessary conditions for learning and spending leisure time. At the service of students: educational buildings with assembly and sports halls, hostels, a library, a sports and health camp "Altair" in the Donetsk region, computer classes with Internet access, phonolaboratory and video classes.

Free education:

Paid training:

Military department:

The presence of hostels:

Postgraduate education:

Postgraduate studies, doctoral studies:

Forms of training:

  • daytime
  • correspondence
  • remote

Types of educational qualification levels:

  • bachelor
  • specialist

List of faculties:Faculty of English:

  • department of English Philology
  • department of English Practice and Phonetics
  • department of Foreign Literature
  • department of Romance-Germanic Languages
  • department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Skills
  • department of Grammar and English Practice
Faculty of French:
  • department of French Philology
  • department of French Practice
  • department of Philosophy and Political Science
  • department of Foreign Literature
Faculty of German:
  • department of German
  • department of Germanic Languages
  • department of Physical Education and Health
Faculty of Humanities:
  • department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bPractice
  • department of Philology of Foreign Languages
  • department of Psychology
  • department of Russian and Foreign History
Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages:
  • department of Broadcasting Practice and Information Technology
  • department of the Ukrainian language
  • department of Literary Theory and History of Ukrainian Literature
  • department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
  • department of Linguistics and Russian Language
Translation faculty:
  • department of Grammar and Speech Practice
  • department of Theory and Practice of Translation
  • department of the second foreign language
Faculty of correspondence and distance learning Faculty of pre-university training and postgraduate education

Information for applicants:

Training courses: During the academic year, the faculty has preparatory courses in foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German) and Ukrainian. The duration of the courses is 7, 3 months and 2 weeks.

List of documents for admission to the university:an application for admission, which indicates the direction of training and the chosen specialty, the form of training; state sample document on complete general secondary education, copy and original; medical certificate 086-0 (original or its certified copy) and vaccination certificate; certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment (originals or certified copies of them); 6 photos 3x4 cm; copy of the passport; copy of the identification code; copy of work book (for persons with work experience).
For admission, UTSOKO certificates are required in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; foreign language.

Note: for more accurate, detailed and complete information, please contact the university reception or visit the website of the university you are interested in.

Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(GSPIJA) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

The educational process at the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(GSPIIL) is carried out in 8 educational buildings, where more than 3500 students study at 8 faculties.

Students have the opportunity to use the library fund, which is more than 27 thousand copies of educational, methodological, scientific and fictional literature, funds of resource centers for English, French and German. 5 computer classes with Internet connection were opened.

The Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(GSPIIYa) has the following faculties:

  • Faculty of English,
  • Faculty of French,
  • Faculty of German Language,
  • Faculty of Humanities,
  • Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages,
  • Translation faculty,
  • Faculty of correspondence and distance learning,
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Postgraduate Education.

International relations of the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

The geography of international relations of the Institute covers a fairly wide range of countries of the near and far abroad: the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Brazil, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovakia, Belarus, the Russian Federation.

Currently, the institute considers the continuation of systematic work to integrate teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200binto the European system of language education through an external assessment of the quality of students' knowledge on the European scale as the leading direction in cooperation:

  • English - Cambridge Syndicate exam
  • French - Alliance Francaise Diploma
  • German language - Goethe Institute exam

The strategic direction of cooperation of the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bis to increase the international competitiveness of students in the higher education market. To this end, the institute, together with its partners:

  • adapts training / work programs for the purpose of their mutual approximation;
  • creates modern curricula and plans for the conclusion of agreements on the mutual recognition of diplomas;
  • organizes joint research teams to develop innovative scientific directions of modern pedagogical and philological science.

Thus, the result of international cooperation of the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bshould be the organic integration of the institute into the European educational system.

Annually, about 30 teachers and postgraduate students of the institute undergo training abroad. Teachers are trained in Germany, USA, Switzerland, Russia. Institute students have the opportunity to undergo summer teaching practice outside of Ukraine. About 40 students use this opportunity every year.



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