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Palmistry double heart line. What does an island located on the heart line mean?

Palmistry is an ancient science. It is not so easy to master, and not everyone is capable of it. To understand and interpret the lines and signs on the hand, you need to have developed intuition. With this kind of work, the left hemisphere of the brain, lateral thinking, is activated. The right hemisphere is responsible for linear logical thinking. We use it every day to recognize and explain rational phenomena.

Palmistry allows you to read a person's past, present and future. Lines, crosses, intersections - they all have their own meaning that can be interpreted. It is intuition that will help the palmist do this. And the more developed it is, the more accurate and truthful his predictions will be.

Intuition is also called the sixth sense. Science has not given an exact interpretation of this concept, but does not exclude its existence. And various cases, facts and experiences of real people prove this. All people are endowed with intuition, but not everyone believes in it; in some it manifests itself very rarely, in others, on the contrary, it is highly developed. It can be developed through various exercises and practices. The information that fuels intuition comes from everywhere. A touch of the hand and body language can tell a lot about a person. This information does not lie on the surface, so you need to delve into the subconscious, using intuition, and bring it to the surface. This can be done by an experienced person who has practiced enough and is familiar with various nuances and little things.

Palmistry (hand fortune telling) requires practice and experience. Research, study, analysis are very important in this field if a person wants to take it seriously. The more palms a palm reader studies, the more experience he will gain, pumping up his intuition like a muscle.

Of course, there will be mistakes, especially at the initial stage. But there is no need to be afraid of them. Delving deeper into this element, a person gradually begins to understand the meaning of the lines, and, in the end, he will be able to see and accurately explain everything that fate has written on his hand.


Different sources give different information about which hand should be used to read the future and which hand should be used to read the past. Some say that the right hand tells about the future, and the left - about the past. Others say the opposite. But more often they read the right hand. It shows a realized personality. The left one speaks of human potential. If you are dealing with a left-hander, then only intuition and accumulated experience can tell you which hand to read. Various advances in the field of palmistry have clarified this issue to some extent.

Left hand

The left hand is yin. It can also be called the human soul. It reflects its essence, deep and hidden symbols. The signs contain information about the true “I”, the subtle, extraterrestrial essence. Sensitivity, eroticism, intuition. This is the feminine aspect of personality. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for this area. You can also learn about a person’s spiritual potential and spiritual development by looking at his left hand.

Right hand

The right hand is yang. Logic, details, processes. It reflects the influence of society on a person (education, experience). The right hemisphere is responsible for this area. This is the masculine aspect of personality - its active side.

Hand comparison

To better master the hand reading technique, it is better to study both hands at the same time. This will make it possible to compare the lines on the palm and signs. See similarities and differences. The more identical lines on the hand, the better. If a person has almost all the lines on both hands, then such a person is a very harmonious and holistic person. His inner world does not conflict with the outside, they are as balanced as possible. But such people are very rare.

Often the left and right hands have a number of significant differences. The color, shape, size and, of course, the lines on the hands are different. This a clear sign the fact that internal desires and aspirations are not realized, that desires and possibilities do not coincide. For example, a person sacrifices his creative abilities for the sake of earning money. Very often the lines on the left hand are more pronounced than on the right. This suggests that society suppresses intuition, the erotic component of a person. This fact is upsetting, since his best qualities remain undeveloped.


The lines on the palm are major and minor. There are also various signs: dots, crosses, islands, strokes, breaks, squares, triangles. They all have their own interpretation. It is important to know that pale, poorly developed lines do not transmit energy well. Bright and thick lines convey energy in excess. Such a person is quick-tempered and hyperactive.


Signs such as islands are a signal indicating a lack of energy. This is a sign of impending changes, a difficult period. It is considered a negative sign.

The physical condition is read along the life line, and the islands that appear on it foreshadow illness. Energy that is not distributed correctly can also affect the appearance of islands. This can be caused by negative states that appear if a person does something he doesn’t like, or if he has problems in the family.

Such a sign located on the line of the mind will indicate mental trauma. This trauma can be simple (resentment, disappointment) or very complex (psychological disorder). It may also indicate the presence of head injuries. The island is also evidence of mental splitting, when a person is not accepted by society, is condemned by it, and worries about this.

The heart line in the islands is also not a good sign. Such a person is fickle. If other lines are visible next to the islets, then it can be assumed that the person’s heart is unhealthy.


A dot is a sign that speaks of stopping, impassable energies, obstacles, blocks. She points to a crisis. It can also foreshadow significant events.

Such a sign on the life line is evidence of the stress suffered or experienced, which can be caused by dismissal, humiliation, or other unpleasant events.

Points located on the line of the mind indicate a mental crisis. The heart line at the dots is about an emotional crisis.


Strokes are a sign indicating outside influence on a person.

Located on the life line, they indicate obstacles. A person needs to go through them, overcome them.

Line of the mind in strokes - mental block, lack of concentration, anxiety. The heart line in strokes is a sign indicating difficulty in relationships with loved ones. Quarrels, separations.


A break is a sign that indicates change. A person's life path can change as in positive side, and negative. The line after the break will indicate what to expect.

If the breaks are located on the life line, then they indicate a possible trip, divorce, dismissal, or change of residence.

The lines of the mind are broken - a person’s worldview may completely change, or he will change his view of certain things. Heart line in breaks - this sign indicates the end of a relationship, the destruction of illusions.


This sign does not appear often. It indicates certain obstacles. They talk about it as a negative phenomenon.

There are crosses - there are only three of them - which are considered lucky. Depending on their location, they have one or another meaning.


Squares are positive signs and symbolize protection and good luck. Their location does not play an important role. The positive character traits that a person exhibits on a daily basis form a strength that protects him and helps him in various situations.


Triangles are a good sign. They indicate the presence of talent, creativity, and energy. Any line or hill on which triangles are located enhances its qualities.


Stars are a sign that doesn't appear often. He talks about the presence of various abilities and talents in a person. May warn of a possible disaster. Strengthens the negativity on the hill, line.

When reading the lines on people's hands, it is useful to ask them about the past and compare facts and signs. This may cause the person to doubt your abilities. But you shouldn't be afraid of this. The explanation is simple: before giving treatment, the doctor asks the patient about his well-being, the source and nature of the pain. The palmist works in a similar way. To give a more accurate interpretation of the signs, it is necessary to know certain details of the events that occurred earlier. Don't be afraid of mistakes either. They will definitely happen, especially at first.

Main lines

Life line

The origin is located between the index finger and thumb. Its length is not an indicator of life expectancy. The ideal line would be one that curves around the Mount of Venus and reaches the Mount of Neptune, smooth, without intersections, breaks, or islands. If it is crossed by other stripes, then they always speak of a negative impact that causes stress and illness.

Mind line

The beginning is located between the index and thumb, ending on the hill of Mars or the Moon. It can be connected first to the life line. It tells how well a person’s logic, intuition, and imaginative thinking are developed. She will also talk about the psychological state, various mental and mental illnesses.

Line of fate

The beginning is located on the hill of the Moon or Neptune, it can start from the line of life, ends on the line of the head, heart. From it you can find out about the condition of the central nervous system, about the presence of various psychological diseases.

Line of Health (Mercury)

The beginning is located on the hill of Venus and ends on the hill of Mercury. It is often intermittent. If the line of Mercury begins with the line of life or they intersect, then this indicates a critical moment that can occur in a person’s life, even death. Experienced palmists can determine the year of such an event, which will allow them to be more attentive to their health, condition, situations and, to some extent, soften the blow or avoid it. Along the health line you can read the presence of various diseases or problems with the pancreas, duodenum. The appearance of this line indicates the need for careful attention to nutrition, psychological state, and lifestyle.

Heart line

The heart line in the palm is an arc that originates between the index and middle fingers and ends at the edge of the palm. She may or may not be present. Palmistry will help in interpreting these signs. The heart line on the hand is responsible for emotions and affections. The heart line is deep, clear, and clearly visible - such a person will be happy in love; if it is not there, then the person is not capable of love.

The exit point of the line is of great importance. An exit below the Mount of Jupiter denotes an extreme degree of emotionality. Such a person is quick-tempered and does not control outbursts of feelings. He is selfish in love and forgets about prudence. Most of all he is interested in his own experiences. He constantly tries to prove his love, and often to unworthy people, which is why he suffers. If the heart line on the hand comes out from the center of the Mount of Jupiter, this indicates that the person is ambitious and can be trusted both in friendships and in love. If it originates between the index and middle fingers, then this is a calm but deep nature. The beginning is the hill of Saturn. Energy, selfishness, voluptuousness are inherent in such people.

Palmistry will help you understand the meaning of certain signs on a line, the meaning of its shape and size. The heart line is the main line and plays a key role in determining the essence of a person.

A very long heart line on the hand. Meaning: jealous character. Wide and long speaks of skepticism and indifference of the owner. Fragmentation and breadth indicate that a person is absolutely not interested in the opposite sex. An indicator of passion and temperament is a deep, clearly defined streak. Long and thin belongs to delicate, impressionable natures. They are afraid of disappointments in love.

Absence of a line or a barely noticeable heart line on the hand. The meaning of this sign is negative. Such a person is not capable of love. He will never know the happiness of a high feeling. For women, this is an indicator of infertility.

If the line on the palm is often interrupted, then this indicates that the person is prone to betrayal.

The line is located low, next to the line of the mind. Such people will never succumb to the impulse of feelings; their actions will be controlled by reason. These are purposeful people; they are often absorbed in their work. The increasing distance between these lines at the end of the Mount of Mercury indicates the ability to improve.

Branches from the heart line indicate that such a person will be happy both in love and in life. They are thin, almost invisible, they are the owners of a cold, selfish heart.

The heart line bifurcates - such people will have good luck and success in life, prosperity. They are kind, fair, with a developed aesthetic sense.

A double heart line means an honest, truthful person. He loves various entertainments and pleasures.

A cross located on the heart line speaks of a happy marriage. If it branches at the end, the marriage will be unhappy.

A triangle on the heart line indicates heart problems and frequent illnesses.

All these lines are responsible for the state of a particular organ, indicate the characteristics of a person’s character, and reveal his essence. You can read the past and future from them.

The lines on the hands reflect various internal problems, both psychological and physical, that may be hidden. Palmistry will help to identify them and prevent unwanted, often unpleasant life situations related to these problems: consult a doctor in time for help, which can save your life; pay attention to your psychological state, which can save you from deep stress and depression.



A spot on the heart line means a heaviness in the heart associated with conscious or unconscious anxieties of a temporary nature. Perhaps you have succumbed to memories of the torment of unrequited love. In order to restore your health, you need to make an effort and forget about past disappointments.


Islands on the heart line are a sign of short-term or long-term conflicts, troubles, and stress. They may indicate organic changes in the heart and heart disease that will adversely affect your emotional state and vitality. A more specific interpretation of this sign is related to its location, size, as well as the number of islands on the heart line, as the examples below illustrate.


An island on the heart line, located on the Mount of Jupiter, speaks of a difficult family situation that caused you suffering in early childhood and continues to negatively affect your emotional state. If both hands are marked with this sign, difficult memories can torment you throughout your life. However, if the rest of its length the heart line is smooth, you have the strength to cope with the experience you have experienced. You need to try to look at past events from the right angle, taking into account their karmic significance, and then you will be able to move forward without hindrance.


An island on the heart line, falling on the Mount of Saturn, symbolizes sadness. You have a tendency to be reclusive and strive to emotionally distance yourself from the world. You need to learn to express your emotions, not suppress them.


An island on the heart line, falling on the Mount of the Sun, indicates some kind of blockage. Some resentment or disappointment prevents you from freely expressing your feelings. When people don't live up to your expectations, don't worry so much! Better try to learn to forgive. And don’t let your disappointments take away your strength. If you take a closer look at yourself, you will find that you have poor appetite, sleep, you do not get sexual satisfaction, and all this disrupts the circulation of energy.


An island on the heart line, falling on the Mount of Mercury, is a sign of blocking emotions due to the inability to communicate and love relationships, You need to consciously strive for openness, otherwise the oppression of unexpressed emotions will harm your health.


Several large islands on the hills of the Sun and Mercury indicate a tendency to harbor feelings of resentment, resentment or some other destructive feelings. If you do not correct yourself, then such a habit is just a step towards extravagance... Tolerance for shortcomings, your own and those of others, will help you find emotional balance. The habit of carrying negative emotions may also lead to you eating haphazardly and neglecting healthy physical activity, you will develop hypertension and other diseases associated with poor circulation. The path to health is a proper diet and reasonable physical activity.


The chain of islands on the hills of the Sun and Mercury reveals a tendency towards increased sensitivity and melancholy. Emotional stress and relationship complications can cause depression, leading to loss of appetite, which in turn threatens nutritional deficiency. nutrients in organism. If you don't accept necessary measures, you will suffer from hypotension. It is recommended to undergo medical examinations from time to time. You should pull yourself together and stop worrying, indulging in sadness and reflecting on the mistakes you once made. By freeing yourself from negative patterns, you will gain access to the energy of love.


A continuous chain of islands means that you are in the grip of anxiety, that you are indecisive and afraid to enter into any relationships, and all this results in unpredictable behavior. You yourself are the cause of complications in relationships because you attract them. Before entering into any new relationship, you need to immerse yourself in a calm, reflective environment and do some soul searching. Once you clearly understand why you attract certain types of relationships, you can base your choices on an awareness of their consequences. You will become more confident in yourself and trust people more, which means communication will no longer be a problem for you.

It is undeniable that the heart line in palmistry is an important line in the study of the hand.

Love or sexual desire play the most important role in the drama of life.

The Heart Line runs under the tubercles at the bases of the fingers. Being on the upper or intellectual part of the hand, it relates more to what I would call the mental attitude towards affections than from the physical or sensory point of view.

The Heart Line can begin from the following clearly distinguishable positions.

The Heart line running straight across the palm denotes an honest, sincere, benevolent person who is unlikely to be led astray in one way or another by any strong emotions.

Photo of the Heart line

What does the Heart line mean?

The Heart Line in palmistry runs on the upper or intellectual part of the hand and determines the mental attitude towards affection.

When this line starts from the Mount of Mars inside the line of Life (Fig. 26, 1) - this is in itself an unlucky sign, since the person will be irritable, prone to quarrels and demanding in everything that concerns his affections.

If it comes down and touches or connects with the lines of Life and Head (Fig. 26, 2), the person will be unhappy, perhaps from a lack of insight or because he loves the wrong people or believes in the wrong people.

He will be prone to suffer from constant disappointment in those he cares about.

The line starting in the middle of the Mount of Jupiter (Fig. 26, 3) denotes a nature sublime in its ideas and affections.

Men and women with this sign are constancy, they can be relied upon in love relationships, they are ambitious, so those to whom they are attached can be considered successful in life.

They rarely or never marry people below their position in life or rank, but, as a rule, those above.

Probably due to their pride or high ideals, they tend to have fewer love affairs than people with other marks.

The same line, passing above or outside the Mount of Jupiter, gives an excess of the indicated qualities.

A man or woman with such a heart line in palmistry will be a blind enthusiast towards any person he or she has loved or even been attracted to.

In their pride, they do not see the shortcomings or failures of their chosen ones.

In love they are driven forward by enthusiasm, and often they bitterly repent when their idol, whom they adored, turns out to be a “giant with feet of clay.”

The Line of the Heart, emerging from the space between the first and second fingers (Fig. 26, 4), is perhaps best possessed, since it denotes a strong, deep nature in regard to affections.

Such people are in the middle between the idealism given by the Jupiter line and the vicious seriousness given by the Mount of Saturn.

They may not be as demonstrative as those with a line coming from the Mount of Jupiter, but they are very deep in their protests and promises.

When the line of the Heart begins on the Mount of Saturn (Fig. 26, 5), a person is more restrained in his affections.

In fact, in the love affairs of such a man or woman main role plays his "I".

They have less idealistic ideas than those whose line begins with the Mount of Jupiter.

If the hand is soft and limp, they are more likely to be sensitive than affectionate.

All these qualities are present in abundance when the Heart line begins high on the Mount of Saturn.

When the Heart line itself is redundant, that is, it runs straight through the palm from one side to the other, the desire for affection turns into torture.

Such people love so intensely that they cannot stand it when the one they love is not in their sight, and therefore are usually constantly unhappy.

1 - line of the Heart with many thin lines extending downward, denotes an inconsistent nature, prone to frittering away its affections through a series of flirtations or love affairs.

2 - if the line of the Heart begins on the Mount of Jupiter with a clear, clear fork, this is an excellent sign of success in love, as well as a happy character in all one’s affections.

When the Heart line appears with many thin lines extending down from it, as in Figure 27, 1, this denotes an inconsistent nature, inclined to fritter away its affections in a series of flirtations or love affairs. It is vital for such people to always be “in love,” but this is nothing more than a name.

A wide line of the Heart, emerging from the Mount of Saturn or from under it, formed by a series of islands, denotes almost or complete absence of love for opposite sex.

If the hand is soft, especially if the Mount of Venus is full and protruding, one can be wary of unnatural needs.

When the Heart line is located very low on the palm and there are lines connecting it with the Head line, the affairs of the heart will always be mixed with the affairs of the head, resulting in complete confusion.

If the line of the Heart begins on the Mount of Jupiter with a clear, clear fork (Fig. 27, 2), this is an excellent sign of success in love, as well as a happy character in all one’s affections.

Such people tend to "use everything" the best way", even your own disappointments.

1 - Heart line with a wide fork at the beginning - an excellent sign of a well-balanced nature of affections.

2 - When the fork is very large, with one branch being on the Mount of Jupiter and the other on the Mount of Saturn, the person will have a contradictory nature in regard to his affections, fluctuating between the qualities of Jupiter and Saturn.

The Line of the Heart with a wide fork at the beginning (Fig. 28, 1), with one branch on the Mount of Jupiter and the other between the first and second fingers, is also an excellent sign of a well-balanced nature of affections.

When the fork is very large, with one branch being on the Mount of Jupiter and the other on the Mount of Saturn (Fig. 28, 2), the subject will have a contradictory nature in regard to his affections, oscillating between the qualities of Jupiter and Saturn.

Such people are difficult to live with and difficult to understand.

They are sensual and idealistic, selfish and generous, open or vice versa, depending on their mood at the moment.

If the Heart line is devoid of all branches and appears thin, the man or woman will have little affection and desire for them.

When the line disappears or weakens toward the end, under the fourth finger, it means that advancing age will sterilize affections and bring coldness and indifference.

Heart Line

Notice how the location of the Heart line has changed to right hand. Moreover, a second, additional line appeared on the side of the fingers. This pattern can be interpreted as a double line of the Heart.

So, initially the left hand reports that while in personal life everything is relatively calm: there is a husband, although there is no love.

Left hand Right hand

The right hand demonstrates a completely opposite state - a colossal explosion of feelings: love comes in the future (this can be seen from the dates) and the woman becomes captive of her sensuality and sensitivity.

In this case, such a Heart line on the right hand is an instrument of Fate.

A woman will be happy in the first years of her life with her loved one, then the intensity of passions will slowly cool down, accordingly - experiences, disappointment, and ultimately the woman will outlive this man.

Double heart line. The lesson of Fate is that with an all-consuming feeling of love - (raising dedication, self-denial, sacrifice in a woman) - she must always remember her human dignity - that is, she must not humiliate herself and become blindly attached to the object of passion.

It's clear that this the best option, rather than going from selfless love to coldness of feelings and bitchiness of nature.

Although, undoubtedly, more difficult.

If the Health line is better, it means you will or are already trying to monitor your health, lead healthy image life, treat exactly the disease that is needed.

If the Life line is better, then in general you will extend your full years of life.

If the line of the Mind is better, then you will work more and more productively with your head.

If the lines and signs are the same on the left and right hands, then you will live your Destiny in accordance with them, without subtracting anything, but without adding anything...

The meaning of the Heart line on the hand

  • This line runs horizontally along the top of the palm, surrounding the mounts of Mercury, Apollo and Saturn, and in some cases Jupiter.
  • She is responsible for a person's emotions, relationships, and generosity.
  • An almost absent line means that logic and reasoning prevail, and the person does not disdain any means to achieve the goal.
  • A long line indicates an idealist in love.
  • A short line means that such a person pays a lot of attention to his person.
  • A very long line, affecting both sides of the palm, speaks of endless love, sensitivity and passion, reflected in fatal attachments.
  • The branch going to the Mount of Saturn reveals a person overwhelmed by passions and feelings.
  • A) Branching of the Heart line going to the Mount of Saturn

    B) The Heart Line is straight and deep, running across the entire width of the palm

  • If the line is straight and deep, running across the entire width of the palm, then jealousy, tendencies towards cruelty and insensitivity predominate in the person.
  • If it is clear and deep, then sincerity, affection, respect, generosity and consideration for others prevail.
  • Located high, speaks of uncontrollable impulses, tendencies towards cruelty; Such a person represents ruthlessness and harshness.
  • One fork going to the Mount of Jupiter, the other to the Mount of Saturn, speak of a fanatical attachment to ideals.
  • If the line surrounds the Mount of Mercury, then the person is endowed with occult powers.
  • If the line is low, then the person is generous, kind and loving.
  • A) One fork of the line of the Heart, going to the Mount of Jupiter, the other - to the Mount of Saturn

    B) The Heart Line surrounds the Mount of Mercury

  • If the line is wavy, then he is unscrupulous, inconsistent and unreliable.
  • Rising branches speak of love and adoration from the opposite sex.
  • Descending branches indicate betrayal from the outside loving person.
  • A deep line starting from the middle of the Saturn finger speaks of passion, sensitivity and selfishness.
  • A deep line under the Mount of Saturn indicates sensitive and sexual vitality.
  • A weak line connected to a weak line of the Mind indicates a lack of mental abilities, unremarkable character traits and talkativeness.
  • A line starting high on the finger of Jupiter, connecting with the lines of the mind and life, shows excessive love, carelessness, which leads to failure in love; and marriage into a rich or high-ranking family.
  • The line starting between the mounts of Jupiter and Saturn speaks of gray life.
  • A deep line starting between the mounts of Saturn and Jupiter shows intense love, high spiritual aspirations and balanced emotions.
  • A line starting on the Mount of Jupiter indicates that such a person is honest and can be relied on; realist in thinking.
  • A) Deep line of the Heart, starting between the mounts of Saturn and Jupiter

    B) Line of the Heart, starting on the Mount of Jupiter

  • A very deep line speaks of a life filled with stress and the inability to restrain emotions.
  • A very long line reaching the Mount of Jupiter shows intuition, philosophical mind, generosity, love, passion and idealism.
  • One branch on the Mount of Jupiter, and the other towards the line of the Mind, show self-deception and deep resentment.
  • A) One branch of the Heart line is on the Mount of Jupiter, and the other is towards the Mind line

    B) One branch of the line of Life on the Mount of Jupiter, the other between the index and middle fingers

  • One branch on the Mount of Jupiter, the other between the index and middle fingers indicate harmony and love in family life.
  • A weak, long line from one side of the palm to the other indicates that the person is proud and sensitive.
  • A line that curves at the end indicates good-heartedness, emotional insecurity, jealousy and suspicion.
  • A) Weak, long line of the Heart from one side of the palm to the other

    B) Line of the Heart, curving at the end

  • If the line of the Heart touches the line of the Mind and the line of Life, then such a person suffers greatly from betrayal in love.
  • One branch going to the line of the Mind, and the other to the Mount of the Moon speak of unbridled imagination, which leads to grief.
  • If the line connects with the line of the Mind under the Mount of Saturn, then this speaks of catastrophic disappointments caused by a loved one due to inhuman adoration.
  • A) One branch of the Heart line, going to the Mind line, and the other to the Mount of the Moon

    B) The Heart Line connects with the Mind Line under the Mount of Saturn

  • If the line at the beginning is intertwined with the line of the Mind, such a person is very ambitious, achieving his goal using others.
  • A line descending to the Mount of the Moon betrays a suspicious, jealous, but imaginative nature.
  • A) The Heart line at the beginning is intertwined with the Mind line

    B) Line of the Heart descending to the Mount of the Moon

  • A weak and short line speaks of a fleeting feeling for another person.
  • A very deep line under the middle finger reveals a lonely person with a wounded soul.
  • If the line twists towards the line of the Mind, then such a person is interested in intellectual aspirations.

What does the Heart line in the palm tell you?

The degree of branching of the heart line determines the emotional sensitivity of a person. A line without branches indicates cruelty. It is no coincidence that some researchers have noted that people with a tendency to kill have a short, deep, without branches, Heart line. Excessive chain-likeness and branching have always been associated with excitability and amorousness. Other researchers have concluded that the appearance of islands on the Heart line under the little finger indicates early sexual development and the complexes associated with it.

The Heart Line speaks about the state of the circulatory system. Those who read the hand noticed that cured circulatory diseases left traces on the Heart line. Heart attacks leave broken corners on the Heart line. How this line ends is also important. The bend indicates a split personality, the strong energy of the Mount of Saturn. Such an individual is distinguished by great religiosity and belief in supernatural forces. But at the same time this is a sign of a good actor. If the end of the line suddenly bends upward, then this is a bad actor, he is hampered by the desire for excessive openness. The lines of the Head and the lines of the Heart located parallel to each other indicate contradictions between the mind and heart.

Signs on the line

Heart line meaning

Line of the Heart with many branches.

The desire to flirt, inconstancy, craving for intrigue and sensual pleasures.

All branches from the Heart line down.

A person gives more love in life than he receives. Predisposition to unrequited love.

A branch falling down from the line of the Heart towards the Mount of Mars (+)

An alliance with a person who will betray is possible. The breakdown of relationships will be associated with scandals and quarrels.

Points on the Heart line under the Ring and Middle fingers

From 30 to 55 years old, emotional trauma or heart disease is possible vascular system. Difficult periods in human life associated with sensory experiences.

A small distance between the Heart and Head lines

Excessive openness, gullibility and carelessness

After stretching the skin, points on the Heart line are clearly visible, on which the meaning of the heart line depends.

Failures in love, and sometimes even betrayal on the part of people whom he trusted and loved, occurred because Fate persistently pushed him into a situation where he had to inevitably be betrayed by those whom he himself had chosen. This also indicates, unfortunately, the wrong choice of the environment and associates, which inevitably leads to future betrayal on their part, due to the divergence of interests and assessments of each other.

To overcome failures in your personal life, it is necessary to reconsider the criteria for choosing your environment, associates and future life partner, because old principles always led to disappointment and betrayal. By valuing other people undeservedly highly, your trust caused a strong temptation and desire to deceive you as a naive person, since they felt their complete impunity.

How to read the heart line on the hand

A person with this long line on his hand is more sentimental and not very successful in professional activity.

A hook-shaped line branching from the heart line and going to the Mount of Mercury indicates an accident as a result of which the person’s legs will be immobilized (Fig. 82).

A branch of the heart line ending with a star on the Mount of the Moon indicates insanity, insanity, which occurs due to bad heredity.

Any line colliding with the line of the heart on the Mount of the Moon indicates an overstrain of the nervous system.

A broken heart line with branches overlapping each other indicates a shock that will not be fatal. If such a line defect is present on both hands, it is a sign of death or serious illness dear person, when it is combined with violations of other main lines.

If part of the broken heart line on the hand leans towards the mind line, it indicates financial loss and shock at the same time.

A person with a broken heart line has a weak heart, gets nervous about little things and gains weight after the age indicated by the break, and this is the cause of heart disease in old age.

A gap under the Mount of the Sun indicates eye disease on the side opposite the hand, as well as strabismus of one of the family members.

A rounded heart line indicates curvature of the spine in old age due to poor absorption of calcium.

A weak heart line starting from the hill of upper Mars indicates the possibility of fever, anemia, blood poisoning and, as a result, abscesses and skin diseases (Fig. 83).

If the heart line descending from the Mount of Mercury is wide below it, such a person stutters or speaks unclearly (Fig. 84).

The heart line on the hand, crossing or passing close to the nodes on the hills, speaks of weak morality and immersion in abnormal erotic fantasies. Such a person complains of problems with gas formation, he suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, dental diseases and liver problems. This man is a deceiver and cannot be relied upon. These psychological disorders may be aggravated or compensated for by other unfavorable or favorable signs on the palm, but, undoubtedly, such a person is loving (Fig. 85).

Trauma or brain disorder

What does the heart line in your palm tell you?

Fever, anemia, blood poisoning, abscesses, skin diseases


A person with a chain-shaped heart line and prominent mounts of Venus and the Moon is immersed in unrealistic thoughts and fantasies and may be committed to a mental hospital if the sharp bend of the mind line ends on the mount of the Moon. Such a person cannot resist psychological shock after he has suffered it once (Fig. 86).

A woman with a chain-shaped heart line is sexual, and due to problems with the menstrual cycle, it will be difficult for her to bear a child, and she may also feel heaviness in the head and limbs.

If there are three or four successive islands on the heart line, this indicates a nervous disease.

An island on the line of the heart under the Mount of the Sun or Mercury in combination with an island on the line of the mind under the Mount of Saturn - sure sign eye diseases; in old age, such a person may have glaucoma (Fig. 87).

A person with an island on the heart line under the Mount of Mercury does not clearly distinguish between close objects, while an island under the Mount of the Sun indicates that the person does not distinguish between distant objects.

An island on the heart line under the Mount of Saturn indicates the likelihood of dental caries, pyorrhea, etc. An abnormality in the line of the mind enhances these symptoms. Such a person is also exposed to danger posed by fire or electric current(Fig. 88).

A triangular island on the heart line from the side of the mind line indicates frequent urination, prostatitis, etc., and on a hard hand it is a sign of appendicitis if combined with a weak life line, and surgery for kidney stones or sterilization if combined with a black spot on the Mount of Venus (Fig. 89).

The effect of the islands on the life line under the Mount of Jupiter is described in the section on diseases of the Mount of Jupiter.

If the heart line is wider than other lines, this indicates that the owner of such a hand is greedy and heartless, does not think about the interests of society and cares only about himself. Such a person has an excess of bile, he complains of burning pain in the different parts body, especially pain when urinating.

If the line of the mind is thin and the line of the heart is wide, such a person wears glasses and has problems with his eyes due to an excess of bile in the body (Fig. 90).

Erotic fantasies, gas problems, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, liver dysfunction.

Diseases indicated by the Heart line

  • Heart attack - the life line of the Heart seems to form a fold.
  • Disease of the heart and lymphatic vessels, palpitations - chain-like line of the Heart.
  • Genetic heart disease- the line of Destination from the fold of the palm reaches the line of life of the Heart.
  • A weak heart as a result of mental stress - the Health line merges with the Life line.
  • Heart disease - the Heart line connects with the Life and Head lines at one point on the left palm.
  • Death from heart disease - the Health line ends with a fork.
  • Palpitation, tachycardia - the Head line is close to the Life line.
  • Heart disease - black or blue spots on the joints of the ring finger.
  • Heart disease - line with a star at the end of the Heart line.
  • The absence of a balance point with a large distance between the beginning of the Life line and the Head line indicates a predisposition to heart disease.
  • Heart disease with attacks and fainting is a star at the end of the Heart life line, at intersections.
  • Serious heart disease - lines going down from the beginning of the Life line.
  • Heart attack - the Life line breaks at the top onto the Mount of Saturn.

The lines on the hand reflect the qualities of a person and the direction of development of life events. This relationship between lines and human destiny was noticed in ancient times. The lines on the left palm show a person’s past and events planned by fate. The lines on the right hand show the current state of events and changes that have occurred in a person’s destiny. Let's take a closer look at what the heart line shows? claims that it is associated with human emotions.

Where is the heart line in the palm? It is located immediately under the fingers and crosses the palm from the little finger to the thumb. Palmistry considers two types of heart lines - spiritual and physical.

The physical line begins at the little finger and ends at or between the middle and index fingers. It has an arched shape. People with this sign on their hand are able to express their feelings in a beautiful artistic form, they know how to notice the beauty of the world and do not lose their presence of mind even in the most difficult circumstances.

These people do not know how to hide their feelings; they always act openly and honestly. They cannot be broken by life's adversities - internal reserves of energy help to recover in a short time and again feel the joy of being in full. They are sensitive to others, may have empathy and even the ability to telepathy. These are charismatic and energetic people.

The line of the spiritual heart runs in a strictly straight direction, without forming any curves. This reserved people who are unable to openly express their thoughts and feelings. They will never emotionally sort things out, create scenes of jealousy, or openly conflict with ill-wishers. People with a spiritual heart are also capable of romantic feelings, but they are not able to express them in a beautiful form. This often happens internal conflict, which can lead to crazy actions.

What is the significance of the end of the heart line on the palm? It can end at the middle and ring finger, or it can last all the way to the little finger. Let's consider the options:

  • the line ends between the middle and index fingers - a person of a realistic disposition, his inner world is balanced;
  • near the index finger - a suspicious and vulnerable person, capable of making a molehill out of a molehill;
  • near the middle finger - in front of you is a complete egoist who does not know how to take into account the interests of the people around him.

The bifurcation of the heart line denotes the complex spiritual organization of a person, a contradictory nature. If the line has three branches at the fingers, you have a loving and emotional person. If he can remain faithful to the chosen one of his heart, this will bring great success in life.

The double line speaks of the presence of a caring and faithful partner in a person’s life. Are there any signs of partner compatibility? Yes, this is a complete coincidence of the direction and shape of the heart lines of both partners.

Line icons

Ideally, the heart line should be clearly visible, straight and deep. There should be no signs or intersecting lines on it. This characterizes a happy destiny, harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and a healthy circulatory system.

However emotional sphere a person is always subject to changes, experiences and instability. Signs located directly on the heart line or nearby will tell you about this:

  • islets;
  • chain;
  • ruptures;
  • crosses.

One of the signs is an island or a whole chain of islands: they indicate problems in the emotional life that a person has experienced. Large islands indicate periods of deep depression and emotional instability.

For example, if the islands were located at the beginning (at the little finger), this indicates a stormy and unstable love sphere in youth. Sometimes the line can level out and become clearly defined at the middle finger - this shows that in adulthood the emotional sphere has come into balance and outbursts of violent emotions are a thing of the past.

The chain is a sign of a rich and intense emotional life. A person reacts violently to any problems and can make his life unbearable. A line interrupted in several places indicates love losses and separation from loved ones.

Islands should not be confused with a chain. The chain consists of small links and resembles a real metal chain. It indicates a person’s emotional mobility. It is common for people of this type to quickly get carried away by something and quickly lose interest. The islands indicate a tendency to dramatize events - they look like large links in a chain.

What is this sign and what does it tell us? The Belt of Venus is another line running parallel to the heart and fingers - it is located between them. This sign indicates a subtle, sensitive nature of the creative type. If the belt of Venus consists of several parallel thin lines, this shows the person’s hysteria and eccentricity - he is unbearable.


Is it possible to determine character by the line of the heart? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to carefully consider the direction of location and the end point of the line:

  • smooth and straight - a kind, open, generous person;
  • goes down from the Mount of Mars to the line of life - an irritable nature, always dissatisfied with everything;
  • connects with the life line - the person is overly trusting;
  • connects with the head line - the person is not insightful and smart enough;
  • goes up to the Mount of Jupiter - a person is prone to lofty ideas;
  • short and deep - cold and stubborn nature;
  • very bright and deep - a person is controlled by feelings, not reason;
  • thin and barely noticeable - a person does not know how to enjoy life.

If thin shoots extend upward from the heart line, this indicates a frivolous attitude towards love relationships - a person is more interested in flirting than devotion to a loved one.

If you evaluate the signs on a person’s hand, then the heart line will take one of the first places in terms of its significance and versatility. It means the emotional side of a person’s life and the physical state of the heart as an organ.

In this topic:

To interpret its meaning, you need to determine where it begins, where it ends, what its length is, its shape, and whether there are additional signs on the line itself. Photos and videos will help with interpretation.

Location Features

Finding the line of feelings - hearts is not difficult: everyone knows where it goes. She walks in a semicircle under her fingers. This line seems to delimit the base of the fingers and the palm. To understand its meaning, you need to consider how the heart line goes. It may go up this or that hill, or it may be interrupted.

These clues are used to judge the brightness of feelings and their significance in a person’s life. The beginning is under the little finger. The end of the heart line itself is either at the opposite end of the palm, when it extends across the entire palm, or under one of the fingers on the hand. On the right hand they look at the current situation, and on the left - what is destined by fate.

Spiritual and physical beginning

Palmistry differentiates what lines of the heart there are. The following options are known: spiritual mark and physical.

  • The physical feature has an arched curl in the area of ​​the index finger touching the Mount of Jupiter on the hand. It occurs among life-loving people who know how to enjoy all the gifts of fate. They do not hide their feelings and do not lose their love of life even after strong blows.
  • The spiritual ends without touching the fingers. It is known that the spiritual line of the heart speaks, first of all, about secrecy. People who have similar signs on their palms do not burden the lives of those around them with hysterics and grumbling. They keep everything to themselves. However, such a pattern on the palm does not mean that its owners are less sensitive. On the contrary, their sensitivity is no lower, and their touchiness can generally go off scale.

Line on the Mount of Jupiter

When the line of feelings - the heart on the hand ends on the Mount of Jupiter, under the index finger, it is considered good sign. These people are capable of deep true love. They will search for their ideal, stopping at nothing. We must understand that the primacy of feelings in life entails vulnerability. It is not very easy for such a person to get along with a partner. After all, for him the material principle and the sensory sphere are not so important. In the first place he has spiritual closeness.

When on the Mount of Jupiter, under the index finger, there is not one line of the heart, but several of its branches, palmistry interprets such a sign as an opportunity to direct one’s feelings to different people. But when there are no branches, it means there is only one ideal. These are romantic natures, lucky and emotional.

If the line of feelings - the heart ends between the index and middle fingers, then the personality is influenced not only by Jupiter, but also by Saturn. Such people cannot be content with feelings alone. Material wealth is also important to them.

Line on the Mount of Saturn

For a person whose heart line ends on the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger), sensual joys and material well-being. They build relationships with the opposite sex exclusively on harmonious sexual relationships.

Heartfelt love is not for them. Additional marks may confirm these provisions. Fortune telling by palm in this case requires verification; the confirming sign is the reddish color of the line itself and the density and convexity of the Mount of Venus.

Sometimes a branch extends from the line of feelings - the heart - to the little finger. Such outgoing branches show great sexuality, rich imagination associated with the intimate side of life. For such people, the realization of sexual desires can become the goal of life.

Shape Features

It’s good when the heart line is clear and continuous. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. A heart line with breaks in palmistry is interpreted as a sign of inconstancy and a tendency to frequently change sexual partners. The chain-shaped line of the heart has a similar meaning.

People with similar marks will have many love affairs. But perpendicular intersections of the main line of feelings - the heart, on the contrary, warn of betrayal on the part of a partner. Intersections can indicate other disappointments in a loved one, in general, everything that leads to a break in the relationship.

  • A thin line, but solid, indicates tenderness and trepidation.
  • Curving means good nature, sensitivity, loyalty.
  • A double heart line is a sign of caring and compassion. (It should not be confused with the main line, which runs in a chain with multiple branches. The double line must run as a continuous stripe).
  • Long line of heart - distinguishing feature romantic natures. A long line occurs among those for whom, besides love, there is no other meaning in life.
  • A short heart line occurs in those whose love impulses are strong and also have the nature of physical attraction. A short trait is characteristic of straightforward people who are practical.
  • Broad - an indifferent attitude to life, something between indifference and complete “not giving a damn.”
  • Deep is a symbol of generosity. A deep line of the soul - hearts on the hand, which is also quite narrow - is a sign of impulsiveness.

You can often observe how a downward branch begins from the line of feelings - the heart. These falling shoots reveal the struggle that takes place in the human soul. It contrasts the need to follow the call of the heart and the decision to do everything solely for reasonable reasons.

It is difficult for such a person to be content with what he has. Even after satisfying his feelings, he will always think that there are other people around, many of whom are much better than his partner. As a result, his life will become a series of disappointments, and other people, being near such a person, will be deeply unhappy.

The straight line of the heart deserves special attention. It goes in a straight line, not turning or bending anywhere. Such a straight line simply crosses your palm. Since it looks bright in appearance, it is generally accepted that the straight line has primacy over other marks on the hand.

This stripe means an excess of sensuality and emotionality. Tenderness overflowing often leads to promiscuity in relationships, as well as strong jealousy. Since a straight line reflects such unique character traits, it is usually called a monkey line.

Interpretation of bifurcation

When the heart line bifurcates, it is important to characterize the end and determine the direction of each branch.

  • If one branch goes to the middle finger and the other to the index finger, the location of such soul-heart lines indicates a bad character. When the line bifurcates in exactly this way, it means whims and spoiling.
  • If, after the main stripe branches, the forked line (fork) looks down, this indicates a rational approach to life. For him, the main thing is profit. These are the people who enter into arranged marriages.
  • The small forks that mark the end are evidence of restraint and the ability to control one’s feelings.

Features of meaning

The main point in determining the meaning of the line of feelings - the heart is its clarity. When it is well expressed, the owner of the hand is capable of deep feelings, the opportunity to find strong, long-term relationships. To understand the significance of your heart line, you need to look at the presence of branches, bifurcations, and signs.

The meaning of splits

Most often, the heart line is not solid. It has various splits and branches. They can diverge in different directions.

  • If the branches on the line of the heart are directed downward, and one of them merges with the line of the head, this indicates the predominance of reason over feelings.
  • A branch pointing upward means that the owner of the hand is attracted to people by the qualities contained in the planet to which the branch goes.

For example, a direction towards Mercury indicates a predilection for people who bear the traits of this planet. To understand exactly what features, you need to look at which phalanx is larger. The lower phalanx prevails - material wealth is important. The upper one predominates - a predilection for people endowed with oratory skills.

The meaning of breaks and crossbars

A break on the heart line has a negative meaning. Especially in the case when the gap does not have a calm continuation, but is stopped by a crossbar. The broken line symbolizes stopping the flow of energy. One of the reasons may be heart failure. And the line that crosses the main line signals the complexity of the situation and the impossibility of fixing everything in a simple way.

They aggravate the break point. After all, points on the line of the soul - hearts - are signs of illness. To get out of the current impasse, we need to radically reconsider our attitude towards this body. To ensure that dots and breaks, as well as intersecting lines, do not lead to negative consequences, you must promptly seek qualified help. An examination and properly prescribed treatment are required.

You can calm down a little if the gap is accompanied by an additional green line near the line of the soul - the heart. These can be parallel stripes that smooth out the overall situation. The strokes coming from this trait will help determine what kind of disease a person faces.

Samaritan marks

When the heart line on the hand has perpendicular branches directed upward, they are called Samaritan. It is believed that this is the mark of doctors, people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. They provide help out of compassion. And not for the sake of making a profit.

But we can say that this is truly a mark of self-sacrifice only in the case when the branches of the Samaritans from the heart line go to the little finger. And if there are more than 4 of them and they are slightly inclined towards the nameless one, then this is a symbol of endowment with the grace of higher powers.

“When a person with Samaritan lines forgets about his purpose and begins to put money above helping others, these lines are torn away from the line of the soul - the heart.”

Definition of time

Time on the soul-heart line is quite difficult to determine. It’s easier to do this by comparing what the heart line and the second important mark—the life line—say. But still, in the interpretation of what the heart line says, the length and how this strip is divided are important. There are some rules here:

  • Under the little finger, at the beginning of the line - age up to 22 years.
  • The value of the heart line in the palm up to 40 years of age is determined under the Mount of the Sun.
  • Then there is an increase in density, which occurs over time. The gaps become fuller. The provisions formulated here make sense if the line is long, with a short line of the soul - hearts do not work that way.

Explanation of signs

All signs on the heart line contribute their own shades of meaning to the overall interpretation.

  • Triangle. If the heart line in the palm has such a pattern, this means the dominance of logic and the ability to control emotional impulses.
  • An island on the heart line is usually interpreted as suffering and experiences. Islands on the heart line are a sign of sensitive, vulnerable people. Each island symbolizes mental trauma. Essentially, it is a symbol of the broken world of the soul.
  • The cross has the meaning of mental trauma.
  • The lattice is a symbol of separation.
  • A square on the heart line means disappointments in your personal life. True, the square does not promise suffering. On the contrary, people who have a square on their hand in the heart zone do not tend to dwell on problems.
  • The star is considered a positive mark. Such signs mean protection from love shocks; the guardian angel will not allow you to suffer from unhappy love.

Absence of this trait

The absence of this mark indicates spiritual callousness and coldness. Such a person may be insincere. When the desired heart line is missing, a person may have a tendency to deceive. True, it is necessary to exclude the situation when a merging of the lines of the mind (head) and heart occurs. Then it is difficult to judge what exactly this feature is - a high-standing feature of the head or not.

To understand and interpret such a picture on the hand, they look at the standard signs of the location of the heart line and the line going below the head line. The first will pass directly under the fingers: under the index, middle and ring fingers. But the head line is slightly lower.



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