home - Power supply
Input control. Thunderstorm I remember the storm of an experienced man that caught us on the road and now I am worried

Lesson 18 (16)

Lexical and phraseological dictionaries

Lesson Objectives:

To generalize and expand students' knowledge of lexical and phraseological dictionaries.

During the classes 1

I. Teacher lecture

Students compose lecture notes that the teacher then evaluates.

Teacher's word:

Dictionaries are deservedly called the companions of civilization. Their place among other books on the first flank. Dictionaries are a treasury of the national language. “Every word,” wrote a prominent linguist of the 19th century. I. I. Sreznevsky, is a representative of a concept that was among the people: what was expressed by the word was in life; what was not in life, for that there was no word. " Many concepts have passed away, and only according to the words can we find out that once there were archers and solicitors, a small town and a city officer, a warrior and recruits, etc.

Dictionaries are real friends. The sooner you make friendship with them, learn to use them, the wider your horizons will be, your knowledge will be more thorough.

Dictionaries are not only friends, but also helpers. Let it not seem strange to you. What help do dictionaries provide? They help not only to spell words correctly, determine their meaning, explain the origin of words, but also broaden their horizons, provide new information from different fields of science, technology, art and literature, develop your culture of speech, and introduce you to the culture of the people.

Scientists, writers, journalists, teachers, students are constantly working with dictionaries. Dictionaries bring great joy to those who constantly use them, read them. The French writer A. France expressed his love for dictionaries with the following words: “Dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order! If you think carefully, a dictionary is a book of books. It includes all other books, you just need to extract them from it ...

I love them (dictionaries) not only for the great benefit they bring, but also for everything that is beautiful and magnificent in them ... Here are the thoughts, joys, labors and sorrows of our ancestors and our own, monuments of public and personal life all those who breathed ... the air that we breathe now, in turn; think that each word of the dictionary corresponds to a thought or feeling that were the thoughts and feelings of many people; think that all these words put together are the work of the flesh, blood and soul of the motherland and humanity! ” (From the book by V. N. Sergeev “Dictionaries are our friends and helpers”).

Linguistic dictionary - a dictionary in which an explanation of the meaning and use of words is given (in contrast to an encyclopedic dictionary reporting information about the corresponding realities - objects, phenomena, events).

Dialect (regional) dictionary - A dictionary containing dialect vocabulary and its explanation. The first dialectal academic dictionaries began to be published in the middle of the nineteenth century. Such were the “Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary” containing 18 011 words (1852), and the “Supplement to the Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary” containing 22 895 words (1858). Currently, a lot of work is underway to compile a multi-volume “Dictionary of Russian dialects” (under the guidance of V.P. Filin).

Dialect (regional) phraseological dictionary - a dictionary containing dialect phraseology and other stable phrases and their explanations. Until recently, special dialect phraseological dictionaries did not exist. Now the first experiments of special dialect phraseological dictionaries have come out: “Dictionary of phraseological units and other stable phrases of Russian dialects of Siberia” N. T. Bukareva, A. I. Fedorova (1972), “Materials for the phraseological dictionary of dialects of the Northern Prikamye” K. N. Prokosheva (1972).

Historical dictionary - a dictionary containing the history of words (their appearance, development of meanings, changes in word-formation structure, etc.). The main historical dictionary of the Russian language was “Materials for the Dictionary of the Old Russian Language” by I. I. Sreznevsky, containing many words and about 120,000 excerpts from various monuments of Russian writing of the XI-XIV centuries.

Reverse dictionary - a dictionary in which the alphabetical arrangement of the material is stored, but not at the beginning of words, but at the end of them, i.e., from right to left. In 1958, the reverse dictionary of the modern Russian language was published in Berlin under the editorship of G. Bilfeldt, containing about 80,000 words. More complete is the reverse dictionary, ed. M. Fasmer, in the 6th issue. (1957-1959 gg.). In 1974, the Reverse Russian Language Dictionary was published in Moscow, containing about 125,000 words.

orthographic dictionary - A dictionary containing words in their normative spelling. The first such dictionary was the “Reference Index” attached to the “Russian Spelling” by J. K. Grot and containing about 3,000 words (1885).

Pronouncing dictionary - a dictionary containing words in their normative literary pronunciation.

Dictionary of Antonyms. In 1971, the first Russian Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language was published by L. A. Vvedenskaya. The dictionary contains over 1,000 pairs of words, representing single-root or multi-root antonyms.

Dictionary of foreign words - a dictionary containing words of foreign origin, more or less special, and their explanation. The first dictionary of foreign words was the handwritten "Lexicon vocabulary of new ones alphabetically," compiled at the beginning of the eighteenth century. During the eighteenth century. a variety of dictionaries of foreign words and related terminological dictionaries were published.

Dictionary of linguistic terms - A dictionary containing the terms of linguistics and their interpretation. The most complete, reflecting the current state of linguistic science, containing about 7,000 terms with translation into English and comparisons from French, German and Spanish, is the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by O.S. Akhmanova (1966).

Dictionary of homonyms. In 1974, the first in our country, "Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language" by O.S. Akhmanova, was published. The dictionary lists homonymic pairs in alphabetical order (less often groups of three or four words), if necessary, gives grammatical information and stylistic labels, as well as the qualification of homonyms in terms of their education or origin. A feature of the dictionary is that with each member of a homonymous pair (group), translations are given into English, French and German.

Dictionary of Paronyms. In 1974, OV Vishnyakova’s book “Paronyms in the Russian Language” was published, consisting of two parts — the theoretical and the dictionary itself, which included more than 500 pairs of paronymic pairs. The interpretation of each word-paronym is given, the root common to each lexical unit in the pair is indicated, illustrations are given that confirm the semantic difference of the words.

Synonym dictionary - a dictionary containing synonyms, their explanations, illustrative material for them. The first Russian dictionaries of synonyms were “The Experience of the Russian Estate” by D. I. Fonvizin (1783), containing 32 synonymous series, 105 words in total.

Dictionary of abbreviations - a dictionary containing complex words (including abbreviations of the initial type), formed from compound names.

Writer Language Dictionary - A dictionary containing the vocabulary of the works of a writer. A serious publication of this type is the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language” in 4 volumes, containing over 21,000 words and giving a visual representation of the lexical wealth of the creator of the Russian literary language (1956-1961). The dictionary of one work is the "Dictionary-Handbook" Words on Igor's Campaign "compiled by V. L. Vinogradova. (Issue 1. 1965).

Word-formation dictionary - A dictionary showing the word educational structure of the most common words of the language. Two editions (in 1961 and 1964) published the “School word-formation dictionary” by Z. A. Potikhi under the editorship of S. G. Barkhudarova.

Explanatory dictionary - A dictionary containing words with an explanation of their meanings, grammatical and stylistic characteristics (the most common type of a monolingual linguistic dictionary). The first Russian dictionaries that appeared at the end of the 13th century were small lists of obscure words with their interpretation that were found in the monuments of ancient Russian writing. In the 16th century such dictionaries began to be compiled alphabetically, as a result of which they received the name of ABCs. The first printed dictionary containing 1,061 words appeared in 1596 as an appendix to the grammar of Lawrence Zizania. The four-volume Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dahl (1863-1866) has retained to a large extent its significance for our days. Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov (the dictionary has been reprinted several times and in the latest edition contains over 52,000 words). The dictionary has a well-represented socio-political vocabulary, gives precise meanings of words and expressions, the principle of normativity in the selection of vocabulary, the use of word formation, pronunciation, presentation of stylistic labels is observed. Significantly richer in the vocabulary (about 120,000 words), in terms of coverage of different layers of vocabulary (it contains partially obsolete, commonly used colloquial, dialect vocabulary) academic "Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language" in 17 volumes (1950-1965).

Toponymic Dictionary - a dictionary containing geographical names (names of countries, cities, rivers, seas, mountains, etc.).

Phrasebook - A dictionary containing the phraseology of the language. In 1892, S. V. Maksimov's collection “Winged Words” was published, containing an interpretation of 1290 words and expressions (stable combinations of words, sayings, etc.). Russian phraseology is presented with great completeness in the 1967 edition, ed. A. I. Molotkov “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, containing over 4,000 dictionary entries. Phraseologisms are given with possible variants of components, an interpretation of meanings is given, and forms of use in speech are indicated. Each of the meanings is illustrated by quotes from fiction and journalism. In some cases, an etymological reference is given.

Frequency dictionary - a dictionary in which the most common words in speech are selected (usually within a few thousand). In 1970, the “Frequency Dictionary of General Scientific Vocabulary” was published, ed. E. M. Stepanova, and in 1971, “Frequency Dictionary of the Language of the Newspaper” by G. P. Polyakova and G. Ya. Solganik.

Etymological Dictionary - A dictionary containing words explaining their origin. The first Russian etymological dictionary was Korneslov of the Russian language, compared with all the most important Slavic dialects and 24 foreign languages \u200b\u200bby F. S. Shinkevich (1842).

II. Acquaintance with dictionary entries of lexical and phraseological dictionaries

Articles are written on the board and analyzed.

Determine which dictionary this article is from, justify your answer.

1. Flies will not offend. Meek, harmless, kind. “You see, I have known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law.” Sisters - tricks, well, and this fly will not offend! (L. N. Tolstoy. “War and Peace”). ( Phrasebook)

2. Yermolka, and, well. A small, soft, round hat. ( Explanatory dictionary)

3. Reason (fr. raison-argument, a reasonable basis, meaning. ( Dictionary of foreign words)

4. Fun is sadness. Carefree-joyful mood, cheerfulness. - The mood of sadness, slight gloom. Everyone is ready to share the fun. Nobody wants to share sadness. (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Loneliness"). ( Dictionary of Antonyms)

5. Coward. The vile, miserable, petty, insignificant, desperate, notorious, vile, despicable. ( Gorbachevich K. S. Dictionary of epithets of the Russian literary language)

6. Painter - from German. Makler is a "painter."

7. Ring - from outdated. finger - “finger”; Wed thimble, glove. (Shansky N.M. Ivanova V.V., Shanskaya T.V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M: Education, 1971.)

Lesson 19

Independent work 1

The purpose of the lesson:

Strengthening the systematization of student knowledge.

During the classes

I. Text analysis

Immediately, the famous defender Fetyukovich appeared and, as it were, would have (somehow) suppressed .. a rumble swept through the hall. He was a long, dry, long man with long, thin, thin legs, and extremely long, pale, thin, pale fingers, with a shaved face, and modestly combed, rather short hair with thin, sometimes curved hair. mocking a smile with lips. He looked about forty years old. His face would be (and), etc., if it weren’t for his eyes themselves (not) large and (not) expressive but extremely rare .. as one from the other placed .. so that they shared .. shared only one thin bone of his oblong thin nose. In a word, this physiognomy had in itself something (something) sharply avian that struck. ( F. M. Dostoevsky.)

Tasks to the text:

1. Rewrite the text by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets, place the missing punctuation marks.

3. Match words with the same root face.

4. Find synonyms for the word inexpressive.

5. The word modest (modest) came from the old Russian word chrome, which meant "loom", which is associated with the ancient German frame - "frame, bed." Explain the word modestly (modest) and logically connect the meaning that existed before and modern.

Answers to the tasks:

1. Immediately immediately appeared and the defender, the famous Fetyukovich, and as if some kind of suppressed hum rushed through the hall. He was a long, dry man, with long, thin legs, with extremely long, pale, thin fingers, with a shaved face, modestly combed, rather short hair, with thin lips that sometimes curled with a mockery or a smile. He looked about forty years old. His face would have been pleasant if not for his eyes, which themselves are small and inexpressive, but set extremely close to each other, so that only one thin bone of his elongated thin nose shared them. In a word, this physiognomy had something sharply birdlike in itself that was striking.

3. Physionomy, physiognomy, physiognomy, physiognomist, physiognomic.

4. Inexpressive- unexpressive, colorless, gray, dull, pale, dim, lifeless. (Alexandrova Z. E. Dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.- M., 1989. S. 206).

5. Modest- “not going beyond” - “one who keeps himself within the framework does not go beyond what is permitted.” (M. Fasmer. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language: In 4 vols. T. 3.- SPb., 1996. S. 658, 659).

II. Observation of the lexical means of the language

For observation, an excerpt from the 4th chapter of the poem “Dead Souls” by N. V. Gogol was taken:

Nozdrev was in some respects a historical person. Not a single meeting where he was without history was complete. Some kind of story certainly happened: either they would take him out of the gendarme’s arms under his arms, or his friends would be forced to push him out. If this does not happen, then there will still be something that will not happen to the others: it will either cut itself in the cupboard in a way that only laughs or rub it in the most cruel way, so that it will finally become a shame. And he’ll lie completely unnecessarily: he will suddenly tell you that he had a horse of some blue or pink wool, and that sort of nonsense, so that the listeners finally all depart, saying: “Well, brother, you seem to have started to pour bullets ". There are people who have a passion to shame their neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all. Other, for example, even a person in ranks, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest, will shake your hand, talk to you about deep, thought-provoking objects, and then, look right there in front of your eyes, and shit on you. And shit like a simple college registrar, but not at all like a man with a star on his chest, talking about items that provoke reflection; so you just stand and wonder, shrugging shoulders and nothing more. Nozdrev had the same strange passion. The closer he came to him, the more likely he would piss them off: dissolve a fiction, which is more stupid to invent, upset a wedding, a bargain and did not consider himself your enemy at all; on the contrary, if chance led him to meet with you again, he treated him again in a friendly manner and even said: “You are such a scoundrel, you will never come to see me.”

Tasks to the text:

1. What lexical tools does N.V. Gogol use to vividly present the comic image of Nozdrev?

2. What is the relationship of the image of Nozdryov with the ideological-figurative content of the whole poem?

3. Select a series of definitions that characterize Nozdrev. Finish the sentence: Nozdryov is a man.

Preparing to answer the first question, students write in the notebook lexical means of creating comic:

Using words and expressions of different styles: high, portrait ( uttered, are forced, did not consider himself your enemy, talk about items that provoke thought) - and low, conversational (a scoundrel, lying, cut into a buffet, “Well, brother, you seem to have started to pour bullets”);

Use of high-class words with diminutive suffixes ( passion);

Using contrasting vocabulary to convey character unpredictability (he poured, spoils you, manages again in a friendly manner);

Pun ( “Historical man”, because “not a single meeting where he was, was complete without history”);

The use of comparisons that differ semantic novelty ("Shit like a simple college registrar, and not at all like a man with a star on his chest ...");

A repetition of the same combinations of words with the goal of depicting the immutability, rigidity, limited world of landowners and officials (“Someone else, for example, even a person in ranks, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest ... will talk to you about deep, thought-provoking objects, and shit at you ... like a simple college registrar, and not at all like a person with a star on his chest, talking about items that provoke thought ... ");

Using synonyms that are expressive ( withdrawn - pushed out).

After analyzing the lexical means of the language, the students independently answer the second question, written on the board, and complete the task "Finish the sentence ...".


Choose an excerpt (text) and independently observe the lexical means of the language.

Lesson 20 (17)

Control dictation with additional tasks

The purpose of the lesson : Testing student knowledge.

During the classes


The experienced person, and now I am excitedly excited, irrepressibly attracted by the vast expanses of my native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why he was so passionately keen and keen on hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic nights, a fair-haired dreamy boy revived in me with his bare head burnt out in the sun.

People who do not break the connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, a beautiful sunny world is still revealed to them. Everything is clean, joyful and free in this dazzling world! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a tired traveler who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and gold flowers sway, and a buzzard hawk circling high in the sky, looking out for the road.

Having reclined in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds motionlessly frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new burst of strength I rise from the warm dear Earth to continue on my way among the blossoming beloved world ... (136 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. “On Warm Ground”)

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (the meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with the words wandering, road, traveler, camping trip.

Lesson 21

Control dictation analysis and error handling

Section 4


Lesson 22 (18)

Reiteration. Morphemic and word formation

Lesson Objectives:

Repeat previously studied material on the topic "Morphemic and word formation"; reinforce spelling skills.

During the classes

I. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Dictation.

Do you know, for example, what a pleasure to leave before dawn? You go out onto the porch. Stars blink in a dark gray sky, a moist breeze sways the dark branches of trees: a restrained, obscure whisper of the night is heard. Here they put a homespun carpet on a cart, put at the feet a box with a samovar. Behind the wicker fence the watchman snores peacefully; each sound seems to hang in the frozen air.

2. Explain punctuation.

3. Write from the dictation 2-3 examples of spelling in morphemes, fill out the table, explaining the spelling.

For the correct spelling of these words you need to be able to highlight the significant parts of the word.

What section of language science studies word composition?

What is a morpheme? What morphemes do you know? What do they mean?

To consolidate this material, study the textbook material on pages 55-57, 59.

Control 99, 100, 101, 102, 103.

4. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of the word.

For fixing 106, 107, 108.

5. Spelling ooafter sizzling and c.

Textbook, pp. 60, 61, exercise. 113, 116.

6. Spelling s-i after c.

Control 113, 116.

7. Spelling of consoles.

Letter prefixes s (textbook, p. 62), exercise. 119, 120.121.

Prefixes pre- (textbook, p. 63), exercise. 122, 123.

Remember the words: pursue, neglect, claims, obstacle, applicant, prestige, president, prerogative, punctuation, pretend, privilege, private, priority.

8. Spelling Separation b and b.

Textbook, p. 63, exercise. 124.

Related documents :. - M., 2011 Yegorova N.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Zolotareva I.V. Lesson development by russian language. 10 the class. - M., "VAKO", 2006. Work programs by russian language. 5-11 classes ...

Control dictation number 1.


We put her in a box with earth and put her in a room by the window. Soon, the branches of the birch rose, and she was all cheerful.

Autumn settled in the garden. Maples burned with purple, the bush turned pink, and in some places yellow strands appeared on the birches. But at our tree we did not notice any signs of wilting.

At night, the first frost came. I woke up early, got dressed and went into the garden. Dawn flared up, the blue in the east was replaced by a crimson haze. Overnight, birches turned yellow to the very tops, and the leaves showered from them with frequent sad rain.

In the room in the pale light of dawn, I saw that our birch became lemon. The warmth of the room did not save her.

A day later, she flew all over, as if she did not want to lag behind her friends.

The last memory of summer has faded.


1. Write out the sentence with the participle from the text. Make it parsing.

2. Explain the spellingn / a in the sacrament from the written sentence.


1. Write out any complex sentence from the text. Make it parsing.

2. Explain the spellingn / a in a wordcitric

control dictation No. 2.

main members of the proposal.

The biggest

And what is the biggest goal of life? I think: to increase the good in our surroundings. And good is, first of all, the happiness of all people. It consists of many things, and each time life poses a problem for a person, which is important to be able to solve. It’s possible to do good to a person in little things, you can think about big things, but you can’t separate small and big things. Much begins with trifles, originates in childhood.

A child loves his mother and his father, brothers and sisters, his family, his home. Gradually, his attachments spread to the school, village, city, his whole country. And this is already a very large and deep feeling, although this cannot be stopped and one must love a person in a person.

It’s like circles on the water. But the circles on the water, expanding, are becoming weaker. Love and friendship, expanding and spreading to much, gain new strength, become higher, and a person is wiser.

Wisdom is a mind combined with kindness. A mind without kindness is a trick. The trick will certainly sooner or later turn against the sly man himself. Wisdom is open and reliable.

(D.S. Likhachev.)

1. Graphically explain the setting of the dash between the subject and the predicate.

2. I option - explain the characterization
punctuation in the sentence:
A child loves his mother and his father, brothers and sisters, his family, his home.

II option - explain the punctuation in the sentence:Gradually, his attachments spread to school, village, city, his whole country

Control dictation No. 3

on the topic Two-part sentence.

Borodino field

Here the land miraculously adorned itself with green hills, valleys, rivers, deciduous groves.

The eye does not get tired of admiring, and the heart is joyfully filled with a sense of delight in a person who has climbed a high barrow near the village of Borodino.

From here, the picturesque surroundings of the Borodino field are revealed, and the living language of nature speaks a lot to the Russian heart. But not only the poetic beauty of these hills, valleys, groves excites us.

Borodino is a field of Russian glory, a sacred place of our Motherland.

A calm silence now stands over the field, but here history has thundered twice. Once you close your eyes for a minute, you will see the sight of the battle, you will hear the groans of the earth shuddering from artillery shells.

In the battle of Borodino, the Napoleonic army suffered a mortal wound, from which it was no longer able to recover. In 1941, the Borodino field was cleared of Nazi invaders by Soviet hero warriors.

1. To emphasize the grammatical basis with a simple verb and compound nominal predicate (two for each type).

2. Write out a simple sentence (at the choice of students). Make it parsing.

3. Write out combinations with applications

Control dictation No. 4.

Single and incomplete sentences


Desert. The plane landed on a smooth clay platform, hot as a frying pan. Looking into the face of the desert, for a long time I could not recover.

The desert, familiar from childhood from pictures and books, now kept me in its not at all gentle embrace.

Breathtaking heat, whipped by the wind dust, shedding the sky, a camel with an indifferent face. For a moment, it seemed that there were no big cities on the earth, no forests, no clouds in the sky. Only this hot wind and dunes, dunes. These are the impressions of the first day.

But after living in the Karakum a week, you make a discovery. The desert is not so lifeless. The cool desert night is full of sounds. Light stomp is a herd of gazelles scared off by a wolf. And this jackals did not get along near the fallen camel. They moved in the sand. These brisk lizards are hiding. Like a cricket behind the stove, a relative of a grasshopper rattles in the night, the bird squeaked.

There is life in the desert! She adapted to the sand, and heat, and to waterlessness.

(According to V. Peskov.)

1. To emphasize the grammatical basis of sentences.

2. Indicate the types of one-part sentences

Dictation number 5.

Homogeneous members of the proposal

Have you ever seen a birch grow?

A thin twig sways beneath the window, rustles with carved sticky leaves, reaches for the sun, jumps in the wind, strives to reach the elders. Burning his hot sunbeams. Flaky weak, thin skin. Topolka peers have already risen, got stronger, they are about to reach the telephone wires. A twig frolics, bounces and rustles with leaves.

Years go by. Rains fall, the sun warms, winters give way to springs. But your eye doesn’t want to notice that the twig has been extended, has grown stronger. The teenager had his own habits, his own to become. He looks at you through the window, and in a thunderstorm with wet leaves on the glass, which rang at night, will whip. You do not see, you do not notice anything: neither harmony, nor beauty, nor pride of a tree.

But on a quiet, clear morning, you go out onto the porch and look in amazement. And where is the twig? A young birch stands in its place and as if radiance radiates.

(N. Pochivalin.)

1. Draw a sentence diagram with a generalizing word for homogeneous terms of the sentence.

2. To make a parsing of a simple sentence with homogeneous members (at the choice of students)

Dictation number 6.

Separate members of the proposal


This Dubrovsky, a retired lieutenant of the guard, was his closest neighbor and owned seventy souls. Troekurov, arrogant in relations with people of the highest rank, respected Dubrovsky, despite his humble state. Once they were comrades in the service, and Troyekurov knew from experience the impatience and decisiveness of his character.

Circumstances separated them for a long time. Dubrovsky, with a disordered state, was forced to resign and settle in the rest of his village. Upon learning of this, Kirila Petrovich offered him his protection, but Dubrovsky thanked him and remained poor and independent. A few years later, Troekurov, a retired general-general, came to his estate; they met and rejoiced at each other. Since then, they have been together every day, and Kirila Petrovich, who did not honor anyone by his visit, easily drove into the house of his old friend. Being peers, born in the same class, brought up the same way, they partially resembled in characters and inclinations.

(A. Pushkin.)

1. Graphically identify the separate members of a sentence.

2. To perform parsing of the sentence with separate members of the sentence (optional students)


Words grammatically unrelated to a sentence

The science of nutrition, like culinary art, has a history. Without a doubt, the first person was also the first cook. So, is the art of cooking older than other arts?

Back in the Stone Age, people prepared food using fire. Carcasses of animals were fried on hot coals or on a spit.

During excavations of ancient settlements, clay pots are found, which are considered the venerable ancestors of modern pots. However, before the appearance of clay vessels, food was prepared in troughs hollowed out of stone. Hot stones were poured there, bringing the water to a boil.

This food was heavy! At the mere thought of what our ancestors ate, it somehow becomes uncomfortable. But the man of those distant times constantly struggled with everything: with harsh nature, with enemies, with diseases. Presumably, such rough food was just right for him.

The homeland of sophisticated culinary art, as scientists say, is Asia. Subsequently, constantly changing, enriching, being influenced by fashion and obeying local traditions, it spread throughout the world.

(V. Kudasheva.)

1. Write out one sentence from the dictation text with words or sentences that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence, and perform written parsing (optional).

2. Indicate the meaning of the introductory words in the text of the dictation.

Dictation number 8.

Summary .

On warm ground

The experienced hunter, and now I am excitedly excited, irrepressibly attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Perhaps that is why he was so passionately keen and keen on hunting. In hunting, in old sea wanderings, in forest poetic nights, a fair-haired boy revived in me with his bare head burnt out in the sun.

People who do not break the connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in childhood, a beautiful sunny world is still revealed to them. Everything is clean, joyful and right in this dazzling, transformed world! And, as in the distant days of childhood, white and gold flowers sway over the head of a tired traveler who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, and a kayuk hawks circling high in the sky, looking for prey.

Having reclined in the fragrant grass, soft and gentle, admiring the golden summer clouds frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new burst of strength I rise from the warm birthplace to continue my journey among the blossoming beloved world ...

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 They are striking in changing landscapes. Here you will see the unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snows, smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise; in the east, the endless jungle, cut by a web of silver rivers, delights.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly in the direction of the missing Inca city. We reach the small town by train and walk through the eucalyptus forest to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts remind of ancient civilization. We try not to lose in places the disappearing path, winding up.

A mysterious city appears in the distance, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of climbing, we pass through a heavy gate and enter a fortress located on a mountain. 4 On the numerous terraces connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets, squares. The ancient city fascinates us.

(121 words) (According to J. Palkevich.)

Grammar assignment

3. Perform:

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (1 option);

After five hours of climbing, we pass a heavy marsh and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 (option 2).

Control dictation for the first half of the year


At the edge of a young forest a small pond. An underground key beats out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. In the swamps and bogs the Volga will be born and from here it goes on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places surprisingly beautiful and diverse in climate, vegetation and wildlife. The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets, and artists.

From Rybinsk, the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and shrubs. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. In these Volga landscapes there is a unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the farther, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is peculiar and picturesque. Lada-the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is close and dear to the millions of inhabitants of our country.

Additional tasks

1. Designate the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate:

The first paragraph (1 option). The second paragraph (option 2)

2. Make a parsing of the sentence:

Lada - the pearl of the Volga.(1 option)

Volga is a beauty. (Option 2)


Fasting ended, it was a passionate week. The weather was beautiful: the days are bright, quiet and warm. The whole snow turned black tulle, and in some places appeared large glades. Passing paths, from which in the winter occasionally raked up excess snow, turned completely black and lay with black ribbons. But then you step out of the yard and plunge into the water. It was possible to ride only on the highway. The peasants rummaged in the yards, getting along with the harrows and plows, the kids let in streams that flowed into the river all the fruitful juices from the heap piled in the middle of the yard.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day, it seemed that the yards were drowning. But it didn’t harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dunks of steaming dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests. They bristled their feathers importantly, shook them with red crests, and, throwing their heads importantly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Take care of this coquette, - leaning on a pitchfork, a man told his wife, pointing to a walking rooster. - This is a real bird, but that one, the little one, must be slaughtered for the holiday.

And the man, spitting on his hands, again began to pick with a pitchfork.

(160 words) (According to N. Leskov.)

Grammar assignment

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Designate predicate species


Passing paths, from which in the winter occasionally raked up excess snow, turned completely black and lay with black ribbons.

They bristled their feathers importantly, shook them with red crests, and, throwing their heads importantly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Parsing a sentence

But it didn’t harm anyone: neither people nor animals.

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dunks of steaming dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests.

Good wolf

A young wolf went in the pack that winter, having not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 In the afternoon, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, swirled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. Wolves reluctantly rose, poked cold noses at her, and she jokingly snarled, biting them by the legs. The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, glanced at the young prankster. 4

One night, the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and after her, sticking out their tongues, the old men shook. The wolves remained lying, and then they ran after the flock.

Wolves ran along the road, and behind them glided, breaking in the snow, shadows. Snow in the moonlight shone with diamonds. From the village was heard the sound of bells. It seemed that the stars fell from the sky, rolling along the road. The wolves, tying on the belly, went into the field and lay down, turning their faces towards the village.

(125 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar assignment

  1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.
  2. Write out 3 different phrases and disassemble them: from 1 paragraph (1 option); of 3 paragraphs (option 2).

A young wolf went in the pack that winter, having not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 (1 option);

The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, glanced at the young prankster. 4 (option 2).


The duke received considerable pleasure by inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and amusing themselves with their eccentricity. But Don Quixote began to be weighed down by captivity and an idle life, believing that a real, not an imaginary knight, wandering, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit back. That is why he asked for permission to leave.

Saying goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 From the gallery, perplexed, barely restraining himself from laughing, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, duchess, courtiers ... 4 Sitting down on his gray, Sancho was happy to hear: the ducal ruler handed him two hundred gold .

Having politely bowed to the duke, as well as to all those present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante and, accompanied by Sancho, drove out the gate into the open field, saying:

“With treasure, Sancho, no treasures are comparable!”

(126 words) (According to M. de Cervantes.)

Grammar assignment

1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write out 3 different phrases and disassemble them: from 1 paragraph (1 option); of 3 paragraphs (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence:

Saying goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 (1 option);

From the gallery, perplexed, barely restraining himself from laughing, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, duchess, courtiers ... 4 (2 option).

Grammar Control Dictation

according to the results of the II quarter

The estate was all white, on the trees lay fluffy flakes, as if the garden again blossomed with white leaves. A fire crackled in a large old fireplace, each one entering from the yard brought with it freshness and the smell of soft snow.

The poetry of the first winter day was in its own way accessible to the blind. When he woke up in the morning, he always felt especially cheerful and recognized the arrival of winter by the stamping of people entering the kitchen, by the creak of doors, by the sharp, subtle smells, by the creak of steps in the yard.

The frozen ground, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, completely fell silent, but the air became somehow especially sensitive, clearly transferring to the far distances both the cry of the crow, and the blow of the ax, and the light crack of the broken branch. From time to time a strange ringing was heard, just from the glass, moving to the highest notes and fading away. It was the boys who threw stones at the village pond, covered with a thin film of the first ice.

But the river at the mill, heavy, dark, still oozed in its furry banks and rustled on the locks.

(160 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko “Blind Musician”.)

Grammar assignment

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Write the predicate

simple verb

compound noun

Underline in text

isolated circumstance

stand-alone definition

Write out 3 phrases of different types

from 1-2 paragraph

from 4 paragraph

Parsing a sentence

From time to time a strange ringing was heard, just from the glass, moving to the highest notes and fading away.

Putting on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose track along the paths.


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to one side. Her hair was the same color as the feathers of small gray birds. Her gray eyes shone merrily. Now she seemed serious and attentive, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that this is a minx pretending to be a modest woman.

Then on. What happened to her former magnificent dress, all this pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, a fabulous outfit from which every girl could resemble, if not a princess, then, at least, a Christmas tree toy? Now, imagine, the doll was dressed more than modestly. Blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough to not be white. Shoes were worn barefoot. Do not think that the doll became ugly from this outfit. On the contrary, he was to her face. There are such tricks: at first you do not dignify them with a look, and then, having looked more attentively, you see that such a trick is nicer than a princess.

But the most important thing: remember, on the chest of the doll of the heir to Tutti there were terrible black wounds. And now they have disappeared. It was a fun, healthy doll!

(160 words) (According to Yu. Olesha.)

Grammar assignment

1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Designate predicate species

Write out 3 phrases of different types

Blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough to not be white.

There are such tricks: at first you do not dignify them with a look, and then, having looked more attentively, you see that such a trick is nicer than a princess.

Define the type of one-part sentences in the text

Parsing a sentence

She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to one side.

Her hair was the same color as the feathers of small gray birds.

Early Year Repeat Dictation

Heavy thunderstorm

I remember a thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I sat with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. Lightning flashed in open, muddy from heavy rain in the mouths of blue zigzags. Mother hurriedly baptized, clutching me tightly to my chest. I listened to the sound of rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the tearing blows tearing my ears, to the restless rustling of mice in oat straw.

Rising, we saw a diamond net of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops, the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses shining from the rain, frightened by the storm of horses, impatiently and restlessly crossing their legs. Even happier seemed lined with birches, washed by the rain. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun glittered on the backs of vigorously running horses. I sat next to my father, staring at the shimmering puddles, meandering in front of the road, at the ear-brave dark, lit by the sun and still formidable cloud, at a pillar of white smoke rising in the distance above the lit barn. I listened to the cheerful voices of the birds in the washed, wonderful, sunny world that opened to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words)

Grammar assignment.

1. Choose 3-4 words with the same word stepping overshihstructure.

2. Emphasize the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine what kind of participles you did not meet.

3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.

4. Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence with a participial turnover (I variant) and with participial circulation (II variant).

Quarter III dictation


Soon to the right, on a rather steep hillock, a path led. They went along it and in half an hour found themselves in a pine forest. Flowering season. As soon as we hit with a stick on a pine branch, immediately a thick yellow cloud surrounded us. Gold pollen slowly settled in calm.

Even this morning, forced to live in four walls, separated by no more than five meters, we suddenly got drunk from all of this: from flowers, from the sun, smelling of tar and needles, from luxurious possessions, which suddenly got for nothing us. The backpack was still holding me back, and Rosa ran forward and screamed from there that lilies of the valley got caught, then went deep into the forest and came back frightened by a bird fluttered from under her feet.

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, the water sparkled and soon led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was a thick, juicy grass of a forest glade, and suddenly water started at the level of the same grass. It was like a puddle of rain. It was thought that grass also continues under water and has flooded it recently and not for long. But a dense sandy bottom peered through the yellowish water, leaving deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

(155 words) (According to V.A. Soloukhin.)

Grammar assignment:

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including those in complex ones: 1 paragraph - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option - Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, the water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 -But a dense sandy bottom peered through the yellowish water, leaving deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

3. Write down the different types of complications from the text.

Control dictation for the year

Warm earth

I, a seasoned hunter, are now joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm fond of hunting.

People who do not break the connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by, but the transfigured, beautiful world is still revealed before them. As before, over the head of a tired traveler who lay down to rest, white and gold flowers sway, and a hawk circling high in the sky, looking for prey.

Having reclined in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with renewed vigor from the warm dear earth. I am returning home to meet the new working days vigorous and updated. A foggy curtain rises from the river, which has not yet been warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, pure, beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, and I would walk along my native land, stepping bare feet on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

The beginning of all beginnings

What did the word in general mean for public life? Such a question is even a little creepy to ask, not only to answer it. The fact is that the word was equated by our ancestors with life itself. The word gave rise to and explained life; it was for the peasant a guardian of memory and a guarantee of the infinity of the future. Along with this, it consoled, helped, moved to the feat, interceded, healed, inspired. And all this happened by itself, like a stream of river water. Will the emergence of the cult of the word, existing in the villages in our time, seem surprising under such conditions?

The ability to speak figuratively and tactfully was a measure for the social and social situation, a reason for respect and respect. For small and evil people, such a skill was the subject of envy. The word - whether spoken, sung, or even generally felt - always strove for its figurative perfection ...

Beautiful speech cannot be a stupid speech. The ability to speak well is not at all tantamount to the ability to speak a lot, but the dense silent people were by no means in honor, they also laughed at them. Intentional silence was considered a sign of cunning and ill-will, with all the ensuing consequences.

1. Explain the punctuation in the first paragraph.

2. From the text write out examples of continuous or separate writing NOT with words. Explain your choice.

3. Write out a sentence in which the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text is formulated.

Control dictation with grammatical tasks.

An experienced person, and now I am excitedly excited, irrepressibly attracted by the vast expanses of my native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why he was so passionately keen and keen on hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic nights, a fair-haired, dreamy boy came to life in me with his bare head burnt out in the sun.

People who do not break the connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, a beautiful sunny world is still revealed before them! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a tired traveler who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and gold flowers sway, and a buzzard hawk circling high in the sky looking out for the road.

Having reclined in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds, motionlessly frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new burst of strength I rise from the warm dear earth to continue my journey among the blossoming beloved world ...

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. “On the warm earth”)

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (the meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with the words wandering, road, traveler, camping trip.

09.10.2016 - 17:42

I approve

director of GOSH No. 41

N.V. Solodkova

Final control work in Russian in grade 8

1. Read the text carefully. Insert the missing letters where necessary, open the brackets, and place the missing punctuation marks.

1. I see myself on a b..reg surrounded by a sparkling world.

2. I l..zhu in z..lena tr..ve inhaling the wet zap..h s..mli and r..sten.

3. I see how the stalks of tr..vinoq (not) tor..the fuel are moving .. all of us..comy.

4. White gold blue k..chayat (?) Camping on g.lova tsv..ty. 5. In the sky in a ... sit push ... a blank white region ... about. 6. I squint. I squint my eyes, and it seems to me that there is a fairy tale floating in the sky .. a different white part ... a food in the morning ... well ... fresh wings. 7. (High) hover soars high in the sky .. b. 8. What kind of ... is it from heaven heaven deep .. you? 9. Can we be ... sunken in the boundary between the (white) G.lov hare ... it seems to him ... a boy with a burnt on the sun ... (not) covered by the city?

10. I’m a seasoned person and now I’m unsuccessful ... rzhimo pr .. pull and rados..but in .. lolut obshny .. rny pr .. story r..dnoy Rus..koy pr..rody.

11. People (not) interrupting their relationship with a pr ... kind (not) can feel alone ... alone. 12. As in children ... you (still) still (s, h) have a beautiful sunny world before them.

13. Having lain down in the p ... hey tr..ve admiring the s .. the leafy regions .. (not) motionlessly frozen .. in the heavenly ocean with a new pr .. power surge I .. lift up with a warm p .. dima ..mli and I go among tsv..tushchego beloved .. about the world.

(According to I, Sokolov-Mikitov)

3. Replace the word uncontrollably

5. Replace the phrase in the heavenly ocean coordination control.

6. Write out grammatical basisproposals No. 13.

7. Write out grammatical basisproposals No. 10.

9. Among sentences 1-4, find sentences in which there are homogeneous members.

introductory word.

Final control work in Russian in grade 8

The answers

1. Read the text carefully. Insert the missing letters where necessary, open the brackets, and place the missing punctuation marks. Do not write off the text!

1. I see myself on the shore surrounded by a sparkling world.

2. I am lying in the green grass, breathing in the moist smell of earth and plants.

3. I see how insects move slowly along the stalks of blades of grass.

4. White, gold, blue flowers swing overhead. 5. A fluffy white cloud hangs in the sky. 6. I squint my eyes, and it seems to me that a fabulous white monster is floating across the sky on gilt open wings.

7. High - a hawk soars high in the sky. 8. What does he see from heavenly blue heights? 9. Perhaps, a boy with a sun-burnt head sun-burnt out in the sun seems to him to be a sun-baked white-haired bunny?

10. I, a seasoned person, are now irresistibly attracted and joyfully excited by the vast expanses of my native Russian nature.

11. People who do not break the connection with nature cannot feel lonely. 12. As in childhood, a beautiful sunny world is still revealed to them.

13. Having reclined in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden clouds motionlessly frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new burst of strength I rise from the warm birthplace and walk among the blossoming beloved world.)

2. Find a sentence that reflects the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Indicate his number.

Answer: Proposal No. 11

3. Replace the word uncontrollablyin sentence 10 is a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: strong

4. Among sentences 2-6, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: proposal No. 2

5. Replace the phrase in the heavenly ocean (proposal No. 13), built on the basis of coordinationsynonymous phrase with connection control.Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: in the ocean of heaven

6. Write out grammatical basisproposals No. 13.

Answer: get up and go

7. Write out grammatical basisproposals No. 10.

Answer: attract and excite

8. Find in the text of the sentence with separate definitions expressed by participial circulation. Write the numbers of these sentences, separated by commas.

Answer: 1,11,13

9. Among sentences 1–4, find sentences in which there are homogeneous members.Write the numbers of these sentences. Answer: 2.410. Among sentences 6-10, find a sentence with introductory word.Write the number of this offer. Answer: 9

11. Indicate the quantity grammar basicsin sentence 6.

Answer: 3

12. Write the number of the sentence complicated by homogeneous isolated circumstances, separate definition, homogeneous predicates.



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