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Products for the cottage of improvised materials. Garden and cottage crafts: new items (75 photos)

Now many residents of country houses seek to decorate a clearing or flowerbed with an unusual composition that will attract the attention of passers-by and delight the owners and guests. Today you will be inspired to make crafts from various junk materials.

Plastic bottles - empty containers for no one. Many simply mercilessly throw them into the bin or bin. But, experienced needlewomen carefully collect plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes. For what? For the manufacture of incredibly beautiful and original crafts for the garden and cottages. You can make different birds and animals, which will become a real decoration of the infield.

This article is devoted specifically to crafts for the garden and summer cottage. You will learn about the secrets of making deer, sheep, cat, horse, etc. .. These funny and graceful, handmade animals look great in the garden too.

To make a brown deer, you need to take a five-liter plastic bottle and cut off its neck. A 1.5-liter bottle is attached to the place of cut using self-tapping screws, with the bottom down. A liter bottle is attached to the neck of this container.

You just need to cut a circle in the center and insert the cork of the previous workpiece into it. It turns out the head on a long neck and the body of a deer.

Then, in a five-liter bottle (bottom), 4 holes are made and wooden long slats are inserted into them. These will be the legs of the animal.

The tail and ears are cut out of plastic containers and placed on the appropriate places of the craft.
It remains only to paint the deer with brown and white paint, draw his eyes and attach horns from ordinary twigs of an intricate shape. The brown deer is ready!

Yellow deer - DIY crafts for the garden

A yellow deer is made according to the same principle, only there are a couple of nuances. A five-liter bottle is attached in its entirety, and the neck is the tail. The neck is made of wooden short slats.

Do-it-yourself yellow fawn

Cat from plastic bottles

This animal is made in a completely different way. First you need to collect a lot of plastic bottles with a volume of 2 or 1.5 liters, about 100 pieces.

How to make a garden craft in the form of a cat step by step:

  1. From each container you need to cut the bottom, it is this part of the bottle that is needed for work.
  2. Then, from a metal mesh, two balls must be made: large - the body, small - the head. They are easily and reliably connected by wire.
  3. Then you need to attach the bottoms of the bottles to the net. This can be done using thin wire or liquid nails.
  4. The hat, tie, tongue and eyes are made from pieces of old linoleum.
  5. It remains only to paint the cat white (you can in any other).
  6. Paint him eyes, nose and mustache with black paint. And here is the language, headdress and tie decorate in bright shades of red.
  7. In order for the structure to stand firmly, it can be fixed on a metal rod dug in the ground.

Cat from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself sheep

The big sheep is made using the same technology as the cat. You prepare the bottoms of the bottles and fix on a ball formed from a metal mesh. Feet made of wooden slats. The ears and face of the animal are carved from a five-liter bottle. But the little lamb is made of polyurethane foam.

Lambs from plastic bottles for the garden and garden

DIY horse for the garden

She needs a big plastic bottle. In our example, we replaced it with a plastic flower pot. This will be the basis for the body of the animal. On the four sides of the pot, wooden slats are attached to the screws. The neck and tail are also cuts of a wooden stick.

The horse's head is made of paint cans, and the hooves are plastic pallets for flower pots. The mane and tail of the animal is an old blue wig. You can attach hay or thread instead of artificial hair.

The finished figure is covered with brown paint, and a favorite plant is planted in the pot. It turns out and a flower bed, and an interesting character!

Piggy - the most common crafts for the garden and garden

Large water bottles can be used as original flower beds in the form of a pig. To do this, the sidewall of the bottle is cut off - flowers will grow there. Then, ears are cut from the remaining sidewall.

Four bottles of one and a half liters are taken and the necks are cut, they will be the legs of the pig. The resulting legs are attached to the body with a wire. The piglet is painted white or pink.

Then you need to fill the inner space with soil, after making several holes in the belly. Now you can plant seedlings. Such a pig will look great in combination with any other flower bed.

Craft - a peacock for a do-it-yourself garden cottage

Peacocks are unusually beautiful birds. You can admire their tail for ages. It is a pity that not every courtyard can see such beauty. Although the situation is fixable! You can make a magnificent peacock with a long tail from ordinary plastic containers.

Such materials are suitable for work:

  • styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal rod;
  • stand (log);
  • old canister;
  • metal grid;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • awl;
  • plastic bottles of various sizes;
  • scissors;
  • enamel paint in different shades.

First, take a stand (it can be a board or a wooden log) and fix the metal rod cuts on it, making two legs of the future bird. Then from the old canister you need to make a torso. For this capacity, you should give the right shape by cutting off excess parts. The canister can be fixed to the legs with a wire.

DIY peacock for garden

The neck and head are cut out of polystyrene foam and fixed with a wire to the canister (body).
And it remains only to form a tail. To do this, take a metal mesh, cut it to size and lower it in length to the floor. To hold it, it must be attached to the canister with screws or wire. Everything, the basis of the future bird is ready!

Now the most painstaking stage of work is the manufacture of feathers from plastic bottles. Wings need long feathers. To do this, the bottle is cut into stripes, and oval oblong blanks are cut from them. Still need short oval details for decorating the body and neck of the bird.

Feathers can be attached to the canister and polystyrene using self-tapping screws or pieces of thin wire. In this case, you need to move exclusively from the bottom up, so that each subsequent layer hides the fastening of the previous parts.

For tail feathers, it is better to use 2-liter green-colored plastic bottles. From one bottle you get 4 feathers. It takes about 70-80 pieces. The tail feather has an oblong oval shape with a fringe at the edges. It is better to immediately draw a pattern on each workpiece. When attaching feathers to the tail, you can use wire or kapron thread. Move from bottom to top, closing the previous row.

Crest, beak and fingers are also cut out of plastic containers. The final stage of the work is the painting of feathers with enamel paint. Colors should be vibrant and vibrant.

Our peacock made of plastic bottles is ready!

Unusual DIY crafts

To design a flower bed, you can use a wide variety of ideas, you just have to include your imagination. For example, you can give a second life to an old idle TV.

To do this, the back panel opens, everything is thrown out, only the case is left. The panel needs to be put back. We fill the soil inside the TV and outside in such a way that it seems that the earth is pouring from the screen. Now we plant small flowers. It turns out the illusion that a colorful trickle flows directly from the screen.

An unusual flowerbed can be built using the most original items. It can be a wheel from an old cart, a rubber tire, old suitcases, dishes, umbrellas, basins and even old shoes.

Old and already unnecessary things are not so easy to throw out, as it seems initially. That is why modern needlewomen and craftsmen began to come up with different ideas of what to make from improvised materials that were lying around in a barn or pantry. We offer you ideas crafts for giving, garden, yard do it yourself from unnecessary things with photos. Be inspired and landscaped in the best way possible.

5 DIY craft ideas

Do you want to arrange a cozy corner for relaxing in your own country house? Old car tires are best suited for this. They turn out to be quite comfortable furniture, while you do not have to spend a lot of effort and time on its manufacture. Look at the photo example of the design of a place to relax in the country.

Construction pallets are one of the most popular materials that often remains after construction or repair work. Do not rush to throw or break the pallet on the boards, because with it you can make a place to relax in the country, a hanging bed or a lounger.

Glass and plastic bottles are often collected by summer residents. This is due to the fact that garbage in the country must either be far removed or burnt independently. But you can give a second life to the bottles, using them to decorate the flower beds in the yard.

If you still have cinder blocks, do not rush to throw them away, because they are useful for decorating flower beds in the country or for making simple furniture for relaxing. With minimal cost, you can improve your site and give it a touch of originality.

Do you have many jeans pants that are either small or out of fashion? Then it was time to make a hammock for giving out of unnecessary things. Get inspired with a photo and try to implement it on your own site.

Crafts for the garden of unnecessary things with your own hands

One of the most unusual crafts can be called a flower bed from a shoe. Agree that at your dacha a lot of unnecessary shoes were littered with leaks, lost their appearance or became small. Do not rush to throw it away, because having a little embellished it, you can make an original floral corner in the garden.

Did you paint the fence in the spring and there were paint cans left? Many will say that they are not needed, so they immediately throw them in the trash, and you can try to make flower pots out of them. Pay attention to the photo, what an interesting design turned out in this original garden crafts.

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful garden without decorative crafts that reflect the specifics of the site and the nature of its owner. Go through all the old tools and try to make crafts out of them. In the photo we offer to see crafts from unnecessary shovels that have turned into a real raven.

Crafts for giving, garden, yard do-it-yourself photo every summer resident can do of unnecessary things, if you sort out old things and show a little imagination. Now you can transform landscape design with minimal cost.

Want to make your summer cottage unlike the others? Invaluable help in this will be provided by original jewelry. The ideal option is to do country crafts do it yourself. So you can create a unique atmosphere on your land area, without being materially spent.

To make a decoration for a summer cottage with your own hands, there is no need to spend money on expensive materials. Suitable obsolete or simply unnecessary household items: old car tires, wooden bars and driftwood, plastic and glass bottles. Today, our garden has prepared for you a lot of photos of country crafts, with a description of the process of their production.

Crafts-decorations from old tires

Storage of old tires requires a lot of space, and it is impossible to dispose of them without harm to health. Isn't it better to use old tires to decorate the site? And there is no need for storage, and the cottage becomes more elegant and comfortable.

To create many crafts from tires, you only need a knife and paint, or even only paint. No skill or experience is required. Below you will see successful examples of such jewelry for the garden, created by your own hands.

Charming flower beds can be created by painting the tires in bright colors and spreading them in one or several layers on the selected site. Despite the simplicity, such flower beds look very attractive and neat.

A great flowerpot will come out of the tire with a knife. Draw denticles or a wave on the tire, as shown in the photo, cut the tire along the intended line with a knife and turn it inside out. Now it remains to paint the resulting rubber pot in your favorite color.

Dug tires will become a wonderful and practical fence for individual areas of the cottage: recreation areas, playgrounds, sandboxes. Tires are often sheathed in a country well, staircase or trench for draining.

Tires swans flaunt in many summer cottages and playgrounds. Although looking at them gives the impression that making them yourself is rather difficult, this is not entirely true. With the help of a good cutting tool, you need to make cuts, as shown in the figure. Then they turn their wings and paint the swan in white or black, and the beak in red. The neck needs to be strengthened with wire.

A pond in the country is not a luxury, but a way to use an old tire. To get a water tank like in the photo, follow the instructions in the pictures.

Without special work, you can get garden furniture for a summer house from tires. It is enough to fasten them in the right places.

Hares, bears and other figures can be made from tires and several additional materials. This is not at all difficult to do with your own hands.

Country crafts made of wood

Crafts made of wood give ample opportunity to apply their creative talents. Beautiful wooden jewelry can be obtained even without experience in working with this material.

Great crafts can be made with your own hands from plywood. To do this, just draw on it your favorite fairy-tale hero or other cute figure, then cut it with an electric jigsaw. Then all this should be painted with bright colors, covered with a layer of varnish and, fixing the pegs through the drilled holes, inserted into the ground. The larger the figure, the correspondingly larger the pegs should be.

Crafts for a summer cottage from bottles

Even a novice garden craftsman will cope with creating such cute mushrooms. The bottom of the plastic bottle will go to the cap. From the rest of the bottle, cut out a circle and glue to the back of our hat. A long piece of the bottle, twist it and get the leg, which will need to be pulled into the hole made in the bottom of the cap. All this, of course, needs to be beautifully decorated.

These beautiful butterflies for the home and garden can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. It is enough just to cut out the beautiful shape of the future insect under the pattern, and then beautifully decorate everything, adding sparkles and rhinestones. It is best to use nail polish.

Having painted bottles with paints, you can get a magnificent family of penguins (see photo). But there is one caveat - a person inclined to art should be engaged in decorating. The absurdly decorated bottles will not become a worthy decoration for the cottage.

These lovely, colorful ladybugs can creep into your garden if you make them yourself. From the photo you probably already guessed that creating such an ornament is not at all difficult.

From the same used plastic bottles, wonderful birdhouses can be made. Birds will be happy to treat themselves in your garden not only with the dish you have proposed, but also with pests that eat fruit trees.

For many, a summer residence is not just a resting place, but also an attempt to express their creative potential. Wanting to decorate their plots or make them as convenient as possible, many of their owners begin to craft crafts for their own dachas.

The benefits of a variety of crafts for the garden

It is impossible to imagine a private house without hand-made products. They serve as a visiting card of any owner, his desire to ennoble the site, making it more adapted to comfort on vacation.

Crafts for giving have a number of advantages. For example:

  1. This is a great time with family. By involving children, you can instill in them hard work in such a simple and interesting way for them, as well as draw imagination from restless kids, which will help diversify the creative process and bring something new to the products.
  2. In addition, you can use those tools that do not hit your pocket. DIY Material:
    • wood;
    • laser discs;
    • car tires;
    • styrofoam;
    • concrete;
    • plastic bottles;
    • stone and many others other
  3. Craft, made by yourself, will give self-confidence and a special joy from the rest, while the cottage will look much more attractive.

But the most important thing is that you can make it quickly and without much effort. Even the tool you need is the one that is in every house. It is very simple to choose the one suitable for the craft, photos of products located on this site will help in this.

The art of crafts for giving from bottles

The simplest and most common material is bottles. In each house during the winter they accumulate in sufficient quantities. It's time in the spring to take them all to the country, and, instead of garbage, the bottles will easily turn into a masterpiece that will delight the eye. Products made from this material serve two purposes. Of these, you can make practical crafts, for example, a fence in the garden, an openwork curtain on the door or a bird feeder. Also, crafts have decorative properties, for example, artificial flowers and animals, original flowerpots.

Crafts for giving from bottles are quite practical:

  • Due to the advantageous characteristics of the thin plastic from which the bottles are made.
  • In addition, you can use different parts of the bottle, from the cap to the bottom.
  • And another advantage of the bottles is that they are easy to cut and can be combined in different ways, and with materials: wire, thread, fishing line, elastic, and even glue.
  • The color scheme of such crafts is also striking, because they can be painted.

Therefore, bottle products are very diverse, beautiful and useful. They are easy and fun to make, you can even start to design and come up with something new yourself.

Each plot has trees. This is what suggests that you can use another common material. Crafts from a tree for giving useful and giving positive emotions. Old stumps, branches that are regularly cut off from trees as autumn or spring trimming, remnants from repairs and unnecessary boxes are also used.

Large and small wooden structures can be very necessary in the country. What cottage does without a cozy shop, without, arch or fence? All these products are designed for a relaxing holiday with the whole family. But original lamps, birdhouses and flowerpots can also give the cottage warmth and an excellent look for the holiday.

What crafts can you do yourself from tires?

To do crafts for giving with your own hands, you do not need a special skill, because the shape and elastic flexible material all the time suggest a lot of ideas.

What can be made from tires? These are just some of the suggestions:

  • tracks
  • fence for beds;
  • furniture (tables and chairs);
  • high beds;
  • floor mats;
  • flowerpots;
  • and much more.

From this incomplete list it is clear that this is a durable material, which is not afraid of any weather conditions makes it possible to construct perfect summer crafts. Their goal will be as diverse as possible. Taking into account all the possibilities of tires, it is easy and interesting to engage in landscape design of a personal plot.

Original craft ideas

There are other improvised means from which excellent products turn out. Given their shape and material, you can come up with many different crafts. Bright, creative designs can transform the boring look of a garden plot, turning it into an ideal world for children to relax and play. For example, original sculptures and beautiful flowerpots successfully decorate the garden and courtyard.

Many crafts are created for the convenience of the summer resident. So, if you cut the old tire into small pieces, and fix these parts on the wall, you will get suitable shelves for small parts and tools. And cut-off plastic bottles connected to each other turn into a gutter for water.

Children will also benefit from crafts, because these are sandboxes, and specially designed play houses for them.

Decorate your allotment, and make crafts much easier to help crafts for the garden and the summer. What functions do these products perform:

  • They make the site much more comfortable and provide a perspective. So a modest wooden canopy or birdhouse, an unusual lamp or a small one turn the cottage into a cozy resting place.
  • They help to differentiate between different areas of the cottage. For example, the relaxation area is separated from the work area by a conveniently located garden bench.
  • Decorate the courtyard and garden of the cottage. Even decorated with a curious craft, it helps to see the makings of a designer, enjoy the opportunity, and pleasantly surprise guests and neighbors.

Some photos of DIY crafts for a summer residence can convince you of the practicality of this venture, and rekindle the desire to try to design something like that yourself.

Photos of country crafts:

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