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How to paint radiators correctly. How to paint heating radiators so as not to bite your elbows later? How to paint radiators

How to paint a heating radiator? - Those who have old cast iron “accordions” worry about this question literally every 2-3 years. Sometimes people think about this when they current repairs suddenly they discover that the color of the radiator does not fit into the color concept of the room at all. Every year on the shelves of construction stores the range of paint and varnish products increases and it becomes more and more difficult to make right choice. In this article you will find all the necessary information about what paint to paint radiators over old paint, how to do it, and whether this decision is always the right one.

  • It is not advisable to paint modern aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Initially, they are painted at the factory with durable powder paint, which, thanks to the peculiarities of the technology, lies perfectly evenly. If you decide that the original color of the radiator (usually white) does not suit the interior of the room, and you want to repaint it, then you are unlikely to be able to achieve the same perfectly even coating. Even if you remove the battery and paint it horizontally. In addition, an additional layer of paint will reduce heat transfer, which is a significant disadvantage for regions with harsh winters.
  • It is not advisable to paint plate radiators, especially those with a large surface area. They are installed in houses where there is a network with increased internal pressure. They have low convection but high heat transfer. As for our question, due to its design, it is difficult to properly paint a heating radiator of this type, especially with a brush. If this is really necessary, then you will have to remove it, clean it thoroughly (which is very difficult) and paint it in a horizontal position with a spray gun or car paint in the form of a spray. But even this way you may not achieve a perfect application. There may be missing areas in hard-to-reach places, because the elements of the plate radiator are located too close to each other.
  • Convectors and pipes with fins (especially with frequent aluminum fins) are not painted, since painting can negatively affect their heat transfer. The design of the convector, in addition to the heat source, includes a removable casing. It can be painted to enhance the overall look.
  • It is recommended to paint cast iron batteries. This is not difficult to do, different paints are suitable and they do not affect the heat transfer. The choice of colors is huge.
  • It is possible to paint steel panel radiators. But there is a nuance here - it will not work to evenly cover the surface of the battery with a brush. You will have to use car paint in a can, and it is advisable to paint in a horizontal position.

Important! In order to bring the battery as close as possible to the desired color and color scheme of the room, it is recommended to use decorative panels. They are sold in construction stores and online stores. They can be made of wood, metal, plywood, plastic and even glass. These screens come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. They can be covered with figured carvings, patterns, photo printing, etc. So the choice is great, and you can choose them for any, even the most sophisticated interior.

  1. To paint a cast iron radiator, use straight and curved soft brushes, no more than 5 cm wide.
  2. To paint a panel radiator, use a small-width foam roller.
  3. Paint in cans or spray.
  4. Paint bath (if the paint is not aerosol).
  5. A special paint remover (if you decide to get rid of old paint chemically) and a metal spatula.
  6. A drill with a metal brush attachment for cleaning the battery from paint residues.
  7. Solvent.
  8. Gloves, safety glasses, respirator or gauze bandage, protective clothing.
  9. Newspapers, oilcloth, cardboard, masking tape to protect surfaces.
  10. Rags.
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What paints are suitable for painting a radiator?

During the repair process, we think about how to paint the radiator without smell, without streaks and drips, so that the paint dries quickly and the beautiful appearance of the device is preserved for a long time. At the moment, there is no such ideal paint yet. However, there are several options to achieve optimal results.

The following may be suitable for painting a radiator:

  • water-dispersion and water-based paints;
  • alkyd enamel and auto enamel;
  • acrylic paint;
  • oil;
  • silicone-aluminum paint;
  • silverfish

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Oil paint

Regarding this type of paint, let’s immediately say that theoretically it is, of course, suitable. But in practice, it is almost never used for painting batteries:

  • Its biggest disadvantage is that it takes a very long time to dry. This process can take up to a month; you must admit, it is not very convenient.
  • In addition, oil paint has quite bad smell.
  • It is difficult to paint the surface evenly, without drips and sagging.

Important! In view of such significant shortcomings, it is recommended to choose another option for these purposes.

Water-dispersion and water-based paints

Water-dispersion paint is made on the basis of polymers and water dispersion. Its main features:

  • It is moisture resistant and can be washed.
  • Diluted with water.
  • Mainly available in white.

The water emulsion is made using water based, and she:

  • Can have many colors and shades.
  • Not so resistant to abrasion, it can slowly wash off upon contact with water.
  • Can be diluted with solvents (eg white spirit).

Important advantages of this type of paint are:

  • their environmental friendliness and safety;
  • no chemical odors during application;
  • ease and simplicity of painting;
  • possibility of tinting;
  • wide choice tools for application and affordable cost.

Important! The only negative is that before painting you must prime the surface, otherwise the water in the composition will cause rust.

Alkyd enamel and auto-enamel

Alkyd enamel is one of optimal options to paint the radiator. It behaves well at high temperatures (withstands up to 100 degrees), with temperature changes, is resistant to abrasion and comes in many colors.

Regarding its capabilities:

  • This type of paint is sold everywhere and is relatively inexpensive. This is the familiar PF-115 and its imported analogues (produced by the brands ACE, Dulux, Sigma Coatings and others).
  • A significant disadvantage is the persistent chemical smell, which disappears for a long time after applying this paint to the battery.
  • In addition, low-quality enamel may turn yellow over time.

Auto enamel also has a persistent unpleasant odor, so the room will then have to be ventilated for a long time. There are other application nuances if you need to paint a heating radiator:

  • Applying paint from a can is quick and easy, but this, of course, requires skill so that the paint layer applies evenly.
  • This application may leave unpainted areas, and it is also necessary to carefully protect all surfaces surrounding the radiator from splashes.
  • Auto enamel has a glossy shine; it will highlight and highlight all surface irregularities.

Acrylic paint:

  • Acrylic paint is also water-based.
  • It has practically no smell and has affordable price.
  • The base base is white, but if this color doesn’t suit you, you can tint it in any other shade.
  • The temperature limit of acrylic paint is +80 degrees - this is quite enough for average radiators.
  • It dries quickly. It takes less than a day to apply 2 coats and have it all dry.
  • It does not turn yellow over time, but also requires preliminary priming in order to avoid rust.
  • After drying, acrylic paint forms a polymer coating that is wash-resistant.

Silicone-aluminum paint:

  • It fits perfectly on any surface, forming a dense layer that contracts and expands with the metal.
  • It can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees, does not require preliminary priming, is easy to clean with any means and does not lose its visual appeal for a very long time.

Important! This paint is one of the most expensive. Another disadvantage is the pungent odor, which takes a long time to dissipate.


Known since Soviet times. Its modern analogues are on the shelves of hardware stores. For example, heat-resistant paint BT-177.

How is it different:

  • It consists of varnish mixed with aluminum powder.
  • Silver grass is inexpensive, but also has an unpleasant odor.
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Color selection:

  • If you just want to update the appearance of the radiator without significant costs, then paint it in white. White and silver are classics of the genre.
  • If you want the radiators to be inconspicuous and fit into the decor, you can paint them to match the walls.
  • In a children's room, the radiator can be made part of a cheerful interior - cover it with bright paint or even make the sections multi-colored. You can apply patterns to the batteries with a brush by hand or using a stencil. It is possible to decorate the radiator using decoupage.
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You already know what paint to paint radiators with, now let’s get down to the process itself. It can be divided into two stages:

  • preparation (cleaning off old paint);
  • applying paint.


Ideally, for proper cleaning, the radiator needs to be disconnected and the remaining water drained, since access from reverse side it will be a little difficult. We will skip how to clean the battery from dust and dirt; everyone can handle this without additional advice. But there are several ways to clean old paint.

Method No. 1

The simplest and least labor-intensive method is to use a special remover. This chemical is sold in all hardware stores. But it is suitable for processing only cast iron radiators, since cast iron is inert to this substance.


Method No. 2

The second cleaning method is carried out using a hair dryer or gas burner.

Important! This method is not suitable for cast iron, as the process will take a long time and will be ineffective.


  1. The essence of the method is to use a device to heat a layer of paint to high temperatures, and then scrape it off with a spatula or a stiff brush without waiting for it to cool.
  2. It is advisable to carry out such work outdoors, so, of course, the battery must first be removed. If this is not possible, protect the surrounding surfaces with plywood and open the windows.

Important! This method can damage the gaskets in the radiator, so be prepared for the fact that they will have to be replaced with new ones.

Method No. 3

Another thermal method is to treat the battery using a fire. The old “old-fashioned” method is labor-intensive, but allows you to clean the battery not only outside, but also inside.


  1. Remove the radiator, unscrew all plugs and other parts.
  2. Disassemble the battery into sections using a radiator wrench (the sections are connected by nipples with oppositely directed threads).

Important! If this does not work out right away, then you can do it after firing.

  1. Make a good fire in the yard and put a radiator in it. Keep the fire going for about an hour, longer if possible.
  2. After removing the battery from the fire, clean it with a wire brush; this process will be easy and quick.
  3. After this, tap each section with a mallet to shake out all the rust that has accumulated over the years from the internal channels.
  4. Now all that remains is to reassemble everything using new rubber gaskets.

Important! Gaskets can be cut from an unnecessary car inner tube.

  1. Wipe the radiator from dirt and degrease.
Method No. 4

You can also use the mechanical method:

  1. Place an attachment on the drill (grinder) - a metal brush or an emery wheel.
  2. Treat the surface of the radiator.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is that many places are difficult to reach with a tool, so the work will have to be completed manually, using a stiff brush and sandpaper.

  1. As in previous methods, the surface should then be cleaned of debris and degreased.


When asked whether it is possible to paint heating radiators while they are hot, experts answer in the negative, because most paints will not adhere well to a hot radiator. It is better to paint outside of the heating season. If there is no way out, then paint quickly, without putting a lot of paint on the brush and immediately blend it with a thin layer. Or turn off the supply of boiling water to the radiator and wait until it cools down, then paint.

Important! During the painting process, remember to protect your eyes, hands and respiratory system from paint splashes and toxic odors.

After cleaning and degreasing, we proceed to the most important thing - painting. The procedure will depend on the type of dye chosen.

Acrylic and water emulsion

If your choice fell on acrylic or water-based paint, the radiator should be primed with an anti-corrosion compound, otherwise rust will appear over time.

Important! There are paints on sale that already have primer added to them.

Paint from a can

If you paint the battery with spray paint, then the technology is as follows:

  1. Start with hard-to-reach areas and then move to the front.
  2. Move from top to bottom in a zigzag motion, without staying in one place, otherwise the layer will lie unevenly.
  3. It is recommended to cover the surface with two layers, so after the first has dried, proceed to the second.

Important! You can take the radiator to a service station for painting, where specialists will do it professionally.

Using a spray gun

Painting with a spray gun occurs in the same way as with aerosol paint.

Important! To reach all areas, it is better to paint the battery while it is removed.

Liquid solutions

If you paint with liquid paints, then protect the surrounding surfaces with oilcloth and newspapers:

  1. Pour paint into the paint tray and use an angled brush to cover all interior and hard-to-reach surfaces first.
  2. After this, use a straight brush to begin working on the front part, moving from top to bottom.

Important! Take a little paint on the brush, the layer should be thin, otherwise drips will form.

  1. After the first layer has dried, cover with the second. Two layers are usually enough.

Important! Acrylic paint and water-based emulsion dry quickly and without much odor, so you can finish it in a few hours without any problems. But alkyd enamel will dry for more than a day and emit an unpleasant odor for a long time, so we recommend painting the radiator in the summer, when it is possible to open the windows for a long time.

That's all the wisdom regarding the choice of paint for a heating device and the process of applying the dye itself. Using the useful information from the article, you can do everything correctly and with minimal losses. You can be sure that by successfully updating the old battery, the interior of the room will improve.


What kind of paint should be used for batteries?

A feature of any battery is that during operation it always heats up to a high temperature. Of course, the degree of heating depends on the temperature of the coolant and other additional factors. Regardless of whether, along with cast iron, steel or non-ferrous metal, the paint that is planned to be applied to the heating device will also heat up.

And so that the paint for heating radiators does not “please” with the unpleasant odor released into the air harmful substances, as well as the loss of its solidity, it must:

  • withstand high temperatures;
  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • do not emit an unpleasant odor when heated;
  • be resistant to aggressive environments and abrasion.

Types of dyes for batteries

Many types of paints, or rather individual representatives of these types, meet the above requirements. After all, most paints are designed for temperatures below +80 ° C. Therefore, manufacturers produce special modifications of their products.

In general, painting batteries yourself can be done with the following types of paints:

  1. Acrylic enamels. They are based primarily on organic solvents. This feature causes the release of a solvent odor during the application of the acrylic mixture to the battery. However, once it dries, the smell becomes history and the room is left with a radiator with a nice glossy shine. This shine lasts for many years.
  2. Alkyd enamels. They are known for their excellent resistance to wear and high temperatures. The range of colors of these enamels is very large, so many people choose such paints. These paint solutions also emit an unpleasant odor as they dry. It can also be felt in cases where the heating radiator gets very hot.
  3. Water-dispersion paint. Many experts note that such paint for radiators is optimal. This is because it does not upset the nose with a specific smell, and the drying time is very short. True, not every water-based mixture is suitable for batteries. Only those that have the appropriate designation on the packaging are suitable. Its color can be any.
  4. Oil paints. They were very popular in the past. Known for emitting a solvent odor upon drying and long curing times.

It is worth adding that radiator paint may contain elements that resist corrosion and improve adhesion (they are constantly used in primers). Such mixtures have different colors and do not require primers or cleaning the radiator from corrosion.

At least that's what the manufacturers note. In practice, it is better to remove rust from the heating device and use a primer. The processes are lengthy, but the results are reliable. This is often noted in different videos.

Applying paint to a heating device

This process appears to be quite simple, but it requires proper execution. Painting radiators includes the following steps:

  1. Removing old paint.
  2. Removing corrosion.
  3. Treatment with degreaser.
  4. Applying primer.
  5. Do-it-yourself application of several layers of dye of a certain color.

The first four points are preparatory.

Features of preparation

There are two ways to remove a layer of old paint:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.

The first involves using a spatula or a round metal brush attached to an electric drill. Using a spatula requires physical effort as you need to move it with your hands. Moreover, it will take quite a long time to wash off the paint. This must be taken into account when calculating the total painting time. The disadvantage of this option is that it is difficult to reach the bottom of thin cracks.

A round metal brush attached to an electric drill is a more versatile method. It is capable of treating almost the entire radiator area, including many hard-to-reach places. In this case, the work time and physical effort spent will be very small. Most people like this, including those who calculate the repair time and shoot a video of the process.

The chemical method involves the use of special solvents or fatty acids. They treat the entire area of ​​the battery and cover the treated surface with film. Then they rest. The duration of rest is indicated on the packaging. It may be different. During this time the paint becomes soft. Of course, it does not slip (which would be very good), but its removal with a spatula, a grinder or a wire brush becomes very easy.

It is worth remembering that solvents emit substances harmful to the body. Therefore, when using a chemical method, you need to protect your hands with construction gloves, your respiratory tract with a gauze bandage, or even better, a respirator.

The surface of the radiator, cleared of paint, is treated with sandpaper. They work especially carefully in places where there is corrosion. It needs to be completely removed. Only a pure metallic sheen should remain.

For degreasing, use white spirit or any other alkaline solution.

The radiator is primed with a solution that meets following requirements:

  • is a product of the same manufacturer that produced the paint. In this case, the primer and paint work best together;
  • contains substances that can resist corrosion.

Features of paint application

Before painting, the heating radiator must be cooled. This is because most paints are designed to be applied to a cold surface. If they are applied to hot metal, they will dry quickly. And this will not allow you to apply an even layer and correct smudges, stains and stains in a timely manner. In any case, when working on hot batteries, the time for applying paint becomes very short. In this case, the mistake made may remain uncorrected. This is often noted in various videos.

True, there are some exceptions. So, people who ask the question whether it is possible to paint hot batteries should pay attention to paints specially designed for this purpose. They are able to dry on heated metal very slowly. However, such paints are quite expensive, and the final result of the calculation small repairs will represent a considerable amount. Therefore, before painting the heating radiator in winter, it is better to turn it off and wait for it to cool. It is best to change the color of the heating device in the summer season. Then it is convenient to ventilate the room and the radiators are cold.

If you have to paint a cast iron heater with ordinary paints during the heating season, then you need to apply a very thin layer of paint. Apply two such layers.

The application of a color mixture of a certain color occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Place oilcloth or old pieces of newspaper under the radiator.
  2. Applying paint to the top of the product. Then they gradually go down. Thanks to this, the problem of smudges is eliminated. First, the color mixture is applied to the internal parts of the device, and then to the external parts. The entire surface needs to be painted.
  3. Drying of the first layer of paint.
  4. Apply the second layer in the same way as the first.

The battery is coated with paint using various tools, namely:

  1. Brush.
  2. Spray gun.
  3. Spray can.

If you plan to use a brush, then you should take several options. The first should have soft, straight bristles. The other has curved stubble. Thanks to the second, you can work with your own hands in those places to which access is limited.

If painting with a spray gun, it is better to remove the battery. This way, excess paint will not get on the walls. In addition, there is a great opportunity to paint the most inaccessible places. Spray painting is very quick. In this case, you need to perform zigzag movements. They move from top to bottom. The distance from the surface to be treated to the can should be 30 cm.

How to paint a heating radiator: recommendations and photos

It is worth immediately clarifying that painting heating radiators is not possible in all cases. First of all, it is advisable to perform this operation for cast iron radiators, a thick and uneven layer of paint on which not only spoils the exterior of the battery, but also greatly impairs the quality of heat transfer. The second type of batteries that can and should be painted are convectors, made in the form of a bent riser pipe with fins pressed onto it.

Painting cast iron radiators

If you are the owner modern models radiators with aluminum sections, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​painting. Of course, you can paint it, but you will have to apply many layers of paint, and you are unlikely to achieve the expected effect. The fact is that the battery is painted with a brush, and this method is by definition worse than the factory one, so it is better to leave new battery models alone and, if necessary, cover it with a decorative screen.

How to paint a heating radiator: choosing paint and tools

Brushes for painting radiators

Before you begin the main stage of work, you need to prepare. First, let's prepare soft brushes that should be small size and two types - straight and curved. The straight brush is intended for painting external, easily accessible areas, and the curved brush is for painting the rear and internal surfaces of the radiator.

Anza flat brush for painting heating radiators

Which paint to choose

The main role in this work is played by paint for radiators, which can be of the following types:

  • water-dispersed;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • oil

Any paint for heating radiators must be resistant to abrasion, withstand high temperatures (up to 100 degrees) and not release toxic compounds when heated. According to these parameters, the above options differ significantly from each other. For example, water-dispersed paints do not have unpleasant odor and dry quickly, however, this type of coating is less resistant to abrasion than others, which means it will have to be renewed more often.

Special alkyd enamel VD-AK-1179 for radiators

Acrylic paint contains a chemical solvent, so when used, an unpleasant odor is released, which takes a long time to ventilate from the room. The advantages of this coating are high abrasion resistance and an attractive glossy appearance.

Alkyd paint for radiators also has an unpleasant odor, but is in high consumer demand due to its high abrasion resistance and a huge range of shades. In addition, the smell from modern building materials not so harsh.

As for oil paint, it is being used less and less as a coating for radiators and pipes. The reason for this is the unpleasant odor, long drying time and difficulty in applying an even layer.

How to paint radiators is up to you, but it is best to use alkyd paints from well-known manufacturers. You just need to choose the appropriate coating color.

What paint to paint radiators video

How to paint radiators: preparatory stage

So, the materials have been selected. Now you can move on to the preparatory stage. Old cast iron radiators may have chipped paint and many layers on top of them, so you need to completely clean the radiator from the old paint to the metal. This operation can be performed using a hair dryer, which melts the old paint with a stream of hot air, after which it can be removed using a spatula.

Cleaning pipes and batteries with a grinder with a special nozzle

If you don’t have a hairdryer at hand, you can use an alternative option - a washing solution. This solution is applied to the entire surface of the radiator, after which the heating device is covered with a film. After the washing solution has been in action for an hour, the paint can be removed using a spatula.

The main layer of paint has been removed, now we clean the battery from its remnants using fine sandpaper or a special wire attachment for a screwdriver. Then degrease the surface of the radiator using a rag soaked in special solution, for example white spirit. The final stage is to coat the radiator with an anti-corrosion primer; it will protect the radiator from corrosion, but will also improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface.

Removing old paint from a cast iron radiator: video instructions

Painting a radiator: basic rules

It’s worth clarifying right away that painting the batteries should be done with the heating turned off. This limitation is due to the fact that paint dries very quickly on a hot surface, which can lead to an uneven coating layer and the formation of smudges.

How to paint a radiator after stripping

Before painting the heating radiator, place an oilcloth or rag under it, which will protect the floors from paint getting on the floor. Start painting the radiator from hard-to-reach parts with a curved brush, and cover the front side with paint at the last moment. This approach will allow you not to smear the newly applied layer of paint, and your hands will remain clean.

Painting aluminum radiators with a spray can

In order for the radiator paint to lay flat, it must be applied in two thin layers. To apply the second layer, you need to wait until the first one has completely dried.

How to paint a battery video instructions

Possible problems when painting

When implementing each stage of work, unforeseen difficulties may arise - the paint does not apply evenly or the old coating is not removed. In order not to spoil the materials, you can pause work, wait for complete drying and start again by cleaning and degreasing the surface.

You can find out what paint to paint heating radiators from consultants in a specialized store; they will help you decide on a specific brand that is most popular among customers.

To avoid additional difficulties, pay attention to the video instructions, where experts will help you study the painting algorithm in detail and follow the detailed steps.

Bottom line

Painting heating radiators plays an important role, since this heating element attracts attention and is a subject of interior design and room design. Using the above tips, you can ensure that an old cast-iron battery after treatment will look no worse than a new one, and the coating will last for many years.


Choosing odorless paint for radiators

The choice of paint and varnish coating for a heating system is a fairly pressing and undoubtedly important issue. The paint must correspond to the assigned tasks: withstand high temperature regime, maintain gloss for a long time and do not peel off. But this is its functional and aesthetic load. But the question of which odorless paint for radiators and how to paint them sometimes remains open. An educational excursion into the world of paints and varnishes will help you figure it out.

Which one is better to choose?

The choice of paint for the heating system of an apartment or house is closely related to the material from which the batteries are made. Each type has certain properties that are friendly to the paintwork or conflict with it. The main types of materials used for the production of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • bimetal;
  • steel;
  • aluminum.

For coloring heating radiators The manufacturer's market offers a wide range of types and a rich palette of coatings:

Types of paints and varnishes Species



Advantages Flaws Firm-


1 Oil paint Cast iron

Wide color palette

It takes a long time to dry, has a persistent odor, quickly fades, cracks, and loses its shine. "Tikkurila" etc.
2 Serebryanka Cast iron Excellent high temperature resistance Persistent odor “Lakra”, “Gloss”, etc.
3 Silicate paint Cast iron Designed for high temperatures Long lasting odor “Nevbytkhim”, “Ceresit”, etc.
4 Powder paint Any kind Durability, resistance to damage and high temperatures Coloring in professional cameras "Triton", "Ral", etc.
5 Alkyd enamel based on organic solvents Cast iron, steel, bimetal Wide range of applications Characteristic odor, color varies by pigment “Olecolor”, “Enamel”, “Tex”, etc.
6 Water-based alkyd enamel Any kind Barely noticeable odor, no loss of color Titanium white has been added to the high-temperature paints of this series, which are not cheap “Tex”, “Lakra”, “Enamel”, etc.
7 Alkyd hammer enamel Cast iron, steel, bimetal Hides imperfections of the painted coating There is a slight odor that disappears after drying “Olecolor”, “Tex”, “Enamel”, etc.
8 Acrylic enamel Cast iron, steel, bimetal Almost no smell, dries quickly, wide range of colors, durability It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface to be painted: sand, prime “Lakra”, “Rainbow”, “Tex”, etc.
9 Spray paint Any kind Wide range of colors, ease of dyeing process Strong smell "Kudo", "Decorix", "Newton", etc.

Is it possible to paint hot?

Experts have different opinions on the issue of painting radiators: some argue that they need to be painted to protect them from corrosion. Others counter that applying one or another type of enamel to radiators does not perform any protective function and is purely aesthetic in nature. Another thing is painting pipes in winter, when the radiators are hot.

Paints and varnishes suitable for heating systems and withstanding high temperatures require painting over cold radiators. If radiators are coated with enamel on a hot surface, the paint will dry out “on the fly” and the quality of painting will get out of control: sagging and unsightly spots will appear.

It would be useful to remind you that when coating a hot radiator, the smell of paint will intensify, and opening windows winter period Ventilation is problematic due to the cold.

Important! Consumers most often choose the white color of the battery coating, but experts say that the dark tone of the radiators contributes to better heat transfer.

Painting process

Before you begin the paint application stage, you need to stock up on the necessary equipment:

  • radiator brush (curved, with long handle);
  • regular brush (100 mm wide);
  • rubber or silicone gloves;
  • respirator (if the paintwork is odorous);
  • newspaper (to protect the floor from paint stains);
  • sanding sheet No. 2 (if necessary, cleaning batteries from uneven surfaces);
  • rag;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • white spirit (for unexpected contact of paint with the skin).

Sometimes, the preparatory work takes longer than the painting process itself. This is not surprising, because the radiator has a lot of hard-to-reach parts that need to be washed, and in some places peel off the peeling paint and sand it.

Important! If you want to remove the old coating completely, you can use a special remover.

  1. Prime the prepared surface.
  2. In order to avoid drips, painting begins from the top of the heating system.
  3. The internal parts of the batteries are also covered first.
  4. Layers of paint are applied evenly in a thin layer.
  5. As the paint and varnish material dries, the radiators are repainted.

Radiator painting steps

Technology of painting over old paint

The condition of the paint on the heating system may vary:

  1. The coating, although old and faded, has a monolithic adhesion to the base. It is enough to just sand the surface a little with sandpaper for reliable adhesion of the next layer of paint.
  2. The old coating has worn out in places, peeled off, and metal is visible in places. Here, more thorough grinding of the surface will be required so that chips and irregularities are not visible under the new layer.
  3. The paintwork is crusty, peeling off in large areas, and rust appears in places. Such paint must be mercilessly removed with a wire brush or special removers. The prepared surface is primed before applying the first layer of paintwork.

Important! You can simply renew the old paint: apply a fancy pattern to it, after sanding it for better adhesion.

In cans

For the convenience of consumers, paint and varnish manufacturers produce aerosol coatings for radiators. It has excellent properties:

  • withstands high temperatures;
  • easy and quick to apply;
  • dries almost instantly;
  • has a pronounced gloss;
  • fits perfectly on any surface.

The only negative is the strong smell, but it will disappear in just an hour.

Balloon paint is sprayed onto the surface to be painted from a distance of 30 cm. Movements should be smooth, but fast, zigzag. Depending on the quality of the surface of the heating battery, painting in several layers may be required.

Important! When working with aerosol enamel, it is necessary to cover a large area around the radiator with newspapers, because The skill in painting with spray paint will not come right away.

Having the necessary information about heating radiator coatings, you can secure useful tips and learn the features of technologies for using paint and varnish products.

Purchasing new radiators can be called an expensive pleasure. But if your apartment or house has cast iron batteries, then you can give them an attractive look by painting the surface. It is better to do this work in the summer, when the smell of paint can be quickly removed by opening windows and doors. In addition, after the end of the heating season, the surface of the battery will be cold, which can be called ideal conditions for carrying out such work. If you are still wondering whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, then you need to take into account some nuances.

If you decide to paint the radiator during the heating season, then you need to choose the right equipment. To do this, it is best to use a sprayer, with which the composition can be applied quite accurately and quickly. The paint layer will form a thin, even layer. The lower part of the battery is usually treated with a brush.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to its properties and quality. The desired composition must undergo an increase in temperature. If you are faced with the question of whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, then you should take the choice more seriously. For example, this is perfect for this. However, when used, it will emit a pungent odor, and over time it may even change color, acquiring a yellowish tint.

The most profitable option for painting hot batteries is acrylic paint. It dries in a short time, and there is no smell when applied. It is not affected by temperature fluctuations. If you are wondering whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, you should know that this work requires preparation. The surface of the radiator should be cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. This can be done using a soda solution. Sandpaper will remove the old paint layer. After the surface has been sanded, a primer should be applied to it.

If you are faced with the question of whether it is possible to paint hot batteries, you should become more familiar with surface preparation technologies. The first involves the use of a chemical method, while the second involves the use of a mechanical method. The chemical treatment method involves the use of substances that dissolve the old layer of paint. After using this composition, the surface can be easily cleaned.

When performing these manipulations, you should remember safety measures. The technician should use protective glasses and gloves. If you don't want to spend money on chemicals, you can use mechanical method. It consists of using scrapers, sandpaper, and a drill with special attachments.

If you are also deciding whether it is possible to paint hot radiators, then you should know that when carrying out such work you should refuse to paint the taps. If this recommendation is neglected, then the use of shut-off valves may be accompanied by difficulties. But the radiators themselves should be painted in two stages, applying from top to bottom.

Carrying out priming

To implement the primer, you can use the domestic composition GF-021, which is combined with MA and PF enamels. If you plan to use imported dyes, then for priming you should purchase material from the same manufacturer. Oil paint, applied in one layer over the primer, can increase the heat transfer of the battery by 5%. If more than three layers are applied, the heat transfer will decrease by 1%. Dye based on lead and aluminum will also help reduce heat transfer.

Now you know whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with paint. If a convector is installed in your apartment, then to increase its heat transfer you should not paint its invisible elements and pipes. This recommendation should also be applied to convection aluminum plates. They are located on the pipes and become clogged easily.

The removable casing should be painted; it is excellent for this. When deciding whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with enamel, you need to pay attention to the material of the radiator. If it is cast iron, then it is necessary to remove dust from the surface of the structure, and then rinse it with water and degrease it. To do this, use a one percent solution of ammonia.

If there are chips on the surface, they must be treated with a primer with anti-corrosion properties. At the next stage, the surface is covered with putty and primed. It is worth considering that paint for hot radiators will cost more than others, so you need to assess the situation and decide whether you can wait until the end of the heating season. It is recommended to apply the paint in as thin a layer as possible.

Recommendations for painting bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Bimetallic and aluminum radiators are painted in the factory with a powder composition. It will be extremely difficult to achieve such a surface on your own, but if you still decide to update such a device, then its working surface must be prepared using the technology described above, and then covered with a primer and a layer of alkyd enamel.

If there are strong defects, the coating should be removed down to the metal; grinder. Next, the master will have to coat the surface with a primer. Only then can you start painting.

Use of alkyd paints

If you are deciding whether it is possible to paint hot radiators with paint, then you should consider as an example an alkyd composition that can operate at temperatures up to 150 °C. Manufacturers guarantee that light colors will not turn yellow unless the temperature rises above 120°C. Alkyd paint will emit an unpleasant odor after application for some time, but it will dissipate fairly quickly. Each time you start the heating, the smell may appear again, but only briefly.


Home craftsmen often wonder whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with acrylic paint. It has almost no smell, and is also the most popular due to its affordable price. The base enamel is a product with a snow-white structure. In order to change the shade, a tinting pigment is added to the ingredients. These coatings have a slightly lower temperature threshold compared to alkyd coatings and amount to 80 °C. However, in practice it turns out that this is quite sufficient.

Complete painting of heating pipes is quite difficult question, which periodically arises before home owners. Batteries and pipelines are painted in several cases - when connecting new devices to the circuit, when updating the appearance of unpresentable old batteries and during a major overhaul of the heating system. It is important to carry out painting work competently and thoroughly. This will give a chance to give the batteries an aesthetic appearance, not to interfere with their functional characteristics and to maintain the nominal heat transfer of heating devices.

Knowing how to paint a heating radiator, the owner will be able to save money on purchasing new heating devices, because with the help of paint that is in harmony with the interior of the room, you can give the old one cast iron battery aesthetic appearance. Before painting radiators, you need to visit a hardware store and purchase the equipment necessary for painting. It is required for accurate and uniform distribution of paint, cleaning the battery and preventing smudges.

The minimum set of equipment is represented by the following set of tools:

Preparatory stage

Before arming yourself with a brush and paint, the owner must prepare the surface of the battery. In the case of painting a new battery, the scope of work consists of removing dust and contaminants from the surface. But if we're talking about about painting an old radiator that has been used in the heating circuit for many years, you need to know how to remove old paint from radiators and prepare the surface for applying a new layer of enamel.

First, the owner will have to clean the surface from dirt and dust using a rag and a stiff brush with a long handle. High-quality painting of heating radiators with your own hands involves removing dust from hard-to-reach places, so it is important to thoroughly clean not only the outer surface, but also the areas between the sections, as well as the back side of the radiators.

If the radiator was previously painted with several layers of enamel, then it is important to understand how to remove the paint and not damage the structure of the heating device. To remove paint, you can use a chemical remover based on acetone and fatty acids. When carrying out work, it is important to follow safety precautions - use a respirator and ventilate the room well. After applying the remover, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint using a plastic or metal scraper.

Before painting the heating pipes in an apartment, it is important not just to remove the paint from the radiator, but to give the surface of the heating device the most even texture without chips or cracks.

This necessary condition so that the new layer of enamel lays down without flaws or smudges. At this stage of the work, the master will need sandpaper. With its help, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the radiators and remove remnants of old paint, which, due to the complex chemical composition may not completely dissolve during the rinsing process.

When using sandpaper, it is important not to overdo it. Too much force may damage the integrity of the outer layer of the batteries. Therefore, the work should be carried out carefully. After cleaning the radiator, its surface is coated with a primer. The quality of the primer is of great importance, so it is better to give preference to products from trusted brands.

If the old layer of paint has no cracks or flaws, then you can apply a new layer of enamel over the old paint.
In this case, the surface is first cleaned of contaminants and degreased with a solvent.

Paint selection

The homeowner should decide which paint is best to paint radiators after studying the characteristics of paint products available on the market. Currently, any hardware store sells dozens of types of paints that differ in composition, properties and price. Therefore, the answer to the question: how to paint heating radiators may have several options.

The following types of paints are considered the most popular:

  1. water-dispersed acrylic enamel;
  2. solvent-based acrylic paint;
  3. alkyd enamel.

Technique for high-quality radiator painting

Knowing how to properly paint heating radiators, the owner will select the optimal brushes, the size of which will allow work to be carried out even in hard-to-reach places. Instead of brushes, a spray bottle or a bottle of spray paint can also be used to apply the enamel more evenly.

Some owners do not know how to paint heating radiators with their own hands correctly and decide to apply enamel only to the front side. Although this solution will save time and money on consumables, it will cause a lot of problems in the long term.

Unpainted sections of pipes will be subject to corrosion, which will lead to failure of expensive heating devices.

When directly painting sections, you should avoid smudges, uneven layers and stains. It is recommended to first apply enamel to the internal elements of the radiators, then move to the side, and finish the job by evenly applying paint to the front side.

Painting radiators is a labor-intensive process, but very important. Knowing how to paint heating pipes and heating devices, the owner will be able to extend the life of the home heating system and make its appearance aesthetically attractive. After painting, radiators should not be used in the heating system until the enamel is completely dry.

Heating radiators are a common part of the interior of an apartment or house. Even after high-quality and expensive repairs, the home will not look well-groomed and cozy if the batteries are peeling or rusty.

Heating not only improves their appearance, it prevents direct contact of the metal with air oxygen and moisture, therefore significantly increasing their service life.

A well-painted radiator will add aesthetics to any home

Replacing heating radiators is an expensive and time-consuming process, so not every family can afford it. Painting radiators will be a real lifesaver. Anyone can do this job, as you don't need any special skills to do it. Let's look at how to properly paint a radiator, necessary tools and materials, features of the selection of paints for batteries and step-by-step execution of work.

  • a brush with metal bristles;
  • paint brushes: regular and special radiator brushes ( distinguishing feature the last one is a long curved handle, which will allow you to paint even hard-to-reach places);
  • coarse sandpaper;
  • dust brush;
  • spatula or knife.

In the process of staining and preparation for it, you will need the following materials:

  • primer for metal;
  • coloring composition;
  • solvent.

Selection of coloring composition

Painting pipelines and heating radiators is a responsible job that poses the question to the contractor: how to paint these parts? For painting, you can only use compounds that protect the metal from rust and are resistant to high temperatures. Central heating radiators heat up to a temperature of 60-80 degrees Celsius. The paint for a heating radiator should not change its original color when heated, peel off from the surface, collapse, or release toxic substances into the air.

It is necessary to select paint based on the radiator material

Advice! After painting, an unpleasant odor remains in the room for a long time. Odorless paint for batteries makes it possible to carry out work even in a residential area.

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • water-dispersed;
  • silicone-based paint for radiators;
  • based on heat-resistant varnish.

Acrylic radiators are designed for temperatures up to 80 degrees. When dry, it forms a glossy surface whose color lasts for a long time. This paint for heating pipes is odorless, so it is suitable for work in residential areas. The basis of this composition is white enamel, to which the required amount of pigments is added.

Radiators contain organic solvents. The strength of the enamel coating is higher than that of acrylic compounds. It evenly covers the surface and is resistant to temperature influences. The disadvantage of alkyd compositions is a peculiar unpleasant odor that can remain in the room for a long time even after drying.

Advice! If you have chosen alkyd compounds to paint heating radiators, opt for dark shades. Light pigments (especially white) that make up these enamels lose their brightness over time and turn yellow.

The question often arises: is it possible to paint radiators with a water-based composition? It is possible and necessary! This odorless product is suitable for heating pipes and residential radiators.

Painting pipes and cast iron heating radiators with two-component enamels, consisting of heat-resistant varnish and metallized particles, has become popular. Such compositions give the batteries shades of gold, silver, bronze, and with their help you can stylize radiators in an “antique” way. The advantages of these products include low cost and durability of the coating.

Zinc metal paint is also suitable for painting metal batteries. It will not only update the appearance, but also, thanks to its anti-corrosion properties, will extend the life of the radiator.

There are a huge number of multi-colored paints on the market for any type of material.

The choice of color depends on the preferences of the residents. Painting batteries white has long ceased to be relevant. Thanks to the range of paints, it became possible to paint radiators to match the color of the interior or, conversely, with bright colors. For example, in children's rooms, radiators in all colors of the rainbow, decorated with butterflies, flowers, etc. will look organic.

Coloring compounds for heating radiators can be produced in the form of aerosol cans. They are easy to use, allow you to evenly paint even hard-to-reach areas of batteries and significantly reduce the work time.

Preparing for painting

From quality preparatory work The result of painting directly depends on how smoothly the coating will lie on the surface and how long it will last.

Preparation for painting begins with dismantling. If you plan to paint new radiators, it is better to do this before installing them. It is better to remove old batteries, as this will allow for better preparation and painting of the surface.

If during the heating season there is a need to paint the heating battery, you can not dismantle it, but simply turn off the supply hot water. Questions often arise: is it possible to paint hot batteries, and what paint is best to do this? If a special valve that shuts off the flow of battery coolant is not installed, painting should be postponed until the end of the heating season. Firstly, the coating is difficult to apply to a hot surface; it dries instantly, leaving brush marks. Secondly, most coloring compounds have an unpleasant odor, which intensifies many times over when applied to a hot surface.

Standard painter's tools

After dismantling, you need to clean the radiator from the old coating. You can remove old paint with a brush with metal bristles or special chemicals. The washing solution is applied to the battery using napkins and left for the time specified in the instructions. The old enamel softens, after which it is removed with a spatula. The cleaned surface is sanded with coarse sandpaper.

After grinding with a special brush, process dust is removed from the battery, the surface is degreased with white spirit or acetone and primed. To protect the battery from corrosion before priming, it is treated with an anti-corrosion compound or primers with the same effect are used.

If you plan to paint new batteries, then all these steps should be followed. Different coloring compositions are not always compatible with each other. Often, under a new layer, the previous coating peels off from the surface and swells.


Radiators are painted with brushes or a paint roller. When painting, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. If the battery has not been dismantled, the nearby section of the wall is covered with plastic film.
  2. Work should begin with hard-to-reach areas, and only at the end paint the front part of the battery.
  3. For better and more even painting, paint for radiators is applied in 2 thin layers. The second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried.
  4. Painting is carried out from top to bottom so that there is no leakage on the freshly painted areas.


Aerosol paint is suitable for painting radiators. Before application, shake the can and spray the composition from a distance of 30 cm.

Heating radiators, cast iron and steel, require periodic painting, since the factory coating does not last very long, and in some cases is completely absent. In order to update heating appliances, you need to purchase a good heat resistant paint, suitable for painting cold and hot surfaces. Is there odorless paint for radiators and how to choose it correctly?

In this review we will look at:

  • disadvantages of painting batteries with conventional oil paints;
  • types of suitable paints;
  • types of paints for certain batteries;
  • method of painting radiators.

After reading the presented material, you can quickly refresh the batteries in your house or apartment, bringing them into divine shape.

Types of paints

What paint should I use for radiators? You are very lucky if you have modern radiators with powder coating at your disposal - it lasts for decades without peeling and almost without changing its color. This paint covers aluminum, bimetallic and steel radiators of various designs. To give it extra strength, the paint is subjected to procedures to make it stronger and more durable. Multi-stage painting has the longest service life.

Painting batteries is needed not only to make it look neat appearance radiator, but also to protect it from the environment.

If there are ordinary cast iron accordion batteries or old steel batteries in the house, then they need to be periodically tinted. The paint quickly turns yellow and begins to crumble, exposing the metal and creating all the conditions for the formation of corrosion centers. Therefore, the paintwork needs to be updated. It may also be needed when carrying out repairs - what if you decide to paint the batteries in different colors and adapt them to your interior design?

What paint should I use to paint radiators? There are many types of paints:

  • water-dispersed – do not emit an unpleasant odor and dry quickly;
  • acrylic – they smell like solvents and give a gloss;
  • alkyd – resistant, durable, long drying;
  • oil paints are not the best option for painting batteries;
  • Heat-resistant silver is an excellent option for painting heating appliances;
  • silicone-aluminum - excellent in all respects, but very expensive;
  • car enamels from spray cans are a reasonable heat-resistant option.

The water-dispersion composition for radiators is completely safe, as it dissolves in water.

Water-based paints are good because they do not have a strong solvent smell, since their base is ordinary water. They are fast drying and good for painting radiators. Some varieties have marks indicating the possibility of painting heating devices.

Don't like matte radiators and want them to shine? Then we recommend that you turn your attention to modern acrylic enamels. They provide excellent gloss and have a long service life. Their disadvantage is the smell of solvent, so the premises will need to be ventilated after painting.

Alkyd paints are the most durable. They are resistant to temperature loads, resist abrasion well, and do not change their color for a long time. Some of them can withstand heating up to +150 degrees without turning yellow for many years. Despite the obvious advantages, such paints have one glaring drawback - a strong solvent smell. It manifests itself not only at the painting stage, but also when starting the heating system.

Some consumers note that after drying, the unpleasant odor disappears, but appears already when heating is started for the first time, disappearing after 1-2 days. During these periods, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the rooms in which painted batteries are located.

Oil paints are not very suitable for heating radiators, so they have hardly been used recently. They have a strong solvent smell, take a very long time to dry and stick, and the dyes used in them turn yellow over time. In addition, after a year or two, such painting will begin to peel off and fall off, exposing the metal of the heating devices. We do not recommend using this paint for painting heating radiators.

Radiators painted silver look very attractive, but the main thing here is that the surface of the battery is smooth, without bumps or depressions, otherwise the impression will be blurred.

Heat-resistant silver is an excellent choice for painting batteries silver.. It contains heat-resistant varnish and powdered aluminum. Benefits of silver:

  • withstands heating up to +200 degrees;
  • does not change color;
  • It hardly peels off or falls off.

The disadvantage is that the smell is quite strong, so after painting the batteries, the rooms need to be ventilated.

Silicone-aluminum paints have the greatest resistance to high temperatures. They fit well on any surface, forming a strong and reliable connection. The surface is smooth and flexible, the paint does not peel off even after several years of use. The price for such superior performance comes at a price - you have to pay for the benefits and durability.

Car enamels are also suitable for painting heating radiators. They are resistant to temperatures up to +80-100 degrees and form a shiny, glossy surface that does not change color under the influence of temperature loads.

How to choose paint depending on battery material

If you can’t decide on the color or composition, consult the salesperson in the store, he will probably give you good advice.

When choosing paints for heating radiators, you need to take into account the materials used to make the heating devices. Almost any paint is suitable for painting cast iron and steel batteries. If you need to ensure good adhesion to metal, heating devices are pre-treated with a primer– it will protect them from corrosion and ensure good adhesion.

To paint aluminum radiators, we recommend using alkyd and silicone-aluminum paints - they adhere well to any surface. In the case of the former, we recommend applying a primer first, which will ensure more reliable adhesion to aluminum surfaces.

How to paint heating radiators

We already know what type of paint we should use to paint our heating radiators - all that remains is to figure out exactly how the painting is done. To do this, you need to prepare brushes, primer (if necessary) and sandpaper. How to remove paint from radiators? You will have to work a little with sandpaper or a special brush for an electric drill. We recommend choosing the latter option as it is faster.

Before painting the radiator, be sure to strip it of the old coating and use a primer for better adhesion of the primer to the surface.

Before applying paint to batteries, they must be completely cleaned with sandpaper or a brush, then treat with a degreasing compound - this will ensure more reliable adhesion of the primer to the surface. If necessary, treat the batteries with a primer and let them dry. After this, we begin to apply the paint - it is applied from top to bottom to avoid drips. If you want to get a smooth surface, use a paint sprayer (be careful, careless handling of this tool will lead to smudges).



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