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The use of gas boilers on bottled gas. Heating a house with gas cylinders: personal experience Gas burner for heating a house from a cylinder

When installing an autonomous gas supply to a house, you have to take into account many nuances associated with maintenance and accurate calculation power of heating equipment. To ensure maximum heat transfer and efficiency, it is necessary to correctly select and connect a bottled gas boiler.

Is it possible to connect a gas boiler to a cylinder

A gas boiler for heating a house from a cylinder is offered by many European and domestic manufacturers. German Buderus, Viessmann and some other European models are versatile and can operate on both main and cylinder gas.

But, basically, the consumer is offered boilers designed to operate exclusively on main gas. In this case, it will be necessary to re-equip the system: replace the nozzles or completely change the burner to make it possible to use liquefied gas.

Cylinders as the main source of propane

An autonomous gas boiler on gas cylinders is installed quite simply. The connection diagram is the same as in the case of the main pipe. The only thing to consider during installation are the rules fire safety, which are somewhat different from those provided for the operation of natural gas.

A significant disadvantage of using household cylinders is the need for regular refueling. On average, the container lasts no more than two days, after which it is required to disconnect it and take it to the gas station for refueling. You can reduce the frequency of trips by connecting several cylinders to a single network at once. Modern boilers allow connecting from two to six tanks at the same time.

The cylinders are not connected directly, but through a special reducer, which allows maintaining a stable pressure sufficient for the smooth operation of gas heating boilers running on bottled gas.

The ramp for pairing propane cylinders allows you to increase the simultaneous number of connected containers up to 10 pcs.

Connecting cylinders to reserve

Another disadvantage of a heating system running on liquefied gas, is the need for constant control over the filling of the cylinders. There are situations when the gas runs out right at night, the heating system cools down quickly, which causes inconvenience to the owners of the house.

To prevent this from happening, the boiler is powered from a propane cylinder through a special ramp, which allows 1-10 cylinders to be installed in reserve. The node operation scheme is as follows:

  • The ramp is a two-arm manifold that divides the tanks into two groups.
  • The initial gas intake comes from the main group.
  • After the end of propane, the ramp automatically switches the operation of the boiler to reserve tanks and issues a mechanical signal.
  • After filling and connecting the containers to the manifold, the main working group of cylinders is automatically turned on.

The in-line gas cylinder installation is quite convenient in operation and allows you to automate the process of boiler operation as much as possible, increasing its autonomous operation time.

How to connect a gas boiler to a propane cylinder

Install a gas boiler for autonomous heating using bottled gas is much easier than using mainstream fuel. There are several rules regarding fire safety, equipment reconfiguration and power calculation, which require strict adherence.

Is it possible to install gas cylinders in the boiler room

The norms and rules for installing the cylinder are governed by the requirements of industrial safety. In particular, it indicates that containers with liquefied gas cannot be in the same room with heating devices.
  • The cylinders should be taken out into an adjacent room or outside in a special cabinet.
  • Store empty gas cylinders outside the building. It is optimal if the containers are to be refilled immediately.
  • If cylinders installed in a closet on the street freeze, the walls of the store should be insulated using non-combustible thermal insulation. It is strictly forbidden to heat containers or cabinet with an open flame.
  • The gas cylinder can be installed at a distance of at least 2 m from the heating boiler.
  • It is prohibited to store compressed gas cylinders near the boiler room. It is possible to store containers only in a specially equipped room, located no closer than 10 meters, and also equipped with ventilation and not having pits, and a basement. This requirement is due to the fact that propane is heavier than air and accumulates at floor level when leaked. In the presence of pits or a basement, the concentration of gas will become critical, which is sufficient for an explosion.
  • Operation of cylinders - complete production of LPG from the tank is not allowed. Every 4 years, it is required to certify the tightness of the cylinders and the integrity of their walls.

Do I need to reconfigure the boiler for propane?

A conventional gas cylinder boiler works only if certain conditions are met and refurbishment is performed. There is no need to reconfigure the equipment, but additional fittings will need to be installed to stabilize the gas pressure.

Not every boiler is capable of running on LPG. You should pay attention to the technical documentation. An integral requirement is the ability of the unit to operate at a reduced gas pressure of 3-4 mbar.

What is required to switch the boiler to gas from a cylinder

For normal operation of the LPG boiler, several important conditions must be met:
  • Replacement of nozzles or burner. Gas-cylinder hot-water equipment designed to operate exclusively on LPG is not produced. Some manufacturers make universal units equipped with an electronic processor.
    To switch from main gas to cylinders, you simply need to change the cartridge. But more often, conversion will require replacing the nozzles or the entire burner.
  • Installation of the gearbox. Liquefied gas is pumped into cylinders under pressure, which converts from a gaseous to a liquid state. To transform it back, you need to lower the pressure. A gearbox is intended for this purpose.
  • Gas valve - in some models, connection and operation of a domestic gas boiler on bottled gas is possible only when this unit is replaced.

A conventional gas reducer is not suitable for conversion. A gas heating boiler can operate on conventional bottled gas only when installing a unit with a flow rate of 1.8-2 m³ / hour.

How to calculate the volume and number of cylinders for the boiler

As practice shows, for a house of 100 m², the gas consumption will be approximately 2 cylinders per week. Accordingly, for a house of 200 m² the consumption will increase to 4 units. A gas heating boiler consumes 9 (100 m²) -18 (200 m²) propane cylinders per month, depending on the total heated area. The calculation of the required number of containers is performed taking into account this coefficient.

So, the installation of a gas boiler room in a house on propane cylinders for 100 m² will require at the same time to connect at least 4 cylinders (2 working and 2 reserve), 200 m² 8-10. To ensure maximum ease of use, the connection kit should include a ramp.

It is possible to accurately calculate the demand for a bottled gas boiler using the technical documentation provided by the manufacturer. At least European concerns indicate the consumption of LPG in the equipment instructions after the unit has been re-equipped.

Gas cylinders must be filled with propane after emptying the tank by 90%. Gas production is not allowed entirely.

Which boiler is better to choose when heating with propane cylinders?

The experience of using boilers from gas cylinders has shown that not all equipment works equally well on LPG after conversion. It is quite problematic to increase efficiency during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right heating equipment.
  • The principle of operation is the most economical condensing equipment adapted for operation on LPG. The operating time of the boiler from the cylinder increases on average by 15-20%. Condensing equipment is designed to operate at low gas pressure and often the replacement of the burner and nozzle is not required.
  • Number of circuits - a single-circuit boiler should be chosen exclusively for space heating, a double-circuit boiler for water heating.
  • Purpose - the best option is equipment, in the operating instructions of which there is permission to connect the boiler to the cylinder. Conversion of conventional hot water units, as a rule, leads to excessive consumption of fuel and is economically unprofitable. Boiler manufacturers offer all the necessary fittings for connecting cylinders, they are included in the kit, or purchased separately.
The condensing boiler is the best option for constant heating of the house with LPG. For temporary heating, in order to further switch to main gas, other types of boilers can be used, provided that it can work at reduced gas pressure.

The conversion of the boiler from natural gas to bottled gas must be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Independent re-equipment leads to a rapid failure of equipment and increases the likelihood of fire and explosive situations.

Pros and cons of operating the boiler on propane cylinders

The main advantage of connecting to LPG is the speed of installation and the absence of strict regulations related to operation. There is no need to obtain a permit for operation, as well as to perform project documentation, which is required for a trunk connection.

Judging by consumer reviews, heating with liquefied gas has its drawbacks:

  • The need to control the filling of cylinders. For normal operation of a gas boiler, you need 3-4 gas cylinders. Track exactly when the gas runs out, without additional equipment quite problematic. If permanent operation of the system is planned, it is better to spend money and connect the boiler to several cylinders through a ramp and a reducer.
  • Gas cost - in comparison with the main connection, the cost of heating LPG is slightly higher, but less than when using an electric boiler.
  • Features when connected to a propane tank. According to the PB, it will be necessary to take the containers to another ventilated room or to the street, which is not always convenient. It is necessary to purchase separately a device for connecting at least four gas cylinders to the boiler, as well as control and monitoring fittings.
  • Conversion - not all boilers can be converted to LPG with the same efficiency. Burner replacement will cost approximately 30-40% of the total boiler cost.
  • The need to attract qualified specialists. Only a licensed specialist can connect several propane cylinders into a single network, change the burner and make the connection correctly.
Some of the above disadvantages apply equally to the connection to the main gas pipeline.

Liquefied bottled gas, which is propane butane mixture, is one of the most profitable ways of heating private houses, garages and apartments in the price / quality category.

Features of heating from gas cylinders

Used as a heat source butane or propane. After the gas is liquefied, it is distilled into cylinders. Then they are connected to the heating system via reducer - pressure reducing device.

In the process of passing through it, the gas again assumes its natural state. Then it is burned in a boiler, giving off a large amount of heat.

Reasons for choosing

  • Low cost;
  • low fuel consumption gives a large amount of heat;
  • connecting such a heating system is permissible at any time and after the operation of other types of boilers;
  • the use of this type of fuel acceptable in any location and building.

Gas or electricity

This question is faced by everyone who considers various analoguesheating sources. To make a decision, it is important to compare them in terms of key indicators.


By cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than electricity. The financial side of the issue will be especially noticeable if the building large area.

Autonomous heating works by tank-gasholderlocated underground. It can hold thousands of liters of gas. The gas tank is refueled by specialists twice a year.

The underground reservoir does not interfere with the full exploitation of the territory and does not emit an attention-grabbing smell.


The costs are high since this energy source is considered one of the most expensive.

Sometimes the power consumed by the heating system is overestimated for the suburban electrical network, there is not enough energy to heat the whole house.

In bad weather, it often happens power surgeswhat leads to a failure in the heating system.

It follows from this that liquefied gas is a more profitable, economical and reliable option.

Storage of liquefied fuels

Gas is contained in gasholders or special containers with spherical or cylindrical surface or underground installation type.

Such reservoirs necessarily welded.

LPG storage cylinders are manufactured sheet steel... They consist of a neck, two bottoms, a shut-off valve, a plug, a cap, a shoe, and a shell.

Photo 1. Gas cylinder for storage of liquefied fuel with a neck, shut-off valve, plug.

Each cylinder is marked with its type, weight and capacity, permissible pressure, stamp of the OTK firm and Gosgortekhnadzor, test pressure obtained during hydraulic testing, date of completed and subsequent surveys, manufacturer's name.

The balloon has red coloring and white signature "Propane - butane".

Reference! Before shipment, cylinders are stored in specialized single-storey warehouses in the form of premises or open areas under a canopy.

Advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating

  • freezing of condensate at low temperatures;
  • placement of cylinders is strictly provided in ventilated areas;
  • in the event of a leak, the gas falls into the basement or subfloorleading to serious consequences.

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Fuel consumption: how long is it?

For heating a building with a total area 100 sq. m per week on average it takes 2-3 cylinders, each with a capacity 50 l... Based on these calculations, you can determine the required number of gas tanks for a house of any quadrature and how much it is enough.

A device with a boiler for heating with your own hands

To form a heating system with your own hands of this type you will need:

  • Gas boiler with liquefied gas burner. Models with low pressure and highest efficiency are suitable.
  • Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters.
  • Shut-off valves.
  • Reducers.
  • Ramp (used to connect several tanks).
  • Gas pipeline, formed from hoses and pipes and designed to connect elements to the heating system.

Boilers are floor and wall, single and double-circuit. The latter allow not only to increase the temperature in the room, but also to heat the water.

The cylinders are connected to the system by means of a reducer with a capacity 2 cubic meters m / hour. The reducer can be one or separate for each tank.

Connecting several cylinders to a gas boiler increases the period of their necessary refueling. For such a connection is used ramp - a device that divides tanks into main and reserve. First, gas is taken from the first group, and as it ends, from the second. The moment of transition is sounded with a signal.

To fix a gas boiler with a gas pipeline, use flexible liner, and for the reducer - a durite hose. The wall thickness of a gas pipe made of metal is not less than 0.2 cm... In the wall, such pipes are brought into a case and foamed.

The boiler fuel consumption is about 9 kg of gas per day. A large amount of resource will go away at the very beginning to warm up the heating system, and later - will decrease by 4 times.

Photo 2. A red gas cylinder and a flexible hose that is used to connect to the boiler.

Refueling cylinders produced weekly specialists. Before this process, condensation is removed from the tanks. You can independently take the tanks out into the open, ground and remove the gearbox. 2 hours laterwhen the remaining gas has disappeared and the water has dropped into the ground, the cylinders can be taken to the refueling station.

Important! Not allowed for simultaneous refueling more than three cylinders.

Features of use

IN different rooms there is own rules operation of gas cylinders.

In the apartment

The installation of a gas boiler is only permitted under the following conditions:

  • obtaining a number of approvals on this process from specialized services;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • preparation of the apartment;
  • heating system change - its disconnection from centralized communications;
  • chimney and ventilation installation.

In this case, the room itself must meet the requirements:

  • an area of \u200b\u200bat least 4 sq. m;
  • the presence of good natural lighting, vents;
  • ceiling height not less than 2.5 m;
  • entrance door with a width of at least 0.8 m;
  • cold water pipeline;
  • smooth walls.

Gas cylinders are allowed to be placed in the apartment, but no more than one... Moreover, the building itself should not exceed 2 floors. Such containers fix 50 cm from the gas stove and 100 cm from heating appliances ... The limiting temperature of the room in which the installation process is carried out - not higher than 45 ° C.

Attention! Independently carry out the process of installing a gas heating system absolutely forbidden,this is done by employees of special services.

Everyone is faced with the problem of how to heat the house if it is not possible to make a connection to the central gas pipeline. There is a way out of this situation - heating with gas from cylinders. The gas from the cylinder does not differ from the main pipeline. There are no prohibitions on the use of this type of room heating. It is gaining more and more popularity. The price of solid fuels is constantly rising. Not everyone has time to prepare firewood for the winter, because they need to be chopped and stacked. This is a laborious process. It is much easier to fill several containers and bring them to a country house.

Pros and cons of balloon heating

Heating a summer cottage with a gas cylinder is considered autonomous heating. The vessels can be easily delivered by car to the most remote villages, thus solving the problem of heating the rooms. The cost of this type of heating requires significant financial costs. The use of gas cylinder heating will be beneficial when taking into account the following factors:

  • Premises up to 100 sq. M.
  • Reducing heat loss (the house must be insulated).
  • There are other heating devices.
  • This type of heating is temporary, after a while there will be a connection to a natural gas pipeline.

The advantage of using such heating is that when connected to the central gas pipeline, you will not need to buy another boiler. Such boilers operate on both liquefied and natural gas. Change injectors and reprogram the system. Buying one equipment, you can use two types of heating.

Connecting the house to gas cylinders will not require significant preparatory work... To connect to the central gas pipeline, a lot of work needs to be done in the building.

To heat the dacha with a gas cylinder, containers must be transported to a gas station. Additional money and time will be spent on this. The use of such fuel requires compliance with safety measures, liquefied gas is explosive. Individual room heating with gas cylinders must be set correctly.

The disadvantage of this method of heating buildings is its price. Fuel prices differ in different regions of the country. Gas will be more expensive in one area and cheaper in another. Buying low-quality liquefied gas will increase fuel consumption. This method of heating rooms is not cheap. Adhering to all possible ways to save fuel, you need at least ten vessels per month.

The specifics of the arrangement of cylinder heating

Choose the right boiler to heat your home with bottled liquefied gas. Not every heating equipment can run on this type of fuel. The device must be equipped with a burner. Buy equipment with a capacity of 10-20 kW, pay attention to the heated area.

Observe safety precautions, choose proven high-quality gas cylinders. Place them outdoors. In winter, when the air temperature drops, the vessel may freeze, which will lead to a decrease in pressure in it, the gas will not evaporate. Its supply to the boiler stops. Therefore, the gas cabinet where the equipment is located must be insulated and installed on the north side of the house. The gas cabinet should be as dark as possible.

To insulate the gas cabinet, run a special hose from the boiler room, through which heated air is supplied with the help of fans. It is forbidden to heat the gas shield with heating cables. For gas heating, use at least four vessels.

To distribute heat evenly throughout the building, correctly calculate the required number of radiator sections. Average for one section of a standard aluminum radiatorcan distinguish from 200 watts of heat. If you take a house area of \u200b\u200b100 sq. m. and a ceiling height of 2.5 m., you will need a boiler with a capacity of 10 kilowatts. Therefore, it will take from 50 radiator sections. An accurate calculation can be carried out taking into account heat losses through windows, walls and roofs. If in doubt about the correctness of the calculations, consult a specialist.

Boiler selection principles

For heating country house gas cylinders buy a reliable boiler. To use liquefied gas as fuel, buy boilers with a special water circuit. Pay attention to devices designed to use natural gas. Having bought equipment for natural gas, it is enough to change the burner or nozzles, and it can be used for reduced gases. When the need for heating with bottled gas is no longer necessary, install other nozzles and heat the building with natural gas. When using autonomous heating with liquefied gas, select boilers with high efficiency.

The shops have a very large selection of boilers. You will find equipment not only from domestic manufacturers. There are many models designed by overseas manufacturers. Therefore, the price of such equipment may differ. Everything will depend on the manufacturer and technical characteristics devices. Select the right equipment for propane heating of a building.

Boiler connection diagram

It is strictly forbidden to use gas boilers without converting them to the use of liquefied gas. Natural gas is supplied through large nozzles; for liquefied gas, nozzles of a smaller diameter are installed.

For correct connection vessels to the gas system, buy a reducer. With the help of this device, the gas passes from a liquid to a gaseous state, and then it is supplied to the boiler.

You can buy a reducer that fits all supplied cylinders or buy such equipment for everyone. The cost is cheaper to buy one general arrangementbut such equipment is less secure. Install a ramp to connect several tanks to heating equipment. The ramp selects gas from some vessels, and when the gas runs out, the boiler switches to spare tanks.

Choose gas pipes with a thickness of at least two millimeters. The pipe that goes through the wall must be in a foam case. To connect the reducer to the gas pipeline, buy a rubber-fabric hose. If you do not know how to correctly connect the gas system, contact a specialist.

Gas cylinders are placed outside in a special ventilated gas cabinet. They can't stand in the sun. If you are going to install containers in the boiler room, they must be located no closer than two meters from the boiler.

Using a reducer

A mandatory part of the gas cylinder system is a reducer - this is a device that is used to reduce pressure . The installation of a reducer is mandatory, because the pressure in the tanks is constantly changing due to different air temperatures outside and the amount of remaining gas in the cylinders. Be very careful when choosing a gearbox. Get the right performance for this device. Gearboxes that are switched by automatic devices are used with special protection. With a large rise in the pressure level, the protection opens the relief valve.

Cylinder filling principles

Gas cylinders for heating a house are filled with a mixture of propane and butane gas. Gases are in liquid form. The type of mixture that is filled into the vessel is influenced by the season of its use: summer or winter. In winter, the air temperature drops, so the tanks are filled with a winter technical mixture of propane and butane.

The vessels are filled to eighty percent. If it is completely filled with an increase in air temperature, the vessel will rupture. Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters are used. Tanks are refueled at a gas station. If you do not have your own transport, order delivery by a special machine that delivers filled vessels to villages.

Gas consumption from cylinders

Many are interested in the question of whether heating with bottled gas is beneficial or not. Before installing it, calculate the amount of fuel needed to heat the rooms. It may be more profitable for you to supply a solid fuel boiler. If the house is large, poorly insulated, then it is better to use other methods of heating the house.

For heating a building up to one hundred square meters with bottled gas, two or three vessels a week with a capacity of fifty liters are required. When you leave, set the heating temperature of the building less, then one gas cylinder will be needed for a week. To save fuel, experts recommend using automatic devices for the heating system. You can set the temperature at which the heating system turns on. You do not need to run to regulate it yourself. When the temperature in the rooms drops, the heating system will turn on, and at normal temperature, the heating will be turned off. There will be no unnecessary fuel consumption. To save fuel, it is recommended to reduce the gas flow at night.

Such heating will cost more than central gas supply, but it will be cheaper than eclectic heating of the room. In severe frost, fuel consumption will be much higher. Control how much gas remains in the vessel in order to fill it in time. Always have a few spare filled cylinders so as not to be left without heating the house in winter, in cases where this is the only way to heat buildings.

What is better to use for gas storage: a gas holder or cylinders

It is not necessary to use cylinders to store liquefied gas. Gas tanks can be used - these are large tanks made of steel. One filled tank will be enough to heat rooms in cold weather.

The disadvantage of a gas tank is that there may be problems with its delivery and storage. To refuel it, you need to call a car with gas. Additional costs will be required to place the gas tank underground.

A good compromise would be the use of a mobile gas tank, which combines both a capacity of about 600 liters and the ability to tow it for refueling. With an average gas consumption, this will have to be done only 2-3 times a year.

Gas cylinders are easier to fill. They can be taken to a gas station at any time, and a car with gas must first be ordered, and then wait for it to arrive. To heat the house with liquefied gas in cylinders, install several vessels. One will not be enough.

Ways to reduce gas consumption

Insulating windows can reduce fuel consumption because the building will give off less heat. Also use other elements to reduce gas consumption.

  1. It is necessary to control the temperature of the room in which the gas boiler is located. If the temperature in the room where the gas appliances are located will cause problems with the operation of the boiler. In the boiler room and in the heated rooms, the same air temperature must be maintained.
  2. It is necessary to fill the cylinders with high-quality gas at proven gas stations. Various impurities will increase fuel consumption.
  3. Use automation in a gas system. Its use will reduce heating costs.
  4. Leakage may occur in the gas system. From this, the gas consumption for heating the house will increase. Buy and install sensors that will give signals when gas appears in the room.

Use of gas cylinders and compliance with all safety measures

Gas in cylinders for heating buildings should be in special prepared iron containers on the street. If you do not know how to properly make a gas cylinder cabinet, buy a ready-made one in the store. This type of gas collects at the bottom when it leaks. You may not feel its accumulation in time. And if the cylinders are in the room, a high concentration of gas can lead to an explosion. Cylinders can not be installed in basements, cellars.

Cylinder cabinet

The cylinders are installed vertically. When equipping storage space, ventilation openings should be provided. So that when it leaks, it is not going to. Check the detachable connections on the gas pipeline carefully. Such connections are made in places where other connections cannot be used.

If you decide to make a boiler room to store gas cylinders, make walls with non-combustible materials... Make ventilation. Do not place flammable materials near vessels.

Gas cylinders are prohibited from filling more than eighty percent. If you fill it completely in frost and then bring it into a warm room, the vessel will explode. If corrosion appears on the container, do not use it. The life of the residents of the house depends on compliance with all safety measures for the use of gas equipment.

It is advantageous to use bottled gas for heating a summer cottage or home as a temporary alternative, with its further conversion to use natural gas. The most convenient to use are vessels with a volume of fifty liters. The advantages of gas cylinder heating are that containers are easily delivered by car even to the most remote village. To refuel them, you just need to go to the nearest gas station. In an average house, heating a house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to one hundred square meters per week will require two gas cylinders.

This type of building heating is environmentally friendly, the environment is less polluted. And when using solid fuel, a lot of smoke is generated.

It often happens that there is no way to connect a building to centralized heating. If the owner, after going through all the options, stops at such a heating method as liquefied gas, all the nuances should be taken into account, the consumption of liquefied gas for heating the house should be calculated and weighed whether this method of heating the home is rational.

What is liquefied gas

Liquefied gas is natural gas, which has changed its state of aggregation and turned into liquid, significantly decreasing in volume. The transition requires low pressure and normal temperature. As a result, a significantly larger volume of fuel is stored in the storage tanks.

The cylinders are filled with a mixture of propane and butane, which remains in a liquid state under high pressure. This makes transportation easier and safer. There are three types of fuel, which are filled with cylinders, depending on the seasonality:

  • technical butane;
  • technical mixture of propane and butane (summer version);
  • technical mixture of propane and butane (winter version).

In order not to face the problem of the impossibility of heating in winter period due to high frosts, it is necessary to insulate the boxes where the cylinders are stored and equip them with a heater. At low temperatures, the gas does not freeze, but turns into a liquid, does not flow to the heating system. This is due to the boiling of the mixture at a temperature of ten degrees below zero, the pressure drops. To prevent this from happening, in addition to warming and heating when installing cylinders outdoors, the cylinders are blown from the boiler room through specially made air vents.

Safe use of liquefied gas at home

A LPG mixture is much heavier than air. And if there is a gas leak from the cylinders, it always collects above the floor surface, and you can feel the presence of gas in the room already when it reaches the critical explosive mark. For this reason, the gas cylinder should only be installed outdoors, in a special metal compartment in an upright position. The fixture must be equipped with ventilation holes.

  • in case of freezing, it is forbidden to heat the cylinder with electrical appliances, heating elements;
  • structures with a balloon installation are located on the outside of the dwelling and preferably on the north side, to exclude the ingress of sunlight;
  • the cylinder is filled to less than eighty percent of its volume, the rest of the space is given for expansion;
  • systematically check cylinders for leaks;
  • gas pipelines must be made of reliable and powerful materials.

Liquefied gas for home heating

The presence of gas cylinders with propane - butane in country dwellings is no longer surprising. People who do not have a gas supply actively use this option in the kitchen, for preservation, cooking. But lately one can hear more and more often that country houses are heated with the help of liquefied petroleum gas, LPG. Recently, the purchase of equipment and installation of a heating system has become quite affordable for the general population. More and more people who do not have the opportunity to receive centralized gas for heating are installing equipment for heating with liquefied gas.

Among the advantages of this option for using liquefied gas, the following features stand out:

  • the ability to make independent autonomous heating in a place where it is impossible to use centralized heating;
  • you can use gas all year round;
  • the system is different high quality and operational reliability;
  • the gas holder is a small and visually invisible reservoir, does not take up space, as it is located underground;
  • convenient delivery of raw materials, which does not require the construction of a pipeline;
  • liquefied gas has a higher heat capacity than natural gas;
  • raw materials are considered environmentally friendly;
  • in comparison with other heating options, the low cost of gas, not dependent on fluctuations in the cost of natural.

But one cannot but mention the disadvantages of using liquefied gas:

  • provided that the dwelling is located far from the city, the cost of raw materials may be increased due to travel costs;
  • in high frosts, when using liquefied gas, there is a risk of freezing of the gas reducer;
  • due to bad weather conditions, roads can be swept up, which makes it difficult to supply a new supply of fuel;
  • to design and install an autonomous heating installation on liquefied gas is permissible only by qualified specialists who know the question, only the simplest units can be made independently.

Features of heating a living space using liquefied gas

One of the main inconveniences is that the owner must control the gas level all the time, monitor the reserves and replenish them in time. Independence from the central gas supply and complete autonomy is considered an advantage for some, and a disadvantage for some. But with responsible inventory control, there will never be problems or interruptions in heating.

A fifty-liter cylinder is filled with liquefied gas and serves as fuel for heating small summer cottages, cottages and houses. It is rather inconvenient to change an empty cylinder to a full one every few days, therefore experts advise connecting several cylinders into a battery, looping them. When installing a heating system with liquefied gas on your own, it is permissible to make a battery of three cylinders. If you want to combine more, you need to prepare a project and documents.

Gas cylinders must not be installed indoors. They are located only on the outside of the house in a special metal cabinet. In freezing weather, there are cases of freezing of the gearbox or condensation, which makes it difficult to supply gas. To avoid such inconveniences, a small electric heater is installed in the cabinet.

Heating with liquefied gas is especially convenient if the building area is not very large and there is confidence that there will be no problems with access to raw materials. If this moment is in question, it would be better to purchase a gas tank. This is such a large bunker for refueling liquefied gas and storage, such a tank is filled once every two to three years. The volume of the tank can be different. The owner selects it according to his needs: from three to ten cubic meters. The gas tank can be placed at a distance of at least ten meters from the dwelling, and a convenient road - an entrance - must also be arranged to the tank.

Liquefied gas consumption for home heating

The most important question that worries the future user of such a heating system: "Is gas cylinder heating rational?" On the one hand, not many items are needed to build a heating system and it seems very simple. Is it really? To build a heating system with liquefied gas you will need:

  • buy a special gas boiler that can operate on raw materials such as gas-cylinder raw materials or independently rebuild the control system and replace the nozzles;
  • buy fittings, reducer and gas equipment;
  • connect all mechanisms and adjust the heating system.

The question of the amount of gas that is spent on heating the house and the ability to warm up the entire cubic capacity of the dwelling is the one to which you need to calculate the answer in advance. As can be seen from user reviews of such a system, provided that the house is not sufficiently insulated and the total area is over two hundred square meters, it is better not to start mounting such a heating system. It will be unreasonably expensive. In this case, you should switch to solid fuel boilers.

Heating your own house with liquefied gas

Heating a country house with liquefied gas is an excellent option for residents of remote settlements, where gas is very expensive or even impossible. In this case, the use of liquefied gas for home heating is an excellent solution. User reviews claim that this kind of heating is an alternative to any other and even once popular diesel fuel. Gas tanks located in the yard ensure uninterrupted gas supply. When installing the tank, it is important to take into account the requirements for the required distance from the house - at least ten meters and the distance to communications - no closer than two meters. The capacity is selected taking into account the individual needs of the dwelling and the boiler. In private buildings, when using liquefied gas during the heating period, boilers with a capacity of up to ninety kilowatts are installed, the storage capacity ranges from three to nine cubic meters. Replenishment of stocks in the storage is carried out by a special machine that delivers liquefied gas as needed.

Liquefied gas is recognized as an economical fuel. A relatively large room can be heated relatively inexpensively.

For example, to heat an area of \u200b\u200btwo hundred square meters, it is necessary to purchase a boiler with a capacity of twenty kilowatts. For such a unit, a five-cubic gas tank will be needed, which requires refueling, depending on the temperature regime, no more often than once a year.

The sequence of organizing heating using liquefied gas

It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to do the work of installing the heating system on your own, without special education and experience. All these stages: design, installation, installation of a gas tank, connection of related equipment, should be done only by craftsmen. It will not be superfluous to check their permits and license to carry out this kind of work. It is not difficult to find specialists in the installation of autonomous gas supply, at present there are many offers from companies capable of creating a gas supply and heating system.

When installing the gas supply, the instructions should be followed, which guarantees reliability, safety and quality work heating system:

  • preparation of project documentation - the first stage, during which a decision is made on the type of system, pricing policy, performance, capacity and other parameters are calculated;
  • purchase of equipment - for a long time there are no problems with the purchase of equipment, gas equipment for autonomous heating is offered by a large number of companies, and you can choose an option based on the price, video guides are offered on the operation of the equipment, which helps to make a purchase decision;
  • installation and start-up of the heating system - the implementation of this work by professionals guarantees the well-coordinated and efficient operation of the equipment over a long period of time;
  • filling the system with liquefied gas;
  • maintenance of equipment.

If there is no desire or opportunity to install a gas holder, then heating is carried out using cylinders combined into a battery. This is the same heating, but the boiler will not work from a storage tank, but directly from cylinders. For small buildings, cottages and summer cottages, this is a suitable option, since it is not always possible to arrange storage in a small area, taking into account the required distances from the tank to your own and neighboring buildings.

Consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house 100m2 and 150m2

It is an indisputable fact that the better the house is insulated, the less gas consumption. It is necessary to insulate all problem areas: attic, windows, floors and walls. If we talk about the loss of heat through these areas, then schematically the heat loss looks like this:

  • thirty-five percent of the heat is lost through the roof;
  • at least twenty-five percent of the heat is lost through the attic;
  • twenty-five percent of the heat escapes through non-insulated windows;
  • ten percent comes out through the doors;
  • the floor impoverishes the room by ten percent.

You can calculate the fuel using the formula. To find the required amount of gas, you need to divide the heating power by the minimum specific heat in kilowatts and multiply by the efficiency of the boiler. Experts have calculated the cost different types fuel when heating a house with an area of \u200b\u200bone hundred square meters for six months. It makes no sense to give numbers, since prices for everything change, but among all the options:

  • main gas;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • bottled gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • electricity.

The leader in terms of cost, that is, the most expensive, was heating with electricity and diesel fuel. The cheapest option is centralized gas heating, which, unfortunately, is not always available. That is why we have to look for alternative options, one of which is liquefied gas.

When calculating the consumption of raw materials, use the above formula. The result is considered in kilograms, but the answer is translated into liters. Then we multiply by the number of days that the heating will work. If we take the average efficiency of the boiler ninety-two percent, then a house of one hundred square meters will need about five hundred and seventy liters. As for a dwelling with a cubic capacity of one hundred and fifty square meters, the consumption is not less than eight hundred and forty liters. The cylinder that is used is usually forty-two liters of gas. Dividing the amount of gas required for heating by the amount of gas in the cylinder, that is, forty-two, we get the number of cylinders. And already by multiplying the result by the cost of liquefied bottled gas, we find out the amount necessary for heating a home throughout the season.

Heating a house with liquefied gas in cylinders, reviews

Reviews heating their home with liquefied gas agree on one thing - the home must be insulated so that there is no overspending of gas. The consumption depended on both weather conditions and the volume of the house.

A well-insulated dwelling with an area of \u200b\u200bone hundred and fifty square meters, with a fixed set temperature of twenty-three degrees, required the following amount of raw materials for heating with cylinders with liquefied gas:

  • at an air temperature from zero to five above zero, four cylinders were required - November;
  • at temperatures from minus ten to minus twenty-eight ten cylinders were used up - December;
  • at temperatures from five to twenty below zero, eight cylinders were used up - January;
  • at temperatures from five to fifteen below zero, seven cylinders were spent;
  • when the temperature ran from five degrees below zero to five degrees above 0, six cylinders were needed.

As you can see, during the heating season of five months, the user has consumed thirty-five cylinders.

Heating efficiency with LPG is high in the absence of other sources. Each region has its own priority fuel or heating option, depending on the climate, the availability of one or another option. It is unreasonable to argue that some kind is cheaper and more important.

If you do not install a gas holder, then you should take into account the moment that the gas cylinders will have to be taken to refueling, which will entail additional money and time costs.

Experts insist that heating with liquefied gas will be beneficial under the following conditions:

  • the dwelling has a not very large area - about a hundred squares;
  • the house is necessarily insulated with high quality;
  • heating with this type of raw material is temporary and in the future it is planned to connect to a centralized gas system, in which case you will not have to spend money on the purchase of an additional boiler;
  • there is a backup heating option, which, at times of emergencies, will help to cope with the problem of home heating.

If the cylinders work in isolation, without connecting to the battery, you must have at least three pieces: one for the operation of the boiler plant, the second for changing, and the third as a reserve, in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Heating with liquefied gas is a convenient and affordable option if it is impossible to use centralized gas. Follow all recommendations and adhere to safety precautions. In this case, your home will always be warm and cozy.

Today, the most common type and method of heating real estate in the suburbs, suburban settlements and villages is heating a house with gas cylinders.

This is the most promising and promising heating method for small summer cottages, cottages and multi-storey residences.

But he, like other options for heating the house, has its disadvantages and of course advantages. To do this, it is necessary, at least in theory, to imagine gas cylinder heating, the equipment itself and how to use it.

Theoretical part

Heating is done with gas:

  • butane;
  • propane.

Gas is liquefied, pushed into cylinders and in this state is supplied to production facilities and to the private sector.

Since in the gaseous state of aggregation, the gas occupies a large volume with a small amount, as a result of its processing with high pressure, it turns into a liquid state. This allows a larger volume of gas to be pumped into the cylinders.

The cylinder is connected to the heating boiler through a reducer (device for reducing the pressure in the system).

The gas leaving the cylinder passes through the reducer and, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its original (gaseous) state of aggregation. It is burned in the boiler, generating a large amount of heat.

Advantages of gas cylinder heating at home

  • Fuel: clean (environmentally friendly) and meets all regulations and standards.
  • Autonomy.
  • Relative stability: the pressure in the pipes does not jump or change.
  • Simple operation and ease of management.
  • Fuel consumption is minimal.

When building a new building and reconstructing an old building, you need to scrupulously think over heating the summer cottage with gas cylinders, which has become even more popular in recent years.

In addition, from the heating system on gas cylinders, you can supply your suburban real estate with hot water.

Advice! For greater economy and safety, it is useful to reduce the gas supply or turn it off altogether during sleep. Burner for cylinder heating

In many stores, you can purchase a burner designed to work from cylinders of liquefied gas.

There are many options to choose from, but it is best to choose a burner with a capacity of about 10-20 kW, depending on the total volume of the heated rooms.

The liquefied gas cylinder is connected to the purchased burner through a special reducer (purchased separately), which should consume from 1.8 cubic meters / m to 2 cubic meters per hour (the usual one uses 0.8).

If you use a burner that is designed to operate on main gas, it will be necessary to adjust the valve for proportional gas supply, since the pressure in the main is an order of magnitude lower and the opening in the valve is larger.

Each burner that is designed to heat the house with bottled gas is accompanied by an instruction in which you will find a description of this adjustment.

You can, of course, use an old Soviet-style gas stove (to save money), but you will also have to replace the jet in it (see photo)

Gas stove jets

on the other (with a smaller hole).

You can find all the methods, methods and instructions on how to do this in articles and forums on the Internet or watch a video about reinstalling the jets.

On a note! In one of the articles we read on the Internet, in an article about buying a burner, it is said that sellers, wanting to sell a more expensive product, assured the buyer that the stove would not work on liquefied gas, although the instructions provided for the possibility of adjusting the valve.

Refueling of cylinders

Heating with bottled gas requires timely delivery of a new portion of gas. In some villages and towns there are special teams with a truck and ancillary workers, in others there are special gas stations for filling gas cylinders.

But not everyone fills up the gas properly. At some gas stations, only half a cylinder of gas is filled, and the remaining half is filled with condensate, citing the fact that the gas boils already at - 40 degrees Celsius and condensate is necessary to prevent the cylinder from bursting.

From various forums, you can find out that approximately one gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters can ensure the normal operation of a heating system with automatic equipment with a capacity of 10-20 kW.

The automatic system operates approximately one third of the time per day, turning on the burner as it cools to a certain temperature (which you set).

That is, with a room temperature threshold of about 20 degrees, your system consumes an average of 5 kW.


  • At low temperatures in winter frosts (if the cylinder is placed outside), your system may turn off, as condensate freezes and prevents gas from escaping.

Advice! Keep gas cylinders in a sufficiently warm place.

  • This means that you will have to place the cylinders in a room where there is heat, but preferably not in a living room. Many have separate buildings, old greenhouses, etc. on their backyards.
  • If you do not have a suitable building nearby, you can make a simple insulated box with your own hands, which is made of metal or plastic.

  • All walls are insulated with a 5 cm layer of foam, ventilation holes are provided in the lid

Advice! Do not place cylinders in unventilated rooms and rooms with a basement and underfloor.

  • Propane and butane gases are heavier and denser than air. If they leak, they can collect, for example, in the basement, which, once the concentration is reached, can lead to irreversible consequences.

An approximate calculation for heating a house of 200 sq. / M shows that the price for a full heating season will be 40-60 thousand rubles (see)



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