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How to make wine at home from stone fruits. Drupe berries - recipes for preparing for the winter What to cook from drupes for the winter

I bring to your attention a recipe for a rich, tasty and healthy compote made from boneberries for the winter.


  • Fresh stone fruit berries – 1 jar (500 grams).
  • Sugar – 500 grams.
  • Filtered water – 2.5 liters.


1. To prepare compote for the winter, we need juicy bright red stone fruits. And accordingly, sugar will act as a preservative for long-term storage of the product in a warm room.

These berries have many positive qualities that have a beneficial effect on the body. You can compare them based on taste factors with the grant.

2. Take a 3-liter jar and an iron lid, wash them in a soapy solution, then rinse thoroughly. Place a rack in the oven and place the jar on the surface.

Close the oven door, turn on the power to 150 degrees Celsius, and sterilize the jar for 10 minutes.

Sterilize the lid in boiled water. Before cooking, remove the leaves from the drupes, place them in a colander and rinse under running water. Having completed the above steps, pour in the berries and sugar, see the photo.

3. First boil filtered water in a kettle, then pour it into a container with the rest of the ingredients. Cover (do not roll up) with a sterilized lid and leave it in this form for 15 minutes.

4. After 15 minutes, place a sieve on the neck of the jar, see the photo. Then pour the infused syrup into a saucepan.

Drupe berry is not very often used in cooking in our regions, however, even our grandmothers knew how tasty and healthy drupe berry is. We will tell you below how to prepare the stone fruit and prepare it for the winter, and we will provide several recipes.

Drupe berry winter recipes

How to make bone syrup

Pour boiling water over the drupes, bring to a boil, cool and strain through a colander. Throw away the pulp, add sugar to the resulting liquid, boil again and pour into clean, scalded jars. Roll up, turn over and cover with a blanket. For 1 kg of berries - 0.5 liters of water and 1 glass of sugar.

Drone jam - recipe

Pour boiling syrup made from 1 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water over 1 kg of berries separated from the sepals. Let the berries stand for 5-6 hours and cook until tender. The tender berry bursts and the jam turns into a thick jam, suitable for finishing cakes, pies and pancakes.

Frozen bones for the winter - recipe

The tops of fruitful shoots with berries are carefully cut off with scissors and frozen in trays. In winter, drinks are prepared that have an anti-fever effect.

How to cook stone fruit recipes

How to make kvass from stone fruits

Dilute the berry syrup 2 times with warm boiled water, add yeast, several dried raspberries (or actinidia) and place in a warm place for fermentation. Then drain the kvass, cool and serve in glasses. You can prepare a drink from fresh (frozen) berries, which are boiled, pureed, and the liquid is mixed with sugar. For 1 kg of berries - 1 glass of granulated sugar and 3 liters of water, 10 g of fresh yeast. During fermentation, it is good to add a mint leaf or cumin seeds.

Recipe for fruit drink from bone fruit

Berry syrup is diluted with water 1:1 and drunk hot or cold. Fresh (frozen) berries are boiled directly with sepals for 1-2 minutes, cooled, filtered and honey (sugar) is added to the broth to taste.

Recipe for jelly cake from stone fruit

Bake 3 sponge cakes of different diameters from dough prepared in a quick way: beat 6 eggs, 1.5 cups of flour, a cup of sugar and pour this mixture into molds, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Biscuits are baked in a hot oven and taken out only when fully cooked. The containers with the prepared dough are not shaken and placed in a well-heated oven.

The flatbreads are cooled, brushed with bone jam and placed one on top of the other. The free margins and the top of the third, smallest, cake are covered with jelly prepared separately from syrup and jam diluted with water. 30 g of gelatin is soaked in the prepared syrup, allowed to swell and heated until the gelatin dissolves. After cooling to the temperature at which the jelly begins to thicken, pour it in layers over the cake, making sides out of cardboard. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and serve without heating it in the room. Place lemon slices, any fresh (frozen) berries, and steamed dry strawberry leaves under the jelly. Fresh leaves give an elegant look to the cake, although they are not eaten.

How to make pies with bone fruit - recipe

Cut the finished yeast dough (or prepared using any of the methods described above) into portions, which are rolled into flat cakes the size of a saucer. Place fatty minced meat on each (lamb is the best), sprinkle with fresh berries, drupes from sepals and suneli hops, pinch in the form of a cheburek and fry in heated sunflower oil under a lid. Serve piping hot with sour berry juice.

Drupal juice: Video

Drupe, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, is a berry known to many people living in the northern part of our country. This perennial berry plant, from the same family as raspberries and blackberries, has a juicy sour taste and, due to its chemical composition, is often called northern pomegranate. It can be used to make jams, preserves, compote and other sweet dishes. The berries are dried and frozen. It also has healing properties and is used to treat some diseases in folk medicine.

Kostyanika where it grows description

Drupe is a low shrub whose height ranges from 15 to 35 centimeters. A distinctive feature of this berry is the presence of long shoots that can reach one and a half meters or more. In autumn, new young bushes take root on them.

It blooms in June with small white flowers. The berries ripen in July-August. As noted, they have a sour taste and a bright red or orange color. They are a drupe collected from several fruits. Each fruit contains a fairly large seed. It is because of the presence of a bone that it received its name.

It grows in coniferous or mixed forests, preferring the edges and clearings of forests, and can be found in ravines and thickets of bushes. In our country, stoneweed grows in the Urals and Siberia, the Far East, and is found in the North Caucasus.

This is what a blooming stone fruit looks like

Chemical composition and benefits of stone fruit

Like any wild berry, stone fruit contains many beneficial nutrients in its chemical composition.

Juicy berries contain:

Vitamins, mainly vitamin C and rutin;

Minerals: copper, zinc, iron, manganese;



Organic acids;



The leaves of the bush contain tannins, essential oil, alkaloids, and flavonoids.

Berry seeds are rich in tocopherol and fatty oils.

As a berry, it has a low calorie content, which is only about 40 kilocalories per 100 grams. The nutritional value of 100 grams of drupe berries looks like this:

93 grams – water;

0.8 grams – proteins;

0.9 grams – fats;

2.5 grams - dietary fiber;

2.8 grams – carbohydrates.

Drupes beneficial properties

The main beneficial properties of stone fruit are provided by its chemical composition of the berries and, above all, by the high content of ascorbic acid. When combined with rutin, stone fruit berries are beneficial for strengthening blood vessels.

In addition, their consumption helps dissolve cholesterol plaques and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which in turn prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Thanks to vitamin C, it helps cope with colds, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of scurvy. Dried or frozen berries can be an excellent remedy for spring vitamin deficiency. Drinking two tablespoons of berries or tea with them for two weeks will completely get rid of the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency in the body.

The berries have a diuretic effect, which makes them useful in the presence of kidney and bladder stones, and help dissolve salts in the joints. It is especially useful for urate stones.

The presence of dietary fiber and plenty of water improves intestinal functioning and prevents the development of constipation.

Tannins, present in all parts of the plant, have an astringent effect.

Drupe medicinal properties

Although stone fruit is not used in official medicine, it is used in folk medicine. It has the following properties:







General strengthening;


It improves and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In terms of its healing effect, it is comparable to aspirin or paracetamol. Berry juice can reduce high fever no worse than these medications.

The berries and aerial parts of the plant are used for:

Menstrual and uterine bleeding;

Hemorrhoids (tampons soaked in juice are applied to the inflamed nodes);



Diseases of the nervous system;



Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis);


The medicinal properties of the plant were noted in ancient Tibetan treatises, where the aerial part of the bush was recommended for angina pectoris, neuritis, and neurasthenia. Moreover, you need to collect plants with brown-rusty spots on the leaves. Infusions and decoctions, tinctures with alcohol or vodka are made from the prepared raw materials.

In Transbaikalia, traditional healers recommend using the leaves and berries of stone fruit affected by mold and rust to treat epilepsy. You can find positive reviews about this treatment on the Internet, but you still need to consult a doctor.

Compresses soaked in a decoction of leaves and berries are applied to sore joints and in case of inflammation of the eyes.

A decoction of the leaves is used to rinse hair for oily seborrhea and dandruff. Berry masks are useful for oily skin, acne and pimples.

Drupes used in cooking

Not everyone manages to stock up on bone-wood preparations. Nevertheless, the region of its growth is limited and those living in the northern part of our country can do this more.

It is used to make jam, jelly, jam, puree it with sugar and honey, and use it for compotes, including winter preparations. It makes kvass and fruit drinks very tasty. Drupe berries can be dried and frozen. Sauces and gravies are prepared for meat dishes. In general, its use for culinary purposes has no restrictions.

What needs to be taken into account when eating it is the presence of seeds in the fruits, which are larger than those of raspberries or blackberries.

Kissel with bones

For 1 liter take:

200 grams of berries

40 grams starch

100 grams sugar (or to taste)

Dissolve starch in warm water. Rub the berries through a sieve and squeeze.

Bring water to a boil. Add sugar and pour in diluted starch. At the very end, add berry juice.

Kvass from bones

To prepare it take:

3 liters of water

4 cups berries

200 grams of sugar

10 grams of yeast

Boil the drupes, adding sugar, and cool. Strain the resulting broth.

Add yeast (dry yeast must be diluted first). Leave in a warm place. In a day the kvass will be ready. This kvass is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

Berry juice

Rinse the berries with cold water. Let the water drain. Then the berries are poured with boiling water (1 liter of water per 1 kg of berries) and rubbed through a fine sieve.

Add sugar, bring to a boil and immediately pour into clean, steam-sterilized jars. Seal and cool.

Boneberry jelly

First you need to boil the berries by adding a little water. When the berries become soft, rub them through a sieve, squeezing out the juice well.

Add 300 grams of sugar to 200 grams of juice obtained. Boil over low heat, stirring constantly, until the jelly thickens. Place into prepared jars and seal.

Rubbed bone fruit

You can puree the berries with sugar or honey. By the way, stoneweed is a good honey plant and its nectar can be present in wild forest honey.

Before mixing, it is better to rub the berries through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. For 200 grams of berries add 50 grams of sugar (2 tablespoons) or 30 grams of honey. The poured berries are mixed and, after standing for 5-10 minutes, packaged into prepared jars. Store in a cool place.

Jam from bones

For 1 kilogram of berries take:

1 kilogram of sugar

200 grams of water

Place the prepared berries in a container for making jam and add water.

Place over low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Boil until the berries become soft. Cool and rub through a sieve.

Add sugar to the finished puree and cook over low heat until cooked.

Drone jam

The same amount of sugar is used for 1 kilogram of berries.

Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar and leave for several hours until they release juice.

Place on low heat and simmer until done. You can cook it in several stages using the five-minute method.

When to collect stone fruits

The collection of stone fruits begins in July. But the berries can remain on the bush until August and early autumn. Collecting it is a labor-intensive process. The berries are small and very tender. Therefore, even experienced pickers cannot gain more than 2 kilograms in a day.

They are collected by hand. You need to go to the collection in the morning, when the dew has disappeared. For collection, use small trays or small dishes.

Dry the berries in the oven at a temperature no higher than 45-55 degrees. If there is no fan, the oven should be left slightly open.

Can be dried in an electric fruit and vegetable dryer. Air drying without access to sunlight is allowed.

To freeze the berries, rinse them with cold water and place them on a clean towel or paper towels. When the berries are dry, put them in containers and put them in the freezer.

Harm and contraindications to the use of stone fruit

Since the berries have a rather sour taste, they are not recommended for use during exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Outside of exacerbation, moderation should be observed.

The use of stone fruit is contraindicated for:


Varicose veins;

High blood pressure.

An allergic reaction may occur.

During pregnancy, you also need to exercise some caution, as the sour taste can cause heartburn. And during breastfeeding, the baby develops colic.

In general, stone fruit is a healthy berry that can replenish the supply of some vitamins and minerals and prevent health problems. In addition to the berries, don't forget to stock up on leaves. They make delicious and aromatic tea.

What are the benefits of stone fruit?

Drupe is a perennial berry shrub from the Rubus or Rosaceae family. Its closest relatives are raspberries and blackberries. The plant contains many substances necessary for the human body and has many beneficial properties. It is used for food and for treatment. Juice from berries is an excellent vitamin supplement; jam and compote are made from berries, prepared dried and frozen. Preparations from leaves, roots and twigs normalize metabolism, are useful for diseases of the digestive system, help eliminate toxins, strengthen blood vessels, and reduce cholesterol.

Drupe berry photo description

Drupe is a perennial shrub with a height of 10 to 30 centimeters, having an erect stem covered with thorns and long shoots up to several meters (the total length can be from 1.5 to 40 meters), which take root by the end of summer. At the same time, new plants become independent and the connection with the mother plant is interrupted.

Trifoliate, oval-elliptical leaves on long petioles are covered with villi. Interestingly, you can predict the weather by the appearance of the leaves: fully opened leaves indicate the approach of rain (about 20 hours in advance), and curled leaves indicate good sunny weather.

It blooms at the end of May, in June with small, about 3-5 centimeters, white flowers, usually having five petals.

The fruit is a drupe, consisting of several small fruits, which inside contain a rather large stone, shiny, bright red or deep orange. It was the presence of the seed that gave the name to the entire shrub. The berries ripen in July or August. They taste sour, reminiscent of pomegranate, for which people often call it northern pomegranate. In appearance they resemble raspberries.

Drupe prefers damp places. It can be found on forest edges, meadows, rocky slopes and ridges. Here it grows in the European part, in Siberia, the Urals, and the Far East. In the Caucasus, stoneweed can grow at an altitude of up to 2400 meters above sea level. The main condition for growth is alkaline soil rich in humus.

What are the benefits of Drupes?

The wild drupe berry is not very popular and, unlike blueberries or blueberries, is rarely harvested. Many people do not like its sour taste, while others do not like the presence of a rather large seed compared to the pulp. But its berries cannot be considered unworthy of attention. They contain:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);



Organic acids;

Salts of mineral substances: copper, zinc, manganese, iron;

Pectin substances;


The leaves of the plant contain rutin, alkaloid compounds, and minerals. The roots contain a lot of tannins (tannins).

Drupes beneficial properties

Fresh berries are juicy and tasty. They are used to make various preparations for the winter. Dried berries can be added to compotes, tea, and ground berries can be added to porridge. The leaves are dried and used to brew vitamin tea, which is also very aromatic. The rich composition of beneficial components allows the use of drupes as an immune-strengthening vitamin remedy. In addition, it has the following properties:






It is used:

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system;

In stressful conditions;

Improved metabolism;

To remove toxins and harmful substances (due to the presence of pectin substances);

To reduce bad cholesterol;

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

For colds;

Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;

Some heart diseases.

The presence of a high content of ascorbic acid makes this berry useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia, chronic fatigue and overwork.

In their raw form, stone fruit berries are an excellent means of preventing hypertension; they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which allows them to be included in the diet of people with heart and vascular diseases.

Flavonoids serve to prevent the development of cancer and reduce sensitivity to various allergens.

The presence of antioxidants allows the use of drupes as a rejuvenating agent at the cellular level, activating regeneration processes.

Drupe medicinal properties

Drupe as a medicinal plant is used only in folk medicine. Juice is made from its berries, and the leaves and roots are brewed as a decoction or tea. It is used to treat:



Diseases of the skeletal system: gout, rheumatism, arthritis;

To improve night vision;


Diseases of the lungs and bronchi;

Peptic ulcer and gastritis;

Diseases of the throat and oral cavity;


Menstrual irregularities.

Decoctions of the leaves are effective for skin diseases and seborrhea.

For inflammation or redness of the eyes, simply apply the leaves of the drupe to the eyes.

The peoples of Siberia traditionally use an infusion of the plant's leaves as a cardiac analgesic, a sedative, for migraines, against dandruff, and to strengthen hair.

To prepare the decoction, take a tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath or at a low boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

To prepare the tincture, take 500 ml of vodka for 50 grams of dried leaves. Leave in a dark place for 21-30 days. Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture three times a day.

Tea is prepared by taking a teaspoon of berries or leaves in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 5-10 minutes. You can add honey, cream or milk to the finished tea.

Drupes use in folk medicine

Although official medicine does not recognize the medicinal properties of this berry forest shrub, our ancestors were well aware of the benefits of stone fruit. Its beneficial and medicinal properties are also noted by Tibetan monks, who consider it one of the most useful berries.

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used: fruits (fresh and dried), roots, leaves and stems. Infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures are prepared from them, and juice is squeezed out.

Treatment of bronchitis

Brew a tablespoon of stone fruit flowers and leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours (you can use a thermos). Strain and drink 50 ml several times during the day.

Treatment of gastritis

It is recommended to drink 25-30 ml of freshly squeezed berry juice 4 times a day before each meal for three months.

To normalize metabolism

To improve metabolic processes, pour 250 grams of berries into 500 ml of water, previously boiled and cooled. Leave for 24 hours. Add 25 grams of natural honey to the strained infusion. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times during the day.

This berry infusion can be taken to improve liver function.

Treatment of anemia

To prepare medicinal tea, take equal proportions of boneberry, black currant and strawberry leaves. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, adding a few pine needles. Leave for 5-10 minutes and drink.

For postpartum hemorrhage

Brew 10-12 grams of dried drupe leaves (1.7 grams in 1 tablespoon) with 250 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat or a water bath for 15-17 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Drink 30 ml before meals.

For stroke

Brew 1-2 tablespoons of crushed leaves (along with petioles) with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and strain, squeezing the raw materials well. Drink 4 times during the day, an hour and a half after meals, dividing the infusion into equal portions.

For rheumatism, compresses are made from steamed bone leaves.

For eye inflammation, grind fresh leaves of the plant and apply to the eyelids. In winter, brew dried leaves, boil for 15 minutes and cool. Apply cotton pads soaked in the broth to your eyelids.

When treating warts, use fresh berry juice, smearing it on the affected area several times a day until the wart completely disappears.

For dandruff or seborrhea, prepare a decoction for rinsing hair. To do this, 50 grams of plant material (leaves, roots, stems) are poured with two liters of boiling water and boiled over low heat for several minutes. Remove from heat, leave until the broth cools and strain. Carry out the procedure daily until dandruff is completely eliminated.

Drupe berries are used to make jams, preserves, jellies, and are added to the preparation of sauces and marinades for meat.

Collection and preparation of bones

Drupe berries ripen in July-August. At this time, they are collected in small containers so that they do not squash and release juice. Berries can be dried and frozen. The berries are dried in the oven or in the sun, spread out in a thin layer.

The above-ground part of the plant is harvested during the flowering period of the plant, cutting off the leaves with petioles with a knife or scissors.

The roots of the plant are dug up at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn. When preparing raw materials, you need to remember that about 30 percent of the plants on the site should be left for further propagation.

The dug up roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil and washed in water. Cut into small pieces.

Drying is carried out using all available methods: in the shade under a canopy, in an oven or in a special dryer for herbs. The temperature should not exceed 45-50 degrees. The temperature for drying berries is not higher than 55 degrees.

Berries and ground parts can be stored for no more than a year. The roots can be used for two years.

Drupes contraindications

Drupes can cause an allergic reaction in some people due to individual intolerance. People who are allergic to strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and other similar berries need to remember this.

Caution should be exercised by those who suffer from high blood pressure.

During forest walks, this bright berry is perceived by us as “grazing” food and nothing more. Today we will dispel this misconception - bones can and should be harvested. The recipes given in the article will convince you of this.

Rock raspberry, northern pomegranate, kostritsa, kamenik – they call this berry whatever they call it. Drupes can be found in swamps and bushes, both in Siberia and the Arctic, as well as in Central Asia and the Caucasus. A close acquaintance with juicy and sour berries is available to many. The best part is that not only the tender pulp, but also the bones of the stone fruit find their use (they are ground and added to food as a seasoning).

How to collect stone fruits?

The ripening season begins in July and lasts in some regions until September. It is during this period that knowledgeable people go to their habitats for healthy berries. The berries are picked by hand, most often by picking them together with the stalks and putting them in a small solid container. They start work in the morning, in good weather, after the dew has completely dried.

Dried drupes

Drupe berries are dried either in the fresh air (under a canopy), spread out in one layer, or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 45-55°C. During the drying process, the drupes are mixed very carefully.

Frozen drupes

Drupes are often frozen. To do this, the berries are washed (some consider this an optional condition), dried on a linen, placed on baking sheets (cardboard trays) and frozen. After this, the bonesmith poured into bags and tied (soldered).

Natural drupes (with sugar)

  • Sugar – 0.5 kg
  • Drupes – 1 kg

Thoroughly washed berries are scattered on a cloth to remove excess moisture, then mixed with granulated sugar, placed in jars and pasteurized (0.5 and 1 liter - 20 and 30 minutes, respectively).

Jam from bones

  • Sugar – 600 g
  • Drupes – 1 kg

The berries are crushed with a wooden pestle and rubbed through a sieve. The mass is boiled over low heat until the volume decreases from 1 kg to 400 g. After this, sugar is added to the jam in portions and brought to readiness. The finished product is placed in sterilized jars, closed and stored in a cool place.

Drupe juice

  • Ripe stone fruit berries (including stalks) -1 kg
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Water - 0.5 l

Prepared berries knead and press. The pulp is poured with hot water, boiled for a couple of minutes and the juice is squeezed out again. Both liquids are mixed, granulated sugar is added, brought to a boil, poured into jars and sealed.

Boneberry syrup

Sugar is added to freshly prepared juice (proportion – 1:1), brought to a boil, cooled, bottled, capped and placed in a cool place.

Bone compote

  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 1 l
  • Drupes – 1 kg

Clean berries are placed in prepared jars, poured with boiling syrup and sealed. Store this compote in a cool place.

Drone jam

  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Drupes - 1 kg

The berries are placed in a basin, poured with boiling syrup and left for 5 hours. After this, the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and boiled until thick. They are poured over the berries again and the jam is brought to full readiness over very low heat. Just before completion add citric acid. The product is placed in jars and sealed (alternatively, covered with nylon lids).

Boneberry jelly

  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Drupes – 1 kg

The berries are placed in an enamel bowl, filled with water, and cooked until they burst. After this, the juice is drained, sugar is added and put on low heat. When the jelly thickens, it is poured into sterilized jars and closed.

Pickled drupes

  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Vinegar – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.

First, prepare the marinade from the specified amount of water, sugar and vinegar (it is added last). Blanch the drupes in boiling liquid (no longer than 3 minutes), place the berries in jars, pour marinade and seal it.

Stone water

  • Natural honey -100 g
  • Water – 2 l
  • Drupes – 1 kg

Drupe berries are poured cold boiled or spring water, leave for 24 hours, after which the infusion is drained, honey is added, bottled, capped and sent to a cold place.

Bone wine

  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 1.5 l
  • Drupes – 1.5 kg

The bones are kneaded well and placed in a glass container. Separately prepare the syrup, pour it over the berries in two doses in equal portions (the first time before the start of fermentation and the second time after 5 days). The mixture is stirred, the neck is tied with gauze and left at room temperature (it is stirred daily with a wooden spoon to prevent mold from forming).

After a week, the juice is separated from the berry mass, poured into a clean bottle, sealed with a stopper, a water seal is placed and allowed to ferment again. After 6 weeks, the wine is drained of sediment, bottled, corked and sent to the cellar (for about 2 months).

Boneberry vinegar

  • Drupes - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Water – 1.5 l

The berries are placed in a bottle (crumpled ones can be used), sugar is added, filled with water and placed in a warm and well-lit place (the neck is covered with gauze folded in 2 layers). After 3 months, the vinegar is poured into bottles and placed in a cool place.

Kostyanika cannot boast of exquisite taste, but its benefits are truly invaluable. If on your hikes through the forest you come across a colony of bright berries, be sure to stock up on them.

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