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Loratadine dosage for dogs. Can I give my dog ​​loratadine?

Allergies are not unique to humans. Many pets can suffer from this disease. For example, dogs often have an allergic reaction to flea and other insect bites. And our four-legged friends often suffer from atopic dermatitis or experience various discomfort after vaccinations and deworming. Therefore, it is advisable for every owner of a furry pet to have antihistamines for dogs in the veterinary medicine cabinet.

When are antihistamines useful?

These drugs are also prescribed for neurodermatitis and the occurrence of various allergic reactions. They can occur when changing food, mosquito bites (on the nose, paw pads, stomach), when inhaling odors household chemicals, aerosol deodorants or perfumes. Vaccine administration can lead to anaphylaxis. It also happens that against the background of drug therapy for any disease, a hypersensitivity reaction occurs.

Antihistamines can also be used for motion sickness of an animal while traveling, for nausea during pregnancy, and for debilitating skin itching. Occasionally, drugs with a strong sedative effect are prescribed for motor agitation.

What is used for dogs

Most often, in veterinary practice, the same drugs that are used to treat allergies in humans are used for dogs of all breeds. But the sensitivity of the receptors in animals is somewhat different, and the development of side effects in the form of slight motor retardation and drowsiness is of little relevance. Therefore, it is possible to use most existing antihistamines.

Most often, dogs are prescribed Suprastin, Tavegil, Bravegil, Diphenhydramine, Benadryl, Claritin, Fenistil, Telfast, Zyrtek, Peritol. Some of them are available not only in tablet form, but also in injection form. Intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of the drug may be required if a severe allergic reaction develops rapidly.

In addition, there is a specially developed veterinary antihistamine - Allervet.

Features of Allervet

This drug is similar in structure of the active substance and its mechanism of action to diphenhydramine. It is available in two concentrations: 10% for large animals (mainly livestock) and 1% for small animals. This drug is for intramuscular administration only. It is suitable not only for relieving hypersensitivity reactions, but also for course treatment of diseases caused by allergies.

How to use antihistamines

When choosing a drug from the approved list, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of its use and the weight of the animal. For small breeds it is better to use 2-3 generation products or Diazolin. This will reduce the risk of side effects such as anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances and changes in urination. The same tactics are recommended for older dogs or pets with chronic diseases internal organs.

But in case of severe allergic reactions, it is better to take stronger remedies. In such a situation, the need for rapid relief of symptoms is more important than the potential harm from the development of side effects.

The permissible single and daily dose is calculated either according to the “children’s” scheme (per kilogram of weight, according to the instructions), or some part of the tablet is taken. The last method is very approximate and is used for emergency assistance or for a single prophylactic dose of the drug. The bioavailability of antihistamines in dogs is significantly lower than in humans. Therefore, inaccurate dosing for large breeds is unlikely to result in significant side effects.

For suprastin, the maximum daily dose should be no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, and it must be divided into 2-3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil can be given at the rate of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of body weight 2 times a day. Pipolfen (active ingredient promethazine) is prescribed in a dose of 1–2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight every 12 hours. And for Peritol (cyproheptadine) a single dosage is 2–12 mg per 1 kg.

If your veterinarian has prescribed your dog treatment with antihistamines, you may not need to purchase a special veterinary drug. Almost any medicine available in a home medicine cabinet is suitable; you just need to correctly calculate the required dose.

Allergic reactions are not unique to humans. Animals also suffer from food and drug allergies, dermatitis, and skin irritations from insect bites.

Do not forget that without consulting a veterinarian, you cannot make any decisions to eliminate existing health problems in pets, since they can lead to really serious consequences, and there is a high probability of death.

Antihistamines for dogs, what are they, names, for small breeds, reviews, where to buy and price

Allervet is a specially developed medicine to cure allergies in animals. Sold as a solution for injection in glass bottles of 10, 50, 100 cm 3.

Allervet relieves compression of smooth muscles caused by an allergic reaction, reduces capillary permeability, prevents tissue edema from developing, and prevents the development of anaphylaxis. In addition, the medicine has a sedative, antiemetic and analgesic effect. It begins to act half an hour after the injection, and lasts for 4-6 hours.

According to reviews from animal owners, Allervet is an effective and safe medicine.

Sold on the websites of veterinary stores in Russia at prices ranging from 80 to 145 rubles.

Antihistamines for dogs and cats dosage, how to use

Allervet injections are given intramuscularly to dogs and cats. The dose is 0.2-0.4 cm³ per kilogram of weight. Injections are given no more than four times during the day.

In addition to Allervet, dogs and cats can be given human antihistamines. It is advisable to discuss this issue with your veterinarian first.

For dogs: Diphenhydramine in tablets and ampoules, Tavegil in tablets, Suprastin in tablets.

If the breed is small, it is better to use 2 or 3 generation drugs, Diazolin. The dose is calculated from the manufacturer's recommendations per kilogram of body weight, as for a child, and corresponds to the weight of the animal.

For cats, a children's antihistamine, such as Zodak, is suitable. The dosage of the drug corresponds to half the pediatric dose indicated in the instructions.

Antihistamines for dogs list for allergies, before vaccination, broad spectrum

In addition to Allervet for animals, any human antihistamine is suitable for dogs. It is important to calculate the dose correctly.

Suprastin is given no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. This is a daily dose, which should be divided into 2 or 3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil are given in the amount of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of weight twice a day.

There are dog breeds that are genetically prone to allergies. Before vaccination, they need to take antihistamines to prevent anaphylaxis. Your dog may be given an injection of allergy medication at the clinic before vaccination, or you may need to take the medication yourself at home.

The easiest way is to inject Allervet, which is similar in action to Diazolin.

The injection is done subcutaneously, intramuscularly.

Before carrying out drug therapy for any reason, it is also advisable to buy an antihistamine and take prophylactic injections to prevent the development of allergies.

Hypersensitivity of pets to various pathogens manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction, which antihistamines for dogs will help to cope with. Today we will talk about the most effective anti-allergy drugs for dogs.

It will not be difficult to identify diseases. The main signs of allergies include severe itching, redness and rashes on the skin, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, increased lacrimation, sweating, dry skin, partial or severe alopecia, etc.

Failure to provide timely assistance can aggravate the situation and lead to the development of serious illnesses. So, let's figure out what medications and how to treat allergies in dogs of small and large breeds.

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List of drugs

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, for allergies in dogs, you need to use one of the popular antihistamines. Please note that there is no need to run to a veterinary pharmacy or pet store for medications; you can take the medicine from a human first aid kit.

To prevent or relieve an attack of an allergic reaction in a pet, use Diazolin, Suprastin, Fenistil, Claritin, Loratadine, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Zirtek and other antihistamines of the first, second and third generations.

It is better to treat allergies in dogs of dwarf breeds, as well as in old or weakened dogs as a result of any diseases, with antihistamines of the second and third generations. The drug “Diazolin” has proven itself well, and has no side effects on the internal organs and systems of small pets.


One of the most popular antiallergic drugs among dog breeders is “Suprastin” in the form of tablets or injection solution. The tablet form begins to work 30-40 minutes after taking the medicine and lasts for 12 hours. Injections, in turn, begin to act 5-10 minutes after administration of the drug. However, the pharmacological effect of the injection form does not exceed 3-4 hours.

At the same time, many are interested in what is the permissible dosage of Suprastin for dogs. The maximum daily dose of this antihistamine should not exceed 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

"Suprastin" as a first-generation antiallergic drug has an antipruritic effect, and also helps relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema and symptoms of conjunctivitis.


Many dog ​​breeders, trying to stop an acute attack of allergies in an adult dog, use the well-known drug “Diphenhydramine”. However, as practice shows, Diphenhydramine does not cope well with acute form disease, it is more suitable for use as a preventive measure. Diphenhydramine is often used before vaccination or introducing a foreign protein into a dog’s body.


Tavegil, popular among people, is also used in veterinary medicine. The drug is suitable for large breed pets, with the recommended dose being 1 tablet per 60 kg of dog weight. If your pet is smaller in size, you can give half or a third of the tablet. “Tavegil” has many contraindications and side effects, so it is better to consult and show your pet to a specialist before starting treatment.

According to the structure of the mechanism of action, the veterinary antiallergic drug “Allervet” has a number of similar qualities to the drug “Diphenhydramine”. Available in two concentrations:

  • for small pets (1%);
  • for large pets (10%).

A specialist should select the appropriate concentration of the injection solution for the stage of the disease based on a thorough examination of the animal and a series of laboratory diagnostic measures. In order to prevent an allergic attack, you can give Allervet to your dog at the rate of 1 ml per 5 kg of weight.


For contact or food allergies, it is better to use the latest (third) generation drugs that stop attacks in the shortest possible time. Thus, “Desloratadine” is used for the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions of a food and household nature. With the correct dosage, this drug can be used to treat puppies and adult dogs of various breeds, including dwarf ones.


The third generation antiallergic drug “Hifenadine” will help you quickly and effectively cope with skin itching, excessive lacrimation, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis in large breed dogs. According to the recommendations of veterinarians, this medicine is not suitable for pets suffering from various diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.


The drug "Levocetirizine", the active substance of which is levocetirizine dihydrochloride, is quickly absorbed into the blood and stops all histamine receptors. This drug can be used prophylactically to prevent an attack. Not recommended for dogs with kidney failure.

Oddly enough, allergies in cats are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. It can be caused by a change in diet, external irritants, or medications used to treat various diseases. Loratadine for cats and dogs is one of the most popular drugs with which owners and veterinarians fight various manifestations of allergic reactions in their pets.

In this article you will learn in what situations Loratadine is used and what dosage is acceptable and safe for the animal. This information will be useful for any cat owner, since the need to alleviate the animal’s condition during allergies can arise at any time, and first aid for a cat should be immediate.

Description of the drug

Loratadine is an antihistamine that is used to combat allergy symptoms. The effect of the medicine occurs after about 30 minutes and lasts about a day. The drug is not addictive and very rarely has side effects on the body.

Many pet owners have a completely reasonable question: “Can cats have Loratadine?” Despite the fact that the drug is intended for humans, Loratadine has been used in veterinary medicine for many years, so its use for the treatment of cats is completely justified and safe. This is due to the fact that the drug almost never has any side effects on the animal's body. In addition, the effect of the medicine occurs quite quickly, which has a positive effect on the cat’s condition.


Loratadine has an analogue called Claritin. 1 ml of syrup contains 1 mg of loratadine, and 1 tablet of this product contains 10 mg of loratadine.

In addition, antihistamines such as:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Astemizole.

These products contain another active ingredient, and their dosage should be checked with your doctor.

Directions for use and dosage

The main thing when treating an animal is the correct dosage. Loratadine for cats is given based on the weight of the animal. Most often, tablets are used for treatment in a dosage of 10 mg. For a cat weighing 3-4 kg, a quarter of the tablet is needed. The medicine should be given once a day.

There are also other forms of release of Loratadine (for example, syrup). However, tablets are more preferable for use: they are easier to dose and give to the cat.

Loratadine is used both to treat allergies and in combination with other drugs. As practice shows, drugs with such an active ingredient as loratadine do not interact with other drugs.

Before you give your cat Loratadine for allergies, you need to make sure that you are really dealing with an allergic reaction. Many diseases have the same symptoms as an allergy to pollen or a new type of food. This is why it is not recommended to prescribe Loratadine to a cat on your own.. It will be safer and safer to show the animal to a veterinarian. The specialist will be able to accurately identify the symptoms and give instructions on the method of use and dosage of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

In rare cases, Loratadine can cause such side effects:

  • vomit;
  • stomach upset;
  • dry mouth.

Loratadine is also not used to treat small kittens. This rule can only be broken if the potential risk of its use is justified. Only a specialist can make such a decision.

Also, some animals experience individual intolerance to Loratadine or the components of the drug. Symptoms may include vomiting or general weakness in the cat.


IN Lately There has been an increase in the number of cases of allergies among dogs. Often this is triggered by a reaction to insects or caused by food poisoning, but the effects of vaccinations, dermatitis or a reaction to a chemical cannot be ruled out. Antihistamines can relieve symptoms and dull pain. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to identify the pathogen and exclude any connection with it. You can understand a malfunction in the immune system by the following signs:

Attention! Often, an allergy can be mistaken for another disease, treatment for which will lead to even more unpleasant consequences. If the signs of the disease are unfamiliar or it is difficult to understand their cause, you should not engage in self-diagnosis; consult a veterinarian. But you need to figure out what types of diseases exist, and what to give your dog for allergies, while providing first aid.

Allergens entering the intestines

The most common and difficult option is the body’s refusal to accept any product. This occurs in adult dogs of both sexes and is not affected by sterilization. Food allergies can be caused by:

  • chicken and beef meat;
  • milk and its derivatives;
  • eggs;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • yeast, as well as everything that contains them;
  • corn and wheat.

Dogs are prohibited from consuming sugar, chocolate, legumes, spices, fried and fatty foods, and smoked foods, as they all cause intestinal disturbances and directly affect the pet’s health. In this situation, daily food can also trigger the disease. One of the effective methods is gastric lavage and transferring the animal to another, previously unused, but high-quality diet, as well as diet.

The pathogen can be identified by the titer of antibodies in the blood or using skin tests.

Medicines can also cause allergies in dogs. Various antibiotics, the use of vaccines, and vitamins provoke undesirable health consequences. Drugs such as Cetrin and Zodak are capable of blocking the receptors responsible for the manifestation of an allergic reaction at the cellular level and practically do not inhibit the central nervous system. nervous system, thereby not causing drowsiness or lethargy.

Chemical poisoning

Skin allergies (dermatitis) are another type of disease under consideration. Occurs in a young dog. The reasons may be:

The disease has similar symptoms to other types of allergies, but can be diagnosed by a number of signs:

  • localization of itching occurs on the stomach, nose, ears, limbs, but almost never on the torso;
  • itching goes away with antihistamines and corticosteroids, but cannot be treated with other antibiotics;
  • the dog develops dandruff;
  • exacerbation is seasonal.

Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis. Having eliminated contact with the pathogen, a diet, plenty of fluids, and antibiotics (Suprastin or Cetrin) are prescribed.

Allergy to chemical substances may be caused by care products: shampoo, spray. It could also be a reaction to insecticide preparations: drops, collar. In this case, the affected area becomes irritated. At the first symptoms of an allergy, you should act by changing the drug or remedy. In advanced cases, give your dog Diazolin, it will relieve the rash, itching and swelling.

An insect bite, namely fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, symptoms of otitis media, and intestinal upset. If the pathogen is correctly identified, we give Loratadine. Attention! This drug is contraindicated for a pregnant dog. If bitten on the tongue or face, the body may react quickly to the poison. Quincke's edema has a sad consequence - the dog faces suffocation. In this case, you need to act quickly. In case of mild damage, the animal is given Suprastin, Tavegil or a similar drug in tablet form based on body weight.

A severe allergic reaction requires injection of these drugs, as well as the use of adrenaline. In case of anaphylactic shock, it is necessary to give a Dexamethasone injection at home and immediately go to a veterinary clinic. But be careful because this drug is potent and you need to know in advance what dosage to use.

To prevent the disease, it is desirable to exclude or minimize contact with the carrier of the virus. Depending on the type of disease, it is worth taking into account various types of threats and planning your pet’s itineraries, taking into account communication with other animals, food intake, and even adjusting home life to suit his preferences. Its health and our peace of mind depend on how much and how well the dog is looked after. Love your four-legged friend and may he always be healthy!

Inject Suprastin under the withers or into the back of the hind leg. If the dog is less than 50 kg, then 1 ml is enough, if more, then 2 ml. The injection is more effective than tablets and will relieve itching faster. It is better to inject 2 times a day for 3-5 days, then look at the result. If everything goes away, it means an allergy; if only the itching goes away, treat the subcutaneous mite.

What medicine can you give your dog for allergies?

To cure your dog you need to contact a veterinarian.

He will examine the animal and give the most necessary recommendations for treating your pet.

There are many medicines for animals, and for all sorts of diseases.

But only their correct use will give a positive result.

Medicines for dogs for allergies exist. Although regular suprastin. It should be injected into the dog for about a week, twice a day, from 1 to 1.5 ml, if the dog weighs less than 50 kg, and if more, 2 ml.

But only a veterinarian can give the exact dosage and name of the medicine for allergies in a dog.

You can give a “human” medicine - suprastin, for example, or any other antihistamine used for allergies. The dosage should be calculated based on the dog's weight. Typically, the leaflets accompanying the drug contain dosage instructions based on the patient's weight. Use them, and not instructions based on age.

Are you sure your dog has allergies? Still, take him to a doctor, it’s safer, for your own peace of mind and the health of the dog.

For allergies, veterinarians usually prescribe antihistamines for your dog. But, because Animals are more sensitive to medications; special medications have been developed for them. The ingredients that make up these drugs are almost the same as those used in drugs for humans. From “human” remedies, you can try giving Benadryl and Claritin; if the symptoms do not subside, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

The most safe remedy for allergies and poisoning - this is "Enterosgel". It's a good drug. You dilute it in water and give it through a syringe without a needle forcibly. I use a large 20 ml syringe, I have a dog weighing 25 kg. I dilute 1 tablespoon of enterosgel for allergies. with water, about 30-40 ml. If your face is very swollen with pimples, then after 30 minutes. or 1 hour after taking enterosgel, give another portion of enterosgel.

To treat allergies, you can try giving your dog homeopathic medicines Engystol, Traumeel, but it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Allergy may be to medications, for bites of fleas, mosquitoes, even on your own fur during shedding, in any case, for emergency help you can give Tavegil, it is much stronger than Suprastin, after two tablets of Tavegil the allergy goes away.

We give our setter fenkarol 1 tablet. He often has allergies to chickens, for example, his ears begin to itch, and they still turn red from the inside. For the first year, all sorts of drops dripped into my ears until they realized it was an allergy. But these are all temporary measures, the main thing is to find out what he is allergic to and exclude him from his diet.

In principle, dogs are often given human medications. So try fenkarol or suprastin. Or go to a veterinary kiosk and they will tell you what is best to buy in your case. Now there are a lot of different drugs.

If you are sure that your dog really has an allergy, then of course you can give it suprastin, tavegil or some other antihistamine for people.

Our dog somehow had a red belly and a rash, it was hot and the dog was constantly licking it. We then also thought it was an allergy.

But it turned out that it was a dog subcutaneous tick and I had to go to the veterinarian for an injection.

Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct allergy treatment after examining the dog. The owner’s initiative in prescribing medication can cause health problems for the dog, but if it is not possible to come to the appointment, you can give diazolin, but again the doctor must prescribe the dosage.

It is best, of course, to take the dog to a veterinary clinic and show it to a doctor. The doctor will examine the animal and give you recommendations for treatment. But if you don’t have time, and the medicine needs to be given here and now, then you can use suprastin.

Allergies in dogs: is there an effective treatment?

Over the past 15-20 years, allergies have become one of the most common diseases in dogs. Let experts argue about the reasons for this phenomenon, but owners of four-legged allergy sufferers are more interested in effective treatment allergies in dogs. However, there is only one really effective method getting rid of allergies: avoiding contact with the allergen.

Everything else is just muting the symptoms. You can give a strong medicine, and for some time the allergic reaction will disappear or weaken. But then everything will appear again, and it will intensify. Until the animal is freed from exposure to the allergen, treatment will not be successful.

However, to eliminate the allergen, you need to identify it. And difficulties often arise with this, since allergies can be very similar in symptoms to other diseases. If the diagnosis is incorrect, treatment can only worsen the problem and harm the pet’s body.

Allergy to insect bites Allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings are also common. Dogs, especially young ones, often try to catch flying insects and receive painful bites. Bites to the tongue and face are especially dangerous: an allergic reaction to the poison can manifest itself in the form of Quincke's edema, and the animal is in danger of suffocating. First aid measures for allergies to bee, wasp or hornet stings: in mild cases, give medicine in tablets: Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil or similar. In case of severe allergies, inject Suprastin or Tavegil and adrenaline. If anaphylactic shock begins, give an injection of dexamethasone and immediately go to a veterinary clinic. But dexamethasone is very potent hormonal drug

, requiring extremely careful use. Under no circumstances should it be used instead of regular antihistamines, otherwise it will harm the animal.

Allergy to chemicals Allergies to different chemicals can manifest in different ways.

If you are allergic to shampoo or other detergents, the skin usually develops a rash, redness, irritation, dandruff, and scratching. In this case, there is no need to treat the dog with potent drugs. It is enough to rinse the dog well with clean water and give an antihistamine medication 1-2 times. In the future, avoid using the detergent that caused the allergy.

Just like people, dogs can be allergic to various volatile chemicals: paints, varnishes, etc. The symptoms of such allergies are the same as in humans: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, watery eyes. The dog must be removed from the area of ​​contact with the substance, provided with plenty of fluids, and given activated carbon.

Happens quite often. Allergies can be caused by antibiotics, complex vitamin complexes, anthelmintic drugs and vaccines. When vaccinating, you should give the dog a Tavegil or Suprastin tablet 2-3 times. Antihelminthic drugs will have to be selected by trial, just like antibiotics.

Food allergies

The most difficult form of allergy is food. It can masquerade as other diseases, making a correct diagnosis very difficult. Possible manifestations of food allergies:

  • dermatitis of various types;
  • urticaria, itching;
  • local blackening of the skin (acanthokeratoderma);
  • hair loss, focal or shedding type;
  • moist, as if sweaty skin;
  • unpleasant sweetish odor from wool;
  • otitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • stool disorders;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • mouth sores and other less common symptoms.

There is only one way to treat food allergies: a strict diet throughout the animal’s life. The allergen must be identified and eliminated once and for all. To determine the allergen, the dog is transferred to a special, very strict diet

until allergic symptoms disappear completely. This may take a lot of time: from 1-2 weeks to six months. However, deviations from the diet are unacceptable; you need to be patient and see everything through to the end. The basis of the diet is usually boiled rice without additives. Typically, this grain does not cause an allergic reaction, so most hypoallergenic foods are based on rice. You are allowed to add only a little olive oil. When the allergy subsides, they begin to introduce other foods into the diet: strictly one at a time, in small quantities. Every New Product

administered no more often than 3 days after the previous one. If the previous symptoms appear, the allergen can be considered identified and excluded from the dog’s diet forever. When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to the composition of the product.

Less likely to cause allergies are foods that contain no more than 24% protein and no more than 12% fat. The higher the protein content, the greater the likelihood of an allergic reaction. You should be careful when using foods that contain:

A strict diet is the only effective way to eliminate food allergies. Drug therapy without diet will not be effective and will only temporarily give the illusion of healing. In reality, the existing allergy will only be masked. In addition, antiallergic drugs have side effects, which cannot be called harmless.

Allergy prevention

Allergies occur when the immune system is disrupted. Therefore, immunostimulants can be used as auxiliary and preventive agents. Dogs are given courses of vitamin therapy and prescribed Gamavit, medications containing Omega-3 and Omega-6. Research by veterinarians has shown the advisability of using coenzyme Q10 as a prophylactic agent. Proper diet and sufficient physical activity

dogs also promote overall health. However, no remedy provides a 100% guarantee that even a completely healthy dog ​​will never become a victim of allergies. Owners can only reduce the risk of the disease as much as possible.


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