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Magic elixirs. Bach drops - how to take a safe sedative? Dr. Bach essences

Dr. Edward Bach believed that every person comes into this world already endowed with some kind of purpose - a basic lesson that he needs to learn. In order to realize this individual goal, a person must follow the dictates of his soul. As long as the soul and mind are in harmony, a person is healthy and lives a full, rich life. Illness arises as a result of a conflict between the soul and the mind, when the mind, gripped by pride and involved in desires imposed from the outside, does not hear the voice of the soul.

Let us now consider how Dr. Bach’s system of diagnosis and therapy developed as he accumulated knowledge and experience in treating patients with flower essences.

12 healers

Edward Bach believed that every person from birth has certain inclinations, which can later develop into both vices and virtues - depending on the conditions surrounding the person and his decisions with the ensuing consequences. Bach called these innate tendencies primary personality types ( primarypersonalitytypes) . For example, a person with one innate type will be prone to such a vice as indifference and the lesson for him is to develop in himself the virtue of sympathy; for another innate type, the most likely pair will be “restriction - love”, etc. As a result, Bach identified 12 primary personality types with their characteristic possible vices and missing virtues, and for each of these types he selected a healing flower. This set of twelve flower essences is called "12 Healers" ( twelvehealers).

Table 1 – Twelve Healers

Vice Virtue Healer
Limitation Love Chicory
Fear, apprehension Sympathy Lipstick (Mimulus)
Anxiety Calm Agrimony (Agrimony)
Indecisiveness Durability Diwala annual (Scleranthus)
Indifference Kindness Clematis
Weakness Force Centaury
Mistrust Understanding Meadow gentian (Gentian)
Excessive enthusiasm Tolerance, sustainability Vervain
Ignorance, stupidity Wisdom Wilmott's ceratostigma (Cerato)
Impatience, irritability Forgiveness Ferruginous balsam (Impatiens)
Guardian, horror Courage, courage Sunflower coinleaf (Rock rose)
Sadness Joy Swamp Turcha (Water Violet)

In his works Edward Bach gives more detailed descriptions primary personality types with a pathological variant of their development, i.e. with undeveloped virtues. Here, for example, is a description of people with the “restriction” defect ( restriction), the healing flower for which is chicory.

They strive to use others for their own purposes, money-grubbers. They are talkative and tire others with their chatter. Poor listeners constantly shift the topic of conversation to their own area of ​​interest. They make others worry about all sorts of trifles - it seems that they strive not to give those around them any rest or peace. "Focused" on themselves (selfcentered), with a difficult disposition, concerned only with their own affairs. Their liveliness, which at first seems attractive, then quickly gets boring for everyone.

They need company, they hate loneliness, and in fact they are afraid of it, because they depend on others for nourishment. vital forces (vitality). In order to attract attention and arouse sympathy, they like to complain about life and talk about their problems and, in general, feel sorry for themselves. They can feign illness to gain pity and attention from others. If they are unable to get what they want, they become angry, vengeful and cruel. Persistent in achieving their goals. They are very demanding of friends and relatives and, although not always consciously, “drain” a lot of vitality from others.

Often thin and pale, with oily skin, sensitive to cold. Characterized by chronic headaches, indigestion, constipation, colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, irritability. Worry and excitement affect them greatly and often cause discomfort or pain in the abdomen. Increased appetite.

A drug[chicory flower essence] in addition to eliminating the symptoms of this type of patient, it stimulates in them compassion for others, which corresponds to their lesson: to shift their primary attention from themselves to others, and thus, thanks to this empathy for their victims, they will stop aggressive actions and can devote themselves to the service of those , whom they previously deprived of vitality.

Their lesson is to become selfless through devotion to others (selfless).

Bach placed divine love at the center of the personality structure, comparing it with the Sun, and in the first layer surrounding it was the primary type of personality with its characteristic “vice-virtue” pairs. Initially, Bach limited himself to this model, considering the main method of treatment to be the development of missing virtues with the help of flower essences and the patient’s own “spiritual and mental efforts”: awareness of the true cause of the disease as a conflict of soul and mind, pacification of pride and acceptance of the surrounding world, understanding of the principle of unity and interconnection of everything of existence, recognition of the presence of a divine principle in oneself ( divinity) .

7 assistants

Then, in the process of practice, Dr. Bach discovered that in a number of cases it can be difficult to determine the patient’s primary personality type, since it can be “smeared” and masked by “life strategies” that arise as an ineffective (in the long term) result of the work of protective-adaptive systems and manifest themselves in a person’s “fixation” on the use of any one behavioral strategy - for example, an autocrat constantly striving to dominate, a pedantic stubborn idealist, or a hard worker persistently and patiently pulling his burden.

In one of his articles, Bach described this in these words:

Many patients become so accustomed to their illness that it begins to seem like part of who they are, making it difficult to discern their true identity; Instead of seeking healing, they have changed and adapted their lives in accordance with their illness... Such people lose a significant part of their individuality, their personality, and need help to get out of the impasse into which they have wandered.

The primary personality type, as a rule, is well identified in children, and 12 healers usually have a more pronounced effect on them than on adults. This is due to the fact that in children the primary personality type is not yet covered by the protective shell of fixed life strategies.

Edward Bach divided such patients with a “masked” primary personality type into two groups: “red” and “pale” patients, for each of which he then allocated 3 assistant drugs. And at the end of these studies, Bach described another assistant drug from wild oats, which he considered an almost universal remedy necessary for most patients, because this assistant enabled a person to “feel the ground under his feet” and helped him in finding himself.

Personally, for me, dividing patients into “red” and “pale” evoked an association with the well-known “fight-or-flight” stress response.

Table 2 - Seven Helpers

"Pale" patient "Red" patient
European gorse (Gorse) – lost hope, despairing, withdrawn, blaming himself. Heather is a talker, seeks attention, feels isolated from others, and from himself too, and chats to compensate, losing the thread of the conversation and the meaning.
Olive - exhausted and given up, almost without emotions, apathy. Rock water is a rigid, pedantic idealist with high self-esteem and high demands on himself and others.
Oak, a hard worker who silently and stubbornly carries his burden, believes that life is a hard struggle. Vine is an autocrat seeking to dominate, a dictator.
Wild oat - “Lost”, confused, not knowing what business to devote oneself to.

So, the purpose of the assistant drug is to free the patient from a chronic dead-end situation, restore his individuality, and then for his treatment drugs from the category of healers can be used.

But over time, practice again made its additions to Edward Bach’s system. To the already existing nineteen drugs, he added nineteen new ones, which Bach called: “The second 19” ( Thesecondnineteen). Their distinctive features are: a different preparation technology (these are no longer infusions, but decoctions) and, as a rule, a faster and more pronounced effect on the recipient.

Table 3 – Second 19

A drug

Indications for use

Cherry plum (Cherry Plum) Fear of losing control of oneself.
Elm (Elm) Feeling overwhelmed with many responsibilities.
Aspen Unclear fears (without a conscious reason).
Horse chestnut buds (Chestnut Bud) Repeating the same life mistakes.
Larch (Larch) Feeling insecure own strength and the constant expectation of failure.
Hornbeam Feeling of lack of physical or mental strength to perform normal daily tasks.
Willow Feeling resentful the world and self-pity.
Beech Criticality and intolerance towards others
Crab Apple Feeling of internal pollution.
Walnut Excessive exposure to other people's influence.
Holly (Holly) Feelings of vulnerability, envy, gloating, desire for revenge.
Birdman (Star of Bethlehem) The state of grief and sadness after an acute traumatic situation.
White Chestnut Obsessive thoughts.
Red Chestnut Obsessive worry about someone.
Pine Feelings of guilt, constant self-recrimination.
Honeysuckle (Honeysuckle) A person lives only in the past, not expecting anything good from the future.
Rosehip (Wild Rose) Loss of interest in surroundings.
Field mustard (Mustard) Periodic and sudden depressive states.
Sweet Chestnut Feelings of despair and hopelessness.

Dr. Bach did not leave written instructions on the peculiarities of the action and purpose of drugs from the second nineteen. In a letter to his friend, he says about the second 19 that these new drugs are “more spiritual” and “act on a different plane” compared to the previous ones, but does not go into detail. Thus, we do not know the reasons that prompted him to switch from the method of infusing flowers to boiling them. Also, Bach did not revise and left the same technology for preparing essences from the category of “healers” and “helpers.”

If 12 healers were correlated by Bach with primary personality types, and 7 helpers with life strategies, then the second 19 can be associated with ways of responding to everyday difficulties. At least, this is the opinion of the majority of Edward Bach's followers.

Based on these considerations, we can imagine the personality structure as “multi-layered” - consisting of a core (integrity, unconditional love), a layer of innate properties (primary personality types), a layer of life strategies and a layer of psycho-emotional responses to stressful situations.

Figure 1 – Multilayer personality structure

Thus, to treat a patient with the help of flower essences, it is first advisable to work with the “outer layer” of his typical psycho-emotional reactions to stress, using the “second 19”, then (if necessary) free him from dead-end life strategies using “helper” drugs. , and, ultimately, use “healing” drugs to establish a connection with the core of the personality and restore the dialogue between the Soul and the mind.

This approach to diagnosis and treatment, using the division of drugs into categories of "healers", "helpers" and "second 19", was called 12:7:19 (based on the number of drugs in each group).

Another (later) approach, developed by Bach in an effort to simplify diagnosis and treatment using flower essences as much as possible, was described by him in 1936. This method consists of dividing all 38 drugs into 7 groups:

  • fear
  • uncertainty
  • lack of interest in surroundings
  • feeling of loneliness, uselessness
  • excessive exposure to other people's influences
  • hopelessness and despair
  • tendency to dictate and overprotectiveness

Thus, each group includes several flower essences. Further, for each essence, more detailed descriptions of the psycho-emotional states that are indications for its use are provided.


This article provides only short description development of the diagnostic and therapeutic system developed by Edward Bach. For more detailed information I advise you to visit the websites: Nelsons Bach and The Bach flower research program


  1. Edward Bach, Some fundamental considerations of disease. – Homoeopathic world, 1930.
  2. Boris C. Rodriguez, Edward Bach’s system of diagnosis and therapy. – Twelve Healers Trust, 2009.
  3. Edward Bach, Heal yourself. – C. W. Daniel, 1931.
  4. Julian Barnard, Bach Flower remedies. Form and function. – Lindisfarne Books, 2002.
  5. Edward Bach, The Twelve Healers and other remedies. – C. W. Daniel, 1936.

Smirnov S.S. ( [email protected])

When quoting or reprinting this article, a link to the site indicating the author is required.

Treatment with flower essences has been identified as a separate area in alternative medicine. It is similar to homeopathy in that very weak concentrations of solutions are used, but it differs from herbalism in that only plant flowers are used to prepare medicines. Flower essence is a liquid concentrate prepared by soaking a certain amount of plant flowers in clean spring water. A solution of this concentrate is prepared for use in a suitable proportion. Flower essences are prescribed for emotional disorders. It is believed that human diseases are directly related to his emotions. By increasing the positivity of emotions, you can get rid of some diseases.

Flower essences do not act as a biochemical preparation, due to their low concentration; experts say that the energy of the plant affects a person. It is this energy hidden in the flower that helps improve a person’s emotional background and helps get rid of illness. If a person suffers from self-doubt, taking flower essence will develop confidence in him.

History of appearance.

Flowers have been used for healing since ancient times. They tried to eat them, smell them, and brewed various teas. But the use of flower essence in the treatment of emotional disorders began in the 30s of the 20th century. The English bacteriologist and homeopathic doctor Edward Bache drew attention to the similarity of reactions of people with the same character traits. Through self-experimentation, the doctor discovered flower essences. Having predicted the specific properties of these essences and tested them experimentally, Bach wrote a work that listed all the drugs he discovered, their actions, and interactions.

The industry currently produces many different flower essences. One of the most famous lines is “38 original essences of Dr. Bache”.

Positive aspects of this method.

When a person buys medicine and finds out that it is made from the flowers of a plant, this already evokes positive emotions. And if you are also sure that it will get rid of health problems, this is doubly pleasant. Therefore, the positive effect begins from the moment of purchasing the medicine. Regarding Bacha's medicines, each of them corresponds to seven groups of emotional disorders. These are emotions such as: self-doubt, loss of interest in surrounding events, fear, envy, loneliness, despair, sensitivity to outside influence. In turn, each group is divided into subgroups of emotions, and each of them has its own medicine. Every person has many emotional states on which his life depends. If a person is constantly plagued by some negative thoughts, it is not always possible to get rid of them through an effort of will; sometimes you have to resort to additional measures, taking medications. To get rid of the effects of shock, post-traumatic pain, and ailments, take flower essences. The brand names of flower essence combinations are: Five Flower Formula (Rescue Remedy) and Soothing Essence (Rescue Remedy).

Take with caution.

Experts believe that treatment with flower essences can increase a person’s susceptibility; a problem that the patient wants to get rid of may worsen, and this will have an impact at the beginning of treatment. Negative influence per patient. People intolerant to alcohol can take the drugs externally, a few drops on the lips or wrist.

Doses and drugs.

It is almost impossible to prepare and use flower essence yourself. To do this, you need to know the rules for collecting flowers, take into account the area of ​​growth, and the technology for preparing the essence. Find out all this, especially the dosage to an ordinary person difficult. Ready-made flower essences can be purchased in specialized stores and pharmacies. On the packaging or in the annotation there will be a detailed indication of the doses and rules of administration. Pay careful attention to contraindications. Both adults and children can take essences. The methods of taking the medicine are different; some drugs are dripped under the tongue, others are diluted in water and drunk in small sips. Some medications are added to a bath or applied topically.

Visit to a specialist.

If you have never used these medications before, it is best to consult a specialist. After interviewing you and studying the test results, the doctor will prescribe treatment for you, taking into account your disease and condition. Taking medicinal product, it will be necessary to visit a doctor to monitor the dynamics of treatment. The specialist will notice the undesirable effect in time and stop the medicine.

Opponents and critics.

Opponents of treatment methods with flower essences refer to the unscientific nature of these methods. Indicates insufficient research and lack of evidence therapeutic effect methods. The improvement in the conditions of patients is attributed to the effect of self-hypnosis, and not to medicinal effect the medicine itself. Opponents point out that all methods are based more on intuition. However, proponents of treatment with flower essences refer to the successful treatment of children and animals who are not subject to self-hypnosis, and who experience positive healing effect. Defenders of the method argue that side complications have never been observed during treatment with flower essences. They believe that if the diagnosis is made correctly and the drug is taken correctly, the treatment will be successful and the benefits will be undeniable. The debate about the use of flower essences continues to this day.

The main merit of Dr. Bach's flower elixirs, which some medical professionals recommend using today, is that they harmonize our emotions. Attacks of melancholy, sleep disturbances, lack of self-confidence... Bach's elixirs help with many problems. They were created in the thirties by the English physician Edward Bach, and have served our emotional well-being ever since.
About eighty years ago, the English homeopathic doctor and therapist Edward Bach (1887–1936), using improved methods of distillation and solarization, created 38 monocomponent flower elixirs, which he first tested on himself.
Dr. Bach's flower elixirs do not cure diseases, so there can be no question of using them instead of medicines.
The scope of their application lies in a different plane: they affect negative emotions associated with the disease: fear, rage, sadness... and at the same time have no side effects and do not give addiction - which improves the patient’s condition. It improves so much that in England these drugs are prescribed in cancer centers. In Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, they are even paid for by insurance companies.
Realizing that a person’s lifestyle and emotional state are the main causes of disease, Dr. Bach dreamed of finding a treatment method that was accessible to everyone and came from a bright, life-giving principle, and not from a pathogenic product, which is typical for homeopathy. “Problems with our vital energy can become pathogens. But if we go against the grain—that is, act when our negative emotions are expressed—it can have a direct impact on our health and well-being.”

Dr. Bach divided elixirs into seven types of emotions:
Fear, increased anxiety
Uncertainty, loss of courage
Lack of interest in the present, lack of initiative
Longing for loneliness
Strong susceptibility to influences and ideas, susceptibility to outside influences (hypersensitivity)
Despair, despondency, hopelessness
Excessive concern for the well-being of others (excessive attention to others).

Flower elixirs do not cure physical illnesses, but, by correcting mental and emotional disorders, they also alleviate physical conditions. This is a suitable remedy for people with increased weather sensitivity, as well as for those suffering from depression, nervousness, headaches and other similar disorders.

The healing properties of plants according to Bach

SOS ambulance formula

Bach's "Rescue remedy" drops are a "rescue remedy" that will help you cope with any emergency, overcome any stressful event. Annoying news? Affective shock? Take Rescue remedy (4 drops in mouth, take as many times as needed).
Bach Drops is one of the world's most famous stress relievers that contains no artificial additives. Bach Drops are a blend of five different original Dr. Bach flower essences.

1. Star of Bethlehem or scientifically the Umbrella bird ( Ornitholagum umbellatum): brings comfort to the soul and soothes pain.
2. Clematis or Clematis vine-leaved ( Clematis vitalba): from a feeling of stupor (numbness), absence, splitting, which usually precedes fainting, loss of consciousness.
3. Cherry Plum or Spreading Plum ( Prunus cerasifera): from despair and confusion, when you are on the verge of a breakdown, from fear of losing control of the situation.
4. Impatiens or Impatiens ( Impatiens noli-tangere) from irritability and mental tension
5. Rock Rose or Sunflower coinifolia ( Helianthemum nummularium): from horror and panic.

How to choose the right elixir?

First, determine your emotional state. This could be fear, dissatisfaction, irritation, etc. Now try to identify the sources of this condition. Suppose you are constantly irritated. Why? Maybe you are the type of person who is always in a hurry, does everything in a hurry, and is endlessly irritated by the slowness of others.
This state of mind can be described by the words “impatience” or “intolerance.” If you refer to the list healing properties plants given above, you will find that you need an elixir of impatiens.

If you are overwhelmed by emotions... Are you having trouble identifying what your problem is? Ask your loved ones to share how they perceive you emotionally.

If necessary, you can use 6-7 elixirs at a time, but try to keep their number to a minimum. Then each of the elixirs will be able to fully demonstrate their healing powers. Take the selected elixirs for three weeks, and then analyze what changes have happened to you. Sometimes you have to change the combination of elixirs a little to adapt to a new state of mind.

Dr. Bach was confident that there were many other plants worthy of research attention and believed that this work should be continued. And so it happened. Since the early 70s of the twentieth century in medicinal purposes began to use a huge number of flower elixirs that were not included in the list already familiar to you. These are mainly extracts of plants from Australia, Alaska, California and the Himalayas, but some of them are well known to us, for example, apricot, basil, blackberry, borage, calendula, dandelion, dill, lavender.

Typical examples of the use of Bach's elixirs

Lost your job:
Gentian - from a feeling of discouragement, despair:
Poultry farmer - from a state of shock.

Working hard:
Olive - from loss of energy:
Verbena - for enthusiasts who cannot switch off;
Centaury - for those who are reliable, who constantly follow someone’s orders and instructions.

Upcoming exams:
Larch - from loss of confidence
Rescue remedy - to calm the nervous system.

Split/difficulties in relationships:
Honeysuckle is for that. to stop tormenting thoughts about the past:
Willow - from feelings of resentment and indignation, self-pity:
Walnut - for that. to help you easily perceive the situation and your new position,

Sleep problems:
Sunflower - from tormenting, nightmares;
Horse chestnut - from constantly disturbing thoughts:
Agrimon for those who are restless at night due to attempts to suppress their worries.

How do Bach's elixirs work?

As for the mechanism of action of Bach's elixirs, nothing can explain it. The most realistic exoteric hypothesis is the influence of electromagnetic fields. “Perhaps each flower emits waves that resonate with a particular emotion.”
Several clinical studies have been conducted on the properties of Bach flowers, particularly their effects on anxiety and problems associated with smoking cessation. The results are promising, however, there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness (exceeding the placebo effect).

How to use them Bach's elixirs?

Dissolve two drops of each elixir (maximum amount of 7) in a small amount of water or drop them directly on the tongue. You can also place two drops of each elixir into a 30 ml dark glass bottle and dilute them with spring water. Take 4 times daily for 3 weeks.

Massage: Add two drops of flower elixir to cream or massage oil. You can also massage your baby or drop the elixir into his bath water.

To order

We will assist in the purchase and delivery of any Bach flower elixirs, either individually or as a complete set. Country of origin: England.

Complete set of Bach elixirs (38 bottles of 10 ml each + 2 bottles of Rescue remedy)
Assorted Bach flower elixir, 10 ml bottle
Bach drops Rescue remedy
Applications are accepted through.

Bach's elixirs are officially registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:
homeopathic monocomponent preparations of plant origin original Bach flower remedies 10 ml and 20 ml - No. LSR-002089/08 dated 03.25.2008.
Rescue Remedy (Bach), sublingual homeopathic drops 10 ml and 20 ml - No. LSR-004948/07 dated December 19, 2007.
Rescue Remedy (Bach), homeopathic sublingual spray 20 ml - No. LSR-004947/07 dated December 19, 2007.

The source of many diseases is problems not in physical level, but on the emotional. This conclusion was reached by Dr. Edward Bach, an English bacteriologist and scientist who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. If you restore spiritual harmony, a large number of diseases can be avoided.

Bach's flower theory

The scientist was looking for means to help patients improve mental condition. He preferred to carry out treatment using homeopathic medicines. Then the scientist completely turned only to pure natural remedies. He developed a unique flower technique.

There are plants in nature whose flowers correspond to our negative emotional manifestations. It was them that the scientist decided to use to correct the psychological state. These are flower essences of 38 plants. Source: flickr (Jacobo Zanella).

How are the drugs prepared?

Bach used flowers and buds to obtain healing essences. Under the influence of the sun, everything valuable in plants was concentrated in solution. To make the preparations, only plants, spring water, and sunlight were used.

Flowers are collected according to a certain pattern in purely ecological areas. Harvesting occurs when the concentration of necessary components in the flowers is maximum. At dawn in sunny weather, the inflorescences are cut into canvas bags. It is important to avoid contact with the plant. The collected inflorescences are placed in glass vessels and filled with spring water. The solution is infused in the sun for about 3 hours. During this time, according to Bach's theory, under the influence of sunlight, flowers transfer their energy to the liquid. For long-term storage of the drug, English brandy is added to it.

Flower preparations, review

Bach Flower Therapy is 38 essences. Each remedy targets specific negative key symptoms. Taking essences helps eliminate them.

Note! In addition to mono-essences (one flower), there is a mixture of elixirs with complex effects. This mixture is Rescue Remedy, which helps reduce emotional stress.

  1. Agrimony (Agrimony) – taken for internal anxiety.
  2. Aspen - eliminates anxious feelings.
  3. Beech – getting rid of intolerance and excessive criticism.
  4. Centaury – eliminates servile feelings, weakness of will.
  5. Cerato – gives confidence.
  6. Cherry plum – helps to control yourself.
  7. Horse chestnut buds (Chestnut bud) - effective if you are unable to benefit from previously made mistakes.
  8. Chicory – effective for those who constantly manipulate others, demanding their participation.
  9. Clematis (Clematis) – useful for chronic drowsiness.
  10. Wild apple tree (Grab apple) - helps get rid of excessive disgust.
  11. Elm (Elm) – eliminates depression.
  12. Gentian (Gentian) – effective for chronic despondency.
  13. Leaker (Gorse) – will help with feelings of hopelessness.
  14. Heather – helps with excessive self-confidence.
  15. Papub (Heather) – cures hatred and anger.
  16. Honeysuckle - will help you get rid of obsessive memories of the past.
  17. Hornbeam (Honeysuckle) – helps with laziness.
  18. Impatiens – designed for fussy people.
  19. Larch (Larch) – for low self-esteem.
  20. Lipstick (Mimulus) – effective for fears and excessive modesty.
  21. Mustard – helps with despondency and melancholy.
  22. Oak – for courageous but tired people.
  23. Olive – will help eliminate fatigue.
  24. Pine – effective for chronic feelings of guilt.
  25. Red chestnut - with eternal fear for loved ones.
  26. Sunlight (Rock rose) – will help with panic moods.
  27. Rock water - with a tough attitude towards yourself.
  28. Hedgehog (Scleranthus) - helps with indecision and modesty.
  29. Poultry Farmer (Star of Bethlehem) – for strengthening emotional state after the shock.
  30. Noble chestnut (Sweet chestnut) – effective for emotional disappointment.
  31. Vervain – Helps reduce excessive enthusiasm.
  32. Grapevine (Vine) - prescribed for tyrants and overly ambitious people.
  33. Walnut - with indecisiveness and a tendency to obey others.
  34. Water violet - will help calm pride.
  35. Horse chestnut (White chestnut) - will help get rid of constant obsessive thoughts.
  36. Oatmeal (Wild oat) – with uncertainty about the future.
  37. Dog rose (Wild rose) – recommended for apathy.
  38. Willow - effective for grievances.

Rescue Remedy, a mixture of flower essences, will help you recover after loss.

How to take Bach flowers

Elixirs have no contraindications; they can be taken by adults and children without fear of consequences.

Dr. Bach's homeopathic drops effectively treat childhood fears and neuroses. Schoolchildren can develop perseverance and attention.

These are specially prepared liquid concentrates made by soaking flowers in clean spring water. The resulting concentrates are diluted and drunk to treat various emotional and physical disorders. The theory behind treatment with flower essences states that physical ailments and diseases, as well as psychological problems of a person, arise from emotional disturbances. Diagnosis and treatment therefore involve an assessment of personality, state of mind and emotional makeup.

Like homeopathic remedies, flower essences are diluted to the point that they no longer work on a biochemical level. Healers claim that they contain some special types of plant energy that affect the energy fields of the person receiving them. Thus, they are convinced, flower medicines help a person cope with negative emotions. Thus, treatment with flower essences may, for example, aim to develop in a fearful person courage and the ability to face his fears.


Although healing methods with flowers have been known since ancient times, the specific use of flower essences specifically for the treatment of emotional disorders was developed in the 30s of our century by the English bacteriologist and homeopathic physician Edward Bache. By carefully observing his patients, Bache came to the conclusion that not only was there a connection between characteristic personality traits and certain diseases, but that people with similar personality traits responded similarly to their diseases. He investigated natural substances that were related to the emotional origins of illness, and eventually discovered flower essences, whose specific properties, which he intuitively foresaw, he tested by experimenting on himself.

Today many companies produce different kinds flower essences. Among the main, established lines are the 38 original English essences of Dr. Bach (Bach), obtained from several various sources; North American flower essences - a group of more than one hundred names, sometimes called California medicines, as well as a series of rose essences, some of which are intended to treat specific body functions.

Why is this method useful?

Proponents of flower essence treatment claim that flower medicines are useful for numerous physical illnesses and emotional disorders. Each of the 38 original Bacha (Bach) medicines corresponds to a certain set of negative moods or states of mind and soul. The 38 flower essences are divided into seven groups according to the number of emotions: fear, self-doubt, loss of interest in what is happening around, loneliness, hypersensitivity to outside influences and ideas, feelings of despair and depression, increased interest in the well-being of others. Within each of these seven groups there are subgroups of emotions, each of which has a specific remedy. For example, the fear group includes terror, fear of the unknown and fear of other people.

The set of English flower medicines also includes a complex formula containing five of the 38 essences, which is said to be useful for various ailments such as physical injury, shock, pain or serious emotional distress. Brand names for this combination include: Rescue Remedy - Five Color Formula and Soothing Essence or, literally, Rescue Remedy.


Medicines, usually in a concentrated liquid form (called a base) and preserved in alcohol or vinegar, can be purchased at grocery stores and some pharmacies, but mostly from doctors. Making essences - difficult process, during which it is necessary to take into account a wide variety of factors, including environment, places where plants grow and climatic conditions during collection and infusion.

You can challenge your own emotions and state of mind by using the flower essences listed below to heal yourself and your children. (You can take up to 6 essences at a time.) Directions for use: Place 2 to 4 drops of essence under the tongue four times a day, or place a few drops in a large glass of water and drink in small sips several times a day. Flower essences can also be used topically or added to a bath.

Visit to a professional

If you are unfamiliar with these medications, it would be a good idea to consult with a specialist first. Your doctor will likely decide on your medications after observing you and asking a series of questions, as well as reviewing the results of some physical tests.

What the critics say

Critics point out that claims about the effectiveness of flower essences are based more on intuition than science, and are therefore unsubstantial and unsubstantiated. Some say that reports of successful treatment are based on the placebo effect. However, defenders of the method cite examples of successful treatment of children and animals that are not initially sensitive to the placebo effect. Advocates also claim that there is no evidence of any side effects, and any ill effects stem only from misdiagnosis or harmful interactions with other medications.



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Grand Duke's Palace on the English Embankment Alexandrovka Estate

Grand Duke's Palace on the English Embankment Alexandrovka Estate

The palace of Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich Romanov, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, is located on the Admiralty Embankment. It was built in 1885 -...

Russian Seven Publishing house Russian Seven

Russian Seven Publishing house Russian Seven

The War of 1812 was the first at the end of which women were awarded. By decree of February 8, 1816, the medal “In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812...

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