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  Panel for the veranda with your own hands. DIY panel - the best ideas and a master class

The monotonous bare walls of the house inspire depression, so many try to decorate them with something. A panel is a great way to make the atmosphere of an apartment more comfortable and attractive. In addition, it can be made by yourself, from what is in the house.

It doesn’t matter that you are not an artist or designer, the most important thing is the desire to create the beautiful. And then you can do really magnificent things that will decorate your home and delight others. And knowing how to make a wall panel with your own hands will help in decorating the apartment, use any master class that you find on the Internet.

The panel can be made from almost any material - leather, cardboard, fabric, colored paper, photographs, shells. Someone even fits pasta, cereals, bottle caps, matches, seeds and other items. We present to your attention several original ideas that will tell you in which direction to move.

Panel ”Shine”

Perhaps you have an old picture in your house. Feel free to take it and redo it. First take the picture out of the frame and upgrade the frame. Paint it silver, let the frame inside be white, for this you can use white paint. You do not need the picture itself, but you can create your own picture on the reverse side.

Try gluing glitter patterns inside, decorate with silver tape or strips of paper. Your picture will create a wonderful impression with its unusual silver shine and decorate the room. In this way, you can do something else, show your imagination and create.

Fabric panel

Since ancient times, people have made drawings of fabric and decorated them at home. Although now we have come to the rescue of completely different technologies, however, things made with our own hands made of fabric remain a priority. They look cute and give our house a special charm and coziness.

Surely, in your house there will be some kind of fabric: chintz, satin, burlap, felt, silk, etc. Even several multi-colored shreds will do, they can form a really beautiful pattern.

Take the base under your wall panel, it should be a dense sheet of cardboard or polystyrene. You can just stick the fabric on the base, and fasten it with adhesive tape at the back, and then hang it on the wall. Take pieces of fabric of different colors and make a panel of them, it will look great.

But a panel on shreds of fabric will look much prettier. To make it, you need to draw a picture on cardboard and indicate where and what rags will be. Further, following this picture, make shreds and attach them.

In order for the work to look neat, it is better to bend the patches and sew them so that the cut parts are not visible. Only fabric folds should be flaunted on the basis.

From felt, you can create cute and funny drawings, which are then placed in a frame. Such paintings will decorate the nursery and fill it with a cheerful mood. Cut animal figures or cartoon characters from felt using a stencil. Finished drawings can be found on the Internet and made by analogy with them. Then you can stick them on the base - a thick sheet of cardboard or other material.

Sacking is an excellent material that will serve as a backdrop for the panel. To do this, you will need to pull it on the frame. To make the base look more attractive, it is better to trim the borders of the frame with bright braid. The picture inside you choose at will.

From the burlap you can make various drawings or make flowers out of them and decorate the frame. Everyone shows his imagination as he wants.

Panel of photos

This is a great idea, especially if your albums have a lot of shots. Hang them on the wall in the living room or in another room to indulge in pleasant memories while looking at them. A photo collage can be made in any form, but it is better to make it in the shape of a heart.

To make a panel from photos, take a piece of cardboard or plywood, make a background on it. Think about where and what kind of photos you place on it. Then cut the photos to fit them. Fill the interior of your panel with glue.

Sea panel

Many of the sea holidays bring a lot of shells. This is a great material for decorating your home, which will remind you of warm, carefree days and warm your soul.

For the basics, you can take an old vinyl record. To get an even background, you will need to paint over the white middle with a black marker or paint.

Shells are best secured with liquid nails. Collect all your shells, pebbles from the seashore, shell fragments and other things, try to make an attractive composition out of them. Use your imagination with might and main. When the panel is ready, you will need to varnish it. This will make the picture stronger and more durable.

Crafts for creating panels

  • Decoupage. It is easy to master this technique, it does not require special artistic skills. You can create a beautiful decorative panel by sticking napkins or special cards. Someone prefers to create images on a computer in a graphic designer. An attractive panel for the kitchen can be created by decorating a cutting board with drawings.

  • Beadwork. Although there will be a lot of tinkering with beads, the result will be just excellent. Beads can be glued onto the panel with glue, or can be embroidered on fabrics. Weaving technique requires special skill. But what a variety of drawings can be done!

From the beads you create your own picture in different colors, but if the fantasy does not work enough, it is better to turn to the search on the Internet.

  • Embroidery. Beautiful paintings can be created using threads and a needle. To do this, you need to master the technique of cross stitching. And this is the power of every beginner needlewoman.

  • Weaving. Attractive things can be done using simple newspaper tubes. There is always material for this. It is only necessary to cut old newspapers and wind thin sticks. Further, interesting images are formed from such sticks. To give great appeal, you can paint the tubes with paint. It is better to varnish the finished work so that it will please you for a long time.

Weaving on nails is also a popular activity among needlewomen. The pattern is formed by fixing nails on the panel and weaving multi-colored threads into them.

Volumetric panels

Such panels always look magnificent and admirable. Volumetric paintings are formed from puff pastry, porcelain, polymer clay.

Some prefer to use ready-made blanks, such as decorative fruits and vegetables, decorative flowers.

Although to create three-dimensional images, you can adapt a lot of improvised material, such as porcelain cups, watches, plastic dishes, corks, buttons, etc.

Master class for creating puff pastry panels

Puff pastry is made from water, vegetable oil, flour and a little salt. Two glasses of flour, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt are taken in 125 ml of water. The dough should be flexible enough, it should not stick to your hands.

If you want to get multi-colored material, then you need to add dyes to the dough. Various herbs add flavor to the material.

When your dough is ready, you can roll it out and form a picture right on the dough sheet. Another way is to sculpt various details and decorate the panels with them. You choose the details for the picture yourself, as well as the plot of the picture itself.

After the parts are ready, you will need to support them in the oven for some time to fix the structure. At the same time, the temperature in the oven must be controlled, it should not exceed eighty degrees.

If you are ready to wait, you can dry the dough in a natural way by putting it on the battery. After 5 days it will be ready and it can be glued on the panel.

To make a three-dimensional panel more attractive, figures from puff pastry can be painted in various colors. A layer of varnish and panels will be strong enough for a long time to decorate the expanses of your apartment.

If you try to decorate your apartment with a panel of your own manufacture, then it will look better. And you do not need to invite fashion designers to the house and pay huge amounts of money to them. All you need is near you and costs a penny, and the beauty is extraordinary.

Create and decorate your home with attractive, home-made items. In addition, such an activity will give you minutes of peace and relaxation. Connect to it your household, especially children. This will surely captivate them.

How to make a decorative panel on the wall from improvised materials with your own hands for the interior of the kitchen, bedroom or nursery!

The most common ways this is - we draw pictures (even if you are not an artist), photographs, fabric, threads or twigs - will always be found in a house or apartment. So why not make a beautiful decorative panel out of all this!

Why mural? There are two reasons:

  • a wide range of actions (after all, the definition of a panel is quite wide), which means that it is possible to find something to your taste.
  • panels can be drawn, glued, and braided using a wide variety of materials.

Here we picked up a lot of interesting ideas and ready-made master classes, all types are collected from the materials from which they can be made.

Here are a lot of options for panels made from threads in the style of tapestry. Detailed lesson attached!

How to do a master class:

  1. To create them, vertically stretched thin threads are taken as a basis.
  2. With one   hand they are attached to a stick, on which the panel will hang, and on the other to any other stick, which will then be removed; can also be knitted on a separate wooden frame,
  3. and then remove and attach where necessary.
  4. Then the vertical threads are tied horizontally with thicker colored threads.

TIP:   You can experiment with threads of varying thicknesses and colors, creating abstract patterns or specific patterns.

Below you can leave the long ends of the threads, or cut them, at your discretion.

As an option, knitted "rugs" can be placed in a frame, and not hung on a stick. Original pictures turn out.

Panel with tassels

How to do fast:

  • Take a wooden stick and tie a lot of threads of medium thickness on it.
  • At the bottom of the thread, you can trim evenly, or by creating zigzags, waves, etc.
  • You can also tie not a lot of threads, but at the end of each of them to make a brush.

TIP:   This method is much faster than the previous one, but it also looks very beautiful.

You can pretie the strings in pigtails, or thread some beads (or several) into a few beads.

ATTENTION:   The pompoms are made like brushes, so the next photo is also related to this option. A thread for such pompoms will take a lot, but they look amazing!

If you take the threads from a loose knitted product (for example, from under an old knitted sweater or scarf), they will be wavy.


Macrame weaving for panels can be of different levels of difficulty, but still, to make it, you need to have certain skills. Therefore, the photos selected in this paragraph are suitable for lovers of weaving, or those who purposefully decided to learn how to do this.

A large abstract painting with wood elements fits the definition of a panel. And you can try to make your own masterpiece at the same time, and at the same time an original lesson, and a way to relax.

A beautiful panel is obtained from slices of wood, simply laid on glue and varnished.

Small master class:

Look at this heart, it could worthily adorn not only an apartment, but also a stylish cafe or office. And you can make it yourself and it does not require a lot of money (you only need to buy paint). So let's look at a small tutorial on how to make it.

Necessary materials:

  • Thin tree branches + 1 larger branch
  • Paint
  • Brush, palette
  • Thread
  • Cardboard

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Step 1: Draw a heart.Take a large piece of cardboard (an old cardboard box will do) and draw a heart on it. You can draw on paper, but then you will need to put newspapers under it, so that in the process of painting the paint does not go on the floor, and the cardboard is thick, so it immediately performs a protective function. Of course, you can draw any other contour of your choice that will be conveniently filled with branches.
  2. Step 2: Spread the branches.Lay out the branches inside the drawn outline. If necessary, break them (or, saw off, cut) them to a suitable length.
  3. Step 3: paint.Here, the lower half of the heart was painted, gradually changing color from bright pink from below to white to the middle. Leave to dry.
  4. Step 4: Fix the twigs.Hang one large branch on the wall and tie all the branches to it, butt to each other. Adjust the length of the thread to make a heart (or shape of your choice). Done!

In the same way, figures of a different shape can be made, and even broken old chairs, frames, and other wooden objects are suitable for making.

To create such a panel, you will need canvas, masking tape and paint. Select the geometric pattern that you want to display, make a stencil on the canvas using the masking tape, and paint. When the paint dries, remove the masking tape, and attach the painting to the wall.

You can also make panels using ready-made stencils. This method speeds up the work and expands the range of possible patterns. A stencil can be bought at a decor store, or found on the Internet and printed (on paper that does not get wet from ink).

An interesting way is to take flora objects, for example, leaves, or flowers, as a stencil.

You can also make a decorative panel from personal photos or illustrations from the Internet. This panel looks great both in the living room and in the bedroom.

How to do:

  1. Cut out the shape of the cardboard - the heart, the first letter of the name.
  2. Glue the flowers with glue gun, preferably on silicone.
  3. We hang on the wall with a loop.

Paper butterflies are also a good idea, but a slightly outdated topic.

And another, more complex, option, more precisely requiring more time to complete.

Panel puzzle

A lot of carved regular hexagons glued to the canvas, and decorative honeycombs are ready to decorate the wall of your room. You can enlist the help of a child, and the process will go much faster and more fun.

You can also make other, less stringent forms. For example, stick circles a little different size and shades.

You can make a composition of several parts, as in this version. Each box is pasted with scrapbooking paper. Simple and original!

Panel from the mirrors

Decorative panels from mirrors - this is an opportunity to expand the space of the living room or apartment. Just mirrors on the wall - now you won’t surprise anyone, but to create a picture from the mirrors or to cut out a bizarre shape from it is an excellent design move.

  Panel from wallpaper or magazines

Stripes cut from color magazines can also come in handy when creating a glued panel picture. For example, as in this photo, where they filled the silhouettes of two dogs.

To create such a panel, first using a stencil, paint the entire canvas except the selected shape in black, and leave the paint to dry. And after that you can glue the strips.

TIP:   Also from the remnants of old wallpaper - you can make a stylish modern panel for a living room, for example, or a bedroom.

Panel of dry leaves

To create such transparent leaves, you will need to work with special chemical solutions, but such a herbarium will definitely surprise your guests!

Drawings created by non-standard brushes

Here for drawing you can take a brush from feathers, or threads. To get patterns, as in the photo, you need a brush dip in almost dry paint. Also for a similar result, you can use a duster.

It turns out that our fingers are an ideal form for creating delightful modern paintings. Thanks to this, a wonderful picture of the panel turned out.

Drawings created using nails and threads look very beautiful and professional, although in fact no special skills are required to create them.

Such panels are economically viable (because you need a wooden base, about 50 thin nails and a ball of thread to work), and the field of action is incredibly wide (as you can see from the photo below). In a word, such panels are a wonderful way to express your creativity and make a new wall decoration.

The scheme of work is as follows:

  • Draw a outline on a wooden base
  • Drive thin nails along the contour at the same distance from each other (depending on the selected pattern, the distance can vary from about 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm)
  • Tie a thread on one nail, and then wrap it around other nails, filling out the picture. Weave can be very diverse. If necessary, use threads of different colors. Continue wrapping until the pattern is ready.

Here among the drawings there are animals and plants, inscriptions and abstract figures. Choose what you like.

There are also several options where the drawing is not done on a wooden base, but directly on the wall of the room. This option is done for a longer time and not on any wall. When you want to remove it, you will need to do a little wall repair to remove the holes from the nails.

Original bright accents in the interior can be paintings, photographs or panels of flowers on the walls. Decorating your own apartment is an opportunity to realize creative ideas and express yourself through unusual decor. You can create voluminous floral compositions yourself or order such creative works from experienced master decorators.

You can add personality to the interior of your house by placing exclusive floral panels on the stele using other materials - twigs, fruits or ribbons.

Such works will surely be eye-catching due to their special characteristics:

  • Bright composition on a plain background attracts attention;
  • Delicate flowers used in the work will add tranquility to the interior;
  • Volumetric work looks unusual on a flat wall;
  • All compositions are performed manually, and therefore unique.

Placing a flower arrangement on the wall, you can not be afraid that it will emit harmful substances and will be hazardous to health, because all the materials used are environmentally friendly.

Depending on the type of room in which the panel will hang, it may contain artificial, living or dry flowers, fruits, pebbles, mother of pearl or other or artificial materials. Collected in one composition, they will create a certain image for the room.

You can get ideas for decorating panels and rooms, in general, in special stores, floristic catalogs, needlework magazines, attend a master class or see examples of the work of designers or amateurs.

How to make a floral panel yourself

To decorate the walls, you can order panels from experienced craftswomen, but it is better to make such a composition with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult. Such a floristic panel will be not only unique, but its performer will feel pride when guests will appreciate its work.

Before embarking on creativity, you need to decide which flowers and other decorations will be used.

You can opt for the following colors:

  • Artificial finished;
  • Alive;
  • Dried flowers;
  • Tape;
  • Paper;
  • Knitted;
  • Made from natural materials.

You can not be limited to the list above, because some craftsmen make flowers from any materials at hand: cotton pads, plastic forks, fabric, dough, plasticine and other things.

Particular attention should be paid to the background, since it will be he who will combine the composition into a single whole. The background of the picture should not be bright or contrasting with the color of the wall on which the panel will hang, otherwise the picture will not be quite spectacular.

Panel of artificial flowers - simple and effective

The easiest option to create a floral panel will be the composition of artificial flowers. Even a novice can do such a job, it is only important to decide on the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition.

Tapestry panels in the interior - a great option to decorate the wall in the home. About the history of the creation of tapestries and their use in interior decoration, we will tell in the article:.

The panel may show:

  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Uncomplicated picture;
  • Flower bush;
  • A tropical forest.

When collecting a composition, you need to pay attention to the color of the elements used so that they are combined with each other. All the necessary materials must be prepared in advance, so to create a floral panel with your own hands, you will definitely need artificial flowers, a base (burlap, paper, plywood, cardboard), glue (Moment or PVA), a frame and glass.

To use glass or not depends on individual preferences. The decorative composition will be stored longer behind the glass, but if you refuse it, you can place some elements outside the aisles of the frame. Thus, the picture will turn out interesting and voluminous and enliven the wall.

Original floral panel from fresh flowers

Beautiful decorative panels can also be made from fresh flowers. In this case, the work will turn out to be more fragile and less durable, but very sensual and tender.

The original panel of the children's room can be made from wallpaper. We will teach in the following article:.

To create a panel of fresh flowers, you can use the following ideas:

  1. To the base of the panel in the frame, attach a small vase of water, in which it will be possible to put bouquets of your favorite fresh flowers;
  2. Stick on the base of fern leaves at different angles to get a feeling of impenetrable jungle;
  3. Attach wildflowers to the background with scotch tape, such work will quickly deteriorate, but the flowers can always be replaced with more fresh ones, and every day the composition will have a different look, and from a dry one you can make a different picture;
  4. Install a special pallet with earth, in which the processes of indoor flowers will grow in a certain way.

When working with fresh flowers, one should not forget about water and special care, because they are easy to damage and thereby spoil the overall appearance of the composition. Pictures from fresh flowers look beautiful, complemented by other decorative elements - beads, sparkles, butterflies. From flowers you can create whole pictures or limit yourself to compact bouquets.

Do it yourself: a panel of flowers (video)

It is not so difficult to make a flower panel, it is only important to be patient, prepare the necessary materials and show your imagination. In addition, the elements used can be easily found, for example, dry roses from a gift bouquet or unnecessary processes of indoor plants, make flowers from old magazines or use other hand-made materials.

Examples of panels from dried flowers with their own hands (photo in the interiors)

Interior design is a complex and multifaceted system, with many components. Just wallpaper or painted walls no longer satisfy the average consumer. I always want to bring some zest to the interior. A small detail that will guide the perception of the design as a whole.
  One of these details, of course, can be considered a wall panel, which, of course, can be bought ready-made and just hanged, or you can do it yourself, and then it will certainly become a key element.

Panel of cuts

What is a panel

In fact, a panel is any composition on a wall or ceiling that has its own, clearly defined place in the interior. By the way, any picture hanging in a house in a strictly defined place can also be considered a panel. As well as compositions from photographs or bas-reliefs.
  Today, wall-mounted compositions created with their own hands are becoming more and more fashionable, and they act not only in the role of decoration, but also reflect the inner world of its creator. There are a lot of materials for making panels and the choice depends on the design features and personal skills of the person who works with them.

Decorative panel on the wall

The most popular materials are:

  • Paper.
  • Wood.
  • Mirrors
  • Ceramic tiles with a glazed surface.
  • Plaster or alabaster.
  • Small stones and shells.
  • All kinds of fabrics.
  • Photos from both the personal archive and printed from the Internet.

How the composition will look is a matter of taste and one's own idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, and I will only consider a few of the most popular options that can completely change the whole design in the room.

What the composition will look like is a matter of taste and one's own idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty

Choosing a place and topic

An important aspect of a well-designed design is harmony. It is she who creates coziness and comfort in the room. You can often find very rich interiors in which a lot of money has been invested, but from this they do not cease to be tasteless. On the other hand, you can consider the Japanese style of minimalism, where there is practically no furniture and accessories, but at the same time, grace and comfort are felt throughout.
  It is not easy to achieve harmony, and one of the most important nuances is the strict adherence to the chosen concept. If the interior is planned in the Provence style, then the composition on the wall in the form of, say, a portrait of a pop star will completely destroy harmony and bring in dissonance. Each style has its own, clearly defined idea, and it is precisely this idea that must be followed when selecting all the elements.
No less important is the place where the panel made by yourself will be located. For example, compositions from mirrors or any other materials with a reflection effect are best placed opposite the window or near light sources. A mirror hidden in the shadow creates a gloomy and oppressive mood. There will never be comfort near it.
  If the composition is made of family photographs, then it has a place on the most prominent part of the wall, where it will attract attention.

An important aspect of a well-designed design is harmony.

As for the general view, there are several tips that will help to correctly place accents and highlight panels from the general style:

  1. In any composition, it is advisable to use a baguette or frame, and its color should be clearly defined. If the composition is made in the same color scheme as the walls, then the baguette should play in contrast, and if the color scheme is contrast, then the frame should repeat the color of the wall.
  2. The theme of the composition should correspond to the purpose of the room where it is located. In the bathroom and toilet suitable water theme. In the kitchen, food. Etc.
  3. Composition materials should match the style of the interior. If this is Provence or country, then the materials - stone, wood, fabrics. And for hi-tech or art deco glass, metal and plastic are suitable.

Now that you have decided on the subject of composition and location, you can go directly to the manufacturing process with your own hands.

We make panels

The most important thing that is needed in order to make a decorative panel with your own hands is patience and perseverance. This is often a very painstaking job that can take a lot of time. But the result will not be long in coming, so we stock up on a creative fuse and go ahead for work.

The most important thing that is needed to make a decorative panel with your own hands is patience and perseverance

Composition of triplex at home

Above, I have already mentioned compositions from photographs, they are the most in demand today. Photo archives have moved to computers, and the remaining albums have been gathering dust for a long time in drawers of tables or chests of drawers.
  Memorable events of personal life or simply captured landscapes and views can be transferred to the wall. Modern technologies allow you to enlarge the picture to any size, or you can make a collage with your own hands.
  If you don’t want to bring a bunch of photos to a specialized studio, you can make a composition of printed pictures on glass.

To do this, you will need:

  1. Two sheets of glass of the same size with polished edges.
  2. Baguettes of the required length.
  3. Paint for glass surfaces.
  4. Glue reacting with glass.

Panel from wedding photos

Everything you need for the composition can be purchased in stores specializing in hobbies, and print a set of photos yourself on a computer, increasing them to the desired size.

Important! Glass for composition from photographs should be very thin. As a rule, it is 1.5-2 mm. Since glasses of greater thickness have a greater weight, and this is undesirable.

We cover one of the glasses with paint and wait for complete drying. We choose the color ourselves based on personal preferences and tips presented above. Next, you need to make a collage, laying out the photos on stained glass. When the composition is ready, apply a thin strip of glue along the edge of the glass and gently cover it with a second layer. The glue seizes almost instantly, so everything must be done quickly and not to make mistakes.
  Now it remains to cut and install the baguettes and the panel is ready, you can hang it on the wall with liquid nails or glue for glass.

Interesting! Factory triplex glass is produced using a similar technology, with the only difference being that after the layers are connected, it goes to the furnace, where at high temperature the glass is melted to turn the glass into a solid monolith.

Glass paintings on the wall

Plaster bas-relief or volumetric composition

Making a gypsum composition with your own hands is much more difficult than using glass, but in this way you can get a three-dimensional panel.
  Any item can be transferred to the bas-relief, and this can be done with your own hands and at home. Consider the process by the example of a simple cup, a cast of which will look very relevant in the kitchen.
  To begin with, we need any container larger in size than the cup we have chosen. We fill the tank with sand in such a way as to immerse the cup exactly half in it. The surface of the product from which the mold is taken is covered with a soap solution so that the mixture does not stick. The initial form is ready and now it must be filled with gypsum or alabaster solution.

Important! Pouring the solution at home, the form must be constantly slightly rocked. This expels all air bubbles and eliminates the appearance of pores on the surface of the product.

Plaster panel

When the solution has dried, carefully remove the form from the container with sand and remove the cup. As a result, we got a cast that exactly repeats the copied product. The mold must be allowed to dry thoroughly, after which it is smeared with the same soapy solution and poured with a new portion of the mixture.
  In this way we got half of our cup made of plaster. Such elements can be made as many as necessary, corresponding to the subject.
  Finished parts of the composition can be painted in any color. Now it remains to make a frame of baguettes, which is immediately fixed on the wall. The surface is painted and elements can be fixed. Here, as in the first embodiment, liquid nails are suitable.
  As you can see, in the creation of such bas-reliefs, complete freedom of imagination and creativity, and the finished product is able to decorate any room that previously lacked a highlight.

A modern wall panel is very often the merit of the whole family, when all the households work on a beautiful decoration. Today, such options are in fashion when there are beautiful works in the interior that are created by collective work. But it’s possible to start not with too large-scale events - first try to figure out how to make a panel of photographs with your own hands on the wall in an art style close to you.

What are the panels?

Pictures on the wall can differ in the following parameters:

  • Material that can serve as anything: fabrics and plastic, cardboard and wood, wire and paper, fur and buttons, yarn and dry branches, photographs and postcards, fragments of mirrors and more.
  • Technique: wood carving, embroidery, embossing, knitting, inlay and gluing. At the same time, the decorative element can be an interweaving of geometric shapes and lines, have a certain plot or abstract image.
  • A shape that can be of any geometry and size. DIY paintings and panels can be made in the form of polygons, ovals, curved shapes, often consist of many separate elements.
  • The 3D effect is a new trend in the creation of such compositions. This version of the panel is quite difficult to make, but quite real. In this case, a three-dimensional effect is achieved with the help of various protrusions, volume paper applications. Applications can imitate high relief, bas-relief and unique different works.

Important! “Soft” patterned volumetric panels created with the help of small wallpaper nails that are equipped with decorative hats look great.

  • Lighting - it makes a panel not only an element of decor, but is also able to give it a practical property. For example, LED backlight allows you to use the panel, like a night lamp. The lighting level can be controlled by the number of LED elements.

Choosing a place for decor

Before you make a beautiful mural on the wall with your own hands, you need to determine its location. The shape, size and color scheme of the future canvas may depend on this:

  • The distance from the panel to the floor surface is usually 170 cm.
  • If you are going to make a mirror panel, then it should be installed so that natural or artificial lighting falls on the surface of the picture. Thus, the reflected and scattered light can create a visual harmony in the room.

Important! A wall panel made of corks, cardboard and other improvised materials looks great in free space. For this reason, to place this decor near other interior items, for example, shelves, paintings and photographs, is undesirable.

Preparatory work

There are a huge number of options to make a wall panel with your own hands for absolutely any room. Photos of finished products can be found in catalogs or come up with your own project. To begin with, it is advisable to put the planned drawing of the panel on the prepared sheet of paper. With this sketch, it will be easier for you to determine the future shape, size of the painting and the materials that you will need in the process of creating it.

Idea 1

If you are going to use fabric as decoration, then you can, as a basis, take a piece of board, plastic or any other material that has a hard surface. The fabric should be pulled onto the base, and its allowances should be secured from the wrong side of the workpiece. The finished artwork is set in a frame, and then hung on the wall.

Idea 2

Also, the panel can be made without a frame. To do this, you need a piece of plywood or drywall. The front part of the workpiece is glued over with synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, and then the resulting “pillow” is covered with fabric. Next, the product is decorated.


Making a beautiful mural on a wall with your own hands is very easy if you have a lot of interesting photographs in your family album. This type of decor can perfectly decorate any room: a corridor, a nursery, a living room. Such pictures in the heart-shaped bedroom look very original.

Materials and tools:

  • A piece of thick cardboard in white.
  • PVA glue.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Stationery knife and scissors.
  • A set of photographs.


  1. Take a piece of cardboard.
  2. Draw the outline of our future collage.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Pre-lay out the photos in the desired order.
  5. First we glue the elements along the contour with a slight overlap.
  6. We fill the interior space of the crafts with photographs.

Panel of threads and nails

Decorate the room of a young girl will help a picture in the form of a heart. You can make it with the help of threads and nails.

Important! The base can be taken from wood, cork, polystyrene or plywood.

To make a panel on the wall with your own hands in the shape of a heart, you will have to try a little.

Materials and tools:

  • Hammer.
  • Pins with a beautiful head or thin cloves.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Pliers.
  • Threads - any: iris, floss, wool.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Paper.


  1. Choose the basis, determine the size of the future picture.
  2. Paint the plane a tone lighter than the color of the threads.
  3. Draw a heart outline on a piece of paper that will be proportional to the size of the picture.
  4. Cut out.
  5. Attach the template to the base and circle.
  6. Drive cloves evenly along the contour - the smaller the distance between them, the better.
  7. Tie a thread to one stud.
  8. Pull it to the clove on the opposite side.
  9. Circle around him.
  10. Keep wrapping in any order.
  11. Glue beads or other decorative elements onto the base.

Button panel

Almost every house has a jar or casket, where for years different buttons have been stacked. In the end, there were so many of them that there was nowhere to go. Buttons of different sizes, colors, with arches or holes - all this can be a wonderful material for a picture that can decorate a boring wall.

The very first thing that comes to mind is the painting “Money Tree”. As a rule, it is made of coins, but they can be replaced with buttons. Although no one can forbid you to arrange buttons with coins in one panel.

Important! It is believed that such paintings bring money to the house.

Materials and tools:

  • Basis - fabric stretched over a frame, cardboard, board.
  • Buttons of different sizes and colors.
  • Glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Copy paper.


  1. On the base, apply a pattern in the form of a lush crown and a thick trunk.
  2. Prepare buttons of different sizes.
  3. Mark which button will be located.
  4. Apply glue to the button base and glue them one at a time, starting from the trunk.
  5. Stick the buttons, which will be leaves, going into the trunk, so that it is clearly visible as the “leaves” hang.
  6. If you don’t have a lot of buttons and there are spaces on the basis, you can paint over them with any colors.

Panel of salt dough

Salty dough is a wonderful material for modeling. Som masterpiece manufacturing process develops fine motor skills well, which is very useful for children to make a speech.

Important! Why from salt dough, and not, for example, from plasticine? After all, he also does a good workout, develops motor skills and has a large selection of color palettes. But the fact is that plasticine always remains soft, and it does not seem possible to dry, respectively - the panel can be damaged sooner or later. But the dried dough is a completely different matter: it is strong and solid.

Let's look at how to make paintings and panels with your own hands from salt dough.

Materials and tools:

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Fine salt - 1 cup.
  • Unrefined vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon (instead, you can take the same amount of dry wallpaper glue or hand cream).
  • Water - 125 ml.

Important! Properly prepared dough does not stick to your hands, it should warm up well, be elastic and dense. If the dough is too sticky, add a little flour, and if it sticks to your hands, add a little butter.

The dough can be made fragrant by adding different spices: black and red pepper, nutmeg, turmeric, cinnamon and more. And food colors will help to color it.


  1. Sculpt the picture from the finished dough or make separate figures for crafts, which you will need to collect in the future.
  2. When the molding is completed, the product is put to dry in the oven at 80 degrees.
  3. You can also dry it on a battery, but in this case, the drying process may take 5 or more days.
  4. The dried painting is painted with paints.

Important! To make the product from salt dough strong and durable, it should be varnished.

Paper panel

Paper is one of the simplest and cheapest materials. From it you can make a lot of very beautiful decorative elements for any room. This is possible not only for adults, but also for children. Read on how to make a beautiful wall panel with your own hands from colored paper.

Important! This craft can be made in less than one hour, but it will decorate your home for a very long time. Against the background of such an ornament, you can take successful photos, as it is suitable for cheerful and active people.

Materials and tools:

  • Colored paper.
  • Paper clips.
  • Scotch.
  • Pins
  • Stapler.


  1. Take a paper sheet, fan it up like an accordion.
  2. Bend it in half.
  3. Using a stapler, connect its inner faces. Of these three accordions, a circle is obtained.
  4. Circles can be made of paper of different colors.
  5. Make sure that no staples are visible on the front side - leave them only from the inside.
  6. Make a lot of such circles and make a picture of them on the wall.
  7. Secure each circle with pins.

Stock footage

We hope that we could help you figure out how to make a wall panel with your own hands. Such work provides great scope for creativity. You can make absolutely any designer decor and decorate the room with your masterpiece. For many, such an activity can be not only a pleasure, but also a constant hobby.



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