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  Modern wallpapering. Glue two kinds of wallpaper in the hall


Combined Wallpaper

We all want us to be comfortable and pleasant in our home. When repairing an apartment, I want to create my own, special interior.

How can you create your own unique interior of your apartment in an original and inexpensive way? Using wallpaper combining methods can help us with this.

Combined wallpaper allows you to zone the room, highlighting, for example, the dining area. It is useful in children's rooms, in living-dining-kitchens and studio apartments.

Secondly, pasting the walls with combined wallpaper can cost you less, because many stores sell the remnants of wallpaper at reduced prices.

But, of course, you need to choose wallpapers for combination thoughtfully to get beautiful. That's what we’ll talk about today.

It is very important to understand that combination wallpaper is the exact application of basic colors  premises. If the room is pasted over with one type of wallpaper of a neutral color, then the room can be filled with almost any furniture, textiles and accessories.

But if in such a room a combination appears with wallpaper of a different color, then this color must be duplicated in the interior.

So, the first and most important rule is the color of the wallpaper used for the combination should be duplicated in the interior

When the color palette of combined wallpapers is repeated in the interior, a very harmonious, balanced interior appears.

Combining Wallpaper: Six Ways to Design Modern

The first method: vertical stripes.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually raise the ceiling.

In the modern interpretation, one wall can have striped wallpaper, and the rest can be plain-painted or with a dim, slightly noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at a constant interval. As you can see in the photo, the interval on different walls can be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture with this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you get an incomprehensible hash. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns produce several drawings that combine with each other. As a rule, they are in several scales. In one collection there are two or three plain background and several options with drawings.

With vertical combination, there is still an interesting trick that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the strips "enters" the ceiling. In this case, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of a larger volume.

To make the principle of strip arrangement a little clearer, here are a few options in a graphic image. Drawings are made as seen from above.

Waysecond: dividing the walls into horizons.

Waythird: wallpaper inserts.

Wayfourth: wallpaper inserts in large areas.

Wayfifth: a combination of flaps.

Waysixth: highlighting various niches and protrusions.

Some general tips for combining wallpapers properly.

Having decided to make a combined decoration of the room, try to buy all the wallpapers in one place. If you still need to make half of the purchase in another store, be sure to bring along samples of the purchased wallpaper in order to attach them to other rolls later. This will allow you to choose combining colors and textures, without relying on chance. After all, even the slightest deviation of color from the one you need can ruin the big picture.

Try to use wallpaper of the same width. This will avoid many problems associated with sticking them to the wall or with the selection of the desired edging. It is most convenient to work with one type of material produced by one manufacturer.

The combination of wallpaper will smooth out many of the shortcomings of the room: to adjust the excessively large or too small height of the walls, highlight and decorate niches or ledges, balance the overall illumination of the space. Achieving various visual effects, you can give the room a completely different look, make the house more comfortable, cozy and modern.

The use of wallpaper is the most common finish.

Over time, manufacturers produce more and more original materials for design, but, despite this, interior decoration using only one type of wallpaper gradually fades into the background.

Today, a sign of modern style is considered a combination of wallpaper with a different type of texture or pattern, especially in the interior of the hall or living room, as these rooms are considered the main ones in the apartment.

It is not easy to achieve a cozy atmosphere when pasting two types of wallpaper in the hall, so it’s better to plan ahead what your walls will look like.

If you are not sure of your design abilities, we recommend finding out from the photo how to paste two types of wallpaper in the hall, as well as learn about common approaches to combining according to the recommendations of specialists.

Effects of Combining Wallpaper

  How to glue a room with different wallpapers, photos

Before you start gluing new wallpapers in your room, decide what effect you plan to achieve. Depending on the size of the room and its main purpose, possible combinations will vary.

For example, wallpaper with a more expressive design, concentrated in one of the zones of such a room, will highlight the main accents in the interior. Such a decorative effect is especially popular in the area where the TV or fireplace is located.

Tip:  if you plan to create accents due to dark or bright wallpapers - decorate the rest of the walls in a calm palette that will balance the expressive atmosphere in the room.

  How to glue two kinds of wallpaper in the hall, photo

A competent combination of wallpaper of two different types will provide zoning for the living room. Enough emphasize color transitions on the walls  - and you can select a sleeping area, an area for reading or work, etc. This technique is popular with owners of modern studio apartments, where the hall is combined with the kitchen.

Thanks to different options for combining wallpaper in the hall, it becomes possible masking surface imperfections. For example, due to individual inserts from embossed wallpaper you can hide the roughness of the walls from view.

Another effect of the combination is correction of defects in the shape of the premises. For a narrow room, you can choose harmonious wallpapers of light and dark shades: when gluing wallpapers of a rich tone on long walls, you can visually alienate them from each other, and the hall will seem more spacious.

Do not forget about the most important effect of wallpaper combinations - decorative.

The combination of different materials is a great opportunity to make the room more stylish and emphasize your taste.

Moreover, wallpapers can be selected in such a way as to save on expensive finishes - and at the same time create an interior that will look no worse than rooms decorated by designers.

  Wallpaper of two kinds in the hall, photo

The nuances of the combination of materials

Combining wallpapers is not so difficult, especially since consultants will help you immediately choose materials that are in harmony with each other. But, since only you know about the features of your room, you will have to decide on the characteristics of the canvas yourself.

Focus on the following combination rules:

Tip:  If you have difficulty combining shades, but want to diversify your design with two different types of wallpaper, paste photo wallpaper that includes several colors at once against the background of light walls.

Many manufacturers produce wallpapers, having foreseen the possibility of combining them in a residential interior. Therefore, pay attention to new collections: often the wallpapers in them are pre-selected to each other not only in color but also in texture.

Combination Ideas

There are several win-win options for gluing wallpapers of two kinds in the hall:

Please note that different techniques can be implemented simultaneously to make the interior even more interesting.

Each method of combining two wallpapers involves creating stylish accents in the hall or living room, but if you find such methods too complicated, use the simplest one: paste the second type of wallpaper on the entire surface of the wall, which will be the main one in the room.

Shades and Patterns Combinations

The design of the sticker depends on many factors. Firstly, both the brightness of the color and the size of the patterns must be chosen, focusing on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In a cramped room, the wallpaper should be as light as possible and include only small prints.

Secondly, the psychological aspect plays an important role in the selection of combined wallpapers.

Each selected shade should emphasize a cozy atmosphere, so experts recommend giving preference to pastel colors. And here accents in combinations can be made more vivid and expressive: this will emphasize the necessary dynamics and solemnity of the interior.

Remember!  The style of wallpaper should correspond to the chosen direction in the design. For modern styles, choose something more calm and neutral, for classics - wallpaper with large flowing patterns, for Provence and country - a cell or floral prints.

The most common patterns that are used in wallpaper combinations are classic, floral and geometric ornaments. All of them are perfectly combined with plain materials or pinstriped wallpapers.

  Design of combined wallpaper for the hall, photo

A popular solution in modern interiors is a combination of patterned wallpaper with photo wallpaper and simulation materials. For example, floral motifs can be combined with a landscape or wallpaper stylized as a tree. And brickwork is in perfect harmony with abstraction - this is one of the signs of the loft style.

Wallpaper with accent patterns should not be glued close to each other. If this is a vertical combination, consider keeping a decent distance between the bright inserts, where wallpapers with a more relaxed design will be pasted.

As for horizontal combinations, it is important to choose the right color and pattern. The lower part of the walls are most often made darker and plain. In the classical style, the use of striped wallpaper is allowed. The upper zone can be light and bright (depending on the size of the room): it is often decorated with floral motifs or geometric patterns.

A few words about combining textured wallpaper

When deciding how to paste two kinds of wallpaper in a room, pay attention to their textures. If this is a textured wallpaper intended for plain coloring, there will be no difficulties in combining.

Tip:  Wallpaper that glues nearby should have a similar thickness, otherwise you will have to look for ways to mask pronounced joints.

  Sticking wallpaper of two kinds in the hall, photo

Textured textured wallpaper is a good design option for the room. But in practice, this material is rather capricious, and in combination with ordinary wallpaper it does not always look advantageous. Therefore, most often textile coatings are used to create inserts in the form of a patterned panel on free walls: for their design you will need moldings or a finished frame.

In combination with most textured wallpapers, liquid-type wallpapers will look good. But vinyl and non-woven materials must be selected, focusing on the relief pattern.

In modern interiors, embossed wallpapers with classic ornaments, floristry, abstraction, stripes and small strokes are used. If a large section of the walls is decorated with just this type of wallpaper - you should not choose a relief pattern for other surfaces.

Tip:  when combining vinyl and non-woven materials, do not forget that such canvases are differently glued to the surface of the walls. Use universal glue or choose a special one for each of the selected materials.

  Wallpapering of two types in the hall: design, photo

Now you know how beautiful it is to glue two kinds of wallpaper in the living room: choosing different shades and textures, this room can be made bright and festive or, conversely, calm and relaxing.

Choose the right materials for combinations with your close ones and make one of the ideas presented in the photo a reality.

Photo gallery

Today, people increasingly attach special importance to the unusual design of the room. Due to the large number of finishing materials presented in construction stores, everyone can create a unique interior. The most universal way of decorating a room is wallpaper. Thanks to them, you can easily beat the space, carry out zoning of work areas and recreation areas, with the help of visual effects to expand the space and, if necessary, reduce it. A variety of wallpapers, their colors and surfaces allows you to translate any ideas into reality.

Today, a common way is to paste two kinds of wallpaper. In this regard, manufacturers at construction stores present a large number of wallpapers that differ in structure and design. At the same time, manufacturers take into account the fact that the wallpaper should have a good combined ability. Therefore, buyers will be able to find those combinations that will suit their interior.

The combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes

This type of combination is the most common. It creates dynamics in the interior through the use of wallpaper with vertical stripes of different textures and colors. When choosing a wallpaper, any color combination and strip width is allowed. It can be monochrome or multicolor combinations. You should observe moderation and remember that as much as possible you can work with three colors.

When using wallpaper with vertical stripes, you create a visual effect of increasing the height of the ceiling. This should be considered if the ceilings in the room are initially high.

In this case, gluing the wallpaper with vertical lines to the middle of the length of the walls is the right option, the remaining part is best glued with wallpaper of a neutral color or pattern. It is important that they match the color of the ceiling.

The combination of wallpaper with horizontal stripes

Using wallpaper with horizontal stripes, you can divide the walls horizontally. This method is a great design decision. It makes it possible to combine a huge number of colors, patterns and textures of the wallpaper.

Horizontal stripes create the effect of lengthening the walls. This can be a great option when pasting such wallpapers in small rooms. With this decision, you should choose a wallpaper with fairly narrow stripes.

The combination of two types of wallpaper

The most common option for wallpapering is the choice of wallpaper in one color scheme, but in different tones. If you choose this combination method, the correct solution will be to use it when pasting several rooms at once.

The following shades will look most beautiful:

  • white and turquoise;
  • beige and gray;
  • pink and black.

The method of zoning the room

This design aims to create a special interior atmosphere. It is based on the combination of plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a special texture or pattern.

It is important to remember that the most successful way of combining such wallpapers is to have a common gamut of colors. However, it is allowed to use a bright pattern when pasting several walls.

The combination of wallpaper with different patterns

This is a common way of wallpapering. You can use wallpapers with different patterns. Most often, one room is pasted with wallpaper with a specific pattern, and the rest using wallpaper of a pattern that is completely different. With the right combination of different patterns, the room will look stylish and unusual.

It should be remembered that even wallpapers with different patterns should have something in common, for example, the color scheme. A good solution would be wallpapering with vertical and horizontal stripes, but with similar color combinations.

The combination of contrasting wallpaper

If you need to make a clear separation of zones, for example, work and rest areas, this method of combination is ideal.

In it, calm shades can be combined with bright shades:

  • yellow, light green and gray;
  • black, red and white;
  • purple, light green and beige.

Design options for wallpapering (video)

Interesting ideas and wallpapering options

Wallpapering the walls can be done in different ways, or by applying several methods at the same time. The most original ideas are listed below.

Patchwork pasting of walls

Patchwork ideas in our time are a popular and common way of design. It is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment and want to create an original and unusual atmosphere.

The algorithm for gluing wallpaper in a patchwork way:

  • Choose a wallpaper should be with various patterns, colors and textures.
  • Wallpaper cut into pieces of different lengths, the shape of a square or rectangle.
  • Stick pieces of wallpaper should be a method of joint to each other, but in an arbitrary order.

Wallpapering the walls with different designs

This method is excellent options for distinguishing between zones, for example, study areas and recreation areas.

For sticking, wallpapers of different designs and sizes are taken. In order for the joint of the wallpaper to look elegant, it is decorated with a molding.

The method of dividing the walls into two parts

This method is considered one of the most stylish design solutions. The wall is conditionally divided into two parts. Then each part is glued with a different type of wallpaper.

The wallpaper gluing algorithm by dividing into two parts:

  • The bottom of the walls is papered with wallpaper with various ornaments, horizontal or vertical lines.
  • The top of the walls can be pasted with wallpaper of the same color or with a simple and elegant pattern.
  • A prerequisite is the aesthetic decoration of the joints between the wallpaper curb.

Sticking wallpaper design stylish and original

Often designers use original tricks that come to their mind right during the workflow. Determine what an interesting decision to make, you can only be at the repair site, knowing the interior and layout of the room.

Accented Insertion:

  • First you need to decide in which part of the room the insert will be.
  • The shape of the inserts can vary from classic, square and rectangular, to arbitrary. However, care should be taken that they do not violate the general style.
  • An interesting solution will be the use of vinyl stickers that are popular today, which can be glued directly to the wallpaper.

An excellent design solution will be the decoration of ledges and niches. Designers know how to glue wallpaper on ledges and niches. They advise not to hide them, but to focus on them.

Technology for the correct use of room layout:

  • Paste niches and ledges with bright colors that will contrast with the wallpaper in the main part of the room.
  • Decorate the ledge with a bright pattern. For example, if the wallpaper contains a small pattern, a stylish solution would be to design a ledge with a larger pattern.

These tips will help the successful acquisition of wallpaper, their proper design, combination, decoration of rooms. Following simple instructions, making a design repair yourself will be easy and interesting.

Important points when choosing and sticking wallpaper:

  • Wallpaper should be bought in one place. Then they will match in texture and shades. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carry with you samples of existing wallpapers so that you can attach them to new rolls and choose the right combination with other wallpapers.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the width of the wallpaper matches. This will greatly simplify the task of combining, matching and finishing the wallpaper.
  • The right combination will help not only to create visual effects, but with the right design and use to hide the imperfections of the room.

Unusual options for wallpapering (video)

Today there are a lot of design options for wallpapering. Variations in various ways of combining wallpaper, combining texture and color schemes make it possible to bring a design project to reality as closely as possible. A variety of manufacturers, wallpaper with a myriad of drawings, will realize the brightest ideas. Thanks to the correct use of combination techniques, many design effects can be achieved: visually expand the room, increase the height of the ceilings, emphasize ledges and niches, make the room brighter and warmer.

Wallpapering options (photo)

Before wallpapering, you need to understand the combination of colors, patterns and structures. This is the only way to achieve harmony in design. How not to make mistakes when composing wallpapers in the hall, bedroom and other rooms - more on this later.

  A variety of materials - what kind of wallpaper is there, and where is it better to glue it?

Manufacturers of modern wallpaper are trying to surprise, offering not only interesting design solutions, paints and images, but also new materials. Products made exclusively from paper are the most affordable and do not require special preparation when pasting the walls. Cloths do not emit harmful substances and are environmentally friendly, allowing the walls to "breathe". Smooth textures of various color schemes prevail, but there are also options with a structural relief. Paper wallpapers are subject to moisture, easily fade in the sun and absorb odors. For this reason, the place for their use is a nursery and a bedroom, less often a hall or a living room.

Non-woven wallpaper is made of non-woven material, which gives strength to the canvas. If the wallpaper is made exclusively of non-woven fabric (often combined), then they are completely harmless and wear-resistant at the same time, allowing you to hide small cracks. The canvas has no shrinkage, is not afraid of short-term exposure to water and passes air well. For gluing use special glue, which is applied directly to the wall. This decoration is most often used in living rooms.

Vinyl wallpapers are available on the basis of paper or non-woven, on which foamed vinyl is applied. This material allows you to create rich textures or can be completely smooth (silk-screen printing). Such wallpapers can be washed, they do not fade in the sun, and some models up to a dozen times. However, along with these advantages, vinyl options have a significant minus - they are airtight, so they are not recommended for use in the bedroom or children's room. But for the kitchen or the corridor they will be just right.

Canvases made from natural plant materials such as algae, reed, jute are very popular. The basis is, as a rule, paper. Their price is quite high, so in order to save money they are used in combined decoration. The canvases also have other disadvantages characteristic of natural materials - they are afraid of water, easily fade, and are very susceptible to mechanical wear. On the other hand, they are environmentally friendly and suitable for all living spaces.

Cullets are made from fiberglass weaving. The material is very durable and wear resistant. They are produced in white with a characteristic texture, the choice of which, unfortunately, is not very rich. As a rule, this is a Christmas tree, matting, zigzag. Although manufacturers are actively working on the release of new structures, so far such options are rarely seen on shelves of construction stores. Used wallpaper for painting latex or water-based paints. Great for wall decoration in buildings subject to shrinkage. The material is environmentally friendly, non-allergenic, in addition, it is not afraid of water and non-combustible.

Fabric wallpapers are available on a paper or non-woven basis. Natural components (cotton, linen, silk) are used as the top layer, although synthetics can sometimes be used. The canvases have good aesthetic qualities, they are natural and allow you to create unique interiors, however, they have low wear resistance, are afraid of moisture and are expensive.

  Combination recommendations - how to highlight areas in the room?

So that the room does not look dull and boring, it is recommended to make color accents in it. This effect can be achieved by adding multi-colored pieces of furniture, or you can apply a simpler and proven method - a combination of two types of wallpaper. This option is suitable for both living rooms and the kitchen or corridor. The methods of wallpapering can be very different, because it all depends on your taste preferences.

Before pasting wallpaper of two types, you need to realize what effect you want to achieve. The fact is that the right choice of textures, pattern, color and other aspects will help visually push the boundaries, highlight functional areas or fix flaws in the decoration. The right combination will give the room a cosiness, fill the room with light, create conditions for relaxation or, conversely, active labor. The transition between the materials can be decorated with the help of moldings or you can choose textures in such a way as to level the joints.

Bright decoration is usually done in the area of \u200b\u200ba sofa, TV, fireplace. Not bad recommended such a design move when pasting the wall at the head of the bed. In this case, the rest of the room should be pasted over with monophonic material of soft, discreet tones so that the eyes do not get tired of the abundance of colors and textures. If you want to create something extraordinary, you can always find innovative ideas for wallpapering in designer magazines that reflect the latest trends in fashion trends.

By combining products of different textures and colors, you can fix small flaws, such as uneven walls. To do this, it is enough to make a color accent on a flat wall, and this place will immediately attract attention, and the flaws in the neighborhood will become invisible. In addition, with the help of embossed materials, it is possible to mask more serious flaws that will not catch the eye under the convex pattern. Sticking wallpaper of two kinds can help visually change the geometry of the room. To do this, you need to paste over a large wall with bright canvases, this effect will visually alienate it, creating the impression of volume.

  Glue combined wallpaper - what to combine with?

There are various options for wallpapering the walls. Manufacturers facilitated the selection process and began to produce special series in which ready-made combinations are presented. Thanks to this decision, now the issue of the layout of different collections is not an acute issue. Before buying, be sure to ask the seller to unwind the rolls and attach them to the wall in order to understand whether you like this combination or not. If you yourself are engaged in the selection of wallpapers from different manufacturers and textures, we will talk about some of the rules that will help transform the interior.

If you have low ceilings, choose collections that have vertical stripes or a floral pattern, tending upward. Color does not play a special role, but the brighter the main picture, the more muffled the background should be. The horizontal strip will expand the space of the room. The large format of the picture looks good in large rooms. In modest-sized rooms, it is worth choosing smaller patterns of a simple nature, otherwise the interior can "put pressure" on a person, creating a feeling of isolation.

There is a simple rule for pasting and arranging wallpapers: the smaller and darker the room, the lighter and more unobtrusive a picture on the canvas should be. If you need to fill the room with light, the wall opposite the window is glued with light wallpaper.

  How to create a beautiful finish - interesting solutions

A win-win version of wallpapering in the hall of two types - a combination of stripes with plain wallpaper. In this case, the alternation may be different: 1: 1, 2: 1, etc. It is important to understand that the wider the strip, the more paintings need to be combined into one pattern. Similarly, a striped pattern can be replaced with a floral ornament. It is even allowed to alternate large and small patterns. When choosing structural wallpaper, try to ensure that the thickness of the different stripes matches, forming a flat surface without pronounced joints.

If you want to bring creativity into the room, the options for gluing wallpapers of two kinds can be much more original. The joining of the strips does not have to be done vertically - it can be a horizontal combination or diagonal gluing. Nobody forbids you to paste over a room, creating a zigzag pattern from the paintings. Judging by the reviews, pasting a patchwork-style room looks good. To do this, cut out geometric shapes from different types of wallpaper (at least two) and stick them in random order. Most often, square flaps are found.

The combination of matte and glossy surfaces looks beautiful. Especially if you use metal coated linens as a gloss. Yes, there are some. For their production, thin plates of aluminum are used, which when printed gives a metallic luster. In this scenario, it is not necessary to use ordinary colors. You can combine plant patterns and monograms, and inserts with cartoon characters will look great in children's rooms.

What types of original wallpapering will look advantageous in the corridor? It is worth paying attention to the horizontal combination. To do this, the bottom is pasted with wallpaper of a dark shade or stripes, and the top is reserved for wallpaper in bright colors. They can be both plain and with a floral pattern. The joint between different canvases can be finished with molding. Alternatively, a change of emphasis is allowed - the bottom is pasted over with light, and the top with a more saturated color. This technique also has a place to be and looks very original.

Do not forget about the possibilities in the room. Modern wallpapers are high-quality compositions on a non-woven basis or in the form of self-adhesive paintings. The same applies to frescoes - paintings that mimic the technique of applying the image. Such material will be quite expensive, but the effect of its use is worth it.

When planning to make repairs in the apartment, it is important to correctly select the wallpaper and know how to glue the wallpaper beautifully and neatly. It is about this and much more that will be discussed today.

How to start?

Start by choosing a wallpaper. Based on your preferences and tastes, you need to determine their design. However, choosing from various shades and textures on the market, it is important to remember which interior style we have chosen. Previously taking measurements from the room, you need to calculate the required number of rolls based on the fact that on average one roll has dimensions of 0.5x1.0 m. When choosing a wallpaper, do not forget about the choice of glue, which should correspond to a certain type of canvas or be universal.

The process of quality wallpapering of various shades is associated with a thorough preliminary preparation of the walls. It must be ensured that the walls that you are going to wallpaper are smooth and clean. If you have an old coating on the surface of the walls, you will need a basin of warm water and a skin, as well as strength and patience.

After wetting the walls and waiting about fifteen minutes, we remove the wallpaper using a spatula.
  Thus, in order to glue the wallpaper beautifully, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the walls of the room, having removed and sanded all the roughnesses, and in the presence of different holes, seal them with finishing plaster. What wallpaper can be glued:

The glue must be prepared according to the instructions indicated on its packaging. Until the glue reaches its condition, it is necessary to measure the correct height of the ceilings and cut the strips to size. However, if you need to fit the picture, you need to try on each canvas separately and you can not make blanks. It is better to glue them together, one person on the stepladder is upstairs, the second from the bottom.

We apply glue on the surface of the coating from the inside and let it soak for 10-15 minutes.
  Now you need to carefully attach them to the wall. To beautifully stick the rolled sheets you need to start from the center, pulling them diagonally, applying them with a dry roller or rag. The options for wallpapering are different and much depends on the texture, density of the canvas and the quality of the wall. So, sometimes it is better to put glue on the walls of the room, for a better setting. Be sure to stick the stripes in their joint and cut off the excess at the bottom of the wall, after drying.

Living Room Options

The original design in the interior can be applied by combining two types of wall coverings in the room. Now wallpapering of two types has become the main fashion trend and is actively used in the design project and embodied room interiors. The combination of two types of paintings on the surface of the walls gives a lot of positive effects in the design of the room:

  • The proportions of the room visually change;
  • Allows you to hide and eliminate the imperfections of the room, due to light and dark shades;
  • Interior design: functionally divided into the necessary zones in the room;
  • Wallpapering of two types focuses on the design of the room or the highlight of the interior.

To find out how to glue wallpaper in a room beautifully, you need to study the combination of colors on the surface of the walls or have a good taste in the interior design.

Using two colors of contrasting shades will change the proportions of the room, remove the height of the walls, and emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the room.
  For example, sticking a wallpaper of two kinds in a bedroom is reasonable only using pastel shades: one of two colors to highlight the head of the bed or dressing table.

Due to the wide range of wallpapers, as well as the whole product line of certain textures and shades, it will not be difficult to determine the way of combining some colors with others, as well as gluing them. To do this, use the rule for choosing wallpaper for walls from one collection.  There are two types of wallpaper gluing catalogs, which makes it even easier to select an interesting combination of wallpaper for the living room walls. What wallpaper will look original:

To place two types of wall covering in the living room or hall is a justified decision. After all, the hall is the largest room in the apartment.

When sticking wallpaper of two kinds in the living room, the following combinations are popular:

  • Vertical stripes;
  • Horizontal stripes;
  • Wallpaper inserts;
  • Photowall-paper.

Most often, to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, use the vertical version of the wide vertical stripes. This is the easiest and fastest way to design two colors. However, in a small living room, vertical wide stripes can reduce the volume of the room.

Combining two colors horizontally is also possible with the help of panels. How to paste wallpapers in a beautiful and classic way, which is also called English? This implies the use in the living room or hall of two types of coatings - bulk and monophonic. As a rule, vinyl can be glued to the bottom, and stripes form the top of the room. Also, this is a very practical option, because the bottom is more prone to pollution.

Two types of wallpaper can be glued in the living room beautifully both vertically and horizontally. As a rule, a darker color of two or more relief, you need to glue at the bottom of the wall. Light and light tones are applied upward. When using two types of coatings in the hall, it is better to buy them from one collection of different color schemes and textures. This will allow for better harmonization and a combination of two colors and wall roll coatings.

It should be noted that when gluing wallpapers of two types, they rarely acquire a large ornament or image, and the use of small textures and patterns is a classic version of the combination of two colors.

Modern interior design and room decoration styles, such as Modern and Art Deco, often use neutral monophonic colors. This year's trend is mainly white in design. Styles like Hi-Tech or Loft, on the contrary, prefer dark wallpaper.

As we said above, you can combine different coatings in different ways and in any style, from classic options to art deco. The main thing is that everything is tasteful and in harmony with the furniture and decor elements in the room.

An interesting way to diversify the interior design is to stick wallpaper with patterns. The texture of the patterns can be found different: from classical ornaments to strictly geometric shapes. This version of wallpaper in the hall goes well with plain furniture.

You can glue two types of wallpaper in the hall beautifully in a combined form. That is, one type of wallpaper glue on the wall, and the second on the ceiling. This is a very time-consuming option and not so popular, especially in view of the appearance of modern technologies in the form of suspended ceilings, but it is very beautiful. If you want to paste two types of wallpaper of a combined style in the hall, then it is better to choose non-woven models. Since this option, being made of cellulose fibers, has a polymer in its composition, which contributes to their strength, durability and texture.

From the living room to other rooms

Moving from the living room to the calmest room at home, you need to be more strict about the selection of shades of wallpaper. In the bedroom, the color palette should be calm and predominantly light shades to adjust to rest and sleep.

Here you need to find a middle ground for shades of wallpaper and furniture colors, which will relax under artificial lighting, and in the morning under natural light - invigorate. According to psychologists, this combination can be achieved using yellow and brown shades of wallpaper.

Now there are many wallpapers that are different in color and texture, which can be used as wallpaper inserts in the decor. For example, for children's rooms there are many bright wallpapers with cartoon characters. However, if you buy them to design a children's room, then all this variegation will crush and will soon get tired. In this case, it is better to stick the wallpaper of two types, where the main background will be monophonic, and the inserts will be bright.

In the kitchen, where there are practically no free walls, some neutral warm shade is used. What wallpapers can be combined and originally combined:



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