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How to dilute mayonnaise to make it more liquid. Making mayonnaise with a blender

Mayonnaise that supporters don't like so much healthy eating and idolized by bachelors, is just a sauce of French origin, prepared on the basis of eggs and vegetable oil. Mayonnaise itself is not harmful product, despite its fat content and calorie content, but thanks to preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and modified starch, it, in fact, won the fame of a “harmful” salad dressing, which was blamed for excess weight, cellulite and indigestion. But there is a way out - prepare and enjoy an appetizing, healthy, aromatic and delicious sauce, generously flavoring any dishes with it.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise?

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking homemade mayonnaise- at home you can make classic fatty sauce, diet mayonnaise, and seasoning with various additives. Contrary to the popular belief that making mayonnaise at home is a very complicated process, you can debunk this myth in practice using our tips. We will tell you in detail about the various technologies for preparing this dish, so that you can see for yourself that preparing mayonnaise is simple and easy!

Take 2 eggs and 400 g of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive), 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or vinegar (apple, wine, grape, balsamic), salt, sugar, pepper to taste and beat everything with a mixer, blender or regular whisk, although you will have to beat it by hand a little longer. Important point- the attachment on the blender should be positioned at the bottom of the container so that the sauce can be whipped faster. Before your eyes, the mass will begin to thicken and turn white; all that remains is to add mustard (then you will get Provencal), garlic, herbs, spices and herbs - according to taste and desire. Now you finally know, the benefits of which are obvious, and there is no harm, except for extra centimeters on the waist, if you get carried away and eat too much.

Making low-calorie mayonnaise at home

The recipe for light homemade mayonnaise without cholesterol is even simpler - instead of eggs you need to take milk, and use lemon juice as a thickener, which instantly turns liquid milk into a thick mass. Light mayonnaise can be prepared with cottage cheese and potato starch - in this case, it is better to replace half of the oil specified in the recipe with vegetable broth cooked with celery, carrots, onions, mushrooms and parsley root. Jelly is cooked in the broth, which is then whipped with butter - and diet mayonnaise is ready!

If, in the process of preparing the famous sauce, you have questions about why homemade mayonnaise turns out to be liquid and does not thicken even after ten minutes of whipping, why it is not very tasty or too strong, then you did something wrong or did not take into account the differences between homemade mayonnaise from the store.

  • Homemade mayonnaise is not very white because it does not contain dyes, and country egg sauce takes on a yellow tint.
  • You can use only yolks to make mayonnaise, which, when combined with oil, quickly form a thick emulsion.
  • Quail eggs make a more delicate and healthy mayonnaise.
  • If the mayonnaise remains runny, add a little more lemon juice to it, but do not overdo it so that it becomes sour, or put the sauce in the refrigerator - mayonnaise usually thickens faster in the cold.
  • Mayonnaise that is too viscous can be diluted with a teaspoon of water (or a little more) - the taste will not be affected!
  • Cold milk is used for mayonnaise, since warm milk froths worse, and all other products indicated in the recipe should be at room temperature.
  • To get a more piquant sauce, mustard should be replaced with mustard powder.
  • Some mayonnaise recipes that are prepared at home contain cumin, cumin, coriander, different kinds peppers, paprika, Provençal herbs. This sauce can be enriched with any spices, obtaining new flavors for different dishes.
  • You should not make mayonnaise based only on olive oil, otherwise it will taste bitter - be sure to dilute it with refined sunflower oil.
  • Many housewives are interested in how long homemade mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator - usually this period does not exceed two weeks, unlike store-bought sauce, which does not lose its properties for months - thanks to preservatives!

After the first tasting of homemade mayonnaise, you will no longer want to buy its store-bought equivalent, because you get used to quality food too quickly!

Whatever you say, any housewife cannot imagine her dishes without such a unique sauce in all respects as mayonnaise. It belongs to the category of universal from a culinary point of view and is suitable for almost any dish, both everyday and festive. But it is worth noting that the taste of cooked food largely depends on its quality. Therefore, mayonnaise should be given special attention.

If you translate the name of this sauce from French, you get “yolk”. And this is not without reason, since it contains ingredients such as vegetable oil (preferably olive), egg yolks, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar, salt and other seasonings that give mayonnaise a special taste and color.

In the mid-18th century, Provençal sauce was created in France, the recipe of which was known only to its manufacturers and was not disclosed to anyone. He was worth it big money, therefore it was available only to the nobility. But thanks to the French culinary specialist Lucien Olivier, who settled in Russia in the 19th century, we learned about the recipe for this unique sauce. Currently, there are several dozen of its varieties.

It is worth noting that this sauce includes components that have undeniable beneficial, including medicinal, properties. Let's focus on vegetable oil. It is considered the main component of the sauce, which contains cholesterol and virtually no fat. This makes it possible to protect human body from negative impact environment, removes toxins, helps normalize metabolic processes.

Egg yolks contain a lot of vitamin A, which improves vision, rejuvenates the skin, and strengthens hair and nails. Mayonnaise contains a variety of healthy fatty acids, vitamins B and E, which help improve lung function, circulatory system, cardiac muscle. Lemon juice, which contains a lot of vitamin C, should not be underestimated. Mayonnaise also contains potassium and phosphorus.

Of course, all this applies to homemade mayonnaise; purchased mayonnaise may contain all sorts of harmful additives, carcinogens and other impurities that can negate all the benefits of this product.

If anyone thinks that mayonnaise can be used exclusively as a dressing for dishes, they are deeply mistaken. Of course, cooking is the main area of ​​application for such a sauce, but not the only one. This sauce is an excellent addition to salads, meat and fish dishes, appetizers, side dishes, first courses (soups and borscht).

But in second place is the cosmetics industry. Mayonnaise (especially homemade) can replace professional hair conditioner. Based on it, you can create a unique nourishing mask to improve skin condition.

Doesn't lag behind ethnoscience. Quite often you can see the use of mayonnaise as protective agent, preventing sunburn. It is mayonnaise that can make the skin quickly regenerate and restore its original appearance.

Many people prefer to buy a packet of mayonnaise in the supermarket, and then they are outraged that the salad is tasteless or they have gained extra pounds. We must be honest: in terms of its composition, this seasoning does not belong to the category of harmful if it does not contain such ingredients.

Despite the fact that this sauce is quite fatty and high in calories, it does not have any negative effect on the functioning of the stomach, the formation of “orange peel”, if such harmful components as emulsifiers, stabilizers, modified starch, and so on are not added to it. Therefore, if you prepare it at home, you can safely avoid excess weight. Moreover, this appetizing, healthy, aromatic and gourmet sauce can be added to any dishes at your discretion.

There is a list of dishes that cannot be imagined without mayonnaise. This includes Olivier salad. But it can easily be ruined by the store-bought version. To prevent this from happening, try to season it with homemade mayonnaise.

Things to consider when making French sauce at home:

  • In order for the thickness of the product and taste to impress you, you need all ingredients to be at room temperature. Moreover, great attention
  • it is necessary to pay attention to their freshness.
  • It is good to use olive oil to make mayonnaise. But it’s not worth shelling out for something very expensive, and something affordable can cause a feeling of bitterness. Therefore, in order to avoid such negative consequences, it is worth using either sunflower oil or diluting olive oil with any vegetable analogue, maintaining a 1:1 ratio.
  • The thickness of the sauce directly depends on the amount of oil added to it. But very thick seasoning is not the best option. To make it thinner, you need to dilute it a little with boiled water at room temperature.
  • To beat mayonnaise, you can use a regular fork (but this is a rather lengthy procedure), a whisk, or a mixer that has a special whisk attachment. But the easiest way is to use a blender.
  • The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise should not exceed four days.

There are times when you prepare mayonnaise at home and expect a miracle from it, but you get the exact opposite result: sometimes the consistency is liquid, sometimes you feel bitterness, sometimes there is a pungent smell. All this suggests that you did something wrong, and the sauce began to closely resemble a low-quality store-bought product.

What you need to know before you start preparing this miracle seasoning:

Proportions for preparing mayonnaise

Everyone decides for themselves how much to prepare homemade mayonnaise. For some, 200g is enough. But there are events when many guests gather and you need to surprise them with a variety of dishes. Then small doses are not enough. Main ingredients for mayonnaise and their quantities:

Sauce volume

Type of eggs Number of yolks Oil Salt Sugar
chicken 2 pcs. 200 ml 0.5 tsp 1 tsp
chicken 4 things. 450 ml 1 tsp
250 ml quail 12 pcs. 200 ml 1/3 tsp.
500 ml quail 25 pcs. 450 ml 1.5 tsp.

There are a great many options for preparing mayonnaise: from fatty to dietary, from classic to intricate. There is an opinion that this sauce is very difficult to prepare. Don't believe such statements! Be patient and follow the recommendations and you will succeed.

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • quail eggs - 10 pieces;
  • olive + vegetable oil – 170 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • store-bought mustard – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Good equipment to have:

  • teaspoon;
  • kitchen knife;
  • measuring cup;
  • tablespoon;
  • blender;
  • half-liter glass jar;
  • plastic or metal lid with a screw.

Prepare all the ingredients and let them warm to room temperature for an hour. Then we start cooking. Let's take it quail egg and using a special knife, separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the yolks into a separate deep container. You need to do everything carefully so that small pieces of shell do not get into the sauce. If this happens, then they are removed using the tip of a knife or a teaspoon.

Mayonnaise is used in almost all dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, liver cakes. Many people simply cannot imagine their life without it and eat it with everything: fish, cutlets, chops, borscht and soups. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of this product, which sometimes takes up more than one shelf on supermarket shelves. But homemade mayonnaise, prepared with your own hands, will be better than what is sold in stores. Firstly, it does not contain preservatives, which its “relatives” are stuffed with, and secondly, you will always be confident in the quality of your dish. You won’t spend much time making homemade mayonnaise, because all the recipes are very simple and do not require special skill. Therefore, if you want to eat healthy and wholesome food, we suggest using the following recipes.

Homemade mayonnaise

Don't know how to make mayonnaise at home? It's very simple: read this recipe, go to the store and buy the necessary products, then mix everything and season your favorite dishes with sauce. Ingredients:

  • 700 milliliters vegetable oil
  • three tablespoons (tablespoons) of lemon juice
  • one small spoon of salt, the same amount of mustard
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • three chicken squirrels

Cooking method:

Homemade mayonnaise can be prepared in just five minutes, but there is no doubt about its quality. So, combine chicken whites, granulated sugar, mustard, as well as salt and lemon juice in one deep bowl. Now you need to beat all the ingredients until smooth - for this you can use a kitchen whisk, but better - a blender. When finished, pour vegetable oil into the resulting sauce in a thin stream and turn on the electrical appliance again. As a result, you should have a dense mass without lumps. If the dish seems too thick to you, dilute it with a small amount of cold, but always boiled water, and mix everything well again. Now you know how to make homemade mayonnaise, which will add a completely new flavor to your dishes! Believe and check!

“Homemade” mayonnaise using yolks

We suggest making delicious homemade mayonnaise not based on proteins, as in the previous recipe, but using chicken yolks. By the way, to prepare it you will need mustard. If you want to give the dish a sharp taste, buy a spicy one; if not, take a softer product (even grainy ones will do). Ingredients:

  • yolk - two pieces
  • 120 milliliters sunflower (use refined) oil
  • tablespoon sour lemon juice
  • half a small spoon of sugar, the same amount of mustard
  • add table salt to your taste

Cooking method:

Before you begin the cooking process, take out the necessary utensils: a clean spoon, a deep bowl or plate, a special kitchen whisk. If you have a blender or mixer, we recommend using one of these devices to beat all the ingredients of mayonnaise. In this case, you can achieve the ideal consistency of your dish. When the preparation is complete, separate the chicken whites from the yolks and transfer the latter to another bowl. Now add the specified amount of mustard to them and granulated sugar, add salt at your discretion. Whisk all ingredients together; When not a single lump remains and the mass acquires a uniform light beige color, gradually pour in the oil.

The thickness and density of the future mayonnaise depends on it, so if the consistency of the dish does not suit you, you can add a little more sunflower product. Turn on the mixer and beat the mixture thoroughly, then add lemon juice and stir a few more times. Ready-made mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than four to five days, keep this in mind! If you overdo it with vegetable oil, resulting in the dish becoming too thick, add a little boiled water to it. Do the same if excess lumps form: by diluting the mayonnaise and stirring well, you can get rid of them.

Mayonnaise with milk, without eggs

There is a huge variety of in various ways preparing mayonnaise: with sour cream, with or without eggs, with olive or vegetable oil, with herbs or nuts. Great chefs have unlimited imagination and come up with new sauce options every day, which they subsequently share with other people. We will tell you about one of the most interesting recipes: this time we suggest making mayonnaise based on milk without chicken eggs. Would you like to try it? Then go for it! Ingredients:

  • 100 milliliters of pasteurized milk (you can use homemade milk, but boil it first and cool it)
  • any vegetable oil - 150 milliliters
  • table salt - to taste
  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of hot mustard
  • half a lemon (you will need two large spoons of juice)

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a small saucepan, place it on the stove and heat it up slightly. However, the product should not boil! Then add vegetable oil and stir well. Add mustard, a few pinches of table salt and lemon juice here. Whisk the mixture thoroughly using a whisk or a special kitchen appliance, such as a blender or mixer.

Place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator - when it cools down, you can safely use it to dress salads or prepare other dishes. Today, supermarkets sell ready-made lemon juice in jars, but we still recommend using regular lemon juice. fresh fruit. It will be much healthier and tastier this way! Note that by adding one or another ingredient to mayonnaise prepared by yourself, you will get an incredibly appetizing sauce. Try these supplements:

  • Finely chop the garlic or crush it using a special press and mix with mayonnaise. The dressing is ideal for both meat and fish dishes;
  • Vegetable salad can be made with cheese sauce. To do this, grate the product on a medium grater and combine with the ingredients indicated in the recipe;
  • Mayonnaise with fresh herbs, previously finely chopped, will ideally complement the taste of fried or stewed fish;
  • For Mediterranean dishes, you can use a sauce with green olives and lemon zest.

As you can see, even the most ordinary recipe for homemade mayonnaise can be played out in a new way. Cook with pleasure and feel free to make your own adjustments to the dish, because every housewife is her own cook!

Swedish style mayonnaise

To make Swedish mayonnaise, you will need a microwave. This dish is different from all the previous ones, and now you will understand exactly why. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of gourmet mayonnaise
  • half a glass of apple jam
  • four tablespoons (tablespoons) of fresh horseradish (you will have to grate it)

Cooking method:

As you can see, this dish contains regular store-bought mayonnaise, but thanks to other ingredients it acquires a completely new and original taste and can rightfully be called “homemade.” First, peel the horseradish and grate it into thin strips, then mix with apple jam and add gourmet mayonnaise. Beat the mixture until smooth and place in the refrigerator. If you want to give the dish a pronounced sour-sweet flavor, add a little more horseradish than indicated in the recipe. In addition, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This sauce goes well with both hot and cold meat or fish dishes.

Spicy mayonnaise with homemade curry

This mayonnaise is suitable for any meat or fish dish. If you love spices, then you will definitely like this recipe. Ingredients:

  • one egg yolk
  • boiled water and mustard - at your discretion
  • 150 milliliters of oil (olive or other vegetable)
  • add salt and vinegar to your taste
  • two tablespoons curry powder
  • sugar - optional

Cooking method:

We deliberately did not indicate the required amount of salt and mustard, since each person has his own taste, so add these products according to personal preferences. As for ingredients like water and vinegar, the same principle applies: if you want the mayonnaise not to be too thick, add more liquid, and the vinegar will add acidity to the sauce, so there shouldn't be too much of it. When starting to cook, break the egg and put the white in one bowl (you can make it “Eggnog”), and the yolk in another.

Then combine the latter with table salt, stirring everything well, gradually add vegetable oil, pouring it in a small stream. Don't stop whisking for a second, as you should get a perfectly homogeneous mixture. If it seems too thick or, for example, the oil does not mix, add a small amount of vinegar and water (necessarily boiled). Season the dish to your taste with sugar, salt, mustard and, if desired, ground pepper - the curry is introduced at the very end. Beat the resulting mixture for three to four minutes until you get rid of any lumps and achieve a uniform color. Mayonnaise prepared at home, of course, does not last as long as its store-bought counterpart, but this is the beauty of it - the dish does not contain preservatives and is not harmful to your health.

Mayonnaise with cucumber pickle

This sauce is quite high in calories and not the healthiest product, and nutritionists do not recommend consuming it in large quantities, so try to season your salads with regular vegetable oil. But sometimes you can treat yourself. For such fleeting weaknesses, we have prepared a simple recipe for you. We suggest making mayonnaise with your own hands; this is not a long procedure at all, which will take no more than five to ten minutes of precious time. But such a product significantly outperforms its store-bought counterpart in terms of taste. Ingredients:

  • 400 milliliters olive oil
  • 40 grams of not too spicy mustard
  • yolk - two pieces
  • small spoon of table vinegar
  • five grams of table salt
  • one and a half teaspoons of granulated sugar
  • a little less than a glass of cucumber marinade (you can use tomato brine)

Cooking method:

Whisk the chicken yolks very thoroughly, and then add mustard, granulated sugar and table salt to them. Mix all the ingredients well several times and begin to slowly pour in the olive oil, and after it table vinegar should take its rightful place (use ten percent). At the very end, add the cucumber brine and whisk for five minutes to achieve a homogeneous mass of light beige shade. If you have a blender, mixer or food processor, use these devices, because with them you can beat the products just perfectly, and the consistency of the dish prepared with their help will be no different from the mayonnaise that is on store shelves.

We have already mentioned that this product is quite high in calories. But there are no hopeless situations, so if you are worried about your figure and at the same time cannot deny yourself the pleasure of eating one or two spoons of this sauce, we offer the following trick. When dressing salads with mayonnaise, dilute it with low-fat natural yogurt or sour cream in a 50 to 50 ratio. Thanks to these simple steps, the calorie content of the dish will be reduced by almost half, and you can enjoy your favorite food without harming your waistline.

Nut mayonnaise for meat dishes

Nut mayonnaise with cranberry and lemon juice Ideal as a dressing for hot beef or pork steak. It will give the meat juiciness and extraordinary piquancy. If you are going to barbecue outdoors, be sure to prepare this dish and take it with you. We guarantee that the picnic will be a great success! Ingredients:

  • 200 grams chopped walnuts
  • four tablespoons of any (your choice) vegetable oil
  • large spoon of lemon juice
  • same amount of cranberry sauce

Cooking method:

For this dish we recommend using walnuts. There are two ways: cook it by frying the nuts in a dry frying pan, or add fresh ones. Try both options, then you can objectively judge which of the two tastes suits you best. So, first peel the nuts, and then, wrapping them in a clean towel so as not to spill anything, crush them with a rolling pin. Then pour vegetable oil over them, stir several times and add lemon and cranberry juices. This mayonnaise does not last long, so use it immediately after cooking, otherwise the dish will spoil and you will never have time to enjoy its taste.

Mayonnaise according to Polish recipe

For mayonnaise lovers we offer one more original recipe Polish-style dishes. Ingredients:

  • 120 grams of wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • a small piece of butter or fat (needed for sauteing the flour)
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar
  • 15 grams of table salt
  • 300 milliliters of oil (take any vegetable oil, but it’s better if it’s olive oil)
  • 30 grams of regular vinegar
  • three glasses of cooled boiled water
  • 10 grams of any mustard

Cooking method:

To make it easy for you to mix the mayonnaise until smooth, you need to use recently sifted flour, as it will not clump into lumps, and you will not have to worry about it. First you need to saute the wheat flour for seven minutes. This can be done with animal fat, if available, or butter. Fry the product, stirring constantly with a spoon, for five to seven minutes, but no longer, otherwise you will spoil the flour and have to start all over again. Then pour boiling water along with table vinegar into the same bowl, stir thoroughly and keep on the stove for another quarter of an hour until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Afterwards, the resulting mixture (it should be very thick) should be diluted with the remaining water and cooled slightly, after draining the remaining liquid. Pour sugar and salt into chicken yolks, previously beaten with a fork or whisk, add mustard and thoroughly mash all the ingredients. Now gradually pour out all the vegetable oil, whisk again - and the dish is ready! Cover it with special cling film and store it in the refrigerator as is.

Sweet mayonnaise with currants

You won't find sweet mayonnaise with red currants in any supermarket. Such a unique and original dish can only be prepared independently, and this recipe will help you with this. You will probably be interested in what the sauce goes with. It fits perfectly fried meat- it’s better if it’s a juicy beef steak. Complete the feast with a glass of dry wine, and you are guaranteed a great mood. After all, delicious food can work wonders! Ingredients:

  • two eggs (you only need chicken yolks)
  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of vegetable oil
  • 50 grams of red currants
  • salt - at your discretion
  • small spoon of hot mustard
  • 15 grams granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Thoroughly washed currants, remove stems and leaves and dry. To do this, spread the berries on a clean kitchen towel, and then rub through a sieve. You can use a blender - this way you will spend much less time, plus the fruit puree will be more homogeneous. Now beat the whites with a whisk and combine them with mustard (even grainy mustard will do), then add table salt, the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe and currants. Take a mixer and beat all the ingredients with it, and add vegetable oil to the resulting mass, pouring it slowly, in small portions. Turn on the kitchen appliance a few more times to make the homemade mayonnaise as smooth as possible. Place the dish in the refrigerator and try to use it completely within four days - then its taste will change, as you understand, not in better side. After all, this sauce, unlike mayonnaises sold in stores, does not contain preservatives, and therefore does not last long.

Italian mayonnaise for meat salads

If, for example, you boiled meat to prepare some dish and don’t know where to put the remaining broth (after all, it seems like a shame to pour it out, and you can’t find a use for it), don’t be tormented by unnecessary questions. Just make mayonnaise from it - the recipe is very simple. Ingredients:

  • refined vegetable oil - 650 milliliters
  • three small eggs
  • 250 milliliters meat broth
  • 30 milliliters of vinegar (take regular table vinegar)
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • salt - 10 grams

Cooking method:

So, take a ready-made broth (or boil a piece of meat and give the liquid time to cool) and proceed to the actual preparation of mayonnaise. Stir the whites with a fork, then add a little table vinegar and not too spicy mustard to them. Add refined oil in small portions, without stopping and working with the whisk in the same direction. After the mass has thickened sufficiently, dilute it with vinegar, previously mixed in half with water (in the absence of meat broth), or with broth, as required by the recipe. Add salt and sugar at your discretion, then grind the mayonnaise until all the lumps and oil are gone. This dressing is ideal for hearty meat salads, for example, Olivier salad. It also goes well with barbecue, fried beef or pork.

Homemade mayonnaise with starch

We told you about homemade mayonnaise, for the preparation of which you just need to mix all the ingredients. This recipe is slightly different from the previous ones - in this case the sauce will have to be boiled. But it won't take much time - you'll spend about fifteen minutes. Ingredients:

  • 250 milliliters regular milk, medium fat
  • tablespoon non-bitter vegetable oil
  • table vinegar - optional
  • homemade egg - one piece
  • one tablespoon (tablespoon) of potato starch
  • salt - according to personal preference

Cooking method:

At the initial stage, combine potato starch and table salt, then pour both products into the already beaten egg mixture and mix well. Place the pasteurized milk over low heat; as soon as it is slightly warmed up, pour in the butter and other ingredients. Stir it constantly with a spoon and cook it for about six minutes. Then cool slightly, season with table vinegar (add it a little, tasting each time, otherwise the mayonnaise will turn out too sour), if you want, you can add mustard and a few pinches of sugar.

At the very end, whisk the mixture and place it on the top shelf in the refrigerator. We hope these recipes will help you prepare delicious, delicious and original dishes. In addition, with such a sauce, dishes will be more healthy and less caloric. Finally, we will give a few tips that will be useful to every housewife: To make a juicy steak or kebab even tastier, serve it with homemade mayonnaise, adding a mixture of herbs or special spices. We recommend using caraway seeds, thyme, rosemary, as well as marjoram, allspice or ground pepper, and more.

Mayonnaise is perhaps the most popular sauce in our country. And our food industry, knowing this, produces many varieties of this favorite product. But after getting acquainted with its composition, many adherents healthy image life, your appetite completely disappears, because store-bought mayonnaise contains preservatives, starch, and other flavoring additives. Therefore, there is only one way out - to prepare this delicious sauce yourself.

Girls, who knows how to cook mayonnaise at home? Teach me, please. I would be grateful for any recipes, but I would like it to be more piquant (I love Provençal) and preferably have a beautiful consistency and color (well, like store-bought).

If you have a blender, mayonnaise can be made in a minute. If necessary, I can write a recipe

Yes please, I really need it! Wouldn't it work with a mixer? Then I'll buy a blender.

Making it with a mixer is quite tedious and does not always work. This is done with a blender: break an egg into a glass from a blender, add 1 tablespoon of mustard (I have Finnish mustard, it is not as spicy as Russian, Russian needs less), half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar. Add odorless vegetable oil to the 300 ml mark and mix. The most important thing: the egg and butter must be at room temperature! Also take into account that Finnish spoons are slightly smaller than Russian ones. If possible, you can choose the proportions of salt, sugar and other things to your liking. I have a 300 Wt blender

Thank you very much. Very nicely presented.

Marfa Ivanovna
A small comment: pour in the oil in a thin stream, otherwise it will cut off and nothing will work.

The oil should be poured in a thin stream if done with a mixer. For a blender, everything is poured in at once and mixed. It may cut off if the egg is cold, but this can also be corrected.

what about the whole egg? I always thought that only yolks are added to mayonnaise

I put it in whole. I've been using this recipe for many years and it works almost every time.

We used to do it, then we stopped. We made approximately the same recipe as above. For some reason I don't like homemade

It is absolutely not necessary to use a blender to beat mayonnaise - a mixer will also come in handy. Mayonnaise, in principle, was invented before electricity. I made it from yolks, without whites - the yolk was additionally freed from the film, ground with mustard, salt and sugar, you can add ground black pepper... if desired, then seasoned with lemon or lime juice, and only after Then I started adding olive oil, one-third of a teaspoon at a time. Gradually increase to one tsp. For 1 yolk, about a third of a glass of butter, sometimes half. All products should be at the same temperature; cold ones take longer to whip. If the dishes are placed on a bowl with hot water, then the mayonnaise will turn out much thicker. And it’s a proven fact that for some reason mayonnaise whipped in a porcelain cup with a porcelain spoon tastes better. And faster.

I made mayonnaise, it turned out tasty but quite runny. Is it supposed to be like this or did I not beat it enough? Kisuli, how many minutes do you turn on the blender?

If it's liquid, then something is wrong. Maybe the egg was cold. I usually take it out of the refrigerator the day before or keep it in warm water for half an hour. the oil is also at room temperature. It goes like this: load everything into a glass, lower the blender to the bottom and turn on. After a few seconds you will see what looks like mayonnaise, then slowly move the blender up and down for a couple of seconds to combine everything. Usually mayonnaise is ready in a few seconds. If it turns out liquid, you can heat another egg in water, put it in mayonnaise and mix again with a blender.

Wow! this is mayonnaise!!! Great! the egg was cold and I probably took the wrong blender - I realized that I needed to take a blender with a glass, - well, the kind that you mix yogurt with fruits/berries in - a glass - there are knives at the bottom, but you need a mixer like that, I have that too. ok, I'll try again. Kisuli, thank you!!! both for the consultation and for the photography!

Thank you for the kind words. I have a very ordinary 300 W blender. If the glass is busy, I make it in a regular jar, like today. When I didn’t have a blender, I made mayonnaise in a cocktail glass from a food processor. It worked just as well, but it was a pain to take it apart and wash it every time.

HURRAY, it worked today, how easy it is! - thick and tasty mayonnaise! I kept the egg in warm water and took another blender. Only it is very fatty, I have already lost the habit of such dishes, I diluted it half and half with 0% yoghurt into the salad - that’s it! I saved the recipe and will make it again!

Mayonnaise, of course, is fatty, but there is no chemicals there. In my opinion, it’s better to eat a little of this than “diet” with all sorts of emulsifiers, preservatives and other nasty things.

Preparation of Provencal mayonnaise (contains mustard)
Preparation (emulsification) of this type of mayonnaise is the simplest, since it contains a natural emulsifier - mustard. That is why the taste of this sauce is sharper, not as refined and delicate as that of classic mayonnaise. But to many, especially meat dishes, this type of mayonnaise is the most suitable.

You will need approximately 200 ml (a glass) of oil. Product temperature is 12-18 degrees Celsius. Take 2-3 yolks, half a teaspoon of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of prepared mustard and mix everything well. Add half a teaspoon of oil (not drop by drop, as in preparing mayonnaise without mustard). Emulsify by stirring in one direction (!) until complete homogeneity is achieved and a little more (it is better to over-emulsify than to under-emulsify!). Then add oil one teaspoon at a time, and then, increasing the portions as it thickens, one tablespoon at a time, and towards the end 2-3 tablespoons, thoroughly emulsifying each time. But if you add too much oil even once, the mayonnaise will disintegrate, or, as it is called in cooking, “become oily.” Therefore, when preparing mayonnaise, it is wise to use the principle of parachutists - “hurry slowly, it will come out faster.” When the emulsification process is completely completed, add lemon juice or vinegar to taste (the mixture turns a little white and becomes more liquid), stir thoroughly and: mayonnaise is ready! With some skill, preparing Provencal mayonnaise takes no more than 10 minutes. After standing in the refrigerator for several hours, the sauce becomes more jelly-like. If after cooking you want to add a little more sugar or salt to taste, you should stir until the grains are completely dissolved! Otherwise, the emulsion around the undissolved crystals will begin to disintegrate after some time, and then the entire mayonnaise will quickly disintegrate. If the emulsion disintegrates during cooking, you can add 2-3 drops of water and try to emulsify more intensively. If this attempt fails, then you can prepare a new mixture with yolks and add not oil to it during emulsification, but failed mayonnaise. Or simply use the resulting “unsuccessful” mixture for dressing salads, frying scrambled eggs, etc. (An oily mayonnaise mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, like mayonnaise, for up to a week or more.)
Making classic mayonnaise sauce (without mustard)
Everything is the same as when preparing Provencal mayonnaise, but mustard is not added to the yolks. In this case, emulsification is much more difficult. Add oil (olive is better! - other oils are even more difficult to emulsify) at the beginning should be a few drops, at the end no more than a teaspoon. But on the other hand, we will prepare a real classic mayonnaise sauce, less spicy than Provencal, and having that subtle and delicate taste, which made him famous in world cooking.

My recipe: 1l dis. butter, 6 eggs, 1 dessert spoon of mustard, 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Beat with a blender

mayonnaise...how I cook it. I threw a couple of yolks into the blender and swirled them a little. I begin to slowly pour in the mixture while whipping. oil in a thin stream. The higher quality the oil, the better. Pour and beat until it becomes thicker than the thickest sour cream (does not fall off when turning the vessel over). Now add salt, lemon juice, vinegar (wine) for taste. Beat it a little again. ALL! and here - it’s a matter of taste - you can dilute it with water for a more liquid mayonnaise, you can mix it with yogurt, sour cream, add all sorts of spices, cheeses, everything)))

Mayonnaise 1 - 1 egg yolk, 100 g vegetable oil, salt, mustard, lemon juice, diluted table vinegar (or solution citric acid), sugar.
To make mayonnaise homogeneous, the yolks and vegetable oil must be at the same temperature. Stir the egg yolk in a bowl, add oil drop by drop (if you add a lot of oil at once, mayonnaise will not work). When all the oil has been added, add salt, mustard, sugar, lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid solution to the mixture. If you add finely chopped dill or parsley to the prepared mayonnaise, you will get herb mayonnaise; if the tomato puree or paste is tomato mayonnaise, finely chopped fried mushrooms- mushroom mayonnaise, sour cream - mayonnaise with sour cream, etc.
Mayonnaise with vinegar - Take 6 raw eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks are mixed well with 1 tablespoon of prepared mustard, a spoonful of sugar, and salt. Vegetable oil (1.5 bottles of refined oil) is cooled and poured into the yolk-mustard mixture in a thin stream, whisking vigorously until smooth, and when the goal is achieved, pour in 1 incomplete glass of 3% vinegar. Mix everything together. Instead of vinegar, sour cream and citric acid were sometimes added to mayonnaise; they also added gherkins, scalded chopped greens and boiled spinach puree, mixed with jelly (gelatin diluted in water) - and these were all varieties of essentially the same sauce.
Mayonnaise Mix 2 - 2 eggs with 3 tbsp. add vinegar, salt, sugar and mustard experimentally (usually twice as much sugar as salt), start whisking. After about 40-60 seconds, start pouring vegetable oil into the unit in a thin stream, in the amount of 400 g, after pouring for 30-40 seconds, beat for about another minute. Mayonnaise is ready.
Mayonnaise 3 - In an 800 gram jar, 4 egg yolks, 1/3 tsp. sugar, less than 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/3 tsp. table mustard and beat until stupefied, or better with a mixer. Then, with constant stirring, very slowly add vegetable oil, preferably deodorized. After adding each portion of 10-20 ml, whisk thoroughly, otherwise it will never come together. The process is continued until the jar is 2/3 filled with a thick, yellowish-white mass. Then vinegar is added to taste, and if the taste is very subtle or the vinegar is very strong, you can bring it to condition by adding part of the egg white.

Mayonnaise 4 - Necessary components: Mixer, egg yolks 4-5 pcs. (necessarily separated from the protein), vegetable oil 500-700 g (preferably imported, the kind in plastic bottles, corn, etc., sunflower oil from the market will be bitter and the result will be disgusting, not mayonnaise), vinegar 1/4 cup (here you can stir salt and sugar, well, to taste, in short).
From all this (excluding the mixer, of course) you will get 700-800 grams of excellent mayonnaise. You can stir all this in liter jar. 1) Beat the yolks thoroughly (at least 1 minute) until they are almost white. If you are not careful, everything will then be divided into separate factions and nothing will come of it. 2) Without turning off the mixer, start adding oil. Please note that you should not pour in oil suddenly - this is the main mistake. The mass should not be divided into fractions. As soon as this happens, stop adding oil and let the mixer make the mixture homogeneous. Then add again. Pour the oil in a stream the diameter of a match - it will be more convenient. In short, this process will take about 4-5 minutes. When all this mass is the volume of 3/4 of a can, and begins to reach behind the mixer beaters (this will become noticeable) - it’s time to move on to step 3). 3) You can add vinegar. The whole mass will turn white and become thinner. You regulate the density of the mass with vinegar. Additional salt, sugar, pepper - to taste

Storing mayonnaise

Girls, tell me, is it possible to store mayonnaise not in the refrigerator, but simply at room temperature?

It’s possible, but not for long, and then the vegetable oil starts to leave. There’s an egg in there, which means it’ll spoil quickly

Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

If we talk about industrial production, two centuries ago mayonnaise did not contain any stabilizers, dyes or preservatives in its composition. High-quality mayonnaise remains so today. So read the label carefully. The shorter the shelf life of mayonnaise, the more natural it is.

I don’t make homemade ones - I’m lazy. I buy "Hummingbird" mayonnaise ("Provencal", "for salads"), there are no preservatives, no dyes, no modified products, but the shelf life is also reduced - a week or 3 weeks, it seems (depending on storage conditions), Mayonnaise "Skeet" is also good, there is nothing harmful in its composition. But, if gastritis or peptic ulcer, then it's not worth it. Better sour cream.

Emulsification is the most important procedure in preparing mayonnaise. When emulsifying, the oil breaks down into microscopic balls, which are enveloped in egg yolk, preventing them from coming back together. Electric mixers (including home mixers) make the size of these balls very small, which increases the shelf life of the emulsion, but worsens the taste of mayonnaise. Manual emulsification allows you to obtain larger balls, which significantly improves the taste of mayonnaise, but slightly reduces the shelf life of the emulsion (in the refrigerator, a week of storage is guaranteed in any case, but you shouldn’t store more). The faster we make rotational movements during manual emulsification, the smaller the butter balls are - and this is one of the nuances of the art experienced cook who took up the preparation of mayonnaise.

Additives to mayonnaise

Additives are added to mayonnaise shortly before serving. Mayonnaise with additives cannot be stored! Only the most common mayonnaise additives are listed here, but they can be varied indefinitely, adapting to different dishes and individual tastes. Spicy additives are usually added to Provencal mayonnaise, and caviar and sweet additives are added to classic mayonnaise.
Mayonnaise with horseradish - up to 20% grated horseradish, a little sugar and salt. To cold meat, less often to fish, dishes.
Mayonnaise with tomato - up to 30% tomato paste (you can also add a pinch of red pepper, a little more sugar, salt, sometimes add sautéed onions). For boiled cold fish, hot fried fish, for dressing fish salads.
Mayonnaise with gherkins and capers - finely chopped gherkins and capers are added to taste. For cold fried meat, for boiled pork.
Mayonnaise with spices and soy sauce - added to taste. For dressing meat and vegetable salads.

1. 250 g vegetable oil, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of 3% vinegar, salt to taste.
Cool the vegetable oil. Add mustard and salt to the raw yolks, carefully separated from the whites, and grind well. Then, with continuous whisking, pour in 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil to form a thick, homogeneous emulsion. Then add vinegar, sugar and stir thoroughly.
2. 400 g vegetable oil, 2 egg yolks, 2 tsp. (20 g) granulated sugar, 2 tsp. (20 g) salt, 40 g vinegar.
Grind the egg yolks thoroughly with sugar and salt in an enamel bowl with a wooden spoon. Add oil gradually (first drop by drop, then 1 tsp) to the resulting fluffy mass, continuously rubbing in one direction. When you get a thick mass, dilute it with vinegar; if you need a thinner sauce, dilute it with cold broth to taste.
3. 10 tbsp. (170 g) vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. mustard, 1/2 tbsp. (10 g) milk powder, 1 tbsp. boiled water, salt and sugar to taste.
Powdered milk grind with mustard, salt and sugar. Continuing to grind, add sunflower oil drop by drop. If the sauce turns out to be very thick, add boiled water and continue to grind, and then add oil again.
4. 2 egg yolks, 4 tbsp. (100 g) flour, 12 tbsp. (200 g) vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. water, salt, sugar and vinegar to taste.
Mix 8 tbsp with flour. (130 g) vegetable oil, heat slightly, mix with water, boil, remove from heat, add the yolks, stirring quickly so that they do not curdle, beat, adding the rest of the vegetable oil. Season the sauce with salt, sugar and vinegar.

Girls, I copied several recipes for myself a long time ago - I don’t remember where. Choose!
Quick mayonnaise: For 300 ml (1/2 rt): 1 egg, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp mustard powder, 2 tsp wine vinegar, 150 ml (1/4 pt) olive oil, 150 ml (1/4 pt) sunflower oil
Beat the egg, seasonings and vinegar in a blender or mixer at medium speed. With the blender running, add the oil, first drop by drop, then in a very thin stream when the mixture begins to thicken.
Note: All ingredients should be at room temperature. IF the mixture starts to curdle, add 1 yolk, then a little butter. And if all else fails, don’t despair, just make a cheese pie!
Tomato mayonnaise Per 250 ml (8 fl oz): Peel, seed and chop 2 tomatoes, put it in a blender along with 1 crushed garlic clove, 1/2 tsp sugar and 2 tsp tomato paste. Beat at maximum speed for 30 seconds, then mix with half the mayonnaise.
Traditional mayonnaise - Replace 1 whole egg with 2 yolks. Beat the yolks with seasonings in a bowl. Whisking constantly, add oil drop by drop. When the mixture begins to thicken, pour in the oil in a stream. Add vinegar and stir.
Garlic mayonnaise is especially good with chips. Add 2 cloves of garlic with yolks, mustard and 1 tbsp oil. If you prefer a thinner mayonnaise, add 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice to the finished sauce.
Mustard mayonnaise - Great for sandwiches with meat. Mix the prepared mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons of grainy mustard.
Lemon mayonnaise - Replace vinegar with lemon juice.
Lime and Black Pepper Mayonnaise - Very good with salmon. Add finely grated zest and juice of 1 lime and 1 tablespoon ground black pepper to the prepared mayonnaise.
Mayonnaise with curry - Add 1 tbsp curry powder to the prepared mayonnaise.
Lime Ginger Mayonnaise - In a blender, combine 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger root. Turn on the motor and carefully pour in 300 ml of olive oil, literally drop by drop, until the mayonnaise thickens. Season with salt and pepper.



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