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    The coming of the New Year 2015 in the countries of the world Moscow time - In Moscow on December 31, 2014, 1 pm When the adults were children. New Year in archive footage The first territories to celebrate the new 2015 will be Christmas Island (Kiribati), located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    The coming of the New Year in the countries of the world Moscow time - In Moscow on December 31, 2013, 2 p.m. The first territories to welcome the new year 2014 will be the Christmas island of the state of Kiribati, located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the island state of Samoa, located in the south ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Soyuzmultfilm, the largest studio of animated films in the USSR, began its work in Moscow in 1936 with the creation of the cartoon “It's Hot in Africa”. For more than 70 years of history, the studio has released more than 1,500 hand-drawn ... Wikipedia

    Soyuzmultfilm * 25th, first day, (1968) * 38 parrots, (1976) * 38 Parrots. What if it works! (1978) * 38 Parrots. The grandmother of the boa constrictor, (1977) * 38 Parrots. The Great Closure, (1985) * 38 Parrots. Tomorrow will be tomorrow, (1979) * 38 Parrots. Charging for ... Wikipedia

    Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" 0 9, A Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X ... Wikipedia

    Writer, born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died on January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechayeva, took the place of the doctor's headquarters at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy in the hospital and ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Coat of arms of Kamyanets Podilsky Main article: Kamyanets Podilsky Kamyanets Podilsky (Ukrainian Kamyanets Podilsky) is one of the most ancient ... Wikipedia

    Famous novelist, b. 30 oct. 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Maryinsky hospital, where his father served as the headquarters as a doctor. Mother, nee Nechayeva, came from the Moscow merchants (from a family, apparently, intelligent). D.'s family was ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    The coming of the New Year 2015 in the countries of the world Moscow time - In Moscow on December 31, 2014, 1 pm When the adults were children. New Year in archive footage The first territories to celebrate the new 2015 will be Christmas Island (Kiribati), located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    The coming of the New Year in the countries of the world Moscow time - In Moscow on December 31, 2013, 2 p.m. The first territories to welcome the new year 2014 will be the Christmas island of the state of Kiribati, located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the island state of Samoa, located in the south ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Soyuzmultfilm, the largest studio of animated films in the USSR, began its work in Moscow in 1936 with the creation of the cartoon “It's Hot in Africa”. For more than 70 years of history, the studio has released more than 1,500 hand-drawn ... Wikipedia

    Soyuzmultfilm * 25th, first day, (1968) * 38 parrots, (1976) * 38 Parrots. What if it works! (1978) * 38 Parrots. The grandmother of the boa constrictor, (1977) * 38 Parrots. The Great Closure, (1985) * 38 Parrots. Tomorrow will be tomorrow, (1979) * 38 Parrots. Charging for ... Wikipedia

    Film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" 0 9, A Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X ... Wikipedia

    Writer, born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died on January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechayeva, took the place of the doctor's headquarters at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy in the hospital and ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Coat of arms of Kamyanets Podilsky Main article: Kamyanets Podilsky Kamyanets Podilsky (Ukrainian Kamyanets Podilsky) is one of the most ancient ... Wikipedia

    Famous novelist, b. 30 oct. 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Maryinsky hospital, where his father served as the headquarters as a doctor. Mother, nee Nechayeva, came from the Moscow merchants (from a family, apparently, intelligent). D.'s family was ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

The gods of ginger cats, of which I have three at home, would not have allowed me to pass by this book! And the guardian angel of our blog, the cat Lenya, is just a spitting image of a Mandarin cat! In connection with the appearance of this book, Lenya's house acquired a new nickname:
- You're my Mandarin, - I squeeze Lyonya. - The same sweet and delicious!
- Rather Orange, - the husband delicately remarks. - The same round and healthy.
The large square-format book is a real album for admirers of the artist Maria Pavlova's work. And I'm an old fan of her! I don’t know of a single artist whose cats in their drawings would come out so alive, all the smallest nuances in their poses and movements are emphasized. I have a lot of open ones at home, which I brought from St. Petersburg, from Shushenskoye, and it would be very great if Rech published a set of New Year's cards with Pavlova's cats.
So this is not just an album - it tells a wonderful and kind New Year story, with a plot and a happy ending. We will not look back at the detail and literary presentation, but rather tell the essence of the story: a cat named Mandarin, big, imposing and lazy, lives and lives. And he has no special joy in life. When by chance a small homeless kitten appears in the apartment. The Mandarin takes patronage over the kitten and gets used to it. The owner is a miracle! Agrees to leave the baby, he is given a funny name - Serpentine. And the Mandarin cat now has a lot of worries, because it is necessary to raise the baby :)) Here is such a plot without stress, nerves and villains.
In general, this New Year I have this book number 1 :))
It is highly recommended to all cat lovers! And in general, a book can even be presented as a postcard))

The mood now is New Year

Happy New Year to all bees! I wish everyone what you yourself want!

"Christmas tree, cat and New Year" is the book with which I finished my reading this year. In total in 2016 I read 50 books.
I end the year with something New Year's, and start with something Christmas.

1. Christmas fantasy stories.
2. David Gemmel "Wolf's Lair". Still, Gemmel has the best books about the Outside. I read it voraciously.
3. Astrid Lindren "The Adventures of Emil of Lönneberg". Good children's book. How many good books I missed as a child.
4. Nikolay Rubtsov "My Quiet Homeland". collection of poems. I liked it very much, but to my shame I did not know this poet.
5. Mythological animals "series" Learn the world. "Also a children's book, but interesting and informative.
6. "Green ghosts". French Gothic Prose. "My passion for the classics of Gothic literature continues.
7. Alexander Mazin "The Emperor". I have been waiting for this book for a long time. Mazin writes many books and many new series and they are all attempts to repeat the success of this series, but they do not turn out so good. I don’t read his other historical episodes, but because of them, this one is moving slowly.
8. Yulia Fedotova "On the trail of a scorpion". The second book in the series "Mercenaries of Destiny". As good as the first one. I had several complaints about the actions of the heroes, but the main characters themselves do not consider themselves good, so my complaints are not appropriate. With humor, everything is fine.
9. Maria Semyonova "Brothers. Vol. 1. Secret warrior" I really wanted to read it. I read without stopping, but I was disappointed. Not because the book is bad, but because I expected more.
10. Teri Pratchet "Make money". The Von Goodwick episode isn't my favorite, but Pratchet's is great.
11. Elena Etelson "The Philosophy of the Cup". I thought it would be, as with all collections of stories, half like it, half not. But I was pleasantly surprised, I liked everything, something more., Something less.
12. Cormac "McCarthy" No Country for Old Men "One of the most famous books by this author, but I didn't like it.
13. Dmitry Kolosov "Arias". Like a whole book about Aria, but I can hardly tell you about them. There is little information about them.
14. David Gemmel "Hero's Twilight". Like other books about the Outside, excellent.
15. Olga Grigorieva "Flock". An attempt to repeat your own success. "Berserk" is one of the author's best books, it's a parody of it.
16. Carol Berg "Exposure". I liked the beginning, but not the end. I'm not sure I'll read the sequel.
17. E. Seton-Thompson "Stories about animals". It has long been necessary to eliminate this shameful gap in my reading.
18. Boris Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man". On May 9 I read something military. Interesting, but sometimes creepy and this is youthful literature.
19. Max Fry "The Whole Truth About Us". As well as everything about Exo is great.
20. Franz Kafka "The Castle". I don't like unfinished books, but I come across them all the time.
21. Alan Bradley "I speak from the tomb." Another great book about Flavia de Luce. I will read on.
22. John Boyton Prstley "June 31". Medium. But now I can watch the movie and I won’t get lost in it.
23. Chris Wooding "Elizabel Cray and the Dark Brotherhood. I always associate this author with anime. He loves him himself. When I read manga or stills from anime in my head."
24. Victor Pelevin "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady" I developed an interest in Pelevin, but from this book he began to subside.
25. Haruki Murakami "Dance, dance, dance". I was told that the book was not very good, but I really liked it.
26. Akutagawa "Tobacco and the Devil". I liked the stories, except for those that were on a religious theme.
27. Alan Bradley "Here the dead sleep under the vault." Usually when there are many books in one series, they get shit. I'm glad that this did not happen with this series.
28. Isaac Asimov "History of England. From the Ice Age to Magna Carta". Asimov is not only an excellent science fiction writer, he also writes wonderful books on history.
29. Valentin Ivanov "Tale of ancient years". An excellent history book. I read with pleasure about the life of the Slavs. Only the last few pages are not very, the author strongly expresses his personal opinion about the Scandinavians.
30. Stories about animals, by different authors. This summer at the dacha, I had the best stories about animals.
31. Leo Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". We rode as a boy in the train. He took my phone to play, and I took his e-book to read. I chose this work because it is short and I have not read it. I read it during the trip. I liked reading in the e-book.
32. Mark Levy "Stronger than fear." The end disappointed. I do not like empty running. So much has been done, so many people have died and everything is in vain.
33. Terry Pratchet "Fint". Not about a flat world, but still great.
34. Cliford Simack "Tycho Evil Crater". Good fantastic story.
35. Yukio Mishima "The sailor who stopped loving the sea". I read it, but was not impressed.
36. Oleg ivik, Vladimir Klyuchnikov "Gunas". I liked it more about the Huns.
37. Holly Lyle "Wolf Diplomacy". Once I started reading this book, but left it too cruel. But now she took up her again. Now she no longer seems so cruel to me, the usual Middle Ages. But it has everything that I love about fantasy. Magic and weapons, a fighting main character, ambiguous characters and even sea adventures.
38. An Rice "Vampire Armand". She is my autumn author. I love to read it in the fall. Good book.
39. Franz Kafka "The Trial". I have long wanted to read it. I was not disappointed.
40. Irina Opimakh "Picturesque stories about the great canvases of their creators and heroes". Very interesting. I advise everyone to improve their cultural level.
41. Dostoevsey "Poor People". At the dacha I was watching the series "Dostoevsky" and I wanted to read something from him.
42. Holly Line "Revenge of the Dragons". This book turned out to be even more interesting than the first one.
43. Holly Line "The Courage of the Falcons" Completed the trilogy. For those who love fantasy I advise.
44. Milena Zavoichinskaya "Higher School of Librarians". I am attracted by everything related to books, libraries, etc. But there is little about it.
45. Daniel Penac "little prose merchant". This is the third book about Malosen, which I read and is also great. If you want to read something unusual, then this is a good option.
46. \u200b\u200bRenson Riggs "House of Peculiar Children" I have long wanted to read, but put it off. The release of the film was hurried. A good book, and the photographs in it n \u003d create a special atmosphere.
47. Vadim Panov "Ermine Hunt" collection of stories on the Secret City. I was worried that other authors would not be able to write as well as Panov, but very many turned out to be worthy.
48. Vadim Panov "Green Gambit" In one breath, like everything about the Secret City. It's just a pity I always like characters who have problems.
49. Mayakovsky "a cloud in his pants". In fact, I added this piece for the sake of it.
50. Christmas tree, cat and New Year!



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