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Monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler, individual development map, methodological development on the topic. Forms for recording data on the dynamics of children’s personal development Example of the dynamics of a child’s development

 Indicators for analyzing the dynamics of child development with disabilities health based on the results of training and education of Lavrov G.N. South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk In practice, the issue of technologies for analyzing the results of a child’s mastery of educational and individual programs is acute. Analysis of the child’s progress will allow timely adjustment of the selected methods and techniques, purposeful and high-quality implementation of the correctional educational process in the preschool institution. The current situation in the education system encourages the creation of new models, the search for new forms and technologies of specialized assistance to children with disabilities. In this regard, the importance of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children in an educational institution increases. This involves the activities of a psychological and pedagogical council, the activities of which are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on PMPK (consilium), methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation"On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of an educational institution" dated March 27, 2000. No. 127/901-6. According to the Regulations on the PMPK (consilium), based on the results of the diagnostic examination of the child by all specialists of the preschool institution and the recommendations of the district PMPK, his individual correctional and developmental program is developed. Based on the results of training and upbringing, information about the dynamics of children’s development is submitted to the district education department or PMPC in accordance with the period specified in the PMPC recommendations for monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development, in the absence of specific instructions - at least once a year or upon request. For this purpose, a new type of document is being introduced - a sheet of child development dynamics. This document is filled out based on the conclusions of the institution’s specialists based on the results of the child’s education and upbringing over a certain period of time. We propose to include in the structure of the child development dynamics sheet: sections of the individual correctional and developmental program (speech therapy, pedagogical and psychological correction), characteristics of the child’s developmental dynamics according to these sections, recommendations, a conclusion on the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work for a given period of time and academic year. Based on the recommendations of Gribanova G.V. The following types of child development dynamics were introduced in combination with a level assessment: positive (high level), positive dynamics (above average level), relatively positive (average level), insignificant (low level), negative, wave-like, selective, etc. It is known that the dynamics of a child’s development depends on the severity of the disorder; volume of violations (their locality or totality, systematicity); mechanism, causes of mental disorders. But these criteria are taken into account when determining the appropriate type of institution and the program for the education and upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is assumed that each child is raised and educated in an institution or group according to his capabilities. Hence the need to clarify indicators that will help institution specialists determine the qualitative characteristics of the dynamics of a child’s development, i.e. results in mastering the content of a certain section of a special (correctional) program, as well as in mastering the content of an individual correctional and developmental program. Practice has shown that the main indicators of the dynamics of a child’s development can be: 1- Success, productivity of the child in a certain form children's activity (level of mastery of the content of any section of the educational or individual program); 2- Interest in activities: stability, activity and independence of the child’s cognitive interests; 3- The ability to reproduce educational material (abilities, skills) completely and accurately (the ability to use special memorization techniques: grouping, classification, drawing up a plan, highlighting key words - noted for children entering school); 4- Ability to work with concentration and passion (sustainability of attention and its preservation during the lesson) taking into account age standards and individual capabilities; 5- Level of development of intellectual skills: 5.1.- ability to maintain a given task until the end of the activity (purposeful activity) taking into account age standards and individual capabilities; 5.2.- ability to analyze a sample task; 5.3.- the ability to plan your activities and select the necessary means, determine the sequence of actions; 5.4. - the ability to critically evaluate the result obtained, comparing it with a sample, the ability to see and correct errors in work; 5.5.- ability to talk about the sequence of work (give a verbal report independently or based on leading questions from an adult). 6- The ability to independently complete a task (orientative-cognitive activity: chaotic actions, targeted tests, practical trying on, visual correlation) based on age indicators; 7- Assimilation of social experience, knowledge, skills (methods: joint actions of an adult and a child, by imitation, by model, by verbal instructions) and their compliance with age indicators; 8- The ability to transfer the learned method of action to new conditions (learning ability) (if necessary, note what types of assistance are necessary for the child to acquire knowledge); 9- The ability to express one’s knowledge, thoughts, observations and emotional experiences in speech statements (updating existing knowledge, its consistency, meaningfulness) based on age indicators; 10- Ability to independently apply acquired knowledge in different types creative, subject-productive, communicative activity and name available sources of gaining knowledge and experience (thinks, doubts, turns to an adult, peer for clarification; book, TV, computer as sources of information), i.e. the child’s activity and information competence (saw, heard, touched, found, did, told, etc.). It is proposed to analyze the child’s activities based on age standards for each section educational program and individual, the level of his independence and the types of assistance provided to him. Each section is scored in points: 0 points: the child does not demonstrate the skill; (constantly massive educational assistance is needed, requires constant supervision from an adult, or the child cannot master the content of a particular section of an educational or individual program due to the severity of the defect or other factors). 1 point: the child demonstrates skill in isolated cases (learning assistance is needed, requires constant supervision from an adult, or constantly seeks his help, a satisfactory level of mastery of the content of sections of an educational or individual program is noted); 2 points - the child demonstrates skill, but there are inaccuracies, errors or a slight lag behind age standards, a sufficient degree of independence (sometimes organizing or stimulating assistance is needed), and also characteristic good level mastering the content of sections of educational or individual programs; 3 points - the child constantly demonstrates the skill, there is a high degree of independence. The indicators correspond to or exceed age standards and are characterized by a high level of mastery of sections of educational and individual correctional and developmental programs. In some cases, the child needs stimulating help (“well done,” “you can do it,” “try to remember,” etc.). The "Dynamics" section of the document described above is filled out on the basis of control classes, analysis of children's work, individual plans, diagnostic examination of the child, both for the first and second half of the year. A discussion of the results is carried out by the leading specialist of the group (a speech pathologist or teacher-speech therapist) together with all specialists working with the child. The protocol is filled out by each specialist (sections of the educational program - teacher, music director and instructor physical culture; sections of an individual correctional and developmental program - a teacher-defectologist or a teacher-speech therapist). Sections such as musical, physical development, and self-care involve summing up the dynamics of education and upbringing, taking into account the specific content of sections of the educational program and the individual capabilities of the child, based on the diagnostic results at the beginning of the school year. To determine the type of dynamics (E) based on the results of a child’s education and upbringing, it is proposed to calculate using the formula: For example: - positive dynamics (high level) We present the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the types of dynamics of a child’s development based on the results of a diagnostic study of the child. Positive dynamics: high level (from 93% - 100%: from 39 points - 42 points). It is assumed that the child will fulfill a high level of the content of one or another section of the corresponding special (correctional) training and education program in accordance with the time sequence, and the content of the sections of the individual correctional and developmental program (pedagogical and speech therapy correction) in accordance with his capabilities, as well as a significant increase in the child’s independence in various types activity, his communicative and social competence. Positive dynamics: above average level (from 76% - 90%: from 32 points - 38 points). It is assumed that there will be a good level of assimilation of the content of educational and individual correctional and developmental programs, an increase in independence, but there may be minor difficulties in organizing one’s own activities, updating existing knowledge, a slow pace of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and their fragility. Relatively positive dynamics: average level (from 60% - 74%: from 25 points - 31 points). A satisfactory level of productivity and success in mastering one or another section of a special (correctional) education and training program and a section of an individual correctional and developmental program is assumed. Characteristically, it takes a long time to master knowledge, skills, and rules of behavior. Poverty, fragmentation, unsystematic knowledge and ideas about the environment, low learning ability, as well as difficulties in transferring acquired knowledge and communication experience into the practice of real life situations. Slight dynamics: low level (from 33% - 58%: from 14 points - 24 points). An unsatisfactory level of performance in mastering one or another section of a special (correctional) education and training program and a section of an individual correctional and developmental program is assumed. These results may be due to incorrectly selected methods and techniques for working with the child by the institution’s specialists, or the child’s frequent somatic illnesses, or the presence of unfavorable psychosocial conditions for raising the child in the family. There may be an increase in conflict, aggressiveness in the child, and the appearance of inappropriate behavior. Negative dynamics of development: It is assumed that the child is unable to assimilate the content of sections of all types of programs, as well as a sharp decrease in the child’s interest, performance, productivity, learning ability, his success in all types of children’s activities, an increase in conflict, the child’s aggressiveness, and the appearance of inappropriate behavior. These results are possible as a consequence of hereditary diseases or traumatic brain injuries, which suggests the necessary additional comprehensive examination child and adjustment of methods of teaching and raising the child and the content of an individual program to support his development. Wave-like dynamics of development. It is assumed that there will be a spasmodic, uneven assimilation of the content of sections of all types of programs over time. Possibly due to high fatigue or asthenia, episyndrome, neuropathy, neurosis-like symptoms, unfavorable social conditions and other reasons that ultimately lead to the child’s insignificant productivity and success in all types of children’s activities, difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Selective dynamics of development. It is assumed that the child has a good or sufficient level of success in some types of activities and an unsatisfactory level of mastery of one or another section of the program. Perhaps due to the specific and individual characteristics of the emotional-volitional and personal sphere of the child, his interests, inclinations and abilities (RDA or others). At the consultation, a general summary of the dynamics of the child’s development over a certain period of time is summed up, taking into account the results in all sections of both the special (correctional) program and the individual correctional and developmental program. Factors complicating the dynamics of a child’s development: frequent somatic illnesses of the child (more than 4 times a year) and diseases associated with hospitalization, low psychological and pedagogical competence of the family, current stress state of the child, post-traumatic stress, emotional shock associated with loss loved one(death, divorce of parents), raising a child by grandparents, methods and techniques of working with the child that were not correctly selected by the institution’s specialists, the child’s selective attitude towards adults, the low educational level of the child’s family. The section of the dynamics sheet “Specificity and originality of the child’s activities” may contain such characteristics as: the time required to assimilate and memorize a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills, attitude towards the results of one’s work, interests and inclinations of the child, refusal joint activities, low mood (touchiness, tearfulness, etc.), the presence of inappropriate actions when performing tasks; inertia, stiffness of nervous processes, increased fatigue and distractibility, etc. As the practice of a preschool institution in Chelyabinsk has shown, this approach when analyzing the results of education and upbringing of a child with cerebral palsy makes it possible to provide adequate treatment and correctional education, taking into account the structure of their disorders. Literature. 1.Gribanova G.V. Guidelines for organizing the activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC). // Defectology, No. 6, 2001. - p.66-93. 2. Orphans: counseling and diagnostics of development / Ed. E.A. Strebeleva. M.: "Book-Master", 1998. - 336 p. 3.Comprehensive rehabilitation of children with disabilities due to diseases nervous system. Guidelines. Presidential program "Children of Russia". Moscow - St. Petersburg, Volume 1, 1998.-536 p. 4. Lavrova G.N. Technologies for analyzing correctional and developmental work in compensatory preschool educational institutions and in groups for children with disabilities. - Chelyabinsk: Cicero, 2009. - 76 p. 5. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of preschool children / Ed. E.A. Strebeleva. M.: "Buk-Master", 1998. 225 p. 6. Semago N.Ya., Semago M.M. Problem children. Fundamentals of diagnostic and correctional work of a psychologist. M.: "ARKTI", 2000.- 208 p. 7. Smirnova I.A. Special education for preschool children with cerebral palsy. SPb.: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2003.- 160 p.

State budgetary educational institution

School No. 7 of Krasnoselsky district

St. Petersburg

Analytical report on positive dynamics in developmental correction

students with disabilities

teachers primary classes

Yulia Yurievna Terentyeva

Saint Petersburg


To achieve the goal I have set for myself in teaching and educating class students, as a teacher I place special emphasis on the development of children’s thinking, creative abilities, and independence. The main unit of pedagogical influence in the classroom is learning task, where all subject content is built through a system of educational goals. There are 5 students in the class. Of students with severe and moderate mental retardation, all students have autism spectrum disorders. At the beginning of training, the children were diagnosed and identified:

That they have pronounced features of cognitive activity: a low level of intellectual activity (mental operations are not sufficiently formed: in particular, children have difficulty generalizing and abstracting the features of objects);

Some underdevelopment of complex forms of behavior (voluntary regulation of behavior is poorly developed, as a result of which it is difficult for children to obey the teacher’s demands);

Speech activity is very low or absent altogether;

Spontaneous speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary, the presence of agrammatisms, and difficulties in understanding logical-grammatical constructions;

Interest in educational activities not expressed

The stock of knowledge about the surrounding reality is poor;

Cognitive activity is very weak and unstable;

Memorization is mechanical.

Students are characterized by emotional instability, the presence of impulsive reactions, inadequate self-esteem, and a predominance of gaming motivation.

All this determined the leading directions of correctional work:

    Studying and correcting the characteristics of a child’s interaction with environment(parents, teachers, peers)

    Correction of children's development based on the results of the diagnostic report

    Correction of the emotional-volitional and behavioral sphere of children based on the results of the diagnostic report

    Corrective and developmental support of the pedagogical process

    Health promotion and protection;

    Physical development;

    Development cognitive spheres s;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards educational activities;

    Socialization of students, expansion of social contacts;

    Formation at an accessible level of the simplest skills of reading, writing, counting, knowledge about nature and the surrounding world, the basics of safe life.

I focus my lessons oncorrectional and developmental principles of education:

Systematic principle;

The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction;

Taking into account individual personality characteristics;

The principle of dynamic perception;

The principle of productive information processing;

The principle of taking into account the emotional coloring of the material.

I own the following modern educational technologies:

Information and communication,



Level differentiation,

Personally-centered learning and systematically uses them in practical activities:

I carry out quality control and assessment activities in paper and electronic versions. I actively use Internet resources when preparing and conducting lessons. I strive for self-improvement and self-education.

In my lessons I often use the method of motor tasks, through which children gain knowledge about the properties of different objects (color, shape, quality of materials); get acquainted with the features of movement in space, possible directions of movement; determine the location of some objects in relation to others and to themselves, focusing on the diagram of their own body. In this case, cognition occurs on the basis of perception of different modalities (kinetic, tactile, visual, kinesthetic, etc.), as well as speech. I also use a variety of games for development in my work. fine motor skills using non-standard equipment: massage balls, handkerchiefs, rugs, clothespins, expanders, toothbrushes, hair ties, etc. Non-traditional use of objects promotes a good emotional mood, reduces psycho-emotional stress, and stimulates mental activity. Audio and video recordings are regularly used in lessons, practical work different directions. Didactic material for lessons is selected strictly taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Much attention is focused on the principle of clarity. In my lessons I create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination, perception and thinking. For many lessons I make presentations in the program “PowerPoint" They not only help students learn course material, but also develop a positive attitude towards learning.

To create full-fledged conditions for achieving dynamics in correcting the development of students with disabilities, work is carried out in constant contact with a speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, educational psychologist, orphanage teachers, child psychiatrist, and parents of students.

In my work I also pay attention to the following areas:

1. Diagnostic work:

Ensures timely examination of children with disabilities and preparation of recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance in an educational institution; determination of individual characteristics and inclinations of a person, his potential in the process of training and education, as well as identifying the causes and mechanisms of violations in learning, development, and social adaptation.

2. Corrective and developmental work:

Provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correcting deficiencies in the development of children with disabilities in a general education institution; contributes to the formation educational activities in students (such as personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative); active influence on the process of personality formation and preservation of its individuality.

3. Advisory work:

Ensures continuity of special support for children with disabilities and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students; providing assistance in matters of development, education and training.

4. Information and educational work:

Aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff; creating conditions for full personal development; timely prevention of possible violations in the formation of personality and development of intelligence.

5. Analytical work:

This work is aimed at understanding the ongoing psychological work, activities to adapt students, assessing the effectiveness of work and correction.

Diagnostic work includes:

    early (from the first days of a child’s stay in an educational institution) diagnosis of developmental disorders and analysis of the causes of adaptation difficulties;

    studying the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere and personal

characteristics of students;

    study of the social situation of development and conditions of family education of a child;

    analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.

Corrective and developmental work includes:

    selection of correctional programs/techniques, methods and teaching techniques that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special educational needs;

    organizing and conducting correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;

    systemic impact on the child’s educational and cognitive activity in the dynamics of the educational process, aimed at correcting developmental deviations;

    correction and development of higher mental functions;

    development of the emotional-volitional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child and correction of his behavior;

    social protection of the child in cases of unfavorable living conditions under traumatic circumstances.

Advisory work includes:

    development of joint, substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with students with disabilities, common for all participants in the educational process;

    advisory assistance to the family in choosing an upbringing strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with disabilities.

Information and educational work includes:

    various forms of educational activities (lectures, conversations, information stands, printed materials) aimed at explaining to participants in the educational process - students, their parents (legal representatives) - issues related to the characteristics of the educational process and accompanying children with disabilities.

All this allows you to achieve high results. The introduction into practice of developing, person-oriented teaching principles, high-quality methodological support for lessons and the creation of psychological comfort allows one to achieve high results in learning.

I systematically carry out systematically organized work with class students, both during class and after school hours.

All these activities made it possible to implement the assigned correctional tasks during the training and achieve stable results of correction of the development of students with disabilities.

Analysis of correctional work.

The analysis was carried out on the basis of materials given in the program for students with moderate and severe mental retardation, edited by L.B. Baryaeva, N.N. Yakovleva.

Purpose of the analysis: to analyze the level of academic performance and quality of knowledge of students over two years of study. Assessment of the level of academic performance and quality of knowledge was carried out at the end of the year.


Academic year

Academic performance %

Quality %







Before classes

After the classes

From the analysis of the level of academic performance and quality of knowledge over two academic years, a positive dynamics of students’ educational achievements is observed: with 100% academic performance, the quality of education is 35% and 40%.

Purpose of the analysis: to analyze the level of student learning.

In addition to analyzing academic performance and quality of knowledge, I carried out an analysis based on the level of training (LQ), which was calculated using the formula:

A x 100% + B x 64% + C x 36% + D x 16%

SN = number of students

A is the number of people who completed the work independently; B - the number of those who completed the work with the help of the teacher and made 1-2 mistakes; C - the number of people who completed the work with the help of the teacher and made 3-4 mistakes; B - the number of those who did not complete the work

Analysis of the level of training 2013-2014

Analysis of the level of training 2014-2015

This table and diagrams indicate stable results of developmental correction for students with disabilities.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​my experience is a teaching based on achieving success through the experience of the joy of learning, on genuine interest. To bring my idea to life, I work based on the principle that every lesson should be effective, and this can only be achieved if students are instilled with a desire for active creative activity.

To achieve results in my work with students, I consider it necessary:

    ensuring corrective orientation of training;

    availability of educational material;

    take into account the specifics of the emotional-volitional sphere in students with disabilities

health opportunities;

    use of modern information technologies;

    creating a favorable atmosphere, cooperation between teacher and student based on mutual respect and trust;

    constant creative search for methods, forms, techniques that will help increase student motivation and improve the level of academic performance and quality;

    variety of types and types of lessons;

    the relationship between teaching and upbringing methods;

    The introduction into practice of developing, person-oriented teaching principles, high-quality methodological support for lessons and the creation of psychological comfort allows one to achieve high results in learning.

The analysis was carried out by primary school teacher Yulia Yuryevna Terentyeva.

Deputy director of GBOU school No. 7 Kalmykova N.A.

3.3 Forms for recording data on the dynamics of children’s personal development

Observation diary

For the successful study of children and the use of their data for the purposes of correctional work, the systematic accumulation of material characterizing the appearance of each student, his development, and personal characteristics is very important.

Teachers use various forms of recording data on the development and advancement of students. One of the forms of current recording of such data is observation diaries.

Let us dwell on the requirements that observation diaries must satisfy.

The main requirement is content. The entries made by the teacher in the observation diary should not be random in nature, but should record the most important and characteristic data that reveals the student’s individuality, his development, and his characteristic features. The teacher, of course, should not write down everything he observes in a diary, but should select the most striking facts. In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on those characteristics of the student that are discussed in the “student study program.” Records about each student will be made approximately once every one to two weeks. Should not be installed

strict frequency of recordings. However, one absolute requirement must be remembered: do not start recording observations.

When making entries in an observation diary, it is important to be accurate and record exactly what actually happened. Moreover, not in a generalized form, but in all the specificity of the observed events. When describing the manifestations of students, it is necessary to note the environment in which they took place. In diary entries one should not get carried away with generalized assessments of observed facts; This is the task of the next stage - drawing up a pedagogical characteristic. Diary entries should provide the most accurate and objective material for subsequent generalization.

Entries should be made in the diary as soon as possible after something happened, or at least on the same day. If a teacher delays recording observations, he has to make notes from memory, and this is fraught with distortion of facts, the appearance of inaccuracies, etc.

Most teachers use one general notebook for the observation diary, where a certain number of pages are allocated for each student. On the first page of the section allocated for a given student, his last name and first name are indicated. Subsequent pages are filled with observation notes. It is possible to use a diary in which the observable characteristics of students and the actions taken by the teacher are recorded in one continuous entry.

You can arrange the entries differently. In this case, each page is divided into three columns: the first contains the date of observation; the second column is reserved for records about this student; the third column indicates those pedagogical activities planned or carried out by the teacher and their results.

This form of observation diary has the advantage that it emphasizes the effective pedagogical focus of the teacher’s work in studying students.

Let's give an example of this type of recording.

Pedagogical characteristics

The pedagogical characteristics of a schoolchild are a kind of generalization of the results of his learning and development.

Pedagogical characteristics are compiled by the teacher; the annual compilation of student characteristics is a summary of the results of pedagogical work for the year at a qualitative level. By compiling characteristics, the teacher gets the opportunity to once again look back at the path traveled by the student over the year; analyze the difficulties that have been overcome and which remain to be overcome; think over those methods and means, that pedagogical strategy that are appropriate for this student in the future.

Systematization of the varied material accumulated in the process of studying a student can be twofold and lead to two different ways of designing characteristics.

The first method is when the characteristic presents a summary of factual data obtained by different methods, in a known sequence, in the order of the adopted program. This approach is appropriate when compiling an initial, initial profile of a student. After summarizing the data about the child, the teacher makes a summary about the level of his readiness for school education, about the directions of an individual approach to the child in the process of educational work.

The second method is when the teacher, when starting to compile a characteristic, does not adhere to the program, but immediately puts forward those provisions that, in his opinion, best characterize the child at this stage of his development. The conclusions that the teacher comes to are supported by the facts at his disposal. This method of document execution is preferable when compiling annual characteristics of students. It allows you to most clearly imagine the changes occurring in the appearance of the student, in his development, in his assimilation of knowledge and skills throughout the year. This method of formalizing characteristics is more difficult, but it provides examples of more complete, coherent and complete characteristics, where disparate facts are brought into a single whole, where the child is presented as a living, full-blooded personality.

With any method of preparing the characteristics, it should present not only the child, but also the pedagogical measures that the teacher took to overcome difficulties, as well as the effectiveness of these measures.

Teachers should be warned against the unfortunately still common practice of compiling characteristics without relying on factual data. Without having records of observations and other documentary materials or without referring to them when compiling a characteristic, the teacher writes it based on his own general ideas about the child and what he can remember at the moment. It goes without saying that such a characteristic will suffer from subjectivity and will not be able to serve the purpose for which it is compiled, deepening knowledge about the child and using it in the learning process.

Journal of correctional work

Teachers working in the system of correctional and developmental education are recommended to keep a special journal of correctional work. The journal should reflect the results of schoolchildren's educational and diagnostic work, which are carried out by the teacher in order to obtain objective information about the level of their educational activities and their acquisition of subject knowledge, skills and abilities. Such information, reflecting the characteristics of the learning and development of each student, serves as the basis for building individual, differentiated and frontal correctional work in lessons and during extracurricular activities with kids.

The principle on which the design of the magazine should be based is a qualitative description of the requirements for the learning outcomes and development of schoolchildren, as well as the degree of compliance with them that each student achieves at certain stages of training.

The requirements for the learning outcomes of schoolchildren are built in accordance with the logic of the deployment of correctional and developmental work and the content of basic academic subjects. These requirements must be presented in the form of specific activity-based, general educational and particular subject skills that students must master during the learning process.

Diagnosis of mastery of these skills is carried out using various types of educational and diagnostic tasks. The latter are combined into two main types: tasks based on non-educational material (type I), and tasks based on educational material (type II).

Pedagogical diagnostics should be carried out regularly, at intervals of approximately a month. Such regularity makes it possible to record the stage-by-stage results of the process of mastering skills, which is always extended over time, and, starting from them, to outline the content of subsequent correctional work.

Depending on the nature of the task, as well as on what particular skill or group of skills are the objects of control, the results of completing tasks are assessed in different ways.

Most often, the assessment is expressed in the form of indicating the level of skill proficiency: 1st level - mastered the skill; Level 2 - mostly mastered the skill; Level 3 - partially mastered the skill; 4th level - did not master the skill. This method of assessment is possible, for example, when the material allows the use of a clearly fixed number of tasks involving the use of a specific method of action. Correct completion of all tasks will allow you to evaluate mastery of the skill at the 1st level, the majority of them - at the 2nd level. In the case when only half or about half of the tasks are completed correctly, the degree of mastery of the skill is assessed at level 3. Finally, when most of the tasks are completed incorrectly - level 4.

In some works it is more convenient to indicate the number of errors made. This method of assessment is traditional when analyzing, for example, dictations. The level of mastery of each particular skill is determined in the same way. The assessment may also include an indication of the degree of assistance that the student required in the process of performing the work. Along with recording the child’s success in mastering individual skills or a group of skills, all diagnostic work performed on non-educational material, and some in educational material, it is advisable to evaluate according to another extremely important criterion - the time it took to complete them. The dynamics of this indicator when comparing it with the corresponding average figures for the class is informative. In its most general form, it reflects those changes (favorable or unfavorable) that occur in cognitive activity and mental functions in of this child during the educational process. By comparing the results achieved by each student in mastering a specific skill, from the first diagnostic work to subsequent ones, the teacher receives a clear picture of the student’s progress in mastering this skill. At the same time, the teacher each time clearly sees those individual gaps in the formation of the psychophysiological and psychological components of educational activity that hinder the student’s progress in learning and the elimination of which must be specially worked on. Thus, being the bearer of objective qualitative information about the state and dynamics of development of cognitive activity and As each child masters educational material, the magazine becomes a reliable form of feedback for the teacher, helping him in implementing the correctional, developmental, diagnostic and educational functions of a new type of teaching.

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects,

then she must first of all get to know him in all respects...

- Konstantin Ushinsky

Monitoring- constant monitoring of any processes to assess their condition and development forecasts.

Purpose of monitoring: collection of data on the personal development of a preschooler at different age stages, followed by an objective determination of the individual path of the most favorable development of the child. (Asmolov “... to record the level of development of the child so that teachers of preschool institutions and parents understand how to work with them further.”)

Forms of monitoring (methods):

child monitoring,

expert assessments,

criterion-oriented methods of non-test type,

criterion-based testing (in controversial situations, with the permission of parents and legal representatives).

Periodicity: 2 times per year.

Duration: 1 Week.

Individual card

monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler

An individual map of the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler provides information about various fields development of a preschool child and forms a holistic idea of ​​his individuality. Analysis of information will make it possible to more accurately determine the future trajectory of the child’s education, develop natural inclinations and abilities, and timely prevent possible problems.

The individual card contains several sections, each of which is filled out by specialists from the preschool institution. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and medical examination are entered into the card.

Dynamics monitoring structure child development

Section No. 1: Individual chart for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on a study of medical indications. Filled out medical worker.

Section No. 2: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler based on study cognitive processes, strong-willed qualities... To be filled out by a psychologist.

Section No. 3: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of speech development. To be completed by speech therapists.

Section No. 4: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities and the study of the effectiveness of development educational areas. To be completed by the teacher, instructor physical education and musical director.

Conclusion: generalization of monitoring data, directions for individual work


“+” corresponds to the age norm

“-” discrepancy with the age norm

“+/-” additional work required

“-/+” requires enhanced correction

Expected conclusions:

1. The dynamics of a child’s development correspond to the development indicators of a given age period

2. The dynamics of the child’s development do not correspond to development indicators for a given age period according to the following indicators ______________


3. The specialized work of the following specialists is required: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



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Monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler Individual development map of the MKDOU BGO Central District of Children's Education - kindergarten No. 19 Educators: Yuryeva E.A. Denisyuk G.S.

Monitoring is the constant observation of any processes to assess their condition and development forecasts. The purpose of monitoring: collecting data on the personal development of a preschooler at different age stages, followed by an objective determination of the individual path of the most favorable development of the child. (Asmolov “... to record the level of development of the child, so that teachers of preschool institutions and parents understand how to work with them further.”) Forms of monitoring (methods): observations of the child, conversations, expert assessments, criterion-oriented methods of non-test type, criterion-based -oriented testing (in controversial situations, with the permission of parents and legal representatives). Frequency: 2 times a year. Duration: 1 week. If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first of all get to know him in all respects... - Konstantin Ushinsky

Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler's personal development An individual map of the dynamics of a preschooler's personal development represents information about various areas of development of a preschooler and creates a holistic picture of his individuality. Analysis of information will make it possible to more accurately determine the future trajectory of the child’s education, develop natural inclinations and abilities, and promptly prevent possible problems. The individual card contains several sections, each of which is filled out by specialists from the preschool institution. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and medical examination are entered into the card.

Structure of monitoring the dynamics of child development Section No. 1: Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of the personal development of a preschooler based on the study of medical indications. To be completed by a medical professional. Section No. 2: Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of cognitive processes, volitional qualities... To be completed by a psychologist. Section No. 3: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of speech development. To be completed by speech therapists. Section No. 4: Individual map for monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities and the study of the effectiveness of mastering educational areas. To be completed by the teacher, physical education instructor and music director. Conclusion: generalization of monitoring data, directions for individual work

Section No. 4 Individual card for monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler (teacher)

General information about the child Child’s name ____________________________________________________________ Age at the time of filling out (years, months) ______________________________ Group _________________________________________________________________ Health group ________________________________________________________________ Type of GNI ________________________________________________________________ Social status families ____________________________________________ Additional information (disability, diagnosis) _____________ ___________________________________________________________________

In the process of pedagogical monitoring, the educator determines the Development of integrative qualities according to the age norm. Development of integrative qualities according to the age norm. Assessment of the effectiveness of mastering educational areas.

Section No. 4 Table No. 1 Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development based on the study of integrative qualities Integrative qualities Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Physically developed, having mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills, the basic physical qualities and needs for physical activity have been formed. independently performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures and follows basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. Curious, active Interested in the new, unknown in the surrounding world (the world of objects and things, the world of relationships and one’s own inner world). Asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment Able to act independently (in Everyday life, various types of children's activities). In cases of difficulty, seek help from an adult. Takes a lively and interested part in educational process. Emotionally responsive Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, music and works of art, natural world

Integrative qualities Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Capable of managing one’s behavior and planning one’s actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior Behavior is primarily determined by momentary desires and needs, and by demands from adults and primary value ideas about “ What is good and what is bad". Able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Follows the rules of behavior on the street ( road rules), in public places (transport, shops, clinics, theaters, etc.). Able to solve intellectual and personal problems (problems), age appropriate Can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems posed by both adults and himself; Depending on the situation, it can transform ways of solving problems. He is able to propose his own idea and translate it into a drawing, construction, or story. Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature. Has ideas: about himself, his own belonging and the belonging of other people to a certain gender; about family composition, family relations and relationships, distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world. Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity, he is able to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. Has mastered the necessary skills and abilities

Table No. 2 Individual map of monitoring the dynamics of personal development of a preschooler based on studying the effectiveness of mastering educational areas Educational areas Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Physical development experience in motor activity development of physical qualities correct formation of the musculoskeletal system, development of balance, coordination of movements, gross and fine motor skills correct performing basic movements; forming initial ideas about some sports; mastering outdoor games with rules; mastering ideas about healthy life, its elementary norms and rules Social and communicative development socialization, development of communication, assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society child in the family and community self-service, independence, labor education formation of the foundations of safety

Educational areas Frequency Beginning of the year End of the year Cognitive development formation of elementary mathematical concepts development of cognitive-research activities familiarization with the subject environment familiarization with the social world familiarization with the natural world Speech development developing speech environment formation of a dictionary of the KR Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech Preparation for learning to read and write Introduction to fiction Artistic and aesthetic development Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality Introducing to art Constructive and modeling activity Visual activity Musical activity

Legend: “+” corresponds to the age norm “-” does not correspond to the age norm “+/-” additional work is required “-/+” increased correction is required

Conclusion. Generalization of monitoring data Goal: generalization of data on the individual dynamics of a preschooler’s personal development; reflection of the objectivity and clarity of monitoring. Medical indications Psychological parameters of development Speech parameters of development Physical development Formation of integrative qualities Mastery of educational areas Expected conclusions: 1. The dynamics of the child’s development corresponds to the development indicators of the given age period 2. The dynamics of the child’s development does not correspond to the development indicators for the given age period according to the following indicators ______________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Specialized training is required work of the following specialists: ______ ________________________________________________________________

Directions of individual work Specialized correction of development Psychological parameters of development Speech development Physical development Integrative qualities Mastering educational areas Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Periodicity Direction of work Periodicity Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Frequency Direction of work Frequency Lesson with a speech therapist 1 day per week Voluntary memory Formation of a dictionary Development of basic movements Capable plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal Cognitive development Examination by a psychiatrist 2 times/year Abstract thinking ZKR Development of fine motor skills Able to plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal. Artistic and aesthetic development Consultation with an ophthalmologist 1p/3 months Volitional qualities Preparation for learning to read and write Correction of flat feet Classes with a child psychologist 2p/week Working with a ball Physical therapy 1p/2wk Water hardening

1. The main method of studying the dynamics of children’s development is to compile an individual characteristics of the child based on the results of an individual examination using special techniques in all main areas: social, cognitive, aesthetic and physical to form an accurate idea of ​​the child’s development. Such a study of the child should be carried out by a preschool psychologist at the end and at the beginning of the school year.

2. General assessment of the development dynamics of each child at the end of the month, i.e. recording the achievements of each child using symbols: sustainable results - green circle, unstable achievements - yellow circle, necessity extra work– red circle. Having received such a color picture, the teacher sees which tasks can be considered solved and which cannot.

3. The main way to accumulate information about a child’s individual characteristics is daily observation of the process of interaction and communication between children and with adults, as well as their activities.

4. Studying the results of children’s individual activities: visual arts, design, didactic games etc. The form of recording this information should be chosen by the teacher himself. The most convenient way is to record data in a personal notebook. It is very important that teachers share their impressions of how the day went when handing over the shift. This ensures the unity of pedagogical impact. Comparative analysis the results obtained allows you to see big picture efficiency educational work with children of a particular group, the quality of pedagogical influence on the development of each child. Don't expect all children to high level development in all directions. The main focus should be on ensuring that each child progresses according to his or her abilities.

The main indicator of the quality of educational work is progress in development. In this regard, a child’s low level of task completion can be regarded as positive if it is higher than the previous one.

The characteristic age characteristics of a preschooler are:

· Imitation – makes it easier for children to learn knowledge

· Children's tendency to repeat. Repetition should be combined with a gradual increase and complication of the material.

· Children love to share their knowledge with each other - to use it to foster friendship and mutual assistance.

· Easily remember what they hear

· Involuntary attention: easily distracted, cannot be focused on one subject or phenomenon for a long time.

· Emotional sensitivity.

How to implement an individual approach to children within the same rhythm of life for everyone and with a large number of children?

When implementing the principle of an individual approach, the teacher must remember that pedagogical process V kindergarten should be built on the basis of:

- medical indicators of the child’s health(children with reduced hearing and vision are located closer to the teacher during the lesson);

- psycho-accounting physiological characteristics the child, his temperament and the character that develops on his basis(silent children should not be called first, but having called them, first ask questions about what they have learned well; when working with slow children, you should be patient, do not rush to answer, do not interrupt, do not ask first);

- taking into account the characteristics of the nervous system, which causes such manifestations as mobility and slowness, fatigue and performance, restraint and imbalance(place fidgety, active children closer to an adult; offer easily excitable, inattentive, unrestrained children to repeat the task, and personally address them: “Tanya, Vanya, listen carefully, then repeat what was said”);

- taking into account the pace and general level of development of the child(for more developed children, give more complex tasks; for children who are slow and weak in completing tasks, it is necessary to offer similar tasks before the collective lesson)

Taking into account the mental abilities and emotional and moral development of the child;

Taking into account the child’s inclinations and interests.

The above listed guidelines should be taken into account as a whole: if a teacher uses only one of them in his work, unwanted distortions arise in the child’s development.

For example, if the pedagogical process is built with a focus on the inclinations and interests of children, then this leads to early “specialization”, which is appropriate in adolescence, and in preschool age- harmful.

For the development of children, it is very important to avoid formal activities. It is necessary to be guided by an assessment, namely: what did the lesson give to each child in terms of his comprehensive development? Was the proportion of tasks correctly determined in accordance with the child’s capabilities? It must be remembered: if only ready-made samples are given in class, children get used to it and wait for help from an adult and do not dare to take the initiative. Creative skills and activity is suppressed.

Individual educational route

Date of completion:


FULL NAME. child_________________________________________________

Date of Birth_________

Health group __________

Physical education group ________

Age group ____________

Results of the screening examination (for children of the 1st junior, senior and preparatory school groups): ________________

Main sections general education program, learned at a low level:



Additional Information


2. Organizational part of IOM

Target : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Development tools: game.

Form of organization: individual joint activity.

Frequency: 2 times a week.

Duration: __________

Planned result: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Responsible for the result (full name of the teacher): _______________________________________




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