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Composite field effect transistor typical circuits. Features of operation and circuit of the Darlington transistor

To obtain the main parameters of the CT, one should set the model of the bipolar transistor(BT) for low frequencies in Fig. 1a.

Rice. 1. BT equivalent circuit options n-p-n

Primary calculated parameters there are only two: the current gain and the input resistance of the transistor. Having received them, for a specific scheme according to known formulas You can calculate the voltage gain, input and output impedances of the cascade.

The equivalent circuits of composite Darlington (STD) and Szyklai (STSh) transistors are shown in Fig. 2, ready-made formulas for calculating parameters are in table. 1.

Table 1 - Formulas for calculating CT parameters

Here re is the emitter resistance, calculated by the formula:

Rice. 2 Options for composite transistors

It is known that b depends on the collector current (the dependence graph is indicated in the datasheet). If the base current VT2 (also known as the emitter or collector current VT1) turns out to be too small, the actual parameters of the CT will be much lower than the calculated ones. Therefore, to maintain the initial collector current VT1, it is enough to plug an additional resistor Radd into the circuit (Fig. 2c). For example, if the STD uses KT315 as VT1 with the minimum required current Ik.min, then the additional resistance will be equal to

you can put a resistor with a nominal value of 680 ohms.

The shunting effect of Radd reduces the parameters of the CT, so in microcircuits and other sophisticated circuits it is replaced by a current source.

As can be seen from the formulas in table. 1, the gain and input impedance of the STD are greater than those of the STS. However, the latter has its advantages:

  1. at the STS input the voltage drops less than that of the STD (Ube versus 2Ube);
  2. the VT2 collector is connected to the common wire, i.e. in a circuit with OE for cooling, VT2 can be placed directly on the metal body of the device.

Practice of compound transistor operation

In Fig. Figure 3 shows three options for constructing an output stage (emitter follower). When selecting transistors, you should strive for b1~b2 and b3~b4. The difference can be compensated by selecting pairs based on the equality of the ST gain factors b13~b24 (see Table 1).

  • Scheme in Fig. 3a has the highest input resistance, but this is the worst of the given circuits: it requires insulation of the flanges of powerful transistors (or separate radiators) and provides the smallest voltage swing, since ~2 V must drop between the bases of the CT, otherwise “step” distortion will appear strongly.
  • Scheme in Fig. 3b was inherited from those times when complementary pairs of powerful transistors were not yet produced. The only advantage compared to the previous version is a lower voltage drop of ~1.8 V and a larger swing without distortion.
  • Scheme in Fig. 3c clearly demonstrates the advantages of STS: a minimum voltage drops between the ST bases, and powerful transistors can be placed on a common radiator without insulating spacers.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows two parametric stabilizers. The output voltage for the version with STD is:

Since Ube varies depending on temperature and collector current, the output voltage spread of a circuit with STD will be greater, and therefore the option with STS is preferable.

Rice. 3. Options for output emitter followers on ST

Rice. 4. Application of CT as a regulator in a linear stabilizer

Any suitable combination of transistors can be used in linear circuits. The author has encountered Soviet household appliances that used STS in pairs KT315+KT814 and KT3107+KT815 (although /KT361 and KT3102/KT3107 are accepted). As a complementary pair, you can take C945 and A733, often found in old computer power supplies.


A composite Darlington transistor is made up of a pair of standard transistors combined by a crystal and a common protective coating. Typically, in drawings, no special symbols are used to mark the position of such a transistor, only the one used to mark standard-type transistors.

A load resistor is connected to the emitter circuit of one of the elements. The terminals of a Darlington transistor are similar to a bipolar semiconductor triode:

  • base;
  • emitter;
  • collector.

In addition to the generally accepted version of the composite transistor, there are several varieties of it.

Sziklai pair and cascode circuit

Another name for a compound semiconductor triode is a Darlington pair. In addition to her, there is also a couple of Siklai. This is a similar combination of a dyad of basic elements, which differs in that it includes different types of transistors.

As for the cascode circuit, this is also a variant of a composite transistor, in which one semiconductor triode is connected according to a circuit with an OE, and the other according to a circuit with an OB. This device is similar a simple transistor, which is included in a circuit with an OE, but has better frequency performance, high input impedance and a large linear range with less distortion of the transmitted signal.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite transistors

The power and complexity of a Darlington transistor can be adjusted by increasing the number of bipolar transistors included in it. There is also one that includes bipolar and is used in the field of high-voltage electronics.

The main advantage of composite transistors is their ability to provide high current gain. The fact is that if the gain of each of the two transistors is 60, then when they work together in a composite transistor, the total gain will be equal to the product of the coefficients of the transistors included in its composition (in this case, 3600). As a result, a fairly small base current is required to open the Darlington transistor.

The disadvantage of composite transistors is their low operating speed, which makes them suitable for use only in circuits operating at low frequencies. Often, composite transistors appear as a component of the output stages of powerful low-frequency amplifiers.

Features of the device

For composite transistors, the gradual decrease in voltage along the conductor at the base-emitter junction is twice the standard. The level of voltage reduction across an open transistor is approximately equal to the voltage drop that the diode has.

According to this indicator, a composite transistor is similar to a step-down transformer. But relative to the characteristics of the transformer, the Darlington transistor has much greater power gain. Such transistors can operate switches with a frequency of up to 25 Hz.

The system for the industrial production of composite transistors is set up in such a way that the module is fully equipped and equipped with an emitter resistor.

How to test a Darlington transistor

The simplest way to test a compound transistor is as follows:

  • The emitter is connected to the negative side of the power source;
  • The collector is connected to one of the terminals of the light bulb, its second terminal is redirected to the “plus” of the power source;
  • By means of a resistor, positive voltage is transmitted to the base, the light bulb lights up;
  • By means of a resistor, negative voltage is transmitted to the base, the light bulb does not light.

If everything turned out as described, then the transistor is working.

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If you open any book on electronic technology, you will immediately see how many elements are named after their creators: Schottky diode, Zener diode (also known as a zener diode), Gunn diode, Darlington transistor.

Electrical engineer Sidney Darlington experimented with brushed motors direct current and control circuits for them. The circuits used current amplifiers.

Engineer Darlington invented and patented a transistor consisting of two bipolar ones and made on a single silicon crystal with diffused n(negative) and p(positive) transitions. A new semiconductor device was named after him.

In the domestic technical literature, a Darlington transistor is called composite. So, let's get to know him better!

The device of a composite transistor.

As already mentioned, these are two or more transistors manufactured on one semiconductor chip and packaged in one common package. There is also a load resistor in the emitter circuit of the first transistor.

The Darlington transistor has the same terminals as the familiar bipolar transistor: Base, Emitter and Collector.

Darlington circuit

As you can see, such a transistor is a combination of several. Depending on the power, it may contain more than two bipolar transistors. It is worth noting that in high-voltage electronics a transistor consisting of a bipolar and a field-effect transistor is also used. This is an IGBT transistor. It can also be classified as a composite, hybrid semiconductor device.

Main features of the Darlington transistor.

The main advantage of a composite transistor is its high current gain.

It is worth recalling one of the main parameters of a bipolar transistor. This is the gain ( h 21). It is also denoted by the letter β (“beta”) of the Greek alphabet. It is always greater than or equal to 1. If the gain of the first transistor is 120, and the second is 60, then the gain of the composite is already equal to the product of these values, that is, 7200, and this is very good. As a result, a very small base current is enough to turn the transistor on.

Engineer Sziklai slightly modified the Darlington connection and obtained a transistor, which was called a complementary Darlington transistor. Let us remember that a complementary pair is two elements with absolutely identical electrical parameters, but different conductivities. Such a pair at one time were KT315 and KT361. Unlike the Darlington transistor, a composite transistor according to the Sziklai circuit is assembled from bipolar ones of different conductivities: p-n-p And n-p-n. Here is an example of a composite transistor according to the Sziklai circuit, which works like a transistor with n-p-n conductivity, although it consists of two different structures.

Siklai scheme

The disadvantages of composite transistors include low performance, therefore they are widely used only in low-frequency circuits. Such transistors have proven themselves to be excellent in the output stages of powerful low-frequency amplifiers, in electric motor control circuits, and in switches electronic circuits car ignitions.

Main electrical parameters:

    Collector – emitter voltage 500 V;

    Emitter – base voltage 5 V;

    Collector current – ​​15 A;

    Maximum collector current – ​​30 A;

    Power dissipation at 25 0 C – 135 W;

    Crystal (transition) temperature – 175 0 C.

On circuit diagrams There is no special symbol to indicate composite transistors. In the vast majority of cases, it is designated on the diagram as a regular transistor. Although there are exceptions. Here is one of its possible designations on a circuit diagram.

Let me remind you that a Darlington assembly can have either a p-n-p structure or an n-p-n structure. In this regard, manufacturers of electronic components produce complementary pairs. These include the TIP120-127 and MJ11028-33 series. For example, transistors TIP120, TIP121, TIP122 have the structure n-p-n, and TIP125, TIP126, TIP127 - p-n-p.

You can also find this designation on circuit diagrams.

Examples of application of a composite transistor.

Let's consider a control circuit for a commutator motor using a Darlington transistor.

When a current of about 1 mA is supplied to the base of the first transistor, a current of 1000 times more, that is, 1000 mA, will flow through its collector. It turns out that the simple circuit has a decent gain. Instead of a motor, you can connect an electric light bulb or a relay, with which you can switch powerful loads.

If instead of the Darlington assembly we use the Sziklai assembly, then the load is connected to the emitter circuit of the second transistor and is connected not to the plus, but to the minus of the power supply.

If you combine a Darlington transistor and a Sziklai assembly, you get a push-pull current amplifier. It is called push-pull because at a particular moment in time only one of the two transistors, the upper or the lower, can be open. This circuit inverts the input signal, that is, output voltage will be back to the input.

This is not always convenient, and therefore another inverter is added at the input of the push-pull current amplifier. In this case, the output signal exactly repeats the input signal.

Application of Darlington assembly in microcircuits.

Integrated circuits containing several composite transistors are widely used. One of the most common is the L293D integrated assembly. It is often used by robotics enthusiasts in their homemade projects. The L293D microcircuit is four current amplifiers in a common housing. Since in the push-pull amplifier discussed above only one transistor is always open, the output of the amplifier is alternately connected to either the plus or minus of the power source. This depends on the input voltage. In essence, we have an electronic key. That is, the L293 chip can be defined as four electronic keys.

Here is a “piece” of the output stage circuit of the L293D microcircuit, taken from its datasheet (reference sheet).

As you can see, the output stage consists of a combination of Darlington and Szyklai circuits. The upper part of the circuit is a composite transistor according to the Sziklai circuit, and the lower part is made according to the Darlington circuit.

Many people remember the times when there were VCRs instead of DVD players. And with the help of the L293 chip, two electric motors of the VCR were controlled, and in full-function mode. For each motor, it was possible to control not only the direction of rotation, but by sending signals from the PWM controller, it was possible to control the rotation speed within large limits.

Specialized microcircuits based on the Darlington circuit have also been widely used. An example is the ULN2003A microcircuit (analogous to K1109KT22). This integrated circuit is an array of seven Darlington transistors. Such universal assemblies can be easily used in amateur radio circuits, for example, a radio-controlled relay. This is what I'm talking about.

The amplifier is called exactly that, not because its author is DARLINGTON, but because the output stage of the power amplifier is built on Darlington (composite) transistors.

For reference : Two transistors of the same structure are connected in a special way for high gain. This connection of transistors forms a composite transistor, or Darlington transistor - named after the inventor of this circuit design. Such a transistor is used in circuits operating with high currents (for example, in voltage stabilizer circuits, output stages of power amplifiers) and in the input stages of amplifiers if it is necessary to provide a high input impedance. A compound transistor has three terminals (base, emitter and collector), which are equivalent to the terminals of a conventional single transistor. The current gain of a typical composite transistor is ≈1000 for high-power transistors and ≈50,000 for low-power transistors.

Advantages of the Darlington transistor

High current gain.

The Darlington circuit is manufactured in the form of integrated circuits and at the same current working surface less silicon than bipolar transistors. These circuits are of great interest at high voltages.

Disadvantages of a compound transistor

Low performance, especially the transition from open to closed state. For this reason, composite transistors are used primarily in low-frequency key and amplifier circuits; at high frequencies, their parameters are worse than those of a single transistor.

The forward voltage drop across the base-emitter junction in a Darlington circuit is almost twice as large as in a conventional transistor, and is about 1.2 - 1.4 V for silicon transistors.

High collector-emitter saturation voltage, for a silicon transistor about 0.9 V for low-power transistors and about 2 V for high-power transistors.

Schematic diagram of ULF

The amplifier can be called the cheapest option for building a subwoofer amplifier yourself. The most valuable thing in the circuit is the output transistors, the price of which does not exceed $1. In theory, such an amplifier can be assembled for $3-5 without a power supply. Let's make a small comparison: which microcircuit can provide 100-200 watts of power into a 4 ohm load? Famous people immediately come to mind. But if you compare prices, the Darlington circuit is both cheaper and more powerful than the TDA7294!

The microcircuit itself, without components, costs at least $3, and the price of the active components of a Darlington circuit is no more than $2-2.5! Moreover, the Darlington circuit is 50-70 watts more powerful than the TDA7294!

With a 4 ohm load, the amplifier delivers 150 watts; this is the cheapest and best option for a subwoofer amplifier. The amplifier circuit uses inexpensive rectifier diodes, which can be obtained at any electronic device.

The amplifier can provide such power due to the fact that composite transistors are used at the output, but if desired, they can be replaced with conventional ones. It is convenient to use the complementary pair KT827/25, but of course the amplifier power will drop to 50-70 watts. In the differential cascade, you can use domestic KT361 or KT3107.

A complete analogue of the TIP41 transistor is our KT819A. This transistor serves to amplify the signal from the differential stages and drive the outputs. Emitter resistors can be used with a power of 2-5 watts; they protect the output stage. Read more about the technical characteristics of the TIP41C transistor. Datasheet for TIP41 and TIP42.

PN Junction Material: Si

Transistor structure: NPN

Limit constant collector power dissipation (Pc) of the transistor: 65 W

Limit constant collector-base voltage (Ucb): 140 V

Limit constant collector-emitter voltage (Uce) of the transistor: 100 V

Limit constant emitter-base voltage (Ueb): 5 V

Limit constant transistor collector current (Ic max): 6 A

Limit temperature p-n junction(Tj): 150 C

Cutoff frequency of current transfer coefficient (Ft) of the transistor: 3 MHz

- Collector junction capacitance (Cc): pF

Static current transfer coefficient in a common emitter circuit (Hfe), min: 20

Such an amplifier can be used both as a subwoofer and for wideband acoustics. The amplifier's performance is also quite good. With a load of 4 ohms, the output power of the amplifier is about 150 watts, with a load of 8 ohms the power is 100 watts, the maximum power of the amplifier can reach up to 200 watts with a power supply of +/-50 volts.

If you connect the transistors as shown in Fig. 2.60, then the resulting circuit will work as one transistor, and its coefficient β will be equal to the product of the coefficients β components of transistors.

Rice. 2.60. Composite transistor Darlington .

This technique is useful for circuits that handle high currents (such as voltage regulators or power amplifier output stages) or for amplifier input stages where high input impedance must be provided.

In a Darlington transistor, the voltage drop between base and emitter is twice the normal voltage, and the saturation voltage is at least equal to the voltage drop across the diode (since the transistor's emitter potential T 1 must exceed the transistor emitter potential T 2 by the voltage drop across the diode). In addition, transistors connected in this way behave like one transistor with a fairly low speed, since the transistor T 1 cannot quickly turn off the transistor T 2. Given this property, it is usually between the base and emitter of the transistor T 2 turn on the resistor (Fig. 2.61).

Rice. 2.61. Increasing the turn-off speed in a composite Darlington transistor.

Resistor R prevents transistor bias T 2 into the conduction region due to leakage currents of transistors T 1 And T 2. The resistance of the resistor is chosen so that the leakage currents (measured in nanoamps for small-signal transistors and in hundreds of microamps for high-power transistors) create a voltage drop across it that does not exceed the voltage drop across the diode, and at the same time so that a current flows through it that is small compared to base current of the transistor T 2. Usually resistance R is several hundred ohms in a high-power Darlington transistor and several thousand ohms in a small-signal Darlington transistor.

The industry produces Darlington transistors in the form of complete modules, which usually include an emitter resistor. An example of such a standard scheme is the powerful n‑р‑n The Darlington transistor is a 2N6282 type, its current gain is 4000 (typical) for a collector current of 10 A.

Connecting transistors according to the Sziklai scheme (Sziklai). The connection of transistors according to the Sziklai circuit is a circuit similar to the one we just looked at. It also provides an increase in the coefficient β . Sometimes such a connection is called a complementary Darlington transistor (Fig. 2.62).

Rice. 2.62 . Connecting transistors according to the diagram Siklai(“complementary Darlington transistor”).

The circuit behaves like a transistor n‑р‑n‑ type with a large coefficient β . The circuit has a single voltage between base and emitter, and the saturation voltage, as in the previous circuit, is at least equal to the voltage drop across the diode. Between the base and emitter of the transistor T 2 It is recommended to include a resistor with a small resistance. Designers use this circuit in high-power push-pull output stages when they want to use output transistors of only one polarity. An example of such a circuit is shown in Fig. 2.63.

Rice. 2.63. A powerful push-pull cascade that uses only output transistors n‑р‑n-type.

As before, the resistor is the collector resistor of the transistor T 1. Darlington transistor formed by transistors T 2 And T 3, behaves like a single transistor n‑р‑n‑type, with a large current gain. Transistors T 4 And T 5, connected according to the Sziklai circuit, behave like a powerful transistor p‑n‑p‑ type with high gain. As before, resistors R 3 And R 4 have little resistance. This circuit is sometimes called a push-pull repeater with quasi-complementary symmetry. In a real cascade with additional symmetry (complementary), transistors T 4 And T 5 would be connected according to the Darlington circuit.

Transistor with ultra-high current gain. Composite transistors- Darlington transistor and the like - should not be confused with transistors with an ultra-high current gain, in which very great importance coefficient h 21E obtained during the technological process of manufacturing an element. An example of such an element is the 2N5962 type transistor, for which a minimum current gain of 450 is guaranteed when the collector current changes in the range from 10 μA to 10 mA; this transistor belongs to the 2N5961‑2N5963 series of elements, which is characterized by a range of maximum voltages U CE from 30 to 60 V (if the collector voltage should be higher, then you should reduce the value β ). The industry produces matched pairs of transistors with ultra-high coefficient values β . They are used in low-signal amplifiers for which the transistors must have matched characteristics; dedicated to this issue section 2.18. Examples of such standard circuits are circuits such as LM394 and MAT-01; they are high-gain transistor pairs in which the voltage U BE agreed to fractions of a millivolt (at most good schemes matching is provided up to 50 µV), and the coefficient h 21E– up to 1%. The MAT-03 type circuit is a matched pair p‑n‑p- transistors.

Ultra-high ratio transistors β can be combined according to the Darlington scheme. In this case, the base bias current can be made equal to only 50 pA (examples of such circuits are operational amplifiers such as LM111 and LM316.

Tracking link

When setting the bias voltage, for example in an emitter follower, the divider resistors in the base circuit are selected so that the divider in relation to the base acts as a hard voltage source, that is, so that the resistance of parallel-connected resistors is significantly less than the input resistance of the circuit on the side bases. In this regard, the input resistance of the entire circuit is determined by the voltage divider - for a signal arriving at its input, the input resistance turns out to be much less than is really necessary. In Fig. Figure 2.64 shows a corresponding example.

Rice. 2.64.

The input impedance of the circuit is approximately 9 kΩ, and the voltage divider resistance for the input signal is 10 kΩ. It is desirable that the input resistance be always high, and in any case it is unwise to load the input signal source of the circuit with a divider, which is ultimately needed only to provide bias to the transistor. The tracking communication method allows you to get out of this difficulty (Fig. 2.65).

Rice. 2.65. Increasing the input impedance of the emitter follower at signal frequencies by including a divider in the tracking circuit, which provides a base bias.

Transistor bias is provided by resistors R1, R2, R3. Capacitor C 2 is chosen such that its total resistance at signal frequencies is small compared to the resistance of the bias resistors. As always, the bias will be stable if the DC resistance of its source given in the base (in this case 9.7 kOhm) is significantly less than the DC resistance from the base (in this case ~ 100 kOhm). But here the input resistance for signal frequencies is not equal to the DC resistance.

Consider the signal path: input signal U in generates a signal at the emitter u E ~= u in, so the increment of current flowing through the bias resistor R 3, will be i = (u inu E)/R 3~= 0, i.e. Z in = u in /i input) ~=

We found that the input (shunt) resistance of the bias circuit is very high for signal frequencies .

Another approach to circuit analysis is based on the fact that the voltage drop across a resistor R 3 for all frequencies of the signal is the same (since the voltage between its terminals changes equally), i.e. it is a current source. But the resistance of the current source is infinite. In fact, the actual value of the resistance is not infinite, since the follower gain is slightly less than 1. This is caused by the fact that the voltage drop between base and emitter depends on the collector current, which changes as the signal level changes. The same result can be obtained if we consider the divider formed by the output resistance on the emitter side [ r E = 25/I K(mA) Ohm] and emitter resistor. If the voltage gain of the repeater is denoted A (A~= 1), then the effective resistance value R 3 at signal frequencies equals R 3 /(1 – A). In practice, the effective value of the resistance R 3 is approximately 100 times larger than its nominal value, and the input resistance is dominated by the input resistance of the transistor on the base side. In a common emitter inverting amplifier, a similar tracking connection can be made, since the signal at the emitter follows the signal at the base. Note that the bias voltage divider circuit is powered by alternating current(at signal frequencies) from the low impedance emitter output, so the input signal doesn't have to do this.

Servo connection in collector load. The servo coupling principle can be used to increase the effective resistance of the collector load resistor if the cascade is loaded onto a repeater. In this case, the voltage gain of the cascade will significantly increase [recall that K U = – g m R K, A g m = 1/(R 3 + r E)]·

In Fig. Figure 2.66 shows an example of a push-pull output stage with a servo link, built similar to the push-pull repeater circuit discussed above.

Rice. 2.66. Servo coupling in the collector load of a power amplifier, which is a loading stage.

Since the output repeats the signal based on the transistor T 2, capacitor WITH creates a tracking connection into the collector load of the transistor T 1 and maintains a constant voltage drop across the resistor R 2 in the presence of a signal (capacitor impedance WITH should be small compared to R 1 And R 2 over the entire signal frequency band). Thanks to this, the resistor R 2 becomes similar to a current source, the gain of the transistor increases T 1 voltage and maintains sufficient voltage at the base of the transistor T 2 even at peak signal values. When the signal gets close to the supply voltage U QC potential at the resistor connection point R 1 And R 2 becomes more than U QC, thanks to the charge accumulated by the capacitor WITH. Moreover, if R 1 = R 2(a good option for choosing resistors), then the potential at the point of their connection will exceed U QC 1.5 times at the moment when the output signal becomes equal U QC. This circuit has gained great popularity in the development of household low-frequency amplifiers, although a simple current source has advantages over a servo circuit, since there is no need to use an undesirable element - an electrolytic capacitor - and provides best characteristics at low frequencies.



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