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Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan. Bodyflex exercises

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Exercises using the bidiflex technique are a technique for proper breathing during physical exercise, which helps accelerate metabolic and metabolic processes. It helps to quickly lose weight, restore muscle tone and start the process of burning fat deposits accumulated in the deep layers of the dermis. Many women noted that after just a week of productive Bodyflex exercises with Marina Korpan, they began to look much younger, their bodies were filled with energy, and the long-awaited weight loss was not long in coming.

The Bodyflex breathing exercise system is a combination of special poses for stretching muscle ligaments and a “diaphragmatic” exercise that helps burn internal fat. It's fast and effective method reduce body volume, activate weight loss and get rid of the visual manifestations of “orange peel” on the body.

Key principles of breathing exercises

The essence of the respiratory weight loss method lies in the balance of oxygen supply and the production of carbon dioxide in the human body, due to which pressure increases, the level of sweat secretions increases and chemical reactions, promoting the breakdown of fat molecules. At the same time, nutrition, posture and other related factors that can affect the productivity of weight loss are absolutely not important. You can study at home, clean rooms or cook food, but at the same time breathe correctly according to the following system:
  • Bring your breathing to a calm state so that your pulse is at around 60-70 beats per minute. Take a deep breath and feel your lungs fill with oxygen.
  • Begin to exhale smoothly through your mouth, keeping your lips pursed. At the same time, pull your stomach in so that the anterior abdominal wall touches the spinal column.
  • Take a sharp breath through your nose, while keeping your lips closed. You need to inhale so that your tummy puffed himself up as much as possible and stuck out forward.
  • Now you need to start exhaling through your mouth, saying “groin”, so that there is no oxygen left in your lungs. Wherein the stomach should “stick” to the inner wall of the spine.
  • Hold your breath for 8 - 10 seconds so that the abdominal muscles and lower back are connected. The back is straight.
  • Start inhaling air and repeat the exercise again.
For breathing training to be effective, you need to learn to breathe measuredly, controlling the intensity of exhalation and inhalation. Marina Korpan recommends paying attention to the moment when you exhale “groin”, trying to do it in a relaxed state without straining the muscular system. Then the stomach will “go” beyond the ribs as much as possible, forming a hollow “bowl”.

For more information about breathing, watch the video from the trainer:

What happens to the body

Trainers say that the most favorable time to start training is in the morning. This could be light exercise, half-an-hour gymnastics, or proper breathing, which can be done without getting out of bed.

While performing the “inhale-exhale-hold” pattern, the following occurs:
  • activation of metabolic and metabolic processes;
  • eliminating the symptoms of chronic fatigue by improving blood circulation, vitality returns, making a person energetic, cheerful and cheerful;
  • the immune system is strengthened and the likelihood of colds occurring in the demi-season and winter period of the year.
  • relaxation of the central nervous system and localization of the effects of stress;
  • increased sweat secretions, through which toxins are removed from the body;
  • internal fat, enveloping vital organs, breaks down and is excreted through the sweat glands;
  • key arteries dilate, and as a result, the cells are prepared for maximum absorption of oxygen, due to which the existing air in the body is “utilized”, which leads to the breakdown of fatty deposits;
  • the muscle corset is tightened, making the outline of the waist more refined and pronounced;
  • all this helps to cope with the craving for smoking, accelerating metabolic processes and promoting the rapid removal of nicotine breakdown products and tars from the blood.

A set of 10 breathing exercises for weight loss

Below are 10 exercises for the waist, abdomen, hips and sides in pictures.

Even a beginner can easily master this technique in order to remove excess body fat at home and restore postpartum muscle tone abdominal cavity, master the gymnastic complex for stretching and model the clear outlines of the silhouette. Go?

The scheme is like this:

  1. Accept one of the following positions, as in the pictures below;

Exercise Diamond

Pulling your arms back

Side stretch

Simple press

Horizontal scissors

Vertical scissors





Who is the breathing method suitable for?

Marina Korpan has repeatedly emphasized that the breathing pattern with mandatory retention is suitable for absolutely any person, regardless of social status, gender and age criteria. A woman, a girl, a grandmother and all representatives of the stronger half of humanity can master breathing exercises to significantly improve their health, while achieving impressive results in losing weight.

Advice! If you want to remove your belly, tighten your side, or achieve a result of minus ten kilograms in two months, then this breathing exercise scheme is guaranteed to suit you. The main thing is to watch the video lesson for free to perform the breathing complex correctly and not harm your health.

This set of physical and breathing exercises for weight loss is based on three types of exercises, which, together with proper breathing, have a positive effect on the body of a man or woman, forcing muscles to work and burning subcutaneous fat. The main complexes include exercises:
  • isometric, which allows you to work out one muscle group in detail, making them more elastic, firm and pronounced against the background of the whole body;
  • isotonic, aimed at activating the work of several muscle groups, exerting an equal effect on them;
  • stretching, allowing you to master gymnastics skills and significantly strengthen the muscular system of the whole body.
In order for the weight loss process to be as productive as possible, experienced trainers and professional athletes advise regular training that will include all three types of physical exercise.

If you want to speed up your weight loss time, it is recommended to extend the standard workout from 15 to 20 minutes, performing it every day at any convenient time.

We recommend that you carefully watch the online video in which the training takes place non-stop. If you want to master this complex on your own, then the optimal solution would be a home training course, before which you will attend a trial lesson on “Bodyflex” under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Opinion of experts and doctors

The Bodyflex weight loss technique has supporters and opponents. However, almost all doctors agree that this complex, performed in the morning, has a beneficial effect on the human body. The same can be said about the Oxysize system, which is based on a minute of proper breathing and focusing on the body’s reaction.

Doctors advise:

  • use “Bodyflex” to strengthen the abdomen in the first weeks after childbirth (with the exception of women who have undergone a caesarean section);
  • do breathing exercises while lying down if your leg or arm is atrophied due to a stroke;
  • do not pull the limbs up during breathing exercises, so that the joint damaged by arthritis does not cause pain;
  • if you have a runny nose, practice the “Bodyflex” system in a bath with the addition of aromatic or essential essence of menthol, peppermint or lemon;
  • refrain from strong physical activity and reduce the exercise time to 5 minutes if you previously had a difficult birth, injured your hip or buttock, and also had low blood pressure for a week:
  • refuse gymnastic stretching during “Bodyflex” if the gluteal nerve is affected, the shoulder is damaged, or a disease of the musculoskeletal system is diagnosed.
If you are a young beginner in this system, then begin to master the breathing method gradually, trying to do everything correctly and strictly follow the trainer’s recommendations.

15 exercises for the face and neck

They help smooth out wrinkles and deep folds on the face, tighten the double chin, and strengthen the muscles of the cheeks, preventing them from sagging, ultimately improving the elasticity of the skin.

The scheme is the same:

  1. First, do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach;
  2. Take one of the following positions, as in the pictures below;
  3. After 8-10 seconds, return to the starting position and inhale.

No. 1: works the area above the upper lip

No. 2: works the area under the lower lip

No. 3: works on nasolabial folds

No. 4: strengthens the cheek muscles

#5: Reduces the deepest creases

No. 6: tightens the muscles of the face and neck

No. 7: removes double chin

No. 8: smooths out wrinkles on the neck

No. 9: trains neck muscles

No. 10: tones the skin of the face

And another series of exercises to get rid of wrinkles in the area around the eyes:

No. 11: removes wrinkles under the eyes

No. 12: removes wrinkles around the eyes

No. 13: reduces wrinkles in the eye area

No. 14: removes wrinkles on the forehead

No. 15: smooths out wrinkles on the forehead

Contraindications for breathing techniques

In order not to harm your health and achieve the desired weight loss goals, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications that prohibit the practice of breathing exercises with a long inhalation hold. Marina Korpan advises people suffering from exercise to refrain from:
  • hypertension, aggravated by existing cardiovascular dystonia or ischemic cerebral disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases, congenital or acquired;
  • acute forms chronic diseases vital organs, even if the disease is in remission;
  • diseases of the visual organs that are in a severe degree (to make sure of this, take a test that shows a picture with figures of different sizes);
  • unstable stool, which is explained by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence diabetes mellitus or malfunction of the pancreas.

In addition, restrictions on attending classes are imposed on those people who have problems with the thyroid gland, venous dilatation of the veins, or suffer from sudden panic attacks. It is better to postpone classes if in the next two weeks you are going to have a strip operation, childbirth or other medical procedures using potent drugs.

Why training doesn't bring results

This question is asked by many people who have embarked on the path of weight loss. Let's immediately identify the main mistakes that beginners make:
  1. Neglecting to create an individual menu rich in vitamin and mineral components. If you want to get rid of excess weight, then you should not sharply limit yourself in food, torment yourself with exhausting diets, or, conversely, overeat. Experts advise eating in small portions and not forgetting about dietary supplements.
  2. Lack of regularity in training. If you do breathing exercises 1-3 times a calendar week, then waiting for results will be pointless. Trainers are confident that 15 minutes a day is the minimum that every person can devote to improving their body.
  3. Reception hormonal drugs, contraception or sedatives. These substances slow down metabolic processes at the cellular level, so you should start practicing breathing exercises for the purpose of losing weight only after the course of treatment is completed.
"Bodyflex" allows you to get rid of extra pounds that will not come back if you give up bad habits and you will adhere to the principles healthy eating. Then your body will noticeably become stronger, the condition of your skin will improve, and the graceful curves of your slender body will open up limitless scope for experimenting with your look!

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Many are convinced that to lose weight you need to regularly torture yourself with hard, long-hour workouts, but often this approach not only does not lead to results, but also causes all sorts of health problems. But there are more gentle methods that help you get in shape while only improving your health, and one of them is bodyflex with Marina Korpan. The complex takes only 15 minutes, but still gives amazing results.

Little is known about the author of the bodyflex exercise complex, Marina Korpan. But at one time she herself faced the problem of excess weight and tried a lot in trying to get rid of it. At some point, she became interested in the original method of the American Greer Childress - a set of exercises that includes aerobic exercise and breathing techniques for correcting weight and figure in general. Therefore, Korpan cannot be considered the direct author of bodyflex - she adapted the technique and created a large number of video tutorials on it, which found enormous popularity among Internet users.

Marina Korpan has already written several books about the practice of Bodyflex, including the following:

  • "Bodyflex: breathe and lose weight." A book about how to lose weight by 10-20 kg at home and without strict diets. Offers a description of accessible recipes and exercises that anyone can do on their own, without an instructor and additional equipment. The author advises allocating only 10-30 minutes to the load, which is very convenient for those who do not have enough time.
  • "Oxysize: lose weight without holding your breath." Another popular and accessible guide that offers to help your body and figure only by correcting the breathing process.
  • “Bodyflex for the face: how to look 10 years younger. Breathe and look younger." The book tells how to rejuvenate without resorting to injections or visiting surgeons. It is enough just to do simple exercises regularly. The book shows the detailed essence of the work of the facial muscles and explains in what sequence the exercises should be performed. It also talks about what results can be obtained: correcting the oval of the face, reducing nasolabial folds, getting rid of health problems.

Bodyflex with Korpan: the essence of the technique and effectiveness

Quick weight loss with Marina Korpan using bodyflex requires devoting only 15 minutes to exercise in the morning between waking up and breakfast. Through a combination of proper breathing and exercise, you can achieve the following results:

  • Burning fat by saturating muscles with oxygen.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the body, filling the body with vigor and energy.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Improved complexion and skin condition.
  • Elimination of edema, relief from shortness of breath.
  • Improving mood and fighting fatigue.

Compared to other methods, bodyflex has quite a few contraindications, but they do exist. Thus, it is not recommended to perform such exercises at high temperatures, pressure surges, exacerbation of diseases, or pregnancy.

There are no other contraindications, but to increase efficiency It is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat small portions and often;
  • try to exclude flour, fried, and sweet foods from your diet;
  • do not eat food 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bodyflex breathing exercises with Marina Korpan are based on the following components:

  • Breathing is five-stage, with the obligatory participation of the diaphragm.
  • Aerobics, that is, a direct set of exercises. Their correct implementation is the key to success. All of them are described in detail in the corresponding videos.
  • Fitness, that is, the shape of the body and the level of training to adapt to stress. This also includes proper nutrition, which, according to bodyflex experts, is very important.

For the complex to take effect, It is also important to consider the following recommendations:

  • You need to exercise exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach. If you do not have this opportunity, then you need at least three hours to pass since your last meal.
  • The lessons involve controlled breath-holding. To avoid negative consequences, do not exceed the time recommended by the instructor. You should not devote more than an hour to exercise. In the process of losing weight, perform the complexes every day, and in the future, to maintain shape, it is enough to do this 2-3 times a week.

Bodyflex includes 8 best lessons with Marina Korpan. The following is worth knowing about them:

  • They help to work out the stomach, hips, neck, arms, and also the face.
  • Special “physical training for the cheeks” allows you to replace Botox, fillers and other similar procedures.
  • Each lesson begins with an introduction to the system itself and its key basics. You will learn how to practice breathing; the instructor will also correct the mistakes of his assistants in the video. In this case, you do not need special equipment and clothing - just a small piece of room and 15 minutes a day.
  • Each complex is aimed at accelerating fat burning processes. It provokes the active release of carbon dioxide into the blood during breathing, therefore it has the contraindications mentioned above.
  • All lessons are available online and you can watch them completely free of charge. In fact, there are more than 8 of them, but this selection includes the most popular ones.
  • Reviews of bodyflex, which are almost always positive, note as an additional advantage that the exercises do not force you to leave your comfort zone, because many overweight people are often embarrassed to exercise in groups or jog in front of other people. A personal trainer is also not affordable for everyone, but absolutely everyone can spend 15 minutes a day in the morning if they wish.

We invite you to watch videos demonstrating the exercises.

Lesson 1.

First, the trainer introduces us to the technique of proper breathing, which involves exhaling, sharply inhaling, noisily exhaling and holding your breath. Afterwards, a small set of exercises is shown, aimed at different muscle groups: abs, chest and biceps, legs, back, quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscles. The complex ends with a kind of “intestinal rinsing”, which involves a pose on the floor with emphasis on the knees and hands. You need to alternately draw in and relax your stomach on the second exhalation at a fast pace. The exercises are repeated three times.

Lesson 2.

It begins with the gradual development of diaphragmatic breathing. Afterwards, exercises begin for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, abs, oblique abdominal muscles and all muscles (exercise “cat”).

Lesson 3.

It involves training the lower body and includes six exercises: side stretches, side crunches, kneeling, seiko exercise for the upper leg and quadriceps, two abdominal exercises.

These exercises already require certain skills, since in order to perform them correctly it is important to control your body. If difficulties arise during the execution, you can simplify the complex until the muscles are completely ready for the load. Since when working the leg muscles we rely on only one point - the palms and the knee, it is important to control the balance of the body and not lose balance. When first doing exercises for the obliques, it is also important to remember balance, otherwise they will not be effective.

Lesson 4.

The crazy rhythm of modern life exhausts many and does not even allow a second to rest. What can we say about classes and visits to fitness clubs, the journey to which alone can take more than an hour?

If you are a little tired of everything, but the extra pounds still haunt you, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the bodyflex technique, which helps you lose excess weight in just 20 minutes a day, without leaving home.

General information about the bodyflex system

For those who don't know yet, bodyflex (BodyFlex) is a set of exercises aimed at losing weight and improving the health of the body through proper breathing and muscle stretching. If you explain it “on your fingers,” it looks like this: exhale, inhale sharply through the nose, exhale “to the maximum” through the mouth and hold your breath.

Who can benefit from bodyflex: people who are overweight caused by overeating and an unhealthy lifestyle (only an endocrinologist will help you resolve hormonal imbalances), as well as those who do not have the opportunity (or desire) to go to the gym, swimming pool, run in the morning and go on diets.

In addition, bodyflex will become ideal option for those who are looking for quick results for losing weight. You can do bodyflex in the studio, or individually, at home.

The history of the bodyflex system

If you Google it, you can find information that the bodyflex system came to us from the Western continent. It was developed by American Grig Childers, a housewife and mother of three children.

Having a lot of extra pounds, but not having extra time, she developed a special method of losing weight, based only on proper breathing in combination with some correct positions (mostly borrowed from yoga).

Having achieved stunning results (according to some reports, changing clothing size 56 to 44), Grieg wrote a book, made several videos and had fantastic success on the West Coast.

At this time, our compatriot, also having significant problems with weight after pregnancy and childbirth, a certain Marina Korpan, was looking for effective remedy for weight loss.

Having bought a book by an American woman, she decided to try a miraculous method, since proven methods of dealing with extra pounds (fitness and diet) did not give the desired results.

And so, after some time, Marina began to lose weight. And not just lose weight, but “melt before our eyes.” You, too, can observe the dramatic change that occurred with Marina - to do this, just watch videos dated, for example, 2013 and latest issues with Marina Korpan - you will feel the difference too.

Today, Marina Korpan is one of the most famous bodyflex experts. She is also the author of several books on proper breathing and healthy life.

In addition, for everyone who wants to join her method, Marina Korpan has created a series of video lessons, where she explains in detail how to perform certain exercises, depending on the problem area that you would like to improve.

The “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan” method has received many positive reviews among those losing weight, and the number of its fans is growing every day. In all her interviews, video tutorials or personal blog, Marina Korpan never tires of emphasizing correct breathing - after all, this is the basis and “the beginning” of this technique.

You can learn more about breathing in the article “15-minute morning bodyflex complex - video.”
The bodyflex system with Marina Korpan is presented in video tutorials below.

Lesson one - bodyflex with Marina Korpan, basics for beginners

If you are a beginner, then start practicing from the very first lesson - after all, this bodyflex video was filmed specifically for beginners. At the very beginning of the lesson, Marina Korpan talks about breathing techniques, and also demonstrates this clearly and easily.

Behind her are several more students who are also (like you) performing these exercises for the first time. Despite the fact that the studio has a rather relaxed atmosphere, try not to get distracted and concentrate, guided by all the advice of the coach.

The first lesson covers all muscle groups at once: chest, legs and back, buttocks and abs.

Many are often skeptical about the first lesson, since Marina Korpan is not quite “in shape” here. This is true - after all, she started recording videos when she herself was still in the process of losing weight.

By the way, many trainers are often accused of the fact that they, being slim, fit and beautiful, cannot understand the feelings and sensations of a fat person. So, Marina Korpan understands you exactly.

See for yourself: what form it was in, and what it will ultimately come to. Tune in to positive results and take your first steps in bodyflexing with this video!

Lesson two - principles of breathing techniques

The students are different, but the principle remains the same: the principles of breathing techniques - their demonstration - execution. Don’t forget that bodyflex is synonymous with the question “how to breathe correctly,” so try to strictly follow the trainer’s instructions!

True, in the second lesson there is a more in-depth program. Here Marina Korpan pays more attention to the upper part of our body (arm muscles) and the press (as the most problematic area).

The exercises are simple, and if you strictly follow the sequence of classes and have already become familiar with the basics of bodyflex, you can safely proceed to the second lesson. Pay attention to the “cat” exercise.

It is used not only in the bodyflex system, but also in almost all sports disciplines. When performed correctly, the “cat” allows you to relieve tension from the back and generally has a beneficial effect on all the internal organs of a person.

If you are studying at home, make sure that so that the room is pre-ventilated. It is very important to practice “in the fresh air”!

Lesson three - losing weight in your leg muscles

Having paid enough attention to the upper body in the previous video, Marina Korpan in lesson 3 on bodyflex focuses on tightening and losing weight of all leg muscles (not forgetting about the abs).

Here you definitely preliminary preparation will be required. To get started, watch the video in its entirety and try the stances, which focus on balance, simply done without breathing.

If you can resist, then start doing the exercises step by step and slowly. If you are not comfortable, you can shorten the time you hold your breath.

Please note that exercises must be performed on an empty stomach, and water is no exception!

Lesson four - exercises for the whole body

Lesson 4 on bodyflex with Marina Korpan is devoted to exercises for the whole body, in which maximum attention is paid to improving the waist (as before, before starting the exercises - aerobic gymnastics).

Pay attention to the position of your hands during exercises. You can choose the loads yourself depending on your training: from the easiest to the most difficult. In the first stages, do not overload your body to the maximum!

And further. Since the main load comes from your “exhalation”, it is completely normal that at the end of the exercise you want to inhale sharply. This indicates that your technique is correct.

All of Marina Korpan’s lessons have something in common with each other. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself or simply alternate lessons and practice bodyflex, as they say, non-stop.

According to reviews from those who have been fans of this technique for many years, bodyflex breathing exercises are very effective for losing weight in any combination.

Lesson Five – Reviewing the Basics of Breathing

At the beginning of the lesson there is a repetition of the basics of breathing. Next, Marina Korpan, together with her students, performs basic exercises bodyflex: “diamond” (or exercise for the arms) and exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

The workout ends with abdominal work. By the way, newcomers are also invited to the studio. This is not accidental - if you have already noticed, they ask questions that are most often encountered by everyone who is getting acquainted with the bodyflex system for the first time.

This system has many supporters who have already lost weight and changed their lives for the better, but there are also those who consider the system ineffective. How to treat her is up to you.

If you are in doubt or simply haven’t fully decided yet, “Bodyflex - discussion and reviews.”

But finally, I would like to note that bodyflex, despite different ratings and some criticism, still managed to establish itself with positive side: It’s not for nothing that he has so many fans and admirers! Along with fitness trainers, bodyflex trainers are now in great demand, providing training to everyone.

Have you already tried bodyflexing with Marina Korpan? Leave your comments and share your impressions with us!

Bodyflex- an effective and easy way to lose weight. Bodyflex is a weight loss program invented by an ordinary woman, a housewife, who herself faced the problem of excess weight, unsuccessfully tried a lot of different diets and spent many exhausting hours in gyms.

Quick navigation through the article:

We're talking about an American Greer Childers, who, having three children, learned from her own experience how ineffective diets can be for fast weight loss, mono-diets or long-term weight loss programs.

Video lessons on bodyflex with Marina Korpan download free

You can download 50 video lessons “Lose Weight with Marina Korpan” from the torrent tracker for free. You can also download in parts, for example, 10 files.

What is bodyflex. What is it for?

Bodyflex means translated from English: body - body, flex - tighten, and this exactly corresponds to the goals of everyone trying to lose weight. According to the creator of the method, every hour of practice rejuvenates the body by 1 year. In our country, bodyflex is just developing, but thanks to instructor Marina Korpan, who teaches classes in the fitness center and on television, and shows how to breathe and do exercises correctly.

Breathing exercises that accompany bodyflex have an excellent effect on all internal organs, as if massaging and strengthening them. Marina Korpan also recommends using oxysize technique, which is a type of respiratory system. For example, Marina herself lost great weight after giving birth using Oxysize. With systematic training the abdominal muscles are tightened, the size of the stomach is reduced, which leads to satiation in much smaller portions.

Breathing techniques can themselves trigger the process of burning fat, due to increased saturation of tissues with oxygen. The speed of blood flow increases, and, consequently, metabolism accelerates, which does not allow fat reserves to be deposited. To make the best use of this process, you should parallel with breathing exercises stretch muscles. Marina Korpan shows how to do this correctly in her video lessons. All video lessons on bodyflex and oxysize you can download to your computer completely free.

  • Bodyflex exercises are most correctly performed right after you wake up;
  • You can eat and drink only 20-30 minutes after class;
  • it will be enough to do everything 15-20 minutes daily if you want to lose weight;
  • to further maintain your shape, it is enough to exercise 3-4 times a week;
  • Before you start training, measure your volumes; you will be guided by them, and not by weight. Update your measurements every week;
  • It would be a good idea to keep a special notebook for this. This will make it easier for you to monitor your workout results. And they will not slow down if you persistently move towards your goal and do not miss classes. In about a week, you will be pleasantly surprised!

You can practice bodyflex both in a special room and at home. To do this, you need to study the technique, purchase a video cassette or book. What is bodyflex? This is a deep sharp breath through the nose, followed by holding your breath for 10 counts, which provides excellent ventilation of the lungs, and the retraction of the abdomen when inhaling massages and strengthens the internal organs and abdominal muscles. This is why bodyflex is especially necessary for those who want to lose weight in the abdominal area.

Marina Korpan talks about her weight loss method in the “Let Them Talk” program. She claims that it is not at all difficult to lose weight, all you need to do is do breathing exercises 15 minutes a day.

Bodyflex and oxysize lessons with Marina Korpan

First, let's look at the main stance used in Bodyflex. So, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees and rest your hands on them. Your palms should be a few centimeters above your knees. After this, start doing breathing exercises.

To do this, first exhale the air from your lungs through your mouth. Then inhale quite sharply and quickly through your nose. Try to fill your lungs to capacity. Publishing loud noise and using your diaphragm, exhale forcefully through your mouth. Now hold your breath, drawing in your stomach as much as possible. This must be done so that the stomach rises as high as possible under the ribs. Count to 8-10. This stimulates the functioning of internal organs, burns subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, reduces the size of the stomach, and, as it were, tightens it. While holding your breath, pull your arms up, tighten all your abdominal muscles, stretching them. Then relax and inhale again.

If you don't have time to do exercises in the morning, try another fat burning technique, namely Oxysize. This course of breathing exercises is suitable for absolutely everyone, does not require special conditions, you can do it at any time of the day, anywhere. You just need to correctly understand the principle of these exercises. The Oxysize technique differs from Bodyflex in the rules of breathing.

Here are Marina Korpan’s explanations: You need to take a deep breath of air through your nose. In this case, the buttocks should be pulled in and moved slightly down and forward. Next you need to take three short additional breaths. After this, we exhale and take three additional small exhalations. Breathing exercises are accompanied by stretching of various muscle groups. For example, if you want to tighten your inner forearms, clench your fists in front of your chest, resting them against each other, and hold this position for 30 seconds. This is followed by an exhalation with three pre-exhalations, and then a new clenching of the fists.

Reviews of Bodyflex with Marina Korpan

There are many positive reviews about Marina Korpan’s technique. Thanks to bodyflex, women actually lose weight, decrease in volume, and become more self-confident. Below is a comparison table on how you can lose weight in 2 months thanks to this technique.

Number 30.07 06.08 15.08 23.08 30.08 6.09 13.09 20.09
part of the body 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week week 6 week 7 8 week
armpits 89 88 87 85 85 84 84 83
waist 79 77 77 75 75 74 73 73
under the chest 76 75 75 74 74 74 73 73
underbelly 94 92 92,5 92 91 91 91 89
bikini 102 101 100 97 97 95 95 94
leg 62 62 62 60 60 60 60 60
hand 31 31 30 30 30 30 29 29
minus for a week 7 cm 3 cm 10 cm 1 cm 4 cm 3 cm 4 cm

Polina, 27 years old:

I really enjoyed these workouts. I got involved, now I do them every day and not for 15 minutes, but for half an hour. At first it was difficult to find time for this, but when I saw the first results, I couldn’t stop. I eat as usual, sometimes I allow myself sweets. But training keeps my muscles toned, my skin has become tightened. I lost 17 kg in 14 months.

Nadezhda, 43 years old:

Over the years I have tried to lose weight many times. A protein diet had the greatest effect, but in Lately and it stopped working. I realized that I can’t do without sports and exercises, that I need to do something to build up muscle mass. I don’t like working out in gyms, carrying iron is not my thing, and I can’t do it for health reasons. That's why I settled on bodyflex. First, I tried to find out more about this technique, read several articles, and watched a video. At first I couldn’t breathe correctly, but then everything went like clockwork. Girls, train, take care of yourself, this is a very simple but effective technique.

About the history of bodyflex. Greer Childers

“Perhaps I'm doing something wrong if it's so difficult. After all, everything we do right should come easy to us!” - Greer thought. “How can you not only lose weight without much stress, but also maintain the results?” She began to experiment and try new approaches to this problem.

But first, she signed up for an elite clinic and took a weight loss course there. One of the components of this course was individual diet, which was compiled for her at the center by nutritionists. The individual diet turned out to be so easy to implement that she no longer had to experience pangs of hunger, irritation, or headaches. Now you can create an individual diet for yourself on our website. A nutritionist with many years of experience will help you choose personal weight loss program.

Greer’s second step was a special program of exercises and breathing, which the center’s instructors also compiled for her personally. Based on this program, Greer developed her own method of exercise and breathing, using which she was able to gradually improve it, simplify and make accessible, and most importantly effective for the majority of those losing weight.

Even if you do not intend to seriously engage in sports, you cannot give up the habit of eating well, this technique will undoubtedly suit you. Thanks to her development, Greer lost so much weight that she became like an elegant model, moreover, she also became famous and rich.

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan is a system of exercises that combines training on various groups muscles and special breathing exercises. The weight loss complex was invented by American housewife Greer Childers, but the Russian fitness trainer supplemented and improved it, creating an effective course accessible to everyone.

The essence of the bodyflex technique

  • breathing from the stomach, not from the chest;
  • a special cycle of inhalation and exhalation with a delay;
  • 15 minute complex, which is performed daily;
  • You should exercise on an empty stomach, in the morning or 3 hours after eating.

A system of 3 types of exercises that use muscles in different ways:

  • Isotonic. Working separate groups muscles, the elasticity of tendons increases.
  • Isometric. Increase muscle volume, their strength, strengthen muscles.
  • Stretching. Increases flexibility, the body becomes “plastic”.

Benefits of bodyflex

  • You can work out at home; you don’t need a gym membership or access to exercise equipment;
  • Video lessons with Marina Korpan can be watched for free;
  • Just 15 minutes for training, no additional training required;
  • You can train not only your body, but also tighten your facial muscles;
  • The bodyflex complex does not require physical training; you can start training without experience or knowledge in fitness.

Starting pose for classes

Diaphragmatic breathing requires special preparation. If you don't start with the basics, you risk not getting results or even harming yourself. Bodyflex breathing consists of 5 stages, but first of all you need to take the initial pose.

Initial pose – “volleyball player”:

  1. You need to place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, they should be at a distance of 30-35 cm.
  2. Hands should be placed 3 cm above the knees (there is no need to put too much pressure on the knees, as the risk of injury increases).
  3. Look straight, chin perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Keep your back straight, without arching.

The “volleyball player” position is key for the system; it is also the starting position for many exercises.

5 stages of diaphragmatic breathing

  1. Exhale through your mouth. This will completely cleanse the body of waste air. To do this, round your mouth and stretch your lips forward, as you do for whistling. The exhaust air must be released slowly, slowly. As soon as there is no “old” air left, you need to close your mouth and stop exhaling.
  2. Inhale strongly through your nose. During this stage there is no need to use the mouth; all attention is directed to the nasopharynx. You need to inhale as much air as possible, and do it quickly. The inhalation should be noisy; if there is no sound, you are doing it wrong. When the lungs are completely filled with oxygen, you need to close your lips tightly and do not let air out through your mouth or nose.
  3. Exhale using your diaphragm. It is necessary to push out the air with the abdominal muscles, the mouth is wide open. This is also noisy, the sound will resemble a whistle. Anyone can master exhalation using the diaphragm; the muscles of the diaphragm do not depend on the general fitness of the body.
  4. Hold exhale for 8 seconds. The most difficult stage of diaphragmatic breathing, it is recommended to start with 3-4 seconds. When the time reaches 8 seconds, it means that the person has mastered the bodyfilex technique. To properly hold your exhalation, tilt your head toward your chest and pull in your stomach. He will pull himself up, rise up, pulling his internal organs with him. The belly should not just retract and become flat, the goal of the stage is to create a concave, arched belly.
    The tummy needs to be pulled up slowly, counting to 8. Do not rush to count down the seconds; it is better to set a stopwatch. This workout is somewhat reminiscent of the famous one.
  5. Inhale through your nose. You can exhale when the count is over, and the stomach is as “stuck” to the spine as possible. To exhale, you need to relax all the muscles, the air should enter the lungs freely, with a sob.

Contraindications to performing bodyflex

Despite the fact that breathing exercises do not require special physical training, there are a number of contraindications for its implementation. They are related to the peculiarities of execution - not everyone can cope with changes in internal pressure. The following contraindications exist:

  • pregnancy;
  • glaucoma;
  • blood pressure is too high or too low;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart failure.

8 bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan

There is a freely available video course on bodyflex gymnastics, taught by the creator of the complex, Marina Korpan. Benefits of the 8-lesson course:

  • They start with mastering breathing techniques - this is the most important part of the training; without proper inhalation and exhalation, the effect cannot be achieved.
  • During the training, the fitness instructor approaches the girls and corrects their shape (this will be useful for the spectators; they will also correct their training technique).
  • Each video begins with girls telling stories about the results they have achieved since the previous training.
  • Trainees ask questions about the technique of performing movements, and Marina tells how to make fat burning more effective and targeted.

First lesson

Second lesson

Third lesson

Lesson four

Fifth lesson

Sixth lesson

Seventh lesson

Eighth lesson



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