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DIY incubator with 220 lamp. How to make an incubator at home with your own hands? How to make a flip mechanism

It will be difficult for a novice chicken breeder to do without an incubator at home. Today, there are many options for sale, both expensive automatic and modern devices, and low-budget mechanical ones. But if you like to craft something from scrap materials with your own hands, then you can try to make an incubator for eggs yourself. Let it not be very "fashionable", "sophisticated" by automation, but with the right approach, you can always warm eggs at home.

Polyfoam is not only lightweight, practical, but also very affordable material in all respects. Yes, it is not entirely durable, but it can be quite useful in order to make a simple do-it-yourself incubator for your home. In this case, you will need a little time, few materials and a little patience and dexterity. It is well suited for the home and can be made by hand even with automatic egg flipping. True, in this case, one cannot do without automation and some devices.

Tools and materials

  • Styrofoam sheets;
  • carton boxes;
  • adhesive tape;
  • incandescent light bulbs (60 watts) and chamber;
  • industrial thermostat;
  • two fans for a computer (80 mm diameter);
  • water tanks;
  • thermometer;
  • plastic trays for chicken eggs;
  • additional tools as needed.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Making an incubator at home from foam and other improvised means begins from the drawing. You can use any available photo, as well as draw it yourself.
  2. According to the drawing, we cut out the necessary blanks from the foam sheets and use adhesive tape to tightly fasten them around the perimeter. You should get something like a regular box, as in the photo.
  3. The next step is to make an incubator with your own hands at home, there will be electricity wiring. Of course, you can't do without this, because you need the work of light bulbs, at least, and preferably a thermostat. We make a circuit according to our drawing and wire the wires.
  4. Then the inner and outer walls for greater strength and convenience, because the foam crumbles heavily, we close it either with plywood or with ordinary thick cardboard from any box. All of this can be easily done with adhesive tape.
  5. We make holes in the cardboard for the chambers for the bulbs according to the diagram and drawing, and also insert the axles for fixing the trays.
  6. It would be convenient to cut a small space on the roof of our structure and cover it with transparent plastic. This is for the viewing window.
  7. According to the diagram and drawing, we place two fans in the incubator: one at an angle of 45 degrees, the second exactly near the lamp.
  8. We install water tanks on both sides at the bottom.
  9. We screw in the bulbs, connect the thermostat, install plastic trays for chicken eggs on cardboard rolls with a diameter of 4 cm.
  10. That's all done. It remains only to connect everything to the power supply, check the operation, put a thermometer inside and you can start the process of incubating eggs at home.

Automatic incubator

All even the most inexperienced poultry farmers know that eggs must periodically rotate for correct and successful incubation. Of course, this can be done manually. But, firstly, you will always break the temperature regime in this way by opening the incubator. Secondly, if you do not open it, but do it mechanically, then it is quite inconvenient. You need to be at home all the time so as not to miss the next moment of the coup. Therefore, it is much more profitable to make an automatic incubator with a flip of trays at home.

Tools and materials

  • Wooden blocks, plywood;
  • foam sheet;
  • egg tray;
  • mesh 6 × 2 cm;
  • 4 lamps with a power of 25 W;
  • metal plates;
  • water baths;
  • an electric motor with a worm gear or a servo-driven voltage stabilizer motor (you can take a device for APL-1 or APL-2 incubators, Dream 12);
  • tools as needed (hammer, screws, drill, etc.).

Ready set for automatic incubator with trays and motor

Step-by-step instruction

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Eggs in a DIY incubator

In our difficult times, when prices for goods are growing at an inexorable pace, you will always find an area in which you can profitably apply your practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Looking at the cost of an incubator manufactured in an industrial environment, you can easily calculate the benefits of making such a device yourself. Moreover, making a home incubator with your own hands is not so difficult.

Here is what a forum user says about his homemade incubator with mechanical egg flipping genius.


In short: an incubator for 60-70 chicken eggs, mechanical overturn with a special grate, I don’t do automatic in principle. Heated with bulbs, two chains. Temperature control with an electrocontact thermometer. I don't trust electronics. The temperature run-up in the corners is 0.5 degrees. Cheap and cheerful. If the components are available, the incubator can be made in 3 - 4 hours.

The most important thing in manufacturing is to ensure the ability to maintain optimal humidity and temperature indicators inside the device, as well as to create conditions for the timely turning of the eggs in order to warm them up evenly.

Incubator body

In most cases, the body is the basis of everything. And the incubator is no exception in this case.

When manufacturing the case, special attention should be paid to ensuring good thermal insulation for the future device. This will allow in the future to avoid the troubles associated with maintaining a strict temperature regime in the incubation chamber.

For the manufacture of the case, porous polymeric materials, penoplex (expanded polystyrene) 20 mm thick, etc. are quite suitable. You can also use fiberboard or chipboard, but double walls should be created with foam, felt or foam filler.

The size of the incubator will directly depend on the number of eggs that are planned to be simultaneously placed in the chamber. In terms of the height of the inner chamber, 50 cm will be enough. The area of \u200b\u200bthe inner base will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe egg tray. But it is necessary to add about 50 mm to it on each side. This is the gap that must be between the tray and the incubator body to ensure air circulation. In the lower base of the incubator, it is imperative to drill several holes with a diameter of 10 mm, through which air exchange will take place between the inner space of the chamber and the external environment (the incubator must be constantly enriched with oxygen). For an incubator for 50 eggs, 6 holes are sufficient.

Attention! The bottom openings should be positioned so that they do not overlap with the pan (plate) filled with water, which will be installed in the chamber to maintain a sufficient humidity level.

To ensure unimpeded air movement between the bottom of the device and the surface on which it will be installed, there must be a gap of 30 ... 50 mm. In its top cover, a viewing window of 100x100 mm, covered with glass, should be made. If there is no forced ventilation in the incubator, then the glass should be slightly opened during operation, leaving a gap of 10 ... 15 mm.

And one more nuance: one of the side surfaces of the incubator must have a door for changing water and other actions related to the maintenance of the chamber.

Incubator Tray

In order for the eggs to be neatly placed in the inner space of the incubator, we need to make a special tray. In our case, it can be made on the basis of a wooden frame, which is covered with a fine mesh from below. As a mesh, both an ordinary mosquito, used in the construction of modern window glass units, and a metal (maybe different) mesh with a cell size comparable to 5x5 mm (but not more) are suitable. In order to eliminate sagging of the mesh, a couple of small slats can be nailed from the bottom of the tray, which will comprehensively strengthen the structure of the tray.

In order to make it easier to turn the eggs during incubation, the tray should be equipped with a plug-in wooden grate. For convenience, you can make several grids at once, having different sizes of internal cells. So, for quail eggs, a lattice with a cell size of 45x35 mm is suitable, for a chicken egg, cells with a size of 67x75 mm are needed. If you want to lay goose eggs in the incubator, then the cells must be of the appropriate size - 90x60 mm. The width of the grid should be 5 mm less than the tray itself. In length, it should be shorter by 50 ... 60 mm - for quail, by 80 ... 90 mm - for chicken eggs and by 100 ... 110 mm - for goose eggs. Thus, by moving the wire rack along the tray, you can turn the eggs 180 degrees. In order to evenly warm the eggs over time, a similar procedure should be performed approximately once every 2 to 3 hours.

Egg Turning Tray

The height of the sides of the tray itself should be 70–80 mm. The tray should be installed on 100 mm high feet.

This is the simplest tray design and allows all eggs to be turned over at the same time. But in order to make the design of the incubator more modern, the process of turning the eggs can be automated. This will require some technical improvements.

How to make a flip in an incubator

In order to automate the process of turning eggs in an incubator, an electromechanical drive must be introduced into its design, which is triggered after a certain period of time (as we have already said, it takes 2-3 hours). The accuracy of the time interval will be ensured by a special time relay. The relay can be purchased ready-made. Those who like to "dig deeper" in microcircuits can make it on their own, taking as a basis an electronic or even mechanical watch, which is easy to buy in Moscow and in any village.

Here is what the FORUMHOUSE user writes about this.


Now it is easy to buy Chinese electromechanical relays with a cycle of 24 hours on sale. In fact, this is an elementary watch with a plug that is plugged into an outlet, and on the case of this watch there is a socket into which the consumer is plugged in, inside the watch a tiny electric motor turns. There is no need to wind them up, there are “push buttons” along the circle of the dial, lined with 24 hours, with which you set the time intervals.

The electric motor must always transmit torque through the gearbox. This will help smooth the movement of the grate and keep the eggs intact.

The grid of the tray should slide along the guides. The walls of the tray can play the role of guides. But in order to avoid accidental jamming, this mechanism can be improved. For this, a metal axis protruding from both ends should be attached along the central axis of the lattice. She will play the role of a reliable guide. The axle will be inserted into special grooves made on the sides of the tray. Such a design is reliable, it can be easily assembled and, if necessary, quickly disassembled.

In order to drive the grate with eggs, we need a reciprocating mechanism, consisting of an electric motor, a gearbox, a crank mechanism and a rod connecting the drive to the grate of the tray.

Device for turning eggs in an incubator.

As an electric motor, you can use special "motors" for microwave ovens that are available on the market. Also, some craftsmen create an electromechanical drive based on a mechanism that is part of car wipers. Or, what a way out of the situation was invented by the forum member mednagolov: the drive of the egg-turning mechanism from the email. remote control ball valve motor d \u003d 3/4 220v (has an extremely powerful and durable gearbox, as well as end position microswitches).

He used the power supply from an old computer, and the time relay was a mechanism from the Chinese clock, which was written about just above.
The mechanism operates as follows: the relay closes the electrical circuit after a specified period of time. The mechanism is set in motion and moves the grid of the tray, turning the eggs over. Then the end position switches (limit switches) are triggered and the grille is locked in the opposite end position. After a specified time, the cycle is repeated, and the grate returns to its original position. The whole process in a homemade product takes place without human participation.

Heating the incubator

The correct placement of the heating elements in the incubator chamber is the key to success in producing healthy and robust chicks. It is customary to use ordinary incandescent bulbs as heating elements. Ideally, they are best placed over the egg tray, evenly spaced around the perimeter of the incubator. The tray and the heating element should be separated by a distance of at least 25 cm. In a homemade incubator, use low-power bulbs, 25 W, etc. The total power of the heating elements used in such an incubator should be 80 watts - for a device designed for the simultaneous hatching of 50 chicks.

The lower the power of the heating elements, the more evenly the heat is distributed in the incubation chamber.

When placing lamps on the walls of the chamber, you should also ensure that they are evenly spaced around the entire perimeter. Be aware that using a series electrical connection of heating elements can significantly extend their life. But the power of each consumer in this case will be halved. This should be taken into account when calculating the number of heating elements, because with the appropriate connection method, the number of consumers will have to double.

Control over temperature indicators

As we already know, the temperature in the incubator chamber must exactly match the specified parameters. Otherwise, such a device is worthless. The optimum temperature for hatching chickens in artificial conditions is from 37.5 to 38.3 ° C. But it should be strictly observed. A conventional thermostat will help maintain the set range, which can be purchased without any problems in the store. It is essential that this instrument provides an accuracy of temperature values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to 0.2 ° C. An error greater than this value can be detrimental to developing embryos.

We think that it will not be difficult to connect the thermostat to the heating elements for a person who decided to make an incubator with his own hands. The main thing is to ensure that the temperature sensors are near the egg tray. The sensors can even be mounted on the tray for more accurate readings. A conventional thermometer should be used as an additional control. Better if it is electronic, capable of showing tenths of a degree. But in extreme cases, an ordinary alcohol thermometer is also suitable. It should be fixed in the camera so that it is located just above the tray. In this case, its readings can be taken by looking through the viewing glass.

Heat accumulator

JG_ member of FORUMHOUSE

In order for the temperature to drop more slowly, a heat accumulator must be used. I used water as TA. It gives humidification and still gains temperature, and when it is turned off, it gives it away for a long time, preventing the temperature from dropping quickly. Only the container with water should be large. You can just put a metal pancake or a dumbbell inside - why not TA?

It remains to add that without a humidifier in an incubator, all your efforts are doomed to failure. Therefore, a baking sheet or an open plate filled with water can be considered one of the essential elements involved in the incubation process. As for the heat accumulator, a heating pad or plastic water bottle will never be redundant in the interior of your incubator.

Humidity control can be done with a psychrometer, which can be purchased at a hardware store. The optimum humidity in the incubator should be between 50-55% (just before hatching, it can be increased to 65-70%).

Incubator ventilation

Many owners of homemade incubators believe that the fan is an integral part of such a device. But practice shows that a small incubator, the number of eggs in which does not exceed 50 pieces, can do without forced ventilation. Air convection in it occurs naturally and this is enough to support the vital activity of the embryos.

If the chamber of your incubator is designed for a larger number of eggs, or if you want to create an ideal microclimate inside the device by all means, then for these purposes you can use special fans with a diameter of 80 to 200 mm (depending on the volume of the chamber).

The fan can be installed in the top cover of the incubator so that it draws air from the inside of the chamber. Part of the air flow will go out, and its main volume will be reflected from the cover and pass over the lower intake openings, mixing warm air with cold air and enriching it with oxygen.

That's probably all. You can find out the different opinions of our users regarding the design, as well as familiarize yourself with their practical developments in this topic. We also have information for those interested in productivity. If you want to create at home more, in the design of which there are powerful components and complex ventilation schemes, then you should visit this section.

Housekeeping is difficult to call an easy task, especially when it comes to livestock. But such efforts bring tremendous results, which translate into healthy foods that contain a minimum of various chemical additives. Many people prefer to raise chickens on their site. To get a good livestock, you can buy it or grow it yourself. For the latter, an indispensable device is an incubator. Ready-made options are always on sale, but you can also assemble your own version. What you need for this will be discussed in the article.

Primary requirements

Before proceeding with the assembly, you need to be well aware of what the final result should be. To clearly understand it, you need to know the requirements that apply to the incubator. One of the most important is the presence of a constant temperature inside the incubator. In this case, not only the egg itself should be heated, but also the air around it. Indicators should be maintained within a range of 37.3 degrees to 38.6. Attention is paid not only to temperature, but also to the humidity that should be inside. The period that precedes the bite should be 40%. If hatching is involved, then the percentage increases to 80. Just before hatching takes place, the humidity will need to be slightly reduced.

Note! To successfully complete the process of raising chickens inside the incubator, you should not use eggs that have already lasted ten days.

The egg holders in the incubator should be made in such a way as to keep them upright. In this case, the shape of the cells should be such that the sharp end is directed downward. The shelves should be sloped throughout the entire incubation period. The incubator should have easy access to the eggs. This is necessary in order to turn the eggs three times a day. If desired, such a mechanism can be implemented automatically. Before the brood itself, he must be motionless. The incubator must be provided with good ventilation, which will avoid overheating and excess humidity.

Advice! The cells must be versatile because eggs are not always the same size. It is possible to envisage the option of breeding quails, for the eggs of which stands with a smaller diameter are required.

Self assembly

The size of the finished structure will directly depend on the desired number of eggs that will be incubated in the incubator. The assembly can be done in different ways, so several options will be considered below. In the drawings, special attention should be paid to the temperature control unit, as well as the method and location of incandescent lamps, which will act as heaters. It is also necessary to correctly place the fan, which will circulate air for uniform heating. An indispensable helper when raising chickens in an incubator is an uninterruptible power supply. During the rearing process, the light should not be lost for a long time, since this will result in various defects in the chickens.

The capacity of the incubator should not be too large. It is better to choose for her some average dimensions that will allow her to grow the minimum and maximum permissible number of eggs. It is easier to install several such incubators than one large one, since it will be easier to maintain them, and they will provide a certain autonomy: if one of them fails, the second will continue to work successfully. Modern economy lamps are not suitable for heating. Although they consume less electricity, they are unable to warm up the space inside the incubator. For a standard incubator for 100 eggs, six lamps are sufficient. Two of them should have a power of 25 W, and the rest - 40.

Advice! The dimensions of the incubator can be easily calculated by yourself. As a basis, you can take the size of the cells in which the eggs will be located. The width of one pocket must be at least 4.5 cm and its height 6.5 cm. After distributing the number of eggs on each level, the exact dimensions for the incubator can be displayed.

Styrofoam incubator

The Styrofoam incubator is one of the most efficient because it is quite easy to assemble and light in weight. As a basis, you can use sheets of insulation with a side size of a meter. The first sheet is divided into four equal parts to obtain walls with a height and width of 50 cm.

The bottom and lid are cut from the second sheet of insulation. To do this, it must be cut as shown in the illustration. The left part with a size of 50 by 60 cm will be the lid that will tightly close the incubator, and the second part will be used for the bottom, which is glued inward. The frame is assembled from the four elements that were obtained after the first cutting. You can glue the foam with rubber glue or use metallized tape, which will provide an excellent hold. You can immediately glue the bottom. The cover needs some work. It is necessary to make a small hole in it measuring 10 by 10 cm. It is necessary in order to visually monitor the state of the eggs inside the incubator. The hole is closed with a piece of glass or clear plastic.

The egg rack should not be placed directly on the bottom of the incubator. This will create an enclosed space, which makes ventilation no longer possible. Therefore, the tray is installed on small supports, a height that will allow you to put a container with water on the bottom of the incubator. For the inflow of fresh air in the walls, which have a shorter length, holes with a diameter of 12 mm are drilled. You will need three of them, and they should be placed 1 cm from the bottom. Additional bars are mounted on the cover, which will hold the lamp holders. The thermostat does not need to be assembled by yourself, since there are ready-made options on sale. It is mounted on the lid or next to the incubator. The sensor is housed inside the incubator. It should not touch the walls and eggs. It is better to place it 1 cm from any of the eggs. There should be a 4 cm gap between the tray and the walls, through which air will circulate.

Advice! For a larger number of eggs, you will need to increase the size of the incubator, as well as place the trays in several tiers. If the structure is wider, then not two, but more bulbs are mounted. From the inside, the foam can be covered with foil so that the heat is better reflected.

From the refrigerator

If the farm has an old non-working refrigerator, then it can be converted into an incubator. Remove everything that is possible from the refrigerator compartment. If the freezer is built into the main compartment, it will also need to be disposed of to increase the available space. The design of the refrigerator is great for creating an incubator, since there is already insulation in its walls, and the door closes quite tightly. In addition, there are special shelf holders inside that can be used for cells.

Drill and feather drill make holes in the bottom and top wall of the refrigerator. They are necessary to ventilate the interior of the structure. A fan is installed below for air supply. There are containers or containers with water next to it. Lamps that will heat the incubator are mounted on top and bottom to ensure even heating. Products with 25 watts are used. As the basis for the trays, you can use the grates from the refrigerator, they will need to be slightly modified, but they will perfectly fit into place, it is important to provide a mechanism so that you can turn the eggs over.

Other options

The easiest way to make an incubator is to use a cardboard box. In this case, a regular cardboard tray is used as an egg holder. It is installed on two wooden blocks, which are fixed from the inside to the walls of the box. Below, at a distance of 4 cm from the bottom, holes are made every 5 cm for air supply. Bulb sockets and fan are also bottom mounted. The top of the box can be covered with a thick cloth or a piece of insulation, suitable in size.

If there is a need to build an incubator for a small brood, then you can use two plastic bowls. They must be fixed with each other upside down so that a space forms inside. At the bottom, as in other incubators, a container with water is installed, which will allow you to achieve the required humidity. One or two cartridges are installed in the cover. The distance from the bulbs to the eggs should be sufficient so that they do not overheat. Metal reflectors can be installed in the incubator to block infrared radiation. A fan is required, it is mounted next to the light bulbs to remove heat from them in a timely manner. The basins are connected to each other by means of small metal loops.

Advice! Before laying eggs in the incubator, all surfaces must be disinfected. Some owners consider it necessary to disinfect the eggs themselves.

Automatic flip

Automatic egg flipping can be done in several ways. One of them is the use of a mosquito net. Since it is not able to withstand significant loads, it is used in small incubators. The bottom line is that the bottom of the trays is the mesh. It is mounted on two rollers that can move it in a circle. It is enough to rotate one of the rollers, and the net will move, turning the eggs in the trays. The process can be made automatic by installing an electric drive, a relay and a timer on one of the rollers, which will activate it at regular intervals. The disadvantage of this solution is that it may not work in some cases. In such situations, the egg is simply dragged along the tray.

More reliable is the incubator tilt mechanism. In this case, the eggs do not turn over, but their inclination changes. For this purpose, it is enough to fix the trays axially on each side so that they can tilt freely. A handle is attached to the outside, which will allow tilting the trays inside the incubator. Another option is to use swivel castors. In this case, eggs are placed in the incubator between rubber rollers in trays. The rollers are connected to each other by a chain that allows them to rotate simultaneously. It is also easy to use an electric motor for this design. The video below shows an interesting design of an incubator with automatic egg turning.


The incubator can be assembled from regular plywood or from chipboard, if available. But in this case, you will need to make double walls for the incubator with an air gap, which will keep the heat longer. The best solution would be to fill the space between the walls of the incubator with insulation. For example, to solve the problem, polyurethane foam is suitable, which is laid in the required layer. In this case, all the necessary modules are placed on the cover, since it has sufficient rigidity. In such an incubator, it is quite easy to make inclined trays to change the position of the eggs. It is better if the entire power supply system of the incubator is built on 12 volts. In this case, it will be quite easy to use a regular car battery as a backup source. To simplify the task, you can purchase a ready-made unit that is able to monitor not only the temperature inside the incubator, but also the humidity. In addition, at specified intervals, it will supply power to the drive that changes the inclination of the trays.

If you are seriously involved in raising poultry, then you understand how important it is today to have a modern apparatus that will help you get a large number of high-quality young. Such devices have long and successfully played the role of a brood hen. But not all farmers want or can purchase this device in the store. Many are interested in how to create an incubator with their own hands. Each of the materials at hand is capable of making such a structure.

It is quite possible to lay the required number of eggs with maximum accuracy, to "incubate" them in artificial conditions close to natural, if you have a useful device in your household - a home incubator.

A home-made incubator has a number of undeniable advantages. It is not only economical, very reliable and simple, but also allows you to make a structure designed for a large number of eggs. Everyone is able to choose the desired dimensions of the structure, provide for the presence of additional functions in it.

There are a large number of variants of such devices, created by craftsmen according to their own drawings. When assembling, you should be careful, since the slightest violation of the temperature or humidity level in the future can provoke damage to the eggs.

Consider the most common and popular devices among farmers in our country.


One of the most unpretentious and at the same time functional devices can be called an incubator, the authorship of the design of which belongs to Professor N.P. Tretyakov.

To make it, you will need plywood sheets. The walls in this apparatus are double. The free space between them should be filled with dry sawdust, which will provide excellent thermal insulation. Above and below the walls must be covered with wooden blocks.

The top cover is removable. It also, according to the drawings, provides for the presence of a window with double glazing. On the upper edge of the device body, you need to glue a bike gasket - so the lid will close the incubator more tightly. Slats are nailed along the edges of the lid. For ventilation, 5 holes are made on each side. In order to be able to cover them sometimes, a plywood strip is nailed to the lid with the ability to move it in the grooves of the bars.

Inside the device, electrical wiring is mounted on the walls - with sockets for screwing in light bulbs. Rails are also nailed to position the tray. 9 holes are also made in the floor for ventilation. It is necessary to put plates of water on it. The egg tray is created in the form of a frame, to which a metal mesh is nailed from below. Moving them along the tray can be carried out using a special guide slider. The temperature in a plywood incubator is initially set at 38.5 - 39 degrees.


Polyfoam is highly valued for its pronounced thermal insulation properties. It is necessary to make a box from its sheets. The adhesive tape available on the farm will help you. Cut the edges to the required size and fasten them securely in the shape of a box. This kind of device will allow you to achieve increased thermal insulation.

Inside it, it is permissible to use bulbs with a power of 20 W, which will provide an excellent heating system. Experts recognize the option with the placement of light bulbs as more budgetary than using heaters for the same purposes. Light bulbs should be inserted into the top cover - the distance from the eggs should be at least 15 cm.

The tray can be made from wooden slats of a suitable size, or you can take a ready-made structure. It is best to put it in the middle - so the distance to the vessels with water and heating elements will be the same. When making a styrofoam machine, make sure to leave space between the walls and the tray. As it is important to ensure proper air circulation. An axis should be inserted through the upper wall of the device, onto which the tray is fastened. The handle of the axis must be brought out - it will allow regular turns of the incubation material. It is recommended to make the trays from a dense mesh with cells measuring 2 by 5 cm.

Place the thermometer with the scale on the outside. Tin water baths are placed between the bulbs. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bits evaporation, it is advised to take a couple of pieces of copper wire and fix it on the trays. On top of them you will need to put pieces of material.

The ventilation and humidification system in such a device is created using 10 holes - in the upper and lower walls.

From the old refrigerator

An excellent choice to make a homemade incubator according to blueprints is to use an old refrigerator. It is almost a ready-to-use device that only needs to be slightly modified.

To make the process of incubating eggs more convenient, you must first remove the freezer from the device. Instead of it, 4 lamps with a power of 100 W each are placed inside. Small windows, which should be cut in the refrigerator door, are designed to exercise vigilant control over the rearing process. At the bottom, you need to install a lamp with a power of 25 watts. Directly above it, a tin or glass partition is fastened. In the future, a vessel with water and a piece of wet material will be installed on it in order to increase evaporation inside the device. Place the egg tray slightly higher. A thermometer should be placed at the same level, which will help control the temperature in the home incubator.

There are several types of schemes for creating such a device based on an old refrigerator. The one described above is the simplest one.

If desired, you can create a device in which the function of turning the incubation material will be incorporated. This requires starting by creating a more rigid body. On the side walls, boards should be attached and connected at the bottom with the help of bars. Bearings must be placed in the grooves made in the boards. Then the trays or frames for eggs are installed. For the possibility of regular overturns, a cable should be attached to the frames, the end of which is brought out and connected to the engine. It is recommended to install the fan in the back of the device. Each refrigerator has a special chute through which water is drained. It is advised to install it in the opposite direction and supply water to the fan at the time of the start of the hatching of the young.

Out of a box or box

How to make an incubator with your own hands from an ordinary box? The creation of such a simple design will not be a problem even for a novice farmer.

One of the options for creating a home device from a cardboard box is as follows. You need to take an unnecessary box, ideally its dimensions are 56 by 47 by 58 cm. Inside, you need to glue paper or felt in several layers to the cardboard. The observation window is made in the upper wall - its dimensions will be somewhere around 12 by 10 cm.

For wiring, you need to make small holes, since you will need to install 3 light bulbs, each of which has a power of 25 watts. At a height of at least 15 cm from the surface of the eggs, lamps are installed for heat transfer. To prevent the resulting heat from evaporating, the holes where the wires are placed should be plugged with cotton wool. Next, trays are made of wood, slats for them and a reliable door.

To maintain a normal temperature inside the device and be able to monitor it, do not forget about a thermometer. A pot of water will help to ensure sufficient moisture. The first 12 hours from the moment the incubation material was laid inside, the temperature should be maintained at 41 degrees, gradually it should be lowered to 39. It is not recommended to place such a device on the floor, it is better to install it on blocks up to 20 cm in size. This will result in natural air circulation.

Video "Incubator made of foam"

A video instruction that will allow you to easily make a foam incubator at home.

Manufacturing instruction

Whatever improvised material or object you use to create a device at home, there are certain rules for creating a household incubator.

A cardboard or wooden box, sheets of plywood, plastic or polystyrene, an unnecessary refrigerator, sealant, screws, corners and metal mesh, light bulbs, a well-sharpened knife, foil or paper are used as tools and materials that cannot be dispensed with during the work. glass for creating a viewing window, trays for placing eggs.

After choosing a suitable box, refrigerator or other materials, you can start working.

To prevent heat leakage from the structure, the existing gaps are reliably sealed with a sealant. For the reliability and durability of the device, when choosing an option with a cardboard box, it is advised to seal it by sheathing with thick paper or plywood. An important part of the incubator is the baths filled with water. They are made based on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe device and placed on the bottom.

As practice shows, trays can be created from planed boards. The height of the sides should ideally be around 70 mm. The lower part should be covered using a metal mesh with cells measuring 10 by 10. Inside, you should also make guides from metal corners - trays will be placed on them.

As a heating system, 4 - 5 light bulbs are installed in any of the structures. The power of each is 25 watts. So that the heat can spread evenly throughout the structure, it is permissible to attach one of the lamps below.

In a home-made device, special attention should be paid to installing an automatic heating system. Heating elements must be placed without a fan - under the incubation material, above it, from above, from the side or even around the perimeter of the structure. The distance of the future young birds to the heating element depends on the type of heater you are creating. Most often, light bulbs are used - in this case, the distance should not be less than 25 cm.If nichrome wire is chosen, then 10 cm is enough.

Drafts should not be allowed - this can lead to the death of the entire brood. In order for the embryos to fully develop, there must always be a certain temperature inside each testicle, while the error is not allowed more than half a degree.

It is permissible to use bimetallic plates, electrical contactors, and barometric sensors as a regulator.

The electrical contactor is a mercury thermometer, into the tube of which an electrode must be soldered. The second electrode is a mercury column. The electrical circuit is closed - when the mercury heats up and moves along the glass tube. So the owner of a homemade device receives a signal to turn off the heating system.

Bimetallic platinum is a low-cost and not particularly reliable option. Since when it heats up, bending occurs, and it touches the second electrode, closing the circuit.

The barometric sensor is a sealed elastic metal cylinder filled with ether. One of the electrodes in this design is the cylinder itself, the second is the screw. It should be fixed a millimeter from the bottom. At the moment of heating, ether vapors press on the bottom, it bends and closes the circuit. This signals the shutdown of the heating elements.

Consider safety precautions when installing a heating system in any hatcher. After all, all homemade devices are quite fire hazardous.

Video "Incubator from the refrigerator"

A video on how the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a simple incubator from an old refrigerator was implemented. This design is interesting in that the master used good automation. See what he did.

In household plots, the use of large industrial incubators may be impractical due to their large capacity. To grow a small number of poultry, small incubators are needed, which can be done with your own hands, using available tools and materials.

We will present several methods for making incubators. However, even a homemade incubator must meet certain requirements, which you will learn about in this article.

How to make your own chicken egg incubator

Breeding poultry is a fairly profitable activity, but for uninterrupted production of productive young animals, you need to buy or make your own hands a device in which young animals will be hatched.

How to make an incubator for chicken eggs or quails with your own hands, using materials at hand, you will learn from the sections below.

What you need to pay attention to

For the full breeding of young poultry, you should adhere to certain recommendations and requirements regarding the use of an incubator and its manufacture:

  • The temperature regime at a distance of two centimeters from the eggs should not exceed 38.6 degrees, and the minimum temperature is 37.3 degrees;
  • Only fresh eggs are suitable for incubation, which should not be stored for more than ten days;
  • The incubator must be kept at an optimum humidity level. Before peeling, it is 40-60%, and after the beginning of peeling - 80%. The moisture level should be reduced before hatching.

Breeding young poultry also depends on the location of the eggs inside the incubator. They need to be placed vertically (pointed end down) or horizontally. If the eggs are vertical, they should be tilted to the right or left by 45 degrees (when setting goose or duck eggs, the tilt is up to 90 degrees).

If the eggs are placed horizontally, they must be turned over at least three times a day by 180 degrees. However, it is best to turn the eggs every hour. A few days before pecking, the eggs are stopped turning.


If you are interested in how to make a homemade egg incubator, you should know that this device is made according to certain rules.

To make an incubator, you will need:

  1. Material bodyheat-retaining well (wood or foam). This is necessary so that the temperature inside the device does not change during the hatching process. An old refrigerator, microwave oven or even a TV can be used as a case.
  2. For heating eggs they use ordinary lamps (from 25 to 100 W, depending on the size of the incubator), and to control the temperature, a regular thermometer is placed inside the device.
  3. To keep fresh air inside the incubator, you need to equip ventilation. For small appliances, it is enough to drill holes in the side walls and bottom, and for large incubators (for example, made from a refrigerator), several fans are installed (under and above the egg rack).

Figure 1. Common types of incubators: 1 - with automatic egg turning, 2 - mini-incubator, 3 - industrial model

Trays or grates can be purchased or made from wire mesh. It is important that there is space between the trays for free air circulation.


Ensure good ventilation in the incubator. Preference should be given to forced ventilation, as the constant movement of air will maintain the required temperature and humidity inside the incubator.

Figure 1 shows the main types of incubators that can be used for hatching young poultry in a backyard farm. Below is a video overview of the operation of an industrial incubator for a thousand eggs.

How to auto-rotate eggs in an incubator

Incubators without manual turning of eggs are not very convenient, since a person needs to constantly monitor the incubation process and manually turn all eggs. It is much easier to immediately make a homemade auto-rotate incubator (Figure 2).


There are several options for arranging auto-rotation of eggs in an incubator. For small appliances, you can simply equip a movable net that is driven by a small roller. As a result, the eggs move slowly and gradually turn over.

Note: The disadvantage of this method is that you still have to control the coup, since the eggs can simply budge, but not overturn.

Roller rotation is considered more modern, for the arrangement of which special rollers are installed under the grate, rotating the eggs. To prevent damage to the shell, all rollers are covered with a mosquito net. However, this method also has a significant drawback: to manufacture the auto-rotation system, you will have to take up free space in the incubator by installing rollers.

Figure 2. Scheme of automatic turning of eggs in an incubator

The best way is considered to be the overturn method, in which at once the entire tray with eggs is tilted 45 degrees. The rotation is activated by a special mechanism located outside, and all eggs are guaranteed to warm up.

How to set eggs in an incubator correctly

The incubation of poultry eggs should be carried out taking into account certain characteristics and maintain the optimal mode of hatching young animals. The table in Figure 3 shows the basic requirements for hatching eggs of chickens, ducks and geese.

First of all, during incubation, the correct temperature should be maintained (minimum 37.5 - maximum 37.8 degrees). It is also necessary to regularly check the humidity, determining it by the temperature difference on the "wet" and "dry" thermometer. If the "wet" thermometer shows temperatures up to 29 degrees, then the humidity is about 60 percent.

Figure 3. Optimal incubation modes

The incubation regime must also meet the following requirements:

  • Turning eggs must be done at least 8 times a day;
  • When breeding young geese and ducks, the eggs must be periodically cooled in a combined way: the first half of the incubation of the eggs is cooled with air for half an hour, and then irrigated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • During the hatching of young animals, the air temperature on the "dry" thermometer should not exceed 34 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 78-90 degrees.

It is important that insufficient heating of eggs, regardless of the stage of incubation, can slow down the growth and development of embryos, since the chicks absorb and use protein worse. As a result of insufficient warming, most chicks die even before hatching, and the surviving chicks hatch later, their umbilical cord does not heal and the belly grows.

Underheating, depending on the stage, can cause some disturbances. In the first stage of incubation, they include:

  • The intestines are filled with fluid with blood;
  • The kidneys are enlarged and the liver is colored unevenly;
  • Swelling appears on the neck.

During the second stage of incubation, subcooling can provoke:

  • Swelling of the umbilical ring;
  • The intestines are filled with bile;
  • Heart enlargement with subcooling in the last few days of incubation.

Overheating of eggs during incubation can cause external malformations (eyes, jaws and head) and hatch early. If the temperature regime has been elevated in the last few days, the internal organs (heart, liver and stomach) of chicks may be deformed and the walls of the abdominal cavity do not grow together.

Severe and short-term overheating can lead to the fact that the embryo dries to the inner part of the shell, the chick will develop swelling and hemorrhages on the skin, and the embryo itself is located with its head in the yolk, which is not normal.

Figure 4. Normal development of the embryo (left) and possible defects in violation of the moisture regime (right)

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures in the second half of incubation leads to early movement of the embryo in the air chamber; unused protein can be seen inside the egg. In addition, there are many chicks in the brood that have hatched the shell, but died without drawing in the yolk.

Violations of the moisture regime can also provoke serious violations. (Figure 4):

  • High humidity causes delayed development of embryos, embryos use protein poorly and often die in the middle and end of incubation;
  • If the humidity was increased during biting, the chicks may begin to adhere the beak to the shell, goiter develops, and an excess of fluid is observed in the intestines and stomach. Swelling and hemorrhage may develop on the neck;
  • An increase in humidity often causes late hatching and hatching of sluggish young animals with a swollen belly and too light down;
  • If the humidity was low, biting begins in the middle part of the egg, and the shell membranes are dry and too strong;
  • At low humidity, small and dry young growth hatches.

It is especially important to maintain optimal humidity (80-82%) during the mowing period. It is worth noting that during all incubation periods, one should strive to maintain the temperature and humidity regime that exists during natural incubation.

Figure 5. Possible defects of eggs when scanning with an ovoscope

The incubation time depends on the type of poultry. For example, for chickens of meat breeds, it is 21 days and 8 hours. If the normal incubation regime was maintained, the beginning of pecking begins on the 19th day and 12 hours after laying the eggs, the chicks begin to hatch already on the 20th day, and after another 12 hours most of the young appear. During incubation, eggs should be periodically scanned with an ovoscope in order to detect damage in time (Figure 5). You will learn more details about ventilation and incubation temperature in the video.

What is needed for this

To properly lay eggs in the incubator, you need to warm up the device in advance and prepare the eggs.

For hatching young animals of any poultry, only eggs that have been stored for no longer than a week in a dark room with good ventilation at room temperature are suitable. Before laying them, they must be shone through with an ovoscope and eggs are taken without damage, cracks and growths on the shell.


Only eggs of the correct shape and with a characteristic shell color for a certain type of bird can be laid in the incubator.

In addition, you need to choose the right wire rack to match the size of the eggs. For example, quail requires a smaller grid, and turkey requires a larger one. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the temperature and humidity conditions of incubation for each type of bird.

How to make a homemade incubator from the refrigerator

Very often, home incubators are made from old refrigerators, since the body of these household appliances is quite spacious and allows you to simultaneously display large batches of young poultry.

You can watch how to make an incubator from the refrigerator with your own hands with detailed instructions in the video.


Before starting the manufacture of the incubator, you need to draw up a drawing and a plan for connecting all the necessary elements. You also need to wash the case and remove all shelves and the freezer from it.

The procedure for making an incubator from an old refrigerator includes the following steps (Figure 6):

  • Several holes are drilled in the ceiling for fixing lamps and arranging ventilation;
  • The inner part of the walls is trimmed with thin sheets of foam plastic so that heat remains inside the device for a longer time;
  • Trays or grates for eggs are installed on the shelves;
  • A temperature sensor is placed inside, and the thermostat is brought out;
  • Several ventilation holes are drilled in the lower part of the side walls, and in order to provide a higher level of air flow, fans are installed above and below.

Figure 6. Scheme of manufacturing a household incubator from an old refrigerator

It is also advisable to cut through a small viewing window in the door to make it easier to observe the incubation process without opening the door.

How to make a Styrofoam incubator step by step

The body of a homemade incubator can be made from an old TV box or a foam box, reinforced with a frame made of wooden slats. Four porcelain lamp holders need to be fixed in the frame. Bulbs for heating eggs are screwed into three cartridges, and the fourth bulb is used to heat the water in the bath. The power of all bulbs should not exceed 25W. Examples and drawings for the manufacture of simple incubators are shown in Figure 7.

Note: The average lamp is often turned on only at a certain time: from 17 to 23-00. A water bath to maintain moisture can also be made from scrap materials. For example, using a herring jar, cutting off part of the lid from it. From such a container, water will evaporate better, and the lid will prevent local overheating of the eggs.

Inside the homemade incubator, an egg rack is installed. The surface of the eggs on the wire shelf should be at least 17 centimeters from the light bulb, and the eggs under the wire shelf must be at least 15 centimeters away.

An ordinary thermometer is used to measure the temperature inside the incubator. To make it convenient to use the incubator, its front wall must be made removable and covered with cardboard or other dense material. Twists are used to secure. Such a removable wall allows you to put trays with eggs inside the incubator, put a bath and change the water in it, as well as carry out all other manipulations.

Figure 7. Schemes for making simple incubators from a refrigerator and a box

In the lid of the incubator, you need to make a window that will serve for ventilation and temperature control. The window is 12 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide. It is better to cover it with glass, leaving a small gap in width.

For additional ventilation along the long wall near the floor, you should also make three small square holes (each side is 1.5 centimeters). They should be open at all times for a constant supply of fresh air.

How to make a microwave incubator

An incubator from a microwave is made according to the same principle as a device from a refrigerator. But it should be borne in mind that many eggs will not fit in such an incubator, therefore at home it is used mainly for breeding quails.

When making an incubator from a microwave oven, you need to consider some features (Figure 8):

  • Outside, the case must be sheathed with thin sheets of foam to stabilize the temperature inside;
  • Ventilation holes are left in the upper part, and the door is not insulated or sealed for an additional flow of fresh air;
  • A tray for eggs is installed inside, but since there is not enough space in the chamber for cans of water, a container with a liquid for humidification is placed directly under the tray.

Figure 8. The procedure for making a microwave incubator with your own hands

It is also necessary to provide for protection of eggs from overheating by installing barriers on incandescent lamps.

How to make ventilation in an incubator with your own hands

In a homemade incubator, there is also no special cooling system for eggs, as they cool for several minutes during the turning process. During the entire incubation, the temperature should be maintained at 39 degrees.

For ease of use, legs can be attached to the incubator. And since this equipment is very compact, and the process of incubation of eggs is not accompanied by the release of unpleasant odors, young poultry can be removed even in a city apartment (Figure 9). The procedure for making a simple homemade incubator is shown in the video.

How to make a humidifier in an incubator

For normal operation of a homemade incubator, pour half a glass of water per day into the bath. If you want to increase the level of humidity, you can put a rag in the bath, which is washed every two days.

For laying eggs, special slats are placed in the incubator, and the eggs are placed in the gaps between them. The slats should be rounded from the sides. To make it easier to turn the eggs, you need to leave a free space in the tray that corresponds to one egg.

Note: Eggs in a homemade incubator are manually turned 180 degrees. It will be better if the eggs are turned up to 6 times a day with an equal time interval (after 2-4 hours).

Figure 9. Drawings for making simple do-it-yourself incubators

To maintain humidity, no devices are provided in a homemade incubator, and this mode is maintained approximately. It is recommended to install 25 or 15 Watt bulbs to evaporate liquid. The evaporator is not turned on before the biting begins, and if it is turned off too early, then the eggs will form too hard shells that the chicks cannot break.

Breeding chicks is simply impossible without special equipment. Poultry farmers often buy industrial devices, as they consider this the only possible solution. But making such an incubator with your own hands is not difficult at all. In this case, the device will not only be much cheaper, but also fully meet the requirements of the breeder.

Breeding chicks is simply impossible without special equipment

For the manufacture of the simplest home-made apparatus, foam is used. It is very easy to make such an incubator yourself.

For the manufacture of the simplest home-made apparatus, foam is used

  • styrofoam;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • scotch;
  • light bulbs and sockets;
  • thermostat;
  • a pair of fans that are used in computers;
  • container for liquid;
  • thermometer;
  • plastic trays.

The whole manufacturing process comes down to several stages:

  1. Preparation of drawings taking into account all dimensions.
  2. In accordance with the drawing and dimensions, the necessary elements are cut out of the foam and attached to each other with tape.
  3. In the finished box, electrical wiring is done.
  4. All the walls of the box, both from the inside and from the outside, are closed with cardboard.
  5. Holes are cut in the cardboard for light bulbs and fixing trays.
  6. A hole is cut out in the upper part, which is covered with plastic. Thus, the viewing window appears.
  7. Fans are fixed.
  8. In the lower part, containers for liquid are installed.
  9. At the final stage, the trays are fixed and the bulbs are screwed in.

Incubator from the refrigerator: how to make it yourself

For manufacturing, you can use a two-chamber or ordinary old refrigerator

For manufacturing, you can use a two-chamber or ordinary old refrigerator. As in any other case, the work begins with the preparation of the drawing and drawing up a diagram according to which all the elements will be connected. All the shelves are pulled out of the refrigerator itself.

To make such an incubator, you must follow the instructions below:

  1. From the inside of the future structure, several holes are drilled in the ceiling for lamps, as well as through holes for ventilation.
  2. The walls are covered with sheets of polystyrene foam, which will help retain heat.
  3. An egg tray is made from old grates.
  4. Above, from the outside, a thermostat is fixed, and from the inside - a sensor.
  5. Several holes are drilled in the bottom for ventilation.
  6. A pair of fans are fixed at the bottom and top.

A small hole is cut out in the door, which is covered with plastic and coated with sealant.

Incubators with automatic egg flipping: how to do it yourself

In order for the incubation process to be correct and successful, the eggs must periodically rotate

In order for the incubation process to be correct and successful, the eggs must rotate periodically. It is both inconvenient and undesirable to do this manually, as this violates the temperature regime. That is why it is recommended to independently assemble a device equipped with a rotary mechanism.

This will require the following materials:

  • plywood sheets and wood blocks;
  • styrofoam;
  • tray;
  • grid;
  • 4 lamps;
  • metal plates;
  • containers for liquid;
  • motor with worm gear.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using bars and plywood, the frame is assembled.
  2. The structure is sheathed with polystyrene from the inside.
  3. To turn the eggs in automatic mode, they think over the main mechanism - install an electric motor.
  4. An axis is made in the upper part of the box, on which trays will be installed in the future. For this, a grid is used.
  5. A pin is made of the plates and connected to the overturn axis, brought out.
  6. A rod is screwed to the motor and connected to the tray and pin.
  7. Light bulbs are installed at the bottom of the apparatus and covered with metal plates.
  8. A thermometer and liquid containers are installed.
  9. Small holes are made for ventilation.

This automatic design makes it easy and simple to incubate even 1000 eggs. After all, there is no need to constantly turn them manually.

Making a multi-tiered incubator

To increase productivity, devices consisting of several tiers are often used.

To increase productivity, devices consisting of several tiers are often used. It is much more difficult to assemble such a structure, but if you take care of the preparation of the drawings, the installation process will become much easier.

The assembly is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The body is constructed from plywood.
  2. A removable door is made from the plate on the back side.
  3. The space inside the box is divided into three compartments. The distance from the ceiling to the side partitions should be about five centimeters.
  4. Trays are installed in the side compartments.
  5. To make the trays turn over at the same time, fix the handles on each of the trays.
  6. The middle compartment is equipped with a thermostat and heating elements.
  7. Each compartment has its own door.

Heating system

Regardless of the type of incubator and the materials used, special attention must be paid to the heating system

Regardless of the type of incubator and the materials used, special attention must be paid to the heating system.

There are a number of requirements that must be met:

  1. Heating elements are placed both under the trays and on the side, top and perimeter.
  2. The distance from the heating system to the tray should be at least 25 centimeters when using bulbs and 10 centimeters when heated with nichrome wire.
  3. Lack of drafts.
  4. The error of the maintained temperature is no more than half a degree.

The regulator can be used in several types:

  • bimetallic plates;
  • barometric sensors;
  • electrical contactors.

Particular attention is paid to safety measures, since all homemade devices are fire hazardous.

Even a novice poultry farmer can make an incubator on his own. But there are a number of points on which productivity directly depends:

  1. Heat must be maintained at all times, even if there are power outages. For this, a special battery must be provided, into which hot water is poured. Covering the structure with a blanket, the temperature will remain for about twelve hours.
  2. The heat should be distributed evenly. To avoid the need to constantly rearrange the trays, it is recommended to equip the device with two heat sources. One on top and one on the bottom.
  3. Optimization of temperature is also an important point. In order for the flow of warm air to flow faster, in the process of making trays, the bottom is equipped with a metal mesh. The trays themselves should be movable, not stationary. Due to this, there will simply be no problem with temperature fluctuations.

DIY small incubator (video)

A simple home incubator from the refrigerator (video)

The main advantage of a homemade incubator is its low cost. After all, you will have to spend only on consumables. In addition, only in this case it is possible to accurately select the size of the equipment and calculate the required number of trays depending on the scale of production. Moreover, the workflow is not at all complicated and fun.

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Making an incubator with your own hands is very simple and even not very experienced poultry farmers can do it.

Homemade incubators have many advantages - low cost, reliability and simplicity, the ability to make a design for a large number of eggs.

There are many options for homemade devices. Sometimes the most unexpected materials are used to create them - refrigerators, buckets and even basins.

The article discusses how to make an incubator correctly at home.

Types and drawings of devices

Most breeders breed chicks at home. There is not always a hen ready to hatch birds. In addition, it is often necessary to get young animals within a certain time frame.

According to experienced bird breeders, a simple hatcher house incubator can sometimes produce up to 90% of bird hatches.

Some manufacturers offer to purchase kits for making home incubators.

But the lever flip of the tray is difficult to assemble for a person who does not have special skills.

But if you have the appropriate diagram or the necessary drawings, then you can make an incubator with your own hands without any problems, even at home.

If you want to figure out how to make an incubator, you first need to complete the drawings of your future device.

A homemade home incubator can be made from a variety of scrap materials, an old refrigerator, or even out of a box.

It is important to ensure that your device is well insulated. A large selection of heat-insulating materials is presented on the modern market - foam plastic, mineral wool and much more.

The incubator is heated using conventional incandescent lamps with a power of 25-40 watts. For a small device, 4 lamps are enough. You can also heat the incubators with electric heating elements.

If you are using lamps, the eggs should be at least 25 cm from the heating element.

If the air is heated by a nichrome wire, then the eggs can be at a distance of 10 cm from it. It is very important to avoid drafts, otherwise the chicks may not hatch.

Out of a cardboard box

The simplest version of such a device for the home can be built from an ordinary cardboard box.
Prepare a box of about 50 x 50 x 50 cm.

Glue it inside with paper and felt in several layers. Make a window at the top through which you will follow the process.

For the wires, make small holes through which you connect the 25W light bulbs. Lamps are installed 15 cm above the eggs.

Cover the holes around the wires with cotton wool so that the heat that is important for future birds does not go away.

Trays can be knocked down from wooden slats; also attach slats to the walls of the box to which the trays will be attached.

In order for the warm air to be evenly distributed throughout the entire box, a fan must also be installed.

You can use a fan from a broken computer. To increase the humidity inside the incubator, place a small container of water at the bottom.

You need to install such an incubator not on the floor, but on wooden blocks, at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor in a place of your house where there are no drafts.

From a bowl or basin

Such homemade home appliances are perfect if there are power outages.

To make it, you will need two bowls or similar containers of the same size, preferably metal.

Such round containers will warm up evenly, which means the eggs too.

The bowls are placed one on top of the other so that a cavity forms inside. On the one hand, they need to be fastened together with furniture awnings or in another way convenient for you.

This will give you an openable cover.

Hang the cartridge in the upper center bowl. You can attach it to the bracket with glue or silicone. This will keep your bowl intact.

It is better, of course, to make a hole and insert a cartridge into it, but in this case you will no longer be able to use the bowl for its intended purpose.

In a deep container, the lamp can be installed horizontally, and in large basins, install several bulbs (select their number by testing).

Pour 1.5-2 cm of sand into the bottom bowl, then put foil, and top with straw or hay.

Punch a few small holes in the foil to help the moisture evaporate. You need to install the entire structure wherever your house has about the same temperature.

When you have assembled your device, warm it up, and place the thermometer in the center at the height where the eggs will lie.

From time to time, water should be added to the dried sand. The sand not only humidifies the air in the incubator, but also serves as a heat accumulator.

If the lights in your home are turned off, you can place the incubator in a pot of warm water and cover with a blanket. So you can not be afraid for the safety of your eggs.

You can also put the incubator near the battery, and in the summer - take it out in the sun. Sprinkle the eggs with water every day and turn them 180 °.

Making an incubator using foam

The frame of the egg incubator is made of polystyrene from wooden blocks, and inside and outside it is sheathed with plywood.

Styrofoam sheets are inserted into the cavity between the plywood layers. Some poultry farmers upholster the wooden frame with tin, and inside the incubator they insulate with a layer of foam.

An axle is inserted through the upper wall of the foam structure, on which the egg tray is attached. The handle of the axis is brought out, and with its help the eggs are turned over.

The trays should be made of dense mesh with cells of 2 by 5 cm. Install the thermometer so that its scale looks out. At the bottom of the case, 4 lamps of 25 W each are installed.

Each lamp should be covered with a 1 mm thick metal sheet. To do this, place 2 bricks around the lamp and put metal on them.

Place tin water trays between the lamps.

Give a few pieces of copper wire a U-bend and attach to the trays, and cover them on top with pieces of cloth - this will help increase the evaporation area.

Make about 10 holes in the upper and lower walls of the incubator through which fresh and humidified air will flow.

From the refrigerator

Very often breeders use old refrigerators to build an egg incubator at home. In fact, this is a ready-made home incubator, which should only be slightly modified for the convenience of the process.

The freezer compartment is removed from the refrigerator. In its place, 4 lamps of 100 watts are placed. A small window must be cut out in the refrigerator door in order to control the incubation process.

At the bottom, one 25 W lamp is also installed.

A glass or tin partition is attached above it, on which a tray of water and a piece of wet cloth are placed to increase the amount of vapor.

An egg tray is placed even higher; a control thermometer is fixed at the same level. This is the simplest diagram of a refrigerator incubator. But there are also more complex options.

You can make a device with the ability to turn eggs in the process. First, make the body stiffer.

To do this, boards are attached to the side walls, which are connected from below with bars. Make grooves in the boards into which the bearings are inserted, thanks to which the eggs will be turned over.

After that, frames or trays for eggs are installed, a cable is attached to the frames, with the help of which the trays are turned over. The end of the cable is led out and secured to the engine.

In order for the coup to be carried out correctly, you should prepare the drawings of the device in advance and discuss them with a professional.

A fan is built into the back wall.

Refrigerators have a chute that drains the water and should be reversed and fed through to the fan when chicks begin to hatch.

Automatic incubators

To achieve maximum performance, eggs must be kept under specific conditions.

The most important thing is to turn the eggs on time and maintain the required temperature regime, the fluctuations of which should be within half a degree.

This is quite difficult, which is why some poultry farmers use self-made automatic devices with a thermostat.

Bimetallic plates, barometric sensors and electrical contactors can act as a thermostat.

Ready-made thermostats can be easily purchased in stores or made yourself.

In addition to thermoregulation, the automation is also responsible for flipping the trays. To do this, you need a Dream-12 device with a 12V supply voltage.

It is also required to install a humidity regulator. Computer units can be used to provide power.

It is better to buy trays for automatic incubators in the store.

Light bulbs are connected in series by 2 pieces - 2 at the top and 4 at the bottom. Place the water baths at the bottom of the incubator, and the incubator at the top.

When your incubator is ready, you should test its operation for two to three days.

Set the desired temperature and try to maintain it at all times. It is especially important that the eggs are not overheated.

If the eggs are kept at a temperature of 41 ° for at least 10 minutes, the embryos will die. Trays should be flipped 2-3 times a day.

To achieve maximum hatching of chicks, you need to pay a lot of attention to the selection and storage of eggs in special conditions. Eggs should be stored lying down.

Storage temperature - no higher than 12 °. Turn them over from time to time. Eggs with a rough or thin shell, irregular shape are discarded.

With the help of an ovoscope, the eggs are examined for the presence of two yolks or an oversized air chamber.

Eggs should not be washed before incubation, as this will compromise their natural defenses.

Differences in incubators for quail eggs

Many poultry farmers are interested in how to make a do-it-yourself quail incubator.

To make a homemade quail incubator, the same materials are used as for chicken incubators. The main difference is the size.

A do-it-yourself quail incubator can be two to three times smaller than a chicken incubator.

If you make a do-it-yourself quail incubator at home, you can make it the same size as chicken ones, only you can fit three times as many eggs in the trays.

If you decide to breed birds at home, then for this purpose you will need an incubator with foam as insulation. It can be used not only to breed chickens, but also other birds. In this article, we will show you how to make a Styrofoam incubator.

What is needed

The first thing to do is decide on the number of eggs that you plan to grow in a Styrofoam incubator. This factor will affect the appearance of the interior of this unit. In the event that more than fifty eggs will be processed at the same time, then you will definitely need to install a fan. Its presence is required for uniform heating of the entire area. If you plan to warm up a small number of eggs, then the installation of this additional unit is not required. The main thing is to correctly place the devices for warming up.

This unit consists of the following parts:

  • body, with foam insulation;
  • heating system;
  • egg trays;
  • additional devices for humidity and temperature control.

Before starting the assembly process, we recommend making a drawing of the future structure. Different materials can be used to make the incubator body. Plywood, chipboard sheets, cardboard boxes, an old refrigerator are perfect for this purpose. The main criterion by which the choice of material is made is to ensure proper thermal insulation. You can use felt, foam, batting.


In order to ensure proper ventilation, we make a gap of up to eight centimeters between the wall and the tray. When working with a large incubator, on the foam, which is used as insulation, it will also be necessary to make holes so that carbon dioxide can escape through them. A certain distance should also be between the bottom and the floor, as seen in the photo.

Heating system

Heating elements can be placed in different places of the incubator relative to the trays:

  • from above;
  • evenly over the entire plane;
  • down below.

If you do this unit with your own hands, then the best option would be to install heating from above. It is in this case that the situation of giving off the maximum amount of heat will be achieved. To determine at what distance you need to install them, you should analyze the power of the heater.

Egg tray

The easiest and cheapest way to make a do-it-yourself egg tray. In this case, wooden boards are used. The frame is easy to make from metal or nylon mesh, as shown in the video. The cells must be made in such a way that a chicken egg can easily fit in them. The most convenient option is to make a design according to the drawings of a furniture box.

During the operation of the incubator with foam, you will need to constantly turn the eggs. If in the future you plan to carry out this process yourself, then before it starts, put a cross on one of the sides of the egg.

If you wish, you can make a device for simultaneously flipping the entire tray. To do this, we will make a movable frame without a bottom, with a width of 1-2 mm and a length of 10 cm. Further, cells must be fixed on it at a distance of up to 10 cm.

Additional devices

In order for an individual to develop normally, the incubation process must proceed taking into account all the conditions necessary for this. Control devices will help us with this.

To determine the humidity in the incubator, a psychrometer is used as the main insulation material, which is foam. It is sold at any veterinary pharmacy. You can also do it yourself. To do this, you need 2 thermometers, which will need to be attached to the board, as seen in the photo. Next, one of them is immersed in a bandage, and then in water. Thermometer number two does not need to be immersed in water. Now, to determine how humid the air is, it will be enough to calculate the difference between these two indicators.

In order for the temperature in the incubator to be constant, it is necessary to install a thermostat. It can be an electronic device with a power of no more than three hundred watts. He will have to keep the temperature within 35-40 degrees. The thermostat must be placed in a plastic base. It also needs to be equipped with a temperature control device, sensor and load indicator. This device will work continuously.


Previously, in order to bring out quails, a bucket and a table lamp were enough. Now this method can be considered quite risky. It is better to make the device yourself, because materials such as polystyrene, plywood and iron are not very expensive and generally available.

A self-made incubator has several advantages:

  • the process of breeding chicks can be year-round, and not depend in any way on the season;
  • there is an opportunity to always check the process - in real conditions you would not be able to do this;
  • the incubator can be easily moved to a place convenient for you;
  • low cost of production and fast payback.

Let's sum up

If you make an incubator with foam with your own hands, you will get a fairly cheap way to breed domestic chickens. This unit can be used many times. You can support the resulting offspring yourself, thereby providing yourself and your entire family with a healthy diet. It will also be very profitable to sell the received chicks. That is, a device made of ordinary material can become your home business.

Ravilov V.V. | 2015-03-17

Suppose the gentle March sun awakened in you a craving for an increase in the number of poultry, and there is no desire to tinker with a hacksaw on wood or metal, then you can make an incubator from sheet expanded polystyrene (foam).

We will not reinvent the wheel and discover America, but use the successful experience of our Australian fellow craftsman. He independently, with his own hands, in a matter of hours made an incubator of small capacity for chickens and made a photo and video report on his research. So the floor is for Candyman.

I made this incubator out of expanded polystyrene sheets and named it Esilbator, after the hen that laid the eggs for my first egg incubation experience.

I fastened the cut-to-size incubator walls with adhesive tape to ensure the required strength and tightness.

Fig. 1. Styrofoam incubator

Fig. 2. The incubator is pretty simple.

Incandescent bulbs with a capacity of 60 watts are used as a heating element in the incubator, and one more, I do not know its power, has worn off the marking.

The temperature in my incubator is controlled by an industrial-made thermostat, and the uniformity of heating the eggs is ensured by two fans, one of which is set at an angle of 45 degrees, and the other pumps heated air from the lamp compartment to the egg compartment.

The photo below shows a 60-watt light bulb with a reflector.

Fig. 3. Top view of the finished incubator

Fig. 4. Heating element lamp 60 watt

Second lamp of unknown power

Fig. 5. Auxiliary incubator lamp (watt 40, not more)

The main fan, it pumps the heated air from the heating compartment to the incubation compartment.

Fig. 6. Incubator main fan

Both lamps, in addition to the thermostat, are connected via a dimmer. This simple addition gives me even more control over the temperature, since I don't have central heating at home. When the temperature needs to be increased quickly, I turn on the second lamp and brighten the light.

Fig. 7. Dimmer knob

In the incubator, on both sides, I have installed containers of water. First, it gives the required air humidity. Secondly, the tanks in the water serve as heat accumulators and provide an even distribution of heat, complementing the installed fans. I used regular 80mm PC fans.

I used two conventional thermometers and one digital thermometer / hygrometer to control the temperature and humidity in the incubator.

Fig. 8. Temperature regulators

Fig. 9. Thermometers

Fig. 10. Thermometers

Fig.11. Thermometers

The eggs, in my incubator, are set in standard, plastic egg trays, which were installed on cardboard rolls with a diameter of 4 cm for easy turning. Yes, I turned the eggs by hand, the incubator was in a hurry.

For hatching chicks and used only fresh eggs. In order not to purchase an ovoscope, the built-in flashlight of the phone was used to see through the eggs.

Fig. 12. Mobile ovoscope

Eggs for day 5.

Fig.13. Translucent eggs on the 5th day

Fig. 14. Translucent eggs on the 5th day

Fig. 15. Translucent eggs on the 5th day

On the seventh day, the blood ring became clearly visible.

Fig. 16. Translucent eggs on the 7th day



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