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Can the father work at another job? In cities and regions of Russia

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Good day! Can you please tell me what it means to "work for the glory of God" and how is it in practice? I am an engineer. Intuitively, I guess how, but I would like to hear the priest's instruction. How NOT NECESSARY, more or less clear, but how NECESSARY? What to put at the forefront? God bless you!


Hello Alexey. There are many interpretations of these words. The basic principle is called in the Gospel: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness,” and then work and the fruits of your labors will be added to you. In all our activities, the commandments of God must be carried out, then everything that we do will be for the glory of God. “Without me you cannot do anything good” (John 15.5). Therefore, when we do something, we ask for blessings for our labors, we thank God for help, admonition and instruction. It is not the material result that is important, but the mood in which we come when we perform our most ordinary work, like obedience. He did a good job - do not be conceited, “we are slaves, good for nothing, we do only what we are obliged to do,” all our skills are from the Lord - hands, feet, mind, everything is from the Lord. It means that everything useful that we are able to do, God made with our hands. Let us not use our hands, mind and feelings, the instruments of the Glory of God, on sin, but only on the fulfillment of the Commandments of Christ. This will be "for the glory of God."

priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, does a church minister have the right to work in other, additional work, in addition to the ministry, is it allowed by church laws or not? Thank.


Hello Dimitri. A priest who is a member of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church receives support from his parish, if he is a parish priest, or from the diocese, if he bears diocesan obediences. In case of insufficient maintenance, and often this happens in small parishes, a clergyman can work in a secular job, if this does not prejudice his direct responsibilities. Of course, this cannot be such an activity that is associated with a violation of the commandments of God or is directly prohibited by the canons of the Church. In particular, the priest is prohibited from participating in elections and working in any power structures. And, for example, a teacher, doctor, orderly, electrician ... you can.

priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, father! I have a question on the professional side. I am studying to be an economist, but lately I have doubts about the fact that this profession is fundamentally focused on the material, the result of labor is the saved material values, and such structures as, for example, banks, profit from people with interest on loans, which radically against what the Almighty bequeathed to us, and the same stock exchanges, investing in stocks ... Please tell me how the Orthodox Church approaches this issue, is the profession of an economist suitable for a Christian, and what you need to know about its value for humanity, because if I don’t do any good with my work, and even worse, if there is harm, then I don’t see the point and motivation in such activity. Thank!


The economic component is not only in the banking or stock exchange business. Any production has its own economy - food, clothing, even icons and liturgical vestments. So this specialty has a very wide application. For example, you can be an economist at a charitable foundation and be engaged in the redistribution of money from benefactors to people in need. So almost any profession can be rewarding if you find the right point for the effort.

deacon Ilya Kokin

Father, bless! Finishing school, I need to decide on a profession. Please tell me how the Orthodox Church views such a profession as a juvenile inspector? Indeed, in fact, they separate children from their parents, but, on the other hand, this is done for the benefit of the children. What is your personal opinion on this issue? Can an Orthodox person work as a PDN inspector?


Ksenia, you, of course, can become a PDN inspector. I didn’t even know that now they were specially prepared. Previously, they simply took people with a legal or pedagogical education. This suggests that the time has come for juvenile justice. Do not be afraid of this as leprosy. The idea itself is good. The first juvenile courts for minors were still in tsarist Russia. The idea that you only have to take children away from their parents is wrong. The main idea is to take control of juvenile delinquency, parental irresponsibility and protect children from domestic violence. Trust me, there is no smoke without fire. And so that there are no excesses, there must be believers PDN inspectors. With God!

archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, father! My wife and I want to open our own business and buy an operating second-hand clothing store. We will buy clothes in large quantities from wholesalers for retail sale in our store. We will not overestimate the prices, but in order to make a profit, you will still have to sell clothes at a higher price than when purchasing from these bases. Is this kind of business considered a sin?


Yes, almost the entire trading business is built on this principle - you buy cheaper, sell more expensive. There is no need to raise prices, otherwise everything is fine, and it is a necessary thing.

deacon Ilya Kokin

Good day! I have been working from my youth in the same job. I have a fairly high position and salary. But it seems to me that I do not bring real benefit to either the business or the people. If I had started all over again, I would have received a medical degree to help unfortunate patients. Recently I was in the hospital, and with great joy I helped the old and seriously ill. How I would like to do this always! But how to quit a job that is painful for me but helps support my family? Or should I humbly work in the place where God assigned me?


Hello Maria! You don't have to quit your job to help the sick and disadvantaged. Find out if there is an Orthodox sisterhood in your city that will gladly accept your help.

priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father! The husband said that the man who worked in the office before him, invited the priest to consecrate the office, and later called the sorceress. She was doing something in the office, hung a bunch of herbs and pepper on the wall, and removed the crosses from the walls that the priest had left. The man who had the office left. Do I need to consecrate the office again? Does the presence of the witch in that office affect the husband's business now? The walls are hung with icons left after that person. Do I need to collect them in one place in the office? Thanks for the answer.


Julia, it is imperative to consecrate the dwelling. Moreover, after the witch. Sorcerers are the servant of the devil. It is unlikely that she could somehow influence the business. However, success in business and sanctification will not be affected if a person himself lives in sins, does not go to church, does not receive communion. This is not some magical ritual. Consecration is for our soul, not for money.

hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good day! Please tell me how to be. The fact is that at work I have a partner who often leaves work or is delayed until work, or may not come out at all. And he asks me to cover him up, allegedly he is at work, if they ask me to confirm his presence, well, he supposedly left his workplace somewhere. Although he seems to agree with our manager and he covers him in front of the personnel department. I also lied several times that he was at work when he was absent. Since I am a believer, it is very unpleasant for me to lie, especially in the eyes of a person. And I do not dare to refuse him, for fear of ruining the relationship, since most likely he will not understand. And he is much more experienced than me in work, he works longer than me, that is, if I suddenly do not help him in this machination of his, then, it seems to me, he will not help me at work either. So I don’t know what to do, on the one hand, cheating is a sin, on the other hand, it’s not good to spoil the relationship. Tell me how to be?


Hello Vitaly! There are unforeseen situations when a person really needs help. On this understanding, good relationships between people are built. But, as far as I understand, your partner skips work systematically, and by “covering” him you are condoning his irresponsibility. If so, talk to your partner. Explain to him that because of your Christian beliefs, you cannot cheat all the time.

priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Life advice is very necessary. I have ceased to be satisfied with work, I do not want to go there at all. But the problem is that my parents got a job and paid a lot of money to get me a job. In our time it is very difficult to find a job, but it turns out that I force myself every day. Tell me how to do it right?


Elena, you yourself say that it is very difficult to find a job. There are many things we don't like in life, but we have to humble ourselves. What will you live on? Of course, you have the right to change jobs, and there will be no sin in that. But I would advise you to be patient and wait with dismissal. Thus, you will cut off your will and will be of great benefit to your soul. You will learn to come to terms with the circumstances, which is very important to us. With such experience, it will be easier for you to live in the future.

hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Dear priests! Help with advice! I am 26 years old. I work in a company. The boss is a despotic woman of 47 years old. Can shout at a person, regardless of ranks and titles, offend, get nasty, does not hold back his own anger. In this regard, I am not deprived of her attention. How to react? From childhood I used to be silent and not answer. But then this behavior unsettles her anyway, and for a while you walk depressed. In general, is resentment a sign of the presence of passions in the soul? If so, then how to correctly transfer such behavior to yourself, and how to derive spiritual benefit from it? In general, is it necessary to respond to rudeness, etc., if it concerns only me (if someone, then I usually butt for a person)? On the one hand, I do not answer, but on the other, I harbor a grudge against the person. And people further loose their girdles ... Maybe it's better to put it in place? In general, I feel that this is not how I live. And my attitude towards people does not correspond to what is written in the Gospel. After all, Christ forgave everyone. And it is said: "Love your enemies." Therefore, even in my heart there should not be a shadow of resentment against any person, no matter what he does to me. I take communion. I feel the colossal help of God given in the Sacraments, but at the same time I feel that I live and I do not think in accordance with how God wants. And you need to radically change your dispensation. Because I see a colossal chasm between me and God. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for the answer.


Andrey, you should understand the following: silence in response to an insult is considered a virtue of humility if you are silent solely for religious reasons, and not "for fear for the sake of a Jew" - keep silent, for example, because you are afraid of losing your job. I don't think that rudeness should always be tolerated. One can forgive one time, another time one can restrain oneself, but it is impossible to allow the bosses to turn into small landowners (ladies). You also need to protect your dignity: “do not become slaves of people”.

archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good day! I have been working as a lawyer in one company for 5 years, in general, everything suits me here, except for the salary and, to a lesser extent, the possibility of further professional development. I will not say that I earn little, but this is not enough to purchase (even on credit) my home. My wife and I live in a rented apartment and would like to have our own, and we would like to have children in our own home. Tell me, is the intention considered a sin, and, accordingly, the change of work itself in order to earn more money? Is it a sin in itself to strive for professional development, when you realize that you have "outgrown" your position and are ready for more complex tasks? I do not want, as it is said in the Gospel parable, to bury my talents in the ground. Thanks in advance for your answers.


Hello Igor! It is not a sin to improve in your specialty, to look for an opportunity to realize yourself, to earn money to feed your family. It is important why you are doing it. It will be a sin if wealth becomes an idol for you and you devote your whole life to making money for the sake of money. Any business must begin with the blessing of God. Go to church, order a prayer service “for every good deed,” pray, take a blessing from the priest, and then start looking for work with God's help. God help you!

priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! My name is Polina, I am 19 years old. I have more than an everyday problem. I cannot find a job. Despair has become my daily companion, and the belief that I have chosen the wrong profession is becoming more evident. I have a humanitarian mindset and I love everything connected with the word. Once upon a time I did not choose a profession from this area, as I was convinced that I was doomed to failure. I could become a historian, journalist or writer. I connected myself with trade and realized that I can’t sell and don’t want to. It's not my nature. Now I cannot find a job, or rather, I have a job, but there you need to be able to "push", which I will never do. I got confused and now I don't know what to do. Perhaps you will strengthen me and help me find the right solution? Thank.


Hello Polina. You need to study further and not give up. In the meantime, work in trade, but honestly. In this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, it is not important what you do, but how you do it. Perform your duties as obedience to the Lord, and the gratitude of people will be a joy to you. God help you.

priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello. Can you please tell me if it is possible for an Orthodox Christian to work in a shooting club (as an operator-registrar), where different people practice shooting and obtain weapon permits? Thank you so much!


Ekaterina, in your question I see a hidden subtext: is it a sin to own a weapon or that “different” people (read - bandits) come to the club? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that it is quite difficult for criminal elements to practice shooting in a legal institution now. If we are talking about ordinary people, then there is no sin in this: the Church has always blessed to defend the Motherland and the law. Alas, sometimes you have to take up arms for this. Even if a person acquired a weapon for self-defense, did it legally, then there is no sin in this either. In our difficult times, firearms give even a woman a chance to protect herself and her children, given unequal forces with criminals. I hope I understood your doubts correctly?

archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good day! I have a stable job, but more and more often the idea of \u200b\u200bquitting and starting a business comes up. Tell me what prayer to read about a new beginning?


Dear Olesya! In such cases, I advise you to read the Lord's Prayer - "Our Father" first. There you have all the petitions you need - about "our daily bread" and "Thy will be done." Bread, of course, is not only material goods, but also a spiritual category - the Eucharist (the Body of Christ), His teaching (the Word of God). "Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, the rest will be added to you." The most important thing you need to understand is whether this thought is a temptation that will destroy everything in your life. Think, consult with experienced people about your plan. Do not hurry!

archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, Father. Please tell me how to consecrate a small store, if there is only night work (shipping, import of goods and other work), only trade during the day?


Ksenia, I think you can somehow come to an agreement with the priest, he will get into the situation. An obstacle to the consecration of a store, not yours specifically, of course, since I know nothing about it, but in principle, I see it in something else - in the presence of things on the shelves that are frankly sinful: tobacco products, contraceptives and everything that cannot in any way be justified in terms of Orthodox piety. If your store has this, I would hesitate to ask the priest a question about consecration. If not, then thank God - sanctify and trade for the glory of God.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello fathers! I have a 38-year-old friend, she works very hard work, even her health does not allow her, but she still works for wear and tear. When asked why you won’t leave, you won’t find an easier job, she replies that the elder (in some book) said: don’t quit your job yourself, it’s a great sin, and if you are fired, it’s the Will of God. Tell me, is she doing the right thing by adhering to this statement? Do you really need to work to the detriment of your health? Thank.

In the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, a draft of the Inter-Council Presence "Professions compatible and incompatible with the priesthood" was sent.

“For a long historical period, the state of the clergy did not imply the need for other professional duties. Despite the fact that this approach is preserved in most countries of the Orthodox tradition, the conditions of modern life sometimes raise the question of combining clergy and secular profession, the document says. - The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "Do you not know that the priests eat from the sanctuary? That those who serve the altar take a share from the altar? So the Lord also commanded those who preach the Gospel to live from the gospel" (1 Cor. 9, 13-14). Thus, the Apostle pointed out the duty of Christians to support their pastors in order to free them from seeking funds to support themselves and their loved ones from other activities. At the same time, his own example, about which he writes further: "But I did not use anything of that" (1 Cor. 9, 15), - and from the book of Acts of the Holy Apostles it is known that he was engaged in weaving tents (Acts 18, 3) - indicates another possibility, when serving God and the Church turns out to be compatible with maintaining oneself at the expense of paid labor outside the church organization. "

“The condition for the implementation of a secular profession by a cleric is its impeccability from a religious and moral point of view,” the authors of the project emphasized. - In addition, secular work should not harm the pastoral or deacon ministry. For a clergyman, duty to God and the Church in any circumstances should be an unconditional priority. "

“Not every professional activity is compatible with the priesthood,” it goes on to say. - On this score, there are known canonical prohibitions: so, according to the 81st Apost. right., it is not allowed for bishops, or elders, to engage in "the affairs of the people's government," and the 83rd Apost. right. reads: "Bishop or presbyter or deacon, exercising in military affairs, and wanting to keep both, that is, the Roman authorities and priestly office, let him be expelled from the priestly order. For Caesarean Caesarev, and God's God."

“Any, even unjustifiable, business activity, especially in a market economy, carries a risk - both reputational and material itself - through causing damage to the participants in the economic process,” the authors of the document noted. - Entrepreneurial activity in the classical sense presupposes as a basic goal making a profit by making civil transactions and concluding other contracts, failure to comply with which may entail various types of liability, up to criminal.

“At the same time,” it says further, “the canons do not condemn entrepreneurship itself as such, but the combination of this kind of occupation with the spiritual ministry of a cleric to the detriment of the latter. Proceeding from this, it is possible, in particular, to conclude that a cleric can own one or another type of unjust business as property without directly participating in its management - for example, by transferring the case to another secular person in trust, or by leasing property. Balsamon, interpreting the 9th rule of the Council of Trull, prohibiting the clergy from conducting inn trade, indicates that the clergy is not prohibited from "having a tavern as property and leasing it to others, for this is done by monasteries and different churches."

“Clergy are also prohibited from engaging in the shedding of human blood, for example, medical practice, especially surgery (“ Nomokanon ”under the Great Trebnik, Article 132). An accident during the operation exposes the surgeon to accusations of involuntary murder, and if he is a cleric, then, according to the canons, this entails a retirement from dignity, the document explains. - It is widely known that Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) combined his archpastoral ministry with teaching medicine and surgical practice, and this activity brought good results. This exception, due to the circumstances of the time in which he ascended, should not be made a rule. The ruling bishop can authorize the medical or paramedic activity of the cleric, if such is capable of bringing good results. "

Summarizing the canonical prohibitions and church practice of different eras, we can compile the following list of professions incompatible with the priesthood:

1) Military service and any service in general, even in private corporations, involving the carrying and use of weapons. An exception, if necessary, may be teaching in military or law enforcement schools, which does not provide for either the carrying or the use of weapons; it is obvious that this prohibition has nothing to do with the service of the military clergy, which also does not imply the use or carrying of weapons (regimental, army priests, chaplains), even if chaplains are assigned military ranks or ranks.

2) Civil service in the executive authorities, the performance of judicial duties and any general professional participation in the activities of state courts, the prosecutor's office, in institutions conducting investigation and inquiry, in any law enforcement agencies, as well as service in municipal authorities. The opportunity for a cleric to participate in legislative and representative bodies at the state, regional and municipal level is stipulated in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church: "In order to avoid confusion between church and state affairs and so that church authority does not acquire a secular character, the canons forbid clerics to take participation in the affairs of public administration "(III.11). The document of the Bishops' Council of 2011 "The practice of statements and actions of hierarchs, clergy, monastics and laity during election campaigns. The problem of the clergy's nomination of their candidates in elections" also confirms that "hierarchs and clergymen cannot nominate their candidates for elections to representative bodies any levels (supranational, national, regional, local) ". The specified document provides for exceptions to this rule, "in the event that the election of hierarchs or clergy to a legislative (representative) body of power is caused by the need to resist forces, including schismatic and non-confessional forces, seeking to use the elective power to fight the Orthodox Church." In each such case, "The Holy Synod or Synod of a self-governing Church determines persons to participate in elections to government bodies and individually gives a blessing for this. At the same time, even participation in elections on party lists does not give a clergyman the right to be a member of a political party."

It is not a public service in the proper sense of the word, forbidden for clerics, teaching in state or municipal educational institutions, working in state enterprises or in public institutions as workers, engineers, technical workers and similar positions. The clergy is prohibited from public service, which implies heightened, in comparison with the general civil, obligations, for example, regarding secrecy, official secrets, which may come into conflict of interest with the performance of pastoral duty. In exceptional cases, due to the higher interests of the church's good and service to the flock, exceptions may be allowed, but not otherwise than with the blessing of the ruling bishop;

3) Clerics should not be medical practitioners, especially surgeons, or other medical professionals. As an exception, medical or other medical activities may be authorized in writing by the diocesan bishop to a cleric. Of course, a cleric is prohibited from activities associated with the shedding of animal blood: work as a veterinarian, gamekeeper or otherwise.

4) Clerics are prohibited from doing their own business, especially banking, credit, insurance and the like. Employment in managerial or rank-and-file positions in such institutions is allowed if the nature of the activity in these institutions does not bear elements of usury. The canons are allowed for clerics to sell products of their own hands, but other types of trade seem to be incompatible with the priesthood, as well as the defense of private interests in courts and in other legal relations.

5) It is unacceptable for clerics to be employed in institutions that are questionable from a moral point of view: in gambling houses, casinos, bars, and others.

7) Service in the clergy is incompatible with acting, with the profession of a dancer or stage singer.

Inter-Council Presence. Anyone can leave their comments.

The project "Professions compatible and incompatible with the priesthood" was created by the Commission of the Inter-Council Presence on church governance and mechanisms for the implementation of conciliarity in the Church in pursuance of the instruction of the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence on January 28, 2015. Comments on the draft document are collected by the apparatus of the Inter-Council Presence until May 2 of this year.

Professions compatible and incompatible with the priesthood

For a long historical period, the state of the clergy did not imply the need for other professional duties. Despite the fact that this approach is preserved in most countries of the Orthodox tradition, the conditions of modern life sometimes raise the question of combining the clergy and secular profession.

I... The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Do you not know that the priesthood feeds from the sanctuary? that those who serve the altar take a portion of the altar? Likewise, the Lord commanded those preaching the Gospel to live from the gospel ”(1 Cor. 9: 13-14). Thus, the Apostle pointed out the duty of Christians to support their pastors in order to free them from seeking funds to support themselves and their loved ones from other activities. At the same time, his own example, about which he writes further: “But I did not use anything of that” (1 Cor. 9, 15), - and from the book of Acts of the Holy Apostles it is known that he was engaged in weaving tents (Acts 18, 3) - indicates another possibility, when service to God and the Church turns out to be compatible with the maintenance of oneself at the expense of paid labor outside the church organization.

Since the time when the Church gained freedom in the Roman Empire and then assimilated to her a privileged status, when Christianity became the confession of a large majority of the citizens of the Roman Empire, and later also of other states, the practice of clergy "feeding on the gospel" prevails (cf. 1 Cor. 9:14). ). This practice also prevails in those modern states where Christianity has lost its former status of the dominant, state or official religion, but where it remains a national religion, to which the majority or significant part of the population belongs, and where, therefore, parishioners are able to maintain both the temple and the servants in it. persons.

II... At all times, there was another practice, which in our time is especially widespread in countries where the Orthodox flock is in the diaspora. In these countries, believers belonging to one parish, due to their small number, are unable to support the clergy of the parish and other church workers. In this regard, clerics seek funds to support themselves and their families in other paid activities. A similar situation exists in a number of dioceses of the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The condition for the implementation of a secular profession by a cleric is its impeccability from a religious and moral point of view. In addition, secular work should not prejudice the pastoral or deacon ministry. For a clergyman, duty to God and the Church in any circumstances should be an unconditional priority.

III... Not all professional activities are compatible with the priesthood. On this score, there are known canonical prohibitions: so, according to the 81st Apost. right., it is not allowed for bishops, or elders, to engage in "the affairs of the people's government", and the 83rd Apost. right. reads: “A bishop or presbyter or deacon, exercising in military affairs, and wanting to retain both, that is, the Roman authorities and the priestly office, may be expelled from the priestly office. For Caesarean Caesarev, and God's God. "

Priests also should not take on a guarantee for private affairs, engage in taxation and business. Fathers of the Council of Chalcedon in the 3rd right. They said: “It has reached the Holy Council that some of those belonging to the clergy, for the sake of an abominable profit, take on the property of others, and arrange worldly affairs, they neglect the service of God, and wander around the houses of worldly people, and accept errands for the estates, out of avarice ... Therefore, the holy and great Council determined that henceforth no one, neither a bishop, nor a clergyman, nor a monk, would take over the property and enter into the disposal of worldly affairs, unless, according to the laws, he will be called to inevitable guardianship over minors, or the bishop of the city will entrust to whom to take care of church affairs, or about orphans and helpless widows, and about persons who especially need to be provided with church help, for the fear of God. If anyone in the future dares to transgress this definition, let him be subjected to church punishment. " The rule determines, according to Zonara's interpretation, that all those belonging to the clergy are engaged exclusively in the affairs of their service, and in no way, out of a "vile passion for profit", out of avarice, would not engage in worldly affairs, to the detriment of serving the God to whom they have dedicated themselves.

Any, even unjustifiable, business activity, especially in a market economy, carries a risk - both reputational and material itself - through causing damage to the participants in the economic process. Entrepreneurial activity in the classical sense assumes, as a basic goal, making a profit by making civil transactions and concluding other contracts, failure to comply with which may entail various types of liability, including criminal liability.

In the 6th Apost. right. it says: “Let the bishop, or presbyter, or deacon not take upon himself worldly concerns. Otherwise, let him be expelled from the priestly order. " This rule expresses in the form of a legal prescription the thought of the Apostle Paul, expressed by him in the second letter to Timothy (2, 4). This prescription is also expressed in many other canonical rules (Apost. 20, 81, 83; IV Vse. 3, 7; VII Vse. 10; Carp. 16; Dvukr. 11). So, right. The 20 holy apostles reads: “Whoever of the clergy gives himself as a bail for someone, let him be cast out,” that is, every clergyman who acts as someone’s surety in matters of secular, judicial, commercial, or the like, should be deposed. in view of material benefits. The ban on usurious activities has also been repeatedly established for clerics. In particular, he is right. 10 Trull. Own. reads: "The bishop, or the presbyter, or the deacon, levying extracts, or the so-called sotya, or let it cease, or let it be rejected." (see also 4 right. Laod. Sob., 14 right. You. Great; 6 right. Greg. Nyssa.)

At the same time, the canons do not condemn entrepreneurship itself as such, but the combination of this kind of occupation with the spiritual ministry of a cleric to the detriment of the latter. Proceeding from this, it is possible, in particular, to conclude that a cleric can own one or another type of unjust business as property without directly participating in its management - for example, by transferring the case to another secular person in trust, or by leasing property. Balsamon, interpreting the 9th rule of the Council of Trull, prohibiting the clergy from conducting inn trade, indicates that the clergy is not prohibited from "having a tavern as property and leasing it to others, for this is done by monasteries and various churches."

At the same time, engaging in private business should be clearly distinguished from the actual economic activity of the Church itself, participation in which for many clergy is a direct duty and type of service. Modern secular legislation allows religious organizations to conduct entrepreneurial activities both directly and as a founder or participant in economic societies. In this case, we are not talking about the direct participation of clergy in entrepreneurial activities with the aim of making a profit for the sake of personal enrichment, but about increasing the parish or monastery property for the common benefit of the entire Church. Such activities should be carried out by highly professional people who can be appointed, including from the clerics, which follows from 26 rights. IV All. Council: “Since in some churches, as it has become known to us, bishops manage church property without economists, it is reasoned for the sake of it: every church that has a bishop should have an economist from its own clergy who would dispose of church property, according to the will of his bishop, so that church economy it was not without witnesses, so that from this not wasted her property, and so that the reproach against the priesthood would not fall. If someone does not do this, then such is subject to the Divine rules. "

Clergy are also prohibited from doing activities related to the shedding of human blood, for example, medical practice, especially surgery ("Nomokanon" at the Great Trebnik, Article 132). An accident during the operation exposes the surgeon to the charge of involuntary murder, and if he is a cleric, then this, according to the canons, entails a degradation. It is widely known that St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) combined his archpastoral ministry with teaching medicine and surgical practice, and this activity bore good results. This exception, due to the circumstances of the time in which he ascended, should not be made a rule. The ruling bishop can authorize the medical or paramedic activities of the cleric, if such is capable of bringing good results.

A clergyman who brings a bloodless Sacrifice is also prohibited from hunting and other activities that are inevitably associated with the shedding of blood, even if it is an animal (Nomokanon, rule 135).

The canonical prohibition to ordain actors (55 rights. Karf. Sob.) Certainly excludes the engagement of clerics in the acting profession, including professional dancing (ballet) or stage singing. In addition, in conditions when work in the field of entertainment show business entails increased temptations, it is unacceptable for a cleric to exercise professions in this area.

IV. Summarizing the canonical prohibitions and church practice of different eras, we can compile the following list of professions incompatible with the priesthood.

1) Military service and any service in general, even in private corporations, involving the carrying and use of weapons. An exception, if necessary, may be teaching in military or law enforcement schools, which does not provide for either the carrying or the use of weapons; it is obvious that this prohibition has nothing to do with the service of the military clergy, which also does not imply the use or carrying of weapons (regimental, army priests, chaplains), even if chaplains are assigned military ranks or ranks.

2) Civil service in the executive authorities, the performance of judicial duties and any general professional participation in the activities of state courts, the prosecutor's office, in institutions carrying out investigation and inquiry, in any law enforcement agencies, as well as service in municipal authorities. The opportunity for a cleric to participate in legislative and representative bodies at the state, regional and municipal level is stipulated in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church: participation in the affairs of state administration ”(III.11). In the document of the Council of Bishops in 2011 “The practice of statements and actions of hierarchs, clergy, monastics and laity during election campaigns. The problem of the clergy nominating their candidates for elections "also confirms that" hierarchs and clergymen cannot nominate their candidates for elections to representative bodies of any level (supranational, national, regional, local). " This document provides for exceptions to this rule, "in the event that the election of hierarchs or clergy to a legislative (representative) body of power is caused by the need to resist forces, including schismatic and non-confessional forces, seeking to use the elective power to fight the Orthodox Church." In each such case, “the Holy Synod or Synod of a self-governing Church determines persons to participate in elections to government bodies and individually gives a blessing for this. At the same time, even participation in elections on party lists does not give a clergyman the right to be a member of a political party. "

It is not a public service in the proper sense of the word, forbidden for clerics, teaching in state or municipal educational institutions, working in state enterprises or in public institutions as workers, engineers, technical workers and similar positions. The clergy is prohibited from public service, which implies heightened, in comparison with the general civil, obligations, for example, regarding secrecy, official secrets, which may come into conflict of interest with the performance of pastoral duty. In exceptional cases, due to the higher interests of the church's good and service to the flock, exceptions may be allowed, but not otherwise than with the blessing of the ruling bishop;

3) Clerics should not be medical practitioners, especially surgeons, or other medical professionals. As an exception, medical or other medical activities may be authorized in writing by the diocesan bishop to a cleric. Of course, a cleric is prohibited from activities associated with the shedding of animal blood: work as a veterinarian, gamekeeper or otherwise.

4) Clerics are prohibited from doing their own business, especially banking, credit, insurance and the like. Employment in managerial or rank-and-file positions in such institutions is allowed if the nature of the activity in these institutions does not bear elements of usury. The canons are allowed for clerics to sell products of their own hands, but other types of trade seem to be incompatible with the priesthood, as well as the defense of private interests in courts and in other legal relations.

5) It is unacceptable for clerics to be employed in institutions that are questionable from a moral point of view: in gambling houses, casinos, bars, and others.

7) Service in the clergy is incompatible with acting, with the profession of a dancer or stage singer.

Archpriest Andrei Tkachev spoke on the TV channel KRT in the program "Coming to sleep" with discussions about the clergy's earnings. According to the priest, pastors should not earn money from the Church, but in order to feed they should have a secular profession.

Some of the spouses of the priests expressed their disagreement with Father Andrey's glance.

Unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible to agree with the biblical argumentation of Father Andrey Tkachev, respected and beloved by many, who quotes the Apostle Paul in the aforementioned program.

Indeed, the Apostle Paul repeatedly emphasized his complete material independence from the community while he lived, taught and preached in it. However, he gratefully accepted any gifts and donations from the same after his departure. For example, while working in Thessalonica, and emphasizing his independence from the donations of the Thessalonian community, Paul at the same time gratefully accepts donations from Christians from Philip, where he worked a little earlier: “you sent me to Thessalonica and once or twice in need” (Phil .4: 15-17). Likewise, while working in Corinth and refusing to accept help from the Corinthians, Paul accepts offerings from the Macedonian and other churches: “I have caused costs to other churches by receiving [from them] support to serve you; and being with you, although he suffered a shortage, he did not bother anyone, for my shortage was filled up by the brethren who came from Macedonia ”(2 Cor. 11: 8,9).

The reason for this policy of the Apostle is clear and fully justified: while Paul was in any place, he defended his absolute independence, not being obliged to anyone. After all, it is extremely difficult to accept a gift from someone, and then convict him or preach against him. As long as Paul was among the Philippian brotherhood, he could not be obliged to anyone. But after he left, conditions changed. Then he could accept any gift that proved the love of the Philippians for him, for then he was not obliged to anyone in Philippi. It was just as impossible for Paul to accept material support from the Corinthians while he was with them and maintain the necessary independence. He was not inconsistent, but only acted wisely (Barkley's comment).

At the same time, one should not forget the fact that white, i.e. married clergy cannot follow the example of the apostle Paul simply because Paul did not have children. A priest needs not only to worry about his own food, but also about what to feed his family, and this is in the conditions of the post-Soviet church devastation, when most parishes require the maximum attention and efforts of the priest.

Often the following picture that the average priest finds when he arrives at his parish: a temple in need of repair (options: the temple is dilapidated / destroyed / there is no temple at all - its priest himself will have to build); very small parishioners, whose knowledge in Orthodoxy is reduced to a set of pseudo-church signs and superstitions; lack of people who know the charter and are able to sing and read on the kliros; dominance of sects or outright paganism, etc.

If a priest in such conditions will “weave tents” to feed his family, who will be involved. Who will look for benefactors for the construction of destroyed churches and restore these churches? Who will visit people at home? Who will snatch the lost from the hands of the sectarians who have flooded our cities and villages?

Holy Scripture has repeatedly emphasized the right of evangelists to feed on donations. “The laborer is worthy of a reward for his labors,” says the Savior, sending the apostles to preach (Luke 10: 7). “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that you have already begun to take care of me again,” the Apostle Paul writes to the Philippian Christians who send him donations to continue his missionary labors (Phil.4: 10).

The Apostle himself, who did not have a wife and children, and perhaps for this very reason, did not always use his right to "eat from the sanctuary" (1 Cor. 9:13), unlike Father Andrew, defends this right for other clergy. “Those who are worthy of leading elders should be given a special honor, especially those who labor in word and doctrine. For the Scripture says: do not block the mouth of the threshing ox; and: the laborer is worthy of his reward ”- the Apostle Paul gives the last instructions to Timothy shortly before his execution (1 Tim. 5: 17,18). He calls on Timothy, without hesitation, to accept the material assistance of the community (commentary of the Brussels Bible on 2 Timothy 2: 4-6).

The reason for this is quite clear: the priesthood is not a trade, but a service similar to military service. In order to improve in it, a person, ideally, should not be scattered about taking care of food. In the first official collection of laws of the Roman Empire - the Code of Theodosius - it is said: "We forbid people engaged in military service to engage in civilian professions." Speaking about the priesthood in the context of the material support of a clergyman, the Apostle Paul compares it with military service: "What soldier ever serves on his own?" (1Cor.9: 7), “No soldier binds himself to the affairs of life in order to please the commander” (2 Tim.2: 4). A soldier is only a soldier, and a priest is also only a priest who must concentrate all his time, all his strength, and, most importantly, all his thoughts on the service. If all the officers begin to engage in private hauling or unloading of wagons most of the time, the army is over. If all the priests start spending most of their time on making money, the end of the Church.

The Statute of the Orthodox Church also speaks of this: about the obligation, not voluntariness, of parishioners to support their priest. It is good when a priest manages to combine his pastoral work with the secular, but practice shows that this is far from always possible without prejudice to the priestly ministry. In order for the parish to live, the priest must live by the parish, and not by outside work and thoughts about earning his daily bread, which is what Father Andrew offers us. “It is not good if you leave the word of God and care about tables” (Acts 6: 2). That is why, so that taking care of his own table does not replace the priest's concern for the preaching of the Word of God, in some local Orthodox Churches, for example, in Cyprus, priests are not allowed any side work at all.

The current one is of the same opinion: a parish priest should not be “burdened with constant search for funds to support himself and his family,” he should not look for part-time jobs in secular positions, but should fully concentrate on his ministry (from the Patriarch's report at the diocesan meeting, Moscow , December 2009)

The question of what means a priest and his family should live on is much deeper than it seems at first glance. The point here is how we really relate to the priest and his ministry. Do we think that the priesthood is nothing more than a hobby, which is enough to do a couple of times a week in between the main work (crane operator, lawyer or teacher), and the priest himself has to pay for this "hobby"? Or do we recognize that the priesthood is a selfless ministry that should take up all the time and energy of a minister? In the oath that any priest takes before ordination, there are such words that from now on he completely devotes himself to serving the Altar and the parish.

It is completely incomprehensible the desire of Father Andrew to turn all priests into secular workers, occasionally performing their ministry outside of working hours. It is abnormal when a priest is forced to neglect his duties as a pastor and look for another way to support the material condition of his family and his church. Such a person simply will not be able to often serve, preach, missionary work, rebuild churches, visit schools, hospitals, prisons, travel to remote villages and villages that do not have their own churches, and engage in self-education, i.e. fulfill their direct priestly duties.

Why is getting money from the ministry “money-grubbing,” and all week instead of caring for the church and flock, plowing for your own pocket is not money-grubbing, not robbing your own parishioners? a priest mustwork and take as little as possible from parishioners?

The question arises: who then is obliged to serve if the priest will be busy making money for himself most of his time? Who is obliged to give up everything at any moment and go several tens of kilometers to admonish a dying man in a remote village? Who is obliged to feed the flock at any time by phone call, even at night? Who is obliged to look for sponsors for the construction of the temple, and then to build the temple itself, taking on the functions of an administrator, foreman and caretaker in one person? Who besides the priest is obliged to stop the suicide, to work with the youth, to prove to the administration that the life of the district needs to be improved, and to take concrete steps to improve it? No, it turns out that 5 days a week he has to be a crane operator, and only sometimes, in his free time from this work, he also has to be a priest. Two masters to work ...

We want the priest to be “without fear and reproach,” be able to catechize, conduct polemics with other faiths, advise in life situations, be a prayer book and an erudite, at least in his field. And for a priest, it is also desirable to have a secular education. Then he should only do his own thing, like a surgeon, like a teacher. If we tell the surgeon to operate for free, and wash the entrances at night, then we ourselves will be to blame when we get to the operation of a person who falls asleep in the operating unit and has lost his qualifications.

The example that Father Andrey gave at the end of the conversation should not have been voiced to the audience at all, especially in a positive way. The situation of a priest who abandoned a beggar parish and family to work on a construction site in the capital is a shame and the collapse of our Church, which we are invited to support! This should become the pain of every Orthodox Christian: layman, priest and archpastor. If his distressed fellow comes to the rector of a large parish, then offering him a job on the crane is not help, but the next step, pushing the priest even further into the world, alienating him even more from the flock and the throne.

The poor priest could have been helped in another way. You can organize regular targeted fundraising for a needy parish in your parish. You can look into your sacristy - what if there is a set of vestments that can still be used for its intended purpose, and not gather dust in uselessness and oblivion in the bins. You can do the same with books and church utensils. In any case, help and attention will give strength to the poor priest, support and the feeling that he is not abandoned, that he is not alone, because he goes hand in hand with poverty.

One more point is worth mentioning: construction trades have an increased risk of injury. Will the priest be able to continue serving if, God forbid, an accident happens to him?

If you believe Rousseau, the French queen Marie Antoinette, being notified of the famine among the French peasants, literally answered the following: "If they have no bread, then let them eat cakes!" One of the Russian governors, commenting on the situation with traffic jams on the Leningradskoye Highway to journalists, suggested that motorists change to helicopters: “I fly in a helicopter. You also need to buy helicopters instead of cars. " No less frivolous is the appeal of the metropolitan abbot to give up priestly salaries and look for means of living on the sidelines.

Is the life of Father Andrey completely divorced from the reality in which the absolute majority of his fellow priests live? Many ordinary priests have a maximum of 1-2 days off per week, serve for years without holidays, and at the same time are forced to support families, often large, on a very modest priestly salary. How in such conditions is it possible to support a family on some other income? What employer needs such an employee who constantly has services in the middle of the week, then funerals, then weddings, then Epiphanies?

Father Andrey's words caused bewilderment and disagreement among the wives of Orthodox priests: among those women who, day after day, see all the hardships of priestly service and are often the first helpers of their husbands. This article, in fact, was born as a result of a discussion between the Orthodox Church.

I get annoyed with my colleague all the time! How to coexist together 8 hours at work?
The Holy Fathers teach us that, first of all, the root of sin must be sought in ourselves; if we are irritated, then perhaps something else would irritate us elsewhere. The Lord sends you communication with your colleague so that you see passion in yourself, because, perhaps, without communication with her, you would not have known about the existence of this passion in you. In many ways, you yourself have answered your own question - try to politely dodge idle conversations. Watch what you say and try to work harder at work, and most importantly, earnestly repent of your sins and sincerely pray for the salvation of your colleague's soul. God help you! Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

I answered politely and restrainedly to the questions of a colleague from another region. But when she left, she said that I was very rude to her and when I fell ill, I would remember her. What should I do? Katerina.
Dear Katya! Sometimes when communicating with other people, we ourselves, unwittingly and without noticing, say something that may seem offensive to the interlocutor, or our intonation will seem, for example, somewhat arrogant. As F.I. Tyutchev: “We are not able to predict how our word will respond ...” In order to overcome this conflict, pray for the health of your colleague.

To I am constantly nagging one employee ... I moved to a new place of work (I am a secretary) and faced the fact that one employee constantly nags at me: shouts, does not give a word to say, insults? Julia.

Dear Julia! First of all, try to figure out when your employee is making a fair comment to you, and try to improve. This is the most straightforward part of your task. The second harder is learning to forgive. As the French say: "Small gifts strengthen friendship." Try to take some steps forward. Pray to the Mother of God for the salvation of her soul.
God help you, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Can you do business in business with people of other faiths? Among my partners there are people who wear the cross, they have Orthodox icons in their offices, but at the same time they often talk about the higher matter, who is open or closed to whom. Can I do business with them in business? Paul

In my opinion, it is possible to work with people professing a different faith. Our Christian example and our Christian life should have a positive influence on the people around us, for we are called to be distinguished by spiritual nobility and sacrifice. priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Wouldn't it be a sin to make a living by opening a gaming room (slot machines)? .. Dmitry.

Hello Dimitri!
Certainly, for a Christian, “gambling” is an unworthy, sinful deed. It is built on deceiving people, on the exploitation of their base, sinful passions. Try to find a different, maybe less profitable, but healthy type of activity. God help you find a job worthy of an honest person, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

How to start a business? I reach a certain point in the development of my business, and problems begin - everything stalls, people scatter, the number of transactions falls, debts, problems, and showdowns begin.

Hello, you have probably confused the Church of Christ with a school of managers. The Lord saves from sin and death every person who wants to be with Him. And in what social state we are saved from a spiritual point of view is not so important. Yes, and "it is difficult for a rich man to enter Paradise." However, if you fulfill the will of God: “Love your neighbor as yourself”, then there will be less “showdowns”, and the people will “scatter” only in case of extreme need and with tears in their eyes. If God wants you to be a successful businessman, then you will. Just remember that those who do His will are pleasing to Him.
God help you, priest Dimitri Lin

I am a manager and I am unhappy with this job. Maybe look for something other? I work in commerce, but I am even more dissatisfied. a completely different level of relationships in the team. There is absolutely no respect for employees, only a consumer attitude, as for a labor force. Therefore, I am in constant irritation, waiting for changes for the better ... Lydia.

Lida, all our failures, as well as successes, are our handiwork. First, we need to learn to take responsibility upon ourselves, and not expect from others that they will create some conditions for us. We cannot change the others. And ourselves, if we want, we can.
God help you, priest Mikhail Nemnonov

How to relate to a colleague at work, if he lives life in the temple so much that he doesn't even care about work. Elena.
Dear Elena!
Treat, in any case, you need to be good. Your question is complex: if a colleague does not fulfill his job and obligations, then undoubtedly he is doing the wrong thing, neglecting the work. After all, the Holy Scripture says "work the Lord with fear." Therefore, it is the duty of an Orthodox person to carry out one's duties at work and do it well.
On the other hand, if your colleague, while doing his job, keeps aloof from idle conversations and discussions, which, it is no secret, often take up a significant part of the working day, if the inner church is more important to him than work, then this is a matter of the inner world of a person. And it is joyful that in our world, where people sometimes have no other values \u200b\u200band ideals besides material ones, there are people for whom faith is dear.
Best regards, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Can an Orthodox Christian work on Sunday?
Peace to you!
If not for the sake of profit, but out of duty (like a doctor, clergyman, soldier, policeman, etc.), for the general benefit or for good, then undoubtedly it can. Other cases can give conscience cause for embarrassment. However, the main thing is not to commit sinful acts on Sunday: “shy away from evil and do good”.
Respectfully yours, Priest Alexy Kolosov

How does it feel about making Sunday a working day? What should be done in this case?

Need to be treated with grief. His Holiness the Patriarch has more than once appealed to the authorities of our country so that they strive to avoid such transfers of the sacred Sunday for Christians, making it a working day. And, unfortunately, they have not yet responded properly, which we see in December 2002, in particular. I think that a Christian, in the event that he has any opportunity, to move and supplement Sunday by taking a day off, taken in advance, a short vacation or something else, should try to do this, because Sunday is a holy day. If he does not have such an opportunity, then maybe he can go to the temple, where there is an early service. In many Moscow churches there are services at 7 and 10 am on Sunday. You can catch somewhere for a seven-hour service to someone who does not have to go to work strictly by 9. Well, if there is no such possibility, then at least after praying more and more attentively at home, knowing that there is no other way out, go to work to fulfill your official duty. Archpriest Maxim Kozlov

I work as a chief accountant, and at the same time, I am registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary. I would like to change jobs, but I can't do anything else ?!

First of all, it is worth remembering that constant simplification of the type of activity does not solve anything. Cope with God's help? Cope further - if it is completely unbearable, then it will be clear not by your inner self-awareness, but by the situation itself: pray and the Lord will give you strength.
As for apathy ("the desire to do something has disappeared ..."), then ... we often lose the desire for this or that, but we have to force ourselves - so do you: tear yourself off the Internet, wake up and work. Most likely, this is the relaxation that comes from cowardice. How to deal with it? Regular confession and the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ break the devil's net. In addition, if you have a confessor or priest whom you trust, then talk to him about the possibility of Unction - sometimes this sacrament destroys those bonds that are hidden in the depths of the soul and are not visible to the mind.
Peace and blessings of God to you! Priest Alexy Kolosov

My family is opening their own company, what would you advise to call it? Kseniya.
Dear Oksana!
It is not so important which name you choose for the company. It is much more important to start a business with God's blessing, so I advise you to serve a prayer service for the beginning of a good deed. In relations with employees, partners, and even competitors, be guided by the principle "do not do to another what you do not wish for yourself."
God help you! Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Can an Orthodox woman work in a leadership position? I teach at the university, I am married, I have two sons. Irina.
Dear Irina!
An Orthodox woman can occupy a leadership position, but she should not forget that she is a woman, has a family, children, who need to be given attention, that you need to lead at work, and in a family - obey your husband.
priest Alexander Ilyashenko

In the book "Detailed Confession" I did not find a sin in the profession of an actor, although I heard many times that this is a sinful occupation. Is this profession always sinful? Or, if the roles are not godly (witches, etc.), but only serve to eradicate vices, then this is not a sin? What should I do if I have to work in the theater and this is my only profession?Svetlana

Dear Svetlana, you can talk about this in different ways. Indeed, in itself in the profession of an actor there is something difficult for a believer to participate in it. Whatever one may say, dressing up a disguise, which everyone involved in this profession has to face, is not a morally neutral thing at all. But it is not this that is directly unacceptable, but participation in such performances, performances, which from the Christian point of view are morally unacceptable. If you manage to combine your profession with non-participation in what is corrupting, morally offensive, attracting a person to vice or to sticking to the empty and vulgar, then you can engage in this profession. But if the current theater becomes such that it is virtually impossible, then perhaps one can think about it.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.



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