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The best sports nutrition scheme of receptions. How to Choose the Right Sports Nutrition for Explosive Muscle Growth? Vitamins and minerals

For those who are serious about it, you need to understand that without sports nutrition, gaining muscle mass in men, as well as in women, is significantly hampered.

To get enough energy, nutrients, you need to eat a lot and often. Unfortunately, the quality and composition of nutrients in modern food products are quite low. For this, manufacturers of sports nutrition have developed special supplements, taking into account the needs of the body when recruiting muscles.

Protein for growth

Given that muscle is made of protein, it should come as no surprise that eating more food will help you gain muscle faster.

Many experienced people consume up to 4 g of protein per day, while the kidney condition does not worsen.

For muscle growth, you need to eat foods containing animal proteins:

  • eggs;
  • red meat;
  • white meat and fish;
  • milk products.

The best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men and women

Protein powder

Many people find it very difficult to eat so many high-protein foods every day. And right away it is sometimes impossible to eat a full meal, or there is simply no time during the day, then a protein shake is a good alternative to supply the muscles with the necessary nutrients in order to grow.
- the most popular supplement for gaining muscle mass, as it is quickly digested and absorbed into the muscles. Other types of protein, such as the slow-digesting protein, are best consumed before bed because amino acids will be absorbed into the muscles throughout the night.

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for thin men


- a natural organic compound, is a source of ATP, the main form of energy that the body uses. It is found in certain foods, such as red meat, and stored in muscles.

Adding creatine to the diet is safe and improves muscle performance, especially power, and also increases anaerobic endurance by acting as fuel for cells, as muscle cells will use creatine for energy before using glucose.

Creatine can retain excess water in the body for the first few weeks of ingestion.

Always take it with water or juice. To begin with, you need to “load” creatine, which means taking a high dose for a short time and then reducing it to a lower maintenance dose indefinitely.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

- the main building blocks of protein, prevent muscle tissue breakdown and stimulate muscle protein synthesis. More than 500 amino acids are known, but few play an important role in the formation of new muscle tissue, and therefore are considered essential nutrients for the diet. Most of these can be synthesized by the body from other compounds, but there are amino acids that athletes should consume from food or supplements. Athletes and bodybuilders use BCAAs to:

  • increasing protein synthesis;
  • increased muscle hypertrophy;
  • improving physical activity;
  • increasing muscle endurance;
  • increased energy.

Supplements to aid weight gain for girls


The stimulating effects of caffeine help you get out of bed in the morning and stay awake at work. Caffeine can also stimulate the release of the hormones adrenaline and dopamine. But the main benefit for gaining muscle mass is that it significantly increases muscle power. If the athlete does not drink coffee, then take a dose of caffeine, containing 400-600 mg 30 minutes before training.
You may need to stop using caffeine for at least a month to regain your caffeine sensitivity.

Also, girls are allowed to take additional amino acids and whey protein.

Scheme of taking sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men

  1. Morning: taking a portion of BCAAs (according to the manufacturer's instructions) on an empty stomach before meals.
  2. Before training: creatine. The most effective form is creatine monohydrate, and a daily dose of 5 g is sufficient to enhance results. Take 30 minutes before exercise. People with more muscle mass can take up to 10 g, divided into two daily doses of 5 g.
  3. After workout: BCAAs are the second serving.
  4. Whey Protein. After workout mix 30-40 g of whey protein with water, take the drink immediately after exercise to restore the body, getting amino acids into the muscles.
  5. Before bedtime: a serving of casein protein or complex protein (consisting of several types of fast and slow proteins).


To increase muscle mass, it is necessary not only to take sports supplements for growth, but also to take a comprehensive approach to this process. First, you need a sufficient, well-chosen set of exercises. Second, you need a varied and balanced meal plan that provides enough protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the right amounts for recovery and growth. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide the body with eight hours of deep, high-quality every night, then the muscles grow faster and better.

Video about sports nutrition for gaining mass

"Having muscle mass is better than not having it!" Bold trouble, huh?

Perhaps not the entire audience of the site Rocket Nutrition agree with her, because many can rightly state: "Muscles are not important if there is no visible result from them!"... This is partly true, but wait, if your goal is functionality, strength and endurance - you still need to think about muscle mass! Perhaps, of course, not to the extent that the guys think about her, who set themselves the goal of simply having a beautiful body, but still!

In this post, we will break down the top 3 supplements for muscle growth. For those who want to become stronger and more enduring, this will be a useful material, and for those who, with the beginning of the cold season, thought about the beginning of the "mass-gathering cycle", it should become truly invaluable!

When the cold season comes, many people think about starting a mass-gaining cycle, and this is correct, since this is a great time to focus on gaining muscle mass and get a little stronger.

Adequate mass gain means proper calorie intake, adequate protein intake, and an effective training plan.

Smart addition of sports supplements to your diet will also help you gain muscle mass effectively.

There are many different supplements on the sports nutrition market that promise phenomenal results. I do not really trust these loud statements, because they are not supported by research results or many years of training experience. Therefore, my top supplements will be based not only on my own many years of experience, but also on the results of numerous tests.

So, here are the top 3 sports nutrition supplements that will definitely help you activate muscle growth:

1. Creatine

Creatine increases the capacity of your creatine phosphate, energy system, and anaerobic system. In a simple way, it increases strength, endurance and recovery between sets. Quite simply, you can do nine squats per set instead of eight.

A very important aspect of taking creatine is that it increases your workout volume in the context of days, weeks and months. And here everything is the same: more training volume - more muscles.

Scientifically speaking, creatine appears to be the most effective and most proven supplement on the sports nutrition market for improving anaerobic endurance and body weight.

There are about a hundred studies related to the ergogenic effect (increased exercise performance) of creatine. Approximately 70% of them reported an increase in training endurance, while no study indicated the ergolytic effect of creatine (decreased performance).

In both the short and long term, creatine supplementation improves workout quality, resulting in 5-15% increase in strength and performance gain... In addition, almost all studies show that proper intake of creatine increases body weight by 1 to 2 kilograms in the first week after administration.

in the report International Society of Sports Nutrition, the authors point out:

"The overwhelming amount of research that has been done with the positive results of creatine monohydrate supplementation leads us to the conclusion that it is the most effective nutritional supplement available today for improving high-intensity exercise and building lean muscle mass."

A recent study found optimal creatine intakewhich increased muscle creatine by 10-40%. According to this scheme, it is necessary to consume creatine in about 0.3 grams. per kilogram of body weight for the first 5-7 days. This reception period is called the "loading phase". For example, if you weigh 70 kg., Then you need to consume about 20 grams. creatine 5 gr. for each appointment (4 times a day).

After the end of the "loading phase" (5-7 days), you need to take 3-5 grams of creatine per day. In the same study, an experiment was performed with the absence of the "loading phase" and cycling of creatine intake, such a regimen did not show such effective results in maintaining optimal levels of creatine in the muscles.

Taking creatine is not an urgent need for everyone who works in the gym, but if you want to increase the efficiency of work in the gym, and as a result, the result from training, then creatine is the optimal supplement in terms of price / quality ratio.


1. Taking creatine is completely safe.

2. The effectiveness of this supplement has been proven by numerous independent studies around the world.

3. The supplement is sold at affordable prices and is available to most people involved.


On our website you can purchase the Creatine MAX with a transport system. What is the transportation system? The transport system allows 100% absorption of creatine, so you can be sure that all the nutrients will go directly to your muscles!

IN Creatine max from Rocket Nutrition uses a "smart transport system" consisting of arginine, glutamine, taurine and citrillin.

Plus, 5 grams per serving of Micronized Creatine Monohydrate. And also the excellent taste of the grapes - it's worth trying!

2. Beta-alanine

One of the leading theories of muscle fatigue is accumulation of hydrogen ions in muscles (as a consequence of a decrease in pH). Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps to contain excess hydrogen in muscles, thereby increasing the performance of the anaerobic energy system.

There are a number of credible studies showing that beta-alanine has a positive effect on physical performance. One study showed that pre-workout beta-alanine supplementation increased the number of repetitions performed per set by a few extra. For example, if you are training in the middle rep range (8-15 reps), then you can count on 3 more reps per set. Beta-alanine also improves performance in interval training and sprinting.

Interestingly, creatine and beta-alanine work separately from each other, but if you use them together (or for a short period), then you get double charge of performance... How does this happen? There are two anaerobic systems that are responsible for energy sources when working in the hall: phosphagenic (rapid response system) and glycolytic energy system.

Creatine helps the phosphagenic system work, while beta-alanine increases the capacity of the glycolytic system. Therefore, if you can, then drink a serving of creatine and beta-alanine together.

Recommended daily intake of beta-alanine: 2-5 grams. Just like creatine, the effectiveness of this supplement does not depend on the time of day it is taken, so you can take it any time you like.

When taking beta-alanine, you may feel a tingling sensation - this is a normal situation, you should not worry.


1. Beta-Alanine Helps You Do More Reps As It Delays Muscle Pain

2. It is better to use it together with creatine, in which case you get a double result


A large dose of beta-alanine is found in Energy BCAA from Rocket Nutrition - 1.5 grams per serving. Beta-alanine in Energy BCAA works in synergy with citrulline and BCAA.

Also, the product contains working dosages: l-carnitine, taurine and green tea extract... This is a great energy complex to help combat muscle fatigue during your workout.

You can purchase this product directly on our website!

3. Protein

Let's put it bluntly: if you want to build lean muscle mass and do not gain a daily dose of protein (1.5 - 2.5 grams per body weight), then you risk not materializing the result that you earned in the gym. You can, of course, surround yourself with protein food and wake up and fall asleep to the sound of cooking chicken breast, but it is much easier and more convenient to help yourself and drink a couple of protein shakes a day. Moreover, you will find a complete amino acid profile in a high-quality protein.

Whey protein is a milk-derived protein source. More recently, whey protein has become even more popular with athletes as a direct relationship between the growth of athletic performance and protein intake has been proven... It is the source of a rich amino acid profile, including a number of essential amino acids such as branched chain amino acids.

There is extensive scientific evidence to support the benefits of whey protein supplementation in increasing strength and muscle mass. Of course, the results are not entirely straightforward, but there is a significant body of evidence that whey protein increases both strength and muscle mass.

Also, recent studies have shown that the amino acids that make up whey protein activate cellular signaling pathways, in particular MTORresponsible for muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. Apparently, this is due to the high concentration leucine in the protein.

A single protein intake varies in the range of 20-30 grams. Experts recommend taking protein immediately after training, but you can drink your protein shake at other times, depending on your daily protein intake and body weight.


1. Whey protein is an excellent source of bioavailable protein

2. It is high in BCAA

3. The main thing is to choose a quality brand and then your progress will be noticeable in the very near future


If you are looking for quality protein, then be sure to check out SUPERSTAR Whey Protein. We use two sources in our protein: concentrate (classic) and isolate (high purity protein).

The best amino acid profile on the market and no harmful sugar substitutes or preservatives.

Choose sports nutrition wisely as it can make a tangible contribution to your progress in sports!

The most popular and well-known category of sports nutrition is protein... It is intended to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. That is, protein itself (and protein shakes are nothing more than dry protein) does not build muscle, it is just a building material for new muscle fibers. Protein shakes can be drunk by anyone with a protein deficiency.

Gainers are also a popular product, and not only among bodybuilders. Like protein, a gainer is used to fill the deficiency, primarily of carbohydrates, since gainers are protein-carbohydrate dry concentrates. Often the main reason for the lack of muscle gain in the presence of resistance training is the lack of carbohydrates in the diet. Gainers, as well as protein, can be consumed by everyone who has an increased need for carbohydrates, or simply cannot, for example, have breakfast.

Creatine is already a more highly specialized supplement, but as well known as protein with a gainer. Creatine is taken when you need to increase strength or short-term endurance, as well as increase muscle mass. Recognized as the most effective supplement in sports nutrition.

Amino Acid Complexes and BCAA (BCA) are sources of amino acids in the diet. In general, people get them from protein foods or protein supplements. But sometimes there is a need for a quick or additional intake of amino acids. BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine), 30% of which are muscles. Their additional intake promotes faster recovery after exercise.

Omega-3 and vitamin-mineral complexes also make up for the deficiency - essential healthy fats and vitamins with minerals. During weight loss, when there are restrictions on the calorie content of the diet, such supplements are strictly recommended, since the body does not receive these necessary substances in the required amount with food. Both omega-3 and vitamin supplements are approved for use by everyone, including those who have nothing to do with sports.

Also referred to sports nutrition fat burners, testosterone and nitrogen boosters, supplements for the health of joints and ligaments, pre-workout complexes, isotonic drinks and electrolytes. All these additives perform more narrowly targeted functions.

Of course, as in any other business, the production and sale of sports nutrition has its own marketing tricks, so you should carefully read the label of the purchased product. When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to product composition, concentration of main and auxiliary ingredients, volume of one serving.

What is sports nutrition for?

The purpose of the sports nutrition follows from its main advantage. By supplementing the main balanced diet with the necessary supplements, you can get the desired result from your workouts faster. After all, everyone wants to lose weight or build up quickly, preferably not longer than a month, and the body is not capable of this. Taking a sports diet will also not help you achieve the desired results so quickly, but it will speed up this process.

However, due to the fact that each organism is different, reactions to taking sports supplements can also vary. Allergies are also possible, but this is already a matter of health, not the quality of the supplements.

Remember - sports nutrition has contraindications. Before you start taking it, be sure to consult your doctor!

Although, if a fake of a well-known brand was purchased or just poor quality sports nutrition, then this will be the problem. Therefore, it is so important to know which manufacturers you should trust your health.

At the same time, you can very often hear that this or that additive does not work. Here, too, questions may arise about the quality of the supplements used, but it often turns out that either the supplement was taken incorrectly, or there was no diet, exercise and rest.

It is worth recalling once again that sports supplements by themselves will not create a fitness model from a person who has never been involved in sports in one month. Only hard work on yourself will help you achieve your goal. And sports nutrition will become a faithful assistant on this path.


Athletes wishing to increase their body size must eat in such a way as to obtain an excess of calories. This is the main condition for the growth of muscle mass. This can be achieved with a clear workout plan, nutritional program and complementary sports nutrition. Such a set will reduce the time for weight gain.

The main types of sports nutrition

There are many supplement options, but not every sports nutrition is suitable for gaining muscle mass, for example, fat burners are not suitable for building muscle. Among bodybuilders, the following complex is recognized and popular:

  • glutamine;
  • protein;
  • gainer;
  • BCAA;
  • multivitamins.

This set of sports nutrition not only helps to increase muscle mass, it provides the body with the necessary supply of energy for productive, fulfilling workouts. It will not grow fat, but muscles. It will not be possible to dry out with the help of such a complex, therefore, we are not talking about dry mass. You need to drink all this together with a full-fledged diet of regular food.

Protein for gaining muscle mass

The main goal is to gain muscle mass, so you can't do without protein in this complex. It is the main source of protein, which will become a building material for muscle tissue. Protein sports nutrition for muscle growth is conventionally divided into three main types:

  1. Whey. The main type of protein used by the vast majority of athletes. It is necessarily included in sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It contains a lot of amino acids, elements useful for the body, is quickly absorbed.
  2. Casein. It is a slow source of protein that will be delivered to the athlete from the gastrointestinal tract throughout the day, providing the necessary amount of protein for muscle growth. This moment is especially important at night, days of rest.
  3. Soy. Protein in this type of protein is of plant origin and is often inferior in usefulness to whey. However, it is not bad, it is used by vegetarians and people who have an intolerance to any elements from other protein options.

Mass Gainer

We can say that a gainer is the most important sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It is high in carbohydrates and the necessary amount of calories to achieve excess in the diet. When choosing a gainer, carefully study the composition of the product; it should not contain too much sugar and carbohydrates per serving. The best option would be with a slight predominance of them over proteins. For example, you can advise:

  • BSN True Mass;
  • Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer.


To gain weight, you need to work intensively in the gym, otherwise you will only increase the body fat. To maintain the required volume of forces, creatine is used, which hydrates muscle tissue, making it larger, stronger, and increases the amount of energy. The perfect synergy of creatine is obtained with beta-alanine, the former affecting anaerobic strength and the latter affecting aerobic performance.


This element belongs to the class of amino acids, which are abundant in muscle tissue. The human body is able to produce glutamine on its own, but when gaining mass, an additional intake will not be superfluous. This sports nutrition is best taken before bed, right after workouts, because it helps you recover. For those looking to gain weight quickly, glutamine is essential.

Vitamins and minerals

By themselves, these drugs do not affect weight gain, but directly participates in maintaining the necessary processes to achieve the goal. According to athletes, sometimes the lack of one of the essential minerals or vitamins greatly inhibits the process of increasing muscle mass. The course of multivitamins has not harmed anyone yet, so it will be useful for every athlete to drink it.

Other additives

In addition to basic supplements, you need to take a BCAA preparation that can reduce the negative effects of catabolism. He copes with this as efficiently as possible, the metabolism of amino acids will occur directly in the muscle tissue. As a rule, BCAAs are found in many proteins, so they should only be taken separately during training, in the morning after waking up.

How to choose the best sports nutrition for muscle growth

Novice athletes are often interested in what sports nutrition is best for gaining mass. For men and women, the set will be the same, the difference lies in the dosages, because the goal is different. The main task is to find the right price / quality ratio for each item from the list of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein. The production of this type of sports food is not difficult, so the overpriced is far from always justified. Look for the option in which the ratio will be as optimal as possible. The isolate with the highest value should not be purchased. Examine the composition, find out how much pure protein is in the jar. The more, the better. Do not trust the inscriptions that say that natural berries and fruits were used in the production, this is impossible.
  2. Complex products, which supposedly have absorbed all the elements from the list of sports nutrition, will not significantly affect the mass. The maximum benefit will be when all the elements are taken separately. You will not be able to determine exactly what is mixed in this jar with the complex, to calculate the amount of substances obtained.
  3. If you see unfamiliar ingredients in a product, do not take it. First, study in the handbook what they mean, whether you need them or are you just trying to get the extra money out of you.
  4. Gainer. Some manufacturers are trying to save on production and add more sugar to the composition than necessary. This is not the element that is required to gain muscle mass. Ideally, the amount per serving should not exceed 5% of the total weight. Be sure to read the composition.

How to take it right

With a normal physique, a beginner will need only one protein when gaining mass. The amount of protein entering the body will increase, and muscle growth will begin. Whey protein, which is consumed before and after training, is better at this stage. It will become the main material for building muscle. If growth is not fast enough, you can use casein protein. It will provide protein throughout the night so that muscles do not break down after an intense workout. The protein intake for beginners is as follows:

For more experienced athletes, this diet may not be enough. For those who exercise regularly for over a year, it makes sense to add another gainer to the protein. Depending on the starting point, you may also need BCAAs, creatine and multivitamins. It is necessary to calculate the dosage for a man or woman based on their weight at the moment. Below are examples of different courses of sports nutrition, depending on the need for substances. They are divided into initial, standard and complete. Choose the scheme that suits you:


Before class, g

After class, g

Before going to bed, g









All calculations for these schemes were taken for a man with an initial weight of 80 kg. For other parameters, the dosage will be different. You can adjust the serving size with the help of a trainer or yourself, based on the results. Sports nutrition schemes will become the basis for your own calculations when drawing up a program for gaining muscle mass.

Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

Sports nutrition is not cheap, only they will not be able to eat even with a strong desire, and you don't need it. Along with it, observe proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass. It is very difficult to call it dietary, because the goal is to consume a large number of calories, and this is easier to achieve than to cut them. It is very important to eat well for breakfast, this will provide the stomach with work and start metabolic processes. You can't gorge yourself before bed. If there is a feeling of hunger, then you should have a snack with fruits and vegetables.

  • 370 carbohydrates (1500 Kcal);
  • 155 protein (600 Kcal);
  • 110 fat (1050 Kcal).

If you wish, you can use homemade recipes for making protein shakes, so you get the required amount of protein instead of sports nutrition. Here is a sample menu for the day for gaining muscle mass (all values \u200b\u200bin grams):

  • 100 cottage cheese, preferably 9%;
  • 100 yogurt;
  • 50 sugar-free oatmeal.


  • 300 chicken;
  • any number of vegetables at will;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in salads;
  • 100 g dry buckwheat or 400 g boiled potatoes.

Before training

  • 50 sugar-free oatmeal;
  • jam 2 tbsp. l .;
  • an Apple.

After workout

  • 5 pieces. eggs without yolk (scrambled eggs);
  • bread (no more than 2 slices);
  • an Apple;
  • 50 almonds.

Where to buy and how much do sports supplements cost

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is sold in specialized stores. You can also find everything you need on Internet sites, where the cost of products, as a rule, is somewhat lower. Pharmacies sell multivitamin complexes, but they are no different from those found in sports stores. Try not to take sports food by weight, the seller does not always behave in good faith. Estimated price for sports nutrition in online stores:

  • Amino acids - from 1500 rubles;
  • Whey protein - from 1300 rubles;
  • Casein protein - from 1300 rubles;
  • Weight gainers - from 1000 rubles;

Video review: the best sports nutrition for beginners

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Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass

Every day I am asked “how to take sports nutrition?”, How to use protein, gainer, amino acids and so on. People do not quite understand that this is an additive to the diet, but not as a substitute for it. Therefore, in order to say exactly when to use something, you need to know your lifestyle, your daily routine, etc. Agree, I cannot know this, therefore there cannot be an exact answer for everyone. But I am giving you the basics to help you figure out when and what supplement to take.

How to take protein to gain muscle mass

This is a protein supplement and should only be taken if you cannot get the required amount of protein from regular foods. For example, if you are an athlete who weighs 80 kg, you need 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight to gain muscle mass, that is, 160 grams of protein. Let's say you ate 500 grams of meat and didn't eat anything else. A pound of meat contains about 100 grams. squirrel. And you need 160, therefore, you can take 2 servings of protein, 30 grams each.

Should be taken between meals, or when the meal was only carbohydrate. After training, it does not need to be consumed, since afterwards we need carbohydrates, not protein. A multi-protein protein between meals is best for this purpose.

How to take a gainer

It is a high-calorie supplement based on carbohydrates. To understand when and how much to drink a gainer, you need to understand how many carbohydrates you ate per day. Each person has his own needs for carbohydrates, they must be calculated by the method of tests. For example, you have determined that you need 300 grams of carbohydrates during the period of mass gain. And you ate today, for example, only 200 grams of rice, which is 150 grams. carbohydrates. This means that we need to get the remaining 150 grams from the gainer. Each supplement has its own composition, so you need to read on the back of the jar how many proteins and carbohydrates are in a serving, based on this, understand whether you should take 1 or 2 servings. Again, if you ate the required amount of macronutrients from regular foods, then you do not need supplements.

You need to take a gainer either between meals, or an hour before or 30 minutes after training.

How to take amino acids

If you consume protein, then you do not need to take amino acids separately, because protein contains a complete set of amino acids.

You can take them, for example, if you do not get protein from the diet, and food no longer climbs into you, and you are tired of protein, then you can take several tablets after each meal. In principle, I don't see any point in taking them at all, when the protein is the same only cheaper. Moreover, manufacturers often cheat when they press regular protein into tablets.

BCAA how to take

When gaining muscle mass, this product is generally useless, as well as complex amino acids. Firstly, these are only 3 essential amino acids, and muscles need all 8. Secondly, protein or any protein of animal origin contains these 3 amino acids, even in soy, BCAAs are in large quantities. So during the period of mass recruitment it will be a money transfer.

They can only be consumed while drying, then they will serve as a source of energy during training through the process of gluconeogenesis (the conversion of amino acids into glucose). Do not take more than 10 grams at a time, because will not be assimilated. Can be taken before strength training and before cardio.

How to take creatine

As I wrote about it, I believe this supplement is for beginners. For an experienced athlete, it is unlikely to work, because their creatine stores are already developed to the limit. Suitable for a beginner.

Since insulin transports creatine to muscles, and carbohydrates cause a large release of insulin, it means that creatine must be taken with fast carbohydrates. I also think that all these downloads are just a marketing ploy so that you spend this supplement faster and come for a new one sooner.

5 grams of creatine per day is enough, if taken with sweets, for example, washed down with juice.

How to take L carnitine

Many consider it a fat burner. This is not true. By itself, it does not burn fats, it only transports them to the mitochondria, and there they are already burned, and then if there is a calorie deficit. L-carnitine is just an "elevator", you can take an elevator or you can walk up. The elevator is more convenient, a little faster, but you need to get to it, wait for it, etc. Also with l-carnitine, it is only an assistant.

3 grams half an hour before a strength or cardio workout will suffice.

Friends do not need to listen to sports nutrition sellers, as it is in their best interest to sell as much as possible. If you are being crushed with protein and also separate amino acids and bcaa, just give my reasons, and you will see how the seller hesitates. Remember, this is first and foremost a business, and each supplement should only be selected as needed.

Now you know how to take sports nutrition correctly!



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