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Contains casein protein. Casein protein: what it is, how to take it for weight loss and muscle growth

Casein is a complex protein found naturally in cow's milk and, in fact, serves as the main material for the production of cottage cheese and various types of cheese. Even the very name of casein is derived from the Latin word caseus - cheese. Casein protein accounts for about 70-90% of the protein profile of regular milk, while whey protein accounts for no more than 2-5%.

Casein protein is available as a weight gain supplement. Unlike being "fast," casein is believed to have a long absorption rate and is called "slow". Most recommendations suggest that casein supplements should be taken before bed and during periods of prolonged lack of food.

However, the evidence base for casein is controversial. Scientific research suggests that even the very division of proteins into "fast" and "slow" is very arbitrary. In addition, as a result of experiments, no fundamental advantages of casein protein have been revealed in comparison with other types of sports nutrition. Despite this, the cost of casein is usually substantially higher than that of the isolate.

Casein & Gluten: Twin Brothers

The behavior of casein in the stomach is similar to that of a complex protein (the fundamental difference is that gluten is a vegetable protein and casein is an animal protein). Both form clots, sticking together the contents of the stomach and slowing down the digestion of food. Traditionally, both casein and gluten have served as materials for making technical glue.

Many nutritionists consider gluten to be the main enemy of health, linking obesity, weakening of the immune system and the development of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to it. Natural casein (cottage cheese, cheese) rarely provokes food allergies, but processed casein protein used in sports nutrition is increasingly seen as a potential health hazard.

Is casein a slow protein?

The popular belief about the slow absorption rate of casein protein is based on scientific research conducted over 25 years ago. In this study, sixteen people were divided into two groups, taking a different type of milk protein on an empty stomach. The main indicator was the level of the amino acid leucine in the blood, measured twice an hour¹.

The graph on the left is the final results of the aforementioned casein study, on the right is their interpretation in promotional materials. For "clarity" advertising casein uses not average values, but the maximum, forming an inaccurate impression of a huge difference. Interestingly, the study did not investigate the effects of casein on weight loss or muscle gain at all.

Casein is a protein supplement that provides the athlete's muscles with building materials for long-term growth and prevents catabolism.

It is impossible to imagine a complete nutrition of an athlete without special nutritional supplements. And it is better to give preference to natural preparations of natural origin.

What is casein?

Fatty cottage cheese contains up to 22% casein

Casein (aka caseinogen) is a milk protein formed by curdling milk with special enzymes. Casein accounts for 80% of all proteins in dairy products.

Refers to complex, complete proteins. It contains all types of essential acids vital for the human body. In the stomach, under the influence of enzymes, casein forms a dense clot, which is slowly broken down, releasing calcium and phosphorus.

It comes in the form of a white powder that is used to make protein shakes. Sold as part of ready-made cocktail mixes and protein supplements. Pure casein without a pronounced aroma, curd taste. In cocktails with casein, as a rule, there are flavors, sweeteners and sometimes colors.

How does it work during training

Losing weight by eating casein is quite possible

Casein is a slow-breaking protein, so there is no point in taking it after exercise. It won't be absorbed fast enough to replenish the amino acid levels your muscles need. Fast-acting proteins, such as whey, will be more relevant at this time.

Before a workout, casein is only appropriate during a weight loss diet, so that due to insufficient nutrition, muscles do not suffer from intense exertion.

Reception when gaining weight

When gaining muscle mass, casein should only be taken at night to slow down catabolism and provide muscle protein stores. This will prevent the damaging effects of cortisol.

When burning weight

Due to the fact that casein occupies the stomach for a long time, it has the effect of reducing appetite, which makes life much easier during a diet for weight loss. It gives a feeling of fullness for about 7 hours, which saves you from night hunger, while the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of protein. In addition, it allows you to maintain muscle mass and increases the release of heat by your body, thereby accelerating the metabolism and the process of burning the subcutaneous and. 10 g of casein contains only 36 Kcal, so it does not add extra fat.

Why does an athlete need it?

Taking casein reduces the need to eat "tonnes"

To achieve the desired results, whether it is gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance in training or quickly burning fat, a high amount of protein products must be present in the athlete's diet, because protein is an essential building material for muscle tissue.

In order not to have to eat meat, eggs and cottage cheese in kilograms, which, in addition to proteins, also contain fats and carbohydrates, it is wiser to supplement the diet with protein supplements. The diet should contain both fast-acting proteins, which provide high anabolism, and slow ones, which provide long-term muscle nutrition.

Anabolism (from the Greek ἀναβολή, "rise") or plastic metabolism is a set of chemical processes that make up one of the sides of metabolism in the body, aimed at the formation of cells and tissues.

Source Wikipedia

Why is the use of casein useful for an athlete:

  • Saturation of the body with essential amino acids
  • Stronger bones thanks to its high calcium content
  • Reduced hunger
  • Protection against muscle breakdown (catabolism) at night
  • Metabolic acceleration
  • Replenishes the lack of protein in the diet during the diet.

Types of casein protein

There are three types of casein protein:

  1. Casein hydrolyzate. It is obtained in the process of hydrolysis, during which amino acid bonds are destroyed, and the rate of protein absorption increases.
  2. Micellar casein. It is obtained by ultra- or microfiltration of milk, in which casein is separated from whey, fat and lactose. The natural structure of the protein is preserved. It is absorbed easier than caseinate, but for a longer time (up to 10 hours). Solubility in liquid is low, the cocktail is thick, mushy.
  3. Caseinate. It is a mixture of protein and calcium, sodium and potassium salts. The protein content in such a mixture is not less than 90%. Caseinate dissolves easily in liquids, therefore it is very often used in industrial cocktails.

How to take casein protein

Casein is taken in the form of a cocktail from the required amount of powder dissolved in a glass of milk. For flavor, you can add a spoonful of cocoa, a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon. Mixing is best done with a shaker.

The dosage depends on the purpose for which the protein is taken.

  • At the stage of mass gain - 40 g of casein before bedtime.
  • During the drying period - take at night and between main meals, 15-20 g, with water or up to 4 times a day.
  • If you have to skip a meal, the protein dose will be 35-40 g.
  • To enhance post-workout anabolism, casein can be paired with 1: 2 whey protein (one part casein to two parts whey)

These figures are approximate, a more accurate dosage is calculated based on the athlete's body weight and the amount of protein supplied with food.

What can be combined with

Casein can be consumed in its pure form. But sometimes the best effect will come from combining it with other, faster-digesting foods such as whey protein. In this combination, the benefits of these products are mutually reinforced. Eliminates such a lack of casein as a low anabolic effect. A similar result can be achieved by combining casein protein with leucine or (amino acid complex).

What foods contain casein

Most of the casein is found in dairy products. Content as a percentage of the total amount of proteins in the product:

  • cow and goat milk - 80%
  • hard cheeses - 30%
  • soft cheeses - 28%
  • pickled cheeses - 26%
  • fat cottage cheese - 22%
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 18%
  • sour cream (fat) - 15%
  • yogurt, kefir - 15%
  • bioyoghurts and curd snacks - 9%
  • sweet yoghurts - 6%

What is the difference between casein and other types of protein

The main rival of casein is whey protein. Their "rivalry" begins in a sports nutrition store, when the buyer has a dilemma of what to take. The main differences are in the rate of protein absorption. Casein takes a long time to digest, studies have shown that after taking casein in the blood of subjects for 5 hours, a high concentration of amino acids remained.

Side effects from taking

Side effects when taken in moderation are rare and temporary. Contraindications to admission are individual intolerance (allergies) and serious diseases of the digestive system.


Allergy to casein is common. It manifests itself even in childhood and passes during growing up in 85% of allergy sufferers. And yet, if a person is intolerant to dairy products, then they are allergic to casein.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Breathing becomes difficult

Allergies to casein are not cured; antihistamines and corticosteroids only relieve symptoms. Therefore, allergy sufferers should refrain from consuming milk proteins.

Effect on the human body

By itself, casein protein does not have a negative effect on the body. The essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, which it is rich in, are beneficial for all people. However, everything is good in moderation. Considering that casein is absorbed slowly, it puts an increased burden on the digestive system. With excessive consumption, discomfort in the stomach (feeling of heaviness), bloating, nausea, and vomiting are possible. With prolonged abuse, there is a risk of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Influence on potency

Proteins of animal origin do not have a negative effect on sexual function, unlike, which can increase the level of estrogen. Therefore, you need to choose pure milk casein, without soy protein.

What to look for when buying casein protein? A good product should not contain:

  • No synthetic additives, only natural milk raw materials
  • Vegetable fats
  • No salt

There should be no moldy smell. Consistency of a homogeneous powder, no lumps.

Preference should be given to micellar casein without unnecessary additives, from a reliable manufacturer. The pursuit of a cheap product can lead to the purchase of a fake or poor quality product, the benefits of which are highly questionable.

Always remember that a quality product cannot be cheap.

Casein protein is an indispensable component of an athlete's sports nutrition. It provides uniform, long-lasting nutrition for muscles and bones, and prevents catabolism at night. It is also very effective for reducing appetite during weight loss, in this regard, it can be useful not only for athletes, but also for people who want to lose weight and have a hard time suffering from hunger.

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Be sure to read about it

Lane Norton advocates casein, an ingredient found in cheese, glue and even plastics. Should YOU use it as a dietary supplement? You will be the judge in this process!

If casein protein went to the gym, then it would surely be a whey bench press assistant. He was in her shadow for a long time. Casein has been figuratively compared to Frank Columbo, and whey to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Things will be different today.

Casein protein

Casein protein, like whey, is derived from cow's milk. Roughly speaking, 80% of the protein in milk is casein and 20% is whey. Casein is an insoluble compound (i.e., it is the hard part of milk protein).

You may have heard of casein in the context of calcium caseinate, which is formed by the interaction of calcium ions.

Due to its jelly-like consistency, casein is used not only in sports supplements, but also used for the production of astringents and fillers, and is also one of the main ingredients in cheese making. It should also be added that the binding properties of casein have found application in the production of adhesives and plastics.

But you shouldn't run after a tube of Moment glue. Casein supplements are a valuable source of protein.

Casein's fast gelling and thickening properties make it a unique ingredient in a variety of sports supplements. Once in the digestive system, casein coagulates under the influence of gastric juice. Its absorption is slowed down, which ensures a uniform and continuous release of casein amino acids. (These are the "building blocks" that make up protein.)

In simple terms, this means that the muscles are "fed" over a long period of time.

The low digestion rate has another advantage - the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation (consumption of amino acids as an energy source) is reduced. Casein makes you feel full. It will seem to you that you are about to have a hearty meal.

Comparison of casein and whey

Compared to, casein is a double-edged sword. Its advantages include the fact that delayed assimilation of casein stretches in time both the supply of amino acids to muscle tissues and the presence of a positive nitrogen balance in the body. (Positive nitrogen balance is the basis for muscle growth.)

However, the slow release of amino acids from casein leads to a decrease in the maximum anabolic response in the body. In other words, casein does not stimulate muscle protein synthesis as effectively as whey does. If we compare casein gram to gram with whey, then due to its slow absorption, it has less anabolic properties (it grows less muscle mass).

Moreover, casein protein contains less (8%) compared to whey (11%). Leucine is the amino acid responsible for maximizing the anabolic response after protein ingestion. Essentially, leucine signals the body to protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.

During my PhD thesis, I found that the anabolic response to food is closely related to its leucine content. Casein is less anabolic than whey due to its lower leucine content.

Combination of casein with whey protein

As stated, casein has less maximum anabolic response than whey. But it ensures the intake of amino acids into the body over a longer period of time. The combination of casein with a fast-digesting protein (eg whey) gives the maximum synergistic effect, i.e. a combination of the benefits of both types of protein. This way you get a high concentration of leucine along with a constant supply of amino acids to your muscles.

Eating protein blends allows you to get the most out of casein and compensate for some of its disadvantages. Alternatively, you can combine casein with fast-digesting or free-form leucine - the effect will be the same.

Taking casein

Casein, like whey, can be used to make various cocktails both in the morning and in the evening. However, due to the slow absorption of casein and the prolonged release of amino acids, it is often used when a person plans to be without food for a long time.

So, many people consume casein at night, hoping that poorly absorbed protein can prevent the process of catabolism (muscle breakdown). There is no reliable scientific evidence to support the advisability of taking casein at night. However, scientists have found that taking casein in the evening reduces the rate of protein breakdown - this has certain benefits in terms of gaining muscle mass.

The dosage of casein intake depends on a number of factors: body weight, total protein intake, and combination with other sources of protein.

If you consume pure casein (without other sports supplements), then it is advisable to increase the dose in order to accelerate anabolism in the body. For a 90-pound male bodybuilder looking to gain muscle mass, I recommend taking 40-50 grams of casein protein per day (neat).

Choosing casein

As a general rule, my advice is to buy sports supplements from manufacturers who can provide lab results for their products. This ensures that the information on the packaging matches its contents.

It should also be noted that many companies sell protein blends, consisting of both casein and whey. Due to the high cost of such mixtures, I would like to emphasize once again that casein-whey cocktail can be prepared by yourself at home. Just don't add an alcoholic drink to it. (If you do decide, then use vodka.)


Some people may develop an allergic reaction to casein protein. Side effects appear: upset stomach, pain, diarrhea, vomiting and / or other gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, consuming large amounts of casein can cause mild gastrointestinal upset, even in non-allergic people. In the stomach, casein thickens. At high doses, this leads to bloating and discomfort - which others will certainly notice.

What is morality? Casein should not be consumed by allergy sufferers (and people who are prohibited from taking it by the doctor) In addition, if you do not want to turn into a Marshmallow Man (from the movie "Ghostbusters"), then you should not consume large quantities of casein.


Casein protein usually works the night shift. It is taken before bed; at night he works, and in the morning he disappears when the serum is not the first plan.

Things are different from today.

Consume casein if you need a long-lasting protein source. Use it if you don't want your muscles to starve. Use it with whey to combine the benefits of both types of protein.

Casein is a complex protein found in milk. Its formation occurs with the help of lactic bacteria. Casein is essential for both young children and adults. It is able to increase the shelf life of food products, endows them with a special taste and is often used as an additive in food. Isolating casein from milk is a simple process that makes protein available. What foods contain casein?

What is casein for?

Casein is a source of amino acids that the body needs. This element is present in baby food and various formulas. Due to its high amino acid content, casein is an essential element in the diet of every person. It supplies phosphorus and calcium salts to our body, which is necessary for the skeletal system. Protein is very easy to digest and there are many medicines with its content. Casein can be found in many cosmetics.

During intense physical activity, protein should be consumed only during rest. Otherwise, excessive consumption of casein is possible during exercise. The body uses casein as a material to build muscle. Thanks to it, muscle tissue grows and bones are strengthened. Foods containing casein can help fight hunger and help you lose weight. Many athletes consume casein when they are hungry.

What foods contain casein protein?

An adult needs about 25 grams of casein per day. You can get this element by including milk, kefir and cheese in your diet. Almost all dairy products contain casein. It is found in yoghurt, yogurt, cottage cheese, tan and whey. The largest amount of casein is found in goat and cow milk.

Slightly less protein in sheep and donkey milk. Cheese contains a large amount of casein. In this case, you should choose hard cheese. However, it is worth knowing that they contain no more than 30% protein. The best choice is goat's milk, which contains about 80% casein.

Casein is an essential component of sports nutrition. Most athletes use it to gain muscle mass. To do this, it is enough to consume at least 40 g of casein per day. Casein should be used before bed. Calcium and phosphorus, which are found in casein, help the body to develop and overcome intense physical activity.

Lactose intolerance

Casein and dairy products are good for children. An enzyme is produced in their bodies that effectively breaks down lactose. Over time, many people develop lactose intolerance, which results in indigestion, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is best to replace milk with fermented milk products. The bacteria they contain break down milk sugar, which makes many fermented milk products harmless, even with lactase intolerance.

High casein supplements are now available for purchase. It is found in sports drinks and mixtures. However, it is best to consume casein in the form of natural milk. The deficiency of this element can be easily made up with kefir, tan and yogurt, which are natural products.

On the shelves of sports nutrition stores, you can find many nutritional supplements. The most popular and well-known of these are proteins.

Casein is a type of protein and casein concentrate is a type of protein mixture. Why is casein needed? And then, as with other types of protein shakes: to enrich the athlete's diet with protein. So, the main benefit of casein is the supply of the body with building materials (protein and amino acids).

The use of casein in bodybuilding

In general, casein is used not only in sports: casein glue is very famous. However, we are still interested in the use of casein in sports, in particular in bodybuilding. it is used both for work on the ground and for drying. Below we will look at the differences in casein consumption patterns for different tasks.

Using casein for weight loss

Casein protein is a dietary source of protein, making it an excellent product during weight loss or drying. Low calorie content allows you to actively use it to set the required amount of protein in the diet, without fear of simultaneously grabbing a bunch of fats and carbohydrates.

Protein is vital for the body to function: it is needed for building muscles, for growing nails and hair, and for maintaining muscle mass (protecting muscles from decay during a diet).

When losing weight, it is best to prepare a water-based casein shake (to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the mixture). It is also worth dividing the dosage into small portions and consuming throughout the day.

In addition, casein is absorbed for a long time, which gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety, which is important when losing weight.

The use of casein for gaining muscle mass

When gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to combine different types of protein: as each of them has its own characteristics. Casein protein is absorbed for a long time (about 8 hours), which allows you to nourish the body during a night's sleep, as well as protect it from catabolism.



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