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Soak kitchen towels. How to restore cleanliness to kitchen towels: the subtleties of washing

Many housewives are interested in how to wash kitchen towels? Especially when there is a problem greasy spots. There are many proven methods. You can use special tools, but if they are inactive, you should resort to more drastic measures. Let's consider this question below.

  1. Salt. It is necessary to make a solution based on it. The presented method is the most efficient. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in hot water. Next, place towels with old stains there and wait about 1.5 hours. At the end, stretch as usual.
  2. To ensure that the desired result is achieved, you can add a couple of spoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide to the above ingredients. Then the textiles will have to be soaked for five hours. Finally, wash and rinse them.
  3. The next option involves the use of soap and citric acid. Soap dirty things and wait 2 hours, then repeat the procedure again, but replace the soap with citric acid. Don't forget skin protection and gloves. Then leave the towels for five minutes, rinse and wash.
  4. Also you can cook special solution. Dissolve laundry soap and citric acid, given the ratio - half a teaspoon per liter. Then start the soaking procedure and after half an hour things can be pulled out. Don't forget to wash.

Folk ways

Washing kitchen towels, depending on the complexity of the dirt, can be difficult. Not always chemical agents are able to provide the desired effect. Then you should pay attention to other existing methods to eliminate fatty areas.

It is not necessary to purchase expensive products, often everything you need is already in your kitchen. Consider what folk solutions are popular among experienced housewives.

Vegetable oil

The method using vegetable oil is considered to be "lazy". It will be a great way out if your washing machine is broken or it is completely missing. To eliminate unpleasant stains, you will need hot water (60 degrees) in a basin, a spoonful of vinegar (9%) and a couple of tablespoons of oil.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil requires certain rules. For example, it is most convenient to soak towels in a bucket, since it is necessary to organize tightness. Cover the container with a bag or film, this will speed up the chemical reactions. After 12 hours, take things out and rinse, changing the water from hot to cold 5-7 times.

Sunflower oil

Some people are afraid to use sunflower oil during washing. Although in reality the method is quite effective. The presented ingredient will soften the collected old fat as much as possible, and then it will be easily washed off at the time of further cleaning. You can use the following options:

  1. In 10 liters of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of dry bleach and soda. At the end, add some oil. Soak the kitchen attribute in the prepared solution for about 10-12 hours. You can make it in the evening and get it in the morning. Then rinse by changing the temperature. In the end, it is advisable to send the products to the washer.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp mustard powder and oil. It is necessary to mix the ingredients well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add 10 liters of water and soak the fabric for about 11 hours. Then rinse and machine wash.

Important! Sunflower oil must be added at the very end. Mix other ingredients first. Otherwise, a film will form in the basin or bucket, which will not allow other components to dissolve. As a result, you will not be able to get rid of old contaminants.

Dishwashing liquids

To eliminate the resulting stains, a simple dish cleaner, available in every kitchen, will allow. At the time of production, special substances are added that can quickly remove dirt and odor. Instruction:

  • mix a liter of hot liquid and a tablespoon of soapy water;
  • dip the textiles into the container and leave for a couple of hours;
  • at the end, be sure to stretch.

If there is too much greasy dirt on the fabric, then it is better to boil the products and then soak them in a cleaning agent.

Laundry soap

Many prefer laundry soap, thanks to which you can remove dirt of any complexity. Try to choose a product with 72%. Further, the cleaning algorithm depends on the degree of contamination, or rather its freshness.

If the stain has formed recently, then immediately wash the kitchen attribute and leave it soaped for an hour and a half, and then rinse. As a result, you will get the desired effect.

If the traces are quite old, then:

  1. Take a towel and wash it with soap.
  2. Put in a simple package, close and leave for a day.
  3. Place the washed fabric in hot water and wait 30 minutes.
  4. Eliminate traces of laundry soap and throw in the washer.


Are there fresh traces of grease on the towel? Vinegar is the perfect solution in this situation. Apply it as a conditioner by pouring it into an appropriate container in the washing machine.

You can also use the second method - mix five liters of liquid and a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar. Then subjected to soaking (12 hours) and washing.

If you are not sure that the old stain will be washed off the first time, then the fabric can be washed with soap before soaking. Some people replace plain vinegar with apple cider vinegar, which allows you to give things a pleasant smell.

Potassium permanganate

To restore the purity of the presented kitchen utensils, you can resort to the use of potassium permanganate. When adding it to water, make sure that the liquid acquires a light pink hue.

Initially, prepare laundry soap and rub it. Dissolve in 5 liters of hot liquid =, then add potassium permanganate and dip the towels. Rinse after an hour.

Next solution:

  • wash the fabric in the washer;
  • place in a pre-prepared solution - 1 liter of liquid with potassium permanganate and 100 g of powder;
  • cover the container with polyethylene;
  • after 6 hours, take it out and put it in the washer again.


Soda is considered one of the effective ways to remove greasy marks on towels. It is allowed to use simple food or calcined. But, the hostesses are advised to use the first option, explaining this by safety. Having noticed the first traces, throw things in the washing machine, setting the highest temperature. In addition to the powder, add 4 tbsp. soda.

If the stain is quite old, then wash the product, as you usually do in a typewriter. At this time, prepare a solution by mixing 10 liters of liquid with a package of soda and grated household. soap. After washing, place kitchen textiles in the prepared composition, and after two hours of soaking, boil the fabric (for 10 minutes) and rinse.


First recipe:

  1. Dilute alcohol in water.
  2. Soak items. For guaranteed results better first wash things up.
  3. If the dirt is too strong, it is recommended to add a little glycerin.
  4. Kitchen textiles must be in the solution for 5 hours.

Second recipe:

  1. Grate the household in advance. soap - a whole piece.
  2. Two large spoons of soda (calcined).
  3. 5 liters of liquid.
  4. Alcohol 50 ml.
  5. Mix all the ingredients and place the dirty things there for 60 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, send the towels to boil in clean water on the stove for 20 minutes. Then cool and rinse.


The presented component is considered a new method for eliminating greasy marks on fabric. Any shampoo is suitable for the procedure, but it is better to purchase a special one designed for oily hair. Use this ingredient as a powder and soak kitchen utensils in it. After three hours, just wash the products. But, the described cleaning option will not work if the stains are too old.

Silicate glue with soap

Basically, silicate glue is added during the production of a cleaning agent. There is an efficient solution with the addition of the presented component:

  • dissolve one large spoon of silicate glue in 4 liters of water. Then add grated hosts. soap;
  • dip the cloth in a container and remove after three hours;
  • at the end, put on a boil (up to 5 minutes) and wash.

The considered solution will be saving for white fabrics. Do not use this method on colored textiles.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is the perfect solution if you need to clean the kitchen utensils in question. The recipe is quite simple. It is necessary to mix a liter of water and two small spoons of the substance. Things are soaked for three hours, and then stretched.


The next method involves the use of mustard powder. It is quite effective in the fight against greasy traces. Dilute the ingredient, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, treat the stains with the resulting mixture and hide in a bag. After 10 hours, you can get it and send it to the rinse, and then to the machine wash.

You can also make a special solution where you need to dilute 50 grams of mustard in five liters of liquid. Dip the products in this container, and after five hours throw them into the washing machine.

One of the benefits of mustard is its whitening effect. In other words, this is a great option for white fabric.

Lemon acid

Many argue that the process of citric acid is very similar to vinegar. How is this component used for cleaning?

  • dilute a small spoonful of citric acid in two liters of liquid;
  • after three hours, wash the soaked cloth.

You can also prepare a solution by diluting lemon juice (half) in a glass. It is necessary to evenly pour the liquid over the dirty areas, cover with a bag and wash after three hours. Remember that citric acid negatively affects the skin of the hands, which is why experts advise resorting to gloves.

Boric acid

This solution is the most effective of the presented. The substance perfectly bleaches textiles. Purchase boric acid at your nearest pharmacy and use one of the available prescriptions. The first involves mixing half a tsp. acids with 500 ml of warm water. Then distribute the prepared composition over a dirty cloth and leave for a couple of hours.

The second solution requires the following ingredients: 10 liters of liquid, a piece of crumbled laundry soap and 3 tbsp. acids. Treat kitchen utensils with soap, and then put in a container with diluted acid. After four hours of waiting, the products can be obtained.

How to keep kitchen towels long-term clean

Any kitchen textile has an approximate service life of 3 years. In fact, this figure is less, mostly towels deteriorate much faster. To extend the service life and refresh products, you need to follow the advice from experienced housewives:

  1. For the kitchen, choose a waffle or microfiber fabric. Try not to buy terry.
  2. Have several towels, each should be responsible for a specific task. No need to wipe everything in one copy.
  3. Clean twice a week.
  4. Wash separately from other clothes.
  5. Change the way you remove dirt. No need to apply one powder each time.


The products in question are often contaminated. But, that's no reason to throw them out. To get started, try to return to its former freshness and purity, using one of the described options for the fight.

Kitchen towels not only help in cooking, but also participate in the design of the interior of the kitchen. For this reason, it is extremely important to keep it clean. Due to frequent use, the fabric gets dirty almost daily. It happens that towels are so dirty that regular washing no longer helps.

How to wash kitchen towels at home without boiling, so that they look fresh and tidy again? There are several options for doing this, and each is effective in its own way.

Removing stains without boiling

To wash a kitchen towel, use household chemicals and folk remedies. Ordinary laundry soap can also cope with stains. To do this, soak the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric and rub it with soap. Remove the towel in the bag so that air does not get there. A day later, the product is taken out and rinsed.

Also remove stains by placing a towel in cold water with table salt for three hours, then send it to

Types of kitchen textiles

There are several types of kitchen towels:

  • waffle- the interlacing of cotton and linen threads creates a pattern resembling a waffle, best option for kitchen;
  • stuffed- the pattern is applied over the fabric;
  • terry- products are soft and not suitable for the kitchen, they dry out for a long time and become a breeding ground for bacteria;
  • paper disposable towels.

Wash with bleach

They perform several functions at once: they eliminate stains and odors, disinfect and brighten. There are several types:

  • optical- contain substances that reflect light, so the fabric becomes lighter;
  • containing chlorine- can destroy the fabric with frequent use, suitable only for things made of cotton and linen;
  • oxygen- come in the form of a powder or gel, gel-like whiten things at + 40 ° C, powder - only from + 80 ° C.

Whitening procedure:

  1. Before being sent to the machine, things are poured with water.
  2. Pour the powder and add bleach (150-170 ml).
  3. Wash on normal.

Mistresses often use "Whiteness". This chlorine-based product is suitable for washing linen and cotton items. Procedure:

  1. Add 1 tbsp. l. funds for 5 liters of water.
  2. Soak for 20-30 minutes and rinse.
  3. Wash in the machine.

The use of folk remedies

How to wash kitchen towels at home? There are several proven and effective ways to remove stains.

Lemon acid

The product washes kitchen towels. To obtain a solution in 100 ml of water, pour 2 tbsp. l. acids. Soak the fabric for 1 hour, then wash in the machine or just rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Effectively removes old stains. To do this, the entire bottle is poured into 100 ml of water. Soak the fabric for three hours. After soaking for half an hour with powder and wash.

Boric acid

Add 10 g of acid to 1 liter of water and mix. Soak for three hours at +50°C. After rinsing and washing with laundry soap. This method well destroys yellowness and old stains.

Mustard (powder)

The agent is diluted in water to a mushy state. Apply to contaminated areas and leave for 2 hours. After that, the mustard is washed off and the fabric is washed in the machine.

Dish detergent

The cleaning gel is applied to the fabric and rubbed into the stains. Leave for 12 hours, rinse and machine wash.


Tackles fruit stains. The towel is left in warm water for 15 minutes. After that, the fabric is wrung out and put into a container. Add shampoo and lather contents. After 40 minutes, put in the washing machine.


Removes tea and coffee stains. This product is mixed with water 1:1. Apply the contents to the site of contamination and leave for 50 minutes. After that, put the fabric in water with washing powder for half an hour. Wash in the machine. If the stains are old, rub ammonia into them with a cotton swab. Then rinse the fabric.

Extra salt

Deals with stains tomato juice and red wine. 1.5 st. l. salt is poured into 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the contaminated area and rub with a sponge. Then leave the product for 50 minutes and repeat the procedure. Then wash with soap and cold water.


Rinse kitchen textiles in hot water. Then rub the fabric with laundry soap and put it in a bag. The contents are placed in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Then take out and rinse well.


Fights mold and odor. Powder is poured into the machine, the maximum temperature is selected and a glass of vinegar is poured into the conditioner section. When hand washing, towels are placed in a solution of water and vinegar (1: 1) and left for 15 minutes. Then rinse.

Attention! To prevent the appearance bad smell on washed towels, they are hung out in the sun or placed on a hot battery.

Washing light dirt

First of all, choose a good powder. When washing light fabrics, use bleach. Since the towels are not heavily soiled, no special recipe is required. Enough washing in the machine. In order not only to wash the fabric, but also to kill bacteria, set the maximum temperature.

Important. Wash light fabrics at 90°C, colors at 60°C.

Soak options:

  1. Use of vegetable oil. Add a glass of washing powder and 3 tbsp to the pan. l. oils. Pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. After washing in the machine.
  2. Use of soda and liquid laundry soap. Add 3 tbsp to water. l. soda and soap and leave for 2 hours. After washing in the machine at +90°C.

Removing stains by boiling

Too dirty towels sometimes cannot even be washed by a machine. In order not to throw things away, they use a more painstaking method - boiling:

  1. Add water to the pan by 2/3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. stain remover or washing powder.
  2. Put the container on the stove and lay the soiled towels.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium, stirring the contents.
  4. After boiling the solution, reduce the fire a little more.
  5. Boil from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on how dirty the fabric is.
  6. Tongs take the fabric and put it in an empty container to cool.
  7. Wring out and rinse thoroughly.

Boiling with soda:

  1. Boil water in an enamel pot.
  2. Add a glass of soda and stir.
  3. Place towels and boil for about an hour.
  4. Wash by hand or machine.

Boiling with soda and laundry soap:

  1. Soda and grated soap are added to a pot of water.
  2. Everything is mixed and towels are laid.
  3. Boil for half an hour. After washing with bleach.

With washing powder and silicate glue:

  1. Heat up 3 liters of water.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. and powder. Stir until smooth.
  3. Dip the towels and boil for half an hour.
  4. Rinse in warm water.

A home remedy will help remove grease from a towel -, soda and stain remover:

  1. Add refined oil (2 tbsp), stain remover (100 g), washing powder (50 g) and soda (2 tsp) to a container of water (5 l).
  2. Boil for two hours, stirring the solution.

Boiling with ammonia:

  1. In water (5 l) add 1/2 tsp. alcohol. Boil the contents for three hours.
  2. Rinse and wash.

Pollution Prevention

  1. You can not take a towel for greasy pans and lids. Then you do not need to wash them every day.
  2. It is recommended to alternately use several products so that they do not have time to get very dirty.
  3. White towels are washed with bleach.
  4. Clean items are ironed. So they will become less dirty and will be softer.


However, kitchen textiles can be restored to their former neatness. There are many ways to whiten and remove stains. It is not necessary to resort to household chemicals, folk remedies can easily cope with this.

What do your hand towels look like? Often, any hostess can be made to blush by sudden guests in the kitchen. After all, it is not always possible to wash very dirty potholders and napkins in time. In addition, the fabric for kitchen towels may not withstand another "chemical attack" and lose its attractiveness. Of course, everyone knows what kind of load these "helpers" from terry are subjected to: fat, oil, tomato sauces, wine, coffee and other pollution. Therefore, the question of how to bleach kitchen towels at home always remains relevant.

And now let's look at how to wash towels and kitchen napkins correctly to make them look beautiful again.

How to wash hand towels: recommendations

If you're tired of towels that still won't get stained, use the following tips to remove stains and prolong the life of textiles:

  1. Any materials are easier to wash when this is done regularly. Long-term storage of used napkins for the purpose of a single wash in an automatic machine leads to a deep penetration of dirt into the fibers, which, accordingly, will make its removal more difficult.
  2. Change your hand towels frequently, avoid over-greasing.
  3. To remove stains from kitchen towels by boiling them, be sure to use a pre-soak.
  4. Traces of wine, juices and berries include bleaching kitchen towels with chlorine-containing products.
  5. It is very convenient to use paper napkins in the kitchen, for example, for blotting various liquids and fat. In addition, they will take the brunt of themselves and save their fabric "girlfriends" from terrible pollution.
  6. To wash kitchen towels, use special products and, of course, try to soak the laundry.

How to wash kitchen towels at home: proven methods

The following recipes will allow your napkins and potholders to always have a presentable look, with them the kitchen will be impeccable. And all you need is:

  • detergent for dishes;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • manganese;
  • mustard powder;
  • fresh vegetable oil;
  • sodium carbonate;
  • salt;
  • vinegar.

Well, let's get started!

Shampoo against fruits

Kitchen towels, how to wash: Shampoo for hair will be useful to remove dirt from fruit. Treat the fabric with it, and after a while wash it in plain water.

Ammonia: if stained from coffee and tea

Doubt how and how to wash dirty kitchen towels from coffee drinks and tea? Dilute water with ammonia (1:1) and apply this remedy on the soiled surface, then wash.

Peroxide, citric acid, soda ash and whitening soap

In addition to ammonia, 3% hydrogen peroxide and citric acid have bleaching properties - soak the stubborn dirt with one of these products, set the thing aside for sixty minutes, and then wash it.

And here is another recipe for bleaching towels at home: grate brown, add a teaspoon of soda ash to it, pour in water and bring to a boil. Boil textile items on low heat for at least twenty minutes. After washing them with the addition of a bleaching agent.

Laundry soap and manganese: what will help with the smell of towels

If, apart from stains, you don’t know how your kitchen utensils exude, it’s all wonderfully washed off, followed by placing the towels in a slightly warmed solution of pale pale pink manganese (up to ten hours).

Mustard powder on guard of purity

Another old tried and true stain removal method is mustard bleaching. Fill the bowl with the required amount of water (things should be covered with a layer of liquid). Dilute mustard powder at the rate of four tablespoons per two liters of water, mix thoroughly. Soak the towels for four hours, then wash them in a regular detergent.

Table salt will help to quickly wash towels

If you're looking for brilliant whiteness on your towels, or if your towel needs special care, use a salt-based recipe. To do this, stir it in water (two tablespoons per two liters of liquid), place your kitchen utensils in this solution, and after 8-10 hours you can start washing.

Sodium carbonate + dishwashing detergent

Baking soda is also an excellent stain remover, as well as helping to soften textile fibers in the wash and enhancing the effectiveness of detergents.

1 way:

Dilute sodium carbonate in water (two tablespoons per two liters), put your clothes in the soak for five hours and wash as usual.

2 way:

Sodium carbonate and regular dish detergent will help remove grease stains from the fabric. Prepare three tablespoons of each of the products, stir them in three liters of water and soak the hand towels for about 1-2 hours. Wash next.

Vinegar - effective whitening

An vinegar solution is also ideal for bleaching kitchen towels. It is enough to pre-wash them, and then send them for soaking in table vinegar (the allowable period is not more than half an hour). After that, you need to wash them again and rinse well.

Vegetable oil: how to wash greasy stains

Did you know that you can wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil? In addition, this method will not only help remove old dirt, it will allow the fabric to delight you with its bright colors for a long time, which cannot be achieved using modern synthetic bleaching agents.

There are three variations of the application, and about each in more detail:

  1. Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil according to the first recipe involves the following steps:

It is necessary to fill with heated water, for example, a ten-liter enamel bucket, and pour into it two tablespoons of sodium carbonate, the same amount of oil and two hundred milliliters of washing powder. Place your textiles here and leave for eight hours. In the morning you can already start the usual washing.

  1. Prepare boiling water (about five liters), put there two tablespoons of refined oil, half a glass of laundry detergent and two tablespoons of bleach. Use the prepared solution to soak dirty clothes for a period of 3-4 hours. Then wash normally.
  2. Here, the volume of boiling water is slightly larger on the basis that it will cool longer and, accordingly, the soaking time will increase. So, fill the container with boiling water (about fifteen liters), dissolve in it seventy milliliters of powder, about three tablespoons of vinegar essence, the same amount of bleach and oil. Soak towels overnight and wash them the next morning.

Skillfully using these methods, the problem of how to wash kitchen towels from grease will quickly lose its relevance. In addition, vegetable oil perfectly copes with coffee traces, as well as from tea and wine.

During cooking, the kitchen turns into a kind of creative workshop. Towels become an improvised tool, among other items. When creating culinary masterpieces, assorted traces appear on them. Textiles lose their original purity and attractiveness. We have to decide how to wash kitchen towels at home.

Terms of use

The rules for using kitchen towels are simple and allow you to avoid the painful washing of stains. To reduce hard-to-remove contaminants, it is recommended:

  • have separate copies for hands and dishes;
  • do not wipe work surfaces with a towel;
  • do not use as tacks;
  • wash your hands thoroughly and only then wipe;
  • change towels more often;
  • clean towels must be ironed: this way the fabric gets less dirty.

Wipe kitchen surfaces with an absorbent cloth. And to get wet dirt on the table, it is better to take a paper towel.

Terry products are not suitable for use in the kitchen. Fat is firmly eaten into numerous villi, and persistent color spots are extremely difficult to wash off. In addition, fluffy products dry for a long time, which leads to the growth of bacteria and mold in the fibers of the fabric. Linen products or cotton waffle sheets are suitable for use in the kitchen.

We will tell you how to wash kitchen towels at home in order to restore their original beauty. Products without stubborn stains are washed in the usual way. The brand of washing powder and the temperature are chosen depending on the color and texture of the textile.

To wash heavily soiled kitchen towels, the amount of powder is increased. Adding conditioner will eliminate unwanted odor. The introduction of bleach for white or colored items will enhance the effect.

Before washing heavily soiled kitchen towels, the products are soaked in prepared solutions.

  1. Dilute and use store-bought bleach.
  2. To wash very dirty white items, keep them in water for a short time with the addition of Domestos.
  3. Washing powder and half a glass of soda are added to warm water, which will help rid dirty towels of unwanted odors, and leave the products to get wet for 5 hours.
  4. For colored fabrics, a saline solution is suitable. It removes stains from coffee and sauces.
  5. In water brought to a boil with a volume of 6-7 liters, add an incomplete glass of washing powder, two measuring spoons of bleach and two tablespoons of sunflower oil. The oil has an emollient effect on stains. Soaked products are left under the lid until completely cooled, then rinsed. It is important to observe the temperature regime: for white fabrics - 95 ° C, for color - no higher than 40 ° C.

Method for soaking kitchen towels: 1-3. Three tablespoons of washing powder, bleach, soda and sunflower oil are added to hot water. 4–5. Soak towels in solution for 12 hours, then wash. 6. Clean towels.

Boiling in the fight against pollution

Kitchen towels, washing of which did not give the desired result, are boiled. Substances that can corrode or soften stubborn dirt are added to the boiling water.

  1. A common method is boiling in a soapy solution. To do this, add washing powder and stain remover to the water. It is better to boil over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
  2. And here's how to wash towels using boiling and vegetable oil. Mix 30 g of oil, 10 g of soda, 200 g of powder and 100 g of bleach. Boiling lasts one and a half to two hours, after which the product is washed. Soda is used food or soda.
  3. It will help to wash the stubborn dirt by boiling the towels in a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (13-15 drops per 5 liters).
  4. You can replace ammonia with three tablets of hydrogen peroxide dissolved in water.
  5. Soapy water with soda (based on 5 liters of water, 2-3 dessert spoons of soda) can cope with dirt on towels if you boil them for 2 hours.

Stain removal methods

Before the advent of modern detergents and cleaning products, housewives were actively looking for improvised methods and means of how to wash dirty kitchen towels. They are still used today.

Laundry soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergents

Before washing, moderately soiled places on kitchen towels are rubbed with laundry soap and washed. Stains that are firmly ingrained into the fabric are intensively treated with a soap bar, after which the products are placed in a plastic bag for a day. Then rinse the fabric in warm water.

A good remover different types stains is a mixture of uncomplicated ingredients. Soap shavings soaked in boiling water are combined with 6 drops of ammonia and 6 crushed hydrogen peroxide tablets. Kitchen textiles are placed in the prepared solution, kept until cool. It remains to wash the towels.

Hair shampoo is applied to fruit stains for half an hour, then the products are washed.

Experienced housewives know how to remove oil stains that have appeared on kitchen utensils. Use for this concentrate for washing dishes. Apply the product to problem areas, leave for a day, rinse and send to the wash with bleaching powder. The method is applicable for white and colored fabrics.

soda and salt

You can wash kitchen towels in the machine at 90 ° C in the “cotton” mode by adding a glass of baking soda to the powder compartment.

Mixing 3 tbsp. l. soda ash with the same volume of detergent, pour hot water and leave the products in solution until the morning.

Table salt will help solve the problem of how to remove dirt that has strongly ingrained into the fabric. For 5 liters of water you need 5 tbsp. l. salt. Keep the products in the solution for an hour, and then wash them in the machine. Traces of coffee, tomato juice will disappear.

Citric acid, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

To remove stains, housewives use table vinegar or diluted essence. Towels are treated in an acidic solution for 10 minutes and rinsed thoroughly. The method is effective for removing mold from fabric and removing kitchen odors.

Old dirt is removed by treating with wine vinegar, followed by rinsing.

Citric acid is used as an alternative. Towels washed with laundry soap are wrung out and citric acid powder is poured onto problem areas. After waiting 5-10 minutes, rinse the kitchen utensils. The method is good for dealing with stains from beets and tomatoes.

On the old spots hydrogen peroxide is applied for half an hour. The fabric is then washed as usual.

silicate glue and mustard

Given that silicate glue is part of the cleaners, it is also used to remove stains. But only for white fabrics. Pour boiling water over a mixture of soap chips from one bar and 1 tbsp. l. glue. Dip dirty towels into the solution, boil for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Water is added to the mustard powder until a slurry is obtained. The mixture is applied to severe contamination, after which the product is washed by hand or machine.

Mustard is used to remove oil stains and bleach the fabric. The powder is poured into water and kitchen utensils are soaked in the liquid. Then they erase.

  • The kitchen towel is first soaked, then washed, and only then boiled or removed the remaining stains.
  • Baking soda is used for white items: colored fabrics will lose their brightness.
  • In the water for soaking dirty towels, you can add a little cleaner to clean blockages in the pipes.
  • Undesirable smell will be eliminated by washing with laundry soap in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Among the ways to wash kitchen towels, there are well-known and unfamiliar, costly and economical. Choose the one that suits the strength of each hostess.

The article will tell you about the basic secrets of washing kitchen towels. Here you will learn how to achieve perfect cleanliness and freshness of kitchen textiles.

How and in what to soak very dirty, greasy white and colored kitchen towels? How to remove stains from kitchen towels?

Kitchen rags and towels get dirty often, plentifully and strongly. They come into contact with food, dirty dishes, drinks, and not clean work surfaces. As a rule, such stains are very difficult to remove, because they are deeply and permanently absorbed into the structure of the material. As a result, towels remain dirty even after thorough washing and smell bad.

IMPORTANT: For washing to be effective, you should be aware of some secrets and special “detergents” that eliminate not only dirt, but also bad smell, refresh towels, bleach and do not spoil the material.

Washing kitchen textiles also involves pre-soaking, which will allow you to better remove dirt. In addition, it is a gentle way to remove stains and odors without harming the fabric. You don't have to worry about the towels getting damaged. You can soak towels not only in special detergents, but also using “homemade recipes” (salt, soda, mustard, etc.).

How to soak towels (prewash):

  • Pour water into the basin, it should be hot (no more than 40 degrees) for colored towels and very hot (60 to 90 degrees) for white towels.
  • Hot water while soaking will help eat away grease stains and remove them easily when hand or machine wash.
  • As an additional ingredient, you can use any powder or gel for washing, washing dishes (perfectly removes greasy stains from the fabric).
  • Soaking is important to do for several hours (or at least an hour).
  • After soaking, you can start washing by hand or in a washing machine.
  • White towels can be bleached with chlorine detergents, and for colored ones, you need to choose specialized powders and gels.

Washing, soaking bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with vegetable oil: a recipe

The right approach to washing kitchen towels will help you achieve their perfect cleanliness, freshness and beautiful tidy appearance. You can wash any stain, even that which does not “take” the powder, it is only important to choose the right method and follow the rules.

Few people know that you can wash kitchen towels in such an unusual and exotic way as “using oil”. To do this, you will need any vegetable oil, sunflower oil is most often used (it is not expensive and can always be found in the store).

This washing consists of three stages:

  • Soaking with oil
  • Normal wash
  • Intensive rinse

For soaking, you will need to have a bucket or basin. Pour oil into it (literally 2-3 tbsp) and pour exactly a glass of powder, mandatory for automatic machines (choose it yourself, focusing on the type of towel material). Fill everything with hot water and dip all the towels in it. Such soaking is quite long and should last all night (8-10 hours).

INTERESTING: Oil in this case, the oil in the basin will attract and activate the active particles of the washing powder.

This method is very effective for those towels that are stained with grease. After soaking, a full cycle of washing in a typewriter and rinsing twice (first with hot, and then with ordinary cold water), you can get an incredible effect - clean, like new towels from the store.

Washing, soaking, bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with soda ash: a recipe

Soda ash is not the usual baking soda, but a special alkali that can react with several types of pollution and effectively deal with them. Such soda is often used to clean any surfaces in the kitchen, sinks, tiles, dishes, and even washing kitchen towels.

IMPORTANT: Soda ash can be added to the washing powder in an automatic machine, it will not harm it. The product is very effective for white fabrics and towels.

Recipe with baking soda and soap:

  • Soda (calcined) - 3 tbsp.
  • Liquid laundry soap - 3 tbsp.

How to wash:

  • Soak in advance for 1.5-2 hours
  • Put the towels in the machine
  • Pour the powder and soda into the compartment
  • Turn on the wash at temperatures of 50-90 degrees (white towels) and 30-40 degrees (colored towels).

IMPORTANT: This wash can also be done by hand after soaking. Instead of soap, you can also use any washing gel or powder. Rinse can be done several times (for best results).

Soda ash - "true" and effective method

Washing, soaking, bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with laundry soap: a recipe

Boiling is very "old", but effective method dissolve and eliminate greasy stains on white as well as colored kitchen towels. During boiling, grease stains dissolve under the influence of high temperatures, and soap destroys fat, corroding it. You can use both a regular bar of household soap and a modern liquid laundry soap.

INTERESTING: This type soap is considered universal, as it is ideal for any household purpose, cleaning and washing.

"Manual" way:

  • Dirty towels should be soaked well (with any water)
  • Take a bar of soap and rub all the dirty places well (or the whole towel).
  • Such a “soaped” towel should be placed in polyethylene or any bag, tightly twisted and tied.
  • In this state, the towel should be held for several hours (or all night).
  • In the morning they should be washed by hand or by machine at high or medium temperatures (for color).

IMPORTANT: Any boiling should be done only for light and white towels, bright and dark ones will lose their color.

Boiling method:

  • For this method, you need to choose the right container, for example, an enameled basin, or a bucket.
  • A bar of soap is placed in it (or a bottle is poured), completely dissolved and the liquid is brought to a boil.
  • So that the soap dissolves quickly - it is better to rub it with a grater
  • The liquid in the bowl should be cloudy and even a little thick.
  • All contaminated towels should be dipped into the liquid and, having made a moderate fire (the water should not boil), boil them for about half an hour.
  • Do not rush to take out the towels, let them stay in the liquid until they cool.
  • After that, you can do a regular or machine wash.

Washing, soaking bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with vinegar: a recipe

INTERESTING: Surprisingly, ordinary table or fruit vinegar can be an excellent laundry detergent that preserves their color, restores whiteness and removes stains.

Vinegar can even be added to a washing machine, because it will not harm either things or the device itself. Not infrequently, it is added only because it prevents the appearance of stains, traces of powder on the fabrics and makes the material incredibly soft. And for the automatic machine, vinegar is useful in that it can kill bacteria that can accumulate and multiply inside it.

How to boil and soak:

  • Vinegar should only be used on kitchen towels and cloths made from natural materials (linen or cotton).
  • Vinegar is not required much and only 1-2 tbsp. per liter of water will be enough for both washing and soaking.
  • Soaking must be done for at least an hour. Use any vinegar you can find (except dark ones: currant, balsamic).
  • After soaking, you can proceed to boiling (for very dirty) and regular washing (for colored towels).

IMPORTANT: In order for the towel to have a pleasant aroma and not give off vinegar, use fruit vinegar, not table vinegar.

Washing, soaking, bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with mustard: a recipe

Surprisingly, ordinary mustard powder is a great way to wash dirty towels from the kitchen. Mustard is effective in that it can not only “remove” stains, but also bleach, as well as disinfect fabrics. With it you can do several types of washing:

  • Soak
  • Boiling
  • hand wash

INTERESTING: You can buy mustard powder at any grocery store or supermarket.

What you need:

  • Mustard powder - sachet weighing 50 gr.
  • Boiling water - 0.5 buckets (in which you will boil)

What to do:

  • Bring the water up to 3-40 degrees
  • Dissolve mustard in a bucket
  • Dip Towels
  • Keep them in the bucket until cool (this will be the pre-soak).
  • Towels should be soaked for as long as the soiling requires (lightly soiled will take less than an hour, heavily soiled about 3-4 hours).
  • Those towels that have greasy stains will be useful to boil. To do this, put the dishes on the fire and “cook” for about half an hour.
  • Then do a standard wash in the machine or by hand.

IMPORTANT: For a more gentle wash, you can use the mustard powder mash method. To do this, dry mustard is diluted with water into a paste and all dirty places on wet towels are smeared with it. After that, the towel must be twisted and rolled up, hidden in a bag, kept for a day.

Washing, soaking, bleaching and boiling kitchen towels with potassium permanganate: a recipe

The “good old” potassium permanganate will help whiten dirty and faded towels. You will need powdered potassium permanganate, which must be added to the water to make a solution (it should be a pale pink color).

How to bleach:

  • Wash dirty towels in the washing machine
  • Already clean, put them in an enameled bucket
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in warm water, it should be slightly pink.
  • Dip washed and rinsed towels into warm liquid
  • Cover the bucket with plastic
  • Keep the towels in the water until it cools down.
  • After that, do one more time machine rinse (or manual).

Washing, soaking bleaching and boiling kitchen towels in hydrogen peroxide: a recipe

To bleach towels, remove weak and strong dirt from them, you can use such a “home” detergent as hydrogen peroxide with soda.

How to do it:

  • You will need only 1-2 tsp. peroxide per 2 liters hot water(no more than 70 degrees).
  • Dissolve peroxide well in water and dip towels into the prepared solution.
  • Keep them in the solution for about 10-15 minutes
  • After that, rinse or set the wash cycle with towels in the machine.

Washing, soaking, bleaching and boiling kitchen towels in the microwave: a recipe

INTERESTING: A microwave is a very unusual but effective way to “remove” from kitchen towels different types pollution. The only thing you need to know is that for particularly “heavy” stains, you will need to perform this procedure twice or even three times. The method of exposure to stains using a microwave is completely “new” and effective in that it is able to influence molecular pollution, destroying the stain inside the fabric.

What do we have to do:

  • Wet the towel thoroughly (a dry towel should not be placed in the microwave because it may catch fire).
  • A wet towel should be liberally lathered with washing gel, soap, laundry soap, liquid soap detergent for dishes.
  • Place the towel in a plastic bag (microwavable).
  • Roll the package well and tightly
  • Put the bag on the bowl in the microwave
  • The time of "cooking" towels in the oven is 1-1.5 minutes
  • Then take a "break" and turn the oven back on for 1 minute.

How and with what to wash, boil kitchen towels in the washing machine?

Tips and secrets:

  • In order to bleach towels not by hand washing or soaking, but using an automatic machine, you should use citric acid.
  • Acid should be added to the usual automatic powder (for colored towels, use powder or gel “for colored fabrics”, for white ones “with bleach”).
  • Pour a sachet of citric acid into the powder compartment as well.
  • Towels (white) should be washed at high temperatures (from 70 to 90 degrees) in a full cycle (soaking, pre-wash and main wash).

What is the best way to wash waffle towels?

IMPORTANT: The so-called "waffle" towel has a lot of advantages and is often used in the kitchen (it dries quickly, absorbs moisture easily, and washes well).

How to wash:

  • The advantage of such towels is that they are not too whimsical to wash.
  • You can choose hand or machine wash
  • For colored towels, a product for "colored fabrics" is suitable, and for white ones with a chlorine content (bleaching).
  • In principle, any detergent is suitable for “waffle” towels, which is why this fabric is called “unpretentious”.
  • For high-quality washing, choose modes with high temperatures and then iron with a hot iron.
  • Can be pre-soaked with any chemical and "home" remedy.

"Waffle" towel

How and what is the best way to wash terry kitchen towels?

"Terry" material is not suitable for the kitchen, but some housewives still prefer such towels, as they easily and quickly absorb moisture, take any dirt and grease "on themselves".

How to wash:

  • These towels can withstand machine and hand washing.
  • They should be washed with gel or powder of the appropriate type (colored or white).
  • Do not wash kitchen towels with rinse aid (otherwise they will have a water-repellent effect).

How to get rid of the smell of kitchen towels?

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell on kitchen towels by adding to the wash:

  • Vinegar
  • Soda ash or hydrated with acid
  • citric acid
  • Double dose of powder or detergent
  • Bleach

IMPORTANT: Kitchen towels should be washed separately from all other laundry and only at high temperatures.

Bleaching and washing kitchen towels with bleach and Amway powder: a recipe

The Amway brand has a universal fabric bleaching agent suitable for all types of fabrics. It can be successfully used to wash kitchen towels in order to restore their cleanliness, pleasant smell and neat appearance.

IMPORTANT: Only woolen and silk towels should not be washed with this product.

The secret of the product is oxygen bleach, which gently but strongly affects any type of pollution. It can be used in hand wash, pre-soak and machine wash.

IMPORTANT: If you want to act directly on the stains, treat the dirty towel with a product by applying a small amount of bleach to the stain and only then send the towel to the drum of the washing machine.

Secrets of soaking, bleaching, boiling, washing and using kitchen towels at home: tips


  • After any heavy soiling, send towels to the laundry.
  • Kitchen towels should be washed every 3 days
  • Wash towels full cycle and always choose temperatures above 60 degrees.
  • Iron towels after washing
  • Do not store wet towels in the kitchen, immediately send them to the laundry (they start to emit an unpleasant smell).
  • To wash white kitchen towels, add special bleach to the washing machine.

IMPORTANT: For the kitchen, choose towels made from natural fabrics, as a rule, these are linen and cotton. Such materials are easier to wash and have the best qualities in operation.

Video: "The Secret of Washing Kitchen Towels"



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