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A spot appeared on the stretch ceiling. How to withdraw? Yellow spots on the ceiling

How to clean the stretch ceiling from stains so that it becomes a perfectly even color? Methods proven by many housewives will help.

What do spots appear from?

The first thing to do when planning to clean the ceiling of impurities is to determine why they appeared. Knowing the reason for the appearance of ugly stains or frankly bright spots, you can choose the right cleanser.

Yellow spots may appear for the following reasons:

  • High humidity leads not only to yellowing of drywall or stretch material, but also to the appearance of fungus. It can leak labor in the ceiling, or it can simply flood the neighbors from above. On the top floor, the roof may leak.
  • If one of the household smokes in the apartment, then the ceiling will surely turn yellow over time.

Whitish spots may also appear on the material. Usually, owners face this problem in bathrooms due to strong evaporation of water.

In the kitchen, stains from soot and fat usually appear, which are quite simple to reduce.

And finally, even on the ceiling spots from cosmetics, drinks or paint can flaunt. stormy play of children, awkwardly open bottle of champagne - all this leads to the appearance of pollution.

Coating Cleansing Methods

Having determined what kind of spots on the ceiling, you can choose the method of cleaning them. If the ceiling is matte, then there will be no problems with the removal of contaminants. A regular school eraser will help remove dirt. Only you can’t be zealous, otherwise a hole will appear in the material.

Another stretch ceiling from spots of various origins can be cleaned with water and medical alcohol. This method works especially well if you need to reduce makeup or paint. It should be diluted in 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l medical alcohol and wipe the ceiling. So you can remove the dust.

If the surface is delicate, then it can be washed with a solution of ammonia hydrate. This substance perfectly reduces stains from grease and soot in the kitchen. To prepare the solution should be dissolved in a liter of water 2 tsp. the drug. The tool is very soft and leaves no residue. It is convenient to clean the ceiling with a sponge soaked in a solution.

A common dishwashing detergent will help clean the kitchen and bathroom. It is enough to dissolve 2 tbsp. l any high-quality gel in 2 liters of warm water and wipe the material with a sponge. The remaining foam is removed with a clean cloth. It is important not to wipe the ceiling with too hot water, otherwise the material may be damaged.

The cheapest and easiest way to remove stains from a stretch ceiling is to wash it with ordinary washing soap. First, a weak soap solution is prepared, for which ¼ of the bar is grated and diluted in 3 liters of warm water. Then with a sponge moistened in a soap solution, all impurities are wiped.

If yellow streaks of hot water flaunt on a stretch ceiling, then they can be washed with bleaching detergent. Dissolve the powder in warm water so that there are no grains left. It is enough to take 1 tbsp. l powder in 2 l of water. This can be done when stubborn stains of unknown origin remain. For a simple cleaning of the film or material from dust, this technique is not suitable, since it is too rigid.

An excellent tool to wash the tension coating with is a wiper. The main asset value is in the ammonia, which comes in its sucking. Therefore, it is important to buy a wiper in which there is ammonia. Other remedies are not suitable.

The wiper is simply sprayed over the ceiling and then wiped with a cloth. Manipulation is like ordinary window washing. This method is excellent for removing contaminants from PVC film, as the surface is perfectly shiny. But before work, the tool should be tested in an inconspicuous area.

Ammonium chloride is another cheap tool that helps reduce pollution of various origins. First you need to prepare a solution of 10% ammonia in water. So you can wash the faded film, return the material to its original whiteness.

You can also use professional detergents, for example, "Mr. Muscle." Such formulations are expensive, but they are easy to use and effective.

It is up to you to use household chemicals or wash the tension coating with home remedies. You should not be upset if you were flooded by neighbors from above or a bright mark appeared on the coating - all contaminants from the material can be removed with your own hands.

Each owner of suspended ceilings at least once in his life was faced with the need to clean them. Stains on the stretch ceiling appear for various reasons, which you need to know about and at the first manifestations to eliminate either the source or already existing pollution.
Before installing modern stretch ceilings, many are mistaken, assuming that they are quite far from all the effects, therefore they rarely give in to pollution. But this is not at all true. Moreover, owners of fabric tension surfaces should remember that it is they who most often get dirty.

But it doesn’t make you upset and make rash decisions at the sight of spots. In order to know how to wash them correctly, you must first understand why they appeared. Indeed, certain cleaning products and tools are selected based on the cause of the problem. This is especially true for fabric stretch ceilings.

The most common causes of stains on stretch ceilings

Manufacturers apply a special protective layer to the coating of all tension surfaces, which prevents the spread of germs, various fungi and mold. But it is impossible to insure any ceiling from mechanical damage. We will analyze the most common causes of spots on stretch ceilings.

  • Spatter grease and soot.

Soot deposits and grease appear on the surface located in the kitchen.

  • Moisture.

After moisture has entered and dried out, characteristic spots remain on the ceiling. If you live in a private house or in a multi-storey building on the top floor, the roof can often leak. Leakage of the roof provokes the appearance of yellow spots. Also, characteristic spots appear on the ceilings in the bathroom from accumulating moisture or splashes from washing, for example, in the shower. Also, yellow spots appear after the gulf of the apartment by the neighbors. And even when the ceiling is washed, stains may appear again if the interfloor plate after the bay is not completely dry.

  • Paint.

Paint can affect ceilings in several ways. For example, if the ceiling includes metal pipes that need to be constantly stained. Then spots appear from spray brushes. Or a past ceiling could have been painted with oil paint. This is quite common, because it was previously believed that oil paints look beautiful and they are quite durable. The oil remaining even after the paint has been completely removed penetrates deep into the floor slab and emerges gradually over time.

  • Dust, including construction.

Especially a lot of dust is generated when drilling brick or concrete walls.

  • Rust.

It appears if the house is already quite old. Rust is formed gradually and significantly spoils the appearance of the surface. Often red stains appear after the gulf of the ceiling by neighbors.

How to wash stains of various kinds from a stretch ceiling?

Different types of pollution must also be removed in different ways. Something can be easily erased, and something can be removed only after drastic actions. But nevertheless, it is easiest to remove stains from moisture, whether it is stains after bathing in the shower, from an exploding can with compote, or even if after a mosquito slammed and there were traces of blood on the ceiling. All this must be carefully erased with a damp cloth. You can use a slightly damp, lint-free cloth. It is also easy to remove traces on the glossy ceiling and on the fabric.
It is not much more difficult to deal with spots after a long accumulation of moisture or a bay. Moisture accumulated in it will protect the entire interior from unplanned repairs, but the ceiling itself will be damaged.
It is necessary to apply a little greasy clay or a solution of soda ash on damaged areas of the ceiling. After the agent has dried, it must be washed off with plain clean water. If only a part of the contamination is gone, the procedure must be repeated. This method can also help in the case of rust.

Soot and grease stains can be removed with a simple soap solution.

  • You need to crumble a small piece of soap into the chips and add it to warm water.
  • You can also add a little mild detergent to the water.
  • Soap and powder should completely dissolve. It is very important. Otherwise, you may spoil or scratch the surface.
  • Wipe the wire with a soft cloth, again preferably without lint.

Canvas during work can damage the rings and bracelets on the hands - it is better to remove them. Be sure to wipe with your hands, do not use a mop, otherwise you can scratch the canvas. Wash until the ceiling is clean.

Any dust, even building dust, is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. The nozzle must be used with a long pile. No need to rub with a washcloth, napkin or cloth, otherwise there may be stains. In addition, there may be large particles in the dust that will scratch the canvas.

In the case of paint, several methods can be used, starting with a soapy solution. If the soap with the powder did not help, you can use ammonia. A little means is dissolved in water and wiped the surface.

If you have a fabric stretch ceiling, you can wash the dirt with soda.

  • It is necessary to prepare a 5% solution of soda ash.
  • You can add a little salt to the water. This will improve cleansing.
  • The whole solution must be well mixed so that even small scratching particles remain.

You can also wipe it with a simple cloth until the stains are gone.

For washing stretch ceilings, you can use special tools. Such compositions are much more expensive than the above methods. They are produced in several forms:

  1. sprays
  2. gels;
  3. liquid solutions.

Therefore, when spots appear, you should not panic. Any stain can be cleaned. The main thing is to do it properly.

The main reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on the ceiling

There are almost two reasons for the appearance of yellow spots on the ceiling. The most common sources of this negative phenomenon are excess moisture or not quite high-quality material used during the repair, as well as violations of the technology during its implementation. The most obvious sign of “excessive” moisture is flooding (neighbors are flooded from above, the roof of the house is leaking, heating or water pipes burst at their upper wiring, etc.). However, the lack of adequate ventilation in the apartment can also become a source of manifestation of yellow spots. In such a water vapor in the form of condensate will settle on the ceiling, which can lead not only to the formation of spots on, but also cause the appearance of various kinds of fungal colonies, including the most dangerous for human health of their variety - black mold.

If the ceiling remains damp for a long time, this can lead to corrosion of the reinforcement in the concrete floor slabs and the appearance of rust spots on the ceiling, which is very problematic to remove, since it is necessary to destroy the concrete, get to the reinforcement and carry out its anti-corrosion treatment, then there is eliminate the source of rust. And this is a rather laborious and costly process.

In some cases, the cause of yellow spots on the ceiling may be poor-quality materials used in the repair of the apartment, or a violation of the technology during its implementation (the coating of oil paint has not been completely removed, the ceiling has not been primed and treated with antiseptics, etc.). In this case, it will already be necessary to eliminate the mistakes and miscalculations made during the repair. However, before deciding how to remove yellow spots on the ceiling, you first need to determine the reasons for their appearance, since cosmetic masking can hide them very briefly and over time the spots will appear again in all their “beauty”.

How to remove yellow spots on the ceiling

Before proceeding with the removal of yellow spots on the ceiling, it is necessary to prepare the tool and materials that will be required for this. Given that you will have to work at altitude, first of all you need a reliable stepladder, the construction goats are the best option for this, but you can also use a strong table. It must be remembered that to carry out such work from a chair, various kinds of bedside tables and other home furniture having a small surface is not safe for health. In addition, a bucket or other suitable container for water, sponges, a spray bottle, dry putty, antiseptics, etc. will be needed.

Yellow spots on the ceiling formed due to dampness (sedimentation of condensate, water leakage, etc.) can be eliminated using ordinary chlorine bleaches of the “White” type. However, before starting such work, it is necessary to wait until the stain dries well enough. Otherwise, even in a place thoroughly bleached, yellow spots may continue to appear if moisture continues to seep through the ceiling. To eliminate such a spot on the ceiling, it is first better to wash it off with clean water, and then abundantly treat it with “White”. It is better to do this with a sponge moistened with a bleaching solution. If the yellowness from the ceiling did not immediately disappear, then after about half an hour the operation must be repeated, perhaps even several times. In this case, it must be borne in mind that work with chlorine-containing preparations must be carried out with rubber gloves and always with protective glasses in order to avoid the solution getting into the eyes.

However, it is not always possible to completely remove yellow spots from the ceiling in such a simple way, then the problem has to be solved in a more cardinal way, up to the complete removal of putty from the ceiling in the spot formation site. To do this, use a metal spatula to completely remove the putty layer and carefully clean the entire area of \u200b\u200bcontamination, then without fail treat it with an antiseptic primer and putty. After the putty has dried, it needs to be sanded with a special grinding grater or sandpaper, then primed and painted again (whiten - depending on the options for the previously performed repair).

The appearance of a rusty spot on the ceiling indicates that, due to prolonged high humidity, the process of corrosion of the reinforcement in the concrete floor began. If, at the same time, loosening and peeling of concrete did not occur, then such a stain can be tried to be removed with copper sulfate, which also has bactericidal properties and can prevent the appearance of fungal formations. To do this, you need about 100 grams. Dissolve vitriol in half a liter of slightly warm water and treat rusty spots liberally with this solution several times. To enhance the effectiveness of its effect, in a solution of copper sulfate, you can add separately dissolved wood glue (100 g.) And laundry soap. They will create a film on the surface of the concrete, which will prevent further manifestation of rust. To remove rust spots, special putties are also used, which can be purchased at building materials stores.

If the process of corrosion of the reinforcement has gone too far and the concrete has even begun to peel, it will be necessary to act more radically. A chisel (you can use a grinder, but it will create a lot of dust), you need to punch a groove in the place where a rusty spot forms and release the fittings, preferably until the area is corroded, then thoroughly clean it from rust (chemically or mechanically) to prevent it from appearing then cover with drying oil, paint with oil paint and putty. This method, although more time-consuming, but with a guarantee will help prevent the appearance of further rust spots on the ceiling.

How to remove stains from the ceiling after flooding

If the apartment has been flooded (the neighbor has flooded on top or the roof has leaked) there are two possible solutions to the problem.

1st option: there was a slight leakage of water, and the ceiling was wet on a small area. In this case, after drying the streaks, you can try to remove the spots that appear with chlorine-containing preparations.

2nd option: due to heavy flooding, the ceiling was wet in a significant area, which even caused the putty to be peeled off from the floor slabs. Any cosmetic measures will not help here. It will be necessary to completely scrap off all the putty mechanically, to prime the ceiling and to repack it, that is, to carry out a full repair.

How to clean a yellow spot on a stretch ceiling

The methods for cleaning contaminants on a stretch ceiling will primarily depend on the material from which it is made. If the canvas of the stretch ceiling is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, then caring for it is relatively simple. To remove minor contaminants in the form of settled dust, sometimes it is enough to wipe them with a slightly damp cloth, and then wipe them dry. For cleaning a stretch ceiling made of polyester fabric, this method is no longer suitable, since very noticeable stains can remain on the canvas after such a wash.

The main reason for the appearance of spots on the stretch ceiling is the increased humidity in the apartment. Water vapor in the form of condensate is actively deposited on the canvas due to the temperature difference in the room and the space between the floor slabs and the tension sheet, and if dust deposits have also accumulated on it, dirty stains are guaranteed. In this regard, it is impossible to allow high humidity in the apartment, as well as regularly clean the stretch ceiling from dust settling on it. In addition, tobacco smoke can become a source of noticeable yellow spots on the stretch ceiling. Therefore, to prevent their appearance, it is necessary, if possible, to smoke cigarettes in the apartment.

It is much more difficult to eliminate spots on the stretch ceiling from flooding. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to de-energize the apartment by disconnecting the circuit breaker in the shield chamber, establish the cause of flooding and take measures to eliminate it, and only then proceed to drain the water from the tension sheet. It can be drained either through the opening of the lighting appliance, having previously removed it, or by partially dismantling the ceiling. But in any case, before starting work, you must again make sure that the electricity supply to the apartment is turned off and measures are taken to prevent any probability of its accidental switching on, since ignoring this mandatory rule can lead to life-threatening electrical injury.

To drain a large amount of water from the resulting bubble, you can use a rubber hose or a PVC pipe, then you will not have to make excessive efforts to move a significant amount of water to the hole in the stretch ceiling. After the water is completely removed, you need to give time to completely dry the canvas stretch ceiling, and only then proceed to clean it.

To clean the stretch ceiling from yellow spots and other types of contamination, you can use both special preparations and ordinary detergents. The main condition in this case is that they must be chemically neutral (do not contain chlorine or acid-containing additives) and not contain abrasive substances, as this can negatively affect the integrity of the stretch ceiling fabric, the formation of scratches on it and color changes. Pollution on the polyvinyl chloride film is easily washed with a soap solution or a conventional dishwashing detergent, in especially neglected cases, soda ash can be used. Somewhat more difficult to remove stains from polyester fabrics, but this problem is solvable. It should only be remembered that old stains on any type of suspended ceilings are much more difficult to remove, in connection with this you need to periodically clean them even in the absence of obvious stains and dirt.

Stretch ceiling cost calculator

Russia (PVC) Malpenza Italy (PVC) MSD China (PVC) POLYPLAST Belgium (PVC) PONGS Germany (PVC) RENOLIT Germany (PVC) CNT France (PVC) SAROS DESING France (PVC) ECOFOLIEN ECO CEILINGS Germany (PVC) DESCOR Germany ( Fabric) ❄ CHERUTTI Italy (Fabric) ❄ CLIPSO Switzerland (Fabric) ❄

Matte white Matte color Satin white Glossy white

Minimum order: 5000 rubles.

Price without discount:

Discount Price:

Yellow spots on the stretch ceiling. How and what to wash?

Specialists of the company "Stroy Service" recommend timely cleaning of the suspended ceilings so that they can maintain their aesthetic appeal for as long as possible. Remember to use only proven methods and detergents for cleaning. On our site you can find others of their choice and care.

Prices for suspended ceilings

365 365 365 360 360 360 360 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 550 550 550 550 550 550 650 650 650 650 650 650 1250 1250 1350 1350 1350 1550 1250 850 750 830 790 870 830 910 1450 1450 1550 1550 1550 1750 1450 1050 1070 1110 1110 1150 1900 1270 810 910 1100 1200 1300 1200 1200
manufacturer canvas texture canvas cost hardware cost installation cost total:
full construction
Russia. PVC base, heating installation.
Russia matt white 75 150 140
matte color 75 150 140
satin white 75 150 140
glossy white 75 150 140 365
Malpensa (Italy). PVC base, heating installation.


matt white 130 / 50 150 160
matte color 130 / 50 150 160
satin white 130 / 50 150 160
glossy white 130 / 50 150 160
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 5000 rubles.


matt white 200 / 80 150 170
satin white 200 / 80 150 170
glossy white 200 / 80 150 170
glossy color 200 / 80 150 170
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 5500 rubles.


matt white 300 / 120 150 180
matte color 300 / 120 150 180
satin white 300 / 120 150 180
satin color 300 / 120 150 180
glossy white 300 / 120 150 180
glossy color 300 / 120 150 180
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation works is 6000 rubles.


matt white 375 / 150 150 200
matte color 375 / 150 150 200
satin white 375 / 150 150 200
satin color 375 / 150 150 200
glossy white 375 / 150 150 200
glossy color 375 / 150 150 200
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 6500 rubles.


matt white 500 / 200 150 200
matte color 500 / 200 150 200
satin white 500 / 200 150 200
satin color 500 / 200 150 200
glossy white 500 / 200 150 200
glossy color 500 / 200 150 200
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 6750 rubles.


matt white 750 / 300 150 200
matte color 750 / 300 150 200
satin white 750 / 300 150 200
satin color 750 / 300 150 200
glossy white 750 / 300 150 200
glossy color 750 / 300 150 200
marble 900 150 200
fantasy 900 150 200
shine 1000 150 200
style 1000 150 200
metallic 1000 150 200
suede leather 1200 150 200
perforated 900 150 200
translucent 500 150 200
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 7000 rubles.
Saros Design


matt white 1000 / 400 150 200
matte color 1200 / 480 150 200
satin white 1100 / 440 150 200
satin color 1300 / 520 150 200
glossy white 1200 / 480 150 200
glossy color 1400 / 560 150 200
marble 2750 / 1100 150 200
fantasy 2750 / 1100 150 200
shine 3000 / 1200 150 200
style 3000 / 1200 150 200
metallic 3000 / 1200 150 200
suede leather 3500 / 1400 150 200
perforated 2750 / 1100 150 200
translucent 1750 / 700 150 200
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 7500 rubles.
Eco ceilings
Eco ceilings


matt white 1300 / 520 250 300
matte color 1400 / 560 250 300
satin white 1400 / 560 250 300
satin color 1500 / 600 250 300
glossy white 1600 / 640 250 300
glossy color 1800 / 720 250 300


descor standard white 410 150 250
descor Premium White 510 150 250
descor color 700 150 250
descor print 800 150 250
descor old 900 150 250
descor Acoustics 800 150 250


Snow-white Neve - standard 1500 200 400 2100
Magnolia Vela - Ultra Mat * 1500 200 400 2100
1500 200 400 2100
1500 200 400 2100
1650 200 450 2300
Pearl Perla - Standard 1700 200 475 2375
1700 200 475 2375
2000 200 550 2750
1800 200 500 2500
1800 200 500 2500
1300 200 375 1875


DECORUM white 750 200 400 1350
495 D white 1350 200 400 1950
495 AC color 1800 200 400 2400
standard white 705S 1400 200 400 2000
standard beige 705S 1500 200 400 2100
color standard 705C 1750 200 400 2350
gloss 705PA 2000 200 400 2600
acoustics 705A white 1750 200 400 2350
acoustics 705AC color 1800 200 400 2400
translucent 308T (50%) 2550 200 400 3150
translucent 309T (70%) 2550 200 400 3150
anti-moisture / anti-dirt 705 NOSTAIN 1900 200 400 2500
antibacterial 705AB 1850 200 400 2450
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 12,000 rubles.
Soundproofing Shumostop 2C 700 150 350
Stretch ceilings price for 1m2 with installation
manufacturer canvas texture canvas cost hardware cost installation cost total:
full construction
290 290 290 290 360 360 360 360 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 550 550 550 550 550 550 650 650 650 650 650 650 1250 1250 1350 1350 1350 1550 1250 850 750 830 790 870 830 910 1450 1450 1550 1550 1550 1750 1450 1050 1070 1110 1110 1150 1900 1270 810 910 1100 1200 1300 1200 1650 1565 1650 1650 1925 1795 2205 1650 1925 1795 1925 1535 1300 1700 2100 1850 1950 2100 2500 2100 2200 2200 2200 2500 2200 1750 1850 1800 2100 2200 2150 2350 3000 1200
Russia. PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 75 / Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 140
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 75 / Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 140
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 75 / Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 140
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 75 / Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 140
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 5000 rubles.
Malpenza (Italy). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 130/50 Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 160
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 130/50 Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 160
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 130/50 Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 160
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 130/50 Gift
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 160
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 5000 rubles.
MSD (China). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 200 / 80
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 170
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 200 / 80
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 170
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 200 / 80
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 170
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 200 / 80
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 170
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 5500 rubles.
Polyplast (Belgium). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 300 / 120
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 180
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation works is 6000 rubles.
Pongs (Germany). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 375 / 150
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 6500 rubles.
Renolit (Germany). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 500 / 200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 6750 rubles.
CNT (France). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 750 / 300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Suede leather
Web cost 1200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 500
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 7000 rubles.
Saros Design (France). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 1000 / 400
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 1200 / 480
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 1100 / 440
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 1300 / 520
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 1200 / 480
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 1400 / 560
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 1000
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Suede leather
Web cost 1200
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
Web cost 500
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 200
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation work is 7500 rubles.
Eco ceilings
EcoFolien (Germany). PVC base, heated installation.
Matt white
Web cost 1300 / 520
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Matte color
Web cost 1400 / 560
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Satin White
Web cost 1400 / 560
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Satin color
Web cost 1500 / 600
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Glossy white
Web cost 1600 / 640
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Glossy color
Web cost 1800 / 720
Hardware cost 250
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation works is 8000 rubles.
Descor (Germany) ** Fabric, installation without heating.
Descor standard white
Web cost 410
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Descor Premium White
Web cost 510
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Descor color
Web cost 700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Descor print
Web cost 800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Descourt one hundred
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Descor Acoustics
Web cost 800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation works is 8000 rubles.
Cherutti (Italy) ** Fabric, installation without heating.
Snow-white Neve - standard
Web cost 945
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Magnolia Vela - Ultra Mat *
Web cost 860
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Pink Fenicottero - Limited Availability **
Web cost 945
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Milk Latte - Updated Series *
Web cost 945
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Cream Crema - Limited Availability **
Web cost 1220
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Pearl Perla - Standard
Web cost 1090
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Beige Beige - Limited Edition
Web cost 1500
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Smoky Blue Myst - Limited Availability **
Web cost 945
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
NeXT Ivory Soundproof
Web cost 1220
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Shining Aurora - Translucent
Web cost 1090
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
White \\ Black Duo - Light Blocking
Web cost 1220
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
Antica White Attica Pro - Lightweight
Web cost 830
Hardware cost 355
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and installation works 10,000 r. Prices are shown using the original mounting system.
discounts apply: when ordering an amount in excess of: 50,000 rubles - 7%, 75,000 rubles - 10%, 100,000 rubles - 15%.
Clipso (Switzerland) ** Fabric, installation without heating.
Web cost 900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
495 D white
Web cost 1300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
495 AC color
Web cost 1700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Standard white 705S
Web cost 1450
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Standard beige 705S
Web cost 1550
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Color Standard 705C
Web cost 1700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Sequins 705PA
Web cost 2100
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Acoustic 705A white
Web cost 1700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Acoustic 705AC color
Web cost 1800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Translucent 308T (50%)
Web cost 1800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Translucent 309T (70%)
Web cost 1800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Anti-moisture / Anti-dirt 705 NOSTAIN
Web cost 2100
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
Antibacterial 705AB
Web cost 1800
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 250
Total Turnkey:
* - the minimum cost of the web, fasteners and ceiling installation works is 10,000 r. Prices are indicated using a wedge fastening system, if you put the original, then +200 r to the cost of fasteners. Prices are shown using the original mounting system.
discounts apply: when ordering an amount in excess of: 50,000 rubles - 5%, 75,000 rubles - 7.5%, 100,000 rubles - 10%.
Photo printing
PVC matt up to 3.2 m
Web cost 1300
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
PVC gloss up to 3.2 m
Web cost 1400
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
PVC satin up to 3.2 m
Web cost 1350
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
PVC matt up to 5.0 m
Web cost 1650
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
PVC gloss up to 5.0 m
Web cost 1750
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
PVC satin up to 5.0 m
Web cost 1700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Matte fabric up to 5.0 m
Web cost 1900
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Cherutti satin fabric up to 5.0 m
Web cost 2400
Hardware cost 300
Installation cost 300
Total Turnkey:
Shumostop 2C
Web cost 700
Hardware cost 150
Installation cost 350
Total Turnkey:
** - fabric webs are calculated taking into account a suitable closest larger size in width, plus 20 cm of fabric to length.

Any ceiling covering periodically needs to be cleaned. Depending on the purpose of the room, dust accumulates on the surface, spots from water, soot and grease appear. Stretch panels require special gentle care, because they are easily damaged. We will tell you how to care for fabric stretch ceilings. There are some nuances, the knowledge of which will allow you to get rid of complex pollution and preserve the beauty of the coating for many years.

General principles of care for stretch coatings

First of all, it is worth listing the basic rules for caring for ceilings made of stretch fabric:

  1. Since the cloth is easily damaged by sharp objects, do not use abrasive chemicals, stiff brushes and coarse, rough fabrics during cleaning. For the same reason, it is recommended to remove all jewelry from fingers so as not to damage the product.
  2. So that you do not have a question how to wash the stretch ceiling after repair, it is better to dismantle the coating for the duration of the repair work, and upon completion, install the cloth again. But if this does not work out, then simply cover the ceiling with a film. Thus, you will protect the coating from dust and pollution, which then have to be cleaned.
  3. Observe the optimum temperature for the stretch web in the room.
  4. If you live in your own home, if possible, prevent any water leakage from the roof or upper floors, because it is very difficult to remove stains and stains from water on the fabric. Only dry cleaning will help, but in order to clean the coating, the ceiling will have to be dismantled and installed again, which will require additional financial costs.
  5. Cleaning fabric coatings is very easy, because all of them have antistatic impregnation, so they do not attract dust. To regularly care for the surface with a sufficiently dry soft cloth. If persistent contamination appears, the coating must be washed.

Important! In the bathroom and in the kitchen, you will have to clean the ceiling more often. That is why it is not recommended to install fabric coatings there; it is better to use PVC film.

  1. If you want to know how to clean a fabric stretch ceiling, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations for product care.
  2. It is best to wash the ceiling using factory equipment specifically designed for this. Also, a soap solution and a composition with the addition of ammonia are suitable for these purposes.
  3. It is forbidden to use solvents, alkalis, acids and other strong substances for cleaning. The same goes for powders, soda and abrasive detergents.

Features of fabric care

Now we will tell you how to care for fabric stretch ceilings. Follow these care guidelines:

  • to clean from dust, do not use an ordinary cotton cloth, but a soft brush;
  • particularly contaminated areas can be washed with soapy water, but first try its effect on an inconspicuous area (sometimes the panel changes its color under the influence of a detergent, if this happens, then you can not use it);
  • dry-cleaning of a stretch fabric ceiling eliminates difficult to remove impurities and returns the original appearance to the coating;
  • before removing stains from the fabric stretch ceiling, please note that intensively rubbing the surface is prohibited, just a few touches with a damp sponge.

Attention! If you do not know how to clean the fabric stretch ceiling from dust, then cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is considered the best way. Use a soft furniture nozzle and set the power of the unit to a minimum.

Before washing the fabric stretch ceiling, any detergent should be tried on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe coating, for example, in a corner. If the cloth has not changed color and has not changed its other characteristics, then the selected substance is suitable for washing a fabric product.

The ideal detergent for any type of coating is water. If it proves to be ineffective, then the remaining detergents are used for cleaning. At the same time, preference should be given to specially developed factory compounds, and only then use everything else.

In order not to tear the tension plate, do not press hard on the surface during washing.


Many owners of such coatings are interested in how to wash fabric ceilings if stains appear on them.
In this case, the following tools can help:

  • kitchen detergent for the care of dishes (the gel is applied to a damp sponge and wiped off contamination);
  • ammonia will cope even with stubborn stains (prepare a 10 percent composition with ammonia, moisten the cloth and wipe the coating area);
  • to remove some contaminants, a soap solution is suitable (for its preparation, ordinary household soap is triturated and dissolved in water).

Spider web and dust

If you think that you need to remove the cobweb and dust from the ceiling with a broom, then you are very mistaken. So they are rubbed even more strongly into the coating, then it will be more difficult to remove them. The easiest way is to clean the surface of dust and cobwebs using a conventional vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle.


It is also worth telling how to wash a fabric stretch ceiling from rust stains. Such contaminants usually appear after flooding from above. The problem is that it is almost impossible to clean dirt from rust and stains from dirty water.

If you do not want to replace the panel with a new product or to dismantle it for dry cleaning, then the easiest way is to simply paint the surface. The main advantage of fabric coatings over PVC stretch sheets is that they can be repainted many times. The painting procedure can be repeated up to 5 times.

Advice! Acrylic paint is suitable for dyeing fabric coverings. When repainting again, choose a coloring composition darker to hide spots and defects of the previous layer.



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