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Which option of electric heating is better to choose for a summer residence

Choosing a heating system for a country house can be difficult for owners. In many ways, the type of heating depends on how often the owners come, whether they live for several days during the heating season. Of great importance is whether the area in which the house is located is gasified, and what types of fuel are generally available and profitable. Electric heating for summer cottages is quite expensive, because it is the most expensive source of heat, but in some cases it is the best choice for owners of houses.

An electric convector can quickly warm the air in a small country house

Features of electric heating

Electrical appliances that do not require a coolant for operation are characterized by a high rate of heating of the room. The systems are easy to operate, safe and compact. Heaters are easy to move around the house and install where you need to achieve the optimal temperature. Thus, you can create a comfortable zone, the heat from which spreads throughout the room.

Modern radiators and convectors are equipped with automatic temperature control systems. Devices are protected from overheating, for the most part they work silently. Models equipped with fans make a low noise.

Disadvantages of electric heating systems

In addition to the high cost of electricity, the systems have other disadvantages. So, the power grids do not always work stably, which can lead to an unexpected shutdown of heating at the wrong time. When connecting powerful electrical systems, it is important to monitor the condition of the wiring, otherwise short circuits and fires are possible.

Usually you can find references to the environmental cleanliness of devices. This is not a completely correct statement. They don't really need chimneys to operate, there are no toxic products of combustion, but when generating electricity at stations, environmental pollution is almost as great as when burning natural gas. The difference lies only in the area of ​​pollution.

Wall-mounted electric boiler for heating cottages

What are the types of electric heating

Electric heating in the country can be equipped with the following devices:

  • heating boilers;
  • portable oil coolers;
  • infrared heaters;
  • warm floor;
  • electric convectors;

Complete systems for heating a summer house are suitable if the owners stay for a long winter vacation for a long time. Convectors and oil radiators are convenient if the house is visited on cool autumn and spring days. Their power is usually enough to create an acceptable temperature, but not enough for comfort in sub-zero temperatures.

A fan heater is a good option during the off-season

Electric boilers for heating cottages

Devices of this type are characterized by high efficiency - 95-99%. They are of several types:

  • electrode;
  • heating elements;
  • induction.

Depending on the functionality, one- and two-circuit models are distinguished. The former provide only heating, the latter provide additional hot water supply. According to the location, boilers can be wall and floor.

Heating elements are equipped with elements that heat water in flow mode. The boilers are compact, maintain a constant temperature of the coolant, which can be used not only water. The power of the device is easily adjustable. The disadvantage of such heat generators is the formation of scale and a gradual decrease in the efficiency of the device.

Boilers of the electrode type operate on the principle of heating the coolant with the help of electrodes. Water is used as a heat carrier. Electrodes split water molecules into ions. These devices are completely safe to operate; in the event of a coolant leakage, they are turned off.

Induction boilers work with the help of inductors. Water and antifreeze can be used as a heat carrier. These are reliable, durable and safe devices. They have one drawback - high cost.

Scheme of a heating system with an electric boiler

Portable radiators and convectors

Radiators heat the air with radiation, and convectors heat the air and mix warm and cold streams. Oil radiators keep the temperature well, and when the convectors are turned off, the room immediately starts to cool down. Both types of devices are compact, easy to transport, and can be moved from one room to another. Some models are equipped with special rollers.

Mobile heaters can be placed on the floor and on the walls. There are models that are used both as floor and wall. Manufacturers complete them with additional mounts for vertical surfaces.

The disadvantage of oil heaters is the high temperature of the body heating. This somewhat limits the scope of the devices: it is not safe to install them in country houses where families with children rest. Convectors contribute to the spread of dust. Both types of devices dry the air. This shortcoming can be compensated by using a special humidifier.

Oil heaters vary in power, size, design. They can be equipped with additional elements - an air humidifier, a clothes dryer, there are models with protective covers

infrared heating

Infrared heaters are ideal for houses that do not need constant heating. They do not heat the air, but objects. Thanks to this feature, they quickly create thermal comfort zones, which is very convenient when people come to an unheated room.

Heaters can be floor, wall and ceiling. The latter are equipped with special fasteners, thanks to which they can be firmly fixed on the ceiling, most often above beds, sofas, and seating areas. For houses that are visited frequently and for a long time, it makes sense to choose film infrared heating.

Infrared heaters are very convenient, safe and, importantly, economical. This is the most profitable type of electric heating for summer cottages. The disadvantages include uneven heating of the room, rapid cooling of the air when the devices are turned off.

Warm floor

Electric underfloor heating is an option for country houses where the owners spend a lot of time. The greatest advantage of this type of heating is the creation of thermal comfort at the level of human height. A cable or film with a heating element evenly heats the room, and temperature control is carried out using sensors and thermostats.

The advantages of underfloor heating are ease of operation, safety, increased comfort. The disadvantage is the same - the high cost. If the cable embedded in the tie is damaged, repair can cause significant difficulties. Electric underfloor heating is well suited for residential premises as additional or alternative heating, but for summer cottages such a choice is often irrational.

The underfloor heating cable is laid in a screed

Summing up

When choosing electrical heating appliances, each owner focuses on their own needs. For those who spend a lot of time in a country house in winter, we can recommend electric boilers for heating a summer house, infrared ceiling systems or underfloor heating. The most profitable option is a boiler. If you install a double-circuit model, then the cottage will not be inferior to a well-maintained residential building.

If, in severe frosts, the owners do not come to the dacha for a long time, then heaters can be used. They will not replace full-fledged heating systems, but will help maintain an acceptable temperature in autumn and spring. They can also be purchased as additional heating devices in a house where there is already a main heating system - gas or solid fuel.

Video: economical electric heating of a country house



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