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Do they like girls with small breasts? What size and shape of breasts do men like - poll

There have been many polls about whether you like small breasts or not. And as a result, it was noted that, by and large, men do not care what size your breasts are - first or sixth. The main thing is self-confidence, the ability to present oneself. Of course, it all depends on the individual, but most men consider small breasts to be very beautiful. Some people say that the main thing is the shape, not the size. And very often men repeat the words of Tolstoy, who said that the chest is what fits in the palm of your hand. That is, in fact, there is no problem - men like breasts of any size, the main thing is that it be beautiful, without stretch marks. And the size is a matter of taste.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about artificial breasts. As a result of the same opinion polls, it was revealed that, contrary to popular belief, men like real breasts, not implants. Very few people want their girlfriend to have a size 6 or larger fake breast. Men like naturalness and natural breasts - albeit small. They say that fake breasts are unpleasant to the touch, although some people want to touch it - just for fun. But if you need to choose between small natural breasts and large artificial breasts, men choose the first option.

What breasts do men like: a survey

In addition, do not forget that large breasts cause a lot of inconvenience to the girl herself. You can't sleep on your stomach, you can't jump for joy, you can't run again. Playing sports is a big problem. In addition, it is believed that the larger the breast, the less milk it produces. The owners of a small bust are less likely to have problems with feeding. This is another reason to love yourself for who you are. It is much easier for owners of small breasts: you can do whatever you want without experiencing any unpleasant sensations, in the summer you can freely do without a bra, which is very convenient.

Well, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. No man will be with a girl solely because of the size of her breasts, unless he is exclusively interested in sex. But you yourself will not date such a man, will you? Therefore, try to be an interesting person, understanding, kind and loving girl. Read smart books, develop as a person, find a job you like. Learn something new and interesting, it will attract much more members of the opposite sex to you than a luxurious bust. And you will meet a person who will love you and appreciate your spiritual qualities, not just your breasts. And everything is fine in the girl you love, so there will be no more reasons for concern, men like the girl first of all.

Thus, the main thing is self-confidence, not breast size. Of course, you need to take care of yourself, take care of your body, play sports - in general, keep yourself in good shape. But, if your breasts are small, this is not a reason for a new complex. You need to get rid of complexes. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, neither fashionable clothes nor competent makeup will save the day. Uncertainty cannot be disguised, and even with a sixth breast size, a girl will not look attractive. If a girl combines such qualities as kindness, benevolence, a sense of humor and optimism, besides, she is pleased with herself and enjoys life - it does not matter the size of her breasts. Such a girl will be loved for her spiritual qualities, and thanks to this, her forms will seem to be the best in the world.

All men can be divided into two categories: those who like small breasts, and those who like large breasts.… Wanting to know more about this, we subjected several men to a targeted question.

Knowing the tendency of men to be delighted with the first breast of size 95C they come across, we

  • selected a group of males aged 18 to 60 years
  • they directly asked them a question that torments all of us: "What do they like more?"

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We expected to hear thousands of funny and lyrical incidents from life, but in the first minutes nothing was heard except for stupid jokes like: "Hm ... chest ... well, it is better to have two of them," or laconic cliches: "It is necessary so that they fit in the palm of a decent man. "

To fit in the palm - already what - no criterion. Then a heated discussion followed, and the picture began to clear up.

Result? Clear, reasonable, unexpected. Big breasts - 49%, small - 41%, I find it difficult to answer -10%.

First surprise: relatively modest scores for large breasts. Young people prefer a "flatter" version: those who are under 25 do not tolerate overweight: "Dairy farm, what will happen in old age!" But owners of sizes 95 C and above should not despair, mature men remain in their lot. Most of them love impressive breasts, which are in harmony with their full-length apartments, solid cars, impressive incomes: "A woman should look like a woman", or: "Because as a teenager I was crazy about Sophia Loren."

But until now, only size has been discussed. When we tried to touch on more specific details (ideal breasts - sharp-pointed or like a bull's-eye? Areas - large or barely noticeable?), The respondents fell into a depressed state, stammered and showed clearly insufficient competence: "Big circles are not beautiful."

The question is simpler: "Do you like soft breasts or vice versa?" They love, they love: "A pliable breast is so nice"; "Yes, breasts so slightly mature can be very sexy, unless, of course, they hang below the navel." And what about plastic surgery, after which the breast becomes strong, even, elastic? Not at all! Men hate it, except that there is nowhere to go at all (read: if the size is 75 A or 175Y), and all because it is striking. However, at the mention of Pamela Anderson, they show touching indignation: "No, no, she has everything of her own!" (In their blindness, they do not understand anything).

So the moral is: don't change anything. Or change everything if your heart tells you so. Why? The answer is hidden in a few words, unanimously approved by our experimental friends as a result of a three-hour group psychoanalysis: "The best breasts are those of the woman we love."

Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Fashion designer

He considers breasts to be "an amazing, aesthetically perfect part of a woman's body." Working all my life with fashion models that do not differ in curvaceous forms, two years ago the couturier decided to go to an expert ritual and found models with 5-6 bra sizes. “I see admiring glances from people. They finally saw real women on the podium. When modeling individual orders for clients with large breasts and lush hips, I experience a real thrill, watching how they transform, how they blossom, gaining their individuality. " I am wary of any intervention in the nature laid down by nature, but if aesthetic surgery helps a woman feel more confident in life, why not? "

Andrey Konchalovsky


“Ever since I can remember, women's breasts have worried me more than anything else. This continues to this day, but it probably began with my mother's breast. But I also remember myself standing in a crib with a rope mesh fence and nanny Marusya leaning over me. What a pleasure it was to crumple this big, soft, swaying thing with your hands! Why crushing her breasts was such a pleasure, I, of course, have no idea. Now I think that this is an atavism, imprinted in our genes by generations of our prehistoric ancestors. "Low Truths". Collection "Top secret", Moscow, 1998.

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Vladimir Clavijo


Perceives the breast as an element of the figure, and the figure as an integral part of the image. He considers Yasmin Gauri to be ideal models in this sense with a stately figure that corresponds to antique canons and her complete opposite - Kristen McMenami with a flat, almost imperceptible chest. Pamela Anderson is not included in this value system in any way. As a professional, Vladimir is not against aesthetic surgery, but only on condition that the artificial breast looks as natural as possible.

Alexander Kulish

Chief Editor, Premiere Magazine

Believes that the size and shape of the breasts do not matter in isolation from the personality of its owner. The owners of the most famous busts of the 20th century: Sophia Loren, for example, or Gina Lollobrigida - became famous not so much because of their feminine qualities (although therefore also), but because they were interesting in themselves. Now, in the age of postmodernism, when all styles are mixed and individuality is more important than ever, the image of Pamela Anderson Lee with her necessary attribute - a magnificent bust - cannot overshadow the equally attractive, albeit completely opposite in style, type of beauty of Milla Jovovich. In this regard, a woman should not be complex due to the lack of the desired size or shape of the breast.

Oleg Nesterov

Lead singer of the group "Megapolis"

He admitted that it is difficult for him to describe in words the ideal breast, which is quite understandable, but nevertheless he brought several parameters that he liked: medium size, dark complexion, elasticity ... Oleg is one of those who are afraid of big breasts. He believes that the best is the enemy of the good, therefore, in his opinion, breast prosthetics should be resorted to only when necessary.

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Mikhail Korolev


He also does not consider himself a fan of the "sovereign bust". "The huge udder-like breasts are just intimidating." In his opinion, the breast should be "tasty". This epithet has nothing to do with cannibalism. It's purely about aesthetics. From a professional standpoint, he considers a beautiful, not too large breast, which looks spectacular in standard sizes, as ideal. Mikhail believes that the desire of women to enlarge their bust to please men can only be sympathetic to.

Ivan Usachev

Host of the program "You are an eyewitness"

First of all, he pays attention to the female legs, rear view (now it is clear why men are looking after us), the second most important object of attention is the chest, side view. Plastic surgery is very positive. As a distinguished eyewitness, Ivan told us a story about an American acquaintance with a very beautiful bust, who, out of the simplicity of his soul, asked directly if it was a prosthesis. To which the girl, by the way, was very offended. She claimed that everything is exclusively natural.

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Yuri Grymov


He believes that it is pleasant to watch a woman with a size 95 D breast if she works in show business, but by and large the size of the breast does not matter at all. "The main thing is how a woman knows how to wear it." He claims that he is familiar with examples when the owner of quite attractive feminine dignity does not know how to present the product “face” and therefore loses a lot. Opponent of silicone busts, Yuri believes that models and fashion models with silicone breasts should not participate in beauty contests, although he does not exclude the possibility of surgical intervention if a woman has to work with this breast (show business, etc.).

Alexey Avanesov


“When I was asked to speak about the breast, my first reaction was bewilderment and disappointment. There are many more interesting and relevant ones. This irritation made me express my opinion, and at the same time justify the one who came up with such a stupid topic.

1. The female breast is the only human organ that is uncompromisingly noble and pure. Let's take our hands: they can be kind, golden, beautiful, but also merciless, cruel, corrupt. (Hands are, you know, one of the most respectable examples.) And the female breast has no anti-functions. She can only be innocent, virgin, nursing, etc. No filth. In any case, nothing of the kind occurs to me. "

2. They say you can guess by hand. I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. But I am sure that a lot of conclusions about its carrier can be drawn from the female breast. At least about her past and present. I think any man who has seen at least a hundred pairs (sorry) of breasts will agree with this ..

3. I am very against nudism. Nudity is inherent in animals and wild tribes. As far as I know, in savages, the chest evokes no more emotion than a hand or an ear, and it does not matter whether it is a neighbor or a giraffe. Dear women, do not turn us into indifferent savages. Cover your breasts so that it drives you crazy with your attractiveness and ... seeming inaccessibility. It's time to finish, otherwise I get aroused. So, although the topic is stupid, it is very attractive. "

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Sergey Krylov

He was categorical. He is deeply convinced that a normal man, when meeting a woman, is unlikely to consider any parameters other than intellectual ones to be decisive. Otherwise, he simply should be wary of sexually transmitted diseases.

Konstantin Kedrov

In response to our question, he issued several aphorisms: “The chest is the head of everything”, “Catch, the breast, big and small”, “All kinds of breasts are needed, all kinds of breasts are important,” and then quite serious information. The ancient Egyptians believed that the starry sky was an image of the naked female body of the goddess Nut. Accordingly, her chest is the constellation Cassiopeia, which has always been depicted as W. In these outlines, star breasts were seen, feeding the world with milk of the Milky Way, star milk. This is clearly seen in the painting "The Creation of the Milky Way" by Titian.

Women's breasts are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for both artists and ancient astrologers.

Many girls are worried about the question, do men like small breasts? Modern trends attach extreme importance to appearance. The theory that turning from a blue stocking into a sultry beauty will certainly be happy is very popular today.

There are even certain parameters by which sexuality is determined. Plastic surgery has reached its climax, increasing every other lip and chest. A new race has appeared, scattered all over the planet with face and body tuning, it is difficult to capture individuality, everything is according to the standard - long hair, fluttering eyelashes, curvy shapes, wasp waist, lips that you can hardly cope with.

Do men like small breasts? Fortunately, when meeting a girl they like, guys don't get hung up on one particular detail. Attracts or does not attract the whole image as a whole, including internal qualities. And the owners of an impressive size of merits do not need to rush to envy. An operation was performed or is it a generous gift from nature, and it brings a lot of worries.

It is incredibly difficult to wear such forms; in the absence of physical training, a huge load goes on the spinal column. And it's not so easy to choose an outfit for everyday life. Sometimes you just want to walk down the street, sit in a cafe with a cup of latte, while not catching the coveted glances of all the men around you.


The imposition of general beauty canons on the mass media has dire consequences. Young girls strive to remake their appearance in order to match as much as possible with invented criteria. Before lamenting about your small size, you need to understand how to be on the other side, it would seem, with such advantageous forms. The disadvantages of large breasts include the following facts:

  • it is very difficult to choose a dress, but there are no problems with a sexy outfit with a huge neckline, but in ordinary everyday life you want to look stylish, beautiful clothes of non-standard size are not easy to find, you have to order the necessary styles in the atelier or surf the vastness of online stores, where the quality does not always match picture;
  • to be the center of attention of men 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not always a desire, it is nice to hear compliments, but it gets boring to fight off annoying fans, especially if a guy is attracted only by a specific detail of his appearance, he should not be seriously considered;
  • physical exercises, running, cycling, tennis become a real test, they do not look aesthetically pleasing, in some cases even comical, and such restrictions affect internal self-esteem and quality of life;
  • the form looks visually beautiful, only silicone forms have splendor and volume, and not all men like artificial breasts, even if it looks like a picture;
  • with hormonal changes due to pregnancy, feeding or disruption of the endocrine system, the skin partially loses its elasticity and was once a source of pride, becomes a reason for disorders and a complex, in such cases everything can be corrected with plastic surgery, which will relieve stretch marks and restore volume.

What kind of men do you like?

The guys themselves will help to finally part with worries about their appearance. Representatives of the stronger sex with a whole bunch of cockroaches are aimed at curvy forms. If he chooses a girl for himself solely on this basis, it means that he subconsciously seeks maternal care and attention, and not a full-fledged relationship. To groom and cherish an adult man, solving all his problems and difficulties, is not an easy task.

But neat forms attract psychologically mature men, self-confident and independent of mass stereotypes. The size of the buttocks is absolutely not important to them either, they consider the girl as a whole, with her inner world, charm, charisma. Attractiveness and femininity includes many nuances - well-groomed hair, skin, hands, a toned figure, pleasant voice, aroma.

If the girl weighs 150 kg. and have a size 6, she will have much less chances to arrange a personal life than a graceful dancer. Therefore, before grieving over the imperfection of nature, you yourself need to work on your appearance and inner world. Cheerful, cheerful girls always attract men with their energy and lightness, and you don't waste your time on capricious beauties of the stronger sex.

Love yourself

Only complete acceptance of yourself with your merits and demerits will allow you to become truly happy. Overestimated requirements begin to be presented in adolescence, when there are only 2 criteria - black and white, bad and good, beautiful and ugly. In addition to a small breast, you can find a lot of different features in yourself - original toes, different shapes of eyebrows,. Exhausting the brain with worries about obvious facts, makes it sink into depression from its own imperfection.

And one has only to look around, taking a closer look at the multifaceted world. How many different races and peoples with their inherent anatomical features. And if you do not accept and love yourself in this body, you can spend your whole life on fighting windmills. How to consider the most charming and attractive in yourself:

  • visit a professional make-up artist and hairdresser, in an hour they will be able to emphasize all the advantages, forcing them to finally see their own irresistibility, make-up lessons should be mastered for yourself, the secrets of transformation will allow you to discern femininity;
  • choose the right wardrobe, designers have come up with many tricks to hide and emphasize the necessary areas, most styles are designed for girls with small breasts, therefore, in terms of clothing, the choice is very large;
  • to praise and admire yourself, it is natural to conduct such psycho-trainings better in private, having learned to notice amazing unique qualities in yourself, inner harmony and fullness will appear, having learned to use femininity and attractiveness, all that remains is to collect compliments and admiring glances.

Girls with small breasts should remember the little tricks:

  • manufacturers of lingerie and push-up swimwear have done the impossible, different models can be easily converted from 1 to 3 sizes, you just need to choose the appropriate thickness of the product, but you should use such tricks in special cases - for a dress with a neckline, for a beach party;
  • but you can do without a bra at all, looks bold and sexy, will not leave without male attention, the main thing is to choose the appropriate reason and mood;
  • it is very easy to pick up beautiful lace underwear, you do not need to bother about the correct distribution of load, support, but focus exclusively on comfort and visual picture;
  • dresses and bustier tops will make them slimmer and sleeker, and blouses with a wrap collar will help to add shapes.
Doubts about their own irresistibility visit everyone. The question often arises - do men like small breasts? It all depends on his self-esteem and confidence. And girls need to learn to use their natural beauty, not paying attention to mythical stereotypes.

Not all girls are lucky with the size of their breasts, some have a naturally lush bust, and some have to be content with a modest size.

Girls are always very critical of themselves, and even more so for this part of the body, because they are simply sure that men pay attention only to breasts that are not less than the third size. However, this is still not the case, and there are men who, between large breasts and very small ones, will choose the second option. And this is not an exaggeration.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a small breast size

The main disadvantages include the fact that women with small breasts should abandon the neckline, because it can simply look ridiculous on their figure. However, nowadays, thanks to different models of bras, this can be easily corrected. For example, push-up can make even the smallest breasts incredibly attractive and even appetizing. Therefore, properly selected underwear plays a huge role.

And by the way, this is her only drawback. But there are just a lot of advantages:

  1. The main plus is that small breasts are less likely to be subject to various deformations, for example, during pregnancy. She will not lose her shape after childbirth, will not hang, etc., which means that the woman will not have new reasons for complexes.
  2. In addition, if you have small breasts, you can sometimes refuse a bra, because it is simply not needed, for example, in the summer. This is very convenient, because without this attribute a woman can feel most comfortable.
  3. With age, small breasts also suffer less than large ones. It simply does not have a huge amount of fatty tissues and under their influence it does not pull down.
  4. During sex, small breasts are also very comfortable, because they do not jump in different directions, in an excited state they really look very attractive, it has also been proven that they are the most sensitive.
  5. The owners of a large bust cannot afford to sleep on their stomachs, because this is wildly inconvenient, by the way, and playing any sports can bring them quite strong discomfort.
  6. The biggest plus is that women with small breasts are less likely to have breast cancer and mastitis. And if it does arise, then it is much easier to find it, because the area of \u200b\u200bthe breast is smaller, which means that you can even feel the tumors manually using palpation.

How to properly care for tiny breasts

Absolutely all women need to remember about proper care, regardless of what kind of breast size they have.

First of all, you need to choose the right and comfortable underwear, the main thing is that it is in size. Do not be lazy to spend a lot of time trying on certain models, only thanks to this you can choose the bra that will definitely suit you one hundred percent.

Of course, you shouldn't forget about cosmetic care. Despite the fact that small breasts are much less likely to deform, they need care. Get a special cream to nourish and moisturize your skin.

Do not forget to do massages that will increase the elasticity of this part of the body. You can also do a variety of physical exercises, such as push-ups, to help keep your chest muscles toned and keep your chest from sagging.

How to get rid of complexes associated with small breast size

Small breasts are the most common reason for complexes among girls. Everyone wants to have curvaceous forms so that they would not be ashamed to be naked on the beach.

But it is worth learning that a man does not love a certain part of a woman's body, but her whole. It doesn't matter to him at all what kind of chest you have, what kind of legs, etc., because it is just an outer shell, what is inside you is much more important. This is what needs to be given a sufficient amount of attention.

A notorious woman is immediately visible, she will never attract attention to herself, it is unlikely that any man wants to meet her.

You must always be confident in yourself and in your beauty, then others will be sure of this. No one will even turn their tongues to say that your breasts are not what you need. Complexes need to be eradicated from your head.

In the event that you are still worried about this, as it seems to you, a lack. Use various tricks to visually increase the size.

Pump up the pectoral muscles, they, of course, will not help to make the third from the first size, but they will still slightly increase the volume.

In the most extreme case, you can certainly use the services of a plastic surgeon, but before that you need to carefully weigh everything several times and think about whether it is really worth taking such risks for the sake of the breast. If the pros outweigh, contact a specialist who will make your breasts look like you have always dreamed of.

Video: What kind of breasts do men like?

This question at all times tormented the fair sex. Women with small breasts worried about its small size, and the owners of curvaceous forms worried if they were too big. It's hard to imagine how many hours women spent staring at themselves in the mirror, wringing their hands in vain attempts to determine the sex appeal of their breasts. If only half of this time they spent on scientific activities, the level of our technological progress would have long ago allowed us to address this fundamental question to representatives of more advanced space civilizations. But, alas, we are still far from contact with the higher races, so we will have to figure it out on our own.

To do this, first of all, you should define, what exactly is sex appeal made of. Zoology gives us a fairly simple and clear answer to this question. Each of our physiological features: height, proportionality of limbs, size of eyes, length and protrusion of ears, is formed by a genetic set inherited from our parents. Choosing a sexual partner, at the animal level, each person seeks, without realizing it at all, a certain set of genes, which seems to his subconscious to be successful. There is even a scientific hypothesis that human physiology can tell to a certain extent about his character. This science is called physiognomy, however, a strict correlation between personality traits and physiological characteristics has not yet been experimentally identified.

Selection potential sexual partners according to the degree of their sexual attractiveness, therefore, occurs at a deep animal level, where the rational part of our mind does not have access. And, nevertheless, in a certain way, our mind affects it. From here come the so-called cultural characteristics in sexual preferences. For example, for European countries, the most popular are the second or third breast size for women, we are even accustomed to consider such sizes to correspond to a certain "norm". But the Spaniards and Hispanics completely disagree with the Europeans - for them, the norm starts from the fourth, or better, the fifth size. And in general, they prefer much more curvaceous forms. A wife, in whose shadow the husband can calmly relax into a siesta, is not only a common occurrence, but even an object for the pride of the head of the family.

That's why conversations about which size of a woman's bust is considered normal, and which is too large or too small, originate in the centuries, and continue to this day. Because this is, first of all, a matter of taste, and arguing about tastes is an interesting but endless matter.

Many women, of course, they may argue that although different views on female beauty reign in different countries, they have to live in one, specific one. And to deal with local quite clear requirements. What about those who do not fit into these requirements?

To sort out with this problem, you should first honestly answer one serious question - what does a woman want? In this specific plan, of course, and not in a general sense. Find yourself a life partner or please as many men as possible?

In the first case, you can immediately stop worry. There is always a worthy merchant for each product, the main thing is to correctly submit this very product. If you are haunted by failures on the personal front for a long time, you should not immediately blame the small breasts for everything - they are completely innocent. There are plenty of small-sized male lovers in our society. These are, as a rule, romantic, sophisticated natures, subtly feeling and passionate - many ladies dream of such a gentleman. A woman with small breasts is not at all devoid of sex appeal, otherwise such women would have died out hundreds of thousands of years ago as a result of natural selection. Look at the fashion models, in the end, with ease "chop off" the juiciest pieces from the marriage market. How many of them wear at least a third size bra?

If you want, as you can in greater the degree to correspond to modern sexual "standards", the objectivity of which is far from obvious, then it is worth, first of all, admit this to yourself. It's not about the attractiveness of a small breast size as such, but about how beautiful a woman feels.

Fortunately, we live in an age of amazing technologies and amazing scientific achievements. Plastic surgery allows every woman to "correct" the size of her breasts the way she wants. It used to be necessary to play those cards that fate has dealt to you. Now you can return them and demand new ones. A few decades ago, breast augmentation surgery was a serious risk due to the lack of a sufficient technological level, but today it is the simplest, although not the cheapest operation.

But whether it will solve your sexual problems? There are many doubts on this score. As mentioned above, it is not at all small breasts that become the cause of their own dissatisfaction. And she is not at all the source of the troubles of personally unlucky women. On the way to their happiness, they much more often stumble not on small breasts, but on their small self-esteem. And it is this problem that needs to be addressed in the first place. And any specialist sexologist will agree with this.



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